HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1912-7-25, Page 3., REIN THEORY ABOUT LIFE s..4..-•" SHIFTING OF '+'ART$' S AXIS IS CAUSE FOR EVOLUTION. A. Savant Cites a Few Conditions as Proof of His Novel De- claration. Professor Heinrich Simroth, the Leipzig zoologist, has a new theory to explain evolution and to account for the ;present distribution of ani- mals en the earth. Re calls his doctrine the pendula- tion theory. Pendulation is the eternal ,slow oscillation of the earth's axis which makes the poles change their positions and there - tore involves a 'slow change of cli- mate on a given spot. That the poles do shift is proved by such phenomena as the proces- sion of the equinoxes, In past ages, says Simroth, the earth's axis changed its angle greatly. The north and south poles swung perio- dically to where the equator is now, and then swung back again. That, he Bays, is the real expla- nation of the icecaps which former- ly covered the temperate zone. It expl.ainls the former fertility of the extreme north and south, which is provd by Shackleton's disocvery of coal measures near the south pole. It also gives a reason for the elevation of continents and islands. L Wherever the equator was for the time being there centrifugal force kept the sea higher than it was at THE FLATTENED POLES. The land was, therefore, sub- merged. Later it rose in the sihape of islands and continents. That is why there are remains of seaweed, mussels and crabs, and also raised beaches hundreds of miles inland. The pendulation which caused these changes at the • same time pre- determined the evolution and dis- tribution of animals and of men. Primitive man arose in Central Europe because there the pendula tion was greatest. The north pole always traveled south along an invariable line, which corresponded to about the tenth degree east of Greenwich— that is, through Germany, Upper Italy and Africa. This part of the world, therefore, underwent the most marked changes of climate, and these ehang•es of climate helped on evolution. . Animals that could not adapt themselves to it died out, land ani- mals took to the sea, and the sea animals took to the land. The re- latively rapid changes of climate supplied a test of fitness to live. Paleontological research confirms this theory. The best and earliest fossils of beings which now exist, including main, have been found in Europe in a belt between the west of France and Vienna. Here was the origin of man, and here he at- tained soonest A HIGH TYPE. Farther away from the line of pendulation the climatic changes were weaker, and animal life de- veloped more slowly. That is proved by the fauna of Australia. Australia is farthest of all conti- nents away from the line of pendu- lation and Australia has the most primitive mammals and the lowest type of man. Pendulation explains many other scientific puzzles. The disturbance caused by the swinging of the poles is enough to account for mountain formation and for earth- quakes. The pendulation itself was probably due to one of two causes. It was due either to original move- ments in the spiral nebula, which condensed to form the solar system, or to a twist given to the earth by the terrific impact of a second moon. Simroth holds that the elevated continent of Africa to -day repre- sents the debris of this fallen moon. ►I' SINGING FOR CONVICTS. Latest Innovation In Berlin's Fam- ous Moabit Prison. Singing is the latest innovation introduced by the German prison authorities for the diversion of'con- victs. . In the famous Moabit prison for long term convicts in Berlin, pri- soners who possess musical talent are formed into a class which, as- sembles every night in the centre corridor just before the convicts go to bed to sing sacred songs. These songs reverberate through all the galleries of the prison and into the cells, the doors of which are opened for the purpose. On Sunday ,afternoon all the •convicts gather in the prison chapel to join in choral singing. As silence is strictly enforced at the Moabit prison, the convicts look forward to the opportunity, to sang with almost childish delight. GETTING SHODDY. Lew Dike—They don't put good iinaterial in the goods they make now -a -days. Walt Hewes ----That's true, ' 'I used to get neckties that would last fifteen years; now . I can't get more'n ten outer them. TO STRENGTHEN WEAK NERVES The Blood Supply 1•ut be Made Rich) Red and lure When you build up the blood you strengthen the nerves, because the nerves get their .food through the blood. You cannot reach the nerves with medicine except through the blood—this is a great medical truth few people realize, Nervous people are pale people. They are nervous because they are pale. The blood is so thin and watery that it cannot nourish the nerves. Starved nerves mean sciatica, neuralgia, nervous prostration, paralysis. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People are a real nerve tonic, They supply •plenty, of nourishing red blood to the exhausted nerves, thus enabling them to do the work na- ture intended they should do. This is the simple, secret of the success of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in cur- ing nerve troubles. As to their value in cases of sciatica, Mrs. Job Palmer, Fenelon Falls, Ont., says: "For seven weeks I suffered un- told agony from sciatica. I tried everything to ease the pain, but it steadily grew worse. Liniments had no more effect upon the trou- ble than water. Then the dector told me to apply a hot iron to the afflicted part and I did so morning after morning, but my leg had bo - come so numb with the pain that I could hardly feel the heat of the iron. I never• expected to be able to walk again, my leg was so drawn up: I had tried so many things that I had given up hope, yet at the urging of my brother I decided to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. To my surprise in two weeks I was able to stand on my feet with but little pain, and soon after I was able to walk about again. I con- tinued taking the Pills for about two months, but some time before I discontinued their use my leg had become normal again, and the agony of the trouble had disappear- ed, and I have not since had a twinge of it. Words fail to express my gratitude for what the Pills did for me and I most strongly recom- mend them to all sufferers from sciatica." The every day mission of Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills is to cure cases like the above, and they will not disappoint if given a fair trial. Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for i$2.50 from The. Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Broekvile, Ont. TOWNS WITHOUT TAXES. Germany and Franco Have One Each. It was recently reported from Germany that there was a little town within the empire in which there were no taxes. The town pos- sessed benefactions, the revenues from which enabled it to pay its way without the intervention of the tax gatherer. France never.likes to be outdone by anything German, so a Paris contemporary has set itself the task of finding a parallel. Something more than a parallel has been dis covered, for not only are there no taxes but hte timbers on the com- munal lands are -sufficient -to grant each persona small annuity. This happy land is Montmarion, in the Midi. • There are seven electors in the hamlet, so to avoid anything like rivalry the seven return them- selves to the local council. Cutting The Best Treatment for Itching Scalps and Falling Hair To allay itching and irritation of the scalp, prevent dry, thin and falling hair, remove crusts, scales and dandruff, and promote the growth and beauty of the hair, the following special treatment is most effective, agreeable and economical. On retiring, comb tho hair out straight all around, then begin at the side and make a parting, gently rubbing Cuticura ointment into the partingwith a bit of soft flannel held over the end of the finger. Anoint additi nat partings about half an inch apart untll the whole scalp has been treated, the pur- posebeing to get the Cuticura ointment on the scalp skin rather than on the hair. It is well to place a light covering over the hair to protect the pillow from postibte stain. Tho next morning, shampoo with Cuticura soap and hot water. . Shampoos alone may be Used as often at agreeable, but once or twice a month is generally sufficient for this special treatment for women's hair. Not- withstanding Cuticura soap and ointment are sold everywhere,: those wishing to' try this treatment may do so without expense by sending to "Cuticura," Dept. 4M, Boston, I. S. A.; for a free sample of Cuticura soap and ointment. with 32-D. book on skin and hair:.. down the treed; and selling them tiN sufficient to provide a livelihood for these simple people, whose tastes are so needeat that they may be termed by some uncivilized.. TO TUE MANOR BORN. Lord Charles Beresford and the Duke of Argyll were t 'avelling to- gether on the Great Western Rail- way, in England. The only other occupant of their compartment was a prosperous drummer, whose ane cess had been due to natural talent tor business rather tharx to sound education. The noblemen found their companion entertaining, so they listened to his talk until a sinall station in Gloucestershire was reached. Here Lord Charles Bela esford alighted, and was met by a servant of the people with whom Lord Charles Beresford. • he was gciug to stay. The drum- mer leaned out of the window, open-mouthed and wide-eyed. He saw his lordship bowed into a splen- did carriage and driven off down a country lane. Drawing his head within the carriage again he turned to the duke and said: ' "Oos 'im 2" "He is Lord Charles Beresford," the duke replied. "Well, now !" said the drummer. "Fancy the likes of 'im 'obnobbin' with -two cads like you and me I" SHUT THAT WINDOW. After spending the, greater part of the evening with friends John decided that home was the place for him, and, arriving there, he elected to sleep in the front gar- den. Next morning, happening to look up, he saw his wife observing him from an open window. "Shut that window!" he yelled. "Do you want me to catch my death of cold ?" A WINNING START. A Perfectly Digested Breakfast Makes Nerve Force for the Day. Everything goes wrong if the breakfast lies in your stomach like a mud pie. What you eat does harm if you can't digest it—it turns to poison. A bright lady teacher found this to be true, even of an ordinary light breakfast of eggs and toast. She says: "Two years ago I contracted a very annoying form of indigestion. My stomach was in such condition that asimple breakfast of fruit, toast and egg gave me great dis- tress. "I was slow to believe that trou- ble could come from such asimple diet, but finally had to give it up, and found a great change upon a cup of hot Po•stum and Grape -Nuts with cream, for my morning meal. For more than a year I have held to this course and have not suffered except when injudiciously varying my diet. "I have been a teacher for sever- al years and find that my easily di- gested breakfast means a saving of nervous force for the entire day. My gain of ten pounds in weight al- so causes me to want to testify to the value of Grape -Nuts. "Grape -Nuts holds first rank at our table." Name given by Canadian Postum Co., Windsor, Ont. "There's a reason." Read the little book, "The Road to Well- ville," in pkgs. Ever read the above letter? A new ens appears from time to time. They ars genuine, true, and lull of human Interest TO DESTROY PORPOISES. A new use has been found for the submarine by the French ministry of marine. The artificial porpoises are to fight and kill the natural porpoise. It has been discovered that hungry porpoises on the French coast have almost ruined the sar- dine industry, which mints millions for the people of the coast towns and the Channel isles. To' remedy this state of affairs, torpedo boats and the submarines are being sent under "sealed orders" to scour the waters of the channel and make things, so hot under water for the blunt -nosed acrobats of the waves that those who survive will take to the. Irish Sea, the North Sea or the Bay of Biscay. IN SUMMERTIME ae borne should be without a bottle of NA -DRU -CO Extract. el Wild Strawberry Compound It promptly Checks;Diarrhoca, Cholera Infanturn, Cholera Morbus, Nausea, vomiting and Summer Complaint. In ase. ands pe, Milts, at your Druggist's. National Drag and Chemical Co. of Canada, L101110 , 210 BIG AND LITTLE RELIGION. This story comes from Australia, where all conversation turns even- tually to matters educational, be- cause every parent is painfully anxious that hie sons shall pass the standard which will free them from certain years of military service. A visitor was conversing with his host's small son and opened as a matter of course with the words; "Do you go to school now ?" "Yes." "And what do you learn? Road ing, writing, sums ?" "Oh, yes, and I learn religion, too." "Religion ?" "Yes. I learn the little religion, which teaches that we all come from Adam. But my' elder brother is in a higher class; he learns the big religion, and that teaches that we all came from monkeys." SIEGE OF DELHI. Greatest of historical Spectacles at the C.N.E. this Year. The Siege of Delhi will be the historic ,spectacle at the Canadian: National Exhibition this year. There is no more terribly pictur- esque scene in English history than this sketch from the great Indian mutiny. The rich and varied cos- tumes of the natives of different castes mingled with the uniforms of the English officers give to it color that cannot fail to delight the eye, while the tragic drama cannot fail to be of enthralling interest. Every detail is to receive the strictest at- tention to-realce this the greatest of the many historical spectacles that the Canadian National has become famous for. Even a small man may have a large .opinion of himself. Worms feed upon the vitality of children and endanger their lives. A simple and effective cure is Mo- ther Graves' Worm Exterminator. PEARLS OF TRUTH. God loves a hungry child that is aye crying for bread.—Samuel Rutherford. , No one is useless in this world who lightens the burden of it for any one else. Dickens. Let us be not too particular. It is better to have old second-hand diamonds than none at all.—Mark Twain. When I want any good headwork done I always choose a man, if suit- able otherwise, with a long nose.— Napoleon. Constant application to pleasure takes away the enjoyment, or ra- ther turns it into the nature of a very burdensome and laborious business.—Burke. There is only one road to human prosperity, and it is the •same for a nation as for an individual. That is the honest road of hard work under free institutions, and when they tried to teach people that they could be made rich by some short cut they were doing that which was thoroughly dishonest.—Mr. Walter Long, M.P. LAMENT OF THE RISE IN BEEF. The water wagon passes Right by my humble door, They call to me to climb it— I will not board it more. I have a gnawing hunger Its fluid does not slake I want the butcher wagon That used to stop with steak. The loud bandwagon passes With statesmen clustered thick, They call to me to join them And save the country quick. Alas! they fill no stomach, Its place they cannot take— The good old butcher wagon That used to stop with steak. Minard's Liniment Cures narget In Cowe. ED. 7. ISSUE 8O-'12. l'EE REPLY. There are drawbacks even to be- ing the wife of a wealthy titian, as. 7ltrs. Rieh around out. Although they have only been married a few weeks, she hardly ever has a quiet hour with her husband, It's bust- Bess from inorn till night, and in the evening he only begs for peace and rest, So the other day she came down to dinner in a sombre black frook,. "Why on earth, dear," said Mr. Rioh, eyeing her gown with distaste, "are you wearing. that frock? Why, it's half -mourn- ing." "Of course it's half -mourn- ing," replied the lady, with mush meaning. "Don't you always say when you come home from the of- fice that you are half dead?" ZA11M-BU1 AND OUTDOOR LIFE. Every tennis or ball player, every swimmer, every canoeist, every man of woman who loves outdoor life and .exercise, should keep a box of Zam-Buk handy. Zara-Buk is a purely herbal pre- paration, which, as soon as applied to outs, bruises, burns, sprains, blisters, etc,, ,seas up highly bene- ficial operations. First, its anti- septic properties render the wound free from all danger from blood poisoning. Next, its soothing pro- perties relieve and ease the pain. Then its rich, herbal balms pene- trate the tissue, and set up the wonderful process of healing. are all quickly cured 'by Zam-Buk. Barbed wire scratches, insect stings, are all quickly cured by Zam-Buk. All druggists and stores. Use Zam- Buk Soap also; 35c. per tablet. "They tell me that your small boy says some unusually clever things." "Yes, yes. Did you hear his latest?" "Sure." "Why, you never met him." "True, but I've met a lot of doting fathers who in- variably tell the same old silly tales." A Pill That Lightens Life.—To the man who is a victim of indigestion the transaction of business becomes an added misery. He cannot con- centrate his mind upon his tasks and loss and vexation attend him. To such a man Parmelee's Vege- table Pills offer relief. A course of treatment, according to direc tions, will convince him of their great excellence. They are confi- dently recommended because they will do all that is claimed for them. Mother—There now, don't whip Johnny. You know the Bible says: "Let not the sun descend . upon your wrath." Father—That's all .right; but it doesn't say not to let your wrath descend upon the son. Wire Wounds My mare, a very valuable one, was bad- ly bruised and cut by being caught in a wire fence. Borne of the wounds would not heal, although I tried many different medicines. Dr. Bell advised me to use MINARD'S LINIMENT, diluted at first, then stronger as the sores began to look better, until after three weeks, the sores have healed, and best of all, the hair is growing well, and is NOT WHITE as is most always the case inFhorse I)OUCds. , M.Weymouth. 'Said one man on the street, speaking to a friend : "Well, money talks." "Maybe it does," answer- ed the other, "but all it ever said to me was `Good-bye." Oil for Toothache.—There is no pain so acute and distressing as toothache. When you have so un- welcome a visitor apply Dr. Tho- mas' Eclectric 011 according to di- rections and you will find immedi- ate relief. It touches the nerve with soothing effect and the pain departs at once. That it will ease toothache is another fine quality of this Oil, showing the many uses it has. Heck—"If I ever marry I'll rule the roost, or know why." Peck— "You'll know why all right." Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, Etc. The excesses of our youth are drafts upon our old age, payable with interest about thirty years af- ter date. There is no poisonous ingredient in Holloway's' Corn Cure, and it can be used without danger of in- jury, Many a man gets a crick in his elbow from turning over new leaves. Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. ACCEPTED THE APOLOGY. An Irishman was going along the road when an angry bull rushed at hint and tossed him over a fence. The Irishman, recovering from his fall, upon looking up, saw the bull pawing and tearing tip the ground, as is the custom of the ani- mal when irritated, whereupon he smiled at the animal and said, "If it Yeas' not for your bowing and scraping. and your humble apolo- gies, you brute, faix, I should think that you'd thrown ice over this fence on purpose." t�1��A GE tt;t ,Aehaevriadiellta i,* tLafjaa'torae<. "a five o[ Wsuw stool t:elier!. ova, midi, Ask to s,. eel cel_' Total pf1PJI eIJ$OTUi00, 0 c4•"• op` . Ya Maexn Resedtd. to .diAraeltt +..«... When are. you going to ask your grocer for KING OSCAR SARDINES? Trade supplied by John W. Sickle & Greening, Hamilton • "iNTERNATIONAL FLY WAY" Prevents the Tremendous Loss from Flies Fllee coot the Farmers of Canada millions of dollars annually by retarding the growth or fattening of animals end by greatly reducing the production of ndllc by conataatlyannoying the animals al leu,amer. Every farmer or stock:elver knows this statement to be true from his own experience. Flies also cause a groat toss of life by Spreading Diseases fromfarm to farm. International Fly Way" will keep aloe off your entmale aid give them perfect rest fromthere poetiferoue insects, which will make you more :money in a larger productloa of milk or much qulokor growth of 6.11 animals. SAVE YOUR STOCK Ey thing 'alti4TEUUP ATIOM?0Z• FLY WAY" • It is pn.ltively guaranteed to beeffective fn Driving Away Flies, Mosquitos, and other insects which worry stock and roduco their earntngespecity. hie harn Iers to the hair and akin and will bo found perfectly satisfactory when used according to dlrectiaae. Wo Om our twenty years of reputation back of 'International Fly Way,' and ask you to teat it on our positive guarantee. Fos 8A,0 Ar ALL DEALEEa. iITEBDATIII2M. STOCK FOOD CO. Liotited,i8R02TIL No. Y4 w i t 4 • J1 • A DIFFICULT TASK. Betsy, an old colored cook, was moaning around the kitchen one day when her mistress asked her if she was ill. "No, ma'am, not 'zaetly," said Betsy. "But the fac' is, I don't feel ambition 'nough to git outer my own way." A Safe Pill for Suffering Women. —The secluded life of women, which permits of little healthful exercise, is a fruitful cause of de- rangements of the stomach and liver and is accountable for the pains and lassitude that so many of them experience. Parmelee's Ve- getable Pills will correct irregu- larities of the digestive organs and restore health and vigor. The most delicate woman can use them with safety, because their action, while effective, is mild and soothing. s - NUPTIAL JOYS. Mgrs. Backlot—Have a good time at Sadie's wedding? Mrs. Oldahawl—Fine; we just cried all evening at the awful match that poor girl made. When Your Eyes Need Care Try Murine Eye Remedy. No smarting—Feole Fine—Acts Quickly. Try it for Red, Weak, Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Illus- trated Book -in each Package. Murine is compounded by our Ocullets—not a "Patent Med- icine"— but used in successful Phyalclans' Prac- tice for many years. Now dedicated to the Pub- lic and sold by Druggists at 26e and 600 per Bottle. Murine Bye Salvo in Aseptic Tubes, 250 and 60o. Murine Eye Remedy Co.,'' Chicago "Is that plant I see in your gar- den. a perennial or an annual?" "Neither ; it's a failure." Very many persons die annually from cholera and kindred summer complaints, who might have been saved if proper remedies had been used. If attacked do not delay in getting a bottle of Dr. J. D. Kel- logg's Dysentery Cordial, the medi- cine that never fails to effect a cure. Those who have used it say it acts promptly, and thoroughly subdues the pain and disease. Some men who know very little are not altogether sure of that. Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. TIMES HAVE CHANGED. Howell—Rowell doesn't speak to his wife. Powell—And I can remember when he thought it was worth one dollar to say a few words to her by long-distance telephone. TS PA RUBBER HEELS Tread softly - Step safely. foe ;tea se CAT'S PAW RUBBER SOLES Embody the patente_ d features of Cats Paw Heels. is. 11. W. ala Toronto. UW, $10ety 0.1 rib St 'GAT Tif0171LAND DMA bus :beltutfnti i t Noxtbunibetlrpd Countyiulha, il'+e U4f and Implements. Thera 10 It the 4 borsee 10 cow', etc. Thle f, # saA�pp OW can bead eA Astorterms. Tossa$Tola 11 0020. �*t QOD r &IxMS IN LTNCQI:N WxlL N lir Ealten, Pial, York. liar aixi, etitb' timberland,, Prince Edward .count os• at reaRonehle aricee. 4 LBERTA. BASXATCRBWAN L ]asnitoba Lando In rants or Y1L Nittloke. 1 i R7TTgeyryAaRMPrB— ultAEITI,t. SIZE$. IN 'tl"g: H. W. DAWSON, Toronto. MALR HELP WANTED. RAILVi'AY AGkaNTB. 'PErzez,AP and Clarke in great domaci throng out Ontario and 'North West. Six Months will qualify you. Day and Mail Lesarpe. Positions secured. Free Book explains.18. Dominion Schaal 'Telegraphy, Toronto. 511SCEI-LANEOUS. JJAY. AND FARM SCCCALES 9isoa Peale Works, 9 Esplanade.'VOFont- CANCEB, 8UMO1Ls, LUMPS, etc, Int kJ ternal and external. cured without 8(210 by our home •treatment. Write utt before too late. Dr. Bauman Medical Co. Limited. Coil ingwood, Ant. i. TON SOALE GUARANTEED LP Scale Works, 9 Esplanade, Torento. FEATHER DYEING Cleaning and Curling and Rid (crouse eleened Thele eau be sent by post, 10 per cm The best place is BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING CO, MoNTOEEAL: The Soul of a Pta.nolethe Action. insist on the °VTTO HIGEL" Plano Action XX .ak. I" C3I- Mt MTX TEC, *S CREOSOTE la31,1.il Protest— Preserve— Beautify Samples and Booklets on Application JAMES LANGMUIR & 00.2 Limithd 18741, Bathurst Street TORONTO -'e.. • 'e,Y41 aI' 17 WV `s.1 I 1 • ,• 'A • STOP • THIS WITH COOPE 'S FLY KNOCKER It Paye to keep your stook tree of mea—oentented cows give 3s. more milk; homework harder nndon less feed. Costs less than 34 cent a bead per day. Use C.aper't fly an.e2ar and save money. Easy to use— eeonomical—efficient—see, quarts (Imperial) beet Gallons (Imperial) $1.25. Special circular free—teas what others say about Coopor'e. Any dealer or WM. COOPER & NEPHEWS - - TORONTO COW COMFORT la guaranteed to keep Flies off your Cattle $2.00 PER GALLON Dilute with 4 gallons of water. Write for a gallon now $e THE THACLAREN IMPERIAL CHEESE CO., LTD., WOODSTOCK, ONTAaIO. Sole Mfrs..—The 8apho Manufacturing Co., Limited, Montreal A R S.S. CLEVELAND • (16.500 Tons) From Hew York Oct. 11, Will From San Framing Fob. 8,1013 UWill Boit Hakim Seals Italy, Raw.India. Ceylon, Straits s.Nlements, Java. N Ph3Gppisea, Mae. Jappae. SamrwlJ Islands. with OveriacdAmericat.Taw. D INLAND EXCURSiONS AND SIDE TRIPS IMEIDERIONMIIMOIRDI TWO CRUISES —Ott TEII— '��jE OPTIONALTi 17 DayseinnIMkt as a a//��aa Durationowa °° 110 Days Each 0 $ 6850 v j indulin$ frac• up ae0 axed •ae0. aboard a ..bar . R'"Ask anyone who Am nude ileo LCralas. okitL Wrfle dor '$o Log) HAIKBURG - AMERICAN LINE 41.45 BROADWAY. N. T. or Ocean Steamship Agency, 133 Yonge St.. Toronto, Canada, The destruction of the house sy is a public duty. Almost every American State. Board of Health is carrying on a crusade against him. His filthy origin and habits, and the fact that his body i s generally laden with disease -producing germs, makes him one of the greatest ene- mies of the human race. If the housekeepers of Canada will use WILS rWS FLY PADSI persistently; this peril will be tre- mendously reduced.