HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1912-7-25, Page 1,exalt Liver Salts t,40 , to its name axed sure and pleasant eau its action. Drives away "The Dines" and -all othee .disordersfrom the Liverend atom. ,11,014, An aid to perked leeaith. We refund -ail money, if it faits, Ask tis about it, Ria orui store ..foo 14,21sar' '044 Have 'You Tested its lklerits. 79�vllki g� z H` ' YEAR =• TO 2007 i.. • . r,►�r err Huron (30 TilidoilseZ Gazette Hot Weather exznll Ii'aot tlooke,.,., e all `razz atzd ' .tit 3�1.t3 ell X ivoly . ,„......: ~ " a<aflUlag . rbc t o Taft uln (latost), ?favid Creams, Toilet Lotions and Wa Cole's Drug $lore ( oma of The llezan Remedies,) ONT , C A.T!I A]3UBSDAY DifORINING, JULY Lyth 1012 PHONE 32 -; UM; I,EARIN� SALE make room for Our New Van Goods whch are All Summer Goods must go to time to buy anything you may need for tire. arriving every, day, This will oe a goody warm weather. Ladies White 'Dresses 2 for $2.00; $5,0o for $3;25. $8 5 00; All to go. $8.00 for $5. , Fancy Parasol's About a doz. left to clear out at about rz price. Secure one, Fancy Ginghams have a lot of fancy' Gingham's all to We All new A be cleared out at ><iae a yd. Goods. Men's Straw Bats Do not be without. one.' We are sell- ink thetn at 25, 5o and 75c to cleat. MEN & Ladies White Waists $1.25 for-75cts. $2.00 to $1.25 $3 0o for $2,00i All kinds of styles; Ladies Whitewear All kinds of Skirts, Night gowns, Con,. set Covers and Drawers. Every piece to go' at bargain prices Children's Dresses Only a few left of white or , colored s ice - Everyone.to be sold at nearly f pr Millinery A few trimmed Hats and Shapes for Bess than half, We. dont want any left BOYS CILDTHING. "mer Clothing to be sold - Or Mops and Boys Regular and SumSuit now we have a lot. o � Buy your Summer or Fall very Suit New. and.'Up•to-date.. at this 'sale, � y will payyou . • to . haler Sate. it ..• ''for et Our �� SHsi Do.��.o � this cleared out. . .. : on this list to be see it. Piles.of goods not one 32 ibnes &May,Exeter Use Plymouth Exeter Council lel' meeting Of t1,�e Oottnlen. wras hall meths Town. Nall .ere M'otaday ,eveef le u15 filth Councillor Levett being; ab- sent ,Mintult�ee of the last tx�et:t,itr were read atilt Approved , Rivers and Scots-.. et the follow- ing accounts be peed; Wan, Cxi,lleieele teaming' " 15490; Thos:' Cree.ali teaaniefe et,1,8; Lonis Day, .oenxetery 1J:110; 'Jones & MiZy' do, 740; Geo, Crawley 1 clo.'2.00; H.• Gauid do, 1.00; iias. lis do 8.78; Llerry ltubtaor. do, 1.75 Wm. Walper do 16.00; Hell Telephone do. '30.70; Jobe', •D'ix�taan ea 'Sone A,sct. 6.80 T, Webster labor Val.. .laher, 25.20 Richard i r ;Rebels le box> '2'3.2+0 ; J'nbai Bell labor 13'.75'. W. 3. Ilissebe ,supplies 1.00 J. NJ How,- ard labor 12.00; 1;. Hee:Te'rrain labor. 1,.1;35 •'Jelna Bemoan do 11,.09.; ras. Morley do 08; 'Walter `Wescott, do. .6,9`J 11. Qua+iace do 613 Thos „flatter Noe - re .1,50; o LUQ eleo''Oranbeo505; o 26 75; Win^ Vale do 10;71; Fred Bloomfield do 15.'25; T:hots. Houlden: do 26.00; `IL Mnellelr . Mfg. too, Tapping naechine, 73.77,; total 41440?25 Law. No •9' cou- Foxd Scott' that By -Law tiro ,aplaaintment el the .new Beard bf Health., be •eiv�ent its fist •re•L,d.Lng.--;Carr s d ur- Tenders av,cte ttecrsivecl for tlz�, p' chases of .the $5,000 Macro, efewea`. debentures as toilers, Giadiman" Star -buy! $5000; Beret Mason 83 •Co. it 1;1.811; Ontatrio $'+:cirri ties Co, 47'50 i •0; M'° Burgess es 10o 45371; National 't inanCe Co. 4748; 'We A. ,N):'cTC(e(n',zie. sl co; 14e0,d1, Scott and Rivers that the te;idee of Midss'rs Glee/been &:Stenbure of :ri5000 for the Main' Sewer debentures beies the highest,` same he accepted. C'er- ried. Coureilior Feud Haat we ad - 'tourist, I3. C-MILING Clerk' Credttoh Owe by one the pioneers of this see - ten are passan'g iway and on. Sunday ax.other of our respected citizens in the persor. of 'A,uglist Twist passed to his reward. Deceased hid reached years tee +go�ord old ago of seventy-two' Be was bore, in \7Tortumberg Genre:tie 13`e was"an ictivc member of .th.e Evangelical church incl, when able at- tended evert. service: i;:1 cdnnectieai with t!he church. He is survive' by his :vile seven 4sans and four dough tors Fred. Join, Henry, Every and •o n LeviFE lkt o ' it c dz to C c .` an of i C L tris z tz Mrs. SeLav a r Mode of Sebe�Lut a, ars. Geo, Holtzinann, Mrs Vin. IvLoriock and 1\r.:_,. ;' T. MawL•inney ill of iCreditoi: Tho funera took place or Taesday t o th••e;Evangelic il church cemetery The family h .Ve this Sym- pathy of the Times.. 'W e lore sorry to report that Mrs. Eli Tins is laid••'up w%tie another it - tack of rheumatism. Cit, 1VPichi Mr. Wes. Prow:n ani. 13ay e with is cper•dirg'`�t la l vs visiting •his- father. Mrs. .T, ' liiiaoriona(d of ` ,Detroit is spending a couple of weeks :with her. norents .Mr.. and Mrs. Wm, Wenzel x1111 4.td' Mrs. Harry Stiveitzex' reth- returucd home aft:er, attendi'tri 'City cele'bratiar at Berlin...-Shey' ;re- port _having a good time. • Mr. Geo. H:.Bed,feedr. of S,a'xria at- tended the: f ineraL of the 1atf: Aa gust Heist orf Wednesday, • The Misses Bextratds of Detroit are epcnding a few- weeks with, frte'nds Winners of the Fall Wheat Competition '7 (>71-AVZI; e tbq` vritingxs, of ell " a1Z Iwtket p nlietitloap• 'bteXtl, by the Exeter t rie�'iltural Society, NEP. ;los,' Oreherd was in tory a List weep/ anti did the indgi;ng. Won.. Violw•ilt '90 1-�2 Dawsoul Golden Chiaff, $20 Robb Tir.ne-Y, O0i, f3on cell $15:; John Del- bridge. 95 0-4 Dewsoii Glolden, tC,hafe' $10 Wee C, Hawkins, 1J.'1,: Scett SS; /edam Oas+a IA. Prosperity 9ifx, Down 5p. Bonuell t$4. Bowling Tbrce ricks of St. Marys veers motored over :last Friday Arad played a- friendly, !earns ox the green:. faI•+ lowing were the games. gt:Marys Greixihton. Sharp • ' Adam Poole skip .14 I',imseith. H. Maxwell Nor hgraves 'Masweti sk'p 15 Meeker skip Exeter, Gonkd Grieve! nariir+ Beaman skip 23 J.Baw4ea. efayt IClreea'hl 5.13awden.ekip .20 4i4►44ia►4444444 4.44 4 , • 4 • •• • r 4 4 47* 4 4 4 4. • 4 • • 4 • O 4 4 4 4 m 4 ••• 4 4 4 9chesor; ` . a6 Caine s' O hriselei MER G�� MARKED t. Call in and SEF 0 Slimmer Lines 'of 40, 15 Clarke skip 10 ' l • 4 Mrs. Gla•dxnat and dani;hter, 111rst 4 Kari' ar°d:ctildrezt returned to Peter- borough. Wednesday of -ter visiting Dir. 4a and Mrs: F. W. Gladman: • The late Mrs. 1rerbert-O'a Wea- resday July 17th: ',Charlotte Be7beri • widow of the` late John Herbert, pas- • sed away it her home irJ Exeter •41•441"'b41•9A••••••0•••0400®0 4 0 4'e' Oilri j O. 4 - 0 Binder Twine .4: Gold Medal 5610 ft. 4, Made in one minute gl�•�pec.500 ft. and The Best is' the Cheapest,.. with PURITY Lemon � - Extra Stroh ® Powder. g Gold Medal •tlay'FolrYc Rope 4W at ,�icts. Manu Tm1t 0 and 4 strands will`not break' o ,tions, • we.sell the ger- ' pulleys, g Slin Ropes and !look's .nine. Try it. Great for farmers and every- " body.•. Get It At New Brunswick P,:leste Paris and Paroid Roofing, riot Weather Warts Washing 1Vlachiries from $7.00 to $10.00 Washing isfachines as cut $10.00 i1 Stokes. from 1.00. to $11,00 Oil Stove ovens from 2.00 tb $2.75 Hammocks from 1.50 to $7.50 0 D'oi;rs from 1.00 to•$2.00 `iScreeh 'Screen Windows 'from 25c to 400. Charcoal Irons' .750, . - HEA_ �� r . ' HARDWARE. AND STOVE STORE ' � Hod Weather Bargain. -100P- At The Exeter Bargain Store --qv. Ladies ----'V6roetli $1.25 to clear at69e each Childr Ladies R, C1hlidrene Fancy Tan" Hose ---.Worth 25c a pr. at half. price Black Cotton .Bose --10 cents a. pair. Bath Towels ---1.2e. and cents each • --.--Worth $1.00 to $1.30 for 50 cente:each Mens ens Straw lttrts d cents each • Uhildrens r lNED Stabs-- case of 1 _. is. .- - flannelettes- 36 inches wide 111 ,Jr115',X" UPIPV�b--,-'-• A Case it'p(�h_h or �� e811tB per tied '•Y�e f .s : firth r i 'R+' � p .Shoes our Specialty 6 a.7tQ er . • Bargain�'''r Exeter ter. tie Dilor North of "`osis Clrfficee B W. F. Beavers • 4 4 4 4. •' 4 4 •4 4. •0 4 �. 4Powell's 4 O 4 • Bazaar 4•4 44 4 Phone 55 i • s Big Variety Store 4 0 • 044.0000 wfW.e4 000e40ee4.04.6. . BORN SLILLIVAN-Ors Sunday, July Met to Mr. ar.d Mrs. Larry' Sullivan of Adare a daughter. MED r:T�1TST-1r Crediton "en' eat, i{est:, A g , a ,' 2' 'rs 7 i �['t a adf , ' 4Yv. sir. I. ,115 .� u „ F mor tk s and 14 days. IlletelIERT-Tr. Exeter North ort July 17th Charlotte, widow of the, late . obr ef,erbert aged •86 Beare. _ HARNESS -Jet the London, Hospital. on July °21st William Jfobl t Hardest; 1 de years 2 days. ;North et the.., e of Se years. The • Mrs. rs Herbex•t has beer.; ening for • someitime but "was compelled to take * her bed only two weeks before ;the 4 olid lame Beath, vas= due to the• m 4 '4. breaking up of her constitution. Oven • • IN 4 Ilitin L9 a► • •• Fancy Vests twee* years ago the deceised end 8 bar husband, came to "Exeter, from 44 Bidden:1h, Toweehip• and for. a ,few a, .cars 't ey kept the eemletlery but later retired She is survived} by four • ceeldren, three danghter.e and due gest, Mrs. Simpson and Mrs. -el an of p London Mrs. ID. Hicks of Eli.mville: %+ end '3•as.. of Biddulphh The funs ell was Letd Friday to t'he Exeter eern etcry The late Wm, Harness -The deeti eccured in 'Victoria Hoapatat Leindeni t John, .. J Mr.Wm last 'ala is ex, Su, Sunday Iiarness% aged 49 years 2 •days.. The deceased was taken to the hospital cit Thursday preceeding his death. death being arae to peritonitte. A- bout two, years ago he underwent an, operation at Victoria LTrtpital. The' 'ate Mr. Harness was born near Wort; Hope and moved here when a little lad, and practically spent his vwhalec life here. He was married to llfisti l.irze Oliver of - 1Uibrook, . who with a,f telly' of rad b,t children, five boys gaud- ,terse gtrls titi'rv'rvo The e - ceased wns a liberal in politics aa ad' hereat of the lean', Street Methodist church. Ile is also survived by his mother two brothers and two sisters all of town. The funeral was held on Monday, to the Exeter;cemetery: Thebereaved have the; sympathy of bcrrhe lt'Lisses ICaihn returned'home after sperdieg a week at the Bend 'Miss Pearl Holtzrear left for Cha ea go fast Wednesday atter spending her holidays with her Parents Mr. and Mrs. J H. .Hottzxxoiiin Mr. and Mrs .Sam Brown ret'ur'ned hone last Friday alter . a.tteneing the city celebration at Berlin. Miss Edna Finkbeiner• left for But- tato Tuesday where she will visit friends Cor a fe.v m.anths. 14Ir. ard Mrs. Win., Either of Nezv- erk Ohio are spending 1 ceUPle of eeks the guest of Mr. and Mrs; Fred Either. Mrs Hobert Either returned home niter sperding a couple of weeks with Er iond.s in ]:dnckt;o\v. Centralia drove ,in. last Fridav' even- ing and played 5 giros of ball with Lee Asters Both. teams diet poor work but they willsoon wake ' up The s seers was 7-3 in favor of the stem. Mr. Wm. Paget spent S'a:nday with friends in St. Catharions. Miss Edith ;Crawety of Detroit is ,pending e tow weeks with friends here. Mrs° Wilkins and da^iehter of De- troit are Ike guests of Mr. and Airs. Charles Eileen-. Ries M. Metz tot Detroit is spend- ir.•g a few idaes with, her father Mr, Merry v1eta! ' HA'RPLEY - Miss May. 11'arlt:or of Torontois visiting at Mr. Joseph leickeyes r • Dolph 'M^sere JJoker.Sherri( :t endph knee intend leaving for the west this week wire.. a load .of horses eich., 'Mass Iycatrise Tar r.hell accoznpm- te lea 'hetst;ace ,aper the .weekr wliithtle utc isr cr cousiGrns at th Of ice. oatby !: at Ike 't ece tPiano cx arain it on a heed at the Music Go.sservabore of Lor.,Itee I1iss Elsa Love was saicceiseful iii pessixta with ninety -fear per cent thereby obtairene first -clans honors, lefuot credit is dueber teacher Miss Gt itan of Relive. Out •, of three pupil's two passed with first elalea Proclamation ! civic 'Holiday V l ereis the faet Sxnmday, Methoete ore i tars 1alg+• an extexsiokx' to o-pring-• bark and in aecorda1toe'meth tIIo I - n sa Y t e iblS rifler. of a large :number a men and ethers t Iaereby proclaim Pl1! teddy July 25t.t oleic holidn.y .for learn :arrival fir. l;randca"nt.cl • hertl:t 'Village aExetor anal *iu itp'on bliss Ault tititlley vieifit till good oitieees tg govern tLem4o1'ves ro twir.. bt rax 13ertt'a t o:lock fox a few meet: eir.Ql! VCS, 3cit ls.gANN 1ile.t•+' etnys,. ors.. Tt..o riarat telephone Co, art cora- talent:2g their work ;uiti arc .getting their lire iia, xlanning order this weelt. Mr. Wm. 'MacGregor Las 'rented i d i � atv L t . a.,r .Allen s :ra V. -;m.1' I part of 1 ipbtt teres 'novelle into the Lohse in the tall whore Mr. Robe :Pollock is tow reside to all. D13;.AINACE DEMONSTRATION The OLt•ario 'Argi.cultnral Colle:ae is 'm hasizin•g 'the value of Idra.inage age -lb'.s •summer, for which Pur- Lease drainage dcmo:istrit ons are 'be- ing held in many parts of the pro vinee.. On Thursday August 1st 1912 at the hour of 7 p; m. o'clock onA of these demonstrations will be held on the faxen of Mr. A. 0. Sanilliet I3exi = sall concession ,3, Lot 7, Tuckersmith; Township This meeting . should be of .special interest as some difficult• places to drain ire involved. Besid5 the discussior. of the particular pro- blems of Mr. Smill e`s farm. there %rill be a 'demonstration 'of methods of finding the fall over a ditch, ole- 't:c'imining the grade. di eing true to ,rade etcit Those of aux rea.drrs ir- tere ted drainage shoaad niot ,hiss this meetir'g. Aryoee wishing innprmation a'bout the .draira;ge work ,slionid write prof. W. H. Day, 0, A.. C. Guelph: THAMES 'Ii:OAD ^A'Lr. ard i\lrs. ';N m.' Pa''amore sp^'nfl. the week at the , lake. Airs. T. Ratcliffe is visitir=g in Bell-, vilIe. .r. ar,3 Mrs. Gro. eoffriCs, spent eut day at Grind I3en.d., ttitr. T. Ratcliffe epett last. Sib -r batt at rAr.derson elia•:es Beene a.r.d Bete ,Cion, are visiting friends at Bervie. Mr. S. etarlalte spent Sunday un- der etee, parental root'. Farmers around ire busy •cutting weeat: er..d sunt is ,s%1 to be very prevalc: t 'a.ti n is.va aViisi i:l urs of laroi:to. a 11rs. R. Rydcl. word •"veal lccea "fa icr lvit�t Jrl•r. '1. y trent hey. daughter. Miss Edith sof her Staw als, 4i n Shirtsd LT de ear' • 4 4, 4. IN are i ng at a 4 4. 4.sel•ete• •re .a 4• 4 4 4D 4 4 a • 4 4,. 4, 4 4 A a 4 4. 4 4 4 4 40 4 00000.0000***41444440.00000 0041440 4444,4**********0.4*, CRIFICE MERCHANT TAILOR emmaiimantearAGOVS WITAL' EN Miss ?'fable iAshtor. of London• is ei>iting her a int 'tifrs.. Frank Gomel ' 1 r 1ya 5 • r , : St. 9 Parkinson.. of Mies Iti' sa crit 5 _it late .f ,Lr .n i this - here •�.• t r around La vr;,�it� friettcls aroi week. -Mrs, Nat Ogden and Mrs. Solon:k n Taco ars were Lolidnyin, it Grand 13'txd c`•eri,e,r, the -past two weeks. Tte Iur.eral took piece last week et Mrs. Tim '1ilaltay 'r.ear' Grantoo to the e lt.:C.. Cemetery,, tear Lucan M'rs•. McKay died sradded.l,y from heart f ire. She leaves busbird rind six `children,' tee tun - oral Nat Ceder. attended tee etc- formerly Wire' tiltSi t . i17.i. I. of his tet Miss May Butson a..d who wasburied it Statfa. • 9'le erap prospect: in tlee efistrict is espeaally fuze sines tier "recent Lair . Tile oats and barley p r0 lS1 L to el' lee ter (Lan has beee Itary:stet' for' inverat gears. Fall ` wk,eat is abo . t I •cut and the root oral' is looking gone .sittsb the r, is ATS Are Right With Us Once ore The NYAL Toilet Necessities are Winners, Every One of Thein. Nyals Beauty Nyal Toilet Water Balli es sure enough thereat clas- sy thing. Of all the similar products on the market none of 'em are one, two, three with Nyals. The suspended powder is much lighter and fluffier than.. any other -it gives a very even application and will be much appreciated. by milady, This form of pow- dering leaves the powder al- most invisible and is only de- tected by those in the know. White or Pink, 50c a Bottle. Nyals Face Cream (With ?,reside and Greaseless) .A superior non -greasy nour- eslaiiag skin tone soon absorbed stud lea•vesnoshine. 'Positive- ly the hest thing for sunburn, 2, 5c 500 '75 and roc sizes. Nyals Tooth Paste Bards the ti'•ums • Sweetens the Breath Preserves the Teeth 2k Tubes. They have been a long time coming but they are Nye! quality alright. 1Vylotis. Ny- als English Levander, Nyals Violet, and Nyals Red Rose, These are true, strong odors and will be found very re- freshing for after shave, bath- ing and for the lady's toilet. 75 cents abottle. Nyals Skin Soap AVM Antiseptic and Emollient l leathers cg;t,;tck y and treely and exerts a cleansing invig- orating and refreshing effect upon t(he ski4a. Nyals Fig -Sen The best Candy Laxative on the market. Nothing to'. equal ib for cartp co atiun. 1Oc and 25e. Nyals Corn Cure The best thing to stop Dorn growing. ! Use Nyals as'en FeetL�n lac � Make Your� RUG TO is .hie ie The Placey 4