HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1912-8-1, Page 5Ivvtrybody now WAS Zaip-Buie best for. these, • Let. n 'YOU ease +m►a i6«•ort: DratrAte sing Slow eller, whn1 Ips)M;..A;'I G UST 1 lfitt TUK EXETER. TIMES BLE$$ING T'HERHOfl;Q Mothers and CIO- aloe Happy Homes . d is woman"shighest sphere the fruition of leer dearest eatest desires; yet thou le women through some de - engem ent e-engemezxt have beeti deniedthis.blessing. In many homes once childless there are now children because of the.factthat ;Lydia E. Pinkhanr'sVegetalile Compound 'nrakeswomen netmai,healthyandstrong. This is evidenced by the following lettere which are genuine and truthful London, Ont. -"I wish to thank you, •for the benefit I received by taking your famous medicine, Lydia E, Pinkham'e Vegetable Com- pound._ Before my', baby was born 1 was so ilI I could not stand long or -walk any distance. I had to lie down nearly all the time. After I took your medicine I felt like a new wo- man. I could work from morning till night and was, happy and well. I certainly think it relieves ;pain' at childbirth and recommend it to everywoman who is pregnant. You may use this testimonial if you like. It may $iel'p some other woman."—Mrs„ FRANK CORRIN, 132 Adelaide St., London, Ont. Brooklyn, N.Y, —"I was aiding all the ;time and did not know what the matter ,was. I wanted a baby but my health Would -not permit it. I was nervous, my !side eel -led and I was all run down. I !beard that LydiaE.Pinkham's Vegetable Compound was good and took the rnedi- dine.'. I have now a beautiful baby and ;your Compound has helped me in every way"—:Mrs. J. J'. STEWART, 299 Hum- boldt St., Brooklyn, N.Y. .,. .4+++++++++++++++++++++++++ HHO 'thous people irr t 'I' honmes 'J' artment at -a CollegePay le t+ wlienev '.. Years'Largest 4 - re trainers any m - da. P yf you and . learn write , for part' E STUDY ands of ambitious young are instructed in the byaur home study des You Y ma finish y n if on y desire. er you wish. Thirty Experience. in Canada. Enter Positions guaranteed, I wish to save board while you saint particulars.' No VACATION on BusineesCollege POTION B. F. WARD President Principal ge 'e+. r' Clint 4.. 'GEO. S 1• BUSINESS• I '/AND SHOR:'_1 HAND Subjects taught by expert instructors at the iitekpeiseV Y. M. c. A. BLDG.. LONDON, ONT. Students assisted to positions. College in session from Sept. 3rd. Catalogue free. Enter any time. J. W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr. Principal Chuteraleccountant Ys Slice -Principal GRAND TRUNK SY EM Only line reaching all Summer Resorts in Highlands of Ontari o Including Muskoka Lakes Lake of Bays Algonquin Park Maganekawan River French River Ter agami 1(avvartha Lakes Full Summer Service now in •,,effec t to all oft above'resorts. Write,, for full particulars and illustrated , folders to any Grand Trunk Agent. .OMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS. July 9 and 23 August 6 and 30 September 3 & 17. .Via Sarnia or Chicago Winnipeg, and return $34 Edmonton " ` e ` $42 Tickets good for 60 days NO ORANGE OF CARS o Special train will leave Toronto )10,30 p.m. on above dates, carrying Through Coaches and Pullman Tour- ist Sleeping Cars, via Chicago and at. rani, The Grand Trunk Pacific Railwaya y is the she rtest and quickest route be tween' Winnipeg-- Saskatoon-- Ed, snotnton, Neve Fast .Express Service between laliattinipeg and Regina. Smooth road - ailed, Electric lighted .dleeping Oars, ubeb g rlinin Car Service, ice Leave Winnipeg, 6,00 on Arrive Regine. 7 tt)art « Saskatoon 8.31)a m« : I Edmonton 0,00 p re. Ask anyGrand Trunk Arent far full ;, information, or write J. J,"EN£alle Depot Agent. Dr. de Pills ie P's Van's, P1'L1 A reliable 114646 regrtlator; never fairs. These spills are execedingly powerful iii rte lstinR the' generative portion: of the letnste system. Rebate all cheap imitations. Dr. de Tee% ail sold of as a bP s,.or throe for DO. gaited to any Wiese*h*•SCs';WODrag CAI,,s iso esda sa•la Conte Crediton One of Creditorls aged reeidenta pas- sed array Jest Friday morning, in the person of Lucy Lamport, relict of Mr. George Lawson, at the age of Seventy years. Deceased had been ailing foto about a year but held been confined to. her room for only about a month. She was a member of the Methodist church and when able attended every service in connection with the church, Beside her sorrowjng' husband there remain. to mourn her demise; six sons and four daughters, Joaepac George, Thos, James, Ed, all of near Crediton, end Mrs. Bedford and DIrs. Woodall of Crediton, Mrs. T. 3. Wilson of Exeter and Mrs, Reider of McGillivary. The funarol which took place lase Sunday was ,largely attended, The remains: being interred in the Exeter nemetery The family hays the sympathy of the Times in their sad bereavement. Flax -pulling isthe order of the day around Crediton, Rev, Zinmermar+ of Stratford will occupy the pulpit in tile Evangelical Evatgelical Church 'next Sunday ,nornillg a'n'd :eveni,n.e Rev. Burn will occupy ' the pulpit in the Murahi. •Miss Edith,Crawloy of Detrroit id vigitirtg friends around heret Mr. .Claude Bluett arta daughter. Glatars of Inaction are spcndi;ng a few, .cloys visiting friends, Mra Fred ITarris of IPotdon spent ,5ur•day cad rMgn'day with friends in tdwr lI l* 18Q 'Jeno !Share (of' Vo>+iiorn is !the guest of Miss -Pearl Heik,L or few weeks. • M , d a lyes Mr. 'August Kuhn returned to 'Co - bolt obolt after }spending his ir'otid'ays !here Mr. Fred Trish has returned after spet'ding his holidays in Toronto. Mr. Ira Brown is :spending a few days ir, Toronto visiting friendsa The Misses Ida and .Annie Armitage A Ir.um•ber from here at bended: the of Lucan visited Miss Vera Ogden over excursion to Springbank last Thurs.. Sunday. day all report a good time Miss Mable and Jessie 1MIeNaughton Mr. Will Eilber of Newark is spend- spent Sunday with Miss Bessie Morley Ing a few days Visiting with 'his par- Miss. Lily Morley is visiting here eats Mr. and lYfrs. Fred Taber with her father Frank Morley during Mrs. George Felber left for New herbolidays from school. Ontario where she will epen'd'tile Mr. and Mre. Wm. Morley spent summer with TYlr. Sieber who is p'ne Sunday with her sister Mrs. Sherwell of the' bush rangers up there, in London Township. Mr. Harry Wind of Detroit is vie- Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gunning spent icing friends here; Sunday with his brother Arthur at Berry -picking is the order of the Kirkton. days c '•I Messrs. Harvey and Geo. Parkinson Rev. 73urrt and- family are visiting purchased a :fine span of horses near friends' in Hespler for a few days. Elgindeld.on Monday. Mrs. Bert Clark of. Exeter inane).- The ice cream social given by the ed to her home nfter,s'peading e wade' W. M. S. on Friday evening lastwasa the guest of Mr., axad Mrs,: Welte.a/ grand, success. .A large gatheriug was ,Clarke. present and enjoyed the supper and program. The drill by the children under the direction of Miss Bessie much was niu h a Plauded The P autograph guilt up gotten bythe mem 9u bers brought all told $57.50. CLINTON f'l ; The'6° car . : t f m in ,an Y n`tt` ' , tC,o Z i tug P L,.mited, of which Mr. Samuel Owen of New Perkis president, tali been forced, en account :of the increasing Lumber oe outside •employes in their service, to (take upon 'itself the :pro: viding of suitable tome accomddatiken for them Aa boarding houses in town are all filled up they have nerteci a house anal will furmish it and .place, in charge of Mr. and Mini :Woody otf their staff Tillie will prove a first class boardirg louse .for the eine. eloyees, amide tome like .cor.,'djtipnts and "at a low 'cost. TTA s ' colli Mies Ethel McDonald is Visiting. friends at Kirkten. Mies Harris of Brighton, England, • ie visiting at Mrs. Ilobt. 1 ydds. Mr, and Mrs. R. Heath of London: aro the guests of Mr. IP, Clarke. Rev. E, G. Powell being away this week Mr, L. Heywood is expected to hold the service in Bethany Church next Sabbath, The wheat all being cut the farmers around are getting the land plowed for the next crop. Threshing is being talked of and the mein to comprise the local outfit are W. ,Sall, W. Devine and .Brown. Miss Zoe Sillery vies . the guest of Jean Allison on Sunday Master Boy Richardson of Seaforth, is visiting at Andrew Campbells .Dim''1TRALTA A very interesting game of, baseball. was played on the local diamond be- tween Lucan and the home team. It was a pitching duel between A, Du- plan and E. Collins resulting in favor of the home team 3 0. Both pitchers handed up good brand of ball, A. Du - plan being very efiective in pinches.. Wee. Hodgins umpired satisfactorily. The Ice Cream Social on the . Par- sonage lawn on Tuesday evening was quite successful deerite the threaten- ing clouds and subsequent rain. The ladies of the Aid clearly proved that they were able not only to make and serve ice cream and cake but to render an excellent program. Mr. and Mrs. R. Sandford were in London over Sunday. Quarterly services are to be held next Sabbath at Centralia at 10:30 a. m. and at Whalen at 2;30 p.m. WHALEN r t"v- 145 1 a farmer , Mr. Gunsaus T Fleming ' ' tub near .Pa;says J;e. •used. Chamberlain's Cholic Cholera and Diarrhoea remedy in his family ,fpr 14 years, and that lie has found it ,dand tos 1 - t remedy, iwc to be an excel eta m y, Tjleaeare ir. recom,mending i'i. • antes • rate by all dealers. • tri; -s ..: .,.•tri+• - r, SIGNAL MESSAGES. - +;!_ 'Deacon Fires Were 'First used, and Then Came •Semaphores. Signal fire telegraphing. withttsvery •limited scope of Information contained, strung to bare been about the only mean9 of conilnitnleating quickly across ,list;inees until relatively; modern times. It was not until the days of the i•'rencb recolntion that any material improvement over the,heaeon tire tele !ill ph developed. Three brothers named 'Ilerliie derisrd the semaphore tele- g•il,h Tlils system got into active op- -radon in r7fte and the first real mes- +•reP> ever spelled out and telegraphed P•fuss country was, •in that year, and - Lc test was :1s hollows: •"Co^ide is taken from the Anstriens." lake same dry the nattonai convert }ion. sitting in l'nris, Fent brick the lot. • owing reply to the army: -rho array ot the aorto deseives the rntonnele of the country. 'A The ,•mrtphore operators attained .a -p:e'ed of three letters a minute in tine - ,1 ember. with an average ot one 8 nsnnre over long distance; This made lec,•t-nry' the inventfon ofcondensed whirb came into fashion:--1iew Cork 'Telephone Review. Nerve Rewarded. • 'Noce, khity," said the young man's ra t a,'r, '.I've tosind a tine Job for yon — a job which will, it yon attend strictly : fo bmiuess, give you a splendid ebance to wise," e ti net is the nature of tbe'jobia on'ce seen sone of the big build - in Course or construction, haven't: you • e i'es. "tJas'e yon ever noticed how the great Iron henna. are .lifted in their 'pi titres't" "Sere." r ; a , 'a "11' ell, a friend of mine, who is a contractor has agreed to elle yon to. stand on the beams and butanes them., as they are hoisted. 1 told h}ttlabout the splendid nerve yea bad exTilbited ID sitting around and peria}tfing me to disport you, and he agreed that you' wotatd be just the man for the job."'•. Chleffgo Record -Herald • •,,l i71,;:i i. His Prof.seioh. Mr. Jnstlee Lawrence was once resit. • Ing sentenee on a man, and lin the course of bis preliminary remarks he referred to brio as "a professional burglar." ; • The heUIsoner raised load Aroteate fronitha deck, d' k r "Here," he exclaimed; "1 dunno wot you mean bet ca}Itn' me a professfoival burglar: I've only done it once before. at? I've bin nabbed both limes." 11 r.• 3tiettce £awrenee beamed epdn tth ft, 1 did not mean to say," i► re- Marked e- m rlelto 1119 most suave Manner, 'fit you bad been very euveeasful in reel. pcwrtaislotu"--L' brldote Answer* : SEAEOR'TIS i ()pot their -arrival !home from camp• at London o'n ,Saturd'ay last the Sea - forth •enrdeete winners of the Beck shield were met at the stator. `by We, citizens band and a large,' number of citizens incept ig the mayor and members of the .council and school hoards IA processiotm eves Deemed headed by the bard and proceeded up Main Street fau`t ng at the to',vST hall where epeeehes of • a congratulatory nature were, made by 'Mayor Graig,. Col Wilson: Rev. J: Berry and Trine eipal Rogers of the iCollegiabe Inss- ;titt3te followed ' by hearty cheers front the .cadets, WHEN GOING TO MONTREAL' DETROIT .CHICAGO' BUFFALO. 'p13'IIJAD17Iii'tHIIAt OR NEW ,YOin,K: Travel via Grand Trunk Railway Sy,stein,,.the 'Only Double Track Route Excellent train ,service and smooth: roadbed Electric lighted }sleeping cars on night trains.Full information Tiokets bertlts Reservations may be obtained from any Grand T.r'unk, Agett, or write E. A. Duff, :District Passenger Agent, Union Station,. Tor.- onto One., • FtENSALL Jaraca Bullard of Toronto is visitibt'g his parents. ", Joe .I7irstino, is r suing the barber sl op'at Grand, Bend for, the season'. ,l&rs. , Sheppard has had a cement platform ;f,rtt in in connection. vita Ler kitchen. Mrs. leivere and children of Detroit' are the guests of her sister Mrs. Thomasd Hn sin, • Miss C. Shirray of •Torontoe is here accompanied by her neceo Louise and Jean Cocke. Rube (Juchnore is on, his way borate Trom Los. Angles CaL where he has bean Cor, seme time. Miss Margaret Bonthron who has beer visiting;' with her parents for ;some time has returned. to Barrie. Flax pulling is in full swing and a number of Indians from Muncey are at work. A 1V , •: t o vlle'h.as dist. ZtTat,.3•art o R dyer , posed of Lis residence and lots to P. Boa and 'has, purchased the property' Mil straef.' formerle owned 'oy Miss .Cra ar.. The moving take% place in the. fall,, Mrs. Smytt after spending :a week Kin- cardine ' with her hugbax;dls relatives in i cardine returned here•"to resume her "visit with, Iter parents and relatives Miss' Millie Petty Las arrived bots from Witnipeg. The Misses net of. London, wbi. with their, Mother cos.tenaplate going tri the west shortly ate visiting -in this section. Miltot Orttvein tvto heel been bola 7' da'at av' ysrb for lwo:.',wcekat 1:l Elerlt , Istoek and other plaeea in that sec Hot le he•mc egein. N. Cattitt received a valuable: con- eielrmeht of 1furnittire for Lia home Gala Day at Grand Bend Everything Free ,on Toes. Aug. 6th. 1912.. Scotch Pipers and Dancers Brass Band in Attendance Athletic Events Valuable ab l 6rie u b z ' will 11 be given in each Event Boys race under ten ears; Girls under ten years Boys under fifteen years; Girls under fifteen years Mens:race; Fat mans ]race Married a d ladies race; Single ladies race Mons Jockey race. Sports to commence at 1.30 p m•. Ball Game for SilverCup. C p, Pax'khlll vs. Grand Bend. Baby i J! Ow Under one year) Loving Cup given by J. J. Merner M. P. also beautiful photograph of each mother and babe that enters the contest, Band . Concert -an . d Fireworks In the Evening All expenses' are being put up by the citizens and .cam- pers of Gran&Bend, and an invitation is extended to all to visit this beautiful Summer Resort on August Gtb. CLe ,tato of. repair. TLe new whistle which the council have placed on the power house boi- ler is oi-ler'is r.ot set strident a tone as some of our citizens desire We have been} civet the following reasons for this the whistle is a large orae intended for 100' to, 110 pour -ds cifsteam where- as at this season of the year it only, reeds a third' of that amount to do the chopping and ruin the lights On Monday July 22nd an abed pion- eer of Tuckersmith lifrs. John Work - mar. passed over the great majority in ter 67th year She 'died at the home of her sort -is -law Wm. Butts to Lott 22 cor., 2 TuckersmitL, from which the funeral took place Wednes- day tc Hensall Union cemetery, Her husbandpredeceased her s renw years ar s It wit' Lot be long before the last of the eariy settlers will be laid to rest. ' • .. _{. ZU'RICB Miss Flossie Hartleib is " visiting itiltg her sunt Mrs. C. Sshniidt. at Wing - ham for a few weeks. Mr. Ed .Fisher an:1 sister Alma, re•i;urred from a visit With relatives and friends in Berlin: Mr. Israel Jeffrey, Mr. and Mrs'. Ed. Jeffrey and Mr. and Mrs. .Josep' Jeffeey of North Dakota are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Louis Jeffrey, Mr. Mr. Ea.:. Beaver• tato hes. been clerk in'g at Preeter's stare' for.; some time "left last' week for. Lis hone near Dashyvood. $e. ir.tend+s. to leave short- ly for the west, .. The 3disees Rosetta and Pearl Wit-• tic'& of Mildmay Ont, 'are. erisit'inb at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. G. F. and Jacop ; Brown_. 1 a Mrs, '4Vra: E11ber: ^f • ' c ^-'` is visitin.,; at the home p,f iVir. anI Mrs. C. Eilber this week:, • Mr. E. Appel left Saturday for ai visit to his old home iet New Ham- burg: • •'Mr. Emanuel Holtzman of Wood- stock is visiting. Lis parents Mr. and Mrs. G. Holtzman,. Mrs. James Laidlaw of prodwell Mich, Mr. and Mrs. G. Beers of Buf- falo are visiting relate in town MITCHELL While Mr. Berry was. 'yenta up a stallior. lin; the stall O Thursday af- terxoGn,!t'he brute bit the first finger or. his right hand nearfy off at the first joint air. Berry 'had been oat, ir.g tor' t'tie aaelimal all ,summher and knowing hem to be vLcious, around e was atw.ays verycautious WaerJ him Dr,lArmstror+3 vdb o 'dressed the injured oaemlber ti inks that it will grow -toeeetber again •Twenty-tliree years ago ftdr. Berry,i adi all this fir. hers and tt,umh an ;hie 1e hand tak- en off in, a thre,shings son Herbert bent eiX years.' ago k while 'putting up some eve troy; •hing3 tie acaffoI,rl gave: ways and: the fell bet the ,ground and broke his arm; Op Saturday last another soul. Wilbur an auto :expert Who works,; in .Stratfote. tad his keg broken while cranking an auto.' T of TRss le I At tt,ei regular meeting Lodge Np•51,1. Oi 0. F. the following officers were installed for the pre" scut term; J. F: G. John Avery; IS John Roger; V.. G. 'Chas. Skinner; R.' S. W. Martyn ; I'', S. W. B. liariee4; Mod; warden 'Aubrey Treas.. N. J 3oy , .. set- Avery con N ,J. BpYd ; O. G• ,, L La brook; '1., G.r. Frank 'Farr,rnt; R SN G. R. G. altompson;r J . S N G., Fred McCtt••sIklin , ,it S V G., 3. tt. Hill; D. B. `'Vi G Geo:,Dawson; R S Se Q. 7t. Cole„ L. S S 'J0t4n Copal; .chap. W. V.. May t & Coare receiving, sA maria' u'Hit •calumet orders. fort bridges. that they re ria i keep .tip and, are working overtired They have had electric lights instal- led iri the yard to enabio tube wbrle mere .iia work aeitside at night :Thee tat c also a Marge, rectae of Men in d Clifford Messrs Leslie Willis an d ildham who •have st7elet the east 'Were all medicines is meritor- ious as Chamberlain's •Colic, Cholera Diarrhoea Remedy the world would be muck better off and the percent- age of,, suffering :greatly ,,, decreased writes Lindsay Scott, of Temple, Indy, For sale by all dealer. • M,f7SIG",AL RIDD Old favorite comes bac] to G. N .E, in new clothes Like an old friend in a nate Quit of clothes the Musical ride is coming back to the Canadian Natiiooal Ex- hibition this year. All the graceful L O1' smanship which so :delighted the ttonsande of other years wlilf ber there }but' many of the figures are r.en and, if possible, more pleasing than the alga ones The - Royal Canad- ian Dragoons have not been, idle dur- ing t'heirt years of absence from the exhibition They are assured ;of • ;a, great reception` on their returrnt}• -- AILS: CRAIG Dir. ':ilex Reid, of LAilsa !Craig a•e- cCrtly fell from a cherry tree break- irg kis collar bone. • Rev, W. J, Connor rector of ;the Angelica'n 'c'nrurch at !Ailsa, Craig, left last week for ;nis e-.aw appointment at twos . • g. The Presbyterian .Churc'l at Ailsa Craig w%nichl was iurdcr oing repairs was ,re -opened last 'Sunday.,' One ot tJte•most common ai.tmerrts: that most hard workieg people are afflicted with is lame back. Apply CLamberfair's Linimerte twice a day' and massage the parts thorou:ghty at teach applicatior, and you willgee e naik relief'. For, :sale by all dealers . ni Ort; at. their homes, have reentered! d! to led mon ton. . Mr. H. I). Davis and. Is e.tle+seaughter da for.an eatonideavialt to left} Jester 'Brantford friends in Tintisonburg, 13r Hamilton and Ac tcin, Mrs „S. S. A. :ll s iii. De- •arris 'Las returned tome )atter, 'Halting relative r'-datiettei` Airs. l carman and ,grAnd Mite Anderson who were venting bar-, ittd Mrs,. Geo Wriest have returned to their het afar. Caledonia. 'Mies: A.mateda ;I astmer of + ebri:ng- vi• .) rtt,d, e/Pss• Tillie Merrier Vew, Eantburg visited Mr, Wm 1larten re- n St, ,7eeaggii It, et. eporteel 'thpt; ecaix 1ntih• to t the big • btrlldi En r. ir,t e r pg•. WOODEAIII - Miss Susie Waterman of iArkona and .Miss Ella Do,npe of Is;irkto:i were callers at the Methodist parsonage on Thursday of last week. Some of our young reople attended the Ice Creams Social at (Whalen on Friday evening last'. They report e (t=oed time. The .Members of the Senior ' Ep- worth League attended Salem League of the Eirktor.. circuit Sabbath even- ire- last, A very profitable time was epert, The visiting League furnished the programme. The your;; son of Harry J. Area- strorg who Jives clear :Scenes Hill met -with. a serious accident. He was er-ga5ed in raking hay when the horse took' ;fright and ran awny throwing the little fellow or. the ;frame work or tL•e rake with such force that his Jog was !broker. in terw+places, Two of the St ,Mar.ys physicians were•tscon out tie scene; the broken limb was set and at last reports ate little lad was doing as. well as could be expected:. IYIrs. Ja,n fowcliffe wco was in- 'disposed- last week itsrecovering.. ear. Walter. Steph•ers who has' been suffering front an acute attack of in- digestion is :able to .be around again, Rev .and Mrs. Baker ,paid z ,short visit to Munroe to=•see the formers sister who is at THE :MOST PO E'TJLiAR1 AND ONLY. ;DIRECT VINE REACHING ALL/ , .. SUMMER 'RESORTS IN :HIGHLANDS Ole . ONTARIO Including Muskoka Lakes, Lskk of Bays. Algonquin Park, Maganetarvan and French Rivers, 'Temaeami Kawr artha'Lakes etc. Excellent train see - vice Grand Trunk Railway system to and .from above resorts Wire far ilw lustratecl .folders and timetables tell- vote how to ,get there and containing list of Hotels rates, etc, toA. F. Auef "District: Passenger lAgent Union Sta- tion Toronto, (UNBURN BLiaTERS, SORE E' -F E E T. • Children Cry et Flete !a\\Y!aa\1, . \•1,a,•c••L. a u.a res 1. The Blind Yon Rave Always Bou 'lit oxa'i Y. g 9 t 'iAS'p has been. til. Ilse ter ; r 30 yen. -..•s, has borne the signature ot has beer, aiu a under II5,?e" serial Supervision tdnce its inGCa n c xs . -y Allow.> no c.1c t4 deceive s'o1i1T ,'t 1L5*. Alt Counterfeits, Imitations and 66 Just -its -good." are hut , . Experiments that trifler "with, and endanger tho health of Infants and Children•-Experjonee aga• ri , , ara„ i.xpekiru,oxft. What is CASTMA Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare,,- gorie, Drops ills Soothing Syrups. It in pleasant; It contains neither Opium, 1Viorphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it bas been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind. Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrlioea. It regulates the Stomach and Rowele, assimilates the Foocl, giving healthy and natural lsleep, The Children's Panacea -The Mother's Friend. GENUINE Bears the Signature. of Tlie Kid ought hi Use For Over 30 Years THC CENTAUR COMPANY, 77 MURRAY STREET, NEP! YORK CITY. EAR' WALKERS OVERALLS made in Walkerville. Ont. We GUARANTEE Ten Cents for every;.Button that comes off and Twenty-five Cents for every Rip and tor e -very amp Six Sted Pockets cut from worn garments, we will give you one pair of Overalls or Smock Free. Get the habit of savingyour pockets. Sold by Stewart • ■, Guaranteed bythe Walker Pant & Shirt Company. n y TheLeading Merchant in Exeter, Ont, 411111111.11111.1 WESTERN FAIR September 6th to 14th, 1912 LONDON'S CREAT EXHIBITION LIBERAL PRIZES INSTRUCTIVE EXHIBITS SPEED EVENTS EACH DAY New Art Building filled with Magnificent Paintings ATTRACTIONS PROGRAMBIE TwicE DAILY LIVE STOCK PARADE DAILY BESSES 0' THE BARN BAND • of Cheltenham, England. One of the Greatest Brass Bands in the World, and several others. AERIAL ACTS, COMEDY ACTS, TRAMBOLINE and ACROBATIC ACTS, SEABERT'S EQUESTRIENNE ACT and others, THE MIDWAY BETTER THAN EVER FIREWORKS EACH EVENING SINGLE FAB RATES over all Railroads from Kingston to Detroit. Special Excursion Days, Sept. Toth, earth, s th, Prize Lists and all information' from W. J. R;BID, President: A. M. IILINT, Secretary MIRO Closing Notice Plan We 'the 'undersigned Merchants of this towrn agree to close our places of business at liaif past twelve on Tburs- rlay afternoons during eta months of Tule and August. 3. A. Stewart, S. Martin & Song s II, S aelc sn W. J Bar. .1%, Davi s rIs WV 3. Heyman. W. 3. Carling Mrs, Yea A. J. Ford, , ; 1 •i„1,, i a 13. W. F. 'Beavers ..i -a r :