HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-07-13, Page 22UNFFY CENTRE FRIDAY, July 22nd at 7 pm RAYFIELD LIONS ANNUAL FISH FRY Mayfield Atm® Saturday, July 23rd. 4:304:30 Adults -63.00 Children under 12-'3.00 Mr. i Mrs. LW. Madill of Elyth are pleased to the forthcoming reari.ge of their daughter. Catherine to Mr. Kevin Smith, sari of Mr. i Mrs. James I. Smith of Gaderih. The wadding will tike place on Saturday,. JTZ 3V2410.4411. its the Iiiytts btarlte . SALTFORD VALLEY HALL FOR RENT . 524-2892 BYJOANNB 1f you like fteil .. UMW *OW at the Bum PillYbertie eeraud lids tried and tree Wei - lifted was fest staged hit 76 and later into a movie, of four playlets abort to the same ea ve. i Rotel suite. Medlar Nyaka s has saccessfirlly tran- sformed g1e Playhouse stage Rita a two xoom cutaway 6a' easy audience fine - !al The histplookt s *weed use* Moe*Gsilha sad Avoid ) who are arguing aver sits gehsto look a °the17 old daughter they both It 'fie there ore lots Of zingers in their ” the couple seem stiff and toniatural, making the elegem seem fist and getting the production off to a slow start. , Mop go stealthy sphill after this" , climaxing with a slide- sphftiag fiqal THE GODERICH 10 KILOMETER CLASSIC ROAD RACE and FUN RACE (In Conjunction with The Festival of Arts) Open to `{Runners nod Joggers 4 Categories: tMoo's °Pet Wanton's Open Mastoes (M yrs. i alder) taodsric h Dissidents Open SAT., JULY. 23, 1983 - 10 A.M. Starting end Finishing Pisan 1'!i aderidr Town Heil 5P Weal! S!. Trophies te 1st, tad; Gaderiat. One. and 3rd Place Finishers ha sods Nubian. Few 4111/ par parson. Registration must be submitted by July 15. 1MJ. (Late Registration - MUNI per person). Registration Information Is Available by Contacting: Goderid. Recreation Dept. lk McDonald St. Galeria& Ont. (51si11242125 ,. OF GODERICH FOR DELICIOUS FOOD AND FRIENDLY SERVICE • INEARTY BREAKFAST $250 •alH K & TASTY 101101ES Specials Different Every Day •DEI.ICIOIIS FULL COURSE DINNERS Served from 5 p.m. WELCOME TO Summer Bible Day Camp FOR BOYS AND GIRLS, AGES 6-13, MON., AUG. 8-FRI., AUG. 12, '83 9 AM -4 PM REGISTRATION None......,•.....o......,oa..,.o....... Address......o....,..<..a.............. ..e..,..... POSTAL CODE ............... Is there any reason why this child should not engage in any active camp program? Parental Signature— ..... ............. PLEDGE: I promise to obey the rules of the camp cheerfully to co-operate with all leaders In every way to help all campers get the most out of camp. Sinature.. e..„.,........ T TO DO WHAT Lu Lunch -Snack -Good Singing (We supply a drink:) -Bible Study -Swimsuit, towel -C'aits-B1'ihfe -Swimming -Wept Play clothes -Puppets, Films -Pre-registrations received by Jelly 30, '83 - 90.00/week. -Registrations received at the door, $12.00/week or 13.00/day CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH 524-6445 231 Moyileid 13x1. Goderleh tarp 30% 5263-5400 • RESTfHIROMT STEAK HOUSE AND TAVERN WEST STREET, GODERICH 524-9291 OPEN 6 A.M. TILL 1 AA. The -seessedp. preseata ahuatioassitsaaoa asa. tries to gee a drunken -net te MeTTURII out of his bed before Ns wife Marcia azitrp yla il' FM- i° Academy Allard nominee and 'her homosexual husband iGtiffsa and on ). They are superb as they throwiGieancran at one anter in their English d fGras, Brame KRA NW pf The tenth playlet unites Susan as two roolgoo Owe liebailositegelherternstheee bask .. s. The g u T .4 and • slim snake traaateraisties charade' to characterPatessionid ease. Some may reTinember Gilliam Man her previous Playhouse gestothusee ear Natty and S thesh frean ,� Are Free and I Oughttobe Miura. Brown and ill be atWeseteg later his seascci as Lather Eithis and hi the Playhouse Illaskat ,i fie. PAirtEllft Jr*Ulrich is alf Soave:10;0db his that year at the Mayhew. OnGaidea road, the seasonapener %which he samessfut x atter e crhad sees tt. owds- Carikena Suite, Which he isa be crowd pleaser too. For tickets to Calibenta Suite or other wafting atoffice �� ~ or the bei of ticket eaglets at Theatre lendare• Mon Travel in Welder Travel in Strathroy or Oscars in Nell Mows Califearub)" Suite with Mania Kash and NTonnie Griffin (left to right te), Ralph Small and David Brown (left to right background) opened at Moon CountryMaybcose y fiwatwo week run. (Photo by Brian Richman) Zurbrigg collection opens The Ontario Agricultural Museum is pleased to an- nounce that the Zurbrigg Collection, one of the finest assemblages of folk art in Canada, is now open for public viewing_ The Zur- brigg brigg Collection :wins more than 59 individual car- vings depicting the horse - powered vehicles and machinery of yesteryear. With an eye for detail and e skill of a craftsman, Cecil Zurbrigg carved these models by hand from blocks I TeatyourfarniIy. -Tonight. GOOD SALADS ALL YOUR FAVOURITE CHOICES GOOD CHICKEN SIZES TO FILL ANY APPETITE SUMMERTIME TREATS r(r'Ti I%ntuckyftied Chicken 94 ELGIN AVE. GODERICH rs maple and scraps of *Mr- Zurbrigg patiently work- leather discarded by a shoe ed on his carving hoping that factory. Mr. Zurbri:Y:, a fanner for many years in the LAstowel area, possessed an intimate knowledge of these farm machines and succeed- ed in bringing both detail and local color to his car'v- ings. The models inehide miniatures of a threshing machine, a stump puller, several sleighs, the Union bus, the Zu bri Bakery wagon, and a beautifully crafted replica of the McLaughlin Funeral Coach. For more than a decade some day they could be used to educate others about the horse -powered ' era in Canada- In February, 1983, he donated his collection to the Ontario Agricultural Musemn Two weeks later Mr. Zurbrigg passedaway_ The c ollec tioT:n is now per- manently on display in the museum's exhibit hall. The Museum is open seven days a week from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. until October 10 and is located eight km west of Milton south of Highway 401 HAPPY 30TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY TO JIM AND DONNA SCOTT FRIDAY JULY 15 from- Jar; Cherie and Trade John and Jody; Chris, Mike and Bob Dave and Jill; Scott, Angie, Becky and Craig Joe and JoAnn; Cougar Jamie and Liz Julie Presents KIM MITCHELL BAND (formerly Max Webster, one of Canada's premier rock bands). WED. JULY 13, 1983 *TICKETS *6.5O Available at the bar Das't mics this concert date. It°e one of the few live perfotniancra this summer, before the release of their new awns. *TICKETS CAN BE RESERVED BY PHONE. 396-3391 t7" July 13 to My 19 IMO . Tri HAUL I lacokOgnalWAVIThu) ., 500 CHRISTOPHER 4GL sap HMS iS THE EWE Me) 5:30 UNIVERSITY Of NACIIIGATI PRESENTS 6.00 FARM AND GARDEN (Wed) e.� TV -5 AND YOUR COM- MUNITY ((term}) 1 SCORE (((firth) 600 J.S.d.FARM REPORT (Man) 6:114) HEALTH NEIL ;(Tue.) 6:30 EARLY TODAY 7100 TODAY 94R3DIFIERENTSITROKES 9:300 LE OF THE 1DW HAWAII FiVE-O 11::00 HOUR MAGAZINE AFTERNOON 1200 NEWS _ 12:30 SEARCH FOR TOtllOW 100 DAYS OF OUR LIVES./ 200 ANOTHER WORLD 3.910 FANTASY 4:COMOVIE 5:30 WEDNESDAY. JULY 13. 1983 DAYTIME MOVIES 4990 ":DRACULA HAS RISEN FROM THE GRAVE" Christopher Lee, Rupert Dories EVENING S+00 NEWS 6:301913C NEWS • - 7:100 P.M. MAGAZINE 7:30 THREE'S COMPANY &OD REAL PEOPLE SW THE FACTS OF LIFE S:3D BUFFALO Bill 1000 THE NEWS IS THE NEWS 50:30 TAXI 11.:00 NEWS 1120 TiHE BEST OF CARSON 12::30 LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN 1:30 NBC NEWS OVERNIGHT THURSDAY. JULY 14, 1933 DAYTIME MOVIES 4 W -'HOUSE OF WAX" Vincent Price, Frank Lovejoy EVENING 6:130 NEWS 6:30 NBC NEWS 7:001:M. MAGAZINE 7:30 THREES COMPANY 8-00 FAME 900 GIMME .A BREAK 9:30 CHEERS TOW HILL STREET BLUES I10E/ NEWS 11:30 THE BEST OF CARSON 12:30 LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN 1:30 NBC NEWS OVERNIGHT FRIDAY. JULY 15, 1983 DAYTIME MOVIES: 4:00: "THE REVENGE OF FRANKENSTEIN" Peter Cushing, Francis Mathews EVENING 6:00 NEWS 6:30 NBC NEWS • 7:00 P.M. MAGAZINE 7:30 THREE'S COMPANY 13:00 SHE POWERS OF MAT- THEW STAR 5:00 KNIGHT RIDER 10:00 EISQUED • 1T:00NEWS 11:30 THE BEST OF CARSON 12:30 LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN 2:00 NBC NEWS OVERNIGHT 3:00 ZEPPELIN Michael York, Elke Sommer 4:30 ''TERROR ON THE BEACH.' Dennis Weaver, Estelle Parsons SATURDAY., JULY 16, 1983 MORNING 6:00 VEGETABLE SOUP 6:30 NEW ZOO REVUE 7:00 CARRASCOLENDAS 7:30 LAUREL AND HARDY 8:00THE TO HbTS 90051101W4, • 1i► Tat CARY COLEMAN 11:001P ASHH 11:00 SOUL TRAIN A. IFa� ,JET CEL SHOWCASE 1:0.O PETTICOAT JUNCTION 1:30 THIS WEEK - - 1:301iHISW11EEEK IN BASEBALL 200 'STOOP LOOKI AND I.ALIGIHH", Three Std , Paul Windmill 3:30 "TINE LORDS OF PLAT - BUM" Henry Winkler, Sg/Iwsster Slaloms - 500 SHARI* Idrlome"5:DOSHANA 5:30 HAPPY DAYS AGAIN EVENING 6:10 NEWS 6:30 HEE HAW 7::$0 8311.0130 IIi00 DIFF'RENT STROKES 13:30 stem SPOONS 900 QUINCY MOO DETROIT TIGER PRE -GAME 10:30 BASEBALL 1:10 BENNY HILL 1:: "CLASS OF '44" Garr Grimes, Jerry Houser SUNDAY, JULY 17, 1913 MORNING 6:45 DAVEY AND GOLIATH 7:00 OPEN CAMERA 7:30 IT'S YOIJR BUSINESS 800 DAY OF DISCOVERY 8:30 REX HUMBARD 9:00431AL ROBERTS. 5:30 SUNDAY MASS 1000 THE ADDAMS FAMILY 10:30 THE MINSTERS • 11:00 "THE LITTLEST REBEL" Shirley Tengple, Jahn Boles AFTERNOON 12:30 MEET THE PRESS 3 :00 OPEN CAMERA 1:30 TO BE ANNOUNCED 2:00 AUTO RACING 5:30 WILD,, with WORLD OF ANIMALS EVENING 6.00 NEWS 6:30 P.M. MAGAZiNIE: SPECIAL EDITION 7:00 VOYAGERS! E:00 CHIPS 9:00 MOVIE: '"Get TING AWAY WITH MURDER" Robert Shaw., Jacqueline Bisset 1190 NEWS 11:30 "COOL HAND 'LUKE" Pail Newman, George ilerinedy MONDA i/, JULY 18. 1913 DAYTMEBTOV1 5: 4W "'IT HAPPENED TO JANE" ' DorisDay„ Jacek Lemmon EVENING 6:00 NEWS , 6:30 NBC NEWS 7:00 P.M. MAGAZINE 7:30 THREE'S COMPANY Li 00 "SOPHIA• LOREN: HER OWN STORY" Sophia Loren, Ar- mand Assante 11100 NEWS 11:30 THE BEST OF CARSON 12:30 LATE NiGHT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN 1:30 NBC NEWS OVERNIGHT TUESDAY. JULY 19, 1983 DAYTIME MOVIES 4:00 "HOW SWEET IT IS'!" Deb- bie Reyndlds, James Garner EVENING 6:00 NEWS 6:30 NBC NEWS 7:00 P.M. MAGAZINE 7:30 THREES COMPANY 8:00 THE A -TEAM , 9:00 REMINGTON STEELE 10:00 5T. ELSEWHERE 11:00 NEWS 11:30 TONIGHT 12:30 LATE NiGHT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN 1:30 NBC NEWS OVERNIGHT 3enatioia1 Some RICK'S DISC JOCKEY SERVICES Music to Please All Parties, Weddings, Dances, Banquets YOUR HOST - WITH THE MOST RR -1, Brucelield, Ont. NOM iJ0 Phone: Rick Kloss 527-1032 HAPPY 25TH SCOTT Love, Morar Dad and Vickie