HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1912-7-18, Page 6Indigestion,
our Stomach and
Severe Headaches
• l'aTr. W. Moore, In Usgar Ste Tereeto,,
Oa writes --"Ater having been
•troubled with indigestion, soar stomach:,
seed severe headaches for over a year, I
was laduced to try Milburn's Laxa-Liver
Pills. One vial greatly beuefitted my
case, arid three vials completely cured
me. 3: can heartily recommend them to
any one suffering from stomach or liver
lVfilburn's Lax -Liver Pills stimulate
the sluggish liver, clean the coated
tongue, and remove all waste and poison-
ous matter from the system..
Price, 25 cents per vial, or 5 vials for
$1.00, at all dealers, or mailed direct on
receipt of price by The T. Milburn. Co,
Limited. Toronto, Ont.
Progress of the Great Wesi Told
In a Few Pointed
Fort Alberni. pays its policemen
p75 a morath.
There are over 750 men working
in the Rossland eamp.
A new hotel will soon be built at
Bull River, in East Keotenay.
This spring beef has touched the
highest price in 30 years in Calgary.
Last week a 17Xpound trout was
caught in Losey Lake, pear Green-
wood, B.O.
A semi-weekly mail service has
been established between Wa,sa and
Two large black bears have re-
cently been seen prowling around
the outskirts of Nelson.
It is said that 300 new building's
are being erected in Prince Albert
(Sask.), at present.
Good catches are reported at all
four of the whaling stations located
in British Columbia, waters.
The Terris orchard in West Sum-
merland was recently sold to W. 0.
Kelly for $800 an acre.
At the War Eagle in the Rossla,nd
camp a new ore shoot has been
found at a depth of 2,000 feet.
More accommodation for the tra-
veling public has become a crying
necessity in Vernon, says the News.
The first sod was turned the other
day for the Ogilvie mill plant, which
is to be installed in Medicine Hat.
The Grace liner Cuzco brought
540 tone of nitrate from South
America, ports to Victoria, the other
A panther held Mr. Cyril Bate
prisoner on an island in the Nanai-
mo River eome hours until help
At Okanagan Centre, about thirty
acres have been planted in tomatoes
and several acres in golden wax
The bridge across the Columbia
River at Trail was built by the
Provincial Goverrmaent and cost
The city council of Merritt, B.O.,
have fixed the rate of pay for labor-
ers in their employ at $3 per nine -
hour day.
A 13 -year -ole boy seout of Cal-
gary showed conspicuous bravery in
rescuing a three-year-old boy from
the flames.
The Canadian Northern has re-
cently closed a deal for 40 acres of
water front at Kelowna. The price
stated is $65,000.
A blood Indian on the Macleod
reserve (Alberta), succeeded last
year in producing 68 bushels of
wheat fie= a 20 -acre field.
Last month 631 immigrants were
received at the immigration hall,
Edmonton, of whom the largest pro-
portion were farmers, ,
None of the hotels in Nelson used
finger bowls twenty-one year ago,
and at that time the leading break-
fast food was bacon and eggs.
During the pst 18 years Rossland
has produced $50,000,000 worth of
metals, end probably over four
-truies as much mining stock.
A man in Ladysmith was fined
$15 for swearing on the streets. He
should take to the green timber and
drive a string of meek -faced mules.
Trout 17 inches long arid an
occasional whitefish from two feet
to 27 feet inches are being taken,
from the Similkameen br local fish-
Four hundred Chinese steerage
passengets an. their wey to Vidor=
ate 50 pigs they had brought with
them and which were killed on
board ship,
A number IA farmers near Sumas,
B.O.. in the tipper Nooksack Val-
ley, have put in peas for seed pur-
poses. and viIl grit $70 a ton from a
seed firna.
Illnglish syndicate ha e .per-
chesed 18,000 acres of fruit land at
the head of Nicola Lake, If will be
eettled mainly by ex-efficers of the
Prithh army.
While drilling for water Adolphus
Wilsen, living within one end a half
miles of Fstevan, Stoke etruelt a
heavy flew o aeural gals at adepth
of four hundred feet.
Butermilk Muffins Without Eggs,
—Two eepe Ikea', one tablespooa
ef sugar, one-half teaspeen of salt,
epe-half teaspoon of soda, one cup
of buttermilk, two tablespoons of
melted butter. Mix in tho order
given and heat thoroughly. Bake
in well -greased gem pans twenty-
five minutes in a hot oven.
Swiss Eggs. ---Pour into. a shal-
low pudding dish, well greased, a
half pint of milk, put the pan on
the stove and let the milk heat un-
til blood warm. Break into it then
s -lx eggs, taking care to place them
se that the whites will just teach
each other and preserving the yolks
unbroken. Dust with salt wad pep-
per, set the pan in the oven and
bake until the eggs are set. Serve
in the dish in which it was cooked,.
• Meat Popovers.—Mince very fine
half a pint of cold cooked meat; if
from the leg use the Marrow from
the bone. Boat two eggs and add
to a cup of milk, a pinch of salt and
dash of ca,yenne. Stir this gradual-
ly into a cup of sifted flour, making
a smooth batter, then add the meat.
Rave the gem pans hot and well
greased and drop a good table-
• spoonful into each pan and bake
fifteen minutes in n quick oven. Eat
at once.
Japanese Eggs—Three hard-boiled
eggs, cut lengthwise and yolks re-
moved; three sardines minced fine;
one-half teaspoon of salt, one table-
spoon of butter, a few grains of
cayenne, one and one-half cups. of
hot boiled rice, one cup of tomato
sauce. Mix the egg yolks, sardines,
butter and seasonings; form into
six balls and place in the halves of
whites. Arrange the rice on a plat-
ter and place the eggs on the rice.
Pour the tomato sauce around the
• Pineapple Sponge.—One
fresh pineapple, three-fourths cup
of sugar, two tablespoons of granu-
leted gelatin, one and one-half
cups of water and whites of four
eggs. Chop the pineapple and put
it with the sugar and one cup of
water into a saucepan and cook ten
minutes. Soak the gelatin in half
a cup of water and stir into the
pineapple. Strain and set in ice
water. When the jelly begins to
thicken, fold in the whites of eggs
beaten stiff. Pour in a mold and
place on ice. Serve with whipped
cream or custard Bailee.
Blackberry Jam Cake.—One-half
cup of butter, one cup of sugar,
three eggs, three tablespoons of
milk, one and two-thirds cups of
flour, two teaspoons of baking pow-
der, one-half teaspoon of cinnamon,
two-thirds cups of blackberry jam.
Cream the butter, add gradually
the sugar, add the yolks of eggs well
beaten. Sift the flour, baking pow-
der and cinnamon together and add
with the milk to the other mixture;
add the Sam and the whites of eggs
beaten stiff. Bake in Washington
pietins. Spread boiled frosting be-
tween the lavers of cake and cover
the top with the frosting.
Delicate Currant Pulding.—One
cup of currant juice, one cup of
water, six tablespoons of corn-
starch, one-eighth teaspoon of salt,
one-half cup of sugar, whites of two
eggs. • Put the currant juice and
water on to cook; when boiling stir
in the sugar and cornstarch, which
have been mixed to a- smooth paste
with a little cold water. Stir until
it thickens and then cook fifteen
minutes. Beat the whites of the
eggs until light and stir into the
hot starch. ' Turn into a eold, wet
mild. Serve cold with boiled cus-
tard, rn.ade of the yolks of two eggs,
one and ne-half cups of milk and
Lour tablespoons of sugar.
There are now many ways of
sending up rhubarb for table be-
sides baking in a tart or boiling
with a suet crust. Not that these
are to be despised, but skilful mak-
ing of the pastry is necessary. To
stew it, Peeling the stem and cut-
ting into lengths, cooking slowly in
a syrup, is the next most ordinary
plan, and if rightly done—cooked
neither too little nor too ion -4t is
welcome enough and a wholesome
spring dish, served with cream, cus-
tard or a cold mold of some kind or
Rhubarb, in fad, is very nice
used siroilarly, Aneexcellent mould
fox' a luncheon or supper dish is
made of rhubarb cut into lengths
and boiled until sufficiently liquid
to pass through a jelly bag. Then
the liquid so procured is sweetened
and stiffened with a little good ge-
latin. This should coler quite nice-
ly of itself, but if it cios not fieern
quite, of an appetizing pinkness a
few drops of carmine can be added.
This ie cooked till of the necessary
sfiffnees to "jelly" well and then
poured into a mould and set aside
to cool. Whipped eream should be
served with it, ,
A more homely hot dish is made
after the style of ftiars' pudding,
with layers of rhubarb and bread
crumbs.. • The rhubarb shoeld
fresh, of eours, and cut into ra-
ther short lengths, and a layer be
placed at the bottom of a pie dish,
well sprinkled with Demerara, an -
gar ; then a layer of bread crumbs
en which a few bits of butter are
placed, then rhubarb again and so
on, bread -crumbing coming at the
top, plentifully buttered, eo as to
brown nicely and crisp a little in
the baking.
A moat delightful preserve eau
be made of rhubarb and oranges:
Needless to say, i has to be earlier
in the year than the old-fashieeed
rhubarb jam, so as to secure cheap
oranges. The rhubarb requires
more cooking than the other fruits,
whicb are fairly sweet by the time
the other is reedy. The stems are
prepared as usual and cooked for
a short time. The oranges are
peeled, seeds taken out and all the
white removed. Then cut up in
thick slices and stir into the rhu-
barb. • Sugar may be added, one
pound to one pound of fruit, unless
it is decided to have rather sharp -
flavored jam, when three -fourth of
a pound may be enough.
All cooking utensils should be
washed with soda immediately af-
ter they have been used, which will
remove every trace of grease.
To put a new wick in any lamp
burner quickly, thread a needle
first, run the thread across the wiek
and pass needle through burner.
Borax should always be found
on the tee:diet table. A small quan-
tity added to the water will great-
ly soften it. Too much will dry the
Do not forget to gather the rose
leaves for filling the ,couch and
porch pillows. Save them from bou-
quets. Their delicate perfume is
Tomatoes and watercress make a
fish, and boiled noodles sprinkled
with parsley are good with baked
fish and tomato sauce.
When sharpening a lead pencil,
first stick the knife blade through a
slip of paper. This paper acts as
a guard on the: knife and prevents
the lead dust from soiling the fin-
Sew a loop to the inside of your
apron band; then it may be hung
up by the loop instead of by the
band. When hung up by the band,
an unsightly bulge is the result.
While washing the dishes from the
evening meals put the cereal on and
cook it. All that need be done to
it the following morning is to add a
little water to it and heat it.
An excellent way of removing
candle -grease from the carpet or
any other fabric is to cover the spot
with blotting paper, moisten.
the paper with alcohol and then
press at once with a hot iron.
When laying new floorcloth it is
an excellent plan to varnish. This
adds to the appearance of the floor -
cloth, helps to preserve the pat-
tern, and makes it last twice as
Chikiren's dresses of brown Hol-
land or linen may be kept from fad-
ing in this manner: Add a little
strong cold tea to the starch when-
ever the dresses are laundered.
They will never become "washed
out" and faded.'
If the table is not used for other
purposes set it when you are dry-
ing the dishes. It is then ready
for the next meal, and, as most
girls with the housekeeping instinct
are a.rtistic, this gives a hospitable
touch to a room.
After using canned fish of any
kind be sure to bend the cover of
the 08,11 back into place again be-
fore throwing it away. Cats have
often been badly hurt by forcing
their heads into einpty cans in
search of a morsel of fish.
Fish skins, trimmings and bones
which are usually thrown away
should be put with a slice of onion
and a bay leaf 'into cold water in a
kettle on the back of the stove and
allowed to simmer till a stock has
formed that may serve as a founda-
tion for soup.
Lord Welseley, the veteran sol-
dier, entered an his 80th year on the
4th inst.
Dyepepsia is caused by poor digestion,
and to get rid of this terrible affliction, it
is necessary to place the stomach hi a
good condition. Por this purpose Bur-
dock Blood Bitters has no equal.
Mrs. Norman A. MacLeod, Port Bevis,
N.$,, writess--"Por the last ten years I
suffered dreadfully with dyspepsia, and I
could not keep anything on my stomach.
I tried several kinds of medicines, but
none of them seemed to do me any good.
At laet a friend ,advised nie to try Bur-
dock Blood Bitters, which I did, 'and after
usiug five bottles I was completely cured,
I would advise any one troubled witb
stomach trouble to use ' I can.
not recommend it too highly."
Burdock Blood Hitters is manttfac.
turd only "by The T. Milburn Co.
Limited, Toronto, Out.
I. L streatfteid Bittot By a pot.
Not Many men are alive, to tell
what it is like to be bitten by a puff-
adder--ene of the most venomous ef
snakes, In South Africa, where it
is founds ite bite is believed to be
certain death. Nevertheless, F, N.
Streatfield, formerly eesident cone
missioner of Bechnanaland, not
only survived the bite of a • pa-
wkier, bub has told his story in the
London Field. He had captured the
snake, which was three feet and a
half loneeinSouth Africa'and was
bringing it -home, coufineelin an old
cartridge -box, te present to the Re-
gent's Park Zoo. He says:
Somehow or other it became
known to my fellow paesengers that
I bad a puff -adder in my poreinan-
teau, and they begged to be allowed
to see it, For a long time I re-
fused, but at lase was overpersuad-
ed, and fetched her ladyship.
' Taking her out of her box, end
grasping her close behind her head,
explamod to the company the mar-
vellous economy of the poison ap-
perates. I opened her mouth and
displayed the fangs, • showed the
poison glands and how the muscles
that raised the fangs at the sarne
time pressed on the glands and
forced the poison through the tiny
Having concluded my lecture:, I
began to put her ladyship back into
her eemporary home. In getting rid
of a poisonous sna,ke-you should be
sure that no coil is wound round an
arm, and that its whole body is free.
Then, when you let go your hold,
your hande should be instantly
snatched away out of reach. When
I was in the very act of quitting
my hold, some one spoke to me, and
I have no doubt that I left my hand
within reach of the deadly fangs in-
stea,d of snatching it away. I must
have turned my head toward the
naan who spoke to me, for I did not
see her stroke. e
But I felt as if a knife had ben
sharply drawn across my finger'and
looking down, I saw the blood flow -
beg freely, and her ladyship out of
her box, trying to make her way
acmes the table. I snatched' her
back by the tail, caught her by the
neck again, and got her safely into
the box.
When I was struck there were
about twenty men in the room;
twenty seconds afterward there was
not one. I never saw a room clear-
ed in .like time; they ,simply tum-
bled over each other. When the
prisoner was again under lock and
key, the company came slowly back,
and the doctor appeared.
I asked for ammonia. There was
none on the ship, and so I had to
take a great deal of brandy. I
lanced my finger down to the bone,
where the snake's fang had made a
wound. Then I sucked the wound
I gave my keys and home. address
to my good friend, W.L., who prom-
ised to look atter me and to carry
out my instructions while I remain-
ed insensible. Soon after that I be-
came unconscious.
I had told L. that I should be
reported dead, but that, I should not
be, and that if he could get even a
few drops of brandy down my
throat when my heart failed, it
would jog on again, and that by a,nd
by I should come to. It was ten
o'clock when I lay down on the
smoking -room sofa and became un-
conscious. When I came to again
the ease was rosy with the morning
Several' times during the night the
doctor told L. that I was already
dead, and if my friend had not ob-
stinately refused to listen to him,
and insisted on following out my
own instructions, I ehould have
been sent, wrapped up in a piece of
canvas to the bottom of the sea,
sorae three hundred and fifty miles
north of Madeira.
• I never felt iso ill or suffered su.ch
pain as when I recovered conscious-
ness that mornings I ached from
the tip of my finger to my shoulder,
as if the bone had been red-hot iron,
and my erre looked like a hard pil-
low. They carried me to L.'s bunk,
and there I lay for twenty-four
hours. Then with ethe help of a
friend's arm I could crawl a few
yards. By degrees Vie pain grew
lees, and by the time I reached
home I had begun to take a little
interest in life, but ,for months I
had to be very gentle with myself.
I have never since been so strong as
I was before, ancl have come to
know bhe meaning of the word
"tired," something I did not know
before her ladYship took hold of me.
When. you meet an old flame,
Mr. Married Man, don't be a moth
London's daily fS oot-fa. is seven
pounds to the acre.
The hand contains 25,000 pores,
Flattery, like peroxide, turns
many a girl's had,
Mrs. Pankharst, the euffragette,
;used to keep a shop in IVIenehester.
Many an artist, in bragging about
his skill, Shows an inability to draw
the ,
The French are training eaglee to
destroy aeroplones,
H. G. Wells'the novelist, rises to
wark at 4 o'cleelc in the morning.
Flat, drink and—be sure to have
the fine tucked safely in your inside
vest ppeket.
li1010410.' DONALDSON.
The repent Appointment of Morley
Donaleisen, superietericlent of the
Ottawa Division of ehe Grand
Trunk Reilway, to the reaponsible
post of vice-pre$idont and general
manager of all Grand Trunk Pacific
lines weet of Font 1Villia,m, with
headeplarters in Winnipeg, was
'Pleasing- news, pot only to his many
old friends of the Capital city, but
in railway circles as well. The ad-
Yancement was a gratifying recogni-
tion on the part of President Cham-
berlin of the work and worth of his
old aesoeiate, they laboring together
kr many years in the operation
and management of the Canada At-
lantic road previous to its acquisi-
tion by the Grand Trunk, At the
time of its transfer z a few years
ago, M. Chamberlin was general
manager and Mr, Donaldson gener-
al superintendent. Now the latter
succeeds to the post recently held
by the former on the G. T. P. Mr,
Donaldson's strong point is his ad-
ministrative ability. He. has been a
favorite with the men, whose rights
and interests he has always pro-
tected. In him they have every con-
fidence, Ile was at all times ap-
proachable and cOnsiderate. Pos-
sessed of a genial diapoeition and
an optimistic nature, he relie-ved the
111r., Morley Donaldson.
tedium of daily duty of much of its
monotony and dull routine. He be-
gan his career as a draughtsman,
and has worked his way to the front
by ability. application, and energy.
Mr. Donaldson is an enthusiastic
floriculturist and horticulturist, and
has taken an active interest in beau-
tifying the national capital. Near
his residence on Albert street at
the bifurcation of 'Bronson avenue,
is a triangular plot of ground which
has always been an • attractive
breathing resort. This has been
kept green and artistic for -years
at the expense of the Donaldson
family, while there have been few
more inviting lawns than that which
surrounds the Donelclson home.
The new general manager has a
keen sense of wit. Some years ago
a janitor was engaged to keep clean
the offices in the old depot near Sap-
pers' Bridge, evhieh has been re-
placed by the magnificent Grand
Trunk station, which was recently
opened. The Janitor was lazy, and
neglected his dusting and sweeping.
He was spoken to several times with
no good effect. Finally, one day
he was told to go. He opened
wide his eyes with astonishment.
"Why! What have I been doing 1"
he inquired. "I ain't done no-
thing hat I know of."
"That's just it," replied the sup-
erintendent. ''You've done no-
thing. I hope ;the next fellow will
do something. That's what we are
getting hiro for."
In his reminiscences of 50, years
of naval life, Admiral Kennedy
tells of a six-foot officer who used to
say that, haying no doctor an board,
he mixed the medicines provided in
the chest into two bottle, an•cl
whenever any of the crew happened
to be ill he drew an imaginaryline
across the men's stomach ancl, ac-
cording as the pain was above or
below that line he gave him a dose
ont of No. 1 or No. 2. And he
boasted that no man ever came to
him twice!
Prizes or prompt and uneorn-
plaining payment of taxes are offer-
ed by ,the Japanese Government.
They range from 25 cents tcs $25.
When a man pays promptly he is
given a Slip of paper entitlieg him
tO a certain number of chances in
the Municipal lottery. When his
record year after year justifies the
dietiect.lon tporeelain medallion is
presented to him to be placed on the,
JELY: 21.
Lesson growth of the
kingdonte—Matt. 4. 26-32, Matt,
13.33. Golden text, Matt. '6, 10.
MARK, 4. 28-32.
Verse 26, And he said—Not nec-
essarily on the same occasion on
which the words recorded in the
verses preceding were spoken.
Meek has gathered together, rather,
several of the utterances of jesus
bearing on the same general theme,
even as has Matthew in the thir-
teenth chapter of his Gospel.
So is the kingdom—The parable
which these words introduce is re-
corded only by Mark. In teaching
it supplements the parable of the
wheat and the taresewhich we shall
study in our next lesson.
• As if a inan should cast seed up-
on the earth ---Deliberately sow hie
seed with the full expectation that
the growth and harvest would fol-
low in due season.
27: Sleep and rise night and day
—Go about his daily affairs with no
concern regarding the outcome of
his sowing venture—live normally,
observing the natural routine of
toil and recreation.
Spring up and grow—Of its own
accord, without the assistance of
man, who does not so much as know
the secret processes of its germina-
tion and development.
28. Beareth—Or, yieldeth.
Of herself—The soil itself furnish-
es the raosture and zuserishment
needed for the growth of the seed.
The teaching of the parable hinges
on the thought of this verse.• . .
Blade. . ear . . . full grain . .
—The stages of growth are -specific,
as the processes of nature are or-
derly. The normal method by
which the kingdom of heaven is to
be established among men is that
of gradual development, both in
the individual life and in society
at large.
29.2When the fruit is ripe—Liter-
ally, when the fruit alloweth.
Putteth forth the sickle—Literal-
ly, sendeth forth—makes all the ar-
rangements for gatherieg in the
3D.How shall we liken the king-
dom V ---There are still other aspects
of the Kingdom which Jesus sets
forth in this and subsequent par-
31. A grain of mustard seed—In
all probability the seed of the com-
mon mustard plant is meant, whioh
in warmer climates grows to a
height of twelve or more feet.
Less than all the seeds—That is,
smaller than any other seed famil-
iar to those to whom Jesus was
speaking, not literally the smallest
seed upon the earth.
32. Greater than all the herbs—
Those known to the Jews and com-
mon in their fields and gardens.
Birds . . . lodge under the sha-
dow thereof—Finding rest and shel-
ter, as well as food, among the
• MATTHEW 13. 33.
• Another parable --Added here
because of its similarity in thought
to the parable.of the mustard seed.
Like unto leaven—Or, yeast.
Three measures—The word in
Greek denotes the Hebrew seah, a
measure containing nearly a peck
and a half.
• Till it was all leavened-eMade
light by fermentation.
Descendant of New Brunswick 131an
May Wear Coronet.
From a teamster's job to an earl-
dom is a far cry, but James Harvey
Ogilvie, of Bangor. Maine, is quite
sure he is going to make the -grade.
Two brothers, George and Wil-
liam, 'are also conaerned in the
claire, but James Harvey is the el-
der, and hopes to wear the coriPnet.
The brothers are sons of the late
George Ogilvie, who went to Monc-
ton, N.13., when a boy. He lived
and died there and his family went
to the States. •
James Hervey Ogilvie says it has
been proved that his father was a
direct descendant of the Earl of
Airlie. There we're long list of
other descendants, too, but they
passed off the stage in a romantic
way, two brothers of George Ogil-
vie's being lost in a shipwreck.
Now, after a lapse of over sixty
years, "solicitor8 in Scotland have
hunted tip the Ogilvie brothers
"way clown In Maine," and broken
to them the news that they are
heirs to one of the oldest estates in
seal -land, worth $10,000.000.
The prospective earl, now a team-
ster, was asked what he would do if
he got his share of the ten millions.
"Well, believe me," he said,
"there'e one thing 1 wouldn'tdo-
1 wouldn't drive this team any
more." And he grinned cheerfully
as he whipped up his nags.
• "What are you crying about, Wil-
lie?" "One of th' boys tailed me
teacher's net, an' 1 wept an' told
door of his horde a,s a, badge of good% her, an' she 'joked mes see prove
citizenship: wasn't."
FolvIer s
This greed remedy has been on the
market for sixty -Ave years, And is, with-
out a doubt, the best medichie kno
for the euro
CRAMPS," pawl in the STCIMACIIi
If an unscrupulous druggist tries to
talk you tato taking any other prwkily
doe when yee as fer f' Dr. rowler'et
refuse to tale ft, and insist on getting
what yo tt ask for, Price 35 cents per
battle. See tirg4 the name, The, J.
'Milburn Co, Limited, is on the wra.ppeT,
as we are the manufacturers and solt
No One KnewWhethee king Melte-
Ilk is Dead.
Menelik, the sume4to b
tahseruler of Abyssinia,
bszs n ay.
ing, but the fact is not certain. The .
latest Abyssinian traveller, Lord.
Cranworth, has not muoh light to
throw on tho question, declares a
London correspondent,
"We met the native doctor who is
supposed to attend King Menelik,"
says Lord Cranworth. "He re-
ceived his medical training Lon-
don, and speaks English very well.
I asked him if it were true that
Menelik is -really alive, and he
cknewle,dged that he did
"He went, he. told me, every
three months to the palaoe at Adis
Ababa, anti a figure was brought in
to him there. This figure was
sevathed in bandages from head to
foot, and a greatmask . In whit,
two holes were cut for the ey ,
was fitted over his face. He was
told that this was Menelikbut as
the whole body and head were com-
pletely hidden, he did not know,
"It is difficult to say what the
Abyssinians themselves believe., but
T. should imagine that most of tlaern
believe that the king is dead."
Wash With Listerine.. Apply Pad
Wet with Fere Water.
If on returning from an unusual-
ly -long walk the feet be found to be
blistered, place a piece of court
plaster over the blister, being sure
that it is large enough to cover it
entirely. This will prevent it from
breaking ansi producing a sore. The
water it contains will soon be ab-
A blister that has broken must be
treated just as any other Sore.
First wash it thoroughly with lia-A
terine or a mild solution of carholie
acid, then bandage it with a small
pad wet with pure water, renewing.
this twice a day,
Blisters may be prevented by
treating the socks as fellows berore
starting on a, bong tramp. Turn
the socke inside out and rub the feet
of them with soap. Then turn them
right side •out an.d put them on. Of
course no sensible person will think
of walking a long distance seeks
that have been daened, that have
holes in them or that wrinkle
through being top large.
British regular soldiers in the In-
dian Arne, are maintained by the
Indian taxpayer, though thear are
under control of the .War Office in
" Mr. Alfred Male, Eioida, Ont., writes:
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Heart b. lid Nerve Pills. The erst box
relieved me, so I kept on until 1 had
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bors who are troubled with heart or
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