HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-07-13, Page 6auit•word" -dn "t eethig" Ogee; ori is ` ain hosting% and . meeting,,. a Katimavik gli this Year. The present group arrived lerlch in the first week oUune, and willremain here untit,the end of August. The g! :..of 11 has members who : come from - B.C. to Ne1810 21 yeawfoundlarsndol, d.land who are Pour members of the group come from Quebec and are native French speakers. They were able to speak English to varying degrees when they came here last month,, but now they can all get by fairly well in English. Of course, the others are learning to speak French as well. One of the program's objectives is to learn to communicate in both English and French. Every night- at supper the group changes languages, and tries Goderich is again sponsoring a Katimavik group this year. In the group are (front row, left to right): Daniel Bolduc, Quebec City, P.Q.; Desiree Giesen, Nelson, B.C.; Michel Lauzon, Montreal, P.Q.; Charlene Potter, Drumheller, Alta; Brenda Green, Hodge's Cove, Nfld.; Aline Falar- dean, Quebec City, P.Q.; Lucia Gabber, Kitchener, Ont.; Diana Cerutti, Ottawa, Ont.; Sylvain Blouin, Quebec City, P:Q.; Kevin Teeple, Windsor, Ont.; Norma Bridgen, Esse; Ont.; and Nell Hann, Barrie, Wales. (photo by Darrell Kloeze) PHOTOGRAPHY THE PICTURE PEOPLE 35 WEST ST., GODERICH 524-2881 WIN A CAMERA EVERY FILM PROCESSED AT BLUEWATER PHOTOGRAPHY GIVES YOU A CHANCE TO WIN A KODAK DISC 6000 CAMERA KODAK dISC 6000 Camera • Full 5 -year Warranty • 4 -Element, All -Glass f/2.8 Lens • Automatic Built-in Flash • Instant Flash Recycle • Motorized Film Advance • Close-up Capability to 18" . • Built-in Cover/Handle LET US DEVELOP YOUR FILM TO -DAY AND SEE YOUR GOOD TIMES TOMORROW 24 Film Service hr. On Most Film DEVELOPING • 12 Pictures • 20 Pictures •24 Pictures •36 Pictures $5.99 $9.29 $10.99 $14.99 • Disc 15 Pictures $7.29 . SNAP IT UP We carry a full line of Kodak Film at competitive prices BLUEWATER PHOTOGRAPHY 35 WEST ST. GODERICH 524-2881 (Beside the Goderich French Dry Cleaners) FREE ESTIMATE on your needs Call: Don McCauley 524-4226 Alcan Building Products 1lll(hk„ ALAN ALCAN STORM DOORS AND WINDOWS ALSO ALUMINUM SIDING, SOFFIT, FASCIA AND EAVESTROi9GHING." TRILLIUM HOMES 8 RENOVATIONS 157 RICH ST., GODERICH NO SALES TAX 'TIL AUG. 8 MATTRESSES Simmons BeautyRest Serta Sleepmasier Visit our"mattress shop and compare. Jye hove top quality combined with low prices Free dell cell and set up On The Main Si, Dublin 345.2250 Tues. • Sat. 9:30 6 p.m. N. 'Til 9. Closed Mondays. ', , r New Hours: Open: Mon. - Fri. 9 - 5 Closed: Saturdays CHILDREN'S CERAMIC CLASSES STARTING NOW! (Phone for more information) 524-2032 Ce4#uC4jO�L 56 Stanley St. Goderich III ii. ry have seco d guege Il es Weeklyl, in which they, help each otter wltletheii' second languages. But learning another languagelearniniiag onlyprograone nns of the eight out for each Katimavik Probably the main one is work skills. Each group has certain projects to work on in their host community. This group is working mostly either at the pioneer museum,. cleaning the exhibits and supervising tours; or at the beach, cleaning and painting. Wa,. 04 ervis'lgg the rWorlt Ii+ograms, of mentally riled adults. Others have done volunteer wort, mostly yard and .house work for senior citizens, 9 A third learning progra;n kerns environmental.and opriatetechnology. The Katimavik group .invited a speaker to teach them about splar homes, and their donstruction. Nutrition and wellbeing Is another program. Each week, two group members are responsible for all the meals for the week. They ive to,.makeu a u for week and pbuy the f applies Monday nla'likig. •These two lire also responsible for cooking, serving, and cleaning up during their week. A program they have yet tomake plans for is billeting. For two- -weeks . in the beginning of August each group member will be billeted with a family in Goderich. Families who are interested in hosting a group member from Katimavik can contact the Katimavik House. Finding their house was no problem for Diana Cerutti, projec the group leader. She was able to rent the same house used, by the last ICatimavik group on top of the hill in Saltford. Diana In 25 and fluently bilingual. She will be staying in Goderich for the entire year. This is the first posting for the group presently here. After leaving Goderich they will spend' three months hi the Lac St. -Jean area of Quebec, and then three months in northern British Columbia, Katimavik- participants earn an allowance of one dollar a day, and receive an honorarium of $1,000 when they complete the program. uburn to host sister city The village's Sister City Auburn, Michigan is again visiting on the,,. weekend of July 23 when the ball tourna- ment will be held. The Auburn, Michigan Firemen will play the Auburn Ontario Slow pitch team at 8 p.m. To entertain the American friends, tours are being plan- ned. It is hoped that as many as possible will come and make Auburn's Sister City welcome. This coming weekend is their annual Cor- nfest celebrations and all are invited over there for this oc- casion. Bible School The Auburn Daily Vaca- tion Bible school had their closing program last Friday, evening with parents, grand- parents and friends present. Music was played by Mrs. Gordon Gross while the peo- ple were coming into Knox United Church. Mrs. Brian Hallam was the master of ceremonies and welcomed all. Mrs. Shirley Andrews, co- ordinator of the school, showed songs on the overhead projector for the children to sing. ,11•'0. I I l 'e tis If youre NEW IN TOWN and don't know which way fa turn, call the Kew ol hostess at 524-7165 or 524.2544 You'll be glad you did OFFA TIL PPM/ Shop Where The guilders Suy:,..••'— 1„I,,.,..,... Building Centre Values Railroad Ties No 1 Quality Ida Tl fol Landscaping * Nt I F CANADA INC HARDOARD tiTDING Textured COI °RLOR'' Lap Siding CED' TEX inn Ix.ti 14 n bluff 1$2 1a ti 1.1 fi Inu(I C;,111(1n (i,tiv,tnl: (3d Sunbeam Lovebugs App . Acre Aurin hon FRnnyr $7995 (Sel of 2) Wood Patio Door Sale 17 x 16 Almond Ced r•Tex 96 sq fl bundle 17 x 16 White Ced r TI?), 96 sq ft bundle 17 x 16 White Colorlok 96 sq ft bundle 9 r16 White Colorlok 77 sq ft bundle i 7 x 16 Woodsman Grand Canyon 96 sq ft bundle 4 x8 White St,iCcato SALE 554995 SALE 556996 r,rrnl)Ir'.' ,ry,1h .•1.,I11r11ASS In( kC And Cr 'pen 7 - l Economy Green Turf s99 sq, yd. $477 sq m / BOaepe: 441( PRIC,FSIN1F11i T I /NT II .11111 ,'1 i�HI f— 6 Yards To Se ve You GODERiCH, EXETER, MITCHELL. LO. DON. STRATHROY, WATFORD PHONE 524.8321 GO ERICH (Hwy. 21 South (Boyfiield Rood) AUBURN NEWS Elvendr ®redno k, 626-71!8®6 the nursery class in the charge of Debbie and Julie Ctinningham had the follow- ing students: Craig Empey, Rachel Arthur, John Arm- strong, Tracy Millian, Tom- my Middelkamp, Sheryl Ramsay, Scott Perry, Cheryl Lapp, Jeffrey Clark, Tim Latinga, David Camp- bell, Jason Rutledge, Bradley Ramsay, Shannon Perry, Michael Luna and Stephen Youngblut. The beginners' class was in the charge of Mrs. Ross Dobie with helpers being Beth Shepherd, Angela Schneider and Julie Glenn. The students in this , class were Karin Millian, Jason Clark, Kurt Marchl, Shane Webster, Michael Bakker, Marc Bricker, Laurel Camp- bell, Ryan Chamney, Jonathan Collins, Scott Ar- thur, Marty Lawrence, April Gross, Shelley Dobie and Darryl Fielder. The primary class was in the charge of Mrs. Glen Webster with helper being Lori Million and the students were Jodi Webster, Ruth Anne Bakker; Janice Webster, Alison Chamney, Annette Vincent, Susan Dobie, Susan Clark, Kerry Bakker, Shawn Rutledge, Shawn Perry, Daniel Scott, Andrew Luna and Michael Schneider. The middler class had Miss Jo -Anne Slater as leader and craft leader was Mrs. Keith Lapp. The students were Cathy,Nesbit, Leslie Lawrence, Donna Lynn Armstrong, Shannon Million, Stewart Bakker, Nicole Middelkamp, Bryan Gross, Chris Marchl, Alison Clark, Ian Andrews, Crystal Middelkamp, Karen Bakker, Christy Bricker and Amy Hawley. Thejunior class had as leader, Mrs. Dpuglas Chamney and the craft leader was Mrs. George Col- lins and helper was Julie Doer. The students were Lori Armstrong, Bryan Ramsay, Sharon Ramsay, Jeff Nesbit, Leone Cunn- ingham, Beth Hawley, Dwight Caldwell, Dean Caldwell, Lana Lawrence, Anita Gross and Elvis Vin- cent. The children presented the songs and a skit around the theme "A Promise is a Pro- mise", having a large rain- bow in the background. Anita Gross and Jeff Nesbit took the leading roles. The music director was Mrs. Gordon Gross and the sports were hi the charge of Janice Daer. The July meeting of the Auburn Trustee Board was held last 'Saturday evening. Chairman Warner Andrews was in charge and the minutes were accepted as read by the clerk, Mrs. Ross Dobie. It was reported that the village streets had been chlorided and gravel had been spread on the streets and, sides of Gederich.Street and also graded. The grass and weeds have been cut and the guard rails on John Street will be painted soon. A letter was read from County Clerk Bill Hanly from the Huron County Library Board con- gratulating the Trustee Board on the excellent condi- tion of the well maintained Auburn public library. The Huron County library board toured the Auburn library a few weeks ago. Social News Mrs. Eleanor Bradnock announced that there will be a potluck dinner in the Auburn Community Memorial Hall on July 23 at 5:30 p.m. Everyone is in- vited and please bring something for first and se- cond o-cond course (enough for your family and another per- son). Meat is being provided. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley McNall of Welland visited on the weekend with Mrs. Tom Johnston and Miss Laura Phillips. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Haines, Rachel and David of Niagara Falls visited last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Haines. Congratulations to Angela Schneider and Janice Daer on obtaining high honours with their school work at Goderich District Collegiate Institute. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Chamney of Ottawa spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Chamney. Congratulations to Mr. and . • Mrs. Lloyd Raithby of Lon- don who recently celebrated their 50th wedding anniver- sary. Lloyd and Gladys are former residents of the Auburn area.. The community is pleased to have Mrs. Beth Lansing home after having eye surgery in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Children's Day will be held next Tuesday by the Auburn Women's Institute in 'the Community Memorial Hall at 2 p.m. Children's films will be shown and,' all children in the cofyitn1 ditjr are invited. A short business meeting will be held follow- ing the ice-cream and cookies. Committee in charge includes Mrs. John Stadelmann, Mrs. Gordon Powell, Mrs. George Mason and Mrs. James Schneider. Keith Machan was the first winner of the lottery draw prize of the Auburn ' and District Lions Club. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Best of Delhi and their grand- daughter, Jennifer Wood visited last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Hardy celebrate 40th anniversary Benmiller Inn was the scene on Saturday, July 9 for the 40th wedding an- niversary celebration of Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Hardy of Goderich, formerly of R.R. 5 Goderich. Over 30 members of the family, relatives and friends joined in an af- ternoon of visiting, a delicious dinner and en- joyable evening together. Mrs. Hardy is the daughter of the late Dr. and Mrs. Earl Ball of north Toronto and Mr. Hardy is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hardy of Colborne Town- ship. The couple were married July 7, 1943 in Eglington UnitAd Church, north Toronto by Dr. W.J. Johnston. Bridesmaid was Dr. Margaret Reesor of Kingston and best man was Ivan Bean of Goderich. Ushers were George Allman of Haliburton and Ernest Pringle of Vermont. The Hardys farmed in Colborne Township the first 33 years, of their married life and then retired to Goderich. They have two sons, John of Ottawa and .,Gordon of Dresden. Mr. Hardy is a long time member of Morning Star Masonic Lodge no. 309 Carlow; an honorary elder of Benrhiller United Church and has contributed 20 years service to Colborne Town- ship politics with terms as a councillor, reeve and municipal clerk, retiring as clerk a couple of years ago. Mrs. Hardy was active for many years in seve?al church and community organizations, including the Irish Group of Benmiller United Church Women, COLBORNE CORNER . Gertrude ICeltting, 624-2076 community craft programs. Foremost among Mrs. Hardy's craft oriented achievements was the founding of the Colborne Township Christmas Country Fair in 1966. Travel was limited while on the farm but the Hardys have enjoyed several trips since their retirement and look forward to some inore in the future. Mr. Hardy now divides his time among house and yard chores, reading and bridge and Mrs. Hardy weaves, teaches weaving, takes an interest in area craft efforts and reads. Mr. and Mrs. Hardy's many friends in Colborne and Goderich join in ex- tending best wishes at this time and hope that they rhay enjoy " many more happy years together. Social News Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Terence Hunter over the weekend were their niece, Jean Barclay from London and her son; Chris Barclay from London, England, Bob and Edna Reynolds of South- field, Michigan and Frank and Verna Moore of Goderich. Sincere sympathy to the family of the late Mrs. Florence Mae Doak, a for- mer Goderich Township girl. The community is pleased Tiger Dunlop Women's to report that Richard Institute and a number of Buchanan has returned home after a month in Victoria Hospital where he had surgery. His many friends wish him a speedy recovery. His brother, Ted Pope and Mrs. Pope of Smith Falls have been visiting for the past month with Mr. and Mrs. ' Buchanan and their mother, Mrs. Lottie Pope who is in Goderich hospital and lending a helping hand. They have now returned to their home in Smith Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Prout of Owen Sound visited their mother, Mrs. John Wilson and grandmother, Mrs. William Lawrence over the weekend. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Elliott recently were their daughter, Mrs. Barry Schwarz, her husband and son, Craig from Wan- tagh, Long Island. Remember the garage and bake sale at Benmiller United Church this Satur- day, July 16. Tiger Dunlop Women's Institute July meeting will be Thursday, July 28 at 130 pm. It will include a picnic at Harbour Park. On Wed- nesday, July 20, the Institute will be in charge of the birth- day party at Huronview. Members are asked to try and attend to make it a special event. Remember the nett paper drive pick-up in Goderich Saturday, July 30. ti