HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1912-7-4, Page 5rfOUBSDAY Yw iL.2
From 40 to 50 Years of Age.
HOW It May Be Passed
in Safety.
- So. Wellington, B. C. — "For a year dur-
leg the Change of Life was all run
dnivn. I was really
too weak to walk.and
was very despondent
and thought I wee
going to die, but at
ter taking Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegeta-
ble Compound and
Bloed Purifier my
health and strength
returned. I am very
thankful to you and
praise yourneedicine,
1 have avid several women who suf-
fered as I did to try your remedies. You
ray publish. this if you wish." —Mrs.
15 -e'en) R. lelOerue, SouthWellington,
ValleMer Island, B. C. ,
No other medicine for woman's ills has
teceived such wide -spread and unquali-
fied endorsement. We know of no other
medicine which has such a record a suc-
cess as has Lydia E. Pinkhain's Vegeta-
ble Compeund. For more than 30 years
It bab'been the standard remedy for -Woe
• _nem% ills such as inflammation, ulcers -
lane Willem, irregularities, periodic
ins eand nervous prostration, and we
be1eve it is unequalled for women dew-
ing the period of change a life.
fit you have the slightest doubt
that Lydia -E. Pinkham's Vegeta..
bit Calneroneed, will help you, write
toLydia E. Pinkham1VIedieine Co.
(confidential) Lynn, Mass., for ad-
/dee. Your letter will be opened,
read and answered by a woman,
and held in strict confidence. Is
• nteent+++++++++++++++++++:14++
* • Thoesands of ambitious young
people are instructed in their
'1* homeby our home study depz
4 artment You. may finish at
* College if you desire. Pay
* whenever you wish Thirty
4 YearsExperience. Largest
trainers an Canada. Enter any
Le dep. Positions guarantee& If
el: you wish to save board and
•?* learn -while you eaan, write
for particulars.
Clinton Business C011ege 1:
President Principal *
STRATFeeleee, ONT.
TRIO'S BEST B1.ertrnen‘
,Our :courses eat • an.todtiteni
. We have a.",
staff of experienced instruot•
ors and our ,genduates ,get the 0
bleb grade positions. We do t
more for our students 'than 7,
does any other similar school%
We have three departmente
& TELEGRAPHY. You owe it :
to yourself to kn.ofvv what you, sn,
are doing. Get our free eat-
elogue at once. r
ee• ' ••Principal.
ere ditou
A, 'very happy event took plaee,
Zion Evangelical oloarch on Wednesday
June 26te when Miss Olivia-, eldest
cialneniteleof Mr, and Mrs. je.Holfze
marl beoaree the bride of flOV M,nt.
Wilitting •a Parkhill, reinsionare
der Appointment to j'apen, At niele
noon the bride leveeing on the arrn. of
her father eutered tbe auditorium of
the churob as Mr, Eerie Ellber played
Lolrenerires wedding =aeon, oloeind
with Mendelsolme. Mise neve Red -
gore of London, a oousin of the
greenweetin rendered 'Becaestn by
Gen Dellartleot. The eereenoty eves
eerformed by the . es for
of the ,eteercie assisted by Bee,
Miller of Auburu in the presence of
a 'large number of essembled guest
and friends The bride eaxreing s
beequet of bridal roses, looked obarm
lug in a dainty gown a liberty satin
wide pearl trinanategs and bridal veil
odorned with orange bloosoms. Tne
little Misses Laura Foster end Hilda
•Burn made pretty little flower girls
Messrs Ao M. Holtzmannt
and t oe
Wintingenoted es ieshers, After tele
eereittone‘ was pextormed a delete
dinner was eerved at the home of tile
nriele, after winch Rev. Mr. andi Arra
Whiting left for Niagara. Falls and.other eastern points. The bride's
eeing away dress ayes a renal blue
ladies costume cloth with hat o to
reatch. • The bride was the reelpiene
or. etarly lbeautiful and costly ging,
Tile) limes joins with theer ;many
friends in wielaing them ManY years
of wedded Mhapeinens,
ts. Dembra and children of Lon -
deo are visiting with her mother Maes
H. Motz for a lew weeks.
Mr. Frank Einkheimer of London..
spent Sunday with his parenna.
Miss S. Kuhn is visiting , with
friends in Loneon for ,a few weerts.
Mr. Rennie Kinsman of neeter.,
none, eee epyle a flyieg yisit one :den
last week, ••••••• • t
Mies Snider' :hare ref etaiedi to he•r
home in Drendale for the holidayg.
'Miss Edith Iffangnees of Winnipeg
ie visiting her parents here.
Miss Marie Winkenwetter of Na-
perville is thn areeet of Mr. and Mee
August Hill. t •
Miss Merle NichoIeon seent Tuels-
day in London teeing leer music ex-
amitations. We wish. • her every
Mr. and Mut. Geo. Bedford and
daughter Grete are visiting with
friends iaround leered
• A- large member from here spent
.Taly 1st at Grand Rend while others
spent the day at Centrsiia ii• •
Mr. :and Mrs, lYlistele and children
of -Detroit ,are the guests or the late
tees pa.reeits Mr o and Mrs. nohn Wind
Mr. 'C. Finkbeiner of London epent
Sunday with hie, parents here. ,
On July 1st the 'Stars- drove to
Ailsa 'Craig and played two very test
eames with their team. The first
game resulted 9-4 in favor of the
Stars while the 'second 'game was; in
favor ef thd home lea:ra with, a ecore
of 15-11 The Stars want to kee,p
the good work ageing. •
Miss Elsa Gaisee who is attend:ling
the collegiate at London _returned
home tor the l holidays.
Mrs. Chas/ Zwicker and little eon
ret•arned home from London.
. Bast Friday. evening: the Desire/mod
Juniors :drove over a•nd played a. fast
earae of 'nail with our lE3rownies. The
core was 15-7 in fewer • of
Br:ewe-an Crediten c er Willy is well
blest with baseball fens.
Bev, Hiole.s preached his farewell
sermon last Sunday 'evening. We are
ry to 'ee Rev. Hicks and farailiy
leave as they .mede mennerrenneree"
Cies:alter . ire' Ukiethena every ',suc-
cess. in Herssall. ' •
Mrs, Gr Perry of Detreeit,es •visie
enith her parents Mr. and. Mrs
John Wind -for a fon weeks.•
Mr. Samuel. Brown and a feev other
en •otored to London on eiloeday.
• TH Ae/IES 'ROAD •' •
" Qaite a number frond. here weaat to
London On the first to .1lear
seealter there.. • ••
lia-eipg has started roand •aboun
and the reports are a gond cr.op.
Mr. :arid 'Mrs, H. Hankins of edit-
chell were the gae.sts of Mrs. Andrew
Carapbell last week.
Air. and Mrs. Ed. Fergason were vis-
ite:ins at Min John Canals on Senden
The picnic whieh was held in Mr.
Jim. 'Cottle's grove oz Friday proved
snocess. The baseball played( in, the
evening between. Fallarton awl the
Beendary ,The score being 12-6 in
favor of the 13oundary.
Mrs. W. _Balfeer: and ehildtren
Mitchell are the gest e Of Mrs. Anth-
er Doupeo -
Mrs. Passmore of Exeter spent
, the holidaes with her eon nYfre Wmt
Leassmore.e. '
'A namber of our yeung people in -
he. 'Misses Verde and Lotie
inteire spent the haliday at Grand
Bendo '
IYIr. 'Albert Millson Was 'the ;genet
of his brother Zabeg 'doting the, bole
l'earter Tiomoviokr —Mr. George
Mawoon who bas meet sacelefeentlly
teagild public eehoot Jn our...midst( for
the at eleven , years let eels week
reovine lzta boeeehold affects to &neer
tent be ha.eleg resigned his )sehoell
here •a ehort tirae ago and 'has sever-
ed a position of, teaciter in No 6 He
borne Sehoel Seetion. While ttere Mr,
Irlawson Made many friends arannie
)10,Ing and old and an ern very :sorry
elf loose eine and his estimable eerie
and de:letter from our II:inlet. How: -
ever Oar loss is other's nein and INA,
wisit him eaceees in '.4i5 :non fielti of
A. nereber from here attended the,
nearriann or Mr ele.seph Nerthcott to
Miss Ileartha Snell of Exeter oe Wed.-
Peeday of last week Mr. and DIre.
Northeott will reside. on Mr. North-
• oott's fine •farrn here, We, welcome
„there, as neW, friends Jed: Out neinkhone
• htio Wilatotne lest e valaabln
cow, some tkne ago. •r '
01401LiViri/i' r
lirelKaS—'Scott— WTI inufrortatt soc-
ial event tools place at he bonle ot
Mr t _and Mrs. 'James Scott- ire Ribber t
on Wednesdae .Torie 126th When their
'daughter Elizabeth Cuthill was unit-
ed in marriege to Rev. R. G.: 'McKee
former pastor or tee Cromarty Circut
the bride who ayes unattended •elater-
ed the parlorr leaning on nthet arm of
her father to the strains of the wed-
raaron played: ley ',Mies Mcnntosk
of Seaforth 'cousin of the lbride. She
wore •a pretty 'nown of White; Idlechese
satin eon her bridel veil was caught
en' with orange blossoms.
nee" 'ceremony was performed in
ate hay window the background" be•-
ing ferns and white pinae end the
acch was of myrtle and Illy of the
velley. The officiating : cler enna
✓ ., as Rev !Ritchie pastor of the 'Cron -
arty churdh add Gas number of guests
nresent was about 90: After the cere
raonY a very sumptuolls repast was
etrved in the dining room wthiich was
tastefully elecorated. The presents to
the •beide were very beautiful, includ-
ing about 03000 in. gold. IGuests were
e resent from Thamesford Kintore Sea
forth, Exeter ..and :other places. ;Mr.
,o,od Mrs. eicleay left by ante for
Nlitehell Where they took the train
• for Toronto, and Montreal nailing
from Montreal on Saturday for Gies -
now Scotland, They expect to •bd in
Seetiaecl about a- year. They have
many friends ,Who winh them well. '
There were quaxterly serviaes in the
Evangelical church Sunday.
Mrs. 7?. Kraft Las regrned from
Detroit. '
• Mrs. G. Schroeder Sr, and daugh-
ter Lydia a'ere in Loneon a few days
eietheMbio.spSiatahir.neder, who was sick
ft -i
Subjects taught by expert instructors
• at the
C. A. BLDG.,
Students assisted to positions. College
in session from Sept. 3rd. Catalogue
free. Enter any time.
J.W. Westervelt• J. W. Westervelt, th
cc .,
Principal etarteredeinounant
eenrincleal .
" 'Two famous bands froin England
will make 1:he musical Attractions at
t he Cartadian National Exhibition this
year something long to be reinenaber-
d. Tbe Scots Guard Band of Duck-
ing/lam Palace theethird of this' tam -
ons ibrigade ot bands brought across.
. he ocean •by the Ex'hibition people
evill -alternate on the main Bane
•Atand with the basses 0' narn
• sehion all lovers of bencl, music re-
•eoonizre as Britain's/ best beaten bend
• VW° Shell musical, attractions have
meree before been brought together
on the eon tineet.
Tilt1 will End relief in. Zinial0
11 ease S the burnini')ting:
1,patn, stops bleeding and brings
oeate, Perteverance;'Witfi Vaal
Buk,Neans cure: Whsillot"iirove,
this V...tiff Drugged* atid Stencenn
• niandi4
The, Miesee Ruth Greezebaoh.
Miller, Cora Schroeder, E. n•uenther
ane Letta Guenther were in Exetee
last week trying tbe entrance to Nor -
mat examinations. ""
The Messrs V. Winkenweder nod E.
Heinen left Monde, for Niagara Falls
w ee= they will visit before return-
ieg to Napierville Ills.
George, Charliena Saenue.1 Weakennader of Montana, and Jack on Sask.
NI., ha are here attendine the funeral
of 'their mother, aro visiting friends
before tleaving• tor their henee in. the
Mr. Geo. Schroeder was taken to
the London hospital as a reedit of
hemline burst %a blood vessel in - • hie
head, ie recovering aseidly.
*an, dill his
env,. ere o yoane children ehonle
watch for any a:natural looseness of
the bowels. -When given prompt at-
tentilon at this time serious trouble
may be avoided. Chemberlain's Colic.
Cbolera, and Diarrhoea Remedy can
_always be 'depended '.1ro;1. For sele
by all dealers. • t
Teo annual garden Party leineri by
eof Holy %trinite obereb was
bad on the Rectory nrouvele June
24.tie add was a decided • naeeess.
Tee Parkhill bawl fernished the nail*,
le• end the eiregramme with tee
caption. of start addresses by 'Ova
Inerr and. eampbell was givers , be
members of tee charcia eboire 'The
protieeds amounted to over $200.
The annual Strawberry festival and
garden party in connection Witt St
Jemes, enurch Clandeboye n'June
twetynesixth wase decided =mese,
Strawberries and °inane tea, and cof-
fee were eerved at 5,30 Q'clook to
9 o'clock Tlie Exeter Brass /30.ed
dispersed' music Addressee were give
en by " the rector Rev, WM, Lowe,
who acted as chairman and ;Elev. Are
thar, Carnet°, 13, A. of all Saints'
Windsor. and Mrs. Aldsworth also of
Windsor. Over, foer hundredpeople
were preeent. The proceeds from all
sources clear of all expenses, were.
• .
If yon are a housewife you eetanot
but reasonably hoe to be healthy
besetifel by washing dishes sweep.
bag and doing heesework all day, and
crawling into bed dead tired at night'
Yoe Must get oat into the' oenn air
and senlight If you do this every
day aed keep year stomach andbow-
els in good order by taking' Chamber-
eate's tablets wben 'needed, Yon
seceel let r uu both 'healthy and
nen betel t if ei For sale be all dealers
an up-to-date par& anre children, play
It is likely that Mitchell will have
etrounde at an early dote. There, is
a 'movement on foot of making thel
eond which' is now •aey Intela beaute
iful. park •in which, plenne fcould be:
held. It could ens° be used! as e play• ,
around for cbildren, for band concert
ball games, etc, The lend to be need
for the park consises ek seven and a
half aores and there would be s fine
sheet of water for boating and bath-
ing The propertyehoiclers :of Mitch -
:wan nave a 'onence. to Vote on a by-
law an July 17th, for the :borrowing
of $10,000 to be used for repairing
the dam cleaning up the pond awl*
makinenthe parki out of it and ime
UMFirig. the ma'de. for the, extension
of water males. e ••
Dioexise Inspector Greighten 'had
'three men of this town ap 'benorei
Ponce magistrate Davis for furnish-
ieg n man who is in the prohibited
list with liouor In two of the etteen
the chargee were dismissed and 705,
;the other a fine ot $ao and $51,45
eosts .wa,s imposed. •The Indian tee-
ter had to nay $10 end 68.5 costs.
Twenty seven •cade•ts of the Royal
'gine are .College Kingston •have
graduated out of a 'class of 31 A-
mong the :successful candidates was
Harry Thompson. son of F. Pt, Thomp-
son K. C. ;Who robtaieed. 16,127 marks
At the cloning exercises. of the Lor -
et to hbee, Parente, Angela, dangh-
tee of Wm. layaxt of thin toWna, was
Presented with the noyenor-generann
medal for English °Literature.
Mr, and Mrs. Charles Skinner who
were married on June 19th. an Beene,
the none of the Bride's parentsMr.
and Mrs,C. E. Cane, Newmarkete =-
turned on Monday from their honey-
moon trip .and, have teken, :up their
residence- in tlike.west ward Mr.
Skinner is the manager of die Mitelle
ell Nurseries 'Company,' '
A pretty nearriage took piece' on
Sane 26t.bg ot the 'home of Mr. and
eMen; Hooking when their second
,de Men neennizabeth 3. was married
chaxit Wenitnnntwenett generail neer-
ident of erlitetten T: e eerearanenneen
eerformed by Rev. 0. L.; Damm of
Sehringvellel in the presence of only
a eon friends • The beide .has neee,
member of the Methodist ich,oir tor
several years and is a very highly
respected young :lady lAtter congrat
ulatiOflS th.e luncheon was served at -
ter wbish edr. and Mrs. Fawcetn were
driven to "Stratford by ante, where
they took the train tO Berlie, Niagara
Falls and other pointe nefore leav-
ing for their Nome in Ott west they.,
7 itiert
eeor eo Mitchell
anci A quiet butt pretty weddieg was cel-
ebrated at the home of Dr. and Mrs.
Walter Shillington an Thursday at
1 o'cloCknavnen their daraghter Fier
once Edith. ea.et..s married: to MT: Joht
. 'cGuire on Toronto by Bev:
Ji.iCharelton in the presence of the
immediate relatives. The ceremony
took f place in the parlor \Venda Was
taitefulle decorated The couple took
the afternooetrate( tor TOTOht%
where they will resine at sarr Glad-
stone 'Avenae. • , t
• 7/101111t111 . •-,
Mr. Wm. 'Wagner who bas been
-laid up since early spring in not mek-
ing any progress towards recovery
and has been decidely.worse the pa.st
week. -"n '
Mr.: Sol Mentin, Sr., was reeePtly
injured while on tbe road hauling'
ferevel. He was drivin,g to the pit,
when his son's term (lashed intei the
rear of the wagon end in some man-
ner one horse got right into , the
wagon and struck Mr. Martin on the
side: of the head that required sev-
eral stiohes to close. Mr. Martin is
over eighty years old and thougle los-
ing a lot of blood it is not expeeted
that' ony serious :results will follow.
-A :distressing fatal eccident happen -
on jane 25th at .the farm oE edr. T.
Robinson, Goshen Line- Starney, re-
sulting In almost instant 'death of
lYfre. Robinson's nephew. Edgar
loltirrae Eacrett at the age of.'5 yeave
6 months. and 26 days, only child of
Mrs. Samuel Ea,crett whose :husband
died about three years ago. The lit-
tle fellow elimbed upon a disc har-
row while Mr. Robinson was pick-
ing up ,sonne stones, and before the
team could be reached, Lhey mode a
start and the boy was thrown under
the •diso, eutting him so badly: that he
bled' to death, in a few: mieutes. It
is a, terrible shock to the mother; and
other, relatives, who have the sincer-
est sympethy in their sudden bee-
evernent. The funeral took place on
Thursday last to Byfield cemetery.
Dir. Henry Ortwein one ot theedd-
-est insidents of Zurich died recently
after an illness extending over about
two weeks, The deceased was alwans
of a robust constitution and in Lite
prime \vas tram of the strongest: meni
of this section. ITe formerly 'lived on
thte I3ronson lint where he was one
of tlet pior,eer settlers, and it is
only about ten years ego theti he re -
'tired from active farm life. Even
after coming to town he was restlese
when mit °weaved in some farm work
winch he kepV up almost to the
very end. lie leaves en Aged wintry
four daughters atcl one son besidee
a laree number a other near
ives'end friends. The tattered , took
plan to the Bronsen Line Evatigelical
oementee, 1 • -
• Mr. 3. Je 'Merrier M, Po and sole
°Teddy" left on Sateeday afternoori
for the west, whither Mr. Irterner
had been unexpectedly called owinet
to the suicide of his agent" who resiid-
en et Militia, Sask,
nYfe,sses. Kellerrnare, Northoott
folk A. G. Smillie eePreserited • the
Huron Weather Insurance Co, at a
a:tett:leg of delegates been ether tone
earnee •At,r4..coN ost write e
Mr. awl Mrs. joien Talee London
spent tbe holiday with her mother,
Mrs. Setherby.
NI.artin Ryan spent the pest ween
evith bis eieter Lon•donr
The Bidchileh 'Coeneil have pur-
ohased 70 car eonds of crushed stone
anln re Luning it hauled on the mane
;vaned Granttorn
The spring orop this •diettelen is
eufee.rinn scrim:rely for the want of
Too fete for ,Last week
Mr. aria Mrs. Thomas Lingern, of
St. &faxen were 'the tellent of inn
Cleranee ILeveet
Mr. Wesley 1?arleinson logt a val-
uable filly last week with. inflame
Mr. T. Penrione 'driver eves severely
out by barn were last week will be
laid off for some time.
On Saterday lasn anosit sixteen
I.eams nathered t the farm Of: the
late Mr. Gleeson end finished up
spedinen • •
'Owing to the long :spell oe dre'
tiler .some tof the farmers have Lo
plane their coin egolm
,0:11•114.1* 'OTT
, •• ,qfft,:.E.LETC1ItirS. • • • .
A. -0.7r•
Vontiumed rom page 1
Pronlotiou Results
Weldo 'Bellwood. 67
Joe )3rocit �l
No, enrolled 28; Average Attend-
anee 35,
Qnneleenbilete Teaviier
Ir. II to Room VII
Mabel Johns 87
Howard Dignan
George Hind 80
Marguerite Kuntz 80
Arthur Itowellfte 70
• Perla Sanders 78
Beggie Tteelor 77
Verti: ValeWelets76
Wer 73
Leven. Harness 70
• Clyde Ifervood 138
• Reggie Taylor 64
Newman Hardy 61
Jtenitne Pert II to Room 'VII
•Gordon Powell 82
• BuebbYall
Davis 79
• O r 78
Willie Ortwein 7i4
May Elworthy 67
• Sertiolt:Pnaat4IWteT171:171
Max Weidenhamraer 87
• Georgina Hatter85
• Elizabeth Brown 83.
Florence Norry 18
moo tatham 71
Cecil Ford 70
Eleaza,r Cookson 01
Clifford Brimacombe60
Ja,mes Morley
Cyril Doyle
• Carrie Davis
To Senior Part 1
Earl Mallett
Lorne Brinaacombe
Murray Scott
Leyern Wells
Bertha Russell
Mary Elwortb y
Grace Oreech
Ethel Rolden
To )3 Class
•Stuart Stanbury
Harry Seldon
Margaret Glacbmart
Ferrol Hartlieb
Ruby Davis
Helen Dignan
Mildred Rowe
Blossom Powell
Clarence Knott
• Fred Hemmen
• Lester Davis
Clifford Wenster •
No. on Roll 52. Ayerage Attend
ance 48.
F. W. Howard Teaoher
• Making Records at Horne
great feature of the
Edison Phonogra
The ability to make and reproduce your own records
in your own home -7 -the songs and stories of ever
mernberetyburtarany and all your friends—iri
tion to all of the greatest entertainment of every khd
Thinkwhat that means! The Edison
Phonograph--tho instrument that
you would choose anyway,b manse of
the purity and Sweetness of Edison
tone; because its volume of sound is
exactly suited to your home; because
it plays both Edison Standard and
the leng-playing Edison Antberol
Records; because it has the sapphire
reproducing -point that does not
scratch or wear the records, and lasts
forever—gives you this great home-'
recording feature banciesl And this
feature elentleos tie n pleasure of ovnaing
a so:and-reproducing instrumeett.
Most Edison styles are regnievIy
equipped to make records at home..
Recording equipment for styles hot
so equipped can be pm -chased, at
slight additional cost.
When you go to your F,dison dealer
to pick out your Etlison Mime,
be sure to ask about this home,
recording feature, and to get record-
ing equipment vete the instrenient
y y,,
There are Edison dealers everywhere. Go to the nearest and
hear the Edison Phonograph play both Edison Standard and.
Edison Amberol Records, Get complete catalogs from your
dealer or from us, Edison Phonographs, $16.50 to $2,40,00.
Edison Standard Records, 40c. Edison Amberol Records(play
twice as long,),6Se. EdisonGrandOperallecords,85c.to$2.50.
A complete line of Eaion Phonographs and Records
100 Lakesi4 e Avenue.
Comm*. N. J.. U.'s, A.
willies found at
Township die
For soreness of the inaselee, w•heth-
induced by violent exercise or injury
there is nothieg better than Chant-
berlabas 'Liniment. This liniment al-
so removes rheumatie pains n'ito
sale by all 'dealers. • „, k
Ab Cudraore is .home from Winon.
Miss -Flossie Brethren of Toren
is home o
Mr. • McMartin of Toronto visite
with relatives in town last week.
Will Fulton of Toronto was, ,
• guest, of his parents for a few deye
Heenan civic Holiday July 10th 3.1so
be great • onion Sunday School ex-
cursion to Lon:den and •Springbenk
--Miss Begley who has conducted the
millinery easiness oe the blue front
• for the season has left ler 'her home
in lnyth.
d on Teindkendelest res
weli and favorable known tbroueh-
out this eectioe.
Joyce McLean recently left for the
States where he intends to nennect
himself in wireless telegraphy and
then: take a position on one, gof the
steamers on -the Atlantic.
David McLean 'has 'perdenned ehe
residence of Wm. Stoneman, for a fein
figure and will move into it when Mrs
Stoneman leaves for the west Thee,
Mr. and Mrs. IVIsLeen become nee-
manent residence of oar village-
NI:aide:de McPherson of Salmon
Idaho is the guest of 'his bro-
• ther Alex McPherson.
Henry Ortwein of Zurich brother
of J. W. Ortwein passed D.W3.3, on
Tuesday He was one of the oldest
pioneers of Hay, where he has resided
Lor over Janie a eientuee. Dececsed
was in Ls 82nd year and waS Morn
in Germany After arriving; for this
coentry he resided for a time in. east
llope, then came to Has where he
settled on a farm :Ajew, yeers an
be reeved to Zurich. He leaves a
widow and family grown up, end Bet-
ted 1 afferent sections to mourn itta
lads.mother Mrs. Andrew, Bell, near Hip-
,theughter Miss Cameroo Bell was
took place theehome ot the bride's
Pen on Wednesdo.y afternoon, whe,n
united. in marriage with elle Bev.
Richardson —Bell •-nA joyous event
John Richandson pastor of tbe Kippen
and Hillsgreen Presbyterian enure/l-
ee. The ceremorte took place at • 2
m. inf rout of a. mannifecieut
benne of t'erns and in the presence of
obout forty guests several ot them
from a, 'distance The Rev, Mr. Sini-
mington a personal .friend of the
aroonf officiated. The bride • was
Supported by lrliee Richardnon of
'Woodstock a, sister of the groom
while the groom was attended by hie
brother also of Woodstock. Mies
Tanis of Woddstock played the wed-
ding march. The bride who was
hanisomely gowned in White duchess
satin with pearl trimmine and wore
e veil, looked channeing as 06 mint
erd the drawing room carrying
bouquet of American beauty Roses
After, congratulatioits ana, good. -wash
Ncvstditer400rtrepast. Tho
dowhooto op
took the evening tenni: going south
raoniaindwi-w-1 snis-ntsaska maned:nth° t Vitrrit in'hogmtsl-
Thu TihreS joins in with •teleir many
frier& in wishing them a tong and
halve( married life. •
The Steamer S. 'S. Perry, of tbe
Ilawgood line, collided with the
steamer Bothnia in tbe St, Cleir flats
near Star Island 'Sem 2611e The Bo
thine sank end RalpheVilliams a deck
hand of Parkhill Ont, was dxowned
nowt announce the engagement of
their dauehter Ida Fallford to Mr.
Wm. Stanley McLeod of Fullerton Cal
son • of Mr, and Mrs. Ji , McLeoe
a Forest: Oat,. The raarriage will
take place ori July. lets.
Mr, and hire. john joynt of Luck -
That the making of e cheque' an in
fuli of ancomt• does not prevene the
recipient'', from clainaleg more money'
if he es lawfully entitled to it wee
a.p: interesting point of lent made
dear by judge. Bell at the coutty
court in Cha.tham last week. .
A enique reception was given to Mr
L. L. Stond of st. Marys sapernitend-
ent of the Hunt Engineering Co. Mr,
Stone, had returned on Inmeday of
last week with, his bride:
ancl. in the evening over one, hundred
emploeces from the company aseenabl-
ece• tit his offioe captioned Mt. Stone
shackled him and pieced, him ou a pre -
Pared Wire sage where the following:
mottoes 'Just Married' 'Stone' 'The,
wedding March' A. number cif the,
employees lied band instrerrients oth-
ers lied tin pans, With the bend Mee
ie arid olatter of pens the peeeension
rriarched throngh the busillese Street
with the wired &wee in the. rear,
LImO processien ended op et
his •charch street eesidenee • Mr.
Stone wee reietieed, • and Mr. Chant'
f: lel a on haunt of the, ebepleyes., pre-
sented Mr. tetone and his : bride
with. a benne:inn silver tem servien
The ctowd dieeureeen with eheera
• 13, rendering!. He is, a jeily
• PERT PARAGRAPHS. The person who bears burdened:fee
hilly ratty be stupid, but be is a
rxitin doesn't know -what tO cial treasure.
do next Ire asks his wife and theo
doesn't do it.
The dose of leap year probably will
show just as many old maids as the
beginning. Time makes a new' sUpply.
If every man were as good ane smart
as bis mother knows he Is the millen-
nium would indeed be Imre.
, The man who can make two eternises
go 'were only one went before ie
smoothing his road to, something. 1
Someemen have to hustle hard to get
money to pay a lawyer to keep some
one else from taking the products ot
their labor from tbeen.
forelYfr. and, Mrse :Stone end the ene
Be sure you are right and then
pound into the rest of the world. .
The people wbo think before then
speak seldom get tbe floor.
Keep up yoir courage, but remember
that you can't do it by hiring some one
else and putt -tee bee on the job.
Over i25,000. boree,steads will ,
thrown open •elteere the line of. the
Grand Teurnt rnAlifie eeilwel west of
Edraonton. this year Of this InuMnee
15000. are' in Prende Preiree seetien
nerth of Edmontot, the first portion
ot the farnous eeaee 31i'ver country.
brelida" running ,south west from Big-
gar now loaner constreetion will open
op et nein:tier of choiee homesteads
end this \station Wit1. probably bpi fit-
Gt' ll0W ITV• !VI! 4114010.4
Effect of the Season:
Do not blame the humble poet ,•
if he mus.t explode or sing,
Though In measure lame and halting.n
At the coming of the spring. e
Though he may not burst a. hamster:1
In a grand -poetic' swell.
lee at least can trip a aide '-
i To the iny in the dell.
Who would not when spring Is cd
Pegasus serenely climb
.And express his pent emotions
In a bit of Vagrant rime,
Or, it he Is not a rider
Or for cowboy methods keen,
pl ills dingy, smoke stained office
Peck it out on his machine?
So uplifting Is the coming
Of the season young and strong
Teat the dullest feels the throbbing
Of his pulses to a song,
And tie grabs up all the language 4
That be learned in days gone by, e
And proceeds to take a flier
Though his :meter may be shy.
Buds and blessoneneittle birdies ,
And the balndy, friendly breeze n
Group themselves upon the pages
And are very much at ease. •
So the man becomes a poet, t.
Singing, light ot heart and geee
But he very soon recovers
Wine) the blizzara comes next dare
FREE TO YOU -MY SISTER PE1552FYgArvflafErdrss211:gaITtt
. 1 ak.nta.awww°0-.2-13„....,. suffer1n gs.
' I have fouad the cute.
. 'Wilt man, free of any charge, itinteene ineate'
mead with fullinstructions to any suffere front
wonsen's ailments, 1 want to tell airwomen bout
this cure —,yoterany reader, for yourself, your
daughter,your =Other, Or your sister. evr et to
teu you bovr tcr cum yourselves at home Iv: bout
the heipof a doctor.. Alen cannot understatienteptue
en's sufferings. What We women know from 6 '
perience.we knovrbetter thananydoctor. fen°
tbat my hottie treatment is a saf came suie mire fon
placement orrallingof theWernbi Profuseo Scent"
or PainfulPeriods. Uterine or Ovariarsinutres eel
Cowen/m.08e pains iri thebead,back ma bowelei
bcarlska dowrt feelings. nervousness. creeping •
feeling Up theppine, IrrieleudielY. deare ft; criehoe
flashes, weennesse kidnor eta bladder trot:Mee,
* 1 hrwo all! luSt oe sae brirdywouenka:otisnaplePtriOlidaarytaltraeratinetnt 1
enerelgfreetoproveto You that yott esti Mire your.; ,
self at cone,easily.quicklyasidstitely. ftelueinbe0 1
that it ‘Villeoet you bottling to give the treatraent 1
A complete trial ; anti ifyout simnel wine to cOntieue, it NV ilicost ydu only About =cents a we ekn 1
Or less than twO cents a day. itWill not interferewithyontWork or occupation: Jest sense
sne your nainened eddress. telt me how you suffer, if you wisp. ancl I Will Bend you the tree:talent,
fOr your cnte, entirely free, in pine wrat,per, by return teat. e will else send you (toe of cost
tnyboolc--1NONIAN'S OWN MEDICO, ADVISER" with explatiatery illustrations: showing Wily'
women Suffer, and hOV7 ttie,V tail easily tura theinselvdsat hdibe. Zverywoulau stetted knee idol
read kern to ogee for heesein Then when the doctorsays-,wirott Must haVe an operation' sole
can decide foryoursen, Thousands of sroblets have eurza niemselves rents ray -home remedy.
Ile:ince all. bld or 'rating. TOrdodkers of Deitelderes X Will explain, 4 Ilitatild btkie treatment,
wren% speedily and effectually elites tentortlicea, dreett Statues§ reel Painful taerrregulae
Vienstruation in young Ladies. Pluniptess and lieaith always restalt ftotti ite ine. ,
wherevet ybil live. I can refer yoe to %dies of stove ow ta loealitylehe . -new end:will gladif
ten rely sufferer that Mit HomeTrealmoutrenlly curee all WOtaan't distrxes and Melees tverneA
well, stioit g, plump and robust. Jest send me your addresnatid the free ten doe treatment in'.
yours,. also the tooter. Write to -day es yoit may not ste this oiler rigaiii. Address : f
. .