HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-08-31, Page 16PAGE 16-,GCIDERICH SIGNALrSTAR, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 31, 1983 Townt&Coantr C ASSIR D CLASSIFICATIONS 1 Articles for sale 2 Yard sale 3 Garage sale 4 Antiques for sale 5 Cars for sale Trucks lot sale 7 R.V.'s for sale 8. Marine 9. Automotive 10. Pets for sale 1 t . Livestock for sale 12. Rbat estate for sate 13. Mobile homes 14. Recreational properties 15. Out of town properties 16. For rent 17. Apartments for rent It Houses for rent 19. Rooms for'rent 24. Wanted to rent 30. Employment wonted 36. Announcements, notices 20. Room & board 25. Wanted to buy 31. Service directory 37. Mortgages 21. Cottages for rent 26. Help wanted 32. Custom work 38. Auction sale ' 22. Lots for rent 27, Wanted (general) 33. Farm services 39 Educational 23. Commercial property ,28. Business opportunity 34 Personal 40 Lost& Found ' for rent 29. Tenders 35 Notice to cr editor s 4). To give away 42. Deoth notice 43. Miscellaneous 44. -Engagements 45. Marriages 46. In Memoriam 47 :Ccrd of thanks BRABLINIISt Classified want ads at 12 noon Tuesday. Too late to classify ads will lee accepted until 4 p.m. someday. WORD CLASSIFIED RATES: '3.75 loin - /23 words. 1.7° a word thereafter. In Memoriam '3,75 min. plus 90' per rhymed line of verse- Card of Thanks '3.75 min./25 words, 5° a word thereafter. Public Notice '16 for 3 insertions. Notice to Creditors '27 for 3 insertions, '22 for 2 insertions, '17 for 1 insertion. Special rates avpilable by 6 or 12 months. 'no copy change. Ask about our special discounts for prompt payment. MONDAY TO FRIDAY 5248331 •r Articles'sfor sale SINGER -- For authorized sales and service, sewing machines, vacuum cleaners, parts and no- tions, service to all makes, and machne rentals. Gen's Sewing Centre, now located at 56 The Square. Goderich. 524- 8431. ltfar AUTOMATIC Toilet Bowl Cleaner removes rust, lime and mineral deposits. Simply place in the corner of your toilet tank. Available at Hoffmeyer Plumb- ing and Heating, Kingston Street, Goderich. ltfar USED RAILWAY TIES. Pressure treated. uniform quality sort to grade (premium post & economy). Delivered semiload lots only. (450 minimum). Reasonably priced. Phone (204) 725-2627 office hours, 0-35 ROASTER CHICKENS • 6-7 lbs. Phone I-526.7501. 33-35x GRADE 13 Textbooks. English 550 and English 551 Phone after 5p.m., 524.7901. 35,36x OSTOMY SUPPLIES and ap- pliances. Rieck I,D,A. Phar- macy, 14 Shoppers Square. Goderich, 524-7241. 7eowor BUY YOUR MEATS in bulk and sove at Clinton Boxed Meats, now at our new location just off Hwy No. •4 north of Clinton, 1 ''4 miles south -of Londesboro • watch for our sign! By the case or by the pound. Call collect 523-9508. 45eowtfar SICK ROOM SUPPLIES, patient aids, support garments, con valescent products, etc. Rieck Pharmacy, 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich 524.7241. 24eowar HARD Maple Firewood, sold in 1 ft. x 4 ft, x 8 ft. or 4 ft. x 4 ft. x 8 ft. $35.00 per cord, dried 1'•? years. Delivered to Goderich, Lucknow and Clinton areas. 529-7872. ' 35,36 Fresh Apple Cider Pick -your -own BROCCOLI PICKLING CUCUMBERS Cauliflower, Broccoli and Sweet Corn in freezer quantities. Gladiola Flowers $3.00,00z. Fresh 3.00/00z- Fresh Eggs $1 .00/DOz- martins market 524-8024 U -PICK TOMATOES • ibushei 2 11 Quart • Basket EVANS FARM MARKET "Where the price is right" 482-7562 ON HIGHWAY 21 2 MILES NORTH OF BAYFIELD C&E FURNITURE NEW & USED We Can Offer BETTER PRICES IT'S OUR LOCATION THAT SAVES MONEY Open 'til 9 pm Nightly Monday thru Friday CLOSED WEDNESDAY '/2 MILE South on Hwy. 21 Griderich 524-7231 We even Take Trades 1 . Articles for sale DIAPHRAGM air compressor with one-third h.p. motor, air hose, tire chuck and paint gun. Phone 524-9254 35x BOX TRAILER 4' x B' plus spare wheel $75. 3 14" rims from 72 Cutlass - offers,2 canoe paddles - offers. Phone 529-7659.-35x CHESTERFIELD and arm chair, excellent condition. Phone 524- 8713. -35 ONE SANYO XL 4005 8 mm sound camera. Phone 482- 3312.-- 18tfnx DUCHESS COOKING apples, and have eating apples, cann- ing peaches, apple butter and tomatoes. Bellview Fruit Farm 524-8011.- 33tf MIXED HARDWOOD, ash, maple, block cherry and also some soft wood. Phone 529- 7089 or 565-2710.- 34tf RED AND WHITE potatoes. 10 cents per lb. Peter DeGroot, phone 524.8547 R.R. 6 Goderich. - 35 1979 EDSON hard top trailer, stove and ice box, sleeps six. $7100. Phone 524.6567.- 35,36 ROUND sectional chesterfield, white, pink, purple and plaid. $2000 new, asking $700. Phone 524-9441.-- 35,36,37 DRUMS - 4 piece 'Ludwig and Stewart snare. High hats, two cymbals and stands $1000. Phone 524-9441. ••.35_36,37 -- GARDEN fresh vegetables dai- ly, orders token, tomatoes, cucumbers, broccoli, yellow, green and blue beans, potatoes and dill. Call between 12 to 1 p.m. or 4 - 6 p.m. 524- 7809. -35tf --- v _-.._ __. MAN'S BICYCLE, coastal brake. Phone 524.9654. -35x SONY AM/FM stereo receiver with 8 track turntable twin speakers. Steel heatilator for fireplace never used. Phone 529-7044 weekends only. -35 TWO DOUBLE Beds and mat- tresses, chest' of drawers, bookcase, livingroom furniture, kitchen table. Phone 524- 2768.,- 35x 24- 2768.• --35x INFANT Car Seat, for newborn up to 17 lbs., $30.00, two infant bunting bogs. Phone 529- 7089. 35 FORSALE 3 Building lots in Port Albert on paved road Call 529-7476 * FOR SALE * SMALL BUSINESS* * 524 -9657 • * -4-4-'4( FRESH Cauliflower & Broccoli Cauliflower broccoli •6so/ doz. ro icatse Open daily 9 am -11 pm Closed Sundays VISSCHER FARMS 3 miles West of Exeter on Hwy. 83 237-3442 OUR OWN • SNOW WHITE CAULIFLOWER • WATERMELON • CANNING TOMATOES • CANNING PEACHES Freezer Quantities Available PICK YOUR OWN TOMATOES Alt BEANS Large Selection of fruit & vegetables available. TE -EM FARMS R.R. No. 1 Bayfield 482-9940 1. Articles, for sole lA - Snowmobiles NIKO 1978 KAWASAKI, just rebuilt, as 1975 TNT Ski -Doo, rebuilt is $400.00, Coll 524-8941 or 524- motor, good condition. $400.00. 6947, ask 'for Larry.-14tfnx Coll Don 524-7535.-34,35 WATER SOFTENING SALT, 40 kg $6.00 per bag delivered. Condi- tioner service also available. Call after 6 p.m. 528-5653.-19tf NELSON MEMORIALS - Superb Monuments & Markers in everlasting granite at direct front factory prices. Call your Nelson representative 1-744- 0822 or write for free catalogue to Box 1925, Kitchener, Ontario, N2G 4R4. -32-39x C,O,S.T. plus 10% will get you brand name appliances, elec- tronics, video recorders. hi-fi equipment, TVs, etc. at a saving of up to 45% on -your next pur- chase. Call your Computer Order Saving Terminus Inc., Certified sales agent or write C.O.S.T. for a catalogue view- ing. Box 1925, Kitchener, Ont. N2G 4R4. Phone 1-744- 0822.-32.35x UTILITY TRAILERS, tandem flat beds, custom built. Phone 1 - 528-2900--34,35x QUANTITY of steel beams, various sizes. Phone 528- 2900.-34,35x CARROTS, potatoes, beets, $5 a bushel, $1.50 a 6 qt. basket, pickling cucumbers picked $8.50 a bushel. Phone in your order 529-7615 after 6 p.m.-35ar GOLD COLOUR, 6 x 9 area rug; Snow machine trailer. Phone 524-8812.-35 FACTORY CLEARANCE steel buildings. Example 40' x 58' Arch building including 21'W Double slide doors $6600. Similar savings on widths 20' to 100' wide clear span. Also available straightwall all -steel buildings 20' to 60' clear span. Priced to clear. For guaranteed savings call toll-free 1-800-268- 0802.-0-35 1982 KAWASAKI 1000 LTD with windshield, 4500 kilometers, $3000.00. Call 524-6068.--34,35 GIRL'S 3 -speed bicycle, gas forc- ed air furnace, car top carriers, alum. Door, alumstorm win- dows, toilet for cottage, steel fence post, golf 36" fence. Phone after 6 p.m. 524- 4226. -34, 35ar WOOD STOVES and Fireplace inserts considered among the finest and most efficient available. Open week nights and all day Saturday. THE WOODBURNERS SHOP, Dungan- non 529.7949.-34,35 RED HAVEN PEACHES, eating and cooking apples, pears. New honey, apple butter and sweet corn at Art Bell's Fruit Form. Phone 524-8037.--34tfar 1980 HONDA 650 Custom, ex- cellent condition. Phone 524- 9379.-34tf AGUSTA wheat seed, cleaned, treated and bagged. Phone 527- 0744.- 35x 1978 HONDA CB400T motorcy- cle. otorcy- cle. Phone 524-8949.- 35 1980 KAWASAKI • KX80, dirt bike, excellent condition, $450. or best offer. Phone 524- 9682.--35,36 MIXED HARDWOOD, seasoned for over one year; also soft- wood. Phone 524-6311 or 524• 81' C, 32•3f, METAL LATHE, 10 in., South Bend, good condition, with tool- ing. Phone 524-9233.--35x FRESH GARDEN Dill; twin beds, complete in good clean condi- tion; 16 panes of plate glass windows, 3 16ths• 524- 6053.-35 FIREWOOD, dry mixed hard wood. 4' x 8' x 12 inches long $30. picked up. 4' x '8' x 16 in- ches long $37.50 picked up. Any quantity. 482-9284 35 HARDWOOD. single cord 4' x 4' x 1', dried white birch $35. Phone 524-4604 after 5 p.m. or 524-7928 anytime. - 35,36 FOR SALE Screened Topsoil for Lawns, Gardens, Plotnrerbeds LYLE MONTGOMERY 482-7644 (evenings) 2. Yard Sale SATURDAY, September 3rd at 80 Picton St. East, Goderich, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Afghans, pillow slips, aprons, antiques, dolls, toys, etc. For rain date September 10th. -34,35 SATURDAY September 3rd from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Union Side Road (3 miles south of Goderich). Doors, household goods, clothing and draperies. Raindote Monday September 5th). -35 SATURDAY September 3rd from 10 a.m. • 4 p.m. at Sunset Beach, 11/2 miles north of Goderich. Toys. tools, skates, typewriter, clothes, glassware, trike, boys and girls' bikes and much more. -3 YARD SALE - Saturday, September 3rd, rain dote September 10th, 109 Cambria Road North, Goderich, 8:00 cern. to 12:00 noon. -35 SATURDAY, September 3rd at 21 Blake St. W., from 9 a.m. - ?? (Roindate Sunday September 4th). -35 SATURDAY - September 3rd, 9 a.m. to 5 p,m.. 150 West Street, Goderich. Bicycle, antique fur- niture and old bottles. -35 SATURDAY, September 3rd at 159 Maple St. 9 a.m. to 12 noon. Saddle and bridle. -35 3. Garage sale SATURDAY September 3rd at 193 Rich St. starts at 9 a,m. - ???-35 FRIDAY, Saturday, September 2 - 3, from 9 a.m. at Wilson's, turn east off Hwy. 21 at Black's Point Rd., last house. Two families. -35 5. Cars for sale 1976 AMC MATADOR station - wagon, as is. Phone 524- 4371.-27tfnx 1972 CHEVELLE, safetied, above average body, rally wheels, $1,200.00, Phone 524- 2433.-33tfar 1974 DATSUN 710, 46000 original miles. Body, motor and interior in excellent shape. Must be seen. Asking $2,600.00 certified. Phone 524- 7762.-34,35 1973 PINTO Stationwogon, bet- ter than average condition, as is. May be seen at anytime at Culbert's Bakery. Phone 524- 7941.-34-37 1976 OLDSMOBILE 98 Regency, immaculate condition, power steering, brakes, windows, seats, antenna and trunk, air conditioning, AM/ FM stereo, cruise control, tilt wheel, low mileage. Phone 482• 7688.--34,35 1976 BUICK Century, p.s., and p,b., Cragar Mags. Good winter car. As is $600.00. Certified $800.00. Call Dan 524- 7535---34,35 1977 CORPORA. pew p.s. p,b., cruise, reclining seats, stereo, excellent milage V8, super shape �524-7215,-341f nx 1976 BUICK Skylark two -door hatchback, 350 chev motor, new paint, chrome wheels, asking $1.000.00. Phone 1 - 526-7723 after 5 p.m. Ask for Steve. -35 1974 CHEV MALIBU, 350 automatic, four door, from the West safe, sound and depen- dable. 524-9012 after 1:00 p.m.- 35,36x 6. Trucks for sale 1981 GMC pickup Sierra Classic. Please contact 524.2611 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. weekdays. -- 34,35 7. R.V.'s for sale CAMPING trailer for sale, 17 fi. Golden Falcon, very good con. dition, sleeps 5-6. Call after 4 p.m. 482-9383.-34,35 7. R.V.'s for sale 1978 • 35' Shamrock, Park model. Two tip outs; front bunks; sleeps 7. Lot 15, Sugar Bush Park, Bayfield, Ont. Phone 416-628-6479.--34,35x 18 FT. Older Trailer, good condi- tion. Toilet - shower. Ideal for pork set up. Will deliver within 75 miles. Phone after 6 p.m. 524-4226.-34,35ar 17 Ft. tow, low trailer. Fridge and stove, furnace, sleeps six. Good condition. 524-9657.-35x 8. Marine 1980 16 FT. Worldcraft Star Trek II with 70 h.p. Chrysler; one set of skis, four life jackets, two gas tanks, two tow ropes and one ski bar plus a trailer. Ask- ing $3900. or best offer. Phcgne 524-9550.-34tf CL16 SAILBOAT, excellent con- dition, includes \self -bailers, motor bracket, cover, lists new $4300, asking $2500. D. Arthur, South Hunter's Beach, or call Kitchener 579-3097.-35x 18 FT. Mahogany GREN-ELL with 75 h.p. Evinrude and trailer. Phone 524-4604 after 5 or 524- 7928 anytime. -35,36 9. Automotive FREE CAR CARE BOOKLET WITH EVERY OIL CHANGE! NOW OPEN 9-9 4) Thursday & Friday • / tgnummmn, TIRE /, GODERI H\.-/524-2121 11. Livestock for sale POLLED HEREFORD SALE. Gold - Bar Livestock. Saturday, September 17, 1 p.m. Near Guelph, County Road 86, two miles north Highway 7. Selling 70 lots. David Hasson, 519-824- 1408.-0-35 12. Real estate for sale LARGE EXCLUSIVE lot 132' x 132' on o quiet cul-de-sac. Lake Huron nearby, nine miles to Goderich. Water and hydro available, low taxes. $9,200.00. Must sell. Phone 529- 7804.-32tf ON OUTRAM Street, Lucknow, 3 bedroom brick home situated on a large well drained lot. Con- tact 528-2919 or 395-2892.-35 14A. Vacations LEISURE VACATIONS - See the fall colours or catch that trophy fish while cruising the 30 Thou- sand Islands in our 30 ft. House - cruiser reduced fall rates call' 705-366-2511.-0-35 16. for rent MOTORIZED WOODSPLITTER for rent, $30.00 per day plus deposit. Phone 524-6777 after 6 p. m. -33tfn x FOR REALLY -CLEAN CARPETS Do it yourself with Deep Steam Extraction. Bluewater Cleaners 524- 6731. PORT ALBERT, family minded tri -level brick, four bedrooms, three bathrooms, electric heat. Immaculate condition. Must be seen. Mortgage negotiable. • Call 524-9042. --35,36 TWO BEDROOM semi-detached close to Square. Available im- mediately. Phone 524-4226 after 6 p.m.--35ar 13. Mobile homes FOR SALE - 12 ft. x 68 ft., three bedroom, fridge stove washer and dryer, cedor deck, patio and toolshed. Phone 524- 6325_--- 13tf 1981 NORTHLANDER mobile home, 14' x 65', two bedrooms, on beautifully treed lot. Access to Lake Huron beach. Ideal starter or retirement home. Call after 6 p.m. 524.2878. -31.35 FOR SALE OR RENT - Three bedroom, fridge, stove, air con- ditioning, wood stove, family room. Available October 1st. Phone 524.4129. -33tf VACATION HOME for Sale - 1980 40' Park Model Mobile Home, three tip outs, living room 16' wide. Fully furnished. $18,500.00. Located Sugar Bush, Bayfield, Lot 37 -33.35x 17. Apartments for rent THREE BEDROOM apartment, Vonastra, Clinton. New broadloom, close to school, rec. facilities. Available September 1. Phone Mrs. Maxwell, 482- 3713--33.35 FOR SALE Marlette with carport and garden shed of Meneset Pork. Phone 524-2803.-35 FOR SALE - BUY CANADIAN! 1976 Homco 14 ft. x 70 ft., three bedroom family room, com- pletely fenced in yard, patio with deck, beautifully land- scaped, must sell. Phone 524- 9211 or 524-4240 after 5 p. M - 35.38 iteseereseeftte MODERN one bedroom available October 1st., 226 Britannia Road West. $250.00. Phone 1 - 527-1315 or 482- 7081,-35tf BENNETT STREET APARTMENTS UNDER NEW SUPERVISION One and two bedroom apartments for rent. Cable, Fridge and stove included. All utilities paid. • Security controlled. PHONE 524-6653 CHRISLYN TOWNHOUSES 3 Bedroom NOW RENTING under new management 1 FREE MONTH WITH LEASE ST. CHARLES SQUARE VANASTRA PHONE 482-9084 i 18. Houses for rent FOR RENT • A nice clean two bedroom house in Vanastra. Lovely fenced backyard. Private $210.00 monthly. First and last rent, 482-3791 . --34,35 LARGE THREE bedroom house in Nile, air tight wood stove or force air oil. Small barn, 3 acres. Available September 19th. $350.00 per month plus utilities. 529-7026. ---34,35 TWO STOREY form house in Holmesville area. For details, phone 482-3217, 524-7046.- 35tf TWO BEDROOM semi-detached, close to Square. Available im- mediately. Phone 524-4226 after 6 p.m. 35ar 23. Commercial property for rent COMMERCIAL Storage space, adjacent to Canadian Tire Store. Phone Century 21 All Points Realty Inc. 524-2111. - 34tfar 24. Wanted to rent FOUR BEDROOM house (would take three bedroom) in Goderich area, Phone 524-9175 after 5:30 p.m. 27ef GARAGE or building suitable for car storage, Bayfield Rood area preferred. Phone 524- 6533. -- 35 ONE OR TWO bedroom house preferably in Colborne Township. References available, Phone 524-8905. -- 35 25. Wanted to buy PIANO WANTED regardless of condition. Phone collect anytime 519.6692280 or 519- 669-2198, 3tf FULL HOCKEY goaltending equipment. Must be In good shape and reasonably priced. Call Larry 524-8331 weekdays.-- 32tfnx 25. Wonted to buy WANTED TO BUY - Used exer- cise bike. Phone 482- 3023.-33tfnx PAYING $2.00 each for 1977 Tiger Dunlop, Goderich Trade Dollars. James Brunk, .8 Elgin Avenue East, Goderich, 524- 8805.-33-36x POSTCARDS wanted. Private collector will travel to your home anywhere in Ontario and pay top prices for post cards. Paul McWhinnie, 44 Colquhoun, Hamilton, L9C 4W8 (416) 383- 8727.-0-35 LOCAL gym wants to buy steel cast weights. 10 lbs. and over. Phone 524-6784.-35,36 26. Help wanted HAIRSTYLIST, licenced and ex- perienced. Apply at Hair Affair, 53 South St., Goderich.-17tfor CONSIDERING A trucking career? Contact your Mery Orr's Transport Driver Training regional office. Toronto (416)251-9073; Ottawa (613)523- 3489; London (519)432-1726; North Boy (705)472-2910; Thunder Bay (807)623-8686; Cambridge (519)648-2519.-0- 30tf FULL/PART-TIME Represen- tatives required most areas. Set own schedule. No delivering. No collecting. No Inventory. Small investment required. Write Joan Brooksbank, Site 27, Box 7. R.R. No. 1, Lively, On- tario POM 2E0. -O-35 MATURE PERSON to care for two boys after school, one to two hours daily. Your home or mine. Phone 524-2381 between 7 and 8 p.m. only. -35 ADVANCEMENT For on energetic salesperson in a fast growing shoe chain. Educated, mature and responsible and has own transportation. Willing to comply to hard work and our dress code., Program available at Don's Shoe Place Goderich, Ontario WANTED 7 DAY Paper Carriers for the TORONTO STAR in Goderich AREAS Boyf fold to Wellington Streets Britannia to Bennett Streets Call collect Lloyd Fetter 1-273-2915 PART-TIME DININGROOM, 8 RESTAURANT Required Must be dependable and hard working Good Wages Apply Directly to GUS BALKOURAS at THE CANDLELIGHT Restaurant & Tavern 330 Bayfield Rd, Goderich 26. Help wanted SALESPERSON for Goderich Il -- 30. EXIclpR ym rt - wonted area to distribute sma import items to retail outlets. Send resume to B& W 1392 St. Clair Parkway, Courtright Ont. NON 1 H0,-35,36 FULL-TIME babysitter in home in Holmesville References. Phone 3594.-35,36 my area. 482 - RESPONSIBLE and mature babysitter in my home, part time, week days. No shift work. References requested. Saltford area. Coll after 4:00 p.m. 524- 2567.-35 27. Wanted (general) RIDE - St. Mary's School area to and from Assessment Office. Working hours 8:30 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. Monday to Friday. Will remunerate. Call 524-2746 after 6 p.m. -35 RIDE to Bayfield from Goderich daily. •Phone 524-7490.-35,36 28. Business opportunity BEAT INFLATION. Raise large bait worms of home for extra income. Neat, odorless opera- tion. Low investment. Terra Worm Farms (since 1975), R.R.1, Stratford, Ontario, N5A 652. (519)625-8140.-21tf GROUND FLOOR opportunity in Canada! U.S. most successful multi-level now here! Con- sumable, fast advancement. Be the Leader! Box 224, Blessing, Texas 77419.-34-37x ARE YOU willing to work? Do you have working space in your basement or garage -- become part of a multi-million dollar in- dustry. Potential earnings of $20,000.00 plus per year. We of- fer complete equipment package, all training, ongoing assistance opportunity. .Ab- solutely no selling or public con- tact work required. Investment of $6,550. For information call Delite Horticultural Inc. 6533 Mississauga Rd., Mississauga, Ontario L5N 1A6 or telephone 416-821-2151.-0-35 $ 1000.00 WEEKLY Instant cash, by joining Canada's largest and most successful chimney and fireplace cleaning company. No experience necessary. Only $4950.00 Invest- ment. PHONE NOW for your future with us 416-366-0444 I;XKRIENCED college student will babysit weekdays, in my horde if possible. Call 524- 7779.-17tfnx AREA PIANO teacher seeks lower grade students. For infor- mation and lesson location app- ly to Drawer No. 24, c/o Signal - Star Publishing, P.O. Box 220, Goderich, Ont. N7A 4B6.-35 EXPERIENCED lady with references for home cleaning. Phone 524-7490.-35.38 EXPERIENCED low clerk would like part time work two or three days a week. Phone Ripley 395- c1 OA 2C 30. Employment wanted 1 uckersmith 31. Service directory CUSTOM SEWING AND ALTERA- TIONS, 24 to 48 hour service for minor and major sewing. Dianne Mallough, phone 524- 2492.-6-52 TYPING AND bookkeeping, evenings. Please coil after 6 p.m. 524-7934 or 524- 7229.-25tf RENOVATIONS, Roofing - General Repair, cutting or trim- ming trees and firewood. Reasonable rates. Call Don 529- 7917.-34,35 PIANO TUNING and repairs; us- ed pianos bought and sold. Call Michael Lepnicki (Winghom) 357-1049.-34tf HORSESHOEING: Kevin Camp- bell, Graduate of the Michigan School of Horseshoeing. Specializing in corrective shoe- ing and trimming. Coll 524- 9673.-34-37 • VERN'S chimney sweep service. Seaforth, Ontario. Phone after 6 p.m. 527-0674.-45oem DISC JOCKEY STEVENS COUNTRY GOLD & ROCK 'N' ROLL Good recorded music for weddings, dances, anniversaries, parties, etc. Phone Brussels evenings 887-6159 GARDINER'S DELIVERY USED FURNITURE & APPLIANCES -bought & sold. We deliver and move anything large or small *free estimates* 524-2421 CONCRETE FORMING Walls & Floors For a complete lob call SID BRUINSMA EXCAVATING LTD. 524-8668 DAY NURSERY Full or part day care for children 2 to 6 years Educational, toys, music, crafts, active and quiet times, indoor and outdoor play areas, hot meals, Full Supervision. Staff has EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION diplomas. Open 6:30 a.m. Si85 per day 54so half day 'Sr half day with lunch Special rates for 2 or more children. Fees are income tax deductible. Phone for registration - 482-7634 TELLER TYPISTS ACCOUNTING OFFICERS Required for new Goderich branch of: STANDARD TRUST CO. Reply in confidence to: P.O. Bolt 295 Goderich, N7A 312 Attn: Mr, P. Shephard 31. Service directory JIM'S Renovations and Handyman Services no lob tee large or too small PHONE JIM CARRICK 524-4338