HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-08-24, Page 14• .o{x�„$a ...ore .4,.,:trw"+i E ti. L•-ye+r+ 2g?„ Tenders i'' .y • Ormiiitielpia NISTRT - - AFFAIRS AND TA :NRIO HDLI5OU$ING•ING ON cORPORATIJN TIND!R . 'REFERENCE , ratmilR 16$ PT 113.46 Fire Alarm A Emergency Systems Upgrading at Wingharn OH -S (45 Alfred St.) Winghem, Ontario. Tenders will be received , for the above until 11:00 a.m. local time September 9, 1983, by the Ontario Housing Corporation, c/o Court House and Registry Office, 80 Dundas Street. P.O. Box 5600, Terminal "A", London. Ontario, N6A 2P3 (519) 679-7110 from whom details and specifications may be obtained. Details and specifications may also be obtained from Huron County Housing Authority, 48 The Square, Goderich, Ontario N7A 1MS (519) 524-2637, , `quoting reference number as above. THE LOWEST OR ANY TENDER ' NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED: ' 1 30. Employment wanted 31,. Servvil "'. •t��,�ef;t�r�' '�)flVll4L t O ccatrnts receivable. accounts payable. payroll and scheduling, evenings and weekends. Call 524-7060 after 4:30 p.m. on weekdays and anytime on weekends.-34nx HORSESHOEING: Kevin Camp- bell, Graduate of the Michigan School of Horseshoeing. Specializing in corrective shoe- ing and trimming. Call 524- 9673--34-37 CHARLES C. CULBERT BACK HOEING Septic Tanks Weeper Beds Open Ditches Farm Drainage 529-7571 CARPENTRY AND PAINTING Repairs, renovations, Roc rooms, etc. PHONE BUD HARVEY AT 524-797.4 30: Employment wanted Tuckersmith DAY NURSERY Full or part day care for children 2 to 6 years Educational, toys, music, crafts, active and quiet times, -indoor and outdoor play areas, hot meals. Full Supervision. Staff hos EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION diplomas. Open 6:30 a.m. $785 per day $450 holiday S5550 half day with lunch Special rates for 2 or more children. Fees are income tax deductible. Phone for registration - 482-7634 31. Service directory.... RENOVATIONS, Roofing • General Repair, cutting or trim- ming trees and firewood. Reasonable rates. Call Don 529- 7917.— 34,35 PIANO TUNING and repairs; us- ed pianos bought and sold. Call Michael Lepnicki (Winghom) 357-1049.--34 31. Service directory PIANO TUNING AND PIANO LESSONS • CALL DAVE McKEE 524-7774 IDEAL SUPPLY COMPANY PANY LIMITED 'SEwin9 d E _:,$7-LLEU!)EOtIVE, ppELEcfaicat and gnduat'ria1 �atI Ets. Complete Machine Shop And Radiator Shop Service Your. Hydraulic Hose Headquarters 145 Huro .,Road - Goderich Call 524-8389 A\11,6'CUSTOM BUILDING' *RENOVATIONS 0)Y � •ADDITIONS A Registered Builder of c NEW HOME WARRANTY PROGRAM FRANK GRAHAM CONTRACTORS LTD. 524-6866 FOR YOUR •Aluminum 8 Vinyl rr � Siding •Replacement Windows *Insulation Needs Contact GODERICH INSULATION . 524-6844 HOUSES BUILT BEFORE 1971 ARE NOW IN- CLUDED IN THE CHIP PROGRAM. 1,b.=ef'll✓ ce directory DI§c JOCKEY STOVENS COUNTRY GOLD & ROCI`! 'N' ROLL Good recorded music for weddings, dances, anniversaries, parties, etc. •Phone Brussels evenings 887-61 S9 JIM'S Renovations and Handymen Services no job too large or too small PHONE JIM CARRICK 524-4338 Carpet Cleaning SPECIAL Living Room, Dining Room and Hall regardless of size $3995 CALL: A & H CARPET CLEANING 524-7795 BOOKKEEPING Privets, & Confidential For small businesses, in my home, up to and including trial balance. Accounts payable, accounts receivable, payroll, sales journals, bank reconciliation and general ledger. PHONE 395-5210• ART'S, Landscaping -Nursery and Garden Centre 116 Bennett, Goderich NOW IN STOCK FLOWER VEGETABLE SEEDS Complete line of Everything needed for INDOOR 8 OUTDOOR GARDENING 524-2645 J.W. RIVETT BOOKKEEPING SERVICE Reasonable Rates 5246931 H.T. PALE Septic Tank Service Serving Goderich and area for 15 years Clinton 482-3320 Seaforth 527-0284 PHONE OR APPLIANCE REPAIRS Authorized Appliance Service Centre for all *WHIRLPOOL INGLIS *SPEED QUEEN *ADMIRAL *SIMPLICITY *HOTPOINT Appliances HOFFMEYER PLUMBING & HEATING LTD. 35 Kingston St., Goderich 31. Serwvr e directory' Let Us'Pr,epa r Your Family's Wardrobe REASONABLE PRICES - EXPERT QUALITY El WEDDINGS L.] WOMEN'S FASHIONS CICHILDREN'S WEAR 524-4381 JAN'S DRESSMAKING GARDINER'S DELIVERY USED FURNITURE A APPLIANCES -bought A sold. We deliver and move anything large or small *free estimates* 524-2421 CONCRETE FORMING Walls & Floors For a complete job call SID BRUINSMA EXCAVATING LTD. 524-8668 •SEPTIC TANKS •SEWERS •BULLDOZING ®BACKHOE WORK •GRAVEL •TOPSOIL FOR A COMPLETE JOB CALL: SID BRUINSMA EXCAVATING LTD. 524-8668 LAKESHORE CHIMNEY SWEEPING Are You Burning Wood? Cut Down On Creosote Build-up Have Your Chimney Cleaned Today! Call Harold Leddy 524-7237 HORSE SHOEING & TRIMMING - Canadian Trained Farrier Leon Sprung 519-524-4109 CARPET UPHOLSTERY CLEANING 16 Years Experience For Free Estimate Call SUPERIOR MAINTENANCE 524-8892 34. Personal PREGNANT, DISTRESSED? Mar- ried, single, free positive con- fidential support. Help is as cicfse as your telephone. BIR- THRIGHT - London (collect) 432- 7197; 527-0115 or 524-2023 (after 6p.m.).-2-52x.1,2x IS ALCOHOL a problem in your family? There is help for you. Call Al -Anon 524-6001 or write Box 53, Goderich, Ont, N7A 3Y5. 21 tfn, FREE 120 page Career Guide shows how to train at home for 205 top paying full and port - time jobs. Granton Institute, 265A Adelaide Street West, Toronto. Call (416)977.3929 today. 0.34 CAREER IN Trucking. Contact Mery Orr's School offices in Toronto (416)251-9073; Ottawa (613)523-3489; London (519)432- 1726; North Bay (705)472-2910; Thunder Boy (807)623-8686; Sault Ste. Marie (705)759-0177; Cambridge (519)648-2519. P.C.E.C. member. -0-34 36. Announcef71re11ts, notices WHEELCHAIRS •>IIf The Humanitarian Service COM- mittee of t e Goderich Odd, fellow andJ ilelprIMh,: Lodges have equipmbnt far loan. Con test Amos Osbaldeston, 524- 9623 or _Fred Fritzloyr 524- 7217 —2eovitx. Steven R. Johnson,. formerly of R.R. 1, Goderich: Ontario, be advised that The Canada Trust Company hos commenced a foreclosure action being an ac- tion. in the Supreme Court of Ontario, Number 8726/83, wherein you 'are a named defendant by reason of a Lease Agreement dated September 2nd, 1980 and registered as In- strument Number 185920, wherein Lamor Enterprises Limited was the Lessor and Steven R. Johnson was the Lessee. if you desire to defend this action or redeem the mor- tgaged premises, either you or your lawyer should contact the law firm of Harrison, Elwood,• 450 Talbot Street, London, On- tario, N6A 4K4, Telephone Number 519-679-9660, within fifteen (15) days . of this publication. -34 40. Lost & Found LOST - Pure white port Persian cat from 57 PIcton St. E. Ph9ne 524-7533.-34x 41. To give away FREE BABY Gerbils. Phone 524- 2346.-34 HOUSE KITTENS to give away to good home, one block and one white, Phone 482-9505, call before 6 p.m. -34 KITTENS, fluffy and cute, free to good homes. Call 524-9494 anytime. -34x TALI IN THE ANF fictirIMMICes • Auction sale... r{: :GIGANTIC t sI►NTIG FARMI• *qpi@trient • ;,ionthly 'consignment auction. Fe,lday,.Augu.st 26, )933, 10 en , slur Sales held'4 :: Friday of 'c0 mipnth. Navin and used equipment including approx- .imotely 75 - 100 tractors, some industrial equipment, skid steer' loader;, trucks, ,`pull -type and self -,propelled combines and' aver300 pieces of all types of form equiptrtent plus' lawn and garden : 'equipment. SPECIAL: ' NOTE. This sole features a mystery rowof tractors and' form equipment Shot will be sold totally unreserved and ab-' salutely to the highest bidder. Don't miss this auction. See you: there. Trucking available to: anywhere in Canada. Terms;, Cash or good cheque day of. sale. Not responsjble for ac-' cidents on property. Lunch. booth on grounds. Tractors sell 1:30 p.m. Auctioneers Cliff Gilbert and Alex . Parr. One of Ontario's fastest. growing mon- thly farm, equipment consign- ment auctions. Wayne Ward. Farm Equipment, Hwy. #6, Wiarton, Ontario. Phone (519)534-1638 or 534-2980.-0- 34 Richard .Lobb AUCTIONEER Clinton 482.7.98 AUCTION CALENDAR SAT. AUGUST 27 AT 10:60 A.M. Antique furniture, appliances. etc. for the estate of Mrs. Adam Gori at Richard- Lobb's Barn, Clinton. SAT. SEPT. 3 AT 10:00 A.M. Antique furniture- at Richard Lobb's Barn, Clinton, Ontario. SAT. SEPT. 3 AT 12 NOON May Gibson property, 292 Bayfleld Rd., Clinton. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16 AT 10:36 A.M. Lobb Brothers farm machinery auction. Phone 482-3409 to consign In this sale. ANTIQUES TO BE AUCTIONED on Labour Day Weekend We are pleased to offer by public auction an excellent lifetime collection of antiques from a longtime resident off Huron County. on Saturday, September 3, 1983 in Bayfield Community Centre at 10:30 a.m. FEATURING COLLECTABLE FURNISHINGS: 9 piece walnut dining room suite with burral inlays; Fine ladies Rosewood dressing table; 3 drawer chest with Mother of Pearl pulls; walnut chest of drawers with shaving mirror; oak marble top & lift top washstands; pine washstands; ash wardrobes; oak, walnut, suitcase, brass and iron beds; solid cherry primitive buffet with brass pulls; roll top writing desk; square English dining table; e/2 moon marble top table; walnut dropleaf table; oak buffet with brass pulls; solid oak bake table; spool leg writing desk; walnut dumb waiter; wicker crib. CLOCKS: Grandfather clock with brass weights; hand painted & signed banjo clock; 2 O.G. clocks; round brass ships clock; Sessions, Pegunot, & oak mantle clocks; 2 hole Ingragham Napolean 8 day clock; Napoleon inlay miniature mantle clock; gold pocket watches. GLASS & CHINAt 95 piece, 1.95, oz. sterling monogrammed cutlery set; Rex Bavaria 90 piece dinner set; napkin ring collection; approximately 50 pieces Bridal Rose; Princess Anne 4 piece tea service; Colbalt hanging lamp; crystal; stem- ware; honeycomb goblets; hen on nest; cluster set; Pulv Kaolin bottles; Beaver sealers; Jardinere; crocks; spalters. BRASS: Solid brass chandelier; Dalex Beer engine & pumps; hanging lamp;, wood & brass slide pprojector; pressure guage; fire screen CHAIRS: S piece parlour suite; Early Canadian rocker & matching men's chair; wingback sofa; arrow back, Windsor, Chicken Coop, wicket and primitive chairs; oak & wicker rockers; English oak carved chairs. COLLECTABLE& Matching pair European wrought iron lamps; wooden butter churn; sword walking sticks; inlay jewellery box; Salter Dial balance scales; medicine bowls; silver oval picture frames; ships binoculars; oak umbrella stands; axminster, coon and bearskin rugs; railway lights; Minshall organ; walnut music stand; wrought iron stand withmarble base. YOUR 1PPORTUNITY TO PURCHASE AND ENJOY AN OUTSTANDING OFFERING OF ANTIQUES & COLLECTABLES PLAN TO ATTEND For further information contact: RATAWELL & ASSOCIATES Dick Robinson, SaleseF Ph.: (519) 527-1458 or 527-1 36, Telex No. 069-55223 a/ (88tt � AUCTIONEERS. LIQUIDATORS. APPRAISERS 77 MAIN ST. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO NOK IWO (519) 527-14519 ti y.n, '. ilIr c ptessur, ` mile* engtno. • antique furniture: epplianoaei, htttrsehold`.Ipffiteili, etc,, to bei - held' at Richard t,obh s Born .. C"iltrtaa-O ,nferlo, -far the -Estate of -Mrs Adam ggFi,cd OO$er.:,.ltwrts f?rosn^Nuranvfew plug other a ltit>�ttiro .lCh Satarday, Auguet 2,7 at 10 A.M. From`Huronvlew 1974.DOdge window van with`fibre glass` raised; roof VS Autoittatic, t1.299 Telles selling us is. Chryyler six cyli ller fiat head niririne engine with 'governors Al condition, DeVilbls4 stationary air comprossur With single cylinder pump warking. good, approx. $5 wonder, stacking chairs, electric aim pump. - PROM'ESTATE AND OTHER ADDITIONS. Round oak dining table with round splitting centre pedestal with clay feet, matching fancy buffet.. with leaded :glass doors andn,trrijrt or, .1ir',mtuootchIng'.dlning Chain, round dining tablirwith fivileg , buffet and six matching chairs. antique erunsw.ilck phonograph. wicker arm choir, two Matching wicker arra chairs, two' wooden ice-cream ' chairs# ntotching wooden rocker and arm chair. plassbat k otrnr- chair. modern : corner china - cabinet.Silver»Marshall radio in 'calm •cthree piece bedroom !mite , with burled walnut drab isr fronts, new mattress, small round pedestal parlour table plus other small - tables. 'soppier boiler, . vanity dresser, antique dresser with large mirror. bed with mattress, portable colour TV, Zenith floor model colour TV, A W TV, humidifier. 24, Inch electric stove, floor tamp, Beer fridge, two chesterfields with chairs. upholstered choirs, small table with drawer, chests •'.. 'of draworiii round wicker hamper, odd wooden .' choirs A tables, wringey. Washers, library type table width' drawer; pictures, treadle sewing mochini, small old kitchen dining set, washstand w/towel bar, caw boll; 4 chrome'dhairs. crocks, coil for Model. A Ford. two blow torches, portable praying altar, old balance collator scale, wooden beds. wooden framed mirrors, hand grass seeder plus our usual large „offering of glassware, dishes, pots b pans, small appliances, gardentools, etc. TERMS CASH .Auctioneer: Richard Lobb CLINTON 482-7898 OF ' PROPERTY, MACHINERY BLACKSMITH FORGE AND ANTIQUE FURNITURE, will be held for the estate of MICHAEL O'NEIL- Lot 13 and 14 AibDeld TovrlaabiR 14 Mlles North of" Goderich on Hlghwi y 211 r<t Klfgsbridge )? ' sr...,.. w b pi3,3 i 5 � N:+,.P3- SATURDAY, AUGUST 27,1983'n at 10:30 A.M. Cockshutt 30 tractor; trail plow; disc; New idea mower; slderake; Massey binder; wagon, and rack; hammer mill; Eberaol 32 ft. bale elevator; fanning mill; sleigh; cattle oiler; barbed wire; extension ladder; bench vile; big anvil; forge; harness; lawn mower; trouble lite; chesterfield and chair; colour T.V. 2 yr., old and stand; wicker chairs; drop leaf table; oval table; press, back chairs; 8 chairs; arm chair; buffet; oak square table; parlor tables; coal oil lamps; picture frames; mirror; sewing machine; oval picture; folding table; fern stands; several rocking chairs; day bed; radio; cook stove; clock; captain desk; electric stove and fridge; appliances; cooking utensils; medicine cabinet; step stool; dishes, Some antique pieces; quilt box; beds; dressers; wash stands; wardrobe; pine cupboard. Property of 158 acres has 138 acres workable with 120 rod frontage and 80 rod lake bank; has 4 bedroom home with new roof, oil furnace and L shaped barn, will be offered subject to a reserve bid. Land rented till fall. FOR INFORMATION PHONE 519-529-7490 TERMS ON PROPERTY 10% DOWN BALANCE iN FULL ON POSSESSION. TERMS ON CONTENTS CASH DAY OF SALE Estate or auctioneer not respogelble for accidents. BRIAN RINTOUL — AUCTIONEER 43. Miscellaneous MOOSE HUNT accommodation and adult licences available areas 19 and 21B, $100 -per week. Call operator and ask for Radio Phone. (705) Calstock 5500.-0-34 Learn the secrets of Chording on guitar. New home study course. Fast, easy method. GUARANTEED. For FREE infor- mation, ' write: Russell & Associates Studio C0822, 10060 102nd Ave. Fort St. John, B.C. V1J 2E2. --O-34 44. Engagements GAYOWSKY - KOOPMANS Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Gayowsky and Mr. and Mrs. Ruurd Koop- mans are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their children Barbara and An- drew at Burlington on Saturday, September 3rd, 1983.- .34x GEDDES-McPHEE Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Geddes and Mr. and Mrs. Robert McPhee wish to announce the marriage of their children Debra Darlene and Robert Gerald (Jerry) on Saturday August 27, 1983, at 7 p,m. in North Street United Church, Goderich, Ontario. Reception to follow. in Shctfard, Ont. ---34x 45. Marriages DONNELLY-McCOLMAN Joseph and Velma Donnelly ore pleased to announce the mar• riage of their daughter Karen to Jake McColmon, son of Laura McColman, North Bay. The mar- riage took place in hiarth Bay on August 5th, 1983.-34 46. In memoriam MOHRING In loving metinory of a dear father, Gordon Douglas (Corn), who passed away six years ago, August 23, 1977. He had a nature you couldn't help loving, And to those who knew and lov- ed him, - His memory will never grow cold. Your resti`fig place I visit, And fondle the memories with care, But no one knows the pain, When I turn and leave you there. Dearly loved, always remembered and sadly missed by daughter Brenda. -34 HAGGITT In loving memory of a dear wife, mother and daughter-in- law Y. Marie Haggitt who pass- ed away one year ago August 29th, 1982. Little did we know that evening, The sorrow the night would br- ing, The call was sudden, the shock severe, To part with one we loved so dear. You didn't hove time to say farewell, Or for us to soy goodbye, You had gone before we realiz- ed, And only God knows why. We think of you in silence, And often speak your name, But all we have are memories. And year picture in a frame. Our hearts are full of sadness, Our silent fears still flow, For what it meont to lose you deer, No one will ever know. Sadly missed by husband Stephen, son David and father and mother-in-law Tam and Marion Haggitt.-34 • 4i6. In .inlet -t 1 riam VANSTON! iAlbert vn m ofAbe S. la, loving, q g Rory Winston* who passed away A ug�uusst225th 1972:- Softlysfve.tpeuk of -the ones we loved„ And tenderly think of the past. Memories deepen as life travels on But love and remembrance last. Ever remembered by his wife Jean and Family. -34x . HAGGITT In loving memory of a' dear daughter, sister and aunt, Yvonne Marie (Willis) Haggitt who passed away August 29, 1982. Ourfamily circle' has ' been broken - A link gone from our chain But though we're parted for awhile, We know we'll meet again. Days, of sadness still come o'er us Tears of sadness often flow, For memory keeps you even near us, Though you died one year ago Always remembered and sadly missed by parents, brothers and sisters and their families. -34x 47. Card of thanks BRECKENRIDGE I wish to thank the nurses and staff of Alexandra Marine and General Hospital for their care and kindness while I was a pa- tient. Special thanks to Dr. K. Lambert, Dr. J. Rourke and Dr. D. Neal- Thanks to my relatives and friends for flowers and visits. Ernie --34 BEDARD Mr. and Mrs. Geo Bedard wish to thank all friends and rehatives for their prayers and lovely get well wishes and cards and gifts. Also the Doctors and nurses lend staff at Goderich hospital. Extra thanks to Father Loebach for his consoling visit and prayers. All has been much appreciated. -34x YEO May we take this opportunity to thank each and every one for all the kindness shown to us during .the ,.illness and passing of a diitariy loved husband, father • and grandfather Jack- Your ,•• 14+oughtfulness.;will never be �fotaiten Sincerely Marg Yeo ��iwrdclarrirlY?r`n`. - ' :vouNIliiLUT I wi' h to thank friends, relatives and neighbors for 'flowers, cards and get well wishes. A special thanks to Dr. Cauchi and nurses on first floor at Alexan- dra Marine and General Hospital, Goderich, for their ex- cellent care. Rata Youngblut.--34x - BUDNARK We wish to express gratitude to relatives, friends and neighbours for expressions of sympathy during our recent bereavement. Your kindness will never be forgotten. Don and Dianne Budnark.-34 The DUNGANNON AND DISTRICT KINETTES would like to thank Clinton Kinettes, Lakeport Welding, Zehrs, Larry and Melba Pork. Thanks also to -aur Kinsmen and to our clowns for their extra efforts. Special thanks to all those who sup- ported our CF Balloon Days at the Dungannon Fair by buying a balloon. All proceeds will go to Cystic Fibrosis Research. -34 McGUIRB We would like to thank all our family and friends for flowers and gifts we received while we were in hospital. Thanks to all nurses in maternity and a special hug for Louise. Thanks to Doctor J. Rourke for his ex- pert medical care and his fan- tastic emotional support. Thanks also to the V.O.N. for their follow up care. Wendy and Adam. -34 KING Pat and Leslie wish to thank their relatives and friends for the -wonderful "Suprise 25th Wedding Anniversary" party, August 20th. And to our children, Michael, Geoffrey, Vicki and Stephanie; as well as to Carol, Shelley, Lou and Mrs. "6", for the many hours of plan- ning and preparation that went into it, thank you so much for 'such a memorable occasion.-34nx, SAGER Jane and Jeremy would like to extend a sincere and special thank you to Drs, Thomson, Cauchi and J. Rourke and the excellent staff of second East at AM & 0 Hospital for their ex- cellent care and support duringr our recent hospital stay. Also thank you to family, friends and relatives far the flowers, visits and cards. They will always be greatly appreciated. Jona and Jeremy. -34 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE - Frigidaire1dU'al heat clothes dryer, excellent condi- tion 220V plug and cord,ottach- ed. Now in use; price reasonable. Phone 524- 6045,-34 YARD SALE Saturday August 27th at 22 Coi-nb'riallcL N:, starts at 9 o -m.-34'