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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-06-22, Page 25
Father Den :rather F41 mer O' marked the loth aunive ry at his aU 1 tD file priesthood at a special mass ert.Stlnday IMAM, n!i t8, Jane 12 held at St, Jelseple's Raman Catholic Church, Kingshlridge. Present were Father Frank Dentinger, C.R. St. Augustine Roman Catholic Church (a first cousip); Father Fred Scrotal.- C.,a>L, provincial superior for ,the Congregation of the Resurrection; Father tarry Bordinaro C.R., St. Jerome's High School, Kitchener; _ Father Michael Gordan C.R., principal, St. Jerome's High School, Kitchener; Father Ed Dietrich C.R., St. Jerome's High School, Kitchener and Brother Harry Chisholm, St. Jerome's Following mass, Gene FraJnre, representing the congregation, acted as master of mics for a brief programa when representative of variolar church organizations made presentations to Father Dentinger. Participating were Paul Van Rooy and Agnes Van Oscli representing the students at St. Joseph's Community School; Rita " Wert and Betty Lou Dalton, Catholic Women's League; David Sharpe, principal, St. Joseph's School; Brent Van Osch, Kingsbridge Yoith Group; and Frank Pontes„ Knights of Columbus. Father Dentinger came to the Kingsbridge parish in er marks or High School, June of 1912. In his remarks, Gene Frayne noted the full church attendance atSunday's mass in .Father Dentinger's honour saying that his dedication and work in the church, school and the eorllmegniy has resulted in the growth of the dation spiritually and in the active participation of the members. Father Ed, as he is fondly referred to by his congregation, was born in Formosa. He was a member of a large family, of which a sister, Ermine who attended Sunday's mass and one brother, Father Leo, sur- vive urvive_ He attended high school at St. Jerome's in Kitchener and obtained his university Father Ed Dentinger CR Enjoy the happy seasons BY THE REVEREND ROBERT J. CROCKER. ST. GEORGE'S ANGLICAN CHURCH "Your sorrow shall be turn- ed into joy" - St. John 16:20 The Lord Jesus tells his disciples that they will be very sad for awhile because of his crucifixion and death_ Then they will rejoice because of his resurrection at Easter. He tells them that it is like a woman having a child: she forgets the pain of childbirth when she sees her newborn baby_ There is a warning here that we may be so obsessed with the difficult times of our MINISTER'S. STUDY lives that we cannot ap- preciate the good things_that follow. Or, perhaps, we forget that our prayers are being answered. We did pray for some nice warm weather, didn't we? Now that we have it, let's en- joy. it! Incidentally, m my column in January I did not predict a cold s unmer, although some readers thought I did. I was trying to stress that experience shows us the vanity of always at- hempting to predict the times and the seasons. In our Christian lives we keep the memory of . those sad and troublesome times aid enjoy the happy seasons aII the more. This is sym- bolized in a number of ways. The cross - that means of tor- ture and disgrace - is kept as a sign of victory_ The crown of - thorns becomes the Christmas holly wreath with its blood -red berries. The death of St. Stephen ( whose name means a crown), *ho achieved the crown of mar- tyrdom as the first of Christ's followers to die for his faith, is perpetuated in the marriage -crown. Many, brides, during this month of weddings, wear or carry stephanotis, crown -flower. Sarnia recitalists featured at Church An unusual combination of flute and organ will be heard June 26 when St. George's Church recital series, Sundays -at -Four, will feature Scott Milligan and Ingrid Storey, both of Sar- nia. Flautist Ingrid Storey, who will be entering her third year in Music Perfor- mance at the University of Western Ontario, has already earned her Associate Degree in flute and piano. Recipient of the Nickolas Fiore award as most promising flute player in 1981-82, she now teaches flute at the Western Ontario Conservatory of Music. Mr. Milligan, organist at St. George's Church in Sar- nia, is also head of the music department at Northern Col- legiate in that city- A graduate of Ottawa Teachers' College and Queen's University, he has also taught for the Depart- ment of National Defence in Ottawa,and was head of music aSir Wilfrid Laurier High School there. The afternoon's program will include works by Mozart, Chopin, Brahms, Schumann, Honneger and Bach. Lutherans toget pastor Jim and June Hayter and Theology at Concordia Ken and Shirley Keller, all of Seminary, St. Louis, Goderich, were in Buffalo, Missouri this spring. New York Sunday evening for the ordination of the The preacher for the Reverend Chris Wicher. service was the Reverend Pastor Wicher will be Doctor Samuel Goltermann moving to Goderich nextSt. Louis, under whom month to become pastor of pastor Wither was 41 Berea -by -the -Water fieldworker. Ordinator was Lutheran Church at the the Reverend Richard corner of Gibbons and Blemaster of Salem Suncoast. That parish has Lutheran Church, Buffalo, been vacant since the the home congregation of Reverend Marvin Ban Pastor Wicher. accepted a callt British Wicher is married to Columbia in Janlar3'. the former Bev Aul of Pastor Wicher received his Hartsdale, New Mork. The Masters in Divinity in 1982 couple will reside at 22 and his Masters in Sacred Suneoast.l)rive, West. TheAir Force Latin motto, "Per Ardua ad Astra" - - through adversity to the stars - and that of my college (Trinity, Toronto) which reads in Greek "Met Agona Stephanos" - through strug- gle truggle comes the crown - reflect a similar idea. It may be that the finan- cial recession with high unemployment is, as some experts think, about to be a thing of the past I hope that they are correct and that these sorrows will be turned into joy. I hope also that we will be able to recognize recovery when it comes and enjoy it- And I pray that, as God in his plan has so often brought good out of evil, we will benefit from our ex- perience. WINGHAM MEMORIAL degree ii y at the Univr of Western Waldo. Ile studied at St. Peter's Seminary in London and was ordained to the priesthood on June 12, 1943 by BishopXidd. He took his teacher's eer i fie ate at the Ontario College of Education in 1913- 44 and taught high school in North Bay for two years, followed by a two year stint at Cathedral High School in Hamilton. He than taught at St Jerome's High School in Kitchener for 15 yearswhere he was well resPected and is fondly remembered by colleagues and former students. Father Dentinger has been parish priest at St. Joseph's Bingsbridge for the past it The years. congregation held an open house in the parish hall following the morning mass,. when friends and relatives gathered with St. Joseph parishioners to honour Father Dentinger. FRIENDSHIP MINISTRIES 15 COMING TO AUBURN! Host Church: Hjuran Chapel Missionary Church JUNE 24 to 26, 1983 This is your PERSONAL INVITATION to loin us for thlsospecial weekend with FRIENDSHIP MINISTRIES FRIENDSHIP MINISTRIES Is a group of talented young people who are committed to Jesus Christ. sharing their faith. and expressing the Gospel through the ministry of gospel music. drama. and puppetry. Their presentations are designed to communicate to people of every age group. PROGRAM SCHEDULE: FRIDAY, JUNE 24; Family Night CO P.M. SATURDAY, JUNE 25; Kid's Rally 2:00 P.M. Youth Rally 000 P.M. SUNDAY, JUNE 26; Sunday School 10:00 A.181e' Worship Concert 11:00 A.M. Family Night 0:00 P.M. For more information phone 526-7555 or 526-7515 PRYDE MONUMENTS LTD. *MONUMENTS *BRONZE •BRONZE PLAQUES *MARKERS *CEMETERY LETTERING NEW MODERN SHOWROOM SUNCOAST MALL-GODERICH D..Denomme Memorial Counsellor Bus. 524-2337 Res. 524-6621 *Monuments ',Markers •Cemetery Lettering •Large Modern Showroom BUT DiRECT AND SAVE REPRESENTATIVES COMMISSION Bus. 357-1910 Res. 357-1015 or 357-1535 GRACE COMMUNITY CHURCH Huron Centennial .School BRUCEFiELD, ONT. 482-9260,565-5341 and 236-4979 10:00 - Forriily Bible School 11:00 Speaher: Randy Munn PREACHING THE DOCTRINES of GRACE SUPERIOR MEMORIALS ESTABLISHED OVER 50 YEARS r".Goderich Area Representative ROBERT McCALLUM I I CAMBRIA ROAD GODERiCH t524-7345 Clinton Area Representative MICHAEL FALCONER 153 HiGH STREET CLINTON 482-9441 ROBINSON-GRAHAM ENGAGEMENT _ __Alto -sand Mrs. Frank Graham are pleased to announce the engagement of their son Steven to Sh-rrfee Robinson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs- G. Robinson of Goderich. Wedding to take place on July 2nd at North Street United Church. Goderich at 4:00 p.m. mitimmoomomoummommemoim With us, your business could really go places. The Representatives for the Goderich Territory, Paul McCusker and Bob Bogdan will be in the area on the 2ND and 4TH Tuesday of each month. We're FBDB, and our mandate is to encourage business development and expansion. If you need backing, and have a problem getting it try us. We offer financing, counselling, management training, and information about, government assistance programs for business. Perhaps together we can get your plans moving. FEDERAL BUSINESS BANQUE FEDERALE DEVELOPMENT BANK DE DEVELOPPEMENT Your success is our only business. Canacri Gomm" smAR, VilEDNFSDAY, JUNE 22,ow-mg 9A Robert O. Ball, minister gtiteet. kited ektitch. f Robert Btockwell, director of music 1 56 North Street. Goderich, Ontario SUNDAY-JUNE26, 1983- 10:00 A.M. Jr_ Congregation - fIursery and tot care - Coffee le Conversation on lawn following Worship - /t1• 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 f 1 BEREA-BY®THE-WATER LUTHERAN CHURCH Gibbons St. at Suncoast Drive 524-2235 9:00 a.m. Worship 10:15 Sunday Schaal and Bible Classes The Reverend Mayo Mellecke (Vacancy Pogtor) "Preaching peace by Jesus Christ- He is Lord of all" Acts 10:36 STe GEORGE'S CHURCH Anglican -Episcopal North and Nelson Streets. Goderich Rector: The Reverend Robert J. Crocker Organist -Choirmaster: Lorne H. Dotterer Fourth Sunday aper Trinity 8:30 o.m. Holy Communion. 9:30 o.m. Holy Communion (modern liturgy) at Christ Church, Port Albert. 11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer. Sermon: "Being Calm" - St. Mark 4:39. Nursery available. 4:00 p.m. SUNDAYS AT FOUR CONCERT - Scott Milligan. organ and Ingrid Storey, flute. Tickets x3.00. -You are always welcome - 1 f June 26th 1 1 1 t 31 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 i 1 1 Calvary Baptist Church MRS. NANCY SWITZER & MR. DAVID BRUBACHER RAW EELIO ROAD AT BLARESTREET REV. R. BRUBACHER Paster 10 A.M. - FAMILY BIBLE SCHOOL 11:00 A.M. - MORNING WORSHIP HOUR 7:00 P.M. - "THE ONE TRUE GOD" vrowirwrow SPECIAL MUSIC TODAY WED. 7 P.M. - PRAYER & BIBLESTUDY WILCOME To THE MIENDLY OIURQ i a Knox Presbyterian Chin THE REV. G.L. ROYAL. M.A.. M. DIV.. MINISTER SHEILA B. FINK, B.A., PASTORAL ASSISTANT 1 1 DR. KATHRYN J. BAKER, DIRECTOR OF PRAISE SUNDAY, JUNE 26 1 i Deport to Serve 11:00 a.m. Divine Worship f 11:00 a.m. Sunday School - j _ OUTDOOR SERVICE AND ANNUAL PICNIC HARBOUR PARK. GODERICH Enter to #/orship BUSINESS DIRECTORY ONTARIO LAND suRVEvotes ARCHIBALD, GRAY & McKAY LTD. 552* MAIN ST. S. EXETER 235-0995 or cell London toll free 1400-265-7955 Durst, Vodden & Bender CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 37 West Street Goderich, Ont. 524-2011 (N. VEW DAY R.W. BELL OPTOMETRIST The Square S24-7041 D.B. Palmer Doctor of Chlropracflc 73 Montreal St. p.m., 5t. Goderich Myth 524.4553 5234321 FRED WRENCE E rival Contractor HOME. FARM AND COMMERCIAL WIRING ,P'HONE AUBURN 526-505 N IE AND ERRTN uNeTED win. SCIENCE • SALON SERVICES SPECIALIZED SCIENTIFIC HAIR CARE -INDIVIDUAL PERMANENT WAVING -NATURAL HAIR COLOR -DESIGNER STYLES A NALYSIS-SHAMPOO-CONDITIONER-MOISTURIZER -AND FACIAL MASK AVAILABLE FOR HOME USE. EXCLUSIVELY AT THE BEAUTY LOUNGE 8T EAST ST, GODERICH 524-8994 GARDINER'S MOVING & DELIVERY Locally Owned And Operated El CLEAN MODERN EQUIPMENT,rJ EXPERIENCED PERSONNEL E PROMPT & COURTEOUS ❑ PACKING,CARTONS _SERVICE El CAREFUL HANDLING :ill FREE ESTIMATES f1REASONABLE RATES ❑ EXPERT ADVICE For Moving Anything LARGE OR SMALL 524-2421 MacGillivray & Co. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS RONALD E. TAKALO, C.A. RESIDENT PARTNER 40 THE SQUARE. GODERiCH, ONT. 524-2877 MONTRE..L TORONTO RRAMrTON HAMILTON sr. CATaERINEs PORT COLRORNE LISTOWEL WINNOW CALGARY EDMONTON VANCOUVER GODEMOR r MODERN MOBILE WASH UNITS Cor Your Hard To Get At - CLEANING REQUIREMENTS REASONAaLE HOURLY AND CONTRACT RATES FREE ESTIMATES Our mobrre unit Is rutty equipped walla aupplias, hot avatar power end chemicals rex crooning ewaimmtn0 pools, houses, parking rots, boats. hams, truck Beate, err kinds of heavy equipment. GARDiNER'S MOBILE WASH-iT Goderith 524-6031 LAWRENCE ROOFING ROOFING SPECIALISTS "NI TEARS IN BUSINiISS MAKES A DIFFIR0NCE" HOT ASPHALT ROOFING also SHINGLES For a FREE ESTIMATE phone: 524-7728 Cards for All Occasions *Gifts * Books *Stationery Supplies * Records ANDERSON'S BOOK CENTRE 33 EAST STREET. GODERICH N .O. JERRY LTD. Complete lines of PARTY FAVOURS - LOW PRICES PARTY SUPPLIES Products for every user. H .O. JERRY LTD. "The Paper People" 105 Park St. GODERICH 524-2855 Ronald McDonald CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 47 CHURCH ST., 524-253 Goderich, Ontario The Old Fashioned HARDWARE STORE Q Wholesale Cable & Fittings L!Swimming Pool Chemicals D Fire Extinguishers Sales & Service is Window -Glass - Screening Repairs [1 Water Conditioner Salt [1 Fishing, Hunting License PHIL MAIN HARDWARE 84 king ston St Goder.ch MacGillivray Associates (Goderith) Limited ELECTRONIC DATA PROCESSING & COMPUTER SERVICES In-house computer providing cash disbursement ledger. cash receipts ledger. Accounts receivable. financial statements. time & charges i specialized reports: 40 THE SQUARE GODERICH 524-1477 111 PHONES BUS. 524-7379 RES. 524.6210 Direct Parte 524-7319 BLUEWATER'TRUCK CENTRE LTD. GODERICH, ONTARIO WE SPECIALIZE IN TRUCKS CARLYLE BANNISTER AIRPORT ROAD LAKE HURON MOVING - SYSTEMS ',Storage Facilities •Locatl & Long Distance *Padang * Overseas *Fully insured • Fr.. Estimates PHONE COLLECT (519) . 357®3144 BENDER'S ABATTOIR Horne Grown Reef and Pork Mill. Street. Henson 262-3135 Wholesale, Retail and Custom Slaughtering. Kill day Tuesday. - Call for further Information: ©wner•Mertyn C. Bender M.n.ger D.tst Irb 2625628 2367733 Our Model is "Tote Golden Rukee i