HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1912-7-18, Page 8I • 4 • •.• 0 4 . something • addnew+ • 0 4e" 0 *4 . 4 0+ . • o • o White Skirts Just a few of these to be cleared. Fit and finish you will find roost satisfactory. osiery. Silk, Lisle Thread and Cot- ton in many colors. Wear Pernran's guaranteed hose 35c a pair or 3 prs, for $1.00 M+►�1>+M^t�Mi4�MM�►i4>�t�i+►�i!11►M1►�1�+1/lMt®e•�''Rdi!R• 11+ wARPirs PHONE 16 re You Preparing for VACATION If' so come and let us help you, Below Toa will find a.list of wearables soma of which you are sure to need. Every day we Middy Blouses Made of white American d andtrimmed with C duct user blue, Navy and *ed. All sizes $1,25 and $1.50 * 44 0 0+ 4 ee 44 4 . •. a 41. 80 411.O Q 0 40. 4 4, eo at+o 1,4 ex4 p. 0 0 0 4 Oo- nto ;qtr• 4 •+ A fir • . 4+4 4' 011)w �'4 0 44 eVen 44 .0 4.440040444.4-4444004.44040,114004 ••••••••••••••••••44000 44. 4404440.4.40.000444044044444.•4000.0044.Od00•••4• • Parasols ; A big assortment of children and ladies; parasols in all the ' newest designs and colorings 50c to . $2.50 Summer Oxfords Pretty and popular Oxfords in White. Patent and Gun Metal. All sizes .in white shoes with rubber soles foe outing wear. Lang I? Re Coats Just few of them left.. These Boats are neatly trim med and come an three diff- erent styles $5.00 $7,511 For Bathing Suits For men and boys single or two piece. Be sure and get one before going to the Sea- side. ' 50c to $L50 Outing Shirts With the new lounge collar attached, collar arta , cool and comfortable for hot weather. Have a look at them. $1..00, $1,25 and $1,50 Soft Collars: Lounge Collars with Ties to match, In colors of tan and mauve all Sizes 13 to 16. Tie and collar together 25ets; Merl. Underwear Open Work Mesh Under- wear in two piece or combin- ation splendid for hot: weath- er at per suit $:1:.00 Straw Hats Hat Straw will be right if you buy it from us. The style will be right, the qualityright also the price. 50e to $5.00 SuitCages & Trunks Yon will be needing one be- fore going on your vacation Big range to •choose from. See our Special Suit Case at $1.75 to $2.00 Poultry From now on we will pay the highest prices for live poultry' This Store closes Thursday Afternoons daring the months of July and August. J. STEWART .a du .. .. ., 4;4 . i, 44' 4 .. 0 .. . ... 4 4{ .. s4 4' G. 4r 4'4 44 .• 44 04 .•. O• . dt •4 .4 • • • O• .'4 4 4• ' 4A .* o , O•' . • 0 . . . . •.4 0.-„0 . .. .• •• • 4 � . 4 'Mrs. Herman: Selly and three child- ren of Stratford are visitir3 thhe ,for 6 mer's parents lti2r.: and Mrs. . Gco. Smallacombei e • r Dr. J. W. and, Mrs. Harrison wind, two e 'children ofDetroit returned to town Monday after spending three weeks at Grand Bend they left Tees- dayfor Detroit,. Mir. Melville Hoskins, who tae clerking for ,W. J Carling left .Tues- day for Crystal city bIin, where he has secured a good positiotn Oil the eve of his departure het was present- ed witha beautiful pearl stick pin by the baseball boys, His rainy friends will wish him` success in the west: PLEASE THE COOK and benefit yourself and family by using MODEL Flour. It bakes so much better and goes so much farther than ordinary brands. THE USE OF MODEL FLOUR meads better bread,-biscnits. cake, pie etc., in your home and more of them too. Order a sack today. The next time you need flour you'll insist on having the Model Brand even if it cost more. But it does not. 5000 Bushels of Wheat Wanted. HARVEY BROS. Exeter Ontario. '••....004...'t.......POOG.0. :4i 0 • O, Advance i . InFurniture, Inq Uan- . * tit variety : and bl�aut y e r� •but not in prices, is the . ' mov'ement now being •ex• 4 01, t3ented in Oi1r store. . i� Residence next to store,.. �` 4 Phone 20 ;o ,. :. i Bowe:i . Undertaker & Licensed rS± ,: Embalmer 4: Exeter, Ontaro 4 0 . .e.4e•..•s4sb4s ..TORIA infants - �'dlC art � And Waren. The KW You Rave Always Bought tars the taigfiattate,df THE EXETER TIMES Market .Report, ---The fallowing is the report of the Iaa;•eter markets. ea13 reeted up to July Idtha Wheat 1.05 Buckwheat 70• ae,'n'ts t Oats 50c. _Barley* 65 U1 Peas ..1.00 to 1,10 w ,-r Shorty Brae, 2a 1 Model Elour' 2,7r?.. Feed ./'lour 1,05 Butter 20o +.ggs ]Do, Potatoes $1,80 'f•esu Hogs 7.05 Choice Export Steers 7,75 to +3:,00: 7 f^4 • 7.. to a 4 5 AM1 xo •st edtum la xt Steel's Cholac bt teher• I eifers 7.00 744 r � • t 75 'IyTtydu>:n Butcher Ileifcxs 6,50 to .r Choice Butcher cows 5.00 to ,5,00 Medium butcher COWS 4. to '4.V5r Common cows 3,ooto 2,50. Choice Lambs 8,00 to 113.'25 Ghoice Sheep 3+75 to ,inifle i.00.+ ••.s•.•.®0..000..01. LOCALS a► 4ki►>�•s.� ...O...A Miss Louis, Birney is on the eiok !jet Joe sCeaig of. Londeo was in town over Snnnday. Miss 'Annie Basterbroolt visltin in eoaforth+ Mr. 'Amy Waxier, has ;one to Dan- der:, to work. Victor Sweet of Waikerville is' ho1- davin in tontine • Miss Ethel Sweet has returned home from Orillia. -Miss V. Carter of Cliffot'iii, a9 . Vib-. iting Miss Olive Q;uauce. %fr. Leroy Illefler visited; Mr. and Mrs. J. H. sfcott this week; Miss Marjorie Broderick has ree turned home from. Londan. Mrs. Smith and son. of Aylmer are 'Visiting Mr, and Mrs. Thorn: Baker. 1k Laster Eddie 'Brownlee of Seaforth is : visiting Kr. and Misr . Riohard Tole. Tre Mrs. Rad>:k andh.ter, of Det- roit, are visitkag .Mr. and Mss. Geo, .Anderson. `'Mr. and Mrs. Taylor ~arid da+uahtee, Miss Edna of Battle Creek ere visit ng Mr. and Mrs. W. Gillies 14ir. and Mrs. Sam Lamport of Far- quhar. 'visited; Mr, and. Mrs: Wes. Snell on Sunday. Mrs. Thos. Flynn and araadet n Master Eddie Brownlee visited. !aa London this week.' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Colborne and child, of 'London,: are visitiiing Mr. and Mrs. T,, Elliott., Messrs J. Knorr and W, Heide- man are attending the celebrations in Berlin this week. • . 9YIr:.Wm• Waiper lost a valuable, horse last week. Mr. Wolper had ree fused $1275 for him. • An awto load, motiared:..to Sea.forth last Friday evening; and :were enter- tained by ,Miss Wilsan4 Mr. and 'Mrs.. J. Warless and two childret! of Duluth, left Monday for thei ",home: 'Mr. Chas. Lindenfield left' Iasif Fri- day for Detroit wheret he took the boat, for a trip to;.Owen Sound. Mrs. E. C. Beebe has returned to her home in Ridgetown. after visaing her another !Sias. '.Tiros. Prior. Mrs. Ferguson and dau titer Miss Cecelia, of 'London are visiting Mr. and Mrs C.. W.. 'Christie, of'.Stephen •. Miss Eva Carlini assistant; Super- intendent of St. Luke'ls Hospital, New York is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Carling. Mr. Brown, of Singeville, who vis- itedT- •" Mr. John Dig- nan at the home o,. e xian sang a solo in excellent voice ie James Street church on Sunday, even- . rg...- ti VACATION DAYS Are Right With Us Once. More The NYAL Toilet Necessities are Winners, Every One of Them. .1 y Nyals Beauty Balm ifs sure enough the real clas- sy thing. Of all the similar ,products on the market none of 'em are one, two, three with Nyals. The suspended powder. is much lighterand fluffier than any other. -it gives avery even application and will be much appreciated by milady. This form of pow- dering leaves the powder al- most invisible and is only de- tected by' thosein the know. White or Pink, 50c a Bottle. Nyals Face Cream (With Peroxide and Greaseless) A superior neregreasy nour- ishing skin tone soon absorbed and leave sai shine. Positive- ly forsunburn. the h thing 9 g. iz 50cs. .25c, , and75csizes'. Nyals Tooth Paste i'lardess the Gums Sweetens the Breath Preserves the Teeth 25e Tebeei Nya1 Toilet Water They have been a long time. coming but they are N al tualitgalright. &dlotis Ny- als English Lavender, Nyals Violet, and Nyals Red Rose. These are true, strong odors and will be found very re- freshing for after shave. bath- ing and for the lady's toilet. 75 cents a bottle. Nyals Skin Soap p Antiseptic and Emollient Lathers quickly and freely and exerts a cleansing invig- orating n ig - v orating and refreshing effect upon the skin. Nyals Fig•Sen The best Candy Laxative on the market. Nothing to' equal it for constipation. 10c and 25'e, Nyals Corn Cure The best thing to stop corn growing.; Make Your Feet Laugh! Use Nyals Eas'em HOWEY'S Dnuc STORE Is The Place to 'Get Nyal's Remedies vLr. J. Chnrolton left; ATfonday :for Oke Soo, i1. Mr. Witt. Coultis N1';$ rlo`vn from Coderieh ori Monday,' Mn, 1Car•lurg ie improving af- ter .her recent illness Ur, W. Lin tsa +• of 'Fontana. was in town Friday ea eseeeless. Mr. S. A i ' epee f, M l'oIp 4stonelfif l�ly'th. sp Saturday end 'Seeday avith' hie mother Mr, u.d Mrs, Jas Smith of Ca:l- aary are visiting; with' Mr, Sam P•ar- ,,ars_ r• Miss Carrie hiarh1:.leaves th'ir� n • week for uextended visit to the te•.. .s't. ++ago'+++ .+++°+l•+l++g,.1,+;,1,1,4.+1.4.4-.g+.g,.l+,,?+l4 :Miss A,fyx•tte aharlc'ton left ,Mons day for St. ,Gloaldl.IVIinri Where ehe will visit fter of enronthe Mr, Uri Cunnfngliatn of Edmonton formerly of Exeter is renc t nb a-' aeaintanees this creek. Lottie'Throat) 'Miss lfg�ii�iln•uin of 7.oi+a� is visiting her lather, '.Mr. George, • g3ndmxia Xo • r tc t keret weeks. • Messrs C. Snell IL:.MaK fy TI Axtt T and F. Boyle motored to Lois:ion last Thursday to see the' bal)'taame, Mr. and, Mrs. R G. Seldon and ,Mas- ter 'Harry left ¶I .iesday to 'viral± friends in Berlin and Ingersoll].. Next: •1'leursday will .be' /Cele hall. day when •everybody will he expected 'to go to Sprinu•bank for the day, Mrs. tn. a, 11toDc+nald and soil of Newton .Iowa are visaine the formers oartents Mr, anti Mrs ';John Snell ` 5. a urtnher •of Telephone peri. have been working in towns for several darts They replaced four ipoles by 3 neve ono* kin Main Street. letxs. 0. A: Itforey and daughter Miss Lena of Toronto visited the fox - alert's sister. IVirs Gd Treble for sev- eral days this week. The Loan BasebiI1• team will play our boys ort the ee'hnot erour.ds to- day Thursday at.4'o'clock." Come out and 'encourage 'the :.boys..: Miss Mettle MoTaggirt of Chatham, who hus been spending; her vacatioxl : her hor e has gone I 'I'aro¢ato for 1n o nt, a mew days before rel. urn.iogi to her duties. Miss Susie and 'Georgina' 11artma,r4 who 'lave beer visiting at: rite hone of their parents on the Goshen ` line returned to their" duties in London. on Friday last. Mr. Williia m Ceeltis •ha.e difslpesed of Lin fine . farm; being lot •3 Conces- sion :7 township o1: Us:bonne tot Mr. George Wkight. The sale Was :made tltraugh M.r. riles. Cameron orf Far- quf1ar. A Raspberry festival wile be held In ('onnection with. the Psesbyterioi1 church; on Mr. Ctu•istie`s lawn ,on Thursday July - t1st#i+ (Teal served. from 6 to 5o' plonk, Bank/ in lle!tte,ndL. anon 'Admission 25 and 15c. • Rev. S. F, /Sharp returned , .Ithis weak alter spending several weeks at Ottawa. Mr. Sharp is looking well and his vi.oa.tiou seems, .ito have agreed with him Ye Neill oc- cupy Lis pulpit next Sunday,.; FiveDash-weed Dash-weedBo ]e s ca,me e a uL last Thursday ata enjovedi a couple of games. Tbey won --a genie • in the afternoon and lost in the evenitnnet meter beinseveral shots hot s up The I)as>ood ! y F5 were ore Miller W_ ambold, D. Tiema.n aid' E.- Ticmari' Et.. Marye Oxa pip-'TW:o rinks 'Of .bowlers came over from St." Marys last Thnirs!d'ay' . end played several "- aames on the green. 'Lti'. the after, noon Exeter won two genies and lost; one in the evening they won• pn.' and lost ' twro_ St. Mary a was, one shot up in the days playa Snell Sinclair_A quiet ' wedding was solemnized at the Rectory of the Trivitt 'Memorial :Church on' Alonday . July l5t. h, when I:hc I cctbrRev-. W 1). Collins united inn na?i�riti,;c . Min/ Annie Sophia Sinclair, of SI:. Ainrye and Mr. Edis 'arid .E'. Snell: of TOW,Ili Miss Sinclair • was employed at the Commercial hotel. Married in Wirnni;peg-A quiet wad- ding took place in Vinnipcg. n July 3rd when /hiss Allies Haggith of Ed- monton. who is well knexunr in this part having visited here lest;Wthtcr. was . united in marriage to 'Walter Grierson, of Edmonton Miss Ha,;- Yith has been residing in Toronto sit.ee leaving here in, the svi;n'ter. The Connor Engine a Dandy -The railroad velocipede which Wats made last year by the Connor i1La.clii,ne'ICo. for the Grand Trunk bridge 'Inspcc tor, an account of rvhich,'appelre;d in the Times at tiled 'time, is. now at the factory for repairs. The insZieet or has worn oiixt onet set,. of "•wheels, and has ha n nc d, 0 lost time xt itfx his a,n . f �l 1, Decoration Da -0n S�.ikiday lest (heOdd'fellows held their ttnnaaf dec- oration day when eboat: '25 oL toe t+rtihren drove to ,he cenntc'ry in the afternoon and decoreted .' the graves of the 'following. departed brothers Wm. Brooks. Ab Bagshaw Gt.as, See II Fred Gidley, 'Walter,Car- ey ,J'as. Willis, Jas, Hodgson Simoe 'Tinter, liobt, Knight, 'Geo Reek,. ,.I,L,. os, Prior, l.Ierrrian Rail. <.y. 11 'v • , .a> !)ihnan Wm. Howard L:it:her Elooper, ' 13urr„ed t:o Death -On Monday even- ing Mrs, W. C. Rivers received the sadrtews from L•acrombe Alte,that her niece Miss. '_Kedge noel, was burned to 'death.. Miss Dool's molt, xer, one brother and herself were at 'home alox.e At ,four o clock• .they were awakened by smoke and the house was in flames. They just, not out in their nightclothes Miss 13.001• not seeing. her -mother; retailed! ;idito the e • . h• n , , urns ., L.ornc to fi'n'd her and ti�he,n she came out she Wa,;; so bzd,l,y burned that She, diad a few hours /Mier, Messrs J. :A. 5;I;•eivere anvil. .thi,as:• incl.' took two auto ionels to Toronto this tveek to attend the 57th i finch convention of fixe Grand, Le:f', e of Ontario 'A+ F. & Al, ite, Besides: the two already mentioned the party, iloti- sieted of Bev. 1). W., Collins, L' 11. Dickson W. W. '1'anian, W. ]I, Lovett W .11. Wei•denhamrnex', Cbtts.i ten- ders .74.s. Davis and 'legit Speakman The men 5 I en en o cd sv al ma+ L enjoyed e tix gam Fs o beetle globe- the route ,Cir ;Priestley. xioi.niri • .t .h i ":d o la at Mitchell' awl g �'1 3'bh x n the a Z e text n , ,>: oo at tri• to 100: A x r genie l3 Mv't!!• played in Berlin its the eV/marg. '1'hcry :xlvo o peat t:o•lif t;r trio St:. Mattliuwrls, • ttewlcr*'white iw. 7;oro iio ereeee W. µT, littiinet W. Mxy, 41 i .Grta vc. +x „, d Jas. o • iv Taylor x eni: asler far y. 0.s SVliteWxul ifs 'the llecve'te auto And teak paacte in the : mtoxnungi gaM ,, 4 '14 DELAWARE LAVE- PHONE 18 EXETER COAL CQMVANYS t Scranton Coal The Bast Hard Coe Mined Tryaton + W. H. LEVETT 4. COAL MAN ,4+ :4. 3+ 4.14.++++++++++++44-44++++.1-+++. :I* THURSDAY JULY Al +0140E+++++++++44+++++++++++44+44-444+++++++++++4+ CARL.INC'S Vacation Notice Dr, Roulston desires to announoe that his dental office will be .closed' from15 h 1to the t of Ju the 15 h of yt August; • Mr. 'Loney Heywood visited. in Unµ ion over Sunday.. Mr. 11'erb Walters is having, his holidays this week. Mrs+ and /hiss Ye -ter left; 'fl.xesda.y for an outing at the I3end. Miss Jessie Creech visije 1 r, n Lon - ton a few. days lest weak. Iiss Janet Brown andArs.1 x n"n , are visiting around Croaner•ty. Dr. and 'Mrs. Luther Gill left in their auto for Toledo cxil Monday alter a week in town. 'Messrs W. Taman and: Wes., .Howey sped; the week end with/ their famil- les at Grand Bend. Miss J. J,•'Alian Eyet Specialist wg1. be at the Ventral Hotel 'Saturday July 27th, One day. ` lifr. anal( Mrs. Jos. Harvey end fam- ily recurred this week aftexspe(ndielef two weeks at Grand Bend: A Car of Good' Feed!Wheat a:ndh'eed Oats 'have just arrived, and they are now on sale at Ilarvey%Bros mill Dr. Will J. Browning of Caledonia' Minnesota and: Dr, D. A.1 Bowerman: of 'M n e movie, Wicsousinl are expected by auto this• week. •is Mrs. (Rev.) Wesley ' J. Dowin and son 'Theodore Redvers of TTapance are, visiting the fornxer's mother and, sis- ter. Mrs. Tom. and. Mrs, w ,Yep Mrs. Geo. Ileekey was in Vondoel on 'Thursday east where she' met her little niece Perne Sheers. of Lansing Mich: who will visit; ill tioavm for sev- eral weeks. " Mrs. 'Paisley and son Jim w'hlo have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stewart returned to Neu- York Mon- day,' Mr.' Stewart to le them as far ac Lonaoim by auto. Mr :'Sarin S;• Jones a teacher, in the London •Collegiat•e.'Intetitate died on Sunday afternoennlest. The late Mr • Jones was' - 1 .as Ibor•n in Parkhill in 96 t~ I. and later taught school :at Granton:: Mr. R• G. Seldom is making arrange meats for the" erection of a new, grain storehouse it Clandeboye to replace the, one which was burned down last summer It will be completed ini time for this year"'s crops. Passed .Normal Exems: -The reselte of the ;Normal. xaminxtions ,have ., been published' and among them ave notice the' navies b/ Miss :Alana ,L. Dov,Miss I.a iMarahad and M il s e A Irna F. Mc?herson who will receive, irt:ermin Second -claw certificates. , The present outlook' for fall potult.r'y this year is rather dismal, Reports to the merchants are( to the effect that cots and wet weather, have ser- dously damaged the young c-hieken crop and this fast witli the high p'r:c. of eggs make the avarfable suP - ply of• chickens and. ducks this' 'fall rather scarce. • .Musical exam Results -The ' follow; are. are the results of the tmusioal .ex- ams held recently at, Han ali by the. Western University of London: Piano Grade 5. Pass M. Charlton, Grade a' Honors 'R. Thompson, Pass -F. Hun- ter. Grade 3 Honors -J. - McLean. Grade 2 Pass -J. Welsh; IGrecie- 11.- first bless houox -• iT. �Habkirki` 1;. Slavin.; Theory Grade 2 B+ Howey, The Regular Meeting of the public School Board for July was• held Mon - dee evenirlo.'last with! /: Armstrong tee only absentee Beyond,'fihe, igen- eral/discussion of finances and -fi,x ;;ng the assessment for public school purposes- n,o bus:Mese wo,.; dente The .Cr,ur.ril' are to be- asked; for the suer of $2','J, 00 to keep things in good slope for the:coming year. The da e th oceure& in Brantford tinFriday Masi of' Mrs. Perkins, mother of Rev 'R, J. M. Perkins, 7iormer pas-• for of the ,Trivitt Memorial church, A little, over a week ipreviefee to her deat.b Mrs. ,Perkins was injured- in a runnawfay a't Brantforde and she succumbed to her iziju.ries. The .die - ceased: is well know+, vii Exeter hav- ing visited here; on, different, occasions while her son was stat`,oned here+ `Cha Eutraxice Reports -;The results of the Entrance cxa.minetions were received ;i by the Times. on ' tonclify evening. The news rsoan' spread/ and during the evening and alt day Tuesday we' were called up many ticnee by anxious inquirers as to the result of pupils. We were leasedto give information but more Teased when/ tvc could state the -pupils had passer/ There werc a nra.nber'of disappoint, d oursonts n t ' ry .A ,o offer ' 1 bxl 'In'ay carry l3 its r�• eidvei the ei,lest• in.Ceetien it is eecnee (Lai Lukes up filth. n I: CIt'sc+ase germs from every heed; through which i'c Teases' and freta everybody wilt, whom it s'eleers,'1. eonta.t We hoped subscribers are no•t holding bark their dollar bills- fax fear they may perry sortie" contagioe. to us 7f they are tie' avis ure deem we are safe 'hevind had the mumps .scarp:• fever whooping cough' measles sainllpox 'acid a variety ,of oe er • Y ata your tests ,..,o 'br n ids✓ lar 'bil&q �. i ,e no matter how band tthey are infected with � � Nellie -6w: of a. i.t seakses an wei ., w ly ice Olr+,tin ere" t them -Watford. n x . Lbr .,p ,Guide -Advocate. 40 .a+ ci+ +H offering12,000 Andare our $ :� • stock for sale to the , Publis. e tout doubt th This will be wit greatest opportunity ever. offer= +bthe • Public of .. ed to Buying g Owing to III Elealth We have Decided to go out of the Dry Goods Business. Exeter and surrounding district. ver- :thin will be sold at greatly +.1., E y g g Y d+ C and without xe ery e pricest reduced �+ .4+ +4+ • • �4+ +4+ +4+ +I+ ne ne Hick's Forecasts --A 17ergelar statin fieriest covers ,the 10th to the 24th beteg, central en the 21s . TP.i,111no hii roma -ex high'' tempcxature tell el eetric<at storm will develop in tees- :er'n sectiron ni the beg,xtnirlg of this you need but to come in' to see that the sale is genuine. All Trade Accepted at Cash.• Price. -Highest. Price Paid :for Produce 4f ar 4' 4 o: 4 +4+ 4 'c. Carling, 4.44+44 ++++++++++++++ +++ 444.++1+.1-1 1 4++4.3+,4.+1.4.4++4.4.4+. + 4. +I!~÷4.4.4. ÷÷44-1++I++i4+3 .g.+H'11++4++4++ 4,+ +PII +• +'h Ai +4+ +4+ 30 � E a great many Wo d- BE HERE. WILLS' .4 thio month. There will dings during 'r g :4.,• also be a correspondingnumber of per-. plexed friends wondering what would make +§ a Suitable Gifr- and where to get` it. a4% +4' INVITE THEM to inspect. our 4+• • Stock, which includes Useful, Beau- 1 Gifts for Bride Novel �+ tiful . n d: o the Groom and. the New Dome. UNE ! THE` WEDDING MONTH M A. :archand +I. Jeweler `4' Alt Repairing Neatlyand Quickly Done, ,4,. Repairing *44444+4÷44444444444444444 44+4,÷÷÷÷+÷÷÷+÷÷÷4,44÷ Nssamestaiwzm GOULDS GR4GEftY PHONE 47. Opposite Electric Light Plan in the Home See Happy p ppy by getting YOUR HOUSEHOLD' - NECESSITIES Here.Weandla only h y the BEST.and we leave everything l'yctu icerd at, Serious, NttttM1t1tMi tMtlt tttc ra,WHAT'S � �S aw- DUSTING Furniture or Woodwork 4 with a dry duster -� when -•the duet • dies -+ar and follows in your wake. f et a Modern Shuffle -'" G 11t�Le on and Use , • st THE TEA PND COFFEE STORE , : `ce Butter errs tis �`:e�n-Ci ai 0,_. Fresh Eggs. ..- tieriod The Versus influence and the Moat_ being en the equator. en the. nth will insure thunder etortne e4 and next to that ua,te.: The `fend 23rd and .'24th will .;brie,, a culmin tt'irti .od Westering, ominous storm alouda, ; � t .rd " e t , xntner- ns s with viol rr *u � and local showers zn scattering loe'i•l-. , �taidt uta c ea Those Who a��e been Ries,. s b h of • r forecasts a length of ,rtx foxccai, s far n 9 �' time, lanoty, that extremes of tempera titre with vicious lig]itl*i�ti{z• ktlid` i•Lurtder, are chaa•a,eterieti*s .t�'f the i da .Lc 0 ,a : sT tire:- Voles periods,. alr for ..lt p en -Me ti .r, they nese 'eiil.ge r of t:h°.t I, r- ind followed be a 411."41 in tempera tate that will be very gra,t (doll to ;tW'SI iii L i htty Veribrlie ` •••ulw • VenoiIl On your duster' Oiit`l eave our 9 3' nee to health, It disinfects and dean; everything it touches See leaving flee surface hke new . +s. S. Martin & Son •• . EXETER/ Cry FOR ELETCtffR'S•