HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-07-27, Page 9"rk". "!••,14. .,„
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Sister City visitors come to u
Twenty-four Auburn
Michigan folk spent last
week in our community and
enjoyed the weekend.
Saturday afternoon, James
Schneider, acting Trustee NEWS
Chairman of the Village of
Auburn, took the Auburn
Michigan friends on a tour of
tr • .
Last weekend a ladies' softball tournament was held in Auburn. During the tine! games,
Goderich Elevators defeated West Wawanosh Warriors to take the "A" title while the "B"
title went to Benmiller who downed Lucknow.( photo by Rod Hilts)
Christian Reformed group
- -1-1^ ^,_ --------- -•-
entertains at Huronview
On Saturday afternoon, a
Christian Reformed group
from Vanastra came out to
entertain the residents.
They divided into two groups
and while one played out-
doors under the trees, the
other sang at various areas
in the home. This youthful
company of girls and boys
with guitars, pleased the
residents as they played and
sang gospel songs, old and
Sunday morning worship
was held in the anditoriuirn
with David McKniga in
charge. There was a good at-
We had a lovely surprise
this morning, when Merelyn
McKnight, David's wife, was
our guest soloist. During the
service, Grace Peck, on
behalf of the residents,
presented a gift to David.
Following the service, David
and Merelyn were guests of a
few friends at lunch. Since
July 24 was Merelyn's bir-
thday, she celebrated part of
it with us. She and David are
taking up residence in
Bayfield, so we are hoping to
see them often.
We are very pleased to
hear that Reverend Pick will
be back with us next Sunday,
after his illnesS.
July 18 and 19 were warm
days and enticed just about
everyone outdoors. We are
fortunate to have those
shady maples on the front
lawn, and we are certainly
taking advantage of them
during this hot spell.
Edna Cantelon, Frank
Crich and Jim Ruddock at-
tended • a meeting of the
CNIB. The birthday party
for July was held in the air-
conditioned auditorium.
Ladies from the Brussels'
" Women's Institute convened
the event. The president,
Mrs. Marie McTaggart
opened the program and in-
troduced the guest per-
formers. Playing some
duets, were Alice Brothers
and Freda Pipe. Later on,
they played more numbers,
and it was a joy listening to
these talented musicians.
performed an excInt
baton twirling routine and
those taking part in this
were: Krista Hastings,
Tracy Finch, Lara, Parker,
Michelle McNeil, Dianne
Hall and Lori Willie. Krista
Hastings sang a lovely ac-
tion song. Two pretty piano
pieces were played by Tracy
Finch. Lara Parker did a
cute song and dance. A jazz
dance was performed by
Michelle McNeil. Two piano
solos were splendidly played
by Dianne Hall. Lori Willie
played a fine arrangement
on a small portable organ.
Frank Bissett thanked the
ladies from Brussels for
presenting this delightful
variety program and serving
a delicious lunch. Krista
Hastings thanked everyone
for coming.
There was a busy time
around the tuck shop
Thursday afternoon, as
residents and staff waited in
line for an old-fashioned ice-
cream cone. There were two
'sizes and two flavors,
praline and sweet black
cherry from which to choose,
and it wasn't long disappear-
ing. This is the first time we
have had an event like this,
and we hope it will take
place often.
The Huronview chapel ser-
vice was also held in the
afternoon, with Mrs. Prouty
in charge, who led in the
singing of hymns as well.
Elsie Henderson presided at
the organ. The scripture
lesson was read and followed
with Bible promises by the
residents. Prayer was given
and more hymns were sung.
Several of our ladies went
to Goderich and enjoyed the
afternoon, attending the
sidewalk sale and a visit to
the Art Mart.
We extend a warm
welcome to Mrs. Annie
Looking for something ex-
citing to do on the long
weekend? The A usa ble-
Bayfield Conservation
Authority is sponsoring an
outdoor concert at Parkhill
Conservation Area (located
at the junction of Highways 7
and 81 south).
,IrMr,rstiste?n,,gpdcr.TIF.1,-.7ekby •
the Country Crinan Band.
The concert begins at 6 p.m.
on Sunday, July 31. The
beach where the concert will
take place is a good natural
amphitheatre. Visitors are
advised to bring a blanket or
lawn chair§ to sit on.
ter ( REPAIR
Large or small, we'll fix
them all....
Our repair ;sports will have your
appliance in tip top shape fast.
Coll us to -day at
VARNA 482-7103
McNichol of Blyth, who has
come to make her home at
Huronview. To Miss Grace
Peck, we warmly welcome
her to Huronview.
Saturday afternoon, Dr.
Toll and Harry Hauffman
with their Seaforth-
Dashwood band were here.
One of our residents, Alfred
Andrus who is a fine musi-
cian, assisted the band by
playing the drum. The men
set up on the front lawn and
we enjoyed their playing of
marches and hymns.
thouse in Goderich.
All the visitors attended a
pot -luck dinner in the
Auburn Community
Memorial Hall at 5:30 p.m.
Eleanor Bradnock welcomed
all on behalf of the Village of
Auburn and Donald Haines
pronounced the Grace.
Those setting up the dinner
were Mrs. Ross Andrews,
Mrs. George Collins, Mrs.
Ross Dobie, Mrs. Gordon
Powell, Mrs. Tena Empey
and Mrs. Marion Sproul.
Terry Powell and Brent
Andrews presented Len
Jezewski with an engraved
plaque of appreciation from
the Auburn Ontario Sb -pitch
After the dinner, Mrs.
Bradnock presented Huron
County pins and Huron
County matches to Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Berlin, Mr. and
Mrs. Lee Wegener and Mr.
and Mrs. Steve Samborn.
Women's Institute on July Flevators beat Brussels
28th at 1 p.m. Members are
dishes and silver. Bullettes 30 to 4. Benmiller
asket bring a picnic lunch, beat Londesboro 13 to 5.
Then, Goderich Elevators
reported d onTothme buslitarigpgiotnt panladywedonR9oytoa7l.City Slammers
August 25 to see South
Pacific at Ole Huron County benlitweeell finaLlsuckwneorewplaaynedd
It you're
..•,mkatset.av:Mfe..zi,drgmoft,,Zk.W,-47.ZMZ.".:•,:T !'. ,,.. •,;=...A..;:,..171 ; '&;iii f • yi ,a,I10,1"y 8 ^ •
Playhouse, Grand. Bend. .Berimiller with Benmiller NEW IN TOWN
, . ..
left' • t 4 i ';. icatc5'••,- winning :`;'8,116',14":41i1PS-protil-'?" D-tJ. •••••••,.., ', .':t !'•,•.'7,V7"••'..7'! -,e•.!"-%•• ..-•:*t„,1.-.ii..-,A.:::*,,,*_,-6,1.''.
If you are interested please
contact Mrs. Haggitt. presented the Molson trophy and don't know
to coaches Jim Bell Phil which way to turn,
home base was Lynda Mrs. Elvh Straughan
the card report and read the Trammer. They also
Paquette and Captain'Jan
Lillian Letherland gave
Chamney and one of the returned home on Sunday
visitors wrnped the bases. after visiting for over a week thank you notes for cards received Molson sport bags.
with her daughter. Mrs. sent. The A championship was
The Auburn Ontario team
won by the score of 18 tu 1,
winning the large trophy that
had been won the week
before in Auburn, Michigan
by Auburn, Michigan. All
ball players and their wives
and girl friends enjoyed
themselves at the Lions Club
Marion Sproul and Bill
Sproul hosted some of the
Auburn Michigan visitors to
a real Canadian breakfast on
the farm Sunday morning.
Mrs. Bradnock would like
to thank all the 70 some
Auburn, Ont. friends who
came out to welcome our
sister city and help before
and after the dinner.
Mrs. Berlin thanked the Social News
Auburn people for their Mr. and Mrs. Ian Clark,
hospitality and spoke of the Melissa, Sarah and Leah
Sister City relationship since from near Peterborough
1979. She stated that if all called on friends in the
countries in the world would village last Tuesday.
have these exchange visits a Mr. and Mrs. Eliott Lapp
closer bond would be and his mother, Mrs. F.J.
established and peace Lapp of St. Thomas returned
among nations would be on the weekend after visiting
enjoyed. at Sudbury with Mr. and
On behalf of the City of Mrs. C. Elliott.
Auburn and their Mayor Wes Mrs. Ross Dobie returned
Samborn who was unable to last week from a visit with
come, his son Steve her aunt and uncle, Mr. and
Bradnock to hang in the Oakville; her cousin, Mrs.
council chambers of our Margaret Bradford of
Town Hall. On behalf of the Scarborough; and sister
Village Trustees, Mrs. Mrs. John McDonald, Mr.
Bradnock thanked Steve McDonald, Matthew and
Samborn and he gave her a Laura at Holland Landing.
book on Michigan sent by the The winner of the Auburn
Mayor of Auburn, Michigan. and District Lions Club
At 8 p.m. the two Auburn Lottery last week was
Sbo-Pitch teams met on the Norman Robertson.
Auburn Diamond. The Ralph Graviston (Mike) of
visiting team was composed Tavistock, a former barber
of John Kraus, Rick Walter, here visited last Friday with
Brian Raab, Dale Hunt, Phil Mrs. Tom Johnston and
Pawley, Steve Samborn, Len Laura Phillips. He recently
Jezewski, Ron Janowicz, celebrated his 90th birthday
Mark Krau and Don and is still driving his own
Esseltine. The umpire at car.
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Clayton Robertson and Mr. Mrs. Frank Raithby
played between Goderich
Robertson at Meaford.
reported on labels which she Elevators and the West
Mrs. Tom Haggitt and had received. A report of the Wawanosh Warriors with the
Harry Arthur attended the district annualasrsg.ivBenrabd.y- final score being 17 to 6. The
funeral of their cousin Karl Mrs. Peckandwmwinner was the Goderich
Volhnershausen at Wood- nock. Leadership workshop Elevators and Jim Wilkin,
stock ou Monday. He was the
son of the late Emma
Youngblut Vollmershausen.
The annual Children's Day
was held last Tuesday by the
Auburn Women's Institute
in the Community Memorial
Hall. President Eleanor
Bradnock welcomed all the
children and adults. A
rousing sing -song of action
songs was led by Mrs. James
Schneider assisted by Mrs.
John Stadelmann.
Ross Robinson operated
the projector for the picture
show of cartoons. Those
shown were Woody Wood-
The West Wawanosh
pecker, The Bird who came
Warriors were the first to
to Dinner, Test Pilot - Donald playon Friday evening
Duck, Chilly Willy, Mouse
against the Dungannon Beez
Trapped -and First Aiders -and won 29 to 4.
Pluto and Minnie Mouse. In The second game was
between cartoons, action played by Lucknow against
songs were learned and done the Auburn Angels. The
much to the enjoyment of 40 Angels won 164o 3. Saturday
children, morning saw the Benmiller
A vote of thanks was given team play the Goderich
to Mr. Robinson for coming ,
klevators and the score was
Lucknow 3, Elevators 12.
and being the projectionist.
Br us s -e s Bulletes
defeated in on uggers, 8
and freshie was served by
to 1 and Royal City Slam-
mers (Guelph) beat Lon-
desboro 12 to 1.
Lucknow defeated
Dungannon Beez 7 - 3, West
Wawanosh Warriors beat
Auburn Angels 15 - 2,
Goderich Elevators won
over Brussels Bullettes 30 - 4,
and Benmiller defeated
Clinton Sluggers 16 - 5.
Sunday saw Goderich
for the fall project Looking
Great - Feeling Great, will
again be sponsored and Mrs.
George Collins and Mrs.
Doug Chamney will be the
Softball Tourney
Large crowds attended the
ladies softball tournament
last weekend sponsored by
the Auburn and District
Lion's Club. Auburn Angel's
coach, Bill Sproul and Clare
Millian were in charge of
arrangements. coach, Bill
Sproul and. Clare • Millian
were in charge of
Mrs. John Stadelmann, Mrs.
James Schneider, Mrs.
George Mason and Mrs.
Gordon Powell.
When the children went out
to the playground, a short
business meeting was held.
Mrs. Robert Peck read the
minutes and gave the
financial' statement. Plans
were made to attend the
picnic of the Clinton
grandson of late W.J. Craig,
of Goderich, presented the
W.J. Craig Memorial trophy
to Clare Harman, coach,
Barb Petrie and Kathy
Morash of the Elevators.
The team members were
presented with sport bags
from Molson's. The runner-
ups were the west
Wawanosh Warriors and
their coach Dave Errington
and Lila Stewart accepted
the Molson's trophy and
Molson's hats.
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Nancy Malcolm of Tivert in receives the keys to her 1983 Camaro from
LeRoy Legget of Legget's Sunoco. Mrs. Malcolm was an instant winner of
the car by playing Sunoco's Half & Half game.