HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1912-7-18, Page 1onxziTbrow Away pour Q14 Straw HO' It can be made as goodae new with MALL STRAW NAT GMMANER I emoves dirtand bleaches the straw Price 1.0e a package. enough for two bate 1 K MOOD UI SMQre ,�', % :_ , 0 "`' Have Yon Tested. its. Merits. Foot PO CZ ': Cure Vox, :SORE ..— *WONG TIPEI) ,.TENDEI, 'SWEATING SWOLIMN Large Clans 21 Cents Cole's Drug Store Moine of Tice Jexall'11enedies.) o fk TH1xRSDA.X MORNING, JULY 1$th 1912..: M7 MID PHONE _ 32.: SUMMER CLEARING �A�E This warm month we are going to clearout all Our Rummer Goods at a Big n. ��etrl!ilCt10 See the "SNAPS" we are offering. MiddyBlouses White Waists, From $ i each up We are giving special Prices on every Waist in the store. White Wear All Ladies Whitewear to be sold cheap Nice Skirts, Night Gowns, Corset Covers etc. Millinery A few Summer Hats left after the Sea- son is over. Your choice for less than half price. White trimmed with Pale Blue, Navy Cadet Blue, long or short sleeves for 75cts. and $f .0Q. SummerLL Dresses Only a few left in Colored or White: Each is a bargain waiting for you,. Fancy Parasols All to go. We must sell every one: A good time to buy for this hot. weather. For Men' Mens Summer Suits A real good selection of nice light gyey two piece Suits at Sale prices. Outing Shirts.. For the warm weather. . You will ' be wanting some for your vacation. All Colors with Lounge collars and Double Cuffs. Straw ,flats Some Real good ones for socts, _ each o Have one Better ones for 75c and $l:. o Underwear In Combination or Two Piece . French Balbriggan: Open Mesh, Wool or Union at all Prices, also a lot of fancy sox. Phone 32 Jones & May, Exeter se Plymouth Binder Twine. Ply' Spec. 500 ft, 4id Gold Medal 650 ft. The Best is the Cheapest Gold Medal tray Fork Rope 3 and 4 strands will not break Pulleys,, Ming Ropes and Hooks New Brunswick Plaster Paris and Paroid Roofing. Hot Weather Wants 'Washing Machines from $7.00 to $10.00" 'Washing Machines as cut $10.4 C Mil Stoves from 1.00 to $11,00 Oil Stove ovens from 2.00 to $2.75 -"lIammoclzs from 1,50 to $7.50 'Screen Doi,rs from 1.00 to $2:00 ,,Screen Windows from 25c to 40c. ',Charcoal. Irons 750,. 11EA111AN'S HARDWARE DSTOVE STORE o0o444•••••••••••••+••••••••0 • • . O f+ oLiff1011ao: ........ e '� o Made in one minute with PURITY Lemon e' 0 Powder. Extra strong 4 o at 25ets. Many 'mit o ations, we sell the gen nine. Try it. Great oo 4 • for farmers.and every. : body.• 4 Get it 1t m Z : Power s 8 • ' o ®• Bazaar • e e. • • Phone 55 •• o Big Variety Stare d 0 m O *seeo4so0ev'o.00*e4e0oee,em+ BORN TTt3AVICER—'in Woodham' on Monday July 8 to Mr. and: inns- . ; John ■ Thacker a n aughter Elizabeth. The BOTHEIIMAN--in .Creche) on Sat - b •s. • d 11 '' � t o 1VI . at,• July 13Lh r da 3r x u y �n r rSto��ra da • Exete I z • I osteRY SUMMER � , n Hose al stares regular 254 for, 150; Taney lac a Ladiespimp 1n blaelt.cotton Hose .1.0cc Mans hose 2 pre. for 25cts, Ladies silk Gloves regular 511c for 35c 4. new lot of Fltnbtdideries:tit•opened MensaGe ankin kinds Underwear regular 50e tel ::5c . e - from 5e to11,00 >,: Tust a how prece5 0 f our Whitewear left at l oft Ike rep alar j riei�.. . ' Panay Parasols at 799 each' _Meng l!tiur>ais141; , in s, Suits, • oveinalla etcyi Sh •.. es our Eiter Bargain Store: North of Post f�'�c ei, One Door MARRIED 5N:is',EGib-Sli>ICLA:�IlI--At 114e English Ceurota recitory en Monday JuIY 15th. Mies Annie Sophia l indu t% ofut« Marys s 10 'Edward, wLrd P. Snell, l , o f Exeter,by Rey ,ValtcrD. Collins. G1#TEI4SON--• i,tAGGI'*i In Win- nipeg bn July 3rd Miss 'Alpe Hag-. pith to. Walter Grierson ofEd- monton d-norlon +by i1ev. Mr.!'Scivilette PRI4E,--DEMPSEY—1,n Toronto on JudyJudyStir, Miss Aima Maria Deng-. P'+ say, to Rev, Percy` Gardiner Pride, ide , 13, A.; IED ce(rtW ILii 1-si bph,el, on July 10:1.2 Nora Aincdan9iais, beloved wife Garnet IG. Oecn ill, aged vt ifc o.0 n3 years 0 months and i3, days, 1. 'FOSTER—In 71.a CO juin 911, niche. l s Poster hi )lis, OOtb;Kari Exeter Council a iounoil tn.et in the Towohall Tris day evening Duty l'2tlk as per anjounne meet for tll..b receiving pf tens rs Tor the excevatin,a of sewer, (Absent' Virtu. Rivers owinn to illness, Mae rates o1` last me;etin„ were read. and ,npproved, r1 enders were received for thel ex - meeting of server from the N9rt,h side of Wellington street to the post orttc+a• as inflow.s; annul 13e11 tfi1'607.00 Wan Gillespie $1475.00 me oanie were laid over for ,furi,her. consild'pra- from. 'Mr. A. 1)eavitt presented a petition. signed fly 15 ofn'tite residents asking to 1iavo Marlboro, streets opened np from Victoria ,Street north t4 Wel- iinnto_-i Levet .and l'ord that the Council meet as a body lad look ever ne'grounds before, toning any! action -Carried. Awing to the new Medical Health Act there .had to- be, a.ehanae made In the Lornzatio^a of our local 13oard of -Health. LVormoi;'ly tin Board 'di Health, •4opaisted or ten Head or the Municipality, Medical !Officer lot Eleaith, three ratepayers and the sec- retary. The new.Board of Health wiil1 consist;of t hc, Broad, of the':munie cipaiity, Medical Oeficer of' health end one ratepayer` and( the aecrefary or the Roard unless otherwise prop vided by the counelf. the clerk shall be the secretary. Levert and Sceit' Tiiat the old BoarcT of T•Iealth • be dispensed . withl and tlrlit a. new board of Health be appoir ted as per 'Iron Health' Act for ';99.12. 'Carried Scott ard Ford inlet' .T)r. Qaaeken- busiu be medical 'officer .o9: Health as, per new Ileall,I' Aet: for 1912 at a salary,. of: !25.00 prr annum.—Carried! Lovett and Ford, that II. E.• IIIus- i:on' be appointed, a. member of the Board of Health. And a 13y -Paw be drawn confirnainn appointment.—Car- ried. Levett tbat rue adjourn!. J'. 13. CARL'1NG Clerk Usborne Council a Council met in Township Hall July r,th1 all the members' were present The' minutes of the last meeting. were read and ti 'proved: The letting of the contract :for Branch D. .Elimvij e drain Repairs was. an Fain postponed as rio te.nd'er was received,'.in, response to leitiaer :a.'dvee» tisirag or corresponding. Eight bridge contractors were written' but:only one tender was !re- oeived for the construction of two small bridges ene.12ft span on' Bid- dulph Boundry and dne. 8ftaspart an lruckersnaii h Bourgery_ The contracts were let to 'Johar•lIunxin of Exeterat what was •considered a reasonable price.! The 'Anderson Drain Bonaire and( new outlet being completed th,e eon;. tractor was paid the contract price and the clerk was instructed, to pre - Pare an; assessment to cover the cost; of the work;., The Engineers report for. extra' •'As sesment on Finn Creek Drain' was ad- npted and the clerk instructed, to 'prepare the meCessary By-law, and no reduce the assessment so as to raise. -the amount actually needed'. IA few: accounts were paid; and or- ders were issued in payment'. Gala - ...M. then adjourned, to, meet Saturdla-y August 3rd at one' o'clock. ' l'. 712ORLEY Clerk:; . i ' • West Huron High School Examinations e School Examinations, held► the se- cond week in June. doderich Collegiate Institute—Pari I of Entrance awl Normal Sehodis J' wrote; /nary '13. Clark, Christina Cowan (hon),• Gertrude J. 'Carrie,. Jean M. Out1•, Rosetta Durst, Har- vey ar v y Hallman Ruth E. Jackson Jessie Johnston Muriel C. Johnstrin John J hn W. Kelly Geo E. McEwan Jessie McKenzie Evelyn Pollock May Roger- son Florence A. Smith: hon, and Mary Yount;. .. Exeter P;ablic School—Part 1� of + .trance to Normal Schools; 18, wrote earl Brown Medeline Carling Deni f min Case Joseph G. Davis Mary Cs Harlon Archie .lei, Morgan,. Sarah W r 0 ,>C T? J e 0 John 0 M. Ian P a T Petty lion Florence Treibncr and Ruby II. Wood. Dashwood Public School -. nen:or High School nintrance ; five wrote,; Ruth E. t1renzebaoh Euoleen 1? Guenther Letia R. Gnei-itheri.11tiltou D. Oestreicher4 Zurich Public School--en:or Pub- lic School Graduation five wrote; Flora 3. Fess. Olive M. O'J3>aein+, Miss Clara Ross of Calgary, is visit. ing friends and relatives in town this week, Miss Cunningham. of Ciaadehoj'e Visited with. Mrs. Yaeger here. last; week. Mr. `Tog: 'Wilson last week disposed of his'house andlot on Siineoe street to Mr, S. Hardy. Mrs, T. M. White, of 'VPindsor' and John Clyde White Memphis, Master J d W y Mrs. Jon Iii a of town are visiting lr W t Mr. I.I, E. IEed:dy, of Melfort, ;Bask.,. is visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. Ralph SKeddy, of Hurondale. Mr: 'eddy, states tli+tut the crops in the West are looking fine and that the prospects for a ininaper crop were never better,• Entrance Reports Tlaare were 1320 ,candidates' ai: title centres of this inspectorate atnd'205 AK these were soecessfal. 81lany who failed diid (not tcibtain. 40 ver Bent nut arithmetic or in 'Geography. Pew Were below 40 per sent is any of the other subjects. Quite a number failed to make the 60 percent re- auired on the total In accordance with the the policy of the Education Department the high school entrance N01►010ir••00******4 • • • i 0 •. 8 4 40 •e r • standard is being gradually raised 2'. The well prepared pupils ri=nks, a good mark in every subject and; a total of O, i O 4• •4' O •0 0 ••••1 O i 800 marks and for honors 4187 marks. 4 card marks, the; marks in each subject will be sent, to every unsuc- cessful candidate. The certifioatcs of the suocessful candidates will be oe'nt to the teacher or the secretary of.t'h,e S hoof L3oard. The following ltandidatefr were taassed lay :t.he entrance ]hoard ann. ap- .roved. by the 'Minister,; The highest marks: obtained in each( subject are as follows The highest 'total—Vaunt moi1ay', 13etsa11 (11 years of age) 540, Composition—raham Ross 0;8.; ' Reading -Elsie .Duarnadige Melia Finlayson, 'Fra'nk McLenua•'n," Bain, Stewart, Mina Ethers 45 . Writing --Katie Weston 40 Sperling-5fapp Hodgert., iniberta. Knight Beta Rowe, Alma Roa'd'house, Winnie Cudni.ore, Louis 'McKay`s. Ey-2 elyn Brophy,"ICyril Dalton, James Moss 50. Allen Arithmetic—Louis Sinolair,109 Grammar— Elsie Dunn adge. 9;2 Geography-Essie Hume 87, , ' Proclamation oclaination ! Civic Holiday ida I y -.Whereas the four Sunday ,8c'hao.s, are running an excursitt:n no tering' aa.t r a ^l in a caorcance vttl. the 1 c tie* of a large, } 'number, , of basitlese ron d others x hereby rennin, Thursday July 25th 'Civieholiday for the village of Exeter and call tLpon au (food Citi*ss to trovernii thcinselbes ocitfirdinnly W, J, I111AiVI',N Teeyo • ,Exeter • : 407 .n is Bell 4'25c Annie Day t•, Marjorie Huston ,.:41'2 'Alma M ,. ...� • 4 t43 "" Rata'Roweack • • 47B t ;Marjorie 'Seldo ' • 422 Lila Zuefle :4'25 E' Oliver' Davis ... ...-'1281 Joe •Follicle Melville Gledman Willie Manson 467 Charman Powell 529 Harry Parsons 39&' Maurice Senior 444 Marvin Vincent .,,,._ ...... '396, Karl Weidenhammcr 1411' EIensall - Mary Ingram, 436 Matilda,I1littelholtz inn Celli. Cudmore „ , ..:469 Winnie :Gudmore .... . ::4.35 Coals McKay .. . ...,,.540 Geiger L433968; Wilire•d, Dow Era " Lioy ITudstoul t 418. Earl Paltaer ! I911 Bert •itedmond 4.58' 'CLarence 'Johtostonl _ . 11 Cart McEwen .••. 493 Gbalftia,m Dov,,alt •� • • , Bavfield Dorothy Fowlie ( 491 James Ferguson. ; ...41791 Dolle'' Rossi ...... 455 /Kathleen Eglliott ...........: 406 Belli. Parker ,..., 4'22 Ieenneth 'Smith :410 Ploy 'E'du'ardis 430 Crediton "Herbert Brown '435 Raymon English: .4 2 Clara Oestricher .•..'40'3! Titarl Sweitzer ,..... ...412 Dasiiwoad idord. Ediiighoffer Mina Etherc ,,.... .•••• .•.45.W nenGrenzCbach, --- 4.30 Cora Hawn, 44 T Ida Wambo:d tl✓6' Ervine McIsaac ,''-n.41 John Rautledge• ,.. •-4 1 Zurich 440 Alma Act .._._: lana 'Fritz 157 Theodore Fostea ............ .l+,lva lTeycock......15 ...,. 51;3' Louis. ZetLet -:404 ,Uussnt Zeller .,.1i1! "Hazen Ze11er. Centralia. Leonard Abbott ...., 41.5 Della Brooks 401 Rose Hanlon 4681 fuer--old Elanlon nay Township x'Vlabel TIeari = 10; No. '2—Earl Campbell 12! Ralph Ela vk ns cJ14 Willie Smith 41John Murray402 J No. 3 -Edison McAllister 44`1' James 'Forest 401' No 10—Maggie Armstrong '3113 John Elder446 n.lva, tTn;gra.m ... ` ..,305 No 14—Anna Datars 45'1 Anita Graham 451 ! Hazel (Tray•• 177 No•15•--Gladys Turnbull 1.05' iSreanloy -Township' Onion No 1-3rcne Po11ook 403 "Anna TM.cDona,id 4.42 No. '3—Clara Reid ...... ::4.80 No 5 (no r t h) Florence, Srotehmer 465 Loy Scotchmer 1430, nue Dower 404 No 5—Intil.ien. Pollock ,,,..4551 No •6—Gee.:11. l3ea.tty. Lae McConnell ...410: No In --James A now '46.3' '' ` >v c : reath /94, l�0 10 -Waite r0: Iia No 14 --Grace G. Ross Sep, Sch, No, S5 anley - 3� i3ertine Mereau Stephen To'tvnshin 3--LelaNo. •Lela Sanders .. 433 , r Lennard Schroeder 43a nno 9--A'd•ta" Amy ..401 Ile liilber 7`la 1 Laving Smith; ..,... • O, I No. 6 '—:Ella'. VV il1L' e11ri ... 415 ] o 7:—Rey Rn Patz ;;......, , , 2si No 8--ELton Green ..+.. 307 Russell Mallard ;., ...J2�. No. 10•—.year' fray ter 422 141" Hector Murray' p.128' lVlintt,e Ridley , N o l.T'tornc To wns hip J----�ilfied 1 p0: john Don gen .• ant` I lvt• Harvey »., .A b t No —Alberta Jb Al erta 'hrughf; Pose 1.,t1.ntort i,..:: ; .., .15021 t John .1Ioggaitla IV • r ••••o•o•••••o••s••41e•froe#•••••40o Toa per year toady 4 1.*****••'/•0♦►'•'!!•••#1lt'1►•O4! '4***** MMER G00 �ALL� 9ARKE D • • • 4 • M • Call in and SEE Our Summer Lines of c Paiitingsj,•. 4' • ,O#, Straw Hats Shirts 1 O 1 Socks and Underwear I Suitings, Fancy Vests. O 404 4 O O 4 O p • e are 4 9 Seiling SACRIFICE 43, • e 4• 4. TA mAN MERCHANT TAILOR • 4• ,4• OOO+30044000044O4000000000044e44OO40OO44d404O4004$444lq EXETER'S CIVIC HOLIDAY hursd my *ti EVER\OJY g oes to Sprin ;bink on Sunday School Excursion. SPECIAL, TRAIN LEAVES 7.45 For Particulars See Posters liarold 'Turnbull403, No '3—Donald I3aifour „...1179 May 1.Iodgert: ..,.434 Toro, na, McCurdy 125 A Etna nominalist: ., i107i No 4—•Verne Pincornbe. ..,411"d1 !ley Thompson _ 201r Nb 6-'i'ernin-Francis 40'0' No 7 —Wellington Brook 437 T1.iltta Pour ice 31'1- No 10-'-•Itoxie Cann ., 526 Glen L'1ieton' ib4i No 12—.fob Wilhieltin •.... . , . 31J3 Town of. Godericht t Victoria Sehool Griffithlichen (x.••QHS. . �4Ito ilalii'd tS' , 441` til • tut i .. st . ..t.. S Env 7oltnstott Inn Atli nob:nstr>3TI . 463 3 ,t.tlaann .,,130 i 'Joh johnston .Verde, l iidob 475 Moans Inei.ri.iirrhham,....• -.414 1.. n.. . 1h, mlcT)onnbd . ..d Lottie Murray 1, t L1. zabe'ih 1 rbudfoot, 411 Mande Pinder l;va Wa,llcar ,... 47 3 't14 �Ltle. Weston x2 f t L7G L r1 4 6 i cc. 'C ort i_ e Bert Carie �• 4i3d Roy %Tont; .-1 30E1t (7, Morris Sivansa.n .463 ; Alien Sinclair, .527 1 , Lawrrncc Wart 52J 1, i"' Centrs,l. nehool ) cit,so i 'Bell A50 i 17hilip' Caret' Prank '1VIcArtli,ur 40'J Lcorard Maeklin •4961 Gerald .wfi r •157. l Nr. o 4 Graham: Ross' ......•... 515 *Tames Itot,:y .,... . ,,., 1( 9 Clifford Williams .•'44ty ..t ..,.,,i52 C 1 d41:h Will.uts ..ti.. .ltIli T3a'ipc S , a•rar,hi1etre LSc11:o!dl ..,1�., , Annie 1oss ...JSG ' .sari ;• t fro . : ��:.. 4 6,1„.,.;71' i I 1. rp ' ; 1