HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-08-24, Page 11.1 14, Mair ,t. ui r,e .rt •. ..��!�.`I �,�; ::^�,y., �;�:�i> rf,�rs,•?""_- rr „gin„ GODERIC3IBIGNALATAN CLASSIFICATIONS 1. Articles for sale 2. Yard'sole 3- Garage sale 4 Antiques for sale' 5. Cars for sole 6 Trucks for sale 7. R. V.'s for sae 8. Marine e. Automotive 10. Pets for sale 11. Livestock for sale 12 Real estate for sale 1. Articles for sale SINGER - For authorized sales and service, sewing machines, vacuum cleaners, .parts and no- tions, servffe to all makes, and machne rentals. Gen's Sewing Centre, now located at 56 The Square, Goderich, 524- 8431.-1 tfar AUTOMATIC Toilet Bowl Cleaner removes rust, lime and mineral deposits. Simply place in the corner of your toilet tank. Available at Hoffineyer Plumb- ing and Heating, Kingston Street. Goderich,-ltfar PICKLING CUCUMBERS for sale. Albert Schilbe, 482-3256.-31- 34 SWIMMING P001 SALE: End of season clearance on above ground pools. With filter, motor, skimmer, deck, fence. 10 year warranty.., Regularly $2,295,00,, now $1,295.00 while supply lasts. Beat next year's 30% price increase. Call 1-416- 523:6467--31-34x SWEET CORN, 751 o dozen, 54.00 a bushel; new potatoes, beets and carrots., $1.50 a six - quart basket. Dill size cucumbers, $8.50 a bushel, plus dill. Phone after 6 p.m. 529- 7615---33tfar USED RAILWAY TIES. Pressure treated, uniform quality sort to grade (premium post & economy). 'Delivered semiload lots only. (450 minimum). Reasonably priced. Phone (204) 725-2627 office: hours. -0-34 ONE SANYO XL 4005 8 mm sound camera. Phone 482- 3312.-- 18tfnx DUCHESS COOKING apples, and have eating apples, cann- ing peaches, apple butter and tomatoes, Bellview Fruit Farm 5248011: 33tf - - --_-- -- - FIREWOOD. Large quantity of good quality seasoned hard- wood. $29 for 32 cu. ft. picked up, in yard. Lucknow 528- 5102.--34 • MATERNITY clothes size 9 and 10. Phone 529-7089,--34 PEACHES' • By the bushel or basket • Pails of pitted - cherries • New Apples • Pears • Plums • Nectarines • Blueberries • Honey • Fruit Products OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK ROCK GLEN FRUIT FARMS LTD. 1828-3644 Arkona 1. Articles for sale IN HOME mastectomy services now available. Contact Mrs. Adams or Mrs. Stringer at Rieck I.D.A. Pharmacy, Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524- 7241 .--8eowar SEWING MACHINES - Singer, White , and other models, repairs to all makes. All machines and repairs guaranteed. Morris Draperies, 36 West Street, Goderich, 524- 2551:-2eowtfar GRADE 13 Text Books. half price., Phone 524-8449.-34 MIXED HARDWOOD, ash, maple, black cherry and also some soft wood. Phone, 529- 7089 or565-2710,-34tf LIKE NEW, Dehumidifier $75., Bar fridge $85. Spin Dryer $65. Sofa bed $90. Assorted household goods. Moving. Phone 524.7271.--34x GRADE 13 books for Sociology, History and English 551 with notes. Call after 4 p.m. 524- 2379. -34 KROEHLER recliner - rocker with ottoman. Phone 524- 7464.-34,35 CAMPER, topper insulated and wired, 5350.00. Phone 482- 7560.-34 20" COioUR TV, Zenith, works well 5150.00, Phone 524- 7615.-34x LADIES right hand golf dubs, 5 irons, 2 woods, putter and ball retriever, canvas bag. $45.00. Phone 524.7615.-34x CHESTERFIELD in good condi- tion. Phone 524-4439. -- 34 FOR SALE - Simplicity wringer i asking machine in good condi- tion also baseboard electric heater new, call 524-6629,-34x TWO SHOWCASE coolers $250, scaffold with one section, 3/4 x 5 ft. 535. Phone 482-7401 or 482- 3773.-34 - ----- CORONADA refrigerator, one door with top freezer compart- ment. Suitable for cottage or se- cond -fridge. Phone 524- 7694. - 34x SNOW WHITE CAULIFLOWER in freezer quantities ALSO Peaches, Melons and much more You Pick or Picked TOMATOES & BEANS TE -EM FARM R.R. No. 1 Bayfield, Ont. 482-9940 1977 KAWASAKI KZ650 Dressed, 21,000 km, new tires $ / 700.00 or best offer 524-9181 After 5200 p.m. 524-6711 Lose Weight NOW-_ The safe natural nutritional way with herbs. Excellent product availability. EILEEN LANG MARIANNE LAWRENCE Y • ulr Horb®Iife Distributors 524-4644395-5039 Ripley, Evenings 13, Mobile homes 14. Recreational properti 15. Out of townpropertie 16. For rent 17, Apartments for rent • 18. Houses for rent 1. Articles for sale DINETTE suite good condition. Phone 524-7708.--34 FOLD OUT sofa and chair cloth print, good for family room. 5100.00 or offers. Phone 524- 4546 after 4 p.m. --34 GRADE 13 text books, history, geography- and sociology. Phone 524-8588.-34. ELECTROLUX VACUUM cleaner in good condition. Asking 595.00. Call 524-8889.-20tfnx COMPACT VACUUM in like new condition. Asking $125,00. Call 524-8889.-20tfnx ELECTROLUX SHAMPOOER in very good condition. Asking $149.00. Call 524-8889--20tfnx 1978 KAWASAKI, just rebuilt, as is 5400,00, Call 524-8941 or 524- 6947, ask for Larry.-14tfnx WATER SOFTENING SALT, 40 kg $6.00 per bag delivered. Condi- tioner service also available. Call after 6 p.m. 528-5653.-19tf NELSON MEMORIALS - Superb Monuments & Markers in everlasting granite at direct from factory prices. Call your Nelson representative 1-744- 0822 or write for free catalogue to•Box 1925, Kitchener, Ontario, N2G 4R4. -32-39x C.O.S.T. plus 10% will get you brand name appliances, elec- tronics, video recorders, hi-fi equipment, TVs, etc. ata saving of up to 45% on your next pur- chase. Coll your Computer Order Saving Terminus Inc., Certified soles agent or write C.O.S.T. for a catalogue view- ing. Box 1925, Kitchener, Ont. N2G 4R4. Phone 1-744- 0822,-32-35x TWO PIECE Kroehler chester- field suite,' gold tone. Excellent condition. Phone 524-2041 after 4 p.m. -34- UTILITY TRAILERS, tandem flat beds, custom built. Phone 1 - 528-2900,-34,35x QUANTITY of steel beams, various sizes. Phone 528- 2900--34,35x BROWN VINYL chesterfield and matching chair, 5275.00; floral love seat, $100.00; double bed bookcase headboard, mattress and box spring, 5175.00, Yellow flower stoneware dishes, 535.00. 'Call 524-6005 after 6 p.m. -33,34x FACTORY CLEARANCE steel buildings. Example 40' x 58' Arch building including 21'W Double slide doors 56600. Similar savings on widths 20' to 100' wide clear spun. Also available straightwall all -steel buildings 20' to 60' clear span. Priced to clear. For guaranteed savings call toll-free 1-800.268- 0802.- 0-34 PEACHES 362 HURON RD., Goderlch 524-7518 FRESH Cauliflower & Broccoli Cauliflower 4s(/dos. Broccoli •9?"/ case Open dolly 9 om-8 pm Closed Sundays VISSCHER FARMS 3 miles West of Exeter on Hwy. 83 237-3442 C&E FURNITURE NEW a, USED We Can Offer BETTER PRICES IT'S OUR LOCATION THAT SAVES MONEY Open 'tit 9 pm Nightly Monday thru Friday CLOSED WEDNESDAY '/s MILE South on Hwy. 21 Goderich 524-7231 We even Take Trades Dorms for rent s 20. Room•8 board 2t. Cottages for rent 22. Lott' for rent 23. Cominerciol.property for rent . Articles for sale 1982 KAWASAKI 1000 LTD with windshield, 4500 kilometers, 53000.00. Coll 524-6068.-34,35 SEVEN PIECE pine living room suite, like new, no reasonable offer refused. 482-9880.--34 GIRL'S 3 -speed bicycle, gas forc- ed air furnace, car top carriers, alum. door, alum. storm win- dows, toilet for cottage, steel fence post, 60 If 36" fence. Phone after 6 p.m. 524- 4226.-34ar HARDWOOD Colonial style single bed, sturdy box spring and mattress, like new. Small mattress 36" x 74". Phone 482- 7453.--34 MOVING - Westinghouse frost free refrigerator excellent con- dition 5300.00; Findlay electric range good condition $75.00; two snow tires 878.14 tubeless whitewalls $25,00 pair; chest of drawers 510.00; headboard and box -spring $5,00.' Phone 524- 2918.-34 SUZUKI GS1000E 1979, with fair- ing. Good condition. Phone 529- 7650.-34 29- 7650.-34 WOOD STOVES and Fireplace inserts considered among the finest and most efficient available. Open week nights and all day Saturday. THE WOODBURNERS SHOP, Dungan- non 529-7949,-34,35 RED HAVEN PEACHES, eating and cooking apples, pears. New honey, apple butter and sweet corn at Art Bell's Fruit Farm. Phone 524-8037.-34tfor 1980 HONDA 650 Custom, ex- cellent condition. Phone 524- 9379.--34tf FRESH Apple Cider, pick your own 'beans, and, pickling ' cucumbers, peaches and cream corn, cauliflower and broccoli in freezer quantities. Martin's Market, 524-8024.-34ar POOL SALE. Manufacturer's clearance on above and in - ground pools, many models of fantastic savings. SHOP DIRECT (416) 522-1414.-0-34 MIXED HARDWOOD, seasoned for over one year; also -soft- wood. Phone 524-6311 or 524- 8198.--32-35 lA - Snowmobiles 1975 TNT Ski -Doo, rebuilt motor, good condition. 5400.00. Call Dan 524-7535.--34,35 2. Yard Sale YARD SALE - Motorcycle helmets, motocross boots, paperbacks, baby, ladies, and maternity clothes, dishes, knickknacks and much more. 21 Nairn Dr. - Sat. 9a.m.- 34x SATURDAY, August 27th 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Afghans, pillow slips, aprons, antiques, dolls, toys, etc. For rain date September 10th. -34 THREE FAMILIES YARD SALE - Saturday, August 27th at 336 Eldon Street, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Various household items, fur- niture, stereo equipment, books etc. Rain date September 3rd. -34 SATURDAY, August 27th, four families yard sale, two houses east of Mustang Drive -In Road. Starts from 8 a.m.-34 MULTI FAMILY - Saturday, August 27th, 9 a.m. to 12 noon. • 154 Regent Street, Goderich. Fridge, patio furniture, camping supplies etc. -34 LAWN SALE 22 Bruce St., W., Saturday, Aug. 27 - 9 o.m, Glossware, chino; furniture, books, tools, clothing, iris rhizomes, miscellaneous items. -34x SATURDAY, August 27th 10 a.m. to ? 118 Anglesea Street, Goderich. Furniture, household effects and miscellaneous. --34 YARD SALE, Sat., Sept. 3, Sun. Sept. 4, 10 a.m. - ?. 129 Frederick St. Clinton - furniture; small electric appliances; dishes; pots and pans, numerous other items.-34nx 3. Garage sale SATURDAY, AUGUST 27th at 9 a.m., 339 Eldon St. Goderich. Three pair Boys skates each us- ed one season, Grade 13 tex- tbooks in new condition and miscellaneous sterns. -34e 24. Woreed to rent 25. Wanted to buy 26. Help wanted 27. Wanted (general) - 28. Business opportunity 29. Tenders 3. Garage sale NEIGHBOURHOOD GoroQe Sale 339 and 360=Suncoost Dr. West, overlooks the lake. Sattir'day August 27th 9 a.m. ??.-34x GARAGE SALE - Saturday, Aug. 27 8:30 a.m. 35 Nelson St. East (baby furniture, children's clothes, bicycles, misc. items). --34x 5. Cars for s®le 1976 AMC MATADOR station - wagon, as is. Phone. 524- 4371.-27tfnx 1972 CHEVELLE, sofetied, above average body, rally wheels, 51,200.00. Phone 524- 2433,-33tfgr 1974 DASHER 4 cylinder, 4 speed, new paint, brakes, ex- haust, Al mechanically; $1,200.00 certified or best offer. Auburn 1-526-7238.-33,34 1974 FORD Station Wagon, power steering, power brakes, air conditioning, cruise control, sofetied in May, driven daily, good body, excellent running condition 5750.00 as is. Phone 524-8902.-344,35 1974 DATSUN 710, 46000 original miles. Body, motor and interior in excellent shape. Must be seen. Asking 52,600.00 certified. Phone 524- 7762.-34,35 1973 PINTO Stationwagon, bet- ter than average condition, as is. May be seen at anytime at Culbert's Bakery. Phone 524- 7941.---34-37 1976 OLDSMOBILE 98 Regency, immaculate condition, power steering, brakes, windows, seats, antenna and trunk, air conditioning, ,,,AM/FM s»reo, cruise ,contra tilt wheel, low mileage. Phone 482- 7688.-34,35 1976 BUICK Century, p.s., and p.b., Crogor Mags. Good winter car. As is 5600.00. Certified 5800.00. Calf Dan 524- 7535.--34,35 1977 CORDOBA, p.w., p.s., p.b., cruise, reclining seats, stereo, excellent mileage V8, super shape - 524-7215.--34ifnx 30. Employment Jvonted 31- Service directory 32. Custom work 33. Form services 34. Personal 35. Notice to creditors 8. Marine 36. Announcements, notices 37. Mortgages • 38: -Auction sale 39. Educational 40. Lost & Found 41. To give away 42 Death notice 43. Miscellaneous 44. Engagements 45. Marriages 46 In Memoriam 47 Cord of thanks i 1€ol s: : olio* want 1a' noon Tuesday. Too ', trot.; tai classify ads will be acc,itt l untll•4.p,m, same day, 1N.ORQ-1SIFIED RATES: '3;75 min./234 words, 17° o word thereaftir, in Mitnoriam '3,75 min.,plus,3O' per rhyrmsdl line of versa. ;Ord el t<honks ''3.75. rn(rtt/25. words,; 5' - u word therecfter.,Public Notice '16 for `3>insertians. Notice to Creditors '27 for 3 insertions, -'122 for 2 insertions, '17 for. 1 insertion. Special rates available by 6 or 12 months, no copy change. ' Ask about our special discounts forprompt payment. • MONDAY TO FRIDAY 5244531 CEDAR STRIP boat (outside fiberglas), 30 h.p. motor, steer- ing wheel, electric start, in ex- cellent condition, 5895.00 or best offer. Phone 524- 4779.-3234x 9. Automotive SAVE 15% ON SEASON MASTER MARK 11 RADIALS OR SAVE $20.00 pr, ON THE 4 PLUS 2 BELT -0 - GLASS TIRES. GODERICH V 524-2121 10. Pets for sale PUREBRED white German Shepherd, all shots, six months old, very good temperament. Must sell, moving to city. Phone 524-4319 between 9 a.m. and 10 a.m.-34x GOLD AMERICAN Cocker Spaniel puppies, seven weeks, C.K.C. registered, shots, dewormed, very lovable. Phone 1 - 523-4286.-34 12. Real estate for sale LARGE EXCLUSIVE lot 132 x 132' on a quiet cul-de-sac. Lake Huron nearby, nine miles to Goderich. Water and hydro available, low taxes. 59,200.00. Must sell. Phone 529- 7804.-32tf 1976 DATSUN, two door B210, asking 5500 as is. St. David St. 5. Cars for sole or phone 524-2427,--34,35 50 POLICE CARS, TRUCKS 4X4'S and WRECKERS 21 - 1980.81.82 Mercurio.. Chevs, Fords & Plymouths. 2 - 1981 Plymouth Caravels.. propane, tax exempt. 1 - 1981 Lincoln Mark 6. 1 - 1979 Cadillac. 1- 1978 Volare Stationwagon. 4 - 1976-78 Dodge, Chev 8. Jeep 4X4's. 8 - 1975.78 1/2 & 3/4 ton Pickups. 8 - 1976-78 1 & 2 ton Stake Dumps and Cab & Chassis, 2 - GMC 1 tons with Holmes Wreckers. 1- 9000 Ford diesel tandem tractor, 1 - 1982 Yamaha 750 MAXIM Motorcycle. MIGHTON'S CAR SALES 6 miles east of Hanover on No. 4 Highway phone Durham 1-369-3136 6. Trucks for sale 13. Mobile homes 1981 GMC pickup Sierra Classic. Please contact 524-2611 between 9 a.m, and 5 p.m. FOR SALE - 12 ft. x 68 ft., three bedroom, fridge, stove, washer weekdays. -34,35 and dryer, cedar deck, patio 1972 CHEV '/. ton pickup V8 6325 t13tfhod. Phone 524- automatic. Phone 524-8715 after 5 p.m. -34 7. R. V.'s for sale 1978 - 35' Shamrock, Park model. Two tip outs; front bunks; sleeps 7. Lot 15, Sugar Bush Park, Bayfield, Ont. Phone 416-628-6.479.-34,35x 18 FT. Older Trailer, good corfdi- tion. Toilet - shower. Ideal for park set up. WIII deliver within 75 miles. Phone after 6 p.m. 524-4226.-34ar CAMPING trailer for sole, 17 ft. Golden Falcon, very good con- dition, sleeps 5-6. Coll after 4 p.m. 482-9383.----34,35 8. Marine MiwommemIWZMIN 1980 16 F1. Worldcraft Star Trek II with 70 h.p. Chrysler; one set of skis, four life jackets, two gas tanks, two tow ropes and one ski bar plus a troller. Ask- ing $3900. or 'most offer- Phone 5242 -9550.---34ff 1981 NORTHLANDER mobile home, 14' x 65', two bedrooms, on beautifully treed lot. Access to Lake Huron beach. Ideal starter or retirement home. Coll after 6 p.m. 524-2878, --31.35 FOR SALE OR RENT - Three bedroom, fridge, stove, air con- ditioning, wood stove, family room. Available October 1st. Phone 524.4129.-33tf FOR SALE - At Meneset, 12 ft. x 60 ft. Home. Two large bedrooms with 8' x 10' addition, newly painted, includes fridge, stove, washer -spin dryer and drapes, Year - round home with added insulation. 510,500. Phone 524-7615, 46 Cherokee. -34x VACATION HOME for Sole - 1980 40' Park Model Mobile Home, three tip outs, living room 16 wide. Fully furnished. 518,500.00. Located Sugar Bush, Ottyfleld. Lot 37.-33-35x 16. for rent MOTORIZED WOODSPLITTER for rent, 530.00 per day plus deposit. Phone 524-6777 after 6 p.m.-33tfnx FOR REALLY CLEAN CARPETS Do It yourself with Deep Steam Extraction. Blueweter Cleaners 524_ 6231, 17. Apartments for rent THREE BEDROOM apartment, Vaitystra, Clinton. New broadloom, .close to school, rec. facilities. Available September 1. Phone Mrs. Maxwell, 482- 3713.-33-35 SAL,TFORD two bedroom 5215.00 per month plus hydro, carpeted throughout, stove in- cluded. Available September 1st, Phone 524-9166-:-34 ONE BEDROOM apartment near Square, 5195.00 per month, plus utilities, fridge' and stove in- cluded. Phone 524-2727.-34tf MODERN two bedroom and one bedroom available October 1st., '226 Britannia Road West. 5277.00 and $250.00 respective- ly. Phone 1 - 527-1315 or 482- 7081.-34 CHRISLYN TOWNHOUSES 3 Bedroom NOW RENTING under new management 1 FREE MONTH WITH LEASE -'ST. CHARLESSQUARE VANASTRA PHONE 482-9084 BENNETT STREET APARTMENTS UNDER NEW SUPERVISION One and two bedroom apartments for rent. Cable, Fridge and stove Included. All utilities paid. Security controlled. PHONE 524-6653 18. Houses for rent FOR RENT - A nice clean two bedroom house in Vanastro. Lovely fenced backyard. Private $210,00 monthly. First and last rent. 482-3791.-34,35 --- LARGE -LARGE THREE bedroom house in Nile, air tight wood stove or force air oil. Small barn, 3 acres. Available September 19th. $350.00 per month plus utilities. 529-7026.--34,35 HOUSE FOR RENT with option to buy. Three bedroom in Saltford. River front property. Phone'524- 4326 from 8 o.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday. -32,33,34 23. Commercial - property for rent COMMERCIAL Storage space, adjacent to Canadian Tire Store. Phone Century 21 All Points Realty Inc. 524-2111.- 34tfar 24. Wanted to rent FOUR BEDROOM house (would take three bedroom) in Goderich area. Phone 524-9175 after 5:30 p.m.., 27tf 25. Wanted to buy PIANO WANTED regardless of condition, Phone collect anytime 519-669-2280 or 519. 669-2198, --3ef FULL HOCKEY goaltending equipment. Must be in good shape and reasonably priced. Call Larry 524-8331 weekdays.- 32tfnx WANTED TO BUY Used exer cise bike, Phone 482- 3023. -- 33ffnx PAYING $2.00 each for 1977 Tiger Dunlop. Goderich Trade Dollars. James Brunk, 8 Elgin Avenue East, Goderich, 524- 8805. -33-36x A TWIN BUGGY in good condi- tion. Phone 524-9485 or 524- 4101.-34x 1' 25. Wonted to�buy OLD POSTCARDS wanted. Pre 1950 used or unused. Top prices paid. Ship your Postcards for my cash offer or write Neil Hayne, Both, Ontario. KQH.' 100,-0-34 26. Mel,, f g • HAIRSTYLIST, licenced and ex- perienced. Apply at Hair Affair, 53 South St. , Goderich.-17tfar CONSIDERING A trucking career? Contact your Mery Orr's Transport Driver Training regional office. Toronto (416)251-9073; Ottawq (613)523, 3489; London' (519)432-1726; North Bay, (705)472-2910; Thunder Boy (807)623-8686; Cambridge (519)648-2519,-0- 300 R.N. PART-TIME required im- mediately. Recent experience preferred. Apply to Mr. W. Woodley R.N., Director of Nurs- ing; Wingham & District Hospital, 270 Carling Terrace, Wingham, Ont. NOG 2W0.-33,34 BABYSITTER wonted for 3 year old boy. My home. Phone 524- 7409.-34 RESPONSIBLE person to work in Video arcade. Apply to Drawer No. 23, c/o Signal -Star Publishing Ltd. P,O. • Box 220 Goderich Ont. N7A 486.-34 LIVE-IN Christian companion - housekeeper for elderly lady. References please. Phone 524- 7678.-34 WAITRESS Required immadlatoly' Fall;and,,Dirt=tint, Amity ln'''Person to GODERICH RESTAURANT 42 West St. S24-9291 WANTED 7 DAY Paper Carriers for the TORONTO STAR in Goderich AREAS Bayfield to Wellington Streets Britannia Ito Bennett Streets COII collect Lloyd Fetter 1®273-2915 27, Wanted ,(general) ANYONE INTERESTED in sharing rides to Georgian College in Barrie on weekends. Phone 524- ,6883.-33,34x 28. Business • opportunity BEAT INFLATION. Raise large bait worms at home for extra income. Neat, odorless opera- tion. Low investment. Terra Worm Farms (since 1975), -R. R,1, StratfordOntario, N5A 652. (519)6254140.-211f BUSYBODIES is pleased to tell you About AN EXCELLENT IN- COME OPPORTUNITY with flexible hours. As one of Canada's leading Retailers of Active -wear we.are nos, bring- ing our Fashion, Volue, and Quality story into the home with Busybodies Home -Parties- Our enthusiastic Sales Reps with Fashion and Color 'Sense are earning impressive Part -Time incomes with 2 to 3 Parties' per week. You supply the desire, the time and a car. We supply our great Busybodies merchan- dise and a complete training program. For more information call or write to: Jane Grahek, Busybodies, 2600 John Street, Unit 220. Markham, Ontario, L3R 3W3. (416)475-8592.-0-34 GROUND FLOOR opportunity in Canada! U.S. most successful multi-level now here! Con- sumable, fast advancement. Be the Leader! Box 224, Blessing, Texas 77419.-34-37x EARN MONEY. Save money. Learn Income Tax preparation at home. For free brochure. No obligation. Write: U & R Tax , Schools, 1148 MainStreet, Win- , nipeg Manitoball2W 3S6.0-34 SATELLITE TV DEALERSHIP A ,representative of Canada's Leading Satellite TV' Company will be in Goderich on Tues., Sept. 6th to set up 1 area dealer. The Goderich Area is one of the prime Sales markets in the province Bind itcould be yours! Phone Timberland Satellite TV Systems 1-800-461-0247 to set up your•appointment and to be port of our future. 30. Employment wanted EXPERIENCED college student will babysit weekdays, in my home if possible. Call 524- 7779.-17tfnx Corporation of the - TOWN OF GODERICH The Corporation .pf the Town of Goderich is considering acquiring the services of an individual to provide a 24 hour answering service for the Goderich Area Fire Department, Applications will be received by the undersigned until noon, August 31st, 1983. 4 Larry J. McCabe Administrator, Clerk -Treasurer 57 West Street Goderich, Ontario N7A 2K3 27. Wanted (general) 31 Service directory WANTED -- Drummer with own kit for R & R New Wove Band. Phone 524-4220. -34 OLD BRICK BUILDINGS wonted for wrecking salvage. Contact R. Lumley Demolition Inc., On- tario's largest supplier of reclaimed brick. (519) S42-4088 Sarnia or (416) 283-2311 Toronto. --0.34 Ingrateteffeetea CUSTOM SEWING AND ALTERA- TIONS, 24 to 48 hour service for minor and major sewing. Dianne Mollough, phone 524- 2492. --- 6-52 TYPING AND bookkeeping, evenings. Please coll after 6 p.m. 524.7934 or S24 7229 - 250