HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1912-7-18, Page 4+++de* •
0 xis an
InceepOrieted 1855
eeord oI Progress for Five Years 906.1911
1906 1.911
APITAL • • . .$ 8,000,900 $ 4,000,00D
........... . • 3,000,000 4,80%000
DEPOSITS .2, tern, n • . . 2%077,180 85,944831
LOANS AND INVESTMENTS' he.*** 27,457,090 $54,O138.
TOTAL . . 9.3,090,;192 48,237,2
•Has$3 Branchea in Canada, and Agent* and Correspondents in all
the enincipal Cities in the World,
• 1 General Banking Business Transacted
Savings Bank Department
4nBranches, Interest allow d at Higheet Current Rates, :*
DiokSon & Ca.riing. solicitors. N. D. H uRiktoN Manager
Assistant General Manager.
REST, $12,500,000
General Manager
c.A.PITAL, $15,000,000
Interest at the current rate is allowed on all deposits of $1 and
upwards. Careful attention is given to every account Small accounts
are welcomed. Accounts may be opened and operated by mail.
Accounts may be opened in the names of two or more persons,
withdrawals to• be leadeby any one of them or by the survivor.
:Exeter Branch—G. L. WAUGH Manager
When You're gettirg, get the MUT
One that will outlast the rest
-What's economy and sense
Roth in eharacter and FENCE
Thanadnothing but the Best
for instance
Stock Fence/
at per rod
Farm Gates at
Mr. 13orden and other members of
the Canadian 'Cabinet now in Eng-
land were preen t al: the -greet naval
review at Spithead on July 91-11 tbey
were greatly impressed with tire
naval manoeuvres, partieularly the
remarkable displey of the eo,braarinee
and aeroplanes. Mr. Borden, is • to
haee the honer 0 dining with the
ihingt • • ; „ a
• * • • • * • •
Canada, through the Minister
=Militia and Defence, Am cable& $1,000
•to„be added be the Queen Mary prize
f0 the Annual Bosley meet thie
rear. This is the first time, any ,col-
ony bee .done so. and Col, Hniabee0
Lopes that other cones has dam so,
end make the National: Rifle Assoc-
iation truly national andt Imperial,
ai ..,zeleee 7
The call for a netional conventicle
Also a large stock of Cedar to f ral et.',D Chiral party and nondnate
Post; and all kinds of Lumber eaeldates for President and e iVa
Presiderat of the United! Statr
Stats as
and Shingles at Low Prices been elven out to Senator Coisepat
M. bDixon chief manager for
the third term caadidate The` ,Coe-
vention is to assemble at CLicago oie
Monday August the 5th, aed is to be
composed of 531 delegates one Totr
each United Stites Senator and Rep-
resentative No representation is
.....mlimPlUm11.1111•11110 accorded Alaska, alke District of Col -
1 itagelaataof be. tihneziasl:Air& iedasepetrieleanctiaeri,
11 Glati Ort
.• •
"Ilfary was a Preteterai daughter. ,
Of the Methodistic type; L.
'Carle leaks and eyes of azure.
' Lips like 'cherries, red and rive,
She was brighter than a. dollar, .ire
•Keener than a butte:1.01e knifei
(And her only etreetg aversion
i Was the Preachers gypsy Ilfpa .
'Look at as, she, oft • woalcl mer.tion
' Co her mother patient soul.
As she whipped on eget to lather,
In, a yellow. 'china bowl.
`Old Boys Unions never touch us;
'Tis a ..messt :geculiar
This ecclesiastio's family
''Came frona nearly every piece.. .
'I was horn at' Burton'e corners.
Theo aye inoved to Blossoraville,
iViburg. Arteorn Attonbu.rye
Brockton -and we're •moving tal,
I/ye been packing pretty% dishes
' Since the day that I was four
(And each Iving con.gregatioa.
. Gives les fifty pieces more.
4W'hen a nice young, man, approaches
• In the ordinary way. , •
Ere Jae eaeltes a .declaration.
We are atm to mbve. aweej
Then he ficels :anothersWeetzing,
Much more stable than the last
•lAead I never get 'acquainted .
• Till one-half our term is psesti
If we all were `Presbyterians r
Rut it ,dom no •good to sigh',
Then the pretty __little relAidel3.
Wiped the moisture from her eye.
•'Yesterday the papers carried
News that knocked the Pont.flat,
She was inarried-to I Preacher.
And a Methodist at that 1 t
--Toronto News
el,etatelet-ietel. 4++++++4. -
• Reports received at Calgary from
all over Alberta predict et bumper.
erop, ,f t,
0 0
Mr. iiercoart, the Seceetary elf
Stete of the (Valdes speaking in the
;notate or Cern:mons, enact:tn.-re/a that
Now Zealand's muscat contribution
to the Imperial /levy Ile:mi('. be 4100,
te& wbile eolith Afelee will dive
4dea1Ie, New Zettlarel je also contri-
bating for a battleship ot the value
or X2.000,001).
'Children, Or
or tax° :Republican convention. .
'Alfalfa growing is being- str.onely
recommended by .Professor Zavitzeof
the O. No better time than.
Present month could be desired for
+Bowleg it he said in a statement is- '
sued recently 'It is probably safe bo
say that there will bet. a premium on
erood farming for 1912. 'said Profes-
sor lavitz Those farmers who had
their land sunclerelrained and handled
it• in. the !best way evill likely obtain
%wood .cteps this sem' .whila 'some oth-
ers have .used poorer methods are
likely to receive very poor zeturnse
Thera is ea lower aorergo in near -
la alit)/ tee cereal crops in Ontario ia
1912 than for several years past.
l'elais owing to thelate seasoe, and es-
pecially to the cold, weather ir. the
latter part of Aprilandduring May
Since that Mane the weather hae been
favorable lox „a good growth _ • al-
ihoug,h th :many ;sections: tie! dry wea-
ther a the last feW weeka was be -
;tinning to hays itsinflnenee 1.Ala
thoegh the grain crops, is not likely
to be very heavy tbere seems to be
"spectial reason why the yields
should not he fairly good in mostf
parts of the province.
Mr. Zaeitz ppats cat thaii although
the •cultivated crops eachas cora
potatoes an.d rcota were ratter late
in ?being planted he believes ,that the
aeeraae will be ep tor the normal es-
pecially as there eves a 1.sma1ler
amount of grain sower this year t,han
Since the death 0 George Merditli
in 1,90,0 his ;SOU has been oollecting
and editing his letters and Scribnen's
Magazine is peivileged to present
a selectior. from the begioniag. in the
August number. As Merdith grew in
faene he made tlae esealintaeve of
the most prominent literary 4" man"
everywhere, and this letters reveal
him as nothing else has done -I sym-
pathetic, witty often chaffing but al-
ways kindly friend Ills brief critic-
isms of books all the armament' in
these letters are models of rem' in-
sight and literary apprecietion,
To AU Women: X will seedeirerly,
vxith fuji inatructione,my:home treata
anent -which positively cures Leucorre
hem, Ulceration, Displateraents, Pall-
• ing of the Womb, Paieful or Irregular.
Periods, 'Uterine and Ovarian Tensors
or growths, also Hof, Flashes, IsTerv-,
mamas, Melatcholy, Pains in. the
111ead, Back, Bowels, Xidney end!
Bladder troubles where caused, by.
weakness peculiar to our sex. You
can continue treatment at home at a,
coet of only about 12 cents a 'week..
• My book, •E" Woniarl'er Own 31redical
Adviser,' e also seat, free oe. rertnastd
Write to -day/ „ Address Mrs. dis Sumas
Vaerai D.oxxtedi5ontasori out/
An Adventure In a Whaleboet and a
• Night of Misery.
Mr. liarrY Whitney, who adopted
he Eskimo mode of life end shared
with the natives their daily Peiva-
tions and their dengere, tette in his
book,. "Hunting With the Etkiinoe."
this story of an adventure in an open
whaleboat on Arctic seas and of the
unhappy eight which followed on
"A stiff breeze was blowing, end
when tee passed the paint abov,eJitab
perceptibly inereased. Sans 'were
set and we were making good pro-
gress when, without warning, a puff
broke the step which hold the meet
in place, and before the mil could
be lowered two boards ie the bottom
of the boat split, anti the boat begat)
to leak so badly that I feared it etauld
fill with water and sink (febr it was
heavily loaded) before, we 'could make
the nearest land, winch eve headed for
at ence. Fortune favored use how.
ever, and, although, crew and outfit
got a thoroegli soaking, we reached
shore safely.
"Although the temperature was but
31 degrees, the air was cutting, and
I was tinned through with the 'wet-
ting, In view of this, the steadily
iuereasing gale and the fact that eve
had no fecilities for making repairs,
it was decided to walk back to Etah
and .tilen in the morning, if weather
favored, to mend the boat and resume
Mir Nem, Six miles it was over
the hills, and a bard six miles, too,
although the exeroise was needed
and wholesome.
"That night I will long remember,
With every minute the wind inereas-
ed in velocity until it attaingd the
proportions of a terrific gale, Intl at
the same time the tempereture fell
rapidly. The roof got loose, and we
endeavored to fix it, Then the stove-
pipe blew off, and in the gale it was
found impossible to get it in place
again. At length, only gartially
ed, I had to eihnb out an the roof
to hold that in place nail fit 'could
be secured and it the process was
half frozen, Thenas a last straw,
the fire went out. 'The only way then
to get warm was by retreat to my
sleeping bag, and so the night
Ghost Store. In tenet.
In the course of nn application for
the presumptien of 'the death of
Archibald Scott, heard in Dmnfries
Sheriff's Court, fedidence of a strange
• vision was given. Archibald Scott
went to Austealia in 1851, during the
gold rush, and was lost sight of. Mrs.
• Jane Debenhem said that the missing
malt was her father. All efforts to
trace himin Australia had fafled-. His
eldest sister, Sybella, many years
ago told her that she was taking a
walk with. her father one summer
evening, and along the patb, coming
towards them, she saw her brother
Archibald are.ssed in the same check
su:t whieh he used to wear. She was
a little 'behind her lather, and in
passing the figure never spoke, and
she tamed round to look ancl make
• sure. The figure also turned in pass-
ing., mad then disappeared. Sheeneas
certaitha her, brother Archibald ford'
died aft the very_ hour she had seen
the vision. The ptesumption of death
was declared,
Miles, Long and \phorte
Considering the size 04 'Switzerland,
one anight expe:t a wale to be about
as fer as one eould throw a ball, but
the hardy mountaineers think 9,153
yards !the proper thing, even when,
as it generally is, it is very much
uphill. The Swiss is the lopgestemile
of ell, lbeireg followed by the Vienna
post smile of 8,296 yards- The Flemish
raile is 6,869 yards, the Prussian 8,287
yards, and in Denmark they walk
8,244 yards and eall it a stroll of a
mile. The Arabs generally ride good
horses and call 2,143 yards a mile,
while the Turks are satisfied with
1,826 yards, and the Italians shorten
the distance of a mile to 1,366 yards.
--London Mirror.
rlapanese Pottery.
Everybody who knows anything at
all about Japanese pottery knows that
there is such a thing as Satsaama ware.
Beyond the fact that it is yellowish in
tone and hilfwees crack -led, knowledge
ha most cases does not go, however.
The name of .the pottery is taken from
the clay whiele comes from the pro-
vince of Satsuma and is the only elay
in Japan, possibly in the world, which
will stand the number of firings ne-
eessary in the elaborate decorations
of which it is the subject.
The Effect of Green Apples.
The ardent swain was doing his
best to "Or the question. She re-
peatedly put him off by changing the
subject and thus bloke in upon, his
urgent plea: "Oh, listen to that apple
tree! How it, sighs and groans!"
I -le was cross by this time and re-
plied, "Yee, and if ;on were as full
of green apples as that tree is you'd
groan and sigh too."
A Witty Abbot.
Frances I. of France, beinghlesirous
to xaise a learned man to the highest
dignities of the church, asked him if
he was of noble descent. "Your ma-
jesty," answered the abbot, "there
were three brothers in Noah's ark, but
I cannot tell eositively from which
of them 1 deseended." The witty ab-
bot obtained the appointment.
Si ngu I ar Creatures.
"And so, Peter, you -Nepali women
with an 'a'?" said the teacher, eor-
recting an exercise.
"Please, sir/' was the 'retsina "my
papa told mamma wily yesterday that
women were singular beings."
Her Charming Ways.
"Isn't that girl charming! Bat What
a curious way she has of dropping her
"Yes, and stteh a bewitehing Way of
letting her eyes' fall too."
The Vote In England.
The total number of Parliaisclentary
electors in Cad 'United Kingdom is now
'1,964,000, an itierettse of 4925 over
led Day When Wind Will Not
There is st:elloywSnotelelitg more beau-
titul than a fine green lawn and mile
lletao diflieult a thing to Obtain il
gone about in the right way• .
The proper way to start is after the
leen.. has been graded to .ptet in it a
top sold of at least sir anehes and
have a, gradeal sloping grade fat
drainage, or, 11 the ground is low and
damp, at will be beet to lay draM
pipes from two to three feet below it
Soil that is rich is Very often acid,
-whicth cart be emoted by ititPlYind
air slaked lime in. SUMCient qUalltity
to correct the acidity. With eandy
soil the rjeeetion of fertility is of
prime importance, after the grading.
The eetire area should be coVered
with well rotted manure. Where this
is not possible a chemical fertilizer
shoulcl be used. After this fertilizer
Les -thoroughly mellowed the soil and
a• smooth surface has been secured it
is then time to sow.
A day should be selected -when the
wind will not blow the seed. In
ordinary open lawn n good mixture
is Pod pratensis mixed 'with Agnostis
mamma. For under the trees wiled&
it is difficult to secure any kied of
a lawn the ground should be ecivered
evitle myrtle bor heelers ivy. After the
seed has been sown. the ground should
be raked and gone over with a laeavY
roller until perfectly leeel.
When the grass is three to four
inches high it should be cut with a
scythe until strong enough to bear
the mower. Should any are spots
appear these must be made mellow
and again seeded, down.
The best season for making .a lawn
is. irarnediately after the spring reins
and before the heat of the summer
tends to dry out the ground.
In the treatroent of old lawns that
have become poor through a lack of
fertility the best and in the end the
cheapest thing to do is to plow them
up and cover with manure and Con-
struct about the same as a new lawn.
A lawn requires the use of a heavy
roller in the spring after the early
Taint and again about June and Sep-
te• mDburei7ng the summer dry Veil, when
the lawn is built shallow or with in-
sufficient drainage, it must be water-
ed artificially. Other than the -usual
cutting with the lawn mowers there
is no other care necessary unless it
should be covered in December with
manure' and aithr the spring rains
lattve washed the nutriment into the
soil to have this manure removed.
Woman's Strength.
An observant correspondent has not-
ed the small clasp and the big grasp
of the woman. The boatman gives
her smaller sculls for her sinaller
hands, and the gymnasium is fitted
with 'the smaller apparatus fax the
feminine clasp. But notice the weak
woman in the train or tram -who leas
<serried and balartoed a• baby all d
for a holiday. As a man con10,eglin
do it? It's a joke for the neagreidt raid -
night. But tese -Weinaneeddes it with-
out mentigodeg it. ate ean carry that'
baby ar da ear -in arm :and think
she i, holi ay m hinge -There is' not
a men who ement o it for twenty
minutes without me ening it. -Len -
don Olnoniele-
• A Chance for 'Premotion
'Here, my in1an," 'sad the citizen
to the messenger n -ho had delivered
his suit of clothes "ie a check in
"But," said the messhneer, "I am
net allowed to eollect rodney."
'I know, but this isn't money,".,
"Yes," remonstrated the e essenger,
"but it's the same thing.
"My dear, misguided " said the
citizen, with tears in • s eyes, "your
confidence touches ' . Leave, I beg
you, the employ of his eoulless cor-
poration. And if I Can persuade the
banks of this city that my cheeks are
the same as money your fortune is
made I" •
Fur of the Chinchilla.
The tiny chinchilla, not more than
twelve inches long, with a plump lit-
tle body on short, stout legs, thrives
only in the tropics. The little beasts
.have to be killed with the utmost pre-
caution not to injure. their fur, that
grows on a skin nearly as tender and
soft as a web of silk. 'A perfect ekin
not larger than a small pocket hand-
kerchief is a revelati ain fur growth.
The texture of every hair is finer than
Ross silk, the length of it nearly an
inch and the coloring shout that of
the soft, undyed raarabou. feathers.
Venom of Rattlers.
One authority an snakes has declar-
ed that the venom of the rattler will
affect even vegetables. Having inocu-
lated various varieties with the point
of a lancet, be found theni next day
withered and dead, looking as if they
had been struck by lightning. Anoth-
er' experimenter transmitted the ve-
nom through the blood of three ani-
mals successively with fatal results to
all. Yet it is said the flesh of ani-
mals thus killed may he eaten with
safety. •
The Crosscourrent
Two debutaiess were lunching at a
table by a window.
"I've been wondering all day" said
the ,blonde, "why you weren't :Invited
to the Smith -Smiths.'
The brunette, with a sweet, clear
laugh replied:
"And l've been wondering all day,
dear, why you were."
An Excellent Memory.,
Hicks -He's very charitable, isn't
Wicks -Who? Pincher?
Hicks -Yee. Ile says he always re-
members the poor. •
Wicks -Well, that's all. It's a mat-
ter of memory.
The Original MaCintosh.
"Macintosh boats a gond deelabont
his family, doesn't, he?"
"Yes; I think be claimthat the
head of his family was the original
Macintosh that Noah had with Vine
tiering that rainy Bean:ant
!louses for Sale
We offer a 00M1ertab2e frame co'
tage at a bargin, a larger etainy
and it telt ileum 'heti Meted tued
two fine hid* resideneee et attitude
ire prinee. If you. are lookirbel toe d
tatISe Ell Exeter teat and gee parte°,
Wars, forge otoloteet, Easy terms ,
Notice to Creditors
in the matter of the eetate et
. Willihm. Daelerier, of t1If3 Towle:hip
. et Vaboree in tied Comte od Huron
ferm,er eiepeaseilt
Notice is leerehr given eermant to
Statutes he that behalf that all
etediters and othere having claim
against 'the eetate of theelate William
'flitokee.Y ,oft ithei alatdletehidtPg'1:1014bm6
who died on eV albeet tthe,eith of July
lora are Angeired, on or, before the
15th Of Aug to aped, by, poet prepaid
.ae deliver to tears, eilddman &
StanharY, solleitore for the execut
tors of the eeltate et the
said deceased their obristian
and surnames, addresme and den-
criptions, the full 'particulars oe their
dahlia, the otatement of their no,
counts and eho nature of the se,
entities, hi any, held by them. And
further talto !notice that after such
last mentioned date the said Exacta,
tore will proceed to dilitribute
the assets of the deceased among the
Parties enteeled thereto, living ret
wird telly to the claims of which
they ellen then have nothce land nett
the Said executors will not he liable
for the eel* assets or any part there.
• or to any person or persens DE w11013.0
claims nithre ellen not have been
received by ,them at the thee of 'each
'04alafA.N '& ISTANBUR Id
501101 boas for the executors. -
Dated at Exeter the 15th 41.3.7 of
July 1.912, • t
Notice to Creditors
In the matter of the estate oe John
McFarlane qf the Villsge ,of
Homan, County of Hero* 'gentle-
man idecetreed. ' • '
Notice is hereby given pursuant to
R. 5, 0., 18917, chan. 120, that all
• creditors and others having claims
against the estate of John lYieFarltune
of the village of Henseli weld died
on tor about the Ilth e,o2 Septeinberi
1911 are regaired eta, ler before
the .3rd of August 1911 ‘te leend'
by post prepaid or deliver toeMessrs.
Madman & Stanbury. of the 'Village
of Exeter, Solicitors fax Executrix
of tbe said deceased, their Cheistain
and suenatnes. addresses and litiecrIP-
tions, the full particulars of their
claims, the statement of their ac-
counts. and the nature of the securi-
• ties, if _way', held by them. And fur-
therete`ke notice thdt after such last
• ntioned date, 'the said Execdtrix
will proceed to distribute 'the assets
of the deceased among the parties en-
titled thereto. having regard only to
the claims of which she shall then
have notice and that said Execatrix
shall not be liable fax the said assets
or any part thereof to any person or
persons of whose claims notice shall
not have been received by her at the
• tinae of such distribution.
' • iSolicitors for Executrix.
Dated at Exeter this 1130; day of
Jaly 1.912e f f , 1 i •
Notice to Creditors
In the matter of the estateof
, Tsabell Walker Townittip 4) f Ideladireve
in the County of Huron Widow de-
cease& .
Notice is hereby given pursuant' re,
Statutes in that behale that ell credit
ors and .others having elairas. again:tee
the estate of .fhe late Isebe.11 'Welker
of the Township of 'Cabernet who died
on or about the; Meat !day Of May 1..972
are 'required on /or 'before Aug larcil to
and by post prepalifdr or deliver to
Messrs Gladrnan & Stanibury solicit.
ors for the .exeoutors of the efetatel of
the said deceased their christieri
and 'surnames addresses and deserip-
teens the full partioularat of their.
alaims the statement of their acc.odait
and tbe nature of the 'securities if
any 'held h.y them, A.xtd further take
take notice that after lase suelterada-
tioned date the said. executors evill
uneeeed to distribute the assets of the.
deceased ;lumen, the perties entitled
' tlx r Li to lt e. yin le ke g a od' only to. the
claims of which they ball then have'
notice and that the executors will not
be liable for the said assets or ar.y
cart thereof, to any' person ot ,ner- ,
sons Of whose claims netice shall non
have been received by then at, the
tinae of ouch glistributront •
Solicitors for the fexecutors
I Dateddin Exeter the 15th Day of
July 1922e
Debentures for Sale
The Corporation of the Village of
• Exeter will receive benders up to sev-
en o'clock p, m. Friday July alith
1912 for the purchase of $5,000 Sewer
Debentures running twenty years
bearing live pereent interest per am
num from the issue thereof payable
tin annual sums of $4.01:22 at the, Can-
adian Dank of Commerce Exeter Ont.
- Of it t t Clerk n,
4. ----
' For infants Wad ChilLren, .
rho KInd Yo o Java Always Bought
Beare the
Signateed •of '&44
abildroxi Cry
Ar.:1 A S T CP
arm for Sale
PoteSele at owe -n200 iteeeei SInendel,
Sedl'ettere 0. Miles from Clinton* Shitabol
,4t* roan drt good etete ot hatadettleri
• 100 horde geein. ld manes pletildn
neree bush. Aver hite an4 nalittlePp
0.1040, J4040,, ltWO Ok04'07, „S3ait4iaijt
A*41304 floor in cellarturnateep
fellepinsdiee One barn 8.54.
guraper. wroterworga. • '
hold oatme tand 9 honsete,
&ere effx40. 'bein 50
Sold nil% farm if d'etteleed.
Afdlcolers, IretfEwein Ihereehe50, .
Farm For $ale
Foe dieleee Farm eanddiilg IQ
teltires a fagot oleee lend
eten, of 'firdliphane; Gboil twOeletat
ttlaree hoxpe bxuk bern 8$s
w itt, up.fo-clftte Stehle. rou,pa,:pli
hapt abOut Icar Ago, MADT,0131
t.qaent itliir01200411. .4.30 4
eglide 25x54 with eement it nettle
enemas, NeW drivitteg etteed ok dbit
;deed steel aLdh 4x4tOtehetxlme
Or.18re lash a good sunplY od dotyetud
lasia watdr. fTlie• fatten is ftleteeeet
dhainedi and weli feneel moittY "thir
all new we feneen. Also tent *tore
Of g ed bush mostly hand weed. E�y
pa lare apple to Wesley abide:
We him Ont. •• 17$
• Stock for Sale
Stock For Sale -We are at preset),
offering three choice Shorthorn bull
10. 12 and 15 months, old; also a fest,
cows and 'heifers, and a regiatere
Clyde mare bred •(from* import
stook. seven yeaxt, old end int foal t
if. 7. Berry's Elea Vicuna% Lot 1
Con. 2. Tackerstnith., A. G., Smilli
ensal1" •
Executors Sale
fThe Executrix of the Estate o tb
late Jacob Webber, has instructe
Mr. Ed. Bossenbury, Auctioneer,' t
offer for sale ray public Auction
the preutisee
1912 at 7 oeofock p. an '
• ' valitApE toT NO 10 -
i71 Jan Cooks Survey Of the, ViiIage
of Eashwood being part loft 23, 1
the Norbit Boundary •Conceestda, of th
Township of Stephen, Onthis lot i
a 'good one and one halt storey brie
cottage, with kitchen hard and sft
Water. The Lot is ore block Setae,
of the Main Street andis ort 5 come
and is a desirable property.
At thd same. time there Will bet sol
a quantity oft furniture, consisting o
1 bed stead; 3. Bureau arid book cas
combined 4 -perforated chairs;
lounge 2 bed steads; 1 glass•cupbear
1. kitchen table; -2 small eables;
teen waShatinde 1 small eupbeard; 12
• chairs dishes and other small artieles
TERMS .---Oentre of saled -
REAL EST.A/TE--Itifteen per tent, o
the purchase meney on the day 01
sale, and the:balance in 30 days with
out intereets
Further terms axtd particulars mad
keown on day of sale or may ba.I
oneapplication to. . L
ene. BOSSENBURY Zurich Oa, ',Nuo
-dormer, •
Ont., Vendorris Solicitors, 1 1
Children Cry
CAS"1-0 R1.4
Canadi. n
imperial Year
Imperial Cadet Review
Cadets front all the Overseas Dominions
Exhibits by the.P.rovinces4
Dorainion Exhibits •
Band of Scots Guards
• From Buckingham Palace
Paintings of the Year from •Europe
Paintings by best Canadian and
American Artists
Imperial Cadet Competitions
Boy Scouts Review
Everything in Educational Exhibits
Sege of Delhi
Besse s 0' Tie Barn Band
lisitain'S Best Brass Band
Dragoons' Musical Ride
Industries in Operation - -a
Butter Making Competitions
Ainerica'sGreate.stLiveStock Shove
Canada's 13iggest Dog Show
America's Prettiest Pussies
Japanese Day Fireworks
Motor Boat Races
Hippodrotrie and Circus •
Four Stages and Arena all .going
Eruption of Mount Vesuvius
Athletic Sports
Ten Band Concerts Daily
Acres of Manufactures
Imperial 1?ireworks-60 Numbers
Aug. 24 1912 Sept.
uour.onoll D, file
DENTIErdl. •
Honor Gradeate at TOrbento ddnivere•
010' Offiee over Dieltson do Carit
linght Law offices Olozed Weiheeeel
dayt etteritoons. Phone. Offiste se;
diesidence 5 b. •• , k,'Iliteath
/ DB
, Honor
; enmity
• A. It, EINSMAN 10;a;
Graduate ot Tehoddd Viitillod
• • 1 i 1. na-teneddeld'd
t DEN li'T ST
extracted without pain. on
bad effects. Office over Celale
& Ataialbarylo Office Main We
: It .f..f . t , Val
I - We BROWNING M. De. M. Ca
ads P. S. Graduate Viotoeia Krnisedie
site Office and residence Dominield
t Dalarefory., Exeter* •
Assooiate Coroner of Huron 7 ' 0
1 Barristers, Solicitor's Notaries ContM
r veyancers Commissioners, Solicitor
• fax tbe Molsona Bank et, t -a-1
v Money to I'aortn, at lowest rates of ihe
' tercet. • • i• 1 i 1 • f, ,nel„
1. R. Carling 13, Ab1 ` U. dle Dieketa
, ,
. MONEY TO 1.0AN ' .1' iln-rill - I
We hese a large ambunt of pezide
• ate funds to loan on farnd and yeti
. lege properties a* lowest rate of iiEvi
, terest. t : b ,. Id
Barristers, Solicitors, Mein-
• Exeter.
The Lisburne
• 1
and RI
and llibbert ,
Mutual Fire insur-
Farquhar, Ont
' WL
J. a RUSSELL; rdad
ilolTI. °GRA:ID:NEB. r[t
. .. . • , Staffed
-I e. i' ; ; ' Dabliox
, I i' i 1 1 Winohelseah
' r ''' i a lloreholin!.
Exeter. agent` 'frit
a du lph. . .
Munro agent foie
and Logan,. b net
& STANBURY, •• Xi t
Exeter. idiot;
• 1
t •e
• "Tweed"
. the
Have City
...„- . „...
'i- ' , 1 00111tell1eliCe S1
. -
• •
Replace thepestid
• lent, draug hty clanA
gerous and offal
1 sive out -of -doors ole
set with an ' en dobi
closet vela ch r equir
es no sewer int
. plumbing , and nt
finishing systeen,
ha y cur home
health by 1 nstalliest'i
/ P
and Odorless' -
can be IV 61 ailed '11
cellar, or any lathe)
711,_ llift
city conveniences
' 'Tweed
convenient place iudoors, merely re
centring to be connected by a pipe fin
ventilation with a chimney role.
"Tweed" Liquid Chemical, used ix
connection with Tweed Olcsets is boti
a deodorant and a disinfectant.. Mali
hundreds of Tweed closet s have bee/
, sold in Canada. Send fax illustrate
price list.
Wooler Apr. 3, 1912. 44
The Chemical Closet I bought frora
you on Jan. 5th, 1912 is perfect. I did
not empty it until Max 29tb... Thede
is three at the family and can leayse
the lid up and no particle of odor care
be found x. would not ask for an ything
better,' ' Yours truly, E. M. Wessels.
Ile 8 leel MO g MOM CO 1, 'WIN
Agent: -W. J. Heaman.
*I Our teachers are all experiette- :1:
• pea
.* etreetors. Our nrare
better than, ever end the air.
ne• equipment More ,coniplette ite
!Pe We do more for our graduates yd.
; eham do other !similar scboota•
* Fourteen epithet -ideas foere recvedur-
ta traieed help were ,nk
• . 1
• n2, -e_ _the ,. past week, esome • of ee
•ve • t per
• alto u m • We have three ,,deparad
• ....
ments .commercial IShorthana.
ex and Telee,raphy. Write . for age
e• our free Catalogue and see
; :what we are doing. e .
• • Principal.
'Ye 11,101111111(
interinted and should On*
about the Wonderful ' +4' .
:Marvel Whi'"ng SP".
D,ouOho •
Ask mar droggist fee
it, if be cannot supply
tee MARVEL, accept res
ether. bat send stamp (Or illus.
trkted;book-tunletl.t glyes fan
partib'ulars and directions invaluable
°Ostend dirents for Canada,
Electric Restorer for Ment
PhOSp1-101101 restores every nerve in the bodt -
to its proper tension ; mitoses,
vitn and vitality. Prereature clecay nod all sena'
Weakness averted at med. Pliospbonol wta
make yott it new ;natl. PD.,0 $8 a box, or taro let
58. Mailed to Rey address. Tire Sooliell Drat
ore et. Catharines, On