HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1912-8-1, Page 411, 4.401094.++04-14,4i4ellaininatittiale4444+1.3)+4:44-14 e0 SODS Bank NI Itleorperated IRS ord of Progress for Five Years -19°4-10.i 1906 ox 4 .14- PITAL.,......... • , r en. raa r r r ra$ 3.000.000 a .4,000,000 * ERVE.n.„.....,,, ,,,, ... ,. ...... 3,000,0Q0 4,000,900 pris, . ..,..... 23,077.730 3n042,311. yaCssrA. s 4.1Nn5 itiiii1\&i3Wiii .„.., 27,457,000 3805ti. ABTS., ,, . ,,, , ,, . . ......... e 33.090,19e 4 , 7, e• Bast 83 Branches in Canada, and Agente awl Oorrespendenta in all aa the priacipal Oities in the World. te A General Banking Business Transacted 1 4. Savings Bank Department . 1: At all Branch:Rs, Interest aLloiv a at Pligtestneuerent Rates. •§'' DIORSOil de Carling, Solicitors, N. D. HURDON Manager I: 34; THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE SIR EDMUND WALKER. LLD., D.c.L., President ALEXANDER LAIRD 30E11 AIRD General Manager Assistant General Manager CAPITAL, $15,000,000 RES, $12,500,009 BANKING BY MAIL Accounts 'may be opened at every branch of The Canadian Bank of Commerce to be operated by mail, and will receive the same careful attention as is given to all other departments of the Bank's business. Money may be deposited or withdrawn in this way as satisfactorily as by a personal visit to the I3ank. Exeter Branch—G. L. WATTGH Manager BRANCH ALSO AT: CREDITON 4=.1.11.111•••1•111.1111••••1111•Me THRESHING COAL — Selected — HIGH-GRA.DE STEAM COAL—well screened, Hard • B' ht and — Celebrated— Bine Lake Cement ALWAYS ON HAND Large stock of all kinds of Lumber, Lath, Shin- gles and Cedar Posts 41. J. 6 atworthu, GRANTON. Weiloslellam••••••1•11*.• DELIBERATE TlanCia, Tra back again matte ThackeraY 1I 'Re -reading les romances.. • eeras Yeilowp1h Pendennia and His raatrimoniai chances. land witite the prose le excellent, 'And oftenwhiles sublime. 'Tis plain that our :disfigured Dill L Had sito.ply loads of time. Be ling,ers o'er his belly yarna.', To paint a •pretty scenel, To moralize upor., the boys. CA.t Cricket or. the green. Hes •all concerned about his style 'Which brought h:m endless glory, And does not give a han'x about The progress of the_storyt Ills folk are full of merriment,: They lways bring a smile. So common is their :deep finese. So sordid is ttteir But oh, hove wonclerous wow they a'rel It takes them had a To stop at Whiteten minutes cm `Returning from the. pleat So, when KM read out Thackeray. We avant an .ease chair. With nothing to distract oar mind, no worry, arrd no care. stiletto reading to the vvay he wrote.. Our manners meet sublime. And we're pretenting to ourself Tat vp.A have toes& of time., ' 44++++4•44-14444earestetrieteletetensata BREVITIES etraereanarlatete erielet-e+++. , ate lakes; Alfonso was leaving the. Caanedral. ta Pat:lantana after, a terc- et:tor:ye-a general's horse bolted threw.; tine the rider and dragging ham attalin "the intend.. Wshiter the' Speetators 'hesitated as to what to do the Ring: 'with "great presence of mind sprang from ihig, ceitriag.e, contrbt the ham i�e wasaanitedly caeetied sby the pep - once., 1* .0 1* 0 0 vtr. LleyT atearge announced Sn the Douse of Commeng o,ta aseeetlay that in 'wag the intention, of the Govern.* meet tc letrodueen Iota to deal with ,iabor ',disputes. suet' as the Present otrike fie dad eot deflect tee iirteasure but, indicated that it Weaid robably involve oettpuleety bie ration and triariciel iettaranteed for ' ertiag Netter:tette, , , •••••10110 There is a great dissatiisfaotion in China over the rejection. of Cabinet r.orainees by the Na:tiortal 'Assembly and fZunn, Shi Kaizts efforts 'to farin h !strong gninistry have so far Tailecra lie is steadily :gaining :ELM s,upptert of •the :various parties:howeveT,, except-. leg the Tungi Men 'Hui, which wishes io nave', Snot Yet Sea as predealit ata4. Tang ahaci Yi. as premier, 'The 'gen- eral Conanaantlingl the, Eankow ion iof the; :a-rruy has. telegraphed t,he Secretary c the assembly, w,arning that unless obstruction to Goyern-• ment ceasedr he would brine, treops to Peking ana clrive7the sembly out., This threat pethape will make it naoze reasonabIe The heattla of Ge'n. Reda, of the Salvation: Array; who repently 'under- went an operation for a cataract on • the eye, has improved. 'The head ,of ' the hreey/ „le confident he wall 1sOon• recover. Be'feels as strong ai3 ever. * * • * • * • Egan reek: from' the Detroit batmen were 'lase Friday afterr.00n pktced under leanest lye a setiar,ge of aetieptin• g bribes and conspirace to accept a bribe for eneir votes .and influence in tne passing of a measure affectine; city property recently transferred:, te tae Wabash Railroad; . • • • The United States Hoene fReirrA''-' .ettatived bee passed the: trill- -te create a Departmeet of labor, the sec- retary of which shall hive a- place, in the Cabinet, The measure has: long' been passed by org-anized labor, and now goes to• the se,nate.; *4*.* * iirnagaarci Karl) Graves. a German (was )founici guilty on Tuesday by the Scottish Iligh iCourt of Judiciary IV Edinburgh till tete charge of antinle He was sentenced to eight moiltha imprisonment Notes regarding- guns under construction; in the Britlaa Goa ertment arsenal; and other incrimin, atir.g :documents were :fown.d: in his oosseesioe. --ea-a-- REDUCED RATES ON L. I & B. The London Free •Press says —Is there ar agreement in existance he, tweet. th.e, city and: the .Grand: Trunk made 41, years ago, which calls for a low passer.ger rate froth ell points. on the London Enron .a,nd Deuce •l3ranebr and the carrying of wcod and produce from that district free exe eharge? Dr. Hugh Stevenson and M.r. S. Grant llenderson indus trio coraniissioners•are' of the opinion that it does :exsist ar,d will start a eanipaigt to see if 'synth, is the cage and la so, bether the company can be forced' to live I'm ...to tile agree.ments Daring the year 1E71 lwhen /Ver. J, M. .Cousin was mayor and Ir At 54 Abbott citeaclerk) a by-law: is said to have been passed givints 010 Grind Trunk the sum or 5100,000 to help build a lam from, Iryde-aark junction Wing.tern The money was to be raised by debentures spread: ov,cr 20 Years at eix per (lent., and other man- lelPalitieS, accor•clianst, to in act of the Legislature, were, permitted to Le.lp tLe ettrapany along- by. farther cone tributionfs in return the company was to i5 - me rates much at -wee than single fate 18,aturdays Lor people living along the line who wishedto visit Loudon and was to carry wept', and , procvesian into the 4ity tither tree .ot eirateat •or at a re,daced chthzJa It Is sad that for several years the company lived tip to this agreement with the resent that many p tele who woeld mot have otherwise done • go eame fee tha city every Seterclay, Fix:ally the merchante aletne the Bur- ton an* Bruce feartna .sixeh a rate on them trade away. foro reed c totemittee, which walked on tha G-rard Trunk' aeking it to di the ohean eates. The cant- .iltan'y did So and the eity did not take, ar.y aetion 1t .be matter,. It Is the atter.tion Of Mr. Itexidert o (1 nntak end it the raareemee.t is tot expiem he HTliZ IStAWITG.U1SiT THE OA GE pfor,au • POE BUTTIDIIMIA.VING Last week we meutioeed Peaeral conditlen$gr Me care of ate* thsif were aeeee$ara•1cere:daces fine flantar- ed butter TLis week We Will e,ortie- wLet deal with separator. • TLe haad power °recap separatoaia the most reliable and beet method of s1t:IA=111es naillts at that farm, end thei or.le /nettled atat Paulle recuearaended Nearly all the separators Me the mart get will do efficient sales:nil:1g if prce Verb' andIea ves' -qmporlar.t. "thaT the seliarator runs smoothly: Wily trembliteg, ' or shaking of the separator While 'skim' Mime will cause 'the logs of butter faf in the .skiranailk. Only ,special ea- parator i1 Should be :used, amid is well to make a run a -tout once in, tba'ee weeks, using kerosene oil on all the beazintts. In skimming, three things nansf hd observed. (1)The speed a the Over- ator must be maintained according 10 the directions sent' witli rt. Mid on - le reliable way to do tnis, is to cohmf, tLe number of revolutions of the crank by' the watcb. ',A low alleatl meant loss of fat in the ekinimilkt (at The flow. of the milk into the' eallaratan, atteseld, be uniform. , • (a), The temperature of the milk sbound nisittae under 90 degrees, and for that reason the best time for separating, railk is immediately after n1Ikhi. LA low temperature is also liable to cause loss of fat the skininalikJ , 1 . TLe faster the miiik passe ls throug'Er the separator, the less complete it the separatior., and a thinner cream Is giver.. One of the 'questions often asked by patrons is. Wily does my test vary so": When one' knows that the speed of the madhine the flow of the milk and the temperature of the milk all effect the test of the cream., 11 s r.ot difflealt to under - steed why it may vary considerably A; variation in the, test does not nec- essarily mean any loss to the patron. Every Eteparatori has some device for clanging the test of the cream. In inost eases Ala adjestnicet is at the ceecan extlet. If so, toe turning the cxeara screw in the cream will be richer, and by tee -rang. ;ft out the cream will be tainner. • • • All parts of the separator which' come in contact with the milk or cream should be. washed in lukew arm water, to which has been added a snipe' quantity of sal soda or other, cleansing powder and ilea thorough-- ty scalded in boiling water each time the separator is used. In some 'place the separator is. placed in the cow) stables. This may' be a convenient arrangement, bat it is not so by any naeans a proper place Cor separating milk, unless a ,spec- ial room well ventilated and lighted is partitioned off to exclude the stable odors and dust. This room snored have a :smooth cement floor -which can be easily cleaned. Children. Cry FOR HITCHER'S GASTORA TRAINMEN MUST. HAVE GOOD SIGIRT. Met who squint or are cross-eyed car. lac tenger become- engineers, fire- mex. or brakemen on Canadian rain roads. Followieg h1a ;recent • judge - meet the Railwae comnaiesionehas is- sued a series of uniform rules govern- ing the Idetermination of visual fac- ulty color perception and hearing of railway employees and' among theta is a clause. banning the fsotenting or erosseyen men. This Is not the oney defect barred Applicants must not be accepted it they ruse glasses for near visions, though When the 'distant vis- ion of an employe can be improved by good glasses their' use is encouraged Co:or blindness is aloe; barred and good hearing, powers are istrimgently Freast.ed .upop. A.pplicents retest be ableoto hear ard repeat nam.es and numbers spoken in a coeversationai tern at a 'distance, of 20-2eet. • Employees must, se re-eiamined tn all these partioulars after any illnese or accideet• which might: have affect- ed theta as tv.ell as before premotiota It is stated thatetbe rural mail 'ae- livery service ie Canada is to be im- proved withir. the next few months -co the extent of provaling, for every rarracts gates all the facilities neees- sary for tremsactirr, a general easi office 'business. Wlben the courier +drives up to the mail box in front of the fanners home he will be prepated to sell .stamps issue poetal totes or racany orders ar.dto aecept letters for registratibn. PILES CURED at HOME by New Absorption Netbod. ' if you suffer, Iron% ';hleeilingi itchlug, blind or protruding Piles, send me your addres.st an X will tell you, how to, cure your- self at tome by the absorption treatment ; and. will also send some of this tome treatment free for trial; with referenceS from your owit locality if re-. quested., Iturnediate relief And permanent 'cure assured: Send Po money,but tell others-, of this tder: Write to -day- to . rs. It enteettte to have the settee tate -1VI- 811";11:11OIg-0,41j WHY GERMANS REBEL REASON FOR THE ENORMOUS 3CIAL 1 ST VOTE. ft, is N,ot Because On'e-Third of the Subjects of the Kaiser Befieva In the Doctriees of 'Karl Marx, But Because They ,Hete the Way In Which William and His Officers Treat'l..egislators Like SehoolboYst At the, German election in Januar", 1912, the $ocial Dermeratapollecl 4,250,000 votes, or a little more than one-third of all the votegiven. How rapialy the Germa.0 aocial )enema - tis party has increased in strength and power will be seen frone,.the fact that inn1881 the Socialist. vote waa only 31000. In the coarse of the last three de - 'cones the German Social Democratic party has grown frono, a party. 61 no sienificame te by far the strongest party iao, Germauy. Why hasait grotto so rapidly? 'In 1888ethe present Em- peror- 'came to the throne. At the general election of 1887t the year pre- ceding /Its 'aceessiora the Gezroan So- cial Democrats were • only 763 100 sarong. • In 1.912 they we 41250,000 strong. Evidently the Social Demo- cratic party, has °°Town so enormously -and& the rale, ciathe pres,ent Emperor and it has.become so strong largely owing to the policy which Germany has Attested during the last. twenty years. -The Emperor himself his de- seended into the party arena and has attacked t'he Social Democratic party. In various speeches he had :branded -the Social Democrats as "a barld'of fellows not worthy to bear the name of Germans," he has refereed to them as "enemies to the divine order of things, without a Fatherlanao" It fs, of course, xidiculone to de- scribe a party which embrates more than 4,250,000 grown-up men, atal con- siderably snore than oneethird of the entire population of Germany, as "not -worthy to bear the name of Germans" and as "enemies to the divine order of ;things, without a Fatherland." However, it is eqoally. ridiculous to believe that the 4,250,000 people who gave their yotes to Social Democratic candidates would subscribe to the or- thodox Socialist doctrines, that they ate Socialists at heart. A.ocording to the latest ended report of the Social Democratic party, it appeate that that party had in 1911 only 837,000 mem- bers.' Of these members, 108,000 were women. If we deduct the number, of tLe women, we find that of the 4,250,- 000 Social Denaocratie -voters, only 729,000, or about one-sixth of the total -number, were avowed Socialists. We may, therefore; perhaps conclude that the bulk of the party, the remaining 3,521,000 nagn -who voted for the Social Democratic party, were not Socialists in reality. - -sAs a matter of fact, enormous num- bers of Genevan. who belong to all :classes of society,. such a$ bankers, merchants, doeters, lawyers, shop- keepers, school -teachers, and a very large number of Government officials, such as railwaainent postmen, and other eivil servainset`vote redo" They 'vote Socialiet'because the Social De- mocrats are the only party in Ger- many which determinedly and un- ceasingly opposes' the Geereae Gain eininent as at present ecaistituted. It Is that only party which Eghts con- tinuously againit bureancratie, and for real Parliamentary Government. The German people has scarcely any influence over the national legis- lation and administration, because all the higher officials of the empire and of the single states are nominated by the ruler, and they are responsible only to the ruler, -who appoints and dismisses them, not to Parliament. If an obnoxious or incapable Secre- tary of State has been appointed by the Emperor, the people and Parlia- -ment can do nothing to get rid of him. The contempt in which the German official classes hold the representa- tives of the people may be seen from the way in which the payment of members of the Reichstag has been arranged. The members of the Reich- stag are entitled, to $750 per year. From this sum $5 is deducted .for every day on which they have either net attended at all or on which they have not taken part in the divisioh. In order to slow that they have at-, tended the sitting, they have to sign an attendance -book as if they were office boys in the city. Although Germany possesses the mot democratic franchise sin the world, manhood • franchise, and al - through plural voting is illegal, Par- liament is powerless, because the Government tis dependent not upon the goodwill of the people and of the Reichstag majority, but on the good- will of the Emperor. . If it should come to a conflict betweea the Em-- peror aud the Reichstag, the Emperor can dissolve the Iteiehstag. A skillful Chancellor will therefore get rid of a democratic Reichstag by raising some 'imperial or national question, dis- solve the Reichstag, and appeal to tbe patriotism of the people. • According to the German eonstitu- tion there ought to be one Reichstag, member for every' 100,000 of popula- tion. Since the federation of the German Empire the German, towns have increased enormously in rnpula. lion, while the eountry population has remained stationary. Nevertbet less, no redistribution has taken place, and the result is that there are .coun- try districts *here 10,000 voters re- turn a member, while there are town distriets whete 200,000- voters return only bne member. The enormous sueeess of the Social Deniocratic party is not due to the fact tbat the 'Socialist doctrines have taken a strOng hold upon the Geftnah populatim. It i$ not due to the fact that the German masses are poor. It ie clue to the fact that the German people ate tired of being govetnad "front above" by an army et officiate. They ,at tired ot being tricked with the, seniblaxee of kernooratic inatittts tin e Arid of a dentooratic franchise, They wish to govern thewmaives, Houses for Sate. We offee atnifOrtable fregio coat tag -0 att a bareith larger *tat"?...F and a t,aiX nouse, well located a two flee briar residences alt atoc nes erieesUnoa, aee, lookinif house in'llaasster calli and gee parties Wats, huge tatoteoeatEasy tense , I GISADMAN & Notice to Creditors In the matter of fthe "e$tate Haekaen of the 1)owsed.hia ef "'Gebouw ta the Couuty ef Burnie fernier deceased, ' None° is hereby gilisesn ourenaut to Statutes in that behalf that all ereditors and others Itaviagatilialcas against the eatate of the late William Hackney of Me, salownehipa tfaboasse vela° died on or about the8ta et Julys ion are required ons or before the 1503, a Avg to send lloy post ;prepaid ar deliver to Messrs. «1zngn & Stet -artery, aolicitore for the exeaa. 'tor of the eAtale pi t116 teed deceased their christian and surnames, ideal/ems, ana deer oriptioes, the particulars. of their claims, the atatenient of their sot counts and elm notere of the eat surities. ii any, held by them. And further take pence that after such last mentioned data the sail Bevan. toe will proceed • Ito rOatribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having re- 'gard only to the claims of which he slaall ther, have notioe gold thati the isahdt executors will not ba liable for the said assets or any nart there- ot to any_ person or pereteis of whose claims valise shall opt have been received by him at the time of suel distribution. GLADMAN & STANBU'RY Soncitors for ithe execator Dated at Exeter. the' 15th dal of July 1,9142. • "*** Notice' to Creditors In the matter of tale Estate Mar - late Herbert. of the Villaen of Exeter 1Couray elien= 70:1031A deceased; Notice is hereby ..giveopursuant to Statutes in that behalf that all credit- ors and others having ,C13.1111,3 against the estate of the late Charlotte Here bert who died on or about 'July 17th are required on or before August 20,th to send by Post paid or deliver td, ltfeesies 'Gladman & St aubdry :Solicitors far the Executor of the estate of the said deceased their christign and aux,: names, addresses and descriptian4 'the full particulars of their claims, the statement of their accounts anal the nature of the :securities, if any, held/ by them And further take notice that after such lest mentioned date the said Executor tell/ proceed to dis- tribute the assets of the deceased among the 'parties entitle'd thereto! having.; regard orals ,to the claims of w,hich he shall then have motioe and that the said Executor will not be liable fortthe said asssetts or all.Yr part 'thereof to any person cin persons of whose claims motice, shall not have been received by Lim at the time( of seen distributiora GLADMAll & STANBURY, • nolicitons for the Executor Dated at Exeter the 22nd day of gaily 19et2i, s1 s A :Fast ;mount an ill health is. flue to impaired digestion.: ',When • the' stomach fails ,to perform its fence 'noes. properly the whole system; be- conoes •derang,ed. A: few doses of Chanaberlaie's tablets: is all you: ceed. They mill strengthen yonal die eestior. intrigorate your :liver, and ree galate your bowels, entirely doing away _with that miserable feeling due to fault) 'digestion. Try it Many othcrs have been petenanently cured why not you?—For sale by all dealers Canadian National Exhibition SOME FEATURES OF Imperial Year Imperial Cadet Review Cadet irons all the Overseas Dominions Exhibits by the Provinces Dominion Exhibite Band of Scots Guards • From Buckingham Palace Paintings of the Year from Europe Paintings by best Canadian and American Artists Imperial Cadet Competitions Boy Scouts Review Everything in Educational Eihibits Siege of Delhi Besses Th.' Barn Band Britain's Fest Mass Band Dragoons' Musical Ride Industries in Operation Butter Making Competitions neet•ica's Greatest Live Stock Show anada's Biggest Dog Show merices Prettiest Fussiest Japanese Day' Firework, Motor Boat Races Hippodrome and Circus Four Stages and Arena all going Eruption of Mount Vesuvius Athletic Sports Ten Band Concerts Daily Acres of Manufactures Imperial Fireworks --60 Nurnbera A ng, 24 1912 • Sept. 9 TORONTO •silasSiriairssassmeammosissimesimosisimasiSsliis • Pam tor :Sale arkuo Oto "Ait*W„ , floVr Oak Q b4 Wo 40 ay �qp miziof '61411;14s414:aire'.40:9i41:::::.e7e1:::it‘ftla.:44'4:Iii:19:::?0416L:R417"100":”t‘ ttO • ' F atm: For Sale. *ig ,tieen,a.'..„0-04th.„,,,,,,,ttl-t4):ru.,...,iff r°13014:18nAft..e..:44. l't1G fit°14tat'. attgt Ao 4.tgett4VIA raLeeetateu;onntostiotop 41*.tela4:4,i O'a3i1T 4iAlft ttrapk0,40 a OU BUOY. o ahtt.Of • 4P1er l't"4,f41.lalW1"°t*4..ar 4:ie:90.74sotta biap1awod. e ars apply ttWesley Shitr • Woe 0, lin Ont. 6 • Voters' List, 1912 TOWNSHIPeOF `UISBOItNE OUIi OF HIIEONt Is Notice is 'hereby given ih4.'e transmitted or -.delivered to the per - sops mentioned i section nt ',The Ontario 'Vetere Ian UV' the: 'Vales requited by said tections be be so transmitted or delivered. of the lists made aur,suarit to old Act. of all per,. sorts etaeearing be the last revised as- sessment roll of the said munietpal-, itv to be entitled to vote in the said Municipality. at election for Meenbera of the Legislature 'Asembly and at Municipal elections; and th,at the sald list was first pasted at my ca - floe Whalen on the 22nd of July Itlensa ar.'d reAtatas tneae, for inspection Attl- I hereby call upon all aotera to take ,iramedia.te proceedings to Lave all errors or oneiesioess' eorrepta ed ,according to law. FRANCIS MORLEY' s Clerk t of tLe Tow erehip of Utabored Dated at Whalen July 22nd 1912, - Voters' List, 1912 VILLAGE OF EXETER POU1T11 , OF HIMONT , • Notice ie hiereby 'given that 1 have 'transmitted or 'deliveredi tp the Per- sona. mentioned in tseetien, 4 of ',The Ontario Voteks List Acta troe. coition required by said ,sectiora to be so transmitted or delivered of the lists made pureuett to said At, of all per, - sons appearing be the last revised aee tses.sment roll sof the said munioipal- ity to be en.tiVed tit vote bathe saiid Muticipality at election for Members of th,e Legieleture 4ASS e 101, a:PC1 at: Muticipal elections e.nd, that the said Aist be first, abstaa et ' nf- flee a t Exeter` ad' the:24th e:34Y ofJuly 19)2ar4 rentains there for arepeation " And, I hereby call upon all -ypters to take immediate pr'oeeedinge have all_errors „or omissiiino'cio,riecta ed; a.' sce-t?"1.1.B.0A.L ilig7jaEw'ING -101erk of tat Villagesof Theater' Datea ,at Exeter July 24thPDI2. Hotel and Stablesfor Sale or Rent 11110/Mlso The undersigned offers for sale that desirable property known as the Ontario) Flouse and Stables at Mount Gannet The premises are sit- uated or. the Main road from Dash -4' wood Creditor( and Exeter to rhrk- hill ani 'is an 'excellent farming, dis- tract w:ith a General. Store • Blacke smith shop and two roomed, school, daily mail ard.teleptame connection A most desirable location for a private or, public residence The dwellieg and stable will be sold in !nook or separate. Will besold at a Oa& It0177ifiTON I), R. V., floUbV Oradnere tot Tomato Unlit eity Office over Diakson * Ott s jitto. Ibtele office); Closed aliteantees : day entereoonat Phone Offlola lItt• esIdence 5 b; DR. Ai., IL KINSMAN ro.s'. uculQr ,Gradvaw Toonto • Teat)), extracted witboui pafra. 146 effeetn, Office, over Glade Ppiao Staltilagrala ,Office,adaie Sat liaettars i" ay* • ' < - w, 13ROWNIaTG 14, P. 8, Graduate Vietoria Tin sity Offioe and reeitlenee Dopinte tiabraorye.x Exeter,' Assooiate Ceroner of Huron I D "'ORSON & CARVINO . I Barristers,' Solioltots Notarlea .Ohot veyanoers Gonareissioner.s, aSolinittaate for the Idolaona Bank eto. • t Money to. Lean at lowest rates of ib. • °T.eierCCEa—rilllintINB.:BATIEhEETIE'rilir21:40=11'11 M ONETO LOAN, Valet set :11 r We have a large ataktunt of ptly.ti ate fueds to lean on farm and vile !age Proirerties la lowest rate of• tee terest • • t „ GL'ADMAN & ST.ANBUIVI4 '1 Barristers Solicitors, 'Main St Exeter. •, Tllc Usborne and IlIbbert Farmer's Mutual Mc Inur-- ano Head Oftice, Farquhar, Ont. ;k* President J. D. BUSSE= 't"g Mae -Fres: Ro" GARDINER • DIRECTORS . s ROBT MORRIS , , . • Staffer THOS. RYAN Dublin WM. B.ROCK i Wincheleseo WM. ROY. •. laorpholsi i 'AGENTS JOHN ESSER Ir• Exeter. agent Use borne and J3iddu1pta s QLIVER .EfARRIS Munro agent Pio' ailobert Fullerton and Logan. , ' W. A. TURNIttaLla • Secy.Treas. Farquhar' GLADMAN & STANBURY ' • Solicitor. Exeter. 3174 Have City CollY ffiEn Replace the pestle lent, draughty dints gerosus and offen- sive out-of-doors clot set with an bade:Mee closet wh ich reouir-- , es no sewer nov • plumbing, and rice • finishing systaidel- Have city conveniences in your bonne. Safeguard fainify healthby installing a. ' "Tvveed" Closet Sanitary ankOdorles• s "Tw eed" Closets can be installed irsa the batbroom, cellar; or any otheo: convenient place indoors, merely re- quiring to be connected by a pipe for' ventilation with a chimney hole. Tweed" Liquid Chemical, used int connection with Tweed Closets is both, a deodorant and a disinfectant.' Man*. bundreds of Tweed closets bays he. sold in Canada. • Send for • illustrateda kice list. ' • Wooler Alin -3, 1912. Deaf $ite; The Chemical Closet I bought front you on Jan. 51:h, 1912 is perfect. I did not empty it until Mar. 21)th. Theater is three in the family and can leaYie the lid up and no particle of ceor cart be found I would not ask for anything; better, Yours truly, E. M. Wessels. Mel TEO 3 Mactirc (0 11111116t1 Agent:-W.J. Heaman. "I was cured of diarrhoea by one dose of Chamberlain's Colic. -Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy,avvrites M. Es Gebhardt, IC:askant, 'Poe There is r.othing, better, 1Jorsi1e by all dea- (CLOSE OF DOMESTIC !FRUIT, a' • The Dominion Fruit Department is completing arrangers:le:Mg ea as to greatly exteral the work of iaspecticila of exported fruit nartioular attee-s tier: wilt he salver. ,to the west where the number of inaPectors have leant doubled and the, iconeunaer of the mesas! will (be given atraectien in their purchases frein Easterr.; and coast truite •. ' For a itemiser 'of, years 'there been a stronissagitatton for inspection of fruit Sold 'to tho,ellornestia tradE., The'oinspectien iof export 'fruit Ilan •been 'very stringelnt but thew has beet no protectioe to ithe hteme son- aumer, . • Bon Martis' Durrell has igiVent kir- dors to nearly 'double the staff of irk. Spectors,. s ad; even effort tent be madti stto eaerthet fruit acted to the loane enerehate la up to the bigh • -et andard of sOaeadien ,Fate.t Parer - tad to Great Britain, anti a net front sienna aa.oked and, oraded. ' • ri. ,ontatio. e.46. marklber of• Inspao4 torsitae lb...ear; idouble,d; While ale 1 .r.uraber of triopeetors in' the Marititne, provinoes have • been atoreatted. , , The Staff' it tiatigh Columbia is beiret completely . re -organized at She oreseet tine, t O ,,' , • ettre.A. Orr • Fint PkOCKER'S, CHITRAL STRATFORD. CINT. 0 • 0- • Our teachers are ell experiens • ced instructors. Our courses 10 b are 'etter than ever and the - se * , • equipment more ' aoraplete. lest IS We do snore for our greduates "irt *' them do ether eimilar schootS • Fourteen applications • for 40)-• • trained help were' received n-, t ithe past week some ,of & b • these offering" over 0700, • per ta' • •annum We have three avert. ,T0'7, merits commercial IShorthaild. • and Telegraphy. , Write far le our free .Catalogue and see • • :what we are :doing. • D. A. MoLACBLAN. ale • f .• Principal. * ****************Nioalt4041•401t , is interested and should about the wonderful _ Whirling figntre •u4'. Douche - t Askyorie aritggist for "it. It he eanuot supply. thOtMARVEL, street lair othdrd but send Stone foe lane teitittebookeeensti. t glyearell pstOnlerS and climatal:a invsleable, tc0010.1WINDSORSIBPPLYCO..Winds6nOnt• Denote,' Alvin.* tor Canada. Electric Restorer for Mew phogphonoi restate <ivorynerve 111 tht bode a • taffd proper tengloh ; rOtoteit vile and vitality. Premature de -ay end ell weakne.se oVericd Si.iitide. PhOlaph*A01 Make new Men *41 b. or two /or ' �. Mailed form), addrells. Tete aceibein Vrtaen CooEg.C.Abeirblelleawahi