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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-09-07, Page 47
OLD SOUTH GRAPEFRUIT OR OR NGE JUICE FROM FLORIDA 355 ml TIN SUPER SPECIAL KRAFT QUALITY IR CLE WHIP 500 ml JAR SUPER SPECIAL ORANGE, GRAPE, APPLE, FRUIT Pura" SUPER SPECIAL DIETRICHS 100% SUPER SPECIAL PINEAPPLE A FRUIT GRAPEFRUIT, PINEAPPLE ORANGE 48 OZ. TIN DRINKS . , WHOLE WHEAT BREAD . ., 067u,RgR.ELG..„, 0, AYLMER CHOICE HOLE TOMATOES19 oz. SUPER SPECIALKLEENEX a 1 TIN FACIAL SUPER SPECIAL CLASS QuE TISSUE YELLOW, WHITE, MOCHA 100 SHEET 9 C - KRAFT "SINGLES" I N Dwl VRI DA LplA L CHEESE16 s . SL CES 500 g P. KG. SUPER SPECIAL MACARONI & KRAFT 225 DINNERS.... CHEESE g PK GS F 0 R SUPER SPECIAL SPECIAL .•.. : SPECIAL ... , . SPECIAL SPECIAL, - BLUEWATER BOSTON BLUE FISH KRISPS 680 gI SPARERIB OR PINEAPPLE -CHICKEN WONG WING DINNERS 12 ?z: •, ,. 'WESTONS -ENGLISH MUFFINS , :1PGK.)F , NEILSONS 2% COTTAGE CHEESE .5439 XXX BADEN LIMBURGER 4.79 3 VARIETIES OLD BAVARIA WESTONS DANISH TWISTS 475 9 f. • BLUEWATER FROZEN PKG. OF 24'S FISH STICKS OR FISH FRIES 680 9329 WESTONS RASPBERRY JELLY ROLLS 340 9 99 0 3 POPULAR VARIETIES FLEISCHMAN MARGARINE 1 lb 119 BYE THE SEA SOLID LIGHT TUNA I 7 oz. 1.29 QUAKER LIFE. CEREAL 550 g 11.99 CHASE & SANBORN GROUND • COFFEE 369 9 2.89 RED KIDNEY, WHITE KIDNEY WHITE PEA BEANS LORETTA BEANS 540 mL 59 LORETTA CHICK 1 PEAS 540 mL690 LORETTA GOLDEN SEEDLESS RAISINS 375 g 1,39 ALL PURPOSE FIVE ROSES FLOUR 2 50 kglit 49 POWDERED COMET CLEANSER 0 600 g 89 SEMI -SWEET CHOCOLATE OR BUTTERSCOTCH CHIPITS CHIPS 350 g • 219 RAGU PLAIN SPAGHETTI SAUCE 796 mL 169 PURE VEGETABLE V-8 JUICE 48 or 1.19 ORANGE FLAVOURED TANG CRYSTALS 4 s 1.39 13 oz AYLMER FANCY TOMATO JUICE 48 oz 99 FRUIT CREME OR FAMILY ASSORTMENT PEEK FREAN COOKIES 6°° q 1 69 LAURA SECORD PURE ORANGE OR 3 FRUIT MARMALADE 5 -00-1169 STRAWBERRY OR RASPBERRY LAURA SECORD PURE JAMS 500 mL2 • 4 9 • LIQUID CLEANER Aril, MR. CLEAN 1 L 2.4ilif JACOBS SALTED CREAMasAikit CRACKERS 200 g 37 ASSORTED VARIETIES NINE LIVES CAT FOOD 6 or 39 POPULAR 1 kg ja WIC & SPAN 2.3Y PEEK FREANS MILL 200 9 ir A V WHEAT THINS NON AEROSOL 2 VARIETIES 2 x 200 mL VO 5 HAIRSPRAY 1 400 mL 2.49 , .. . .. ......... ._. ZEHRS Aa TEA B60s ipAGS 227 9 1 3Y SPECIAL PRICES IN EFFECT FROM WED SEPT 7 THRu TUES SEPT 13 PRODUCE SPECIALS EXPIRE SAT SEPT 10 . . CARD OF 2 °I)", "C" OR "AA" SIZE OR SINGLE 9 VOLT CELL ENERGIZER BATTERIES CARD 1 69 PLASTIC Aft GLAD WRAP 60 m 1.4 NEILSONS .A4, BUTTERMILK 1 L fif _ . ASSTD VARIETIES LAYS OR RUFFLES POTATO CHIPS 200 cl 119 JACOBS CREAM 0 CRACKERS 200q S9 CANADA DRY REG. OR SUGAR FREE GINGERALE.— TONIC WATER, WINK. CLUB SODA OR REG OR SUGAR FREE C4 ORANGE 750 0 mk 49: JACOBS WATER CRACKERS 200 9 119' WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT PURCHASES TO REASONABLE WEEKLY FAMILY REQUIREMENTS eproRux SICINALFSTAR, WEDNESIMY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1983—PAGE 9A THESE SPECIALS AVAILABLE ONLY IN: HIGHWAY NO. 8 GODERICH MONDAY & TUESDAY 9-6 P.M. WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY & FRIDAY 9-9 P.M. SATURDAY 8:30©6 P.M. Committee raises cost WJNGHAM - In an efikt to lower its operating deficit, tothrwe;:higicipeltamhoonurtialyon:attRirtircchalitarF;rheyed Committee has cleekiesi to the Whigham Fire "Depar- tment. At a meeting lastIceek, the committee adopted a new formula for the--4hourly charge, tying it tO actual operating costs the previous year. The rate now will be calculated based on a three- quarters of the previous year's costs. With costs last year running at about $400 an hour, that means the rate will go to about $300 anhour, up from the $200 charged last year. October 2 is private property week Your home may not necessarily be your castle, according to the Ontario Real Estate Association (OREA). Concerned with - an overabundance of govern- ment legislation which results in a serious threat to property rights, the , 25;,000 - member association is spon- soring the third annual Private Property Week, Oc- tober 2-10, 1983. The Association's concern with property rights goes back to its founding in .1922, says OREA's 1983 President Walter Dean. "We started with, the premise that pro- perty ownership was a basic right — a traditional right," he said, "and we have con- stantly fought for the protec- tion and preservation of those rights over the last 60 years." In recent years the Association published Los- ing Ground, an authoritative text which analyzes all legislation affecting proper- ty rights in Ontario. The study, released in 1980, found that more than 700 statutes or parts of statutes directly affected the rights of proper- ty owners to own, use or en- joy their land. A follow-up study titled Lost Ground, details case histories of individuals . W11.050:00pettitOgbiCere infringed by governmentroc- tion (or, in some cases, inac- tion). Many of these cases in- volve personal or financial loss. Concern about property rights in Canada has taken a new turn because of renewed efforts to entrench property rights in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms this year. The governments of British Columbia and New Brunswick have already passed resolutions calling for entrenchment and the Ontario government has also promised passage of a similar resolution. In Ot- tawa, political wrangling stymied efforts to get such a resolution through the. House of Commons. Private Property Week is designed to educate the general public about those basic rights, Dean said. Local real estate boards across the province are plan- ning a variety of activities to share further information about property rights: In- cluded are such programs as board open houSes, seminars, and heritage celebrations. Numerous boards are sponsoring infor- mation displays in many public access locations such as libraries and shopping malls. "Most immigrants came to Canada — and indeed still come — believing that thy could own their own piece of land and build a future for their families here. That's what built this country and makes it different from most other nations," he said. "We must protect those rights." Private Property Week, operating under the theme "Your Home is Your Castle — Let's Keep it That Way", is designed to remind Cana- dians and particularly On- tarians of that heritage. It is therefore particularly ap- propriate, Dean added, that the celebrations wind up on Thanksgiving Day, October 10. In all, the Ontario Real Estate Association represents more than 80 per- cent of all licensed real estate brokers and sales peo- ple in Ontario and more than 50 percent of 01 licensed in- dividuals in Canada. For further informatiOn, contact Barrie Doyle, Direc- tor of Communications at the Ontario Real Estate Ass6Cia- tion, 99 Duncan Mill Road, Don Mills, Ontario, 1.43B 1Z2, (416) 445-9910. Copies of the Association's property rights studies are available at nominal charges.