HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1912-7-25, Page 4olorri-Heallel+telelet"Halaiala940141.40 e lYio]sous Ban Incorporated 1865 Record of „Progress for Five Years -906911. 1006 1911 CAPITA L , • „ , , , „ . , . $ 3,000,009 4,000,00a RES EBY E a . .. .. . • .. 3,000,000 4,600,000 DEPOSITS a . eateee_a_ne. .eat ....... 23,077,730 g5,o42,814 LOANS AND INVESTMENTS. 457,090 38,,884,801 TOTAL ASSETS. , 8300,192 4$,23a,284 nasal Braricbee in Canada, and Agents ana Correspondents in sal the principal Cities in the World. A General Banking Business Transacted 4. .4. Savings Bank Department At allBranehes, Interest allow a at Highest Current Rates. Oleke011 & Carling, Solicitors. N. 0, HUBDON Manager * THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMME CE SIR EDMUND WALKER, D.C,L., President ALEXANDER LAM) JOHN AIM). General Manager Assistant General Manager CAPITAL, $15,000,000 REST, $12,500,000 TRAVELLERS' CHEQUES, Issued by The Canadian Bank of Commerce enable the traveller to .provide himself with funds without delay at each• point of his journey in a convenient yet inexpensive manner. They are issued payable in every country in the world in denominations of - • $10, $20, $50, $100, $200 with the exact equivalent in the moneys af the principal cauntriesstated on the face of each cheque. They are acienornical, absolutely safe self - identifying and easily negotiated. s.a Exeter Branoh—G. L. WATTGII Manager ERANCH ALSO JAM CREDITON ^ 'When Ycu'l e gettirg, get the PEST 011e that will qutla,st hhe rest aihat's economy and sense Both in eharacter and FENCE lhordlamillirg &tithe Best for instance Stock Fence4 20c at per rod Galvanized • Farm Gates at Also,a large stock of Cedar Post and and all kinds of Lumber and Shingles at Low Prices .1•1•MM.LIWO Finding it hard. to Borrow -Every- one at all interested in the grat onwart march ot events in. Chine will follow with the keenest concern the efforts the new Republic is makiag to negotiate with the Powers a loan of $300,000.000. Withher awe akening spirit of naatiotalisra, China eees in the demand that the would be :enders make that the expenditure of the. funds of the loan be made under the' supervision ofaaecommittee of the Powers a hanallation very objectioa- able to multitudes of her people. On the other hand with their know- ledge of Clanese officiaLs, the Powers are very iinwilling to arrange a loan without the ;guarantee of supervision which naust include he most detail- ed statement of what the money is to be ased for, as well as a atriet' auditiiag of accounts. While leen: with such a tag on it evil). almost threaten insurrection especially in the west, it will on the other hand. make strongly for tte integrity o.0 China, for tee Powers coul4 not collect their' accounts from a dismembered mations One thing seems certain', Chi -aa. must Laval the money, and it is more than .111.Gidtwort Ul akely _that eventually. sale willhve 1L th it under somewhat simi ar erras to. those already proposedChina GRANTON. wia probably see in the end that the Powers in insisting as they are dein are safeguarding her intere,sts as well as their own.. ON GETTING MUSSED UP i Nearly every man you meet. I ; Beyond the age of thirty.. alas a taste at times for toil. That makes his fingers dirtye ,Then ha looks industrious. ; eci • Folk fancy Lim a .cleisys- eta.' Though his inner consciousnesi tei.1 hirn he is laza., Take it in the garden plot.; t You have an inner feeling; ' That the seeds are better sowa LI. If yoix earl do it kneeleng. Tales your ragged, ,Other Puttee Mae all be covered over, . Witb, the sellow clay that halee. Beneath the pesky clover. I So the Blacksmith kinc• ily man, ta le Lae at the ehep eou Grabs .his nose or wipes his ear.•Witk ; emaday thumh and finger, tikhen he wanders to lila home. He looks a very Pirate Do tot tell me gentle friend. That Blacksmith's amat desire, it ;Yes; we like as woaking men. To show ourselves industrions. But we cannot get as black. As one good friend we mention. Pill the able Pressman when. The rollers teed attention. + e - ea + ei. BREVITIES t, 4+++++++. The Frieze of Wales has celebre be Lis eighteenth birthday- That mean ttat as the prospective soverign he es now of age and in tte event of bis father's death would assurae future eights as king. But he cannot maary lentil 25 without the cansent of bac :parents. But the law. is ell right it t neariy as tjeklis1. a job rullog. • kiregdom as it is picking at a wee. 0. e t• Oaller-Is the boss in Office Rote -No sir, Ile's' gone out aaller-Will he be baelc for diatei Office Roy -That's what ties eatitig tan oat 'fora -judge. * * • • Or Its officially •estimated that a ouarter minot of evonteri area oralde e'er. are Istarvieg a Loricloa as a ree atilt of the dock labbrerse etrike. lintds are ibekig anficezea on tree( earr.erste '.,retieve them Ned it PeoCti. that •tile strike wal e-,ttlerl aeon although the employ - to tratke oottaceeloalo. • * • • YDRO POWER. ESTIMATES P40 . - WISED SOON Withir 'Lhe next few, mouths it is expected that Hydro Electric 'gammas- Sioa 1Vi1I be in a posiaoa to submit estimates for the power to the z.umer- oas mueicipalities aor the areal. Huree or. Brace Grey entension. of the c.leecip tower sestera. TLO ernineene of the commiasian wlo have been. at weak eitce earry last winter gathering fp. forroation as ea the flow, of water the year around an tee Saugeer. and. Beaver Rivers, well be ready to report finally by, tee .endi of the sum- mer •The commission will then have estimated 'basedon these reports and submitted to the mucticiaaalies. Work on the big dam development wants wad tranamissioa Iines will be started as soon as the contracts, Wive been made. The perlirainary reports -received by the commission to date •have beet satisfactory. The engine ears found that the winter flow was tensiderably„ in excess of that expect- ed erd that espite the exceptiotalY •Mad winter the river,s.did not freeze to the bottom at any time. !At pre- zert the engineers; are. study lag, the eammer tow, which •accordiag to verbal reports of previous ,ears, reactc,s a low point at times The fact however that the Niagara Sys- tems aave a larg-e surplus of power in See ,sainmer time when the northr ern rivers ran low, ensures Ole Ear on. Bruce and Grey counties of ,a steady supply of power since it la alarmed to connect the power. lines • of the two districts Similar 4 , is toped that the heavy flow aneritain- ed during the winter wilt permit ef surplus from the northern distnaas being used in the Niagara zone dare ing the busy evictor neonates. THE GARB OF iteRRA.M FOR BOTTERMIalaING TLa manufaoture of butter in ereameries on what is Irntown as the gathered oream plan is becoraing, more clod more 'general throughout Canada. The advantege of baying. 'fresh warm ekinautilk ror feeding prir- POStla, the 'desire to avoalthe risk of act:tins* disease in their herds from the traixed ek:mnailic from a laagerattat tier of taring, together with a lover eost' ot heeling nal. 'le meat oases, A low- cost er •enanureeturites the better inakes the eestern popular with rrieria mak prorlooere, . •On fire other atesi, the feet mast be icecoolate1 tiate al meat efteee .:XXETZ.,11,' ZS eteraaae treat the eystera of eepar,etina tte mine at the erearaere to that or gatt.e.rinW the oreara, has resaltea in ar. inferior quality/ ef batter being Made, fee tte reesen that the aelata' of tee: 'cream' !separated", at tile tarnes, when 'delivered at, the cream:arias, la reet as eiee as tfact from. milk rePare Mad at the !ore eatery,. Cream watch is separeted, on the Carin 'ear, be delivered to the creeta,- ere, ia as good •oonclitiore as that wtich la isated et the creamery.. It is !simply a question at the, Pntr011 to sieims his milk at 'borne taking aeoper Tare of the cream eael having it elelivered to tte ,creareera offer - e ; t eleoughe it is admitted by all creemeryautte orates ttat finer ;batter oan be made from cream evhich is erweet lvliac de- livered at ltbe ;creamery, tiler., from ereant which is sour wed ouedeede It is also well kr:own ttet any- tabat, ttat mae be it the milk or !cannel will be to !some ,exteet earrteal into tlee butter. Therefore, the prelaucex will see' at once the Tespornsibilley resting upon hern tnSeourling a fiae flavored better at the !Creamery.: Irt the prodaction of tine, 'flavared cream, the same areceutions must be observad as ttese willieb are neces- sary in arnisiiing intik to s.eperatoe creameries or to dheese 'factories: The fallowing feada ineere the flavor `of the butter, and !should; ittat be fed to Mitch cows '1 Turaips and hernia tops, Rape or rye, Decayed en, silage, Leeks, onions, or apples la; large quar.tities. Caller causes of tair„ts n oream are COWS' udders and teats in en unclean conditiou .at milking time. Milking. in +unclean stables. Using uncleen, wooden gelvaaized or austy milking pails. Separa.tiaa the milk in the stable jmaroperly oleatea separat- ors. 9leepiag, the' ,cream •in cellars or otter plecies where' there are. roots vegetables, Keeping •,t'Le, !cream for several .days at a temperature over 55 degrees, • cows drinking water from stagmart ponds. Three conditioas are ,necessary to produce, flea -flavored cream.,, first pure water. The cows shoula have at all times, an- abundaat supply of pure water to drink. Seco:nde Salt, W,hepa• cowbead .access to telt at all times, thee- win kewait better health, w11 give raoRtmilk and. the.. 'cream from this mak will Lave, a better flevor, and keep sweet longer than wean they do int get any at all, or receive' it pray at intervals. Third, etliiking :Cleanliness in i:he e'eable is desirable at all times. but .especially at milking time should the stables he clean eacie free ',Una. au,st. The ladders, teats and flanks, of Ithe cow, abtould be brushed before milking Only brigtt 'clean tin wails aheoal be useelE to milk in. Galvanized - pails are idifficeat to keep elean, and- baaaflavors have: been traced to then' use.. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S C A S 61- 0 Fe A A TRUE FRIEND. A BOOK I end a constant friend 4-4. That manners does not lack, For, though perhaps we disagree, It never sasses back. It doesn't rant and saw the air Or lay the law down flat, But quietly it states its case And lets it go, at that. 'Weary with the cares of life And heartsick with the strife, I sit down with a book and take A taste of quiet life. Suppose that from its friendly page My thoughts should take the train To some unnamed and distant arse, The book does not complain. Neglected though it lies around For months and maybe years, The same old friend. when opened ap It Instantly appears. It does not pout or make a fuss And say it will not play, But cheerfully it comes ta zneet My manner grave or gay. It offers me the best advice The sages ever penned; It skews me howto live, my life And how my ways ta mend. One drawback, only one, it has - 1 bate to- mention that - It cannot loan me thirty cents; When I am busted fiat. Interested Visitors. e". Vet/ 'It "Don't yea find it very lonesome in the eity? You ditlo't amnia a soul When you went there, and eity folks am not like villagers. They ere eot ranch On the deopping in, I have heard." "No, indeed; we have many callers," "10•1301t, So soon?" "Welt, You see we bought our fn/Ii- mid fixings linen about a ,dozeu ditreeerit lastalineent innate'," LOST THE OAS Th Seller Was Vrtwilling to Accept • the Test. A solieitor was defending a case where a fruit -broker brotight an actiea for the recovery of tweaty pounds, tip price, paid for a •eousigninent of figs which tho plaintiff declared to be leant for bureau food, The defence elleged that although xnederatela dis. aolered by" salt weter, as the plaintiff knew when he bought them, the figs were perfectly wholesome. The figs were la eourt. The plaiatiff, a coeter, 'who eonduct- ed laseatag »ease, was •skillfully caoss4 exaralued. The trial was obviously going against him, and once or twice he retorted so hotly that the 'judge thr•eatened to 'commit him for 'eon - tempt. At length the costar grew desperaee, and turning to the oppbsing counsel, hoarse and perspiring, he said: !'Look here, gav'nor; you say. them Eas are good to eat, and I say they, anal. Thet's all there is between us, ain't it? Now, if you'll eat two cif them figs and you ain't ill immediate- ly afterwards, I'll lose my 7case:" The judge at once saw the prppriety, of this suggestion, and asked the lawyer what he proposed to do. "Your honor is tying the case., not 1," was the reply. "No, no 1 The offer is made to yonaa said the elate. • A laureled consultation took place. Counie:1 suggested that it was the solicitor's duty to submit to' the, ex- periment. The solicitor refased. Mei broker himself was then asked if he wo-ald risk it. "What will happen to me • if I don't?" said he. "You'll lose the case," replied both his leeal advisers. "Then," said he,. laaeriedly, "lose the ease, lose* the case!" And so he did. Royal Exiles' Home Sold. The Wood Norton and Bishampton estates of the Due &Orleans have been disposed of, the purchaser being Sir Charles Swinfen Eady, better known as Mr. justice Steinfen Eady. The Due d'Orleans is, the head. )of the Bourbon -Orleans family, and claimant ao the throne of France. The late Due d'Aurnale purchased the Wood Norton estate from the late Mr, Ed- ward Holland, the last Liberal M.P. for the borough of Evesham, where the Orleans princes were first expelled from France. On the death of the Dee d'Aumale in. 1897 the estates de- scended to the present Due d'Orleans, whose father, the Comte de Paris had predeceased las uncle, the Duo d'Aumale. Woad Norton was in the public eye as recently aa October, 1910, when the ane mansion became the temporary Inane of King Manuel and Queen Amelie of Portu,gal, on their exile from their co-antry. • Scandinavians Are Peculiar. Many Scandinavians have .a decid- edly different anatomical coastruction from less hyperborean. people. In these hardy northmen the layer of fat under the skin, Panniculus aclipoque, is somewhat sealaike and blubber*, something like in those cold sea ani- mals, the whale, seal and walrus. Also the blood vessels in this fat are somewhht overdeveloped' as in sea mammals. All this comes about from exposure to the •,seyeritees of disease and efimate. It is aq *unusual thing for Norwegians and Sivades to stay in icy cold water for hours hunting sea weed -without suffering sickness or diSO0331fork Meerschaum. The property of meerschaum, to take on a rich brown color by soaking up the oil of tobacco was discovered by accident. It is said that a cobbler named Koneatcb, who lived at Buda- pest in the middle of the seventeenth century, was mending a pipe for Count Andrassy when he dropped the bowl on. a piece of wax he was using for waxing his thread. He wiped off the wax, but later, when the owner was smoking the pipe, a beautiful dark spot appeared whete it had been, touched by the' wax. The Roman Forum. • There were many forums in Rome, but the oldest and most famous was not created like a building at a cer- tain time. The Forum Romanuret was originally the lowlands between the Palatine, Capitoline and Quirinal hills, used as a meeting piste* for barter and politics by the, tribes liv- ing an the hills named and on other hills near by. The development of this crude trading place and neutral •.groural into the Roman. forum -of later times was very gradual and irregular. - A preach of Etiquette. "Am I to understatd that yon were discharged from the, army for a mere breach of etiquette?" queried the in- terested friend. "Yds, sir," boldly asierted Colonel Blupher. "What was "Turning my back to the enemy." Away He Went. • , "Madam, I'M traveling around the world on a wager. I have to make good time or I lose my bet." "Well, I don't mind letting iny dog pace you a couple of miles. Here, Tige:' Partial Success. "Did you make a success of 'keep- ing chickens?" • "To a certain exteat, 'Where I fell down was in tcying to sell thane ox persuade them to lay eggs.', An EXpensiVe Patient. The death has occurred of a women who had been an. inmate of -the Sad - bury Union Asylum (Englarld) for Jorteathree years and Ind eost Oyar $5,000 for maintenance. ' Gelid ity. "Fired?" solicitously asked the of. flee. boy. "No," said the shivering stenogra- tater. "1 wouldn't have minded that. He g,avei mo the cold shake, Goad - Houses for Sale We offer a OOPIteftahle frazoVet. tage at a bin ) ,aalarger. !starer and a arilf i4913.4ci. well lecated enj two flew battik ae,sideacee at attroete iire prices. If aou are looklue feetaie touse in,Tbretee call, and gea partlee tilers+ Forge aholceeeeeklasy 'tercets. GLADMAN & STAliBITR.Xlae; Notice tUr Creditors In the meteor of 'the ieetata ,of William Eacknea of the Towne/ail of .Ueborae in tad, Panay ef Harm; farmer deceased. Notice la hereby given peritonea to Statutes in that Peeing 'Oat all ereaitors and others twang, claims against the estate of the late 'William kney .of afee Townelda of Taboo* wJao elied, on or iebout theath of July 1193.2 are enquired. 033r or !before aim 15th of Aug to sena, be pose Prepaid. ar deliver to Wieser& 'thaaman Staribury, solicitors for the, execu- tor of the eeitarte pf 'the G4id demased tbeir ohristian and eurnarnese addresses and dee, criptions, the full particulars of their claims, the etatement of their ao. counts and ebe nature .af the be. amities, Li any, held by 'them. And further take !notice that after such lust mentioned date tbe sail Exeou. tai • will proceed to dietribute the assets of the deceased among the earties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to the claims of which he shall that 'lave =ace and, thati tle said executors will not be liable Cor the Raid assets or any part there, of to any person or persons of whose Maims natioe shall not have been received by hira at the time of sudh diet ri butio n. • 'GLA.DMAN & STANDUP. Y Solecitors for the executor Dated at Exeter the' 15th day of july 191124 • • , Notice to Creditors in ahe matter of the estate oft Joh,n McFarlane of the Village of Homan. County of Huron !gentle- man !deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. S, 0., 189a, chap. 120, tbat all creditors and others having claims t.gainst the estate of John McFarlane of the village of Bewail waddied on or 'about the 11th cie Septembea 1911 are required On POT b•efere the ,3rd of August 1911 tio send' by post prepaid or deliver to Messrs. Gladman & Stanbury. of the Village of Exeter, Solicitors for Executrix of the said deceased, their Christain and surnames. addreeses and descrip- tions, the full particulars of their claims, ;the statement of their ac- counts,. and the nature of the securi- ties„ if any, held by them. And fur- ther take notice that after such last mentioned date, the said Executria will proceed to distribute 'the asseta of the deceased among tbe parties en- titled thereto. having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have notice- and that said Executrix shall not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have been received by her at the time of suck. distribution. bI,ADMAN & 'STANBURY ' ;Solicitors for Executrix. Dated at Exeter this lath day of July 1.912, , NotiCe. to,' 'Creditors In the matter of the estate or Isbell Walker Towiaahip of Usbereve in the County of Huron Widow de- ceasede Notice is lere;by givenpursue:1X to Statutes in that behale that all credit ors and ethers having •cleime, agatnab the estate of :the late Isabell Walker of the Township of 'Caballed who died on or aboat the lath day ef May 1.9e2 are aeauired on or tbefore Aug Ord to send by post prerandr or deliver to lYlesses Gladman & Stalabury. solicit- ors for the execaters of the estate of the said deceased their christieri and 'surnames adarasses and, descries- tioas th,e, full particular's', ef their claims the etatemeat of their acconnt and th,e nature of the .secu,rities if any held by them., eana further take take ,notice that after last aucli men- tione.d date, the said executors will proceed t,o distribute the assets of the deceased amoeigethe parties entitled 'therdto havinir ga r to. tbe claims of which they hall then have notice and chat the executors will not be Reale for the said assets or any part thereof to any' person or per- sons TO whose •claims notice shall nee!' have been received • by*'them et the time of mach elistrIbutebn. • GLADMAN &' 'STANBURY. Soliciters for the, executcaa Dated in Exeter the 15th Day of July 1912t, • Notice to Creditors 'Ir. 1 he Ina tter of the Estate of Char- lotte Herbert. .ot the Village of Exeter Comety of HOT= weclow deceased', Notice is herebe givon Tar, lava Statutes in that behlif that all credit- ors and others having claims agataet; the ,estate et the late Clearlotte Her- bert who died Or. or aboat July 17th are require& on or before Augast 20,tit to send by Poet paid or deliver to, Messrs •Gladraan & tanbury Solite' tors for )..t.e EXecutor of he estate et the aaid deceased their ehristian and sur- names, addresses and descriptierese the Pull particulars of their claims, the staterileat of 'their accottets and the ratture of the, seeurities, if any, hela Le•em lAtd further take notice elica after ouch last meationed date ;he said Execrator will proceed to dis- tribute the assets of the deeettaed amot,g -the parties entitled thereto! havireg regard only to the claims of which be ehall then have motice end. +feet the said Ex4utor will ot be liable for the said assetts or ate part thereof to any person or persons of edam claims, r.otice ellen not Italie been received by Lim at bhia time of zeal. rilstr;brittore GLADMAN 8.6 STANBUIVY Selieliate tor 'the Exec 'tor Dated at Exeter th'e aa july 1014 • , 1 • *vguarlvAx naix, Witlg ,41r1 Farm for Sale 3ePalten6112134 °mit 1.°Sanxrem2D°OlaieeftloSP tSfiret-a411119.71 40 *Gas, 4,, tgood ssaate of eaftri:lati: 100 corm la :grain.• 10 neneA algefai ea -Matt Male all Valkila0 tar Sat t2 °Area bush. net hey and ,gadraree Stone .1290:$4. two atoreye jakebe alai? alevimenitehern. ew. aterirCaterbatoits.ari 3% head' ea:tblp aead, 9 horseia. barn 6(440, %fay lhagra, 6 isold wiliii faera if Waived. afainialece MoBeven-. Box 60. • 41 Farm For S ale •For Selaa. Farm coatetiniPla acres of firat lana itt ahkvale itaa of Weeelleitan't Cood tivg' tatone Mame beak limn $344 , with turtaadate atitale. fouanaaatici beat abeat tt, yaaa • ago, imitai pen -Ant oxpooloot. 'Also • e1ibit 05x1a wifie cannot top unaer avv4i3k Nsw driii,411% silo a ebit stelae sidiaeg aexella lienteettee Pee/ Areete &eat aten9r9 a Rio op# Rakes Waten Mitt faxen' is thavotarta damned and we'll tepee& moataY vrAb all new waae feneee. Atm.ten iicree af geed bumf mositty ha aa wood. •Far paiti1iar& apple, tb Wesley Slieek "Wood abe ,tente . •,lata Executors Sale ,-OF-_ DWELLING elOUSE? FURNITURE .• - , ETC, IN DASHWOOD. , .1 . . • The Exe,eutrix of the ESta:te of the late jacob Webber, .has instructed Mn Ed. Bossen,bury, Auctioneer, .to offer for mete by public. A,uotiori an the, premised on. ' , • TUESDAY .JULY oo 11'42 at 1 o'efock p. m. ' ' • • :VILLAGE LOTINO 10 - in Joan lOooks, Survey or thee Villaga of :iD,aebiatood being part lot Z. ba, the North Boundary Coaceasion of the Townslip ef Stephen, On this jot is a Roma one; and arm :half storey brick cottage, with kitchea lard. and eoft Water. The Lot is eae block south of the Main Street and is on a. corner and is a desireblei property. At th,a same, time there well be sold a quantity oii furniture, coneistine of 1 bed stead; 1 Bureau arid book case combined 4 perferated chairs; 1 lounge 2 bed steads; 11 glass cupboard 1 kitchen table; 2, smala tables; r t pen wee:lista:ad.,' 1 small oupleoarde 32 chairs dishes and, ot'het small articles, . TERMS -Centre, of sale. REAL ESTATE -Fifteen per cent, of the purchase money on the day of sale., and the, balance in 30 days with - eat interest. • CHATTLES icAsa. 1 . , t ' Further t fms and particrelens made knows en . of sale or may be had on applioa a to. ,. ED. B0SSEN,131.TRY Zurich 04, 'Aimee tiorteer. GLADMAN & STANBURY Exeter Ont„, Veadoeft Solicitors. t ! , , Voters' List, 1912 TOWNSHIP. OF 'OSBORNE CAUleari ' OF HURON , k • Notice is :hereby giver: that, X lave transmitted or .delivered to the per. - sons mentioned in Gention 9 or The Ontario 'Voters Mist, Act," the, copies r-equired by said sectiors be be ao transmitted or delivered iof the list,s made pursuar.t to said) Act_of all pear soca appearing by the last revised as- sessment roll of tee said muniaipal- itv to be entitled to vote in the said Municipality, at election for Mernbere of the Legislature Assembly acel MunicipaTe elections ; and th.a.t the said list was first peeted at ray Of- fice Wlealen on tbe 22nd of 'July 1.42044;x0xaainA tbeae for irtsPeationl And 1 Lereby call upon all veters to take immediate pr,oceedirgs to Lave all errors or omissioas' correct • ed according to law. FRAN,CIS MORLEY; ; Clerk, of tta Toweabip of tasboana Dated at 'Whalen July 22nd 1912. • Voters' List, 1912 VILLAGE OP Ea:ETER COUNtiala . OF HTJR0,1se . Notice is hereby given' that 'have transmitted or 'delivered to the pea - sons meatianed in section, a of ',The Ontario Voteis Lest Aeta ate! obi:dee required ba saiclasections to be so transmitted er .delivered ..of the, lists madepurauaat to said Aqtacif all per,- iseasment roil of the said( munleiPal- ions appearing by the last revised ea.' ay to be entitled tie *ate in, ethe saijd of the Legislabure ;Amenable and at 'Munieiliality at election toa Mertibere altardcipal• elections; and that the, said ist :be first posted at ma !of- fice at Exeter on the 24th 'clay of July 1012 and remains there for inspection; A.nd 1 thereby call lupon all yoters ,to take immediate 'peeceadiags to leciavaeccaolrldienrgro.rto's 13.4 CARLING • llearw'.otaiesio es' correct -9 Clerk of ,the Village of Exeter, Dated at Exeter July 24th 1012. Explained. "You seemto have it is for yotir land - "1 owe lam a grudge." "Oh„ I, thought, you only owed him Sad. "l stll in despair." eI thoeght you were in lo've." "Well, if you knew tla4 girl yoted see It's the same thitig." oat 'of °retell, The silly neason:sliouteli subsffle When shifted, is the stammer's strain, But here we see it running wide.. A. part of the advance Carnpalgn. xfourisro$ 1E1,S. D, E. Maar Graduate at Toronto thebearar elte Offiee over Dioksen & Carla ling's Law offieee Oleeed, Weilatise day afterneense PtiOnO pftio Reslnence 5 b. A, 11e EINSKAN Honor Graduate of T,onento , eaaitel, .• 'I ; ' DENTISILI• ! Halt Teeth extraated without liaint any bad effect. Office over Glad & Secteabury's Pffide• Maio' Sas naetara J- BROVVIIING D.e act Oe P. S. Graduate Victoria Un sity Office and residence Dominkleal tanragorif; Eireteat 'Associate Coroner of, Huron lee D icicsort & CARLING ik! Barristers, Solicitor* Notaries Cot veyancers Commissioners, flolioetb for the Mahone Barak eto. Money to Loan at lowest rates of 11i terest, et OFFICE -MAIN STREET.EY.JEDEBh L Th Carling B. Ar aDIQJ MONEY TO LOA ae t 11 1 l;-1; We :have a large =bunt of aria* ate funds to loaa on farm and alai lage properties at lowest rate of laic tereste • z GLADMAN & STANBUBaill Barrister, Solicitors, Main $aa Exeter. , Tllc Usbone and tilbbort Farmer's kintual Fire Insur- anee Comnanll Head Office,, Farquhar, Ont Presideat J u. nussnra yloe-Pre. IteBT.. GABDINEHriat DIRECTORS , BORT MORItIS , , . • Stake THOS. WM. BROOK iiif Winohelsina WM. ROY. • iL oraboara I AGENTS JOHN ESSERY Exeter. eget trsa boiae and raiddulph. QLIVER HARRIS Munro agent eat Hibbert Fallarton and Logan.. e W. A. TURNBULL Secy.Treas. Farquhar GLADMAN & STANBURY. lea Solicitors. Exeter. El.r.e,JelliCeliciotr 4 Replace the pestii- lent, draughty dawn gerous and offal - sive out-of•doors set with an indoon closet which requir- es no sewer no, plumbing, •tind • finishing systeana Have city conveniences in y our homes,. Safeguard family health by i ns ba • “Tweed" Closet Sanitary and Odorless "Tweed" Closets can be installed in the bathroom; cellar, or any otherr convenient place hidoors. merely re- quiring to be connected by a pipe for ventilation with a chimney hole. "Tweed"Liquid Chemical, wed in connection with Tweed Closets ishotie a deodorant and a disinfectant. Many hundreds of Tweed closets have beteg ter" - sold in Canada. Send for illustrated, p r i ce oolliest; WApr. 3, 1912. • Dear Sine The Cheraical Closet I bought froth you on Jan. 5th, 1912 is perfect. I did not empty it until Mar. 29th. nein- is three in the family and can leave - the lidup and no particle of odor can be found I would not ask for anything better, Yours truly, E. .114. Wessels. ti 81OO1 Ti011011 &' MIMIC CO Di led Heaman. • CHITRAL a,• Our teachers are ell ex -parka, •-ne • ced instraotors. • Our coureas Zie • are better than ever and that • iequiament more aompletee • We do more for our graduates • tham do other similar schoOs, ite • - Fourteen applications for • trained help were re ceivedi dur- ing the past week, .soina of a ee, these offering over ($700.• per t- • annuna We have three depart - peeves commercial !Shorthand. •eon • land r Trteoleegrcaaptlittylo.guWariatnea sine; • what we are !doing. ee; •A.. MeLM3• PlirLintllip,al. 0.**•••••••••••••41144041410•001 Eire -Vhilita is. interested and shOuldkuo about the wonderibl • moruAl Whirling Sptaijr Marvel Douche') Ask your divest for it, If he cannot supply the MARVEL, accept no nanny bet send stamp for Illne• • trble#Abook-sealed. It givefall pasUpalare and directions invateebie • esariansouserrax Oink 1 Cionexull Arent* tor Canada. Electric EZestorer for Mett Phosphonol restores everynerve in the. body, to ita proper tension restore vim and vitality. Premature decay And all soma, weakness averted at once. rbosphonol make, yotto new Man,. Prt..e $3 a box, or two for OS. IA -ailed to any'arldreao. 'rho SoobouVrytir itiOog St. COtharixten.Ont,