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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-08-03, Page 31
GOPF.,181a1401WoMit WU11111ESDAY„ AUGUST 3,183—P Y :7' 1 ADA DRY GINGER ALE. SUGAR FREE GINGER ALE. C -PLUS ORANGE OR C -PLUS ORANGE SUGAR FREE 750 mL BOTTLES PLUS 30c DEPOSIT PER BOTTLE Music students pass e Tp BITS Joanne f!n®In The folaowing students. of Mrs. Emma Fulker of Goderich were successful in the examinations for the Royal Conservatory of Music held in Blyth recently: Linda Darnbrough, Grade 8 piano, honors (72); Sarah Fulker, Grade 1 piano, first class honors (80); Keith Fulker, Grade 3 piano, honors (78); and Freda Weerasooriya„ harnnny, pass,. +++ SP+M,U ASSORTED FLAVOURS NEILSONS DRINK MIXES 3's . 264 g1.09 BDL. PE AL! VAC PAC 3 GRINDS MOTHER PARKERS COFFEE 369g 2.79 SPECIAL! FIVE VARIETIES WESTONS COOKIES :rel. PKG. 100°0 VEGETABLE CRISCO OIL 3 LITRE A99 JUG PKG. OF 6 • KRAFT 3 VARIETIES CAL WISE DRESSINGS 500 mL 49 SPECIAL! ! BOX PACK CATELLI LASAGNA 500 9 f. 19 CATELLI TOMATO SPAGHETTI SAUCE 28 OZ. 1.19 REGULAR OR DEODORANT CAREFREE PANTY SHIELDS 30 s 9 CATELLI BOX R.C. MACARONIOR SPAGHETTI 500 g 69' CATELLI WITH MEAT SPAGHETTI SAUCE 28 oz. 1.51 REGULAR OR MINT AQUAFRESH TOOTHPASTE 150 mL 1.69 GILLETTE ATRA CARTRIDGES 10UN 2.99 SCHNEIDERS REG. OR THIN CHEESE SLICES 250 g 111 59 MILD -MED. OLD OR PROCESSED ZEHRS BULK CHEESE ANNE NAREJKO Anne Narejko,.19, a recent graduate of Conestoga College and a native of Brantford, will now be assisting Dave Sykes and Joanne Buchanan in the Goderich Signal -Star editorial department, replacing Terry Marr. She will be covering various events around town with her main duties involving sports activities., If you have any sporting events to report, call Anne at 524-8331. ++-- Charlie Young of Goderich celebrated his 101st birthday on Monday, July 25 with a gathering of his friends in the garden at the home of Vern and Kitty Smith, Victoria Street, Goderieh (formerly the home of Mr. Young). _ -. +++ The lucky winner of the Nile United Church quilt raffle was Mrs. Caroline Snowden of Lucknow. The dtaw was made July 17 at the Nile Inner Circle church barbecue. +++ THREE VARIETIES VAN CAMP BEANS 69' 14 OZ. TIN ASSORTED VARIETIES CHEF BOY -AR -DEE ENTREES 15 OZ. TIN 99,, COUNTRY OVEN FRESH HAMBURGER ROLLS 8s COUNTRY OVEN FRESH HOT DOG ROLLS 8 s FRESH, TANGY, DELICIOUS 16 oz. CHUNKY CHEESE BREAD SPECIAL! 69° SPECIAL! 69' SPECIAL! 125 REGULAR DEODORANT COAST BAR SOAP 4's 1.89 B0L.380 g HIGNLINER FROZEN BOSTON BLUEFISH FILLETS. 454 g 1.59 STOKELYS 2 VARIETIES KIDNEY BEANS 14 0Z. 69# McNAIRS BLANCHED PEANUTS 50091.69 6 LITRE 2.4 KG CHEER 2 DETERGENT 3.99 BOX OF 3 WHITE OR PINK CAMAY BATH SOAP 420g 189 THESE SPECIALS AVAILABLE ONLY IN: HIGHWAY NO. 8 GODERICH MONDAY & TUESDAY 9©6 P.M. WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY & FRIDAY 9®9 P.M. SATURDAY 8:30®6 P.M. KEITH R. McLELLAN Keith R. McLellan, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. McDonald of Port Albert, recently graduated with honors, receiving his Bachelor of Mathematics degree in Applied Mathematics (honors program) from the University of Waterloo. Keith has accepted a position with System House, Ottawa as a computer program engineer. -++ PAUL YOUNG Paul Young, son of Raymond and Barbara Young of 134 Palmerston Street, Goderich, graduated recently with high honors from the Micro Computer Management course at Sheridan College in Brampton. At the convocation :eremonies held in Bram-' )ton on June 15, Paul was awarded the Board of governor's silver medal for )utstanding achievement. Paul is presently em- )loyed in Toronto.