HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1912-6-13, Page 8*******40-0.4, r40#4444#440#44' ., . +44,$4444 **4*4444444.4444**iW'+ WART'S BfIONE' 16 20 LADIES SUITS Al(,:;.izes.. Priced for this Wee,' Shoes ¢`f 44 0 4 .4 4 *3 44 , ,ate ,t?+ 40 a/0,7, 44D g <°P.P e•e r,4:4 Efa �b e tri • z a, 4 e y.'' t 41 Ea ed'e 4a14. • ,.. rwstali len se k le 4 et Report. -The following is the report of the Exeter Markets Mor rooted up to June 14,th, Wheart L03 Buckwheat 70 cents Oat's 50a. Wiley 65. iieas 1.00 to 1.10 '. Shorta Bran 25.00 Model Ploer 2.75, Feed Flour 1,65 Butter 200 Eggs 20 1'otatees 1.60 'Top 5.10 Cohaoe Export Steers 7:35 7.50 Med Export Dteers 6j90 7.10 Chaise I3atoher heifers 7.50 7.25 Mad, Butcher heifers7.00 7.25 Chola° Butcher Cows 5.50 6.00 Med Butcher Cows 5,25 5,50 Com. Butcher tows x.00 4.50 Yearling Lambs 7,50 7.60 , Sheep 5,50 6.00 With uncomfortable shoes 4 t no woman can appreciate the • joy of living. With Miss Canada Shoes we are making a new customers .every day. et* Are you one? 4 4 44 Special Hosiery Sale 25 Dozen plain black Cotton Bose full fashioned sizes Si, 9, 91, 10. This is a good op- portunityto buy this seasons' supply. Special 2 pairs, 25ets, White Waists OurWhite Waists, Blouses and Middy Waists include the newest ideas ha this seasons styles- Special Values at $I 3O $1.�5 and $x+5i Children's Wash Dresses This is the first season we have handle;c1Children's Wash s Dres se and we find d themin big demand, All sizes 4 to 14 gears of age. 75e to $1.50 R MEN traw Hit In mealy new Sharpes. • We. have hate to sui any Rede. The prices , you 741 dad in your favor. See ezc p Panama at. $4.00' to $&'St)+ UH deeall , In Mesh, P1ainednd Ribbed a Short Sleeve and Epee eta„ also in`:':Combination: We sell reliable Verd- e weal st 60 75 Se$L00. k 44 4� s ,#�. 4 4. 4;4 4* 44 44 44 - q 4444444444444444.449444!!041 i4444"►44444444444444444449• *4.0,4...9.444044.4.eeeeee#444.4444.0444414444444444 44A444444' your; er T ases Invisible Braces Vika worn under the shirt They ektne in twa Styles. Ask to see t mat the Furnishing Counter. er Pair 513c. New Nec4'.cwear Some naw ideal in Neck- wear placed in a•ock . this " 'l,range ; week. We have a g .. of fancy stiles ` is i t�h orders. i` also 'splendid range* rash 'ries 25 and 50ets. Sc. Tronks eed' a, good Suit; Case orTrunkb fogre you • go on We have a big 'he s`"'�o.rhoafrom also Steam nv size. EWART 44 90 4, e44 4, 40* 44 44 49P 44 4 4s 444 444 • 4+ e 44 44 4•4 4 4 a4 4 4 . 4 4 • 04• 8• 4 4 9 6 44* * 4o *44 0 44 4� 4 y4 110ME 3 . STUDY �I+ >* Thousands of ambitious young .1I+ people are instructed -"in their le homes by our home s turfy dep- 71.7 artment You .rnay finish at 4. College if you desire. Pay whenever you wish. Thirty . Years' Experience. £argent +I - trainers in Canada. Enter any t day. :Positions guaranteed, If .'�,'. you wish to. save ;board and .-a learn while you ear, write g for particulars. g' N4 VACATION; 4. 011hoz Bu.xxe:ssCa 4. GEO. SPOTTON B. F. WARD *I, President Principaleets eve. + Trip to Ottawa The 54-eb Annual Convention' of the Canadian Prase Association was ,held in Ottawa on Thursday: and leriday of laws week and the . editor of the ,7iirwes took! advantage of his first ani- es:r :xnity to •meet with, the eeprese ends tivcs of he Fourth' Estate. who gather to discuss ',matters that are of benefit to themselves and the whore commt:tnity A special, C. P. It, train of . seven Penman cars Ieet Toronto at 11110 Wednesday dx esday e, vexiing + with abobt one hundred' and fifty ',newspaper rnen, including mese of the prominent puo- lishere of , the aail3e weekly and trade xna,gazines. Most of the del- egates were aceompanied by etheir wives, Tee dcicega.tine, were met at Ottawa and takers. to Chateau. Laurier. il*he Chateau Leerier, was receixtly ercet 4 ty the Grand Trunk Railway at •a cost of. $2,000,000. It was opened to, the nubile ',ori 'June , let. `Chm baitaincss of the; • aseociation ^was opened by an address from 'May- or Hopewell, of Ottawa, wee welcom- ed the visit:urs to the .city. Soon after dinarer, before baasiness sdesionit the erlelegatee '¢admited the E. 0. Eddy paper works and rn+iteh lea: - tore. where they: were shown through in .1 he evening ar banquet wee gipeu tt'aidc •ed by the city of Ottavet,: This rriertdement to the Canadian` :Press tv.ist , he first; cscee cion on 'tvixio'h the Ferrel t: Chc.tenaa, ball morn heel. been axed for nny occasion and the Met "herr; !af t'Iae C. •.P. A. filled the', remit eornpaot,cly. le starts Prereer t order and Mint`' W. T. iiThitte +Mfrxister err, Finaneet..i there were many other preeditacnt men who: stroke darting: the eeerdele Tien ,Chao ,: P. Cxalarrr meted ;t:r letaet omelet. !':Hradec prevented it wiseee en, ,r.t'tand Hon If. 1#,Pel- letier Poet -Master Cetersl f;~ati' b4 tats lrrr.+srrtr. Mr. " Pelletiers place' tiv:re filled by hilt deputy, 7)r. R. a. Coulter who replied to "The Peiettal lerviee. At the freed tables to the right ,rrt'. oleo . o e*eil were El. lien'4ttr, hal ,si'iilrii ", At. t tatffte't', `70; CENTRAL 4 4• 4 4. 4 4 4. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 STRATFORD. c1NT. ONTARIO'S BEST• ' BUSINESS* • 4 - ,COLLEGE Dur courses •are "up..fie-date and prectioal 'We have at staff of experienced instruct- p oris and our graduates get thc4 high" grade' positions. We dao e mere for Our students than. does any othe;< similar sehaoi:c We have three +departments ,0 01IYIMERCIAL SHORTHAND 4 & "TEI;EGRAPIIY. You owe: itee f,o ,yourself to know what you. A are doing. Get our free cat- .logue at once. i. 4 4 D. A. McLACHLA T,' Principal. 4444444.444444444o4444e.4444*4444e C. Sietz of Newt York J .B. Bone, Nap Champagne 1U.C- J'. Fub'.icity Com- missioner Baker and Aid' Lapointe. To his 'left sat Iion. Geo. P. Graham Tion. W. T. Wdaite. A. 0, Fripp, M. P. J A, Ellis M. Pe Ft Geo. 'May, presi- dent:' board of Tracie of Ottawa; J. R. Penny of G. T. 11:. and Sir James Grant. Friday at noon the delegates were taken for an automobile trip a.rtna&. the city and out to the Experimental Farm where lunhcon was tendered by Ron. Martin Burrell Minister of Agricualture. Duerr; the bueieress eesaion of the convention the ladies, of the party were taker: care of lay a special come rrii;tee. Thursday morning they :vis- ited the Ottawa printing 'offices. In the afternoon' they were te,•ndered an afternoon tea at the Qttawx Golf Club by the Women Editors of the Ottawa newspapers. In the evening :hey were' taken to the Colonial thea- tre. On Friday Morning; they visited ed the Parliament i3uilduini;s. Mint and Museam and Friday evening were entertained at the Dominion. theatre The party took the. train' irr rTor° onto at eleven o cloak after nen�d- rl ing two days -off pleasure ant: profit being: royally entertained in, the c beautiful Capital of, the, DominiPer, Ottawa while, not: the largest of Canadine cities, is one of the finest. p tt bas many excellent huildin#s in- i oltidiri, .the P?arliameet (buildiings.• e For •bcat.i ty and, acenee ,t : , atnd5 (Mt a. profhinent, and for lacy a':t.y it', can•. it not the beaten.: ct TUE lE.I`ER TIMES Wanted --A i poster:for Meeter. Mr, Garnet Beywood le an the side liar. Mr, Sas. Grieve wee At Grand. Bead Saturday', Mr. Geo. Anderson was m Detroit aver Sul44e. '+ Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Itwestle are visit- ing in St, Thomas, Mr. Nelson Teddy ` is in G'toderich this Week as petit Jury. Mr, T. Boyle and family yisited in Centralia on Sunday. Mrs, Wm. ,ftasleet of Lunen : visited friends here last week; Mrs. T. E. ,llandford of Ingersoll visited in town this week. Mi, . Maurice Wexler spent several days in London last week, in a144M1****�fa! +440:►*4444 +►4r'®4 LOCALS 44''�'.44'P'* 4+x+•4444444 f)r. Went:, . of Hamilton is viettix e in town, , Mrs, E, A :rollick spent several days last week :at Grand I3end Mr. and Mrs. '.l' II. ilfaCallum pie - nicked, at Greed 13en'd on Saturday.. Mrs, Harry Elworthy is able to be up after- being confined to her bed for several weeks. Miss `Ii'[yrile Ilawkshaty has return- ed to town ,liter spending several days in` Loatddn: Messrs Tas. Sparks and Earl Brick - wood. mo tore(' ftp from Ingersoll and spent ,Sunday in -town; 'Mrsr Johnston! has returned 'to her' horns in 'Toronto. after visiting' Mrr: and Mrs. G. U. Waugh. Mr_ and Mrs. J. A. Stewart and Mr end Mrs., 12, G, Seidler: motored to Ingersoll on Sunday last. Mrs. (Rev.' Fear and son 'Thornton of I315,th visited Mr- and Mrs. W. S.. Howey over tee week end. Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Folllck, are visiting :heir daughter Mrs. . Rev. C. W. Baker of nest Lorne. The Senior ball boys went [,o 1)nslawned '1 nesdry' evening and play- ed a game of hall which resulted in a ;ie 9-9. Mr. and 94 •c a Ti�Vrl1P and Verity son motored dip frani Brantford, co Sat- urday last and visited in town. They, returned 11'donday.; 1.tr, and Mrs. J. A. Stewart and fern ilv left Wednesday in their auto for Toronto. They will visit .for several days, in Toronto and Lake Siamaoie. FOUND -On` the '2nd 'ean. of Hay a ladies hand ha .g containing small purse' and money. Owner can :t.ave- same by applying to Mr.•John Rowe, and con.` ITay ' and, paying for this adv. The bowfin,; nrecn was opened on Monday night n v rx*ht by a match between rinks chosen illy the president W. 1). Clark end ver presidcnt'I 1 Darllntg Six rinks took'part, the score -: :being 40 to 23. in favor of the president's rinks. • Dr. Kitsman is sporting' an. auto - Mobile and Mr. -'Chas. Snell .bas piar chased an E. M. F. car from Mr, Mor lock at Crediton. There ate now thirteen antics in town. Mr. 'and Mrs, C. R. McCallun and Mr. T. I3a'rt of Toroixto. and Mr. and Mrs. Geo Willis and Miss Elsie I}fecal him of London attended, the Kin: - d bu -MC xy a alIum nuptials on Saturday Mrs. Monroe leaves the latter part .of this week to visit her brother Mr. Wan. Iollance of Royal Oak. The fol- lowing Creek Mrs. Munroe leaves for Monona, Iowa, to attend the Cassady -Barker nuptials. t The Young Ladies Sewing °irate tact at the home of Mr. and Mrs T.. II McCallum on, :Wednesday evening of Bast week and surprised! Mists Edna, presentin., 'her with a kitohen,shower' A' very pleasant time was spent. Rev..•W. G. H. 31cAllister;bf EIen- teim. will be. the new pastor of 3ames street Methodist 'church. Next Sun- day will` be Mr. Hebb s last Sunday as easter. Hc;erei e leave the followvine VV'eenesday for enter having sup - re for a year. • ' Ir. Russell May :conduc e�7a, the ser- vices 'in the James street elitirch cn. Sunday morning, last i;nd'in. the even - in .they were conducted by `'1)r.. Poulston and J. M. oSutli�cott on be- half of the league. Miss Edmonds sang- avery acceptable solo. Mr.T; D. -Atkinson this week xnov- his household effects to Minton, where he' has purchased a baxsines9, Mr. R. N..ii.owe is moving; into .the house vacated by Mr. Atkinson and leer. S' G. Bawden has rented the res idenee on Huron. Street vacatedr bye Mr.: Bowe, At the,' League Service ix. James ;rst.' Methedist aurae on.Tuesday eventner a number of officers were: elected to fill •vaoancies.• The officers elected were as follows rreeident, Dr. Rout - done let, viol; Pres, Mise J Johme steel 4th Vice,' Miss 0. Gciuld, Con- vener of Lookeet., J. Jones. Th.tr, Annual Meeting of the South Huron Reform Aelsociatio+n,. ill he held: in d)ixans Kali 13rt +oriod, out Tuesday June 18th 19+112 ,;ear� a Qlcxck P. ea. for the election of d' yd an4 for transacting such, ibusintaeN ., file may be brought before the Meetitee., II interested xn t:i'e;reform. cause are oreially inviit+dl ll.�;�S'lnitle President, . G. Star:bury Sdcy.. ILlck s Forecast's --A EEc+,alar etorei, eriad is central on the 16th emearaea ng new el eon en the i5t11 on the claa.tor the 21st, arid in perigree on he 16th, the! central day oe the per - ed. A very low reading of tate bitx•- n:at:er, any where from, the 15th to: he 21st. must be. tatixen asa danger: ideal These eoltiee stasis as, we ave often explained, are erratic in heir movement -coming up from un- usual directions, turning baekwiard from the mist after ha.vin3 reseed nisr iocality, end drenching yea '`ant untoeke(1 for t3nurtets with via rat` xi -ceilidh/ of wied and drain, This caused by reefused earl unetabke' trnoe,bere Currents and conditionrt; rising fxtt rr the Ltat drat the earth at her, tereirie, soltiee ootilloaijter where side begins her rnnvil:d nt to.+ ,k, ttl'r�rY+rad' the n„�i•r, .w w�,i ....�....,, w.. ..wy! ,e,... lixctirsloin .Port stanley Ilierealefoe Port 8taliley Friday.' nue I4th. WM:attain Connell, No, 91. t hag made arraegernetite for (0 araeicuesion along the L. Et &O. horn , Clintott and pointe south be Port Stan. ley en Priday, Sane 14th. at very ress. 11..3 onal)10 rates. 'Good foreturel next day • *et& There ie 00 bOtter place ,thati Port Statdeff to spend the -day, jr, W m. Butler of London was town Tuesday on bueiness. Mr. Geo. Hathwayof Berlin was in town Tuesday on business. Mrs. A. Cottle and Mrs. Egan are visiting in Schecnatady N. X, Mr. Wm, Loney of London visited with friends here Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. ,wm. Coultice are vis- iting their son Roy at Goderieh. Ni. Jas. Handford and Miss Annie are visiting in Seaforth this week. -Mr, S. e. Bawden has rented Mr. R. N, Rowe's residence on Huron street. Mrs. F, Boyle left Tuesday. to visit for several days with relatives in Tor- onto. Our Band go to Port Stanley f' - morrow Friday with the C. 0. U. '1� . ext ' uxsions. Rev. E. A. Fear of Blyth stopped in town on Tuesday on his way home from conference. Mrs. Chas. Locke, of Boston, Mass., is visiting Mr. and Mrs. T. Acheson at the Central Hotel • Rev. E. G. Powell of Main Street church was appointed' assistants secre- tary of the conference, The' Band are engaged to play for a strawberry festival at Fraser Church Biddulph Wed, June 19th. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Essery of Pal- merston attentted the funeral of Mr Thos. Essery here Tuesday. Rev. 1I. W. Collins is in London this week attending the fifty-tith annual Synod of the Diocese of Huron. Mr. Walter Wescott on Wednesday showed us a black thimbleberry root that measured eleven. feet Tong. Messrs. S. Martin, J. G. Jones and Mr. Chas. Cann returned home after attending Confe>lence in St. Thomas. The Ladies of the English ;"church purpose holding a Lawn Social on the Rectory grounds Friday evening June. 28th. Mr. Laurie Watson had the misfine- trine,to fall off a bicycle anal track his collar bone. He is able re) be around howevea. Mrs. Thos. Hawkins hes returned hexne• after spending several weeks with her.daughter, Mrs. P. G, Pollard of 'Windsor. Mrs,' 17r, D. A. Bowerman, and daughter Miss Geneieve Bowerman of Men( (ionic Wiscapsin; are v'isi'ting ahs formers mother and sister PtlWah s. Tom and Mrs. W D. Yeo. Mrs. H Taylor and ,.two children of Hensall and Mrs. Weber of Texas visi- ted in town on Tuesday. Next week they leave fair Washington where AIM Taylor will reside in the future. Rev'. S. F. Sharp left on Wednesday. for Ottawa where he will spend a . few'' weeks, .His �. k, Pulpit ' tan.. v. p a e n Presby- terian C b-. y ,e{ eeleedge+++ 4eeieee++eee,d*4eieli , ►S+ieleesieed.deteteei3++ "4dee!t"fleg '.. ?izi, ldi ll4• + dy Lt+te1t:k * DELAWARE LAl1R* ,4 ...'9ri'ANN'A. .es WESTERN CARUNC' 1 COA.L COMPANY'S T: PHONE 18 Sicrci,11t01n Coal. • + T e Best Herd Goa Mined `dry a toe;' f ::14: �.;I::: W. H. LST a COAL MAN . , To us if you want to Save Dollars for, a Bargain i '11,.1..1"`l,,�°i'1,.�+.'f"'i' :°i'y„1„��.°y'i„1„1'ow'l,"1'.1; �1F ;:.-» a Bargain with us., Here below is a sample off' them ST. co EXETER It's No Wonder d We Crow So many people tell us they never.get flour that can com- pare with ZviODEL. f1 is a common occurence for people to come in and or- der "Jest the Same Kind of FLOUR as You Sent Me Last Time, I Want Nothing Better.' We have a good supply of Bran Shorts, s O feed ed Wheat. If your want Feed: we can supply you. HARVEY BROS.. Exeter, - Ontario. 0.340.4di4®4.44®444441►A4 4•d0 4F •4 4 �• • . , •: urnitilro a 04, and Undertaking : 04 ° Phone 20 o 4 4 You will always 0 �. find 0 this store with, up-to-date 4. ,e furniture and with a de- : • : e- ® sire to please everyone. *. 4 4 + terian church will be occupied by his father.in•law, Rev. Peter Nichol, of. Simcoe.. 4 g No Mrs. Thoma] Gregoryis enjoying' a vi4it £rota her fiaugghters Mrs. H. 0. Cotter of Toledh Ohio; and Mrs, W. 0 Miller of Saskatoon, Sask. Miss Stella Gregory arrives on Saturday to spend her vacation. . The Independent Order of Foresters of Court Exeter 123 will attend divine worship in the Trivitt Memorial Church on Sunday June 16th at 11 o'clock a, M. F,aresters are requested to' meet: at lodge room at 10.30 sharp G- E. Anderson R. 8, Final-exarninatiens were • held ire Forza 1 daring: the past week ending: on Monday evening. The Model En- trench exam started an Tuesday and will end on Thursday afternoon. whet leni.r'as.ce exams will 'start do, tea 19th. The Matriculation and Juanfor Teachers exams will start on the 24th Mr. W. ,17. Jok :seen, of Eippen, will oreside at the examinations.' Union. Servicesr--Last'Sanday being Conference Sunday in the Methodist Cherish union services were held by Caven Presbyterial"! and Main street Methodist churettes. Service was held in the Cay n church, in the mora in„ and Main street at night conndec `•tel by. Bev. S "; Sharp paster of Caven ehnroh lereached two ereep- tionally- find seibians. Kingsbury -- McCallum. --A , y •iet but pretty wedding t.00k.place ont- urday morning last et the home of 111r. and Mrs. T. H. McCallum when their daughter,1ldna, was united in marrf age to Mr, Edward Kingsbury of Tor- bruit. The ceremony was performed atight a. m. by Rev. 1 . G. Powell in the presence of the imtin;ediate' rela- tives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Kings bury left the same day for'Grand.Bend where they- will spend a couple of weeks at "Pineccroft" cottage'before leaving for Toronto. The bride, who isa highly esteemed young lady;has many friends who will join with the Tunes in'e tteedlpg congratulations.: The Late Thomas Essery-Or Suns ay last, June Soh, Mr. Thornes lThsery assed away at the kettle of his dough - r, Mrs. A. Hastings of town+ at the e of 74 years, 10 months and 12 days he deceased has been ill torr several onths. The deceased carne te'town out three years ego, from Cerptralia,. eking hie hoti�e with his daughter;• r, Briery was horn in Stephen warship atad he has been a farmer early :all his: life. About fifteen rare agb his wife died, The deceased as a Voneertati've in politics and a thodist fn religion. fee was a'pre Tient loon •ita the church at flernealia,: d for a number of ears Was a�upere tendent in the. Sun aty� ,School. He survived by two sous anrl two dau h. d te Tg ab din M to n Ye wv Me in oi rd int tthe 'hetiVen4 Centralia, er_he funeral Wee kteld . Embalmer • is 'Dieter, Ontazio MrsdeTos. gestic of Stephen is ire - A .1r Pet led of the Executeve Com- mittee of West Duren Teacher s As - detention was held in Model School. Clintee„eore Sathrday last for the pure, 'Pose or making arrangements for" the next Iretilette meeting to be held in Goderich. in October. The following members were present. Miss I E. esensman Exeter. G. 8. Howard 13Ieke II. Horton Ilene:de and W. II. joint - Me E;ondon Advertiser sAys-, most interestiren recital wae held in :elven by the peeno paella ef Miss. of ;Miss jean Walker All pe.rformed: most ereditebly end 141'.8,i jeeksott and KiSs Walker Ives's conp;i.atulated on the excellence' of the program. Alb the pupils of flies° talented young kadies u:ave much promise and many are eedetin to be heard from later. and `Wo.Wer of town. ding er two young ladies et:reeler res- idents of Exeter, which wil/ he read with intereSt and the melee friende of tee :brides will joie witth the: Times in extending congratultaione, A beautif al and unique weeding took place this afternoryn at 3.30 at the home of Mr. nad Mrs. Joeepla Cobbledielel 116 Fourth Avenue west when their elaughters Mae Vera and Miss Ethel Cobblediele were married, The :do tele:e Sett` ViCtO W10/1, perfoemed be Rev. Mr. Marsball, aesisted by Dr. erby Qr. Mount Royal Clelkge, Miss - 'Vera Mary Cobblediek Vi,T.s married OS Arthur Graham Anstin, a pro- minent business man of Calgary. She wore 'a gOWn 61 ivory Romano. Sethi with a coned train. The bride s wee eirdehed with Lilies of tbe valley arel Was decorated like the gown with heavy pool. trimming She eartied lees dr hhe valley The greenest gilt to tiic bride was a beantifele pearl v..k.nc” Tied MTh. Aeretia leave this evori'.r, iv for a weeks. stay in the Okanagan Valley and from there they evill go to Yellow stone Park to corn - Ethel Floret de Gebbleal tic wee merried Thome 13. Steventen 11 of Weetaitiriev,in. She was dr o.s- th se el sante as her !adder and leeked Dress Goods Another of those Special sales - of Dress Goods }I• Regular -$1.25 for $1,05 44 1,00 for Soc iR 75e for 60c +I+ 50c for 40c In nearly all Shades eI+ ' 4. Wall Paper CI Wall Paper Sale is still in force. �.c . We will save you 3o% on all papers, 4'.. In Foulards and Reps *; a discount of xo% is given . A Spe ial Line of llafr Ribbons 3 1=2 in. +li+ a` . cies wide .at 10c a a '� rte, We have in -the neighborhood of 15�Q cans of Paints,. regular 65c to Clear at 45 Cents a Can +I•, I4' 4.4-I.4-4. I.4•-I+4++1++9+tA-t+-I-+4. 5• •4 4 .f+.g 4,44+++ ++++ 2+✓a✓i+-F�-'r�: •i++4 .44 ✓r4->•• 4 •; +'r+F+°I++II++b+t:+t+�t++t++t+-+✓s++t+•t++t+�v+�F•+'3'd++I�+P+I+.I..''�4 4et 3•eee.-1.+4 -e ielee I + ++ +'t•'i" 1.1. i++t'.i 'at� Caps, Caps All Caps to be oelr-, ed at Bargain Prices 4. Regular 75c for 50o' • " 50c for 38c t Just a few left at the Prices. 4. Underwear We have about 4 doz. of IN/fen Fine Thread Bal- briggan an Under r regal- ��' Wel Y g'U .1. .; iar'40c a piece that we are clearing at, 29 Cents) a Piece Highest Price Paid for Produce 4' 4u 0- t 4 THE WIRMING MONTH .1. HERE `WILL BE a great many Wed. aings during this month. There will e. plexecl friends wondering what would make * a Suitable Gifr- and where to get it. INVITE THEM' tO inspect our Stock, whichincluclesUseful, .1* - tiful -and Novel Gifts for the Bride the Groom and the New Home. t Marchan Jeweler * All Repairing Neatly and Quickly Done. 44 4. lead de" .60U.4D'S GROGERY RHONE 47. Opposite Electric Light Plan Keep Happy in the Home by getting N'O HOUSEHOLD NECESSITIES Here. We handle only the 13EST and we have ever) thing you need at ell Seakons, THE TEA AND COFFEE STONE WANTM)--Cholee Batter and Fresh Eggs. neart and peridot necklace. Mr. et 1 Ar11. Stevenson lenVe to -day for few of the recast, intima friterdes ef t he bride were present tile Ooreth011Y, Airs Cobbledick we: a he rit:17,-,mo gerert of bine satin dr: tel in black silk net roeee and Wive of the ladles Baekete of fenced line roses &scrotal WIIIII8 081 DUSTING Fairniture or Woodwork with a dry duster, when the duet filo end follows in Your wake. on 'and Use I,E eri n „,,,,,_. e ,i vonail ....41 on vein- doeter and Pave yoor = Eleaving I bi- on f“se like new TeX i)NT. Children