Exeter Times, 1912-7-4, Page 4; "teele14` e IVIolsc)rit4 Baln Iticeeperated 1B55 Record of progre$s for Five Years ioo6=ttoil 006 *loll, CAPITAL $,000;000 a 4,00moo I 3.000,000, 000.0001 DEPOSITS 23.077.730 S5.0-12.314 LOANS AND ''VESTMENTS ...... 27.457,09e 38,854,301 TOTAL ASSETS ..... 83,090,192 48,237,284 Hee 33 Beanehe.s Canada. and Agenttli and Correspondents in all . the principal Cities in the World. A General Banking Business Transacted Savings Bank Department _ * - At all Beene/lee. interest allow d Baglaest Current Bates. Dieks011 di Carling, SolicItors, N. 9. HURDON Manager 2 W•leteNeeet+++++++++.+44+seiteleleVeine+4.eeletteleeel++++444444.+Weleleatelete* THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE 'CAPITAL $15 000 000 , - • • REST; $1235004000 este _DRAFTS ON FOREIGN COUNTRIES Wefts ten. the principal cities in the following etaimnies isstied eir141011.t delay: ' Africa, • .0.6 thelonia Nines _ , Bearded.; ratin,e,Republio• RgYfit: Manchuria i nisi Vinland' Anstria-liungary Prance soskura• Germany .. Brazil Greece Bulgaria Holland Ceylon Iceland ' ;Chili India. China Italy Crete Mexieb 41e- If Formosa. New Zealand Islorwa•v 'Panama Persia Pali Philippine Islands- SY st Poland Turkey-. 6.7 Portugal United States Japan Roumania - West Indies, etc. • I These drafts can be drawn in ste.rling, francs, marks, lire, kronen, yen, taels, roubles, etc... according. to the money of the country in which they are payable; This enables the payee to obtain the exact amount intended. Russia Servia. Siam, Siberia South Africd Spain StTalteliettleroents Sweden Ss! elan 'clilgeter Branoh—G. WAUGH Manager BRANCH ALSO ATI CBE-DITON relie Children Cry for Metal The Kind 'X' ou Rave AlwayS Benglite and which haS been in use for over 30 yeas, has borne the signature a anel has been made wider his per-. sonarsupervision since its infancy.. , Allow no one to deceive you in. this., Counterfeits, Intitations and "Just -as -good" are but that trifle with and endanger the health st Infants and. Cleildren--Expenienee againSt E eeeeeee'eenee, What is A R IA TE T E rOarrada Military " anaps-Wbat is s Many he' value of Pamtd.a's o.nnual nUitLV-JUIIVUe S. NifeeP- • B IsoCkS 111 Regina gatherings?' Biro*. Year SO MIRY thousand men turn 'out for a oauple QJ -weeks Damping and, 'trailing :the Pentinned from page dut'ick Of soldier. They „learn kl0 marell Uway and they' learn f jy learn also ti ea.ry' tdrill, and they iv4,013,k!yrIert‘seatittt,411a:ttowlaltlio‘.:11101,speiaittYatlesle'l "rit secret, of ruTt "' et the (1 411t 31$31'th tQf a a. ovornrooQ:artteriaulewBsItets oak t al _ . . tire Alela, Peels the"fury ot th l' lenith°111:sg‘ t. it, 4101/1,1 face:nileernt :de: il:::: 4P114r(mt 14 ti e 6t"3311"6 the % Mists 0 . ) in.:'etrcualt tater.itt ;h.:real:or or less men. rwho undergo it pro' to boaqat• '''''xeiltils::11:0:mnbUdi : I a::: :13:3111::::::vat tkl .1 aoo er n order irm ressta.. a Vl. I..! as it Malewar es enilltan ' ,trabaing meana lefill 0 (111E114" wAs'6one c`ull'la par- i°a 9 'VT -3n the Western *naellenestreeos tr4 steheinmaseewl,ehaisthcyth7esoniaTieereeloof ityia, immypeesraiohlight, Weigh meet great extend rated, by --t, reigned, but 4poes°114a14/4 ' c°440sien der active military service., and thiese enejreeri:elveotrrt:tlegvesnr ogi3iicffecia'rdelrile sielinel tabu , how to shoot; and two weeks iin aa,Ny.Sctoteeib:e:elkini::yilli:Ltel)adrYWytocorhokeint;alrni:ielb:taeti'an:Itito'dbls- .o-dday; ought tto. knew', haw' 14:' riae, or.der,', the contingentseoellit : etai %ref:Pa:ail re Jeer at camp; .can; certeury 40 .4 ,. ., ovills impel. ,.. ,_ , lees breke out 1n4 my. :ate 'Seers even such a peece I ' Tsv° flres ' ible t very little of either ol these.; For It:7:0;as. was of Water playas, . o act a st,rea.re orgapization) a i . reports, that corps throuebout 0 d h taming the 4 a 1 ly. e.c any tion. :weer' of a oonfleer3- there is littlet d ' 'lia e Methodist and 13 ' t' . ' as the Montreal lerltreess hes beee oceI eerie how to 'shoot ap,a ±:aoh:tirlshttralic.13alirtu.' ljtive.s were fir'st of ttilhee'alTrfti-reerbut'iltrie- young men aseo eared • . Th ' • nox churches all ' 'RP 1.1; 41311 „saute elee,g; and points o t ' of' L 1 . x , o' 10.Uol: b t fl :Is t. in Qtrhanbotiv above th e.. :I:: an can pa into the field 0 AO cvkgh, Oat sot:need "". witik' a The !Toronto Globe also urges bar the struck ticvscou men Who ,ean Shoot whilei t'.1-:'.. twit/d Tho etorin mo'lfaeccicOnalPa311.1e134 snitnii A a. La"- esr; substitute for Cas.tor Oil, Pare- gorie Drop, d Soothin ing Syrups. It pleasantk' It . contains ar.eitlee.r Opium, Illetrieldene no other Nareotie substance. Its Age is its guarantee. It destroys WO1TUS ' and. allays Feverishness. For more thau thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and. „ Diarrhoea. t .regulates the Stomach and Bowels-, I; assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural eleep. The 0.1311dreneS Panacea -The 3Iothce'l ,Priend. 'GENUINE Bears the Signature of ALWAYS • 41. anadees trained Militia in 1910 num- aanl.cter_roiolo.reetioune"t:herYetno°Uvnigtgleletull'!slCci:IFe b‘ ebred 53.900 men, not one-third' of 1- 1 eA . lareou badly wreakers th' de era can Shoot with any reasonable, ble,oh.ahlitzsioxivio:tleseitettelaotpiiiiel.bblice'tt'l:rbroaf:ek:ther-axiried gree of accuracy. In 'Switzerland he Presbytetiere there re about 4,000 riflranges; Mal • in Canada. we befi only 56 ownedt by aol'ahle firt.°tIlis.itt : aelt..1.cci,ilt,i• !gisievx'aii. iiralioni.tel, ate. the • .4 1 ished on instantti, A few, srciall buil tAgat he' Government, There is no e the that our preseit system is note noput- dings s we.re moved) from their location ler. and, it my lbe that the ,inss .titee- . carriFod, across the street •ton f rifle rariges -monk.", not ;be a end the 117 The d Y�I re Always ought, In Use For Over 30 Years THC CENTAUR SOMPANT, 77 DITURRAT STREET. HEW YORK CITY. '14.:Pfijr,SAtirilra*q asonie Temple as 'neve at- -nicked and =arty razed: • t the tnext block to the. weal ,and very popular movement, but if one' military, system at all is neees'sary„ one farther no,rthl the telephone. lex. let us have one that leys the ehiet charge ;stood practically by itself, ex - emphasis 'upon the most gesentiat Voint.-Gnarclien. I . THE WEED QITESTION ,* In his evidence before the' select 'stand •committee of the.House off Cone :mons Ma Agrilculture Mr. T.11. New - elan Secretaxe of the Canadian Seed Grew•ers Association gave some vale uable information with reeneet to the choice of ;seeds ,andl. the bigi advantage to be derived frioint sowing male. pure seeds from the beet varieties. It hes:. been put in ichamplet fogni for genetal use W.hea asked by a mem-, ber a the committee what guarantee he would have that he .was. gee ehe pure seed. if he ode;errfte Ser. -Newman seld Met rains.; to their system that alleteeed offered eon sele is inspec, the fields,ans.1 paseed nb3eeiperts et the, 'Association_ who take careful notes regardine pur ity vigor .freetelpna from vieedre etc, ThLs information is sent teatee, 0E- 1ice. end later the grower le requested to"eend a sample of whee he. is offer- ing and thee also is tested. The • grower is then asked not. have. his grain made for inspection" Ito, the ins specter goe.s and compraes the, samp- le analyized with wha t he finds in the sacks and the grains, arj tare,tully examined for weed seeds 'The ins- pector then attaches' s. tag tn, ,eedh sack and seale it: end thus Et...complete uarantee_ of genuine,ss .3.nd, purity ie secured. toxiouis. weed act, has hed an effect and t.h,e, special comraittee which Mr. joseph Nagle, of leu.lalin was instrue mentae in having. appointed, appeats to he will to let the matter rest. When You're getting, get the BEST One that will outlast the rest economy and sense Both in eharacter and FEl'IlCH thandldn °thing but the Best • for instance Stock Fencefi 20c at per rild fialvanized Farm 6ates at • Also a large stook of Cedar Post; and all kinds of Lumber and ShiDgles at Low Prices • J CASTOR I A For Infante and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of 1:444, l'eAltie YOUR TIME 1 'believe in stepping itvely. Making every minute connt I And I don't believe in loafing To any great amonnt. But X eoret . believe in grabbing Moving trolley cars, my brother; If 'rite just missed one JI1 linger - is boiled to be. another. 1 believe Pare here to •hustle., And to grab what comes my wa,y Opportunities, ram certain Will not wit for me to -day. mast catch them as thee're moving Or fall back amoeg the tbrong, , Gid4f)WOrt Butwith street cars it is different 9 0ler's soon will be along. GRANTON won 1 know that time is money. ' " And the golden tapers flY, .And ehotedee't waste a minute If we hope to clamber high, 0 grab an opporternite our , ,AS, fest. as any brother, • e a ,woman t,„ take my time with street abotathe wonderful • Tbere wilt always be enother. ' mar,vet Whirling Spray hr interosrect Sad should knot ct6."" Douche Mk vete dregglat for et If he. esenot supply MARYRIn accept50 ' 'ether,. hat toed Stattill for Iliad - gine fall telelsetet and Maalox!' ineeluttele• leope,WirNtetentilarrnalt00..ello , 0,4101 Atitsatel VA' Orsiiittlai' Dr. de "%Pants Pettiale Pills ''"i$aart,,,VI!fgleIJIT"?dgui 'I 'eelafir ea irgicit, igit,Ati'.1r, ii),,,,,,,J:.,;-alpra'ie TIt P. ( rt"t Ole igalcrelil A:4 ttc'i,,, 04144.'4146UL religblo Praia rCiolAtorotever bele, These FARM FOR SAL Being. rrit 5021 7 Tp Of Vaborne,, containing, 75 0.eres, OA the privet:4 ty is a first lelass two Oorey frame dwelling .IXOIASC, geoelt oeiJar. fEard and soft water in the house First otos hrickl •bank bars 85102 feet. Viriudnaill supplies house barn and barnyrir witA eup- Pie Of never failing water; geoel omit- ,a,rde nearly ell fenced with wire. farm: well draleed. 1.0. eeree of fan wheat and 20 acres of eele peoaghing to be done. Apply set out* to Mae feeeltis Goderich P. 04 ; 11 • aIMON•Nopkmijo•i.iogrmpSONA•YwrPI•N•oeMO.N........R.Y..W1,giwa,yo.osr Debentures for Sale The Corporaiion of 'Mel -Village' of Exeter will receive bendenalup to sev- en o'clock p, in. Friday 'Jelly 10111 telt for the purchae,ei Of $5,000 Sewer Debentures ruaning twenty • years bearing- lave percent interest per an- num from the issue thereof nayable in anneal sums of $401.22 et theeCen- Adieu; Emit of Commerce Exeter Ont. '`..• ;T. B. CARLING t: le; 1,si et gilgig, I Tenders tor Sewer Teiders will be) reoeived sap IO Fii- day 'evening, july; 12th, 1912 at, sevele. o'clock p. mat 'for the construction of abont, ;2000 feet of pewee eeom the north side ot ton •area to ;Oa Post Office Plans and specifica- tions and forms of tender may be seen at the office of the Reirele J. Beaman or the undersinned. The lowese ,any 'tendex ?not ndoeisnrly accepteti t ' B. CARLING ; • Clerk Buy it now. Chturiberlain's • Colic Cholera, and ,Diarrhoca, Remedy is al- most certain to be ,tneceed. betore the summer is over. Buy it now and be °mat for a few. smaller things'. "Venn, peopeeed, ear such an ernee,gency. For this the storm had instantaneous efse ' sate be: role dealers.. • - it laying the buildings a mess of wreckage., under which the girle were imprisonees The Massee -Harris office% and warehouse, standing 'beeide, the Den- adiae Pacific. linellevey rads were, nractically •demoliehed and ;of tke row, of 'grain storage 'upon Which the tar - mere of the district am depending for the storage of their terops this season but one remains and that much, damaged. Over on the north side of the tracks warehouses :were destroyed, right end left. , One of the best Vie.VPS 00 the effects ol the storm can he had, fromelfeeeciia street, Leekineneetuthe'ffendryl a resie enetteleg-feet teeeeedeng on thie street. Facing on Victoria Kure are the Methodist, 13aptist and Presh3Pteriln churches all of which are 'ruined. The Young Women's Christain As- sociation the new public library led several smaller buildings are practi- cally eIestroyecl. The: street is flat from end. to end e The Canadian Pa- cific Railway yxrds is a Dell enpanse of ruined shops and trains. !Hardly a car remains whole. Severel cars' were clicked up abodily and carried di:stan- ces-in the air. One was eeried right through the freight eneds. 1,he ehole north side of eeie, oity leree- tically wiped out. Dysentery Is always serious and of- ten; a dangerous • disease, but it. can be cured Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and, Diarrboea. Remedy has cured it even when 'malignant end epidemid For sale by alladeeiers. , PROSPECTS FOR !CLOVER . lelany' farmers will remember teat last year wnrning was given chat the prospect tor clover seed was; rather Poor in the. Penal seed producing part This year, it is le anything woraie. and it will pay _farmers who have fields of clovee to keep second grow- th, for seed, If any are ,fortunete enough to have clover for pasture they should run a mower over the fields after turning the etc& off the latter some time this month. Ie the piece is retained for hay the mowing ehould he -done early, when thci clover laegins to bloom nicely so that the: second growth may have a better chance Fame= who were able, to traise. seed last year profited Well by it and in yiew 01 the probable scarcity of the seed. tbis seaeore every avertible, field istunia be unlioud for .seed prodatetion. r •. No one knows how many are dead on this slde of the •city. 'A canoe was cenied from Wasema Lake, a des- tance of threeequaiters of e mile to Viet:nee Park and dropped there. Others, „toeether with dinghies and even. email eailing vessels lie ,serewn over the deuthern aectione of the city at ,distances verying up to half a mile from the lake. The !cupola oe the Baptist tChlureh was 'dropped ine the middle of .a street ,teree blocks/ Leona the churdh. .CLINTON ei eters pretty, .event took place in Clintim en eane 26te. lai.gle noon at the residence of ,Mr. and: Mrs. Thomas Senld when their eldest daughter, Miss • Hat tie and ' Ar deur Lawson were united in holy bonds matrimony The offielating clergy man wee Rev. T. Wesley Cozens.; The bride was dressed in a beentiful white Swiss Embroidery gown After hearty congratalations and best wish- es the guests, uunibering about SO partook in a sumptuous •weddine res past. Ther couple left on the -3.07 train for a week's honeymoon visit in Detroit and other places. At the union meeting of the i ladies aid and Missionary ecicities of -the Ontario Street hlethodiet church Mrs. (ReveCosens. was made the reeipient of a inane:old -gold brooch set. With an araethest and several pearls and a complimentary address. elle pres- entaeiten was made by Mrs. James Miller and an address wae, mode by Mrs. C. Ef Jervis This. was soon followed by a .seponce aurprise, when her Sunday School class presented her with. a beautiful pair of gold 1,auff links. In all his work Mr. Omens has had en able assletant Mae. Oosene, who 'hes. been an active and meek appreciated helper eel the SIM - day School Ladies, Aid W. M.. S. and indeed in branohes of the work Reve Mr. !Coes goes ta Empress Aventic Church London, having re- ceivedeatt bavitation from that congre eaeion lest autumn which was lipprov ed by thd station'aig Committee Mr. Oosens ha,s not &fly -svori the respece and corifidenee of his own:people/ der - his stay in Clinton but eTs,o that of, membeen. of other leortgregatioos tut -cd of the peoPle generelly. While it is with general rogrdt that the people will say farewell, they Mini) reltottr AVRII, their 'pod! Mr. Coaens and family to ileir new home trusting. that their sojoerti im.Lon- nlen they eoth -plea:emit and succes- ful. • '.eh,e hotel Normandy owned by S. 5. Hooper and' now being conducted by. his father-in-law Mr. Hanna was . discovered to he on tire et 2.136 -day morning and but for the serompt: action of the fire brige,de evthieh had water on in less. than five, rebates af- ter the ,alerin sounded the, piece would have heen tote' laza iAts it ir:1 a great .dcal of derange eves clone by smoke and water, owlet; ,to is,110 nrsture of the Wilding The bercitere arid, travellers est aped Tha, toss to oornered ieearence. 7 t k 1 1 I On Dominion Day there was issued the Now Five Dollar Dominion /3111 trhe new: note has beett• prepared and eoesiclerable numbers given tp tbo outtlic. on Monday The new bill is a particularle fine piece of workman- ship. On ithe obeerve &die of it is flirt extremely wort executed Canedim• scene -the Wentworth valley in Nova 8.xotio with an. Intercoloctill train comino, ddsvci, the faxnous.Raclie oft the Velteigh hlotInta:n. On tee reserve, side In the nurnerai represented ,by the bill is repeated over andr.tover -again.- It hi.. a remarica ley goad, specimen �f Papet money the denomin ation, hobo!, evident at i.1an0a and the eeene depleted beingeee caws beaut ilul artis-tic and t hor,00ghly .Can,adla n, Marto Restorer for Men PhOsphonol restores every nerve in the body , , to its proper tension; restores vitt and iltailtY. Premature decay and all seituar Weakness Averted at once. PliooptionO1 will beak° you a now man. Frio/ CI a box. tir_two fs 0., Mailed to oni addreas, TItO Soribellitutag CAN tiitmelatibOiAtteitoOtit* . Belly Iliserleed-On Thura/ar lest' as Mr. Fred Wells; At'a dtrivioX home from Parkhill he met with eccid- mat that will lay Iiine up for a few weeks. Ile was leading aeecoaple of t.orees when aia auto e5Me up, from behind and frightened the animals be was leading. Fred was pulled from the baggy and dragged for several rods, and finally ran over by ttechug. as. His ankle was badly t. sprained and bruised also Lis eingneeel-oeseae idr• Wells hesdeeeeeeeteeetarted to work haying b.e.eg- laid up for gswxts weeks seiterblited poisoning. . -ales snomeetu n eo senineipue esti]. ern. sseennoes eng 'Jog &eel eevg ol'seeedxe dashm natio! line 11113 dap troitIA -soda 'epergne esooga Japed Sem esneeeg Aiorol Setll IIB,1101 .10Aatt eldoed Gime 'mem enoceeenae2rgaog teo esistrt eans eosp: etnos eugs • avoq 2uluo :gancos.n.lp Lino pies; , rum for Sale foreelele OA* 200 4004 Ot'lglig) ara11003,. OLIO front Plint014 eichnel 44 'rods. tgood state of Outtiloeion 109 *eases 'grain,. 10. aereia 13 acres busia. rest .114 and ' Stone :house. two storey, skate rack cot:marts floor sixt„ furnaPs stilISifkorat telephone. Q1'10 learn: ' peanner. eveteetworks, non' enettin anal ,p .bottsuoi barn Inisa gold Mith term if eleleirell. Meglifen, Xlex eq; matte Pole affiql aSaq ei -eseoog suns am; eau aicload autos -atcload ire oe senile its tve games, eggte Inge st annoll atm iteses3 eel 10; all)aq 2ctimca. eau. sha, •OnAt iinomqure tarsi aeon nun treat ta 4sql4uatultialuoa ao asa4uaa ora Tun' j.0 paniq am no until ononct punaq 513 nesse! sptrodap eloals oeaugoe .03 noneefge sencucese -eaters- • " • *ea:tee-age eu wage ineg Into ea Aug: pee 0A.1 SU 2I10/ ST/ eseeetle 3Terie epuene arm eepaw eh& ..-ry.yren-Fe"r-'":11;•. enact& 31 elupeaddu enop otldi nsolp 'elenge pee map puita 311ee2 ti Stu° *SHOUDIfinfd 1113d ' , •01poiitda ou sets le *pap Pp •yetn maze eigee lois op Ina •eteettep ou Avg perea 'slogs et sittao eo page s,ameeu aga eientnea inemee . ese • i 9 ..'91011rau6ci mitt bkiVta ptro iee moult eg lees no teen,. .e5tilq4see: Farm Fo r Sale Per Seine.. Nona °entailQ)% .1_30 acre of kilo oas 14)14 at friAe,. yx1- i4v4e of Weetellialed Oboe tw teepee beleeel. hank' been a . wail ike40.44,te. stable.. fous444‘ I Willi) allOtik a y '2it ,, aggo. I 4 siernent Oro ' mit. .A!Ise 3 0211eil 257s3P, wit ' eement Ito p nee, it gafiletwerii Vow driVKatg ,s/le,,d or oi; ,.onotuia nteel sidino 21ti4/1 hen Attune Ate% A•iso a &Or anoply of Sol8 halt# water. 1I'lle fafree is thenbii _ drained and well fenced. trio4le w,ieh 01 110W Vr4O' f4I4tqe4t AISCA t4.0 SOWS . . DT good htteit mostly hags weocl. gee ard".4ealare apple ei, Wesley Shies itodliam Ont., ; • lert Stock for Sale s Loa 1,4* )Sale—Nire are. St Present offering three choice Shorthorn bulls 10. 112 and 15 months old; also a Veit, gon ,Qjiie. hiNit YlIgt,Rilleig. 'iliare bred ttrorra import•Iti gook. 'seven yens, old WO!. t-� foal . J. Berry's King Wheelie:se LE 17r Con. 2. Tuckeremith,, A. Ge• Houstall.. J 41&01.13 4,use0p eee 'tape eel! attop en, • 03 genotta rcre quege auop noxs, -Jog eq eawag eduese e.1.3ampe:dlirtiePeave:„ams OS. 113b13:Plea(' nos pip Stile tiegs„, reeeee "9.10100 elead leeeelela ... seedog 'asie Spogerm so; eusgi *.teneeill moue! ig i•jiasanoS ew nuege,„ • -nta2 eeutu 01 omegas n pug one *wed leonetten 0 Vi.j. , Notice to Creditors en the 'natter of !the elate ef Thomas •Essery, of the ,Village of Exeter, in the County of gentleman.. deceased., 'Notice is hereby -given anreneest to It. FL O., 1897, chap. 129. that all, creditors and others having claims against the estate of the late llamas Eery of the -Village of Ext r who died on or -aboet June 9th, alga., are required. on pr beforeRee 15th (ley Of , july te 'send. by jease prepaid sr • deliver, .ta &losers. kiladnuen & Stenbury, eolieitors ' for the execu, ;tors of the tweake pf the reed-'---deerearieek... and surnames, addresses and • a-oo• criptie.ne, the full partioulerti of tbeir • Olairelit the Statement of their etas counts and the nature of the ea - entitle% if any, held by them. And further take sioi•ire that after euch last mentioned date the sail 'Execu- tors willproceed to distribute the asaets Of, the deeeaged araoog the Parties entitled thereto. having re- gard Only to the claims at which they Alan 'then havenotice and that ;the isaild executors well not be liable for the said ;meta or any Dart there- of to any. persen on persons of ;whose claims pellet° shall not have been received, hy ;them at 'the 'time of isuch distribution.. 'MADMAN lee STAN/3IJEY. Solicitors for the exemitors. • rinaetedl'allts Exeter thi4t nst 3', of eu Etc-Q.10TM D, IS, Ds D .1:1141"iTIS1,4 it Xf000r Or' 411u4te of Toronto trnMtp: city OtAce over plekoon ttaw office. Closed Wednpie, day afternoons. Phone Offieo, ttal. Residence BR, A. R. KINSMAN 4,0,1%. D.D. Uonon Greaduate of Toronto Vrtiv.4 Ossify ; ; t DEN 831 treeth extracted without; vain. 4,44 any bad effects. Offiee over Glakito- Man Az Atanbury,ta „Office Main diNoteAl mein opermaed oe S33 eeee no& PTa,, “LettlosPuttls.Ptiu 3a13taa eau :&0114'31311) .neases 5201113eserevastroa elle Gee meg; ee eltueS eien ,eeosaI • xatio eleeeqed itiOn , Gatos krpansaa ,),13130 SidatIS . no,, ottotiel rem, eireee eastpaen aeseinere ege truo uurn 3n5ttran03tIoo eter een tnae:eqeseeeload eiotu oyii oiatm, e.t113114 4 .6i1:93tr entedoed let oork, , gnocto rtis.0114 stnia 3:demeet 'setsetx e11e32 ttutie Perce se ettempeettoe elm3 lug Setae. avaseon, otee, Ort. Cry .FOR: - W 1310WNING s P s, Graduate Viotoria VA aity Oefice and reeidence Dominion.' Labratory., Fleeter. Associate Coroner of Ruron 120 iCKSON & ;CARLING 1 i Barristers, Solieitore, Notaries 0001 veeaticiexe, 0,proaraissioners, for the Molsono Bank, to. Money to Loan at lowest rates or -»s tenet. • ; 1, OFFIGE-MAIN STREET SeelETElillele I. 13 Carling R,, A. 1i Bi,Dicekno[se NI.O.P.1Er XXIAN s1JL\i,10..tiiS We have a large artiOnnt 04 ptiti ate funds to loan on ferret and vil,,t; lage properties at lowest rate of lai enreste 1 1 . GLADUAN & STANELTRAI eiee. Barristers, Soluntore, gain sitei pzettr# k • 1..• v4,f'• Tim Lisburne and flibbert Farmer% Mane! Fire illstir! aut. 6ompanig - Head Office, Farr:what-x:0 rit : Lbittit President J. 11. RUSS= -tcx, Mice -Brass ROM SARDIMM Lit DIRECTORS BORT MORRIS •. • . Tnos. RYAN 1., • WM. BROCK t, Tiornhoktil. • i *AG-Ena- '41 JOHN ESSERY Exeter. agent ITsee • boine and Biddulphe t „tefett-en. Hibbert FnIllarton and Logan. , W. A. TURNBULle. ,SeCY.Treas. Farquhar GLADeICAN & STAIIRTIRele Solicitors. Exeter. eeeett • Seethe NVInchelstai Honses-for Sale- . We offer a oomfortable frame co tage at a bargin, a larger sto and a half house. well located. two fine break residences at attran eve prices. It ewe are looking foe house in. Exeter call and get pax Oars. targe c.toice-t•Easy terms , GL'ADM.AN & STANBUReereelles. Will the Chinese be able to run republic?" "1 should think so." But what experience leave tbey bad?' "Is it any harder to run a republic than a laundry?" a A Dark Plot. "1 don't see why you encourage that Jones kid to snowball -in front of your 4°'11151you were a Sherlock Holmes you would." "1 thought you didtet like the Jonee family." . "I don't." 1 • "Then why so much trouble to amuse the youngster? You naay have some broken window glass." "Oh, no, I shan't, but my landlord probably will, and then I can Wive the fun of seeing Jones tight it out with him." , „Leen Iftese 'Vette 40 Found It Out. e • t "1 have no Ilse for sentiment. It never made a man a dollar." "But, man, the world is run by sena neut." -My world ' "'You talk like one who has been through a breach of promise snit". Evidence to the Contrary. "Why is it that men don't bevel any respect for tlao judgment a taietv wives?" "Sow can they?" "What do you mean by thatr f "Born their wives hese faint in theme's. JorangooPlawri.o.. Hes? litegteirementee "Ale that 1 risk Islove." my- lee- "bin that enough tor You?', , • "Zefi. dear' 4It to property financed" Hay!: City COngigiiCeS • Replace the•pes4 lent, draughty d9,,} gerous and offen sive out-of-doors clz set with an indoors 'closet which requir- es no sewer no plumbing, and no finishing system. Have city conveniences in yonr honks; Safeguard family h ealth by installing ar "Tweed" Closet Sanitary and Odorless "Tweed" Closetia COD be installed epees. the bathroom, cellar, or any other convenient place indoors. merely ree guiring tole connected by a pipe for ventilation with a chimney hole. "Tweed" Liquid Chemical, used int connection with Tweed Closets is both, a deodorant and a disinfectant. Many hundreds of Tweed closets lave been sold in Canada. Send for illustrate price list. • - Woolee Apr. 3, 1912. Dear Sine The Chemical Closet I bought from you on Ian. 5th e 1912 is perfect. 1didt no empty it until Mar. 29th. There - is three in the family mid can leafs - the lid up and no particle of odor can be found I would not ask for anythin better. Kours truly, E. M. Weesels, • TIM 81001 T10110 & MOCI1111C o isel Agent: -W. J. Hearrian. Dominon Day 115ingle Fare for Round, BetWeen srtitip.' tiensin Canada' Good. going June '28, 29, 80„. July 1, Return limit July 3, 1912. (Minim:lirn rate eec) lionieselcers'LExcursions, • June 25 july 91 and 23, and every , second Tuesday thereafter until Sept.. if, Via Chicago or Satnia. Winnipeg -r end return $34.00. Edmonton and rea turn• $42,00. Tickets good for sixty. days, Special train will leave Toronto4 .10,30 p.m. on above dates, carrying,: Ihrough Coacbes and Pullman Tout- ist Sleeping Cars, via Chicago and $t.„. O 011AN'611,?, O11 04.11S. Per literaeure, tickets told fun infor..- m11,-ti'°4%°till 011] 37 3. 1IWP, 17ti Fill MI: Dhpot Agent,