Exeter Times, 1912-7-4, Page 8k 1 b AF TE TIMES arket Report,-Tite follawxng is report of the.eter znarleets ear ed, ati to July 4th. Wheet 1,05 Backwheat 70 cents t. Oats 500. Earley fl :lavas 1,00 to 1.10 Shorts+25, liraxa s'." odd . .Flour 2.75, Feed Flour 1,65 Butter 220c, Eggs 10e. Potatoes $1.80 ;i1a Iioge 7,60 Choioc Export Steers 8,00 to 3,010 Medium 7.75 to; '7 $0. Choice Butcher Heifers 7,50 (to 7.75 Medium 7.00 to 7.25: • Choice Thatcher Cows 6.00 Medium Butcher cots 5,50 Common +4.00 to ;4.50. " I Oholoc tRpring Lambs 10.142 114-2 Choice Sheep 4.50 to 5.00 e.I These. Coats.heve been very scarce tbis season, We leave just pieced, in stock. three ctitfer:ent styles,, You. will want one when you see them. 5.00 7 00 and 7 50 4 4, 4 4 At civ 0. 4110 ea« 4• 9 4, �.8 8• w 4 0, asee re. dee 04 0 eane le Silk and Lisle Gloves .4 In all lengths, We sell the celebrated • Za r:ser More with double tipped fingers, 0 8 50c, LOO and 1.25 FFa a 04 A splendid vauge to choose from. Made e fromcloths tbatlaundieywell in styles which 4, White Skirts are mire to please. 4s, Bleached Table Linen Warranted every thread pure linen 01 inches wide. It comes io two designs. This Is s, beautiful cloth. er and is very special at uc per yard Reed the advertisements. Mee enol eine. `'ren S, Pole were Laa+ e Surtdaty. fire .Merle Aat, spent Sleuthed ad'iid 'Monday in Bernie.) 44 -en Earl T3rowning was bennefrnxri Gatlt otter the telid iy, it Wilson of See.fort'.h is elhitanel Mee Ratiideen Stewart. • , Garvey. ;Acheson, of Louden ,tvu;s Lome over the 'lagliday, home io gre. Witlle,ixeoezd Fi3iidsler ofvacationlio.ntfeal is is.. ltlr taif�. ,7 liaggertl of Avon is 1roht0 l'ox 41is stn uaer holidays. Dr, lento and Mrs, 1+ollicle and child ,of;,St, 'Mares, vislfed in, teene l•Ionday, Mrs .C. Lindenfield and son Ned, visited in Goderieh over ,l-)onelsiion Lay.. • , ilY1r. W. J.. alnd Mese 'Jean Mureay spent a few 'days in London this week: w11r. and Mrs. Herb Mitchell of Lion= non visited, here. for a few, days last we ek , '14Ir. ''Si:anley Fisher ietazrnecl Tues- dee from Dunes where .he spent his holidays. Mrs. W. W., Tam• an1E4 Mren Sowell Lave, goaae to Grand Send for the summer. Me. and Mrs. J Inwood, of LioIliel ny visited Mr, wind Mrs. S. Sanders over Domanieu 'Day. Z,r • 404444.Q+d8.4@861+004♦ 040440l:4+i LOCALS • 00+a00A0# t***44*0 Mrs. J', Newell is visiting in Milver- ton, Mr. Rich, Bissett or London was in town Monday, Lyman ]Palmer, of Loildon, visited in town this week. Mr. Jas Sparks of Ingersoll was in town on. the L+3'irst. Walace Fake is spending his yam tion at Grand Send, Mrs. Dan Davis spent the : holiday visiting in Brantford, a� Mr, WalterBearing etL aii4 d{& 1iit several days in tow*, eta Mr. Elmore Day visiting Miss Hilda 'Thomas Sun ion p 'Visited in Sh Mr. grad Penhale be Toronto spent thee -Week end visiting in town: riefra. Wm. Sweet and daughter Vera visited her raothfar near Parkhill. Mr. W. S. Howey has opened up a bran -oh drugstore at Grand. Bend. Miss Lulu Martin has returned home from teaching school at Fort Erie. Miss Elsie McCall* has returned home from London. for the holidays. ereeceed PLEASE THE COOK and benefit yourself and family by using MODEL Flour. It bakes -so much better and. goes so much farther than ordinary brands. THE USE OF MODEL FLOUR mimes better bread, biscuits. cake, pie etc., in your home and more of them. too. Order a sack to•day. The next them you need flour you'll insist on having the Model. Bra,nd even if it cost Inore. But it does not, 5000 Ihasheis of Wheat Wanted. HARVEY BROS 14' An Advance: In Furniture, in Tun-. # tity, 'variety and beauty, t but not in prices, is the I t movement now being ex- 4,4 eb Residence next to store. PhOl0C 20a :• R. N. nowe: • Embalmer 40. Teacher Wanted Wanted Teacher foe school seotion Isis, g Flay, holding gad. ekes' certifi- cate. Apple:stating salary requirod Tistornas Sone& /lay P. O. visiting, in tetabe. for a month, re lth egular sided before the barometer AvIll tall again, the tempereture rises eieuai- castevartily e cross the country. „,These -conditions widl be prolonged..ciflmin:- atiog in exceedingly high tempera- ture. with thiender storms in many sections, on the 6th me rhhich ,date, i the moon crosses the celestial egnate i• or. ,A. brief change to cooler, with t moderate rise of- the be.rometer, will f follow these disturbances,- . 4, A Regular storm period is central I on. the. niii. involving the 8th to 12th IMelasive. The center of o, mercury neritel nine on the 12th, extending 1 from The 5 -tie to the .1tii. and true rain fall <brine this perepd. On end about the 161117 llth and 12t le a ser- ies of sharp thandergusts, with black Mustering cloteds. will be general over most: parts of the country.* Some localities will get heavy down- eonresebut we figure that rnoisture will "fall short of the general neces- sities of growine crops. A vary low reading of the bbarometer diming this veriod should be regarded and heeded as a eleneer signal. The barometer will react to higher, and change: to cooler will follow behind these storms I' 1 THE wr.ata Now the flies begin their bizeeild, they make our lives e burden witb their gimlets and their drills; they ard riding on the breezes and they scatter talon diseases than the doe can ever master with his sager coat - en pins. Due by day The housefly hustles for our red and white. cor- tents with Ins hyporleinie gee ; hest- Lir.g, in all. humati regions sending to the boneard lenions who would other Wise keep living. in the world of worie end fun. Flies are vile and vulgur ereaturee; they have no redeereled featares; thoy drive all the world to anger as they weild their deadly loon; m4, they keep ,us triad and frettine tiek we erten are forgetting all the solendid morel lessons that we leeele• ed Senday Scheele. When the flhs bade all been driven trem. this land Lilo. joy ef living will (Scientists cae- keock endways top ane nottera, till they weary of theie labors led their sticky feet are cold. Swaf. 'ern with ear wedge's steetty, though the world may eay your tlotty, kill htze oft with gets and poison, tie Sbnle tinware do their tails ,tee them to the; stake with tethers give then/. find them in our village let ua tide them oat on rails.. Sin George's eebool London hes 'been anpoir_ted to the etatf ef the London' Colllogiatet Mrs. Birney and daughter Louis Miss Ida Rowe has returned home ma near Ingersoll for the holidays. Mr, Hector Heywnod of London pent the holiday visiting his parents. Mrs. Passmore has improved her xe- siden.ce by the evection of a new porch Douglas Stewart of Toronto' visited hie parents Mr. and Mrs. J, .9.. Stewart Mrs. Frank Malett jr. and children welted over thelioliday in St. Thomas Miss Lily Davis of London is -visit- ing her parents Mr. and Mrs. Win. Miss 'Victoria Miners of Goderich visited her father Mr. Wm, Miners this week. Mr. WillWestaway of Montreal is visiting Mrs. 1VestaWay at the home of Mr. Al Ford, Mrs, A. awn and child and Mrs. Spencer and child spenb several days at Grand Bend, Mr' and Mrs. Chas, Dale, of Toledo, Ohio, visited for several days at the aft -E: Irunten-and family a iapending the summer at Weir cotrage Mr, and' Mrs. Alt Walters and Mr. and Mrs.,jas? Wealbers returned last week fawn the„Soe, Mr. ang_ Mrs. Jas Martin and Mr. Andrew Okd 4th-Seafoxth visited. in town on the igen . Mrs. W. D.*Ted"spent Sunday and Monday in Detnoit. Mrs. D. Sim:Agra of Wingham is visiting her grandpare*tt, Mr. and Mrs, Norman ereeet and ha.° child- ren of Brarg,ford visIted relatives in Mrs. John., 84abbrookatd Miss Sha - Kerslake oxer the holiday. ' and daughter Stella, left Tnesday to spend sevehl weeks at Grand Bend. Mrs. „Ludy of Welland and Mrs, McDondell of Outlook, Sask, are vis- iting their sister Mrs, (Dr.) McUrilli- Mr. and Alirs. Fred Hawkahaw and children of Toronto visited the form- ers, parents, Mrs, Hawkshaw re, main for several days. • Thursday, July 25th is the day. set for the union Sunday School picnic at can be secured by the railroads. All stores will be closed this Thur- sday afternoon corameueing at twelve thirty o'clock, All citizens and ethers are kindly requested to govern them- selves aecordingly, Mr. John Campbelre thatte of horses ran away on July 1st with a mower. The homes were frightened by a pass- ing autonaobile, and ran arouind the field and into a fenoe. The mower was badly damaged. Mrs, 10 A Follick was ha Toronto last week attending the funeral of her aurtt, Mrs, L 171 Pearse, aged 70 years Mrs Pearse was a pioneer of Toronto having lived there all her life. She has visited La Exeter du different (toms - Mr. Ohas, Locke, of Boston, Mass, visited Mrs, Locke at the Central hotetl this week, Me. Locke has been throngh the Cobalt region lima on his return called for Mrs, Locke, ivho has been visiting at the Central. Mr, Nelson Prier left ttlesday for Portage la Prairie, Mari. -14r. Prior was ealled home edam lime ago otvitig to the illness and subsequent death ot his father, Oa his arrival here he Was taken M and has only recently recovered sufficiently to teeteme his 'duties in the west, The Holiday,— Dominion Day pasS- ed off tinietly in Exeter, A great many et the eitizerie were Met of tOnna, Seine or frtends whtle Others went to Gran Bend. tntertainments were held at Centralia, Eihnville, and ittektea umber of cab/efts etteolea these. a Miss Rota Drew, of Toronto, visited with'Mr. and Mrs. S. Fitton, for se'v'- -eral nee Mrs. jnee Markham? t arc' cis friends ''gear Toroato, coifs .W. G. Iiiseett leaves this week for Winnipeg to ape, d' ;the; summer in the west. M. and hire. -J4Wahpe`r of Rerrow, visited with 'relatives ixr town- Ayer Deminiaa Day, l Mr.'and Mrs- Jos. I.Tarvey Lind fam- ily went to the Bend: Tvi nday for two Ii ICIIST1.d.T Jul;+ 1,x, + ++ h°+*���t++'� +deleh�'i'•i•+4�ri`" +311.0E++++++++++++44+++++++++ 'i°+b+,***eh DELAWARE LApic- + qt+ t 4. ?1e'. * AWANNA k WESTERN COAL COMPANY'S 4. 4, 4. r—gividrolussio evo' 4. t . . 4 , •Scranton Coal .i ..„. A J UEND - IG:. ., The Best Harp Goa Mined + .....t .. +r . •iR 'l1,Try a top :`+• 41 ..i..,E,ETT . .. . .... I. '14 �4 ,... GLITER 3+++i+++3++.3++1:+1+ EXETER;. The new Eales and new plae- es of vacation days invite your Of the Following Goods Mentioned below * Wall Paper It is easy for any - ono to have Kodaks from $5up lirownie Cameras $1 to $12, W. S. flowey Exeter G 'Ind Bend tan& fall stock of Camerae, Films and sapplies at both stores. 4. Great Slaughter of Prices it Wall Paper, Just Think 1' A Discount oii Vacatio'n Notice Dr, Itoulaton desires to announce that his dental. of6.ce will be closed fArogragusttla.e I.5th Of jelly to the 15.th of Mrs. j. Staubtery entertained on Met. W. Dale -of Toledo is visiten,4 at the Central:Rotel. Mr. jne. Green a London was in town Tuesday on business. spendieng a few, drays he town. Mr: and Mre. :Albert Andrew( left Monday to spend' e week MI. Miclaigen Montlayt attending the; Rowell meet - Miss j'eae end Marjorie 'dation heee dwaerelok...called on friends ,in, town, lest, " Messrs Wm. and Geo. Bletchf.orel werh here from, Toronto Over the hfkielildra.Y.W.M. Wright 'and daughter Seb J. Bowel thee week- , Two ..einks of. bowleradVent to See- ferth yesterday to 'take pert in the togrnament in that town. Mr. and Mrs. Jas., 'Atkinson re- tUrned last week efter two weeks visit to London 'toe -mettle,. ' *fr. end Mrs. D, dfille have' moeed "'their • household ' ,effects to' Knights residen* .on Station Street Mrs. Jnae Taylor was to Shaheepea,re'Tuesd,a,Y owing to ,the ser netts illnees of her daughter Mrn• Mc - "Mrs. jos. Senior and family Mr,. and etre. Thos.. Rarton and Bin end Mrs. on Mond 9y: "tended 'the bowling tournainent at ilideetmen this week. Mr, llessell May left Wednesday for .13ervie where he will commence tis probatema as junior plater of tbe Berrie 'Methodist Cire-ait Ru-ssel is a bright young man inel has many We wish for him the success he de - The news or the Regina disaster comities in tel.; -section -mini it was learned that ell were enfe. Mrs, Oled lioelSton and Master Verne hid just arrived in tne cite on Satercley morn- ing bat leord was early received lent all was „well. Siraller word was re - cloned from Miss JOXIDIC Ilardy, Mr. F. Willett, G. E. IGre'gory, Chas Har - 'the '27tie annnalienemivensire Of the Belleville Methodist Sunday School and -was niost esaccesefur in thee, bite was held on Savaday end Monday tast: mans wee preached by the Rev. J., 10.) The et tondo rice at bottle „services. were excellent. A mass mettine was held in the afternoon, The cellectioas for the day amounted to over $100.00.1 On M.onday the anneel • picnic was held in Mr. '1Ierchrians mallard "there: was a ha; °Tower and an. excellent pro green. The children gave two line. 'drills and -there wexe also .a.„ •euraber. tug of wen beeween the married end end Wn-fi won •by the Manned. ,tiame fball Ny.as played by the Mime ary ,tied 117,3,4 leen by the letter 120 to 10, The ladies eupplied the tvants of the inner man' arid deeerve , ;!rcel-, Tile CO th 1 i (it WAVE) 'Large of titd day ire to be eongrat~ Waterloo Orin were visiting the for- mer',s brother' W. B. Wdidenhammer Mr. and Mrs, Edd Treble and, Mr. and AIrs. Geo., dlantie, lad Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Weld) epent Sunday and Monday et Graehtl Bend. . to 'have a rasty nen sem '.his foot on Monday. whiohneriV lay dal& Off work for a eounalehof,idays. --droon Txeble and Tod Craig were in London Sunday and Monday. .0'066 who wae working with' W. W4 Tamen, hat secured a job* in London an,d. Is remaining there. Mr. N, W', Rowell Neate given an.entes- lastic reception in Lomion on Monday as he °eerie?. his carapaign td aboliele the bar. Efis galley tneetihe with Tim Ladies Aid of Main St, Meth4 and cream festival on the 'church Lawn on Thnrsday evening July 4th The hand will be in attendance _Good program. admission 25 and 15c. deers - body come. • - Early Peas end Potatoes—Mr. and Mrs. ,Geo. .Powell on Sunday lase-tl en- ioyed ti,eir first mess of potatoes and eees. Both. peas end potatoes were of geed size and needless to say they were mach enjoyed. " The Garden :Party given' hy the Tid- ies of the _English churela last Friday evening' on the church lawn was sacoese in every wav The London' Ela.rpere, 'delighted the' people with' then. music and eeeryone ,enjoyed. the Teenier, the proceeds 'amounted, to ova $80 v hie' Mrs. Passmore the 'home of Mr. F. W: Gladraan. Mrs. Pesernore pang a solo in Clem clieurch. on Sue - dee morning and in james Street •io he evening . Miss Pa.semore hen ;voice of excellent range and cleerness and her eelections were inifeb apprec- Fortner Residept -Dead—Word, has been received of the death of IVIarger- et Raba Renton, reliet of the late Sohn Ranton, of Winnipeg Aged 70 years. Mr. ltanton predeceased her only a ,fetv months ago. At one time they .were residents of town and kept a Ogre, leaving here, for the west, Mrs. Renton ie survived by two boys mad t.heo girls, Auto, Trip -ground. Chmatre— ,The I-luron Old Boys aimed excursion from Tomato will be, held next. Sat- urdnet emir there ie every promise, ail feature olf the/ Exeureion will he an elite- trip aroend the leountry. They wilt visit Reynold', St. josenbes Zur- ich On:Alton tenttalia end: Exeter on Sakludlarhoxid the in tonennoret, eight Vde weleeme the old, Does; back to e teener 1Cotenty ,of Ontario. the Met regiller meeting of Exc. ter Lodge No: 6'7 0. 0, le Teeedey t:nears-were installed by D. 'De Me, M'srray for the eesuine year 1\7'• 13roo Br, ihenIston Sec, I3ro We ;Cottle Treasurer, Bro Dignan; War, Ilro smtat Bro. W. Vert:in Chap, lire, 114 iteNvxid neetete elated. Lilt? f,{nCeSs. 40 Per Cent given for Two Weeks. Underwear for Men Just a few pieces left at 4. All Prints and Ginghams to + be Cleared out 2: 10 Cents. 1,* What Whitewear we have .1. we are giving a Discount of 15 Per Cent 4.4. We have still a few Pieces ee of 3-ineh Ribbon for + 10 cents per yard Vire have only - 4' 4 Cloth Skirts + left to clear at Straw Hats All Straw Hats to be cleared negulkv $1,75 for $1,38 ft 40 for 32 Gents Wash Vests All to be Cleared Oat . Rekular $2.50 for $1,93 " 2,00 for 1.58 3:4Do not Forget the Thursday half -holiday I * Commencing in July ee Highest Price Paid for Produce C - 41 g ++:++k++++ +r++o°+ : ++ +++++++1++ 3 ++++1+.: ; ++ASE++* : ++++ r++II+d.+y+i+++++oi .I,. ed + -, U N E I. .... 42, 4. ° THE WEDDING iiiiitiTH 44 RERE WILL BE a great many Wed- ,, dings during this month. There will + also be a correspondingnumber of per - e+ plexed friends wondering what would make .1+ a Suitable Gifr- and where to get it.. EINVITE THEM 'to inspect our Stock, which.inclades Useful., Beau- tiful 1,nd Novel Gtfts for the Bride the Groom and the New Home. ▪ archan All Repairing Neatly and Quickly Done. GROGERY Opposite Electric Light Plan Keep Happy in the Home by getting YQUIL HOUSEHOLD Here. We handla only the BEST and we have everything yon need at THEJEA AND 'CORE STORE nes ...= , Y du‘ter and rave your eel, , clea,ne everything it touches, - _It ',,r,l''',,,,wik:a.iluNa.,:,,ITsice:inyte:tac.'ftels \ev,'?'d,dyri.,-.1., Lu'a-r.,',,h41.T,,. 411-41"-' ie"ing the etirfaee hke new '`..11": 111118 118E DuswING Furniture or VioodArk nwith a' dry duster when the duet flies ___„-ebe and follows in yout Get a Modern Shuffle 7= t on and TJse Veri b rite Venoil health, It disinfects and --41" • • if Jr $10p, --The case arising dee ot it seisere,' et Signor at the Mintie Cempeel nederich, Genie en before .Aetin eolith Magistrate Charlet; Ifelti lie 'emend was fined $101 tor eellene Biddelplin. visited at Mr. des. Atkin.; S Martin & Son EXETER, ONT. xidren. Orr 'Fen FLETCHER'S