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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-08-24, Page 18
y;<1 • is defl Club and on� R: ay afternoon open house How true the words of the poet when he penned the lines: `You are nearer God's heart in a garden than anywhere else on earth.' Mrs. Norma Hazlitt of Benmiller played hostess to over 50 members of the Goderich Garden Club and Tiger Dunlop Women's Institute on Friday af- ternoon, August 19 when she held an open house outdoors in her garden. It was a beautiful day with just enough sun shining through the trees to make the flowers in the garden look even more beautiful than usual. In a very entertaining way, Mrs. Hazlitt toured her guests around and through her garden, pausing at many interesting places such as the fish pond, the old well and the shoe with the ivy growing out of it. Everything was so quaint and well groomed and many gathered ideas here and there to use at their own homes. Pausing under the lovely trees for shade, everyone then chatted together and enjoyed refreshments served by some of the. Garden Club executive. Lending a hand were Mr. and Mrs. Everett Sparling, Eileen O'Brien and Peg • Gertrude keitirigt ESE364®00713 Lumsden who all did a'great job to make the afternoon something special. Reunion The family of the late William Henry Young of Colborne Township held a reunion -picnic at Benmiller Falls on Sunday, August 14. It was a perfect day for a dip in the Maitland and, around 2 p.m., 35 relatives gathered at the grounds to visit, take part in sports or participate in a bridal shower held for Barbara Barwick whose wedding is planned for September 3. This was an opportune time for relatives to honor one of their members who will soon by married. A delicious pot -luck supper climaxed an enjoyable af- ternoon. It had been three years since the family's last reunion and many voiced the desire to have another Mr. and Mrs. Keith Metzger Keith Metzger of R.R. 3 Lucknow and Irene Martin of Dungannon, were married at Dungannon United Church on July 2 by the Reverend bong Zehr. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Metzger of R.R. 3 Lucknow and the bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Martin of Dungannon. Pauline Bauman of Elmira was the maid of honor and bridesmaids were Susan Wagler of Toronto and liiaren Metzger of R.R. 3 Lucknow. The groomsman was James Wagler of Waterloo. Ushers were Kenneth Metzger of R.R. 3 Lucknow. and Gerald Martin of Dungannon. A reception was held at Brookside Public School, following which the couple left for a wedding trip to Eastern Ontario and Quebec. Mr. and Mrs. Keith NIetzger are living at 75 Milford Avenue, Waterloo. ( Photo by Harvey McDowell) Money seminar planned You plan for your future, but it's often the unplanned events that have the most impact on the success of your financial future. You need to sit down and assess your personal financial needs and for- mulate a plan of action to ensure your financial security. Do !. ou know your net worth" 1)0 you keep personal and family records? 1)0 you know what coverage you have in in- surance'' Is it adequate? Have you a will? How are you at tax planning'' Have you thought of opening an R.R.S.P. program or a H.H.O.S.P? Do you have questions in these areas'' Then why not get them answered at the Wise Money Management" workshop September 14 and 15 at Goderich Township Hall, Ilolmesville. Pre -registration is necessary as is the $5 fee for the course. Books will be supplied. Each day runs from 9:30 to :3:30. All are welcome. , To register or obtain more information contact: Jane 1luegge. Rural Organizations and Services Specialist. 1 Home E'.conomics I• for Huron County. Telephone 482-3428 or for Tong distance Zenith 7- .1040 reunion in three years or even sooner. 4-H News The next 4-H project for boys and girls is "Looking Great, Feeling Great". The Tiger Dunlop Women's Institute which sponsors the Colborne 4-H group has recruited Mrs. Helen Riehl as leader for this project and Mrs. Sharon Edward as assistant leader. The project will com- mence about the second week in September as workshops for the leaders start August 29 with the last ones being on September 7 and 8. Any girl or boy 12 years of age wishing to take the project, please contact Mrs. Riehl at 524-8143 or Mrs. Edward at 524-7655. It will be to your advantage to let them know before August 29 if you can participate so they can order the material, required (and because only a certain number may be accepted). Please co-operate and make this project very interesting for all. WI News Tiger Dunlop Women's Institute picnic -meeting is planned for this Thursday, August 25 at Harbor Park in Goderich, commencing at 1:30 p.m. In case of rain, the picnic will be held in Colborne Township Hall. Please bring lunch, cutlery, friends and a chair if possible. Social News Mrs. Cora Sherwood's grandchildren, Davina and Deanna Dawson of Corunna, are spending a week visiting her on a return trip from the East Coast. ' Mr. and Mrs. Mike Sinta and daughter of Detroit were in the district .last week looking for their friends, the Catlins. It was 15 years ago that they were through this way and they had lost touch. Council takes option LUCK NOW - Lucknow council has paid $500 to Chester Finnigan of Lucknow as an option to purchase property lying in the Township of West Wawanosh for the purpose of a sewage treatment plant. The decision was made at a special meeting of council held on June 1. Council was forced to find an, alternative site for the facility and tile bed system when Floyd Milne of 1.ucknow refused to renew the option on his land. Mr. and Mrs. Kevin James Smith Kevin James Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Smith of, Goderich and Catherine Lynn Madill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Madill of Blyth, were married in the Blyth United Church by the Reverend Kenneth Bauman on July) 23. Matron of honor was Cheryl Hessels of Blyth, sister of the bride. Bridesmaids were Kim Watson of Huntsville, friend of the bride, Joni Dalton of Lucknow, sister of the groom and Sally Madill of Georgetown, sister-in-law of the bride. Junior bridesmaid was Sandra Hessels of Blyth, niece of the bride. Flowergirl was Kim Madill of Georgetown, niece of the bride. Groomsman was Terry Kennedy of Goderich, friend of the groom. Guests were ushered into the church by Terry Madill of Georgetown, brother of the bride, Everett Hessels of Blyth, brother-in- law of the bride and Craig Smith of Goderich, brother of the groom. Following the wedding ceremony, a dinner was held in the church hall and afterwards, the newlyweds mingled with guests at the home of the bride's parents before leaving on a trip to Manitoulin Island. Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Smith are now residing in Goderich. ( Photo by Joe Laurie) NEWBORN NEWS SAGER Clare and Jane ( nee Hopkin- son I are thrilled to announce the safe 'arrival of their se- cond son Jeremy Daniel, weighing 8 lbs. 6 oz. at AM & G Hospital Sunday, August 14, 1983. A new brother for Nicholas. Proud grand- parents are Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Sully and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sager, all of (,pderich. + MOORE Stephen and Connie are pleased to announce the birth of their son Graham Paul on August 15th, 1983 at Holy Cross Hospital, Calgary, weighing 8 lbs. 2 oz. First grandchild for Tom and Betty Moore of R.H. 4 Goderich, and second for Ross and Frankie Hillier, Calgary. Mic'CUIRE John Junior would like to an- nounce with love thee -birth of his eight pound baby brother Adam David, born Saturday, August 13, 1983. Proud parents are John and Wen- dy, R.R. 6 Goderich, Ont. Grandparents are Phil and Joan Main, Muriel McGuire, all of Goderich. BRIGHAM Mr. and Mrs. James H. Brigham I nee Patricia McClinchey 1 are pleased to announce the safe arrival of Kendra Ann. on August 11, 1983. A wee sister for Jen- nifer and Mary Beth. Proud grandparents .are Mr. and Mrs. Robert McClincheyand Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brigham. CULiLEIT Barry, Sheila an Leslie are proud to announce the ar- rival of Andrea Barbara on Aug. 11th weighing 6 lbs. 4'2 ozs. at Victoria Hospital Lon - 'don. A second grand- daughter for Lay and Donna Culbert and Mrs. Barbara Kersey. WOOD Janelle is thrilled to an- nounce the long awaited ar- rival of her new baby sister "Katie" (Katherine Dianne I. She was born in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on Tuesday. August 9, 1983; weighing 9 lb. 4 oz. Her parents are Ralph and Dianne. Proud grandparents are Horace and Donna Crawford and Donald and Ann Wood. rich Directory (`atIvary'tarot sE Church i ISA I'P11:1,11 ROAD ti ,1,'1' MAKE 4'1'ni:i;'1' I ? REV R BRUBACHER Pastcr I ? 10 A M BIBLE SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES I e11:00 A.M. Morning Worship Hour S�S 7 P.M. See the stirring film r I i "FREE FOREVER" / WED ' P M PRAYER & BIBLE STUDY / WELCOME TO THE FRIENDLY CHURCH Knox Presbyterian Church THE REV. G.L. ROYAL, M.A., M. DIV., MINISTER SHEILA B. FINK, B -A., PASTORAL ASSISTANT DR. KATHRYN J. BAKER, DIRECTOR CF PRAISE Sunday, August 28 SUMMER SERVICES "nr•I 11 a in Church THE MINISTER Nursery Facilities) Enter to WorshipD; A..�._ �part to Serve ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH Anylicon.Episcopal North and Nelson Streets Goderich Rector The Reverend Roberti Crocker Organist Choirmaster Lorne H Dotterer Sunday, August 28th 8 30 a m Holy Communi,, 9 30 o m Holy Communion at Christ Church Port Albert 11 00 a m Morning Proyer and sermon The Reverend Douglas Pitts nt all services 1 You ore olwnys welcome • Y•+•.�••�•.e..-�•r�•.•�•••�••�•r...rte.•-w••-.,•wa•-m.•oevo<•-wer� / BEREA-BY-THE-WATER i LUTHERAN CHURCH ,i Gibbons St at Suncoost Drive 1 524 2235 ;1. 9:15 Sunday School for all ages. g % 10'.30 Worship Service '( / The Reverend Chris Wicher e MONTREAL STREET, GODERICH Sunday 9.45 a m • MORNING WORSHIP Thursday 7.00 p m ' • PRAYER & BIBLE STUDY ORGANIST: MRS. ALICE WARR PASTOR: REV. GILBERT KIDD 524-9130 Preaching pence by Jesus Christ He is Lord of all Acts 10:36 First Baptist Church I THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Union Services at Victoria St. and North Street United Churches August 28, 1983 10 A.M. AT NORTH STREET CHURCH Rev. Robert O. Boll - minister Mr. Paul Howe - organist ._-.._••_.•• •• • ^. _.._..�. _.._....� TRINITY CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Highway No. 6 And Sumac's' Drive Worship Services at 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. Nursery provided at services Pastor: Rev. H. ®friend, 524-7484 "Let us Come into His presence With Thanksgiving" (pa. 95:2) 1 1 3y' GODERICHSIGNAI.STAR, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24,1903 -PAGE 17 pion Road employee dies at 63 BERN! JAN GERMS • Berend Jan Gerrlts of 142 Cambridge Street, Goderich, died in Alexandra Marine and General Hospital on Friday, August 19 at the age of 63. He was born in Marie, Holland on August 15, 1920 to Hendrik and Gezina (Koster) Gerrits. He worked as a fitter at Champion Road Machinery Limited and 'was a member of the Christian Reformed Church in Goderich. He married Johanna Schoemaker in Den Ham, Holland on July 19, 1949. She survives him:, Also surviving him are four children, Gerrit Hen- drik (Ilenk) of Goderich, Mrs. William (Alice) Nonkes of Brampton, Mrs. Paul (Wilma) Duckworth of Goderich and Timothy John of Goderich; two grand- children, Sandra and Carolyn Nonkes; and seven sisters, alluln Holland. He was predeceased by one brother. A funeral, service was held at the ,,Christian Reformed Church in Goderich on Monday, August 22 at 2 p.m. Pastor Harry Vriend of- ficiated. Pallbearers were brothers-in-law Herman Schoemaker, Gerrit Schoemaker, Wicher Schoemaker, Cor Guther, Geert Guther and nephew Richard Schoemaker. Interment was in the OBITUARIFS Maitland Cemetery, Goderich. Stiles Funeral Home was in charge of the arrangements. 'MRS. DELSIA L.M. COLCLOUGH Mrs. Delsia L.M. Colciough of Goderich died in Maitland Manor Nursing Home on Tuesday, August 16 at the age of 92. She was born in Colborne Township on December 4, 1890 to William and Catherine (Fisher) Brindley. She was predeceased by her husband, Norman Colclough; and two sons, Cecil and Harry. She is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Allan (Catherine) Larder of Goderich, Mrs. Earl (Alma) Haskell of Chatham and Mrs. John (Gladys) Lillow of Stratford; a dear friend. Byron Jaques of Goderich; 11 grandchildren; eight great grandchildren; and three great great grand- children. A funeral service was held at McCallum Funeral Home in Goderich on Thursday, August 18 at 2 p.m. The Reverend G.L. Royal of Knox Presbyterian Church officiated. Pallbearers were Allan Fisher, Henry Brindley, Charles Brindley and Ralph Henderson. Interment was in the Maitland .Cemetery, Goderich. Huronview residents enjoy ice cream cones Sunday morning worship was held in the Huronview auditorium with- Reverend Stadelbauer in charge. The choir sang an anthem. Ice cream cones were sold on each floor to the residents, eliminating the rush at the tuck shop. This is a very popular event now. Special Care friends met for a social hour out on the Jawn Tuesday afternoon. They spent a relaxing, time, listening to music played from the stereo followed by a cool refreshment. Several residents went for a van ride to London Wednesday morning, and viewed the scenery along the way. In the afternoon, another van load went to Goderich and the folks en- joyed shopping at The Met. Ground North residents were treated to a barbecue of hot dogs and hamburgs and commented on the delicious meal. It takes the outdoors to give one a great appetite. A new ceiling fan has been installed in the chapel, and it is hoped this will create a comfortable atmosphere for the services that will be held there. Thursday afternoon, midweek prayer service was held with Mrs. Prouty in charge. To the family of the late Mr. Harry Horton, a resident of Huronview, we extend our sincere sympathy. Ladies from 1st floor North and Ground Centre en- joyed a hot dog and hamburg barbecue out on the back lawn Thursday noon. Thanks to the people who prepare this extra treat. BUSINESS DIRECTORY H.O. JERRY 1983 LTD Wholesaler of Paper, Plastics and Food Products Party Favors & Supplies OVER 2,000 ITEMS TO SAVE YOU MONEY Store Hours Mon. -Fri. 8 am -5 pm 185 Park Street Goderich, Ontario call 524-2855, 524-4266 TOLL FREE 1.800.265-7043 The Old Fashioned HARDWARE STORE Wholesale Cable & Fittings Swimming Pool Chemicals Fire Extinguishers Sales & Service Window -Glass. Screening Repairs Water Conditioner Salt Fishing, Hunting Licence PHIL MAIN "HARDWARE 84 Kingston St., Goderich MORRIS DRAPERIES Your One Stop Interior Decorating Service Centre Custom Drapery Kirsch Track and Installation Available Draco Window Shades Wallpaper & C.I.L. Paints Harding Carpets 36 West St. Goderich 524-25ti Ronald McDonald CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 47 CHURCH ST., 524-6253 Goderich, Ontario MOBILE WASH UNITS for your hard to get at CLEANING REQUIREMENTS GARDINER'S MOBILE WASH -IT Goderich 524-6031 MacGillivray & Co. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS RONALD E. TAKALO, C.A. RESIDENT PARTNER 40 THE SQUARE, GODERICH, ONT. 524-2677 MONTREe .L TORONTO BRAMPTON HAMILTON ST. CATHERINES PORT COLBORNE LISTOWEL WINNIPEG CALGARY EDMONTON VANCOUVER GODERICH GARDINER'S MOVING & DELIVERY Locally Owned And Operated CLEAN MODERN EQUIPMENTS EXPERIENCED PERSONNEL PROMPT & COURTEOUS ' PACKING CARTONS _ SERVICE CAREFUL HANDLING FREE ESTIMATES REASONABLE RATES EXPERT ADVICE t For Moving Anything LARGE OR SMALL 524-2421 BENDER'S ABATTOIR Home Grown Beef and Pork MITI Street, Hensel, 262-3130 Wholesale, Retail and Custom Slaughtering. Kill day Tuesday. Coll for further information: Owner -Merlyn C. Bender Manager Dale Erb 2625628 2367733 Our Model is "The Golden Rule" NEW DAY ,l f Llt1, V if MD , 55Ts UNIT*0 tont $cifNcr NE US 1980 SALON SERVICES SPECIALIZED SCIENTIFIC HAIR CARE -INDIVIDUAL PERMANENT WAVING NATURAL HAIR COLOR -DESIGNER STYLES ANALYSIS -SHAMPOO -CONDITIONER -MOISTURIZER •AND FACIAL MASK AVAILABLE FOR HOME USE. EXCLUSIVELY AT THE BEAUTY LOUNGE 81 EAST ST. GODERICH 5248994 i Durst, Vodden & Bender CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 37 West Street Goderich, Ont. 524-2011 FRED LAWRENCE Electrical Contractor HOME. FARM AND COMMERCIAL MIRING PRONE AI;BliR�i 526-75115 R.W. BELL OPTOMETRIST The Square 524-7661 D.B. Palmer Doctor of Chiropractic 73 Montreal St, Queen St. Goderich Blyth 524-4556 '323-9321 ONTARIO LAND SURVEYORS` ARCHIBALD, GRAY & McKAY LTD. 592A MAIN ST. S. EXETER 235-0995 or call London toll free 1-800-265-7988 MacGillivray Associates (Goderich) Limited ELECTRONIC DATA PROCESSING & COMPUTER SERVICES to -house computer providing cash disbursement ledger, cash receipts ledger, accounts receivable, financial statements, time S. charges & specialised reports, 40 THE SQUARE GODERICH 524-2677 LAWRENCE ROOFING ROOFING SPECIALISTS "30 YEARS IN BUSINESS MAKES A DIFFERENCE" HOT ASPHALT ROOFING also SHINGLES For a FREE ESTIMATE phone: 5244728 LAKE HURON MOVING SYSTEMS • Storage Facilities • Local & Long Distance • Packing *Overseas *Fully insured *Free Estimates ;K, • PHONE COLLECT (519) 357©3144 1�1 PHONES BUS 524-7379 RES 524-8210 Direct Parts 524-7389 BLUEWATER TRUCK CENTRE LTD. GODERICH, ONTARIO , WE SPECIALIZE IN TRUCKS CARLYLE BANNISTER AIRPORT ROAD 4/ 54