HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-07-13, Page 5al yVi it; '91 fol nl� If r a, The new executive members of the Goderich Ro Club are, left to. right, Dave Gower, vice=presiden ^ enCam- pbell, director of international service; Craig Cass, president;' Ren McGee, secretary; Gary Shol ce, director of club service; and Ron Takalo, director of community service. Absent for photo were Mel Farnsworth, treasurer; Werner Ritgen, director of vocational service; and Marc Chalut, past president. Local Baha'is outraged at hangings Dear Editor, The Baha'is of Goderich were outraged this weekend by the news received from Canadian Baha'i head- quarters that 10 Baha'i women ages 18 to 54, have been hanged for their beliefs, in their sister coun- try of Iran. Mrs. Sandra Colborne, chairman of the Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Goderich, said: "We learned that the executions were car- ried out late Saturday night, June 18, and followed closely on the hangings two days earlier of 6 prominent Baha'is executed two days earlier". A fifth was the 18 - year -old daughter of a Baha'i executed on March 12. Colborne said, "We are horrified by the fact that a whole group of, innocent women had been so savagely. treated,, and that the authorities tried to keep the killings secret by making no public announcement to the press, and refusing to allow the families to receive the bodies for burial, or even to see them". Colborne said, "these shocking killings of young in- nocent women represent an alarming escalation of the mullah's campaign of terror against the Baha'is which is now being focussed on the women of the community. It shows the Iranian clergy's particular hatred of the prin- cipal of equality of men and women that is so central to the Baha'i teachings. The news from Baha'i headquarters had indicated that all 16 Baha'is were put LETTERS to death because they had refused to recant their faith. The 10 women had been Sub- jected to brutal interroga- tions in prison and warned that they would be killed. The r'ason originally given for their arrest was that they had been holding classes for the Baha'i children in their community who had been ex- pelled from Iran's schools as "unclean infidels". Jim Durst, a member of the Goderich Assembly, reported that "a tragedy of appalling proportion is building up in Iran. Even more tragic is the fact that the clergy there are using the faith of Islam as a cloak for these crimes against humanity". The judge who sent these women and girls to their deaths warned recently in a government - controlled press of Iran that these killings were only the beginning. He said "Before it is too late the Baha'is of Iran must recant .... Other- wise the day will soon come when the Islamic Nation will, God willing, fulfill the prayer mentioned in the Quran: `Lord, leave not one single family of infidels on earth'. These hangings have brought the total number of Baha'is officially shot or hanged by the regime to 155. They arouse grave concern for the fate of some 200 other Baha'is imprisoned around the country. In addition, 10,000 Baha'is are now homeless, their properties destroyed or confiscated by the authorities. The wgrld-wide Baha'i community has been deeply gratified and encouraged by the many statements urging the Iranian regime to cease its systematic persecution of the Baha'is, that have come from the United Nations, the European parliament, humanitarian organizations and from national and local governments of all kinds. Canadian Baha'is are par- ticularly proud of the actions taken by the Canadian government in being the first to speak out in support of UN resolutions and in opening its doors to several hundred Ira- nian Baha'is. As they continue to alert the public to these outrageous crimes, they want to express their gratitude for the many ex- pressions of conscience from members of all faiths, civic leaders, colleagues and friends. They feel that it would be most helpful at this time for people to give their support to actions Canada is now taking, by writing to their M.P.'s. They may also show support by writing directly to the Iranian Em- bassy. A memorial service was Reader defends canines Dear Editor: I am very annoyed. I have just read the letter in the Ju- ly 6th edition of the Signal - Star signed by a Peter Henry outlining his troubles about dogs in the town's parks. He was sickened, so he says, by the sight of a dog walking in one of them. I wonder if Pete knows that now -a -days most in- telligent people, when walk- ing their dogs, carr; a scoop and bag just for the very reason he is so troubled about, and does he know that there is a reasonable chance that this little dog was train- ed only to relieve itself on newspaper just like our little dog was and not once in the eleven years we had her did she make a mistake and go otherwise. Does Pete know that most pets are far better behaved than a lot of children. I love children and am blessed with seven that are beautiful, but having had pets of all breeds big and small all my life I will not let others put them down. Peo- ple who own pets are the friendliest people there are and everyone Should enjoy the pleasure of them at least for part of their lives. Even our government agrees with this for our senior citizens. Goderich is the prettiest town in Canada I fully agree, I lived there for a period of time and I maintain it is half way to Heaven, but why does it have to be spoiled. Perhaps someone could donate him a pet, like a boa constrictor, then he wouldn't have to walk it anywhere. Shirley M. Little, Oakville, Ont. Sweepstake winners named Dear Editor, The Canadian Diabetes Association 1983 Sweepstake Draw was made at Sherway Gardens Centre Ltd., Etobicoke, Ontario, ' on Thursday, June 23. The following winners were declared — first prize of $20,000.00 went to A. Lische, of Copper Cliff, five other prizes of $1,000.00 each went to Annette Rieux, Sudbury; Nora Fouse, Cambridge; M. Peelar, Barrie; M. Casey, Cornwall and Bloss Leeking, Peterborough. Congratulations to the win- ners! Many thanks to all those who helped to sell and to those whc, C"sualased tickets. Proceeds will go for diabetes research, the Diabetic Children's Camp Huronda and to diabetic senior citizens. Thanks for your support. Teresa Courtney, treasurer Wingham and District Branch Canadian Diabetes Association. Lottery to hold spot check You just may be 'pulled over' this summer in the Provincial Lottery's Spot Check Promotion. "Beginning July 11, the eight-week promotion will offer over $671,000 in on -the - spot prizes to Provincial lot- tery players who can pro- duce a current Provincial ticket," D. Norman Morris, president of the Ontario Lot- tery a Corporation announced tY. A corps of 34 summer students will approach in- dividuals across the pro- vince asking if they can pro- duce a current Provincial ticket. If three or more draws are current on the ticket, the player will select a 'voucher from $5 to $1,500. If two or less draws are left on the ticket, the player automatically receives $5. Said Morris, "The promo- tion not only provides employment for summer students, but offers over 36,000 extra prizes of $5, $50, $500 and $1,500 in addition to Provincial's regular prize format." Provincial lottery tickets are valid for five consecutive weekly draws, offering regular prizes ranging from $10 to $500,000 along with in- stant bearer cheques valued up to $5,000. Provincial is a joint under- taking of all ten Canadian provinces operating under the Interprovincial Lottery Corporation. Marketing and sales are carried out by the four regional lottery jurisdictions: Western Canada Lottery Foundation, Ontario Lottery Corporation, Loto Quebec and the Atlantic Lottery Corporation. held on July 12th to honour all the Baha'is who have been victims of Iran's cruel religious regime, by the local Baha'i Communities. Warmest Baha'i regards The Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Goderich Joanne Marie Durst Secretary Shop and Compare on your next furniture purchase -44 Compare price, selec- tion and service. You'll find the best for less, in Clinton at Ball & Match Home Furnishings 71 Albert Street CLINTON 482-9505 Open six days a week 9 6, Friday till 9 pm. • Health *led Welfare jr Monique Begin recently announced the awarding of a certificate of Merit under the. depart ment's Lifestyle Award Pro- gram to a Goderich resident for volunteer work within the community. Since 1' l9 David Munn has given time and energy daily to patients in Alexan- dra Marine and General Hospital by shaving patients who need assistance and by providing the local paper for those who cannot afford it. In addition, he provides the same daily service to residents in Maitland Manor Nursing Home, Goderich. Mr. Munn is one of 16 Canadians being honored for his efforts. Lifestyle awards are given to individuals who volunteer their time and talents to im- prove the lifestyles of their fellow citizens. They are peo- ple who have worked for many years, often unrecognized, to expand community services and raise the level of health awaranM hi their aieas. landiatcstela���. bie nominated for Lifestyle AwaIst. .1w individuals or org bions. kifOrialatlan xOnt p ed tion tonna are a from the Secretary;' Lifestyles Award Com. tee, Health and Welf Canada, Ottawa, ILIA -0K9, NEWOORN NEWS DURNIN Matthew . is pleased: to an- nounce the birth of, leis new brother, Justin Martin,' on July 3, 1983, weighing 8 lbs. 14 oz. Proud parents are Jim and Bonnie. ;;Also proud grandparents' are Dorothy Durnin and Roy and Grace Mugford of Goderich. PROUSE Gary and Darlene (nee Chowen) are pleased to an- nounce the birth of their daughter, Dana Alexis, on July 2, 1983, weighing 7 lbs. 13 oz. Proud grandparents are Lois and Cec Hallam and Bob Prouse, and Bill and McKILLOP MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY Established 1876 Phe 527-0400 91 Main St. South, Seaforth FULL COVERAGE Farm & Urban Properties DI R Et:TORS & ADJUSTERS hen 4:arnorhan La,e•rn Godkin Ross Le•onhairdt john '11cEwing Stanlea Meilwaire Donald'11cKerehe'r jo;a ,A. Taylor TreNsartha Stuart 10 ikon 482-3354 527-1877 345-2233 523-9300 524-7051 527-1837 482.7327 482-7593 527-0687 AGENTS L.F."Rill-' D ,a, urst-. :527=1455 J Rtih,MeNiaughton ' 527-1571 a. nl. 1 1 pe•r 523-4257 CALI.:%N,.AGF;NT OR THE OFFICE * Completely Open * Weekly Payment Plan for our Renewal Mortgages (Reduces lifetime of mortgage in half.) NEW LOW RATE for 1ST MORTGAGES 11.5 1 YEAR TERM LOANS NEW LOW RATE... U * Completely Open for prepayment * Simple Interest * Interest Calculated on the unpaid balance * Life Insured New or Used Auto, Home Repairs, Holidays. etc.... SPECIAL DEPOSITS cc, o % ■ '500, TO '9,500 ONE YEAR 110,000 & OVER ONE YEAR /rot. II r People Helping People OOUERICH COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION 39 ST. DAVID ST. GODERICH PHONE 524-8366 Bev Chowen. Great grand-. daughter for Marl Smith and Florence Ludvigsen. SHERRATIr Pat and Faye (nee Robin- son) are happy to announce the arrival of a daughter, Erin Roxanne Marla, at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on June 23, 1983, weighing 8 lbs. 10 oz. A little sister for Nicole and Cory. Twenty- third grandchild for James P., , Sherratt and fifteenth grandchild for Mrs. Lorene Robinson, both of Goderich, r,. tl l • s. Il / r--- L &ingus this couppppp) pour nortrdlot:colour nepativefilmfor elrginpanMprintmp.ld pill guilt OFF vole pfletohnlstling. / Valu1 for any sue.of 110. 126. 135 or C.41 disc Pim - rine coupon pa roll of film only. / • Otter ends Saturday. September 10, 1583 / Just ltirtg.AMS Coupon andKwfllmio ibis participating Benjamin deals: MAC CAMPBELL'S CAMERAS.., r " ROYAL BANK BLOCK GODERICH 524-7532 _d 1 t t-A'ff L, NISHINC ANNOUNCEMENT TO OUR LOYAL CUSTOMERS The purpose of this announcement is to advise our customers and friends of the sale of our Wholesale paper and food service business known as H.O. Jerry Ltd., "The Paper People" to Mr. A.M. Harper, C.A., of Goderich, effective as of July 11, 1983. The sale of our business brings an end to one started July 26, 1946. We have had thirty-seven years of a pleasant association while dealing with our customers. I would, like to take this means of thanking all those in our -area who consistently favoured us with their patronage. It has been our pleasure to serve you and your business was very much ap- preciated. It is our wish you will continue to deal with Mr. Harper under the Company name of H.O. Jerry (1983) Ltd. Sincerely, Bud & Ruth Jerry Ideal #or :. oeS , Eence s et y es � N peck Cottag nit:re / Fur . td ...... ..... eSi SUiii MMER '83'PAINT SALE C. ii iiii iii .'F.c-...... iiiiii Reg. EXTERIOR ALKYD GLOSS WHITE ONLY SALE fl49 • 4 Litre Rog. !Tor STUDIO EXTERIOR ALKYD STAIN Redwood & Coder 1 275 • 4 Litre You Can Buy Cheaper Paint But You Can't Buy Better Paint. o . e We Have The Medals To Prove -It! ADDED LLER SPECIFRAL ROAME PAINT TRAY 3 9 5 • LIMITED QUANTITY