Exeter Times, 1912-7-25, Page 5r,
►li`ll[iTIt;BJI'A k j1.1,4':` PO 'IPlA 1
What Lydia E.Penkham's Veg.
•table Compound Did For
'heir Health --Their own
# +� Statements- Follow:
Baliburton, P.E.I.:—"I had a doctor
hzantine me and he said Thad falling -o
the womb; so I have been taking Lydia
E. Pinkhaza's Vegetable 'Compound and
fit has done me a lot of good.. All the
bearing -down pains have vanished. I
have, gained ten pounds in weight, the
discharge is all gone, and I feel better
than I have for a long time. I thirik any
woman is foolish to • suffer as I did for
the sake of a few dollars.
"Youcan use nay letter as a testinao-
sisal.. It may encourage otherpoor women
who suffer as I did tense your Vegetable
Compound." — Mrs. GEO. COLLICUTT,
Haliburton, Lot 7, P.E.I.
1Etead What This Woman Says:
New Moorefield, Ohio. —"I take great
pleasure in thanking you for what your
has done for me. I
had bearing down
pains,was dizzy and.
weak, bad pains in
lower back and could
o be uponmy feet
long enough to get a
meal. As long as I
Laid on my back I
would feel better,
but when I would
get up those bearing
down -pain would come back, and the
doctor said I had female trouble. Lydia
IE.. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound was
the only medicine that helped mo and I
ibave been growing stronger ever since
]t commenced to take it. I hope it will
help other suffering women as it has me.
sY•au can use this letter."—Mrs. Ci sslE
'LLOYD. New Moorefield, Clark Co.,Ohio.
, ;,Thousands of atinbitious young ,
ee people are instructed in their +
en homes by our home study dep- .'l1.
artment You may finish at .;
College if you desire. Pay +
whenever you wish. Thirty .e
Years' Experience. Largest • -b
trainers in Canada. Enter any '1'
day. Positions guaranteed, If .'11.
you wish to save board and •+
learn while you euro, write 'ft,
for particulars. g.
Clinton. Business Oollege ,
eg President Principal ..
• 4
Subjects taught by expert instructors
at the
Y, M. C. A. BLDG.,
Students assisted topositions, College
in session from Sept. 3rd. Catalogue
free. Enter any time.
J.W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr.
Principal Chartered Accountant
16 Vice -Principal
KRAt L`'W4
Only•line reaching all Summer'
Resorts in Highlands of Ontario
Muskoka Lakes
-Lake of Bays
Algonquin Park •
Maganetawan River
French River
Kawn t Lakesha
Full Summer Service now'in' effect
to all of atiove resorts. its- for full
particulars and ',illustrated,; -folders to
any Grand Trunk'Agens.
'July 9 and 23 August 6 and 80 •
,September 3 & 17.
Via Sarnia or Chicago
finnipeg and return S54
41ifionton S42
'Tickets good for 60 days
Specie'train will leave 'Toronto
10.30 p.m. on above dates, carrying
Through Coaches and Pullman Tout
ast Sleeping Cars, via Chicago and St
The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway:
.is the shortest and quickest route be
tweet' Winnipeg-- Saskatoon- Ed
New We 'l3xprese Service between
Vi ifnipeg ,y of Regina. Smooth road•
bed,.•Electric lighted Sleeping Carts,
liuberb lrliiing Gar Service.
Leave Winnipeg,' 6.00 p m.
-Arrive Regina, 7,09 a m,
" !Saskatoon 8,80 a m,
" Edmonton 0.O0•p tri.
Ask any Grand Trunk Agentforfull
3' nforma.tuib, or write
J. J. RNLI -1,.
Depot Agent.
Dr. de Van's, Female , Pills
A reliable • French • regulator; tcvet falls., These
•,(pills are exceedingly. pal -earful- in regulating the
generative portion of the fernalp system. • Refuse.
;911 cheap iniitaticnf. , Dr. de van'ti are sold at'
v8 a box,.orthree for $10, Malted to any address
iVa. SeathelL DrUg Co„ ilk. Catbarine Onts
Wenatoie in ,tbc reports pliblisb'ed
•tif the reoq'nt school examinations
that no kiss than 1'a passed t'ke etre
tr no"o examinations from oar lla e
school, which speaks well for ,the
principal Mr. Wm.. tical ay end has
assistant toaehcras "MOS ;Ci<rn,st'tt and
Miss Bilis •a,'n'd we notice aleso that
I ter
>k as Louis. DIa]ray son of our prin
oipal secured the ,highest number of
marks of ,tanyt,pu.pil In West •Huronli
Miss IC: V. 'ISmit1*' is attending 'the..
summer school at Alma 'College 814..
W. Perkins dos purchased an Over-
land and is ;now, in prooesaloo. 'With
the rest..
Mrs, Dawson and daughter of Tor-
onto is visiting, 15,1r, and Mns;i,Jamos
Mr. '1hleLaohilant and wife; dr Saska-
toon'accompanied by'Mrs..117cL'aabllan
sister, are the guests of IL Splidan
an'd. wife, ,
The plans of the ,nbw Stsa`tiiolnl hive,
been approved by the counoil add
everything is in shape forits ereetron
Louis Mo] ay is rig iTegiiined;taking
an 'advanced courso, id $pat Scouti
Mr. Albert '0. Ileath .aid' elhil'dren
of New; Ylork city is !spenidiolg three
weeks with her • sister Mrs. James
011r+ J. Redmond of the; Globe mew's,
Staff Toronto has' been visitlir$
uncle Charles Redmond of Hay, fife
addressed the Methodist Sunday
School en iSunclary morning • 'iris speed
ia1 work on 'the Globe, is Education,
Churches and kind'r'ed news;
Mr. George Wre'r;. Jeff bene last
week for Toronto to 'attend the Mas-
onic !Grand Lodge as the represe:ntst-
alive of 'the, Henesall Lodge..
Haying . has been, the order of The
day. with 'the' farmers id this vrasxtity
and the crop. in spi•te,ef -the Jongco.rz
turned dry weather is a rowel .aver_
lege ane. .f '
Dr. Aikentead who has very suc-
cessfully, praetise.d here tor over three
years has sold out his practise and
property 'to Dr. Mair of Statfa who
le quite well known to. malnI'y; nrfi ttii?
neighborhood. Dr. and Mrs, 'Aiken -
head have made the best of :citizens
and are .hi,T,hiy respecter and we re-
a•ret that we'. are iso soon til loose
them from 'aur village, We beIileve
that the Dootor h'as oeitk3ht the fever
fon the west, where the hese mum,her
of relatives as ,well asMrs. 'A,ilrenihead
which! ,adds to the indlucement, pf go-
ing there.
James O'Meil has disposed. oil 'his
Ford to Crank Carlin,. • •
,'bliss Jennie Murray of Exeter is
spending her vacation'' .with her. sis-
ter Mrs. iA. q, Sraillleand with other
relatives and friends in Hensel! and
Miss Bush of London is spending ea
week or no with her parents.
The relatives and, friends of Mr.
J. D. Stewart of 'ihukersmithl will
be pleaserd to learn thathe is recove1r-
gni; nicely from bis recent serious
Mr. Wilhelm Glenn of mer 'Lum-
ley has purchased the fine,., f arta of
Mrs. Weir. of Tuckersmitb, formerly
owned byt Le late Mr. James Patter-
son and ene of his sons -w'i'll take,
it this fall ' '•
Mr. W. T. Pepper wife .and 'fam-
ily motored up from : Toronto, •xec-
ertly and spent' ten days with Mr.
Pepperes' paretts Mr.. an Mese Thos.
Mr. George 'Trott a'iother former
resident of• our villtig;e well and 'fav-
orably known. and who 1has:'been
the west .for a !,umber rif years was
here last Week calling on, his many
'friends Who are pleased to .meet .him
again and believe he will be join
ed by Mrs. Trott in the.,cotur.se of e
few days'
The Misses Orpho Moore, or Tor-
onto and Belle Farquharson of Tees -
water who has been visiting Mr. and
Mrs. D. Grassiok and 'family, have
returned to their homes, after a.' very
pleasant visit
Mrs. A. Ding of Ingersoll is vis-
iting her parents Mr. and; Mrs. T'.
Neilans, ,
'First Felt Not. In the Eyes, but In the
Organ That ie Weakest. .
No human organ, except possibly the
heart, is called on tor sileb hard and
continuous • activity. Even the most'
.musical ear is never taxed beyond' the
three or four boors or a Wagnerian
opera, and at the . worst is -rested by
trequent niter:missions. The train.
even in the case of professional men..
.1s called on tor onty'six to eight hours
ot. work a dty.
'Bat we seourt eyes
In •business all day and then SMI even.
Ing in our amusements. 'ln• point of
tact, the heart itself `1s fess severe')
ta1ed. • a '
The eye has, to be sure, a most mar
relous strength. As long as its recti
ouIsui. retilatns nx•asutably correct 11
seldom or never gives out„and its ri
tnitty is supreme. taut when to the
strata of near work in artihe•tal tight•
are added defects ie its own ua en n-
-Ism even Ibis Wonderfully adapt:tnte
rand hardy servant gives symptoms of
strain. '
The brain is generally our first in
former. it automatleally supplies the
euergy that dogs the lens , ust'te to its
ceaseless task. non it Is In the clos}'st
possible sympathy with the retinal, the
sensitive plate on whtcb all vlslou iit
roeorded.'grl'be'bratir'dectares uta ex=•
butistlen to •uradacbe and vertigo. The
masferfuleye, so to spealr,•sbunts off
Its. suering upon thenearest nelabbor.
let in new cases even the brain
gives no dtrect symptom. It Is the
centrad organ, the highly vital and
complex muster, tat the entire system,
anti it also has a superior way of pass -
leg on'the kick. .lust how it does this
oenllsts do not profess to know. The
rule seems to be that eye strain de'
Glares itself first In tbe organ which is
nearest and weakest, The stomach,
the liver, the intestines, the kidney,
the heart or the membranes of - nose
.and throat may develop: symptoms
While tbe 'eye and the brain seem »or
ilial.--Netropolltan Magmairae
Imperial Year
Im'nperial Cadet Review
Cadets from alt tbe Overseas Dominions
Exhibits by the Provinces
Dom]-nian Exhibits
Band of,.Scots Guards.
From Buckingham Palace
Paintings of the Year from Europe
Paintings by best Canadian and
' American Artists
Imperial Cadet Competitions
Boy Scouts Review
Everything in Educational Exhibits
Siege of Delhi
Besses 0' Th' Barn Band
Britain's Bent Brass Band
Dragoons' Musical Ride
Industries in Operation
Butter Making Competitions
America's GatestLive Stock Show
Canada's Biggest Dog Show
.Atnereica'@ Prettiest Pussies
Japanese Day Fireworks
Motor Boat Races '
Hippodrome and Circus
Four Stages and Arena all going
Eruption of Mount Vesuvius
Athletic Sports
Ten Band Concerts Daily
Acres of Manufactures
Imperial Fireworks. --60 Numbers
Aug. 24 1912 Sept. 9
, �� .A�t a A.
: ”.
D grin„ the summer mon.tbts
mothers of young children ; should
watch for any annaturailooseness of
the bowels. When given prompt at-
tenti:aon at this, time serious trouble
may be avoided. Chamberlain's Colic.
Cholera, and Diarrhoea Remedy can
always be depended upon. For sale
by all dealers.
Mr. and DIrs.1 Cls, Edli hoffer drove
to Blake on Mu:eaday last, to visit the
fommer',s father wllbo is a:e, present
very , i11.
1VI: Oestricher spent last; weelC'in
Berlin attendilug the .city celebration.
f,Ztiite a number from ,',here Wenld-
ed the childre'n,'s day on the -14th con.
J. Ellers was in Berlin last week
attending the celebration. 1 .
dont. $ _
Mr: and 11Irs.% W. L'. Siebert 'spent a
new days in Berlin last week
IMr; and Mrs. J. Rautiedge, and fam-
ily left on Wednesday last tor a few.
days visit with Mr, Jiouttedge'p
,mother at Hyde /Park,
Itdr. and Mr. T,, Routledge have re-
ceived !word from their sox,; Archie
who is in Regina, .During the big
storm which massed over the( city re-
centlyhe was in, the Parliament build
Aug when the roof wads blowtni 'ole
but escaped without injury He: says
that 'the noise .ca used by the storm
and the fa'lling beildlnng.s was :ter-
T . ur theBronsonBronson. Line;
charms of
is learning the blacksmithin;t with
P.. Fassoid;.
P. Deering Las eotnmenced work on
his new .bakeshop just • back of the
store recently bought by .him. Fred
is a gustier snaking good bread and
le working up a good businleyss. I
0 --
.Buy. it now. Chamberlain's Colic
Cholera -and Diarrhoea, Remedy is al -
,most certain to be needed before, the
summer is over. Buy it now and be
prepared for such an emergency. For
sale by all dealers.
Travel via Grand Trunk Railway
System., the `On'y Double Track Route
Excellent train service and smooth
roadbed . Electric lighted ,sleeping
cars of night train.. Full information
Tickets berths Reservations may be
obtained from any „ Grand TrunkAged:, or write E. ;i1. D.u.ff, •Di;strict
1Passengex';Aigent, baron Station, Torr
onto Onb.,
Contracts have been let for the pul-
ling down of the Auburn bridge and
the erection of a new and larger
etruotore Joseph Lawson of 'Creel-
hen will do the ,cement work, fox` Si
oer cubic yard, and this, is agregated
to cost.tt6,500, which is also the con-
tree' price •at which Hill & Co, of, -Mit
shell will erect the new iron super
street -tire with cement floor. The
row bridge will be 190 feet Ioaree • 40
feet longer than the old one and the
rapproches it is expected will coat 5400
or *500 which makes the' total aost:'i:
the neighborhood of $13.1001 The old
bridge is being taken duvet County
Clerk Lane was et Stratford last Sat -
today at .a joint rneetin,» with Perth
officials to consider the matter of eeve
eral `bridges only one that at Kirkton
is THuron interested in The contract
for this was Jet to the ;3tratfox'
bridge Ca, at ,$14A.8 the structure be-
lag+ 418 feet long and the cost will be
equally ;borne by the two counties.
if you are a" --.-housewife you oennot
but reasonably hope 'to be healthy
trr. beaatifel by washing dishes sweep-
ing and doing heasework all day, anif
crawling into bed dead tired at night
Yoa IAnust get out into the open.esir
and s:tnlig'ht If yon do this every
day and keep yo zr stomach and bow-
els eood order by taking Chamber-
taires tablets when heeded, yo:t
sliced fit r r me both 'healthy rtnu
Mee betel rt►r s,ak by alt' deed rsi
@: benefit baseball meta: Wee pllaye
ed on the lama' diamond on Tlaesdray
hist for
Mr. lira , R.”.A
13 riles.oaa
(eatcher). Mr.
Barrer Jost his beautiful home? by
fire early ar, the; spring and 11101 week
had the rnlsfertune 119 fall and break.
tie leg•
The jab of oiling the; abreets is now
completed The work this year wadi
extended' along a great maty more
streets oft noeount of tke,lsatisftetio,o,
it ,,gave the merchants last „ ear.
Flax pulling begins next: weele,
The crop is exceptilonelly large this
v ear.
While a
lkLnr along
last week Miss Jean kfoGuire was
eolzed by a 'faintin:g spell The falls
sbe :volved rendered her unconscious
for some time. She was carried to a
near -'by store.
For soreness of the rnuscleu, w•hcth-
induced by violent exorcise or injury
there is nothing -better then Cham-
berlains'Liniment. This liniment al-
so removes rheumatio pains c ' ,Fpr
sale by all dealers. ►
George Thornton. of MoKillop
Township who fell and fractured his
leg last week,' passed away at his
home en the 10th concession; Mr.
TLornton had reaohed the great age
o£ 102 years one montk: and eight day
Until recently be had enjoy-
eai fairly 'good health and was in full
possession of all .tts fao ulties, The
remains were interred in the Staffs.
Cemetery. Deceased was a friend of
Mr. Jos. Peart of town, from whom
Mr. Peart purchased his farm ort the
att. con, of 'Uslborne.
-In the reoent examinations t8: pa -
nils of the Seaforth public school
wrote and. 28 passed eight of winch
look honours. '
The Seaforch Cadets ,Jett on the
7.25 !traionn em. Monday ler the camp
at .Carlingrs heights, London;
Dysentery is always serious and of-
ten a dangerous disease. but it, can
be cured Chamberlain's Colic Cholera
and. Diarrhoea Remedy has cured it
even when malignant: and cpidemiti
9'Ir, Retold 'Appel 'returned ;this
week from, Seaforthl and Intends
evening a ,jewelery business in town,
Mr, Jaime Foster has returned from
the wast after an alesen.ce of about .a
Mr. and Mrs. J'. •Preeter attended
tl;e 'big celebration •at Berlin list
One of Mr.- Bd. Wuim's livery
.horses (lied of Sunday. The animal
was worth 5200.00 a t least.
Mrs Adam Ecligheffcr of Blake' eon
tinues',tlguite ill. He has been laid up
for spore time.
lMr. J. A. Will,iams left last week
for St. CI:ements, Mich to take a
course of treatment for ri:eumatism
Thefoundatioin for the new school
is completed Mr. lOudnnore of Bewail
is doing [Llys work He has. also the
brick work contracted; for.
T'he+ Hay Town ,hip'Voters' Limit, ciin-
tainst!hle names of 956 persons
There are. 7S? in part 1; 196 in part''2
and •138 in part 3.
Mr. Ezra Xaerch,er; who'fdisposed4
of his 'farm Lar- the lith pon to Mese'
:srs 'Jacob Weido and •Henry Brower,
The tonsideratiom 14'17500.00 Pei -
session well be Niven Pot 1st:
Mr. Marshall' Zeller -who at tended
high schaol ,at tMerlin• for it!he past
vear has passed his exams for entran-
cc to Normal Schools and Faculties of
Mr. G. S erner .is on- Ehe sick list
this week He is in his 83rd year and
Ma enjoyed good health for the past.
few years.. . • .
Including Muskoka .Lakes• f.ake, of
Bays. Algongnin Park, Magant:bawarl
and French ]livers, Temsgam; Kaw-
artha Lakes etc. Excellent train ser-
vice 'Grand Trunk Railway systemto
and from above resorts Wire for il-
lustrated alders and timetables: tell -
'MU: horn to get there and containing
list of Hotels rates, etc, to A. ]. Duff
District- Passenger !Agent Uinion Sta-
tion Toronto,
t- S. Two of a Kind.
"Why did Ethel break her engage
ment witii'Jnek i"
"Stye got tired of him, a aw Jacii
Y 1
en a ed to Sal! .
.y •
I wonder why she accel,v�rJl h1mY':.
"She got tired too."
"Ot what?" ,';
"Waiting forsomebody. else" 'chit'
The Modern Miss. , "-
"Percy proposed to -me last night. 1
bet nobody ever proposed to you."
"Huh! You know wbat happened to
Percy afterward?'
"Naw. What did?'
"His ma spanked him
And a Good Hand.
"A cat may look at a king."
."But It needn't expect the king to
"Not unless the eat is a Ditty and be
bas a good nerve.”
It Meet Ba indescribable, and it Musk
Be Inimitable. .
Pierre Auguste Itenoiz s i'iewa. on
art are shown by Walter Pach In
Scribner's Magaziue in this gue,tion
to and answer by the great painter:
"There are things about your work
that we should like to know. Wben
we find the colors in such perfect re-
lation to Ano another we wonder how
YOU entre .at such a result: 'When
you have laid .in the first tones do you
know, for example, which others must
follow2 DQ you know to what extent
a red Or a green must be introduced t0
secure your effect?"
"No, I don't, That is the procedure
of an apothecary, not of an artist, I
Arrange .iny subject as T want it; then
1 go. ahead to paint it like a child. I
want a red to be sonorous—to sound
like a bell, If it doesn't turn out that
way 1 put more reds or other colors
till I get 1t:' 1 am no cleverer than
that. I have no rules and no methods.
Any one can look over my materials or
watch how I paint. Be will see that 1
have no secrets. I look - at a mule.
There air myriads of tiny tints. 1
must lin/ ee ones that will matte the
flesh on ,iy canvas live and quiver.
"Nowitdays they want to explain ev-
erything. But if they could explain a
picture it wouldn't be art. Shall I tell
you What I think are the two quali-
ties of a worn of art? it must be in-
describable, and it "must be inimitable
Take athin like the Eiffel tower. It
is not art, becatise''it cart be du/ideat-
ed by any one who has it deseribed to
him and who knows how to make
such things. But you cannot make
any more Titian, and you cannot eopy
Notre Dame. There is the Pantheon
at Rome. They thought they could
snake a copy of it in that votive church
at Naples opposite the royal palace,
but tbe Pantheon le a great thing, and
that church is a dead thing. So when
they try to build into the Pantheon
they find that those lines which seem
so straight and regular and simple are
very subtle and hard to follow. 'The
more they measure the more they re-
alizehow much the Greeks departed
from' regular and banal lines in order
to produce their effect
"So in our Gothic architecture—each
column is a work of art, because the
old French monk who set it up and
carved its capital did what he liked,
not doing everything alike, as results
when things are made by machinery
or by rules, but each thing different,.
llke.the trees in the forest." -
Maoklin's Last Attempt to Play Shy.
lock as His Mind Failed.
Macklin, the famous English actor,
made his last appearance on the stage
as Shylock: He came ready dressed for
the character into the greenroom,
where' all the performers ;were assem-
bled and prepared. Looking round, he
' . "Whate-is there a play tonight?" '
All were'astonished, and no one an-
"Is there a play tonight?" be re-
"Why, sir, what Is the matter? 'Tlie
Merchant of Venice,' you know," said
the actress who was to play Porfia
"And who is the Shylock?'" asked
"Why, you, sir—you are the Shylock'','
"A.bl's' said he. "Am I2" and sat
down in silence.
Every one was.rery much concerned
and alarmed The curtain went up,
however, and the play began. Macklin
got through the part, with every nowt
and then going to the side of the stage.
lifting tip his hair with one band and
putting itis ear down to the prompter,
who gave him tbe word. He then
walked to the center of the stage and
,repeated the words tolerably well. This
occurred often throughthe play. some-
times be said to the prompter:
"What is it? 'What do you say?"
From that time Macklin's great tal-
ents were lost to the public. His mem,
ory gone, he spent most o.f his time in
an elbow chair in his hone in Covent
Garden, where he died. --Kansas City
Star '
He Dined O.ut.
An incident took place in a restan•
rant in New York city one evening Vet
long ago that, besides being amusing,
was the cause of considerable thinking
on the part of three men who were
regular patrons of the place. They
were seated together at a table when
they noticed that the waiter who bad
come to take their orders was not the
one who usually servedtttbem.
"Where is John this evening?'• one
of the group asked. '
"He has end his bours changed,"
the waiter replied. "He is out for din -
her now."—New York Tribune
Paid. For His Flirting.
"1 was behind you 'coming ue the
street just now," asserted. Mrs. Jellus,
"and you rubbered at every pretty
woman yeti passed."
"At every stylish woman," corrected
Mr. Jenne. "I was just taking notes
Of the fashionable gowns, with a view
to buying you a handsome
Washington Herald.
Social Progress. -
"Bnve you Interested yoarseif in any
Erode' problems?" risked the man Of se-
vere ideals.
"Yee," replied the tractable man.
"Thanks to ,ny wife, l now almost
know how to keep score in a bridge
ganie."--Wasbiegtob Star,
ZJttie Oierence (who • has ,nn 1ngtt th
ing lmllitd)—Papa, the "Forty Thlevos"-»
kr. Callipers—Now, njy son, soul- itt*
t90,70131101 So tats '.
1,011111101111 10111141411_000111190011011011011111111 01111111111111
$iinnating thagod aaclIleguta-
tuig th$.slomacmgltd Eiawels e
P motes' esiion,Clleerful
MestamdB st.Cofltafnsneither
�0,rn;Morpllind xior Tial.
llt(yr NA= OTIC.
r infante and Children. 1
The Kind You Haifa
Always Bought
Bears the
Arwiblir4 Sea'.
Radials Sa r -
Arise ,Sieal
Jridm feed -
agifSager .
AperfociRemy;!ar Constipa-
tion, Sour SStontach,piarrhoea,
ores Convulsio s Feveri
For Over
thllrty V
id `;"�etF.. r'r�.�" �.'�ar A��+chli��r�1i<„'••�d.E'a`trF�`.°B �'xtl �'
4, tow'
made in Walkerville. Ont. We GUARANTEE Tel
Cents for every: Button that comes off and. Twenty,five
Cents for every Rip and tor every Six Stamped Pockets
cut from worn garments, we will give you one pair of
Overalls or Smock Free. Get the habit of saving your
Sold by J. A. Stewart
The Leading Merchant in Exeter, Ont,
Guaranteed by the Walker Pant & Shirt Company.
September 6th to 14th, 1912
New Art Building filled with. Magnificent Paintings
ATT i}.A S
of Cheltenham, England. One of the Greatest Brans Bands in
the. World, and several v others.
SINGLE FARE RATES over all Railroads
from Kingston to Detroit,
Special Excursion Days, Sept. loth, Lath, ieth,
Prize Lists and all information from
W, J. REiD, President: A. M. HUNT, Secretary
Early Closing Notice
We the, undersigned Merchants of
this town agree to close our places of
business at half past twelve on Thurs-
day afternoons during the months
of Juts and ,riuuast. .
J. A. Stewart.,r ,
S. Martin & Son(
li Spackman I F
W. J. Beer.
W. 3. Rearmost T t,y,•af'12',.
J. Carling �' ' 'I ' a-, ,
Mrs, Yeo r ► :1 -:1 ' w +
A. J Ford 1' A t.
B W. 1'. )13eavers.
Wrn. Rivers. ; :J't e t t':
3. Grigg r ' - �/ a t'l
I�. Frayne. I' i , I,4't :lit Yrs
1?, Boyle`I' I1 ”' .,. .
W Tainan .1' tI „i lhe-;, �I
5'. Z. Willis1
Jones ltd may. ' i (VI 1 II" It
T., Hawkins & Son. 1 „ I 1 ,
eAi 'ltitea
Ka ei aria .,; l04'1d i ' tZ1 :t
The Dell Telephone •CIo. of k 1 +,
is soon to ,prize a new issue' of Z
Official Telephone Directory for :Weal
district of Western Ontario ino,p't
las. Exeter.
Parties who contemplate ibaobrnin
Subscribers or those wiho wish ohtnate
res in their present. anti," stlioutdi
Place their ordnrgwitb the local leanly
ager at area ' insure: sex tioa its
this issue, • ti
Connec ,ung Companies
Should n '' additions 'art
f�.�' report addz l s
sharoges in their list oC su oribe ,gt
either to the dotal mar., eror diad
net to the special agent's depart13 #i,
Montreal'. rs1
The Bell Telephone C
of Canada