HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-06-22, Page 9EJ n h iD r hror, !41114-aaa3 The June meeting of the Goderich Township Women's institute was held at the Community Centre in Holmesville on June 13. President, Alice Porter opened the meeting and the `roll call "Mark of a Good Citizen" was answered by those present. Plans were made for the Holmesville Public School Grade 8 graduation luncheon to be held at the school on June 23. 'Irene Cudmore gave a report on the District Annual held in Wmgham. ' A motion was made and carried to make a donation to the Lady Diana Nursery School in Vanastra. Alice Porter convenor of Citizenship and World Af- fairs presented her program on "Citizenship World Wide a Human Right" which end- ed up in a lively discussion period. The next meeting will be held on Monday, September 12. Please note the Goderich Township 150 meeting will be held Thursday, July 7 at 8:15 p.m. at the Community Cen- tre in Hohnesville. Please try to attend. On Father's Day, June 19, the outdoor combined church service of Wesley Willis and Holmesville United Churchs took place at the beautiful. setting at Camp Menestune. with a itroup of musicians led by Mary Hearn. Ralph Holland con- ducted the devotions. Roba Lobb told the children about a contest to paint a picture portraying peace. Rob Parr delivered the message con- cerning Father's Day. The bountiful potluck din- ner was enjoyed by all. M.C. was Bill Craig who con- ducted a humorous contest. Theafternoon was spent swimming. UCW Meet , The Holmesville U.C.W. met at the church June 14 with the president Phyllis Cox presiding for the business. It was reported that the re- cent ham and salad supper was very successful. The program was in charge of Elaine Bechtel, and during it she spoke about the London Conference U.C.W. Westminster Weekend held recently in London. A tape recording from missionaries Rev. and Mrs. Wm. Lewis, whom the Holmesville U.C1W. help to support in Ke ya, Africa was enjoyed. CNIB picnic held Mr. David McKnight was in charge of morning wor- ship at Huronview on Sunday and it was held in the chapel. He spoke on the first of a series of three topics on the Holy Trinity. About 15 cars arrived at Huronview in the evening. The drivers were men and women . from the Exeter United Church. A good number of residents were on hand to go for a drive around the countryside. This is an' annual event The picnic supper for the C.N.LB. was held Wednes- day afternoon at Mitchell and those attending from Huronview were: Jim Rud- dock, Frank Crich, Minnie Fowler and Emily Williams, accompanied by Evelyn Ar- cher. Thursday afternoon Bible Study was held in the chapel with Mrs. M. Prouty in charge. Mrs. Hilda Eizenga led in prayer. Mrs. Prouty and Mrs. Eizenga sang a duet accompanied by Elsie Henderson. Mr. McKnight was in Huronview to visit one day this week and with him was Reverend Cheryl Ann Stadelbauer of Toronto. Last week she was ordained into the ministry of the United Church of Canada at the an- nual meeting of the Toronto Conference. It was a delight to meet Reverend Stadelbauer who is replacing David McKnight of Egmond- ville. Friday morningthe auditorium was filled with residents. They were there to see and hear the concert presented by the band and junior and senior choirs of Holmesville Public School. Theband played a medley of folk tunes and marches and was excellent. The selections by the choirs were extreme- ly well done and the Rainbow Connection was super. The band and choirs were con- ducted by Mr. Robert Blackwell, Music director and accompanist. In connection with Senior Citizen's Week, Huronview held a special day for seniors on June 20. Various display booths highlighting the ac- tivities in the home were ex- hibited. The Residents Coun- cil had a booth where tea, coffee and cookies were served. We sincerely thank the members of the Clinton Fire Department for their generous donation toward the purchase of the news van. To the members and friends of the Royal Canadian Legion, Clinton Branch 140, we sincerely thank you for the gift of a refrigerator from the "Poppy Fund" 1983 to be used in the Pub Centre. To the family of the late Mrs. Della Nesbitt, a resi- dent of Huronview, we ex- press our sincere sympathy. We extend a warm welcome to Mrs. Edna Mae Sangster, Mrs. Iona Beadle of Auburn, Mr. Emerson Roeszler of Stephen Twp. and Mrs. Flossie Beatrice Deaton of Exeter Ivho have come to reside at Huron - view. The Residents' Council had a successful meeting this past week. A sincere thank you goes out to' the residents for their generous gift toward the new van. Don. Edward (left), of Edward Fuels in Goderieh, presents Ray Hogan of R.R. 7 Lucknow with a drum of Rotella T motor oil and a pail of transmission fluid. Hogan won the draw in a "Win back your purchase" contest. His prizes are valued at $359. (photo by Darrell Kloeze) CIVIC CORNER The Committee of Adjustment will meet Wednesday, June 22 at7 p.m. in town hall. The Tourist Committee will meet Thursday, June 23 at 7:30 p.m. in town hall. , The' Administrative Committee will meet Tuesday, June 28 at 8:30 aan. in town hall. The Planning Board will meet Wednesday, June 29 at noon in town hall. Perhaps one of these used Tight duty trucks are just what you've been looking for! '83 GMC 'S' TRUCK DEMONSTRATOR Nice red & silver finish. 6 cylinder, automatic, 1500 Ib. payload, below eyeline mirrors, heavy duty shocks. block heater, power steering. power brakes. steel belted tires, heavy duty battery. radio, chrome rear step bumpers, High Sierra cab, fiberglass topper. Just 5,000 Km. Serial No. 504023. '83 FORD RANGER PICKUP XL MODEL 4 cylinder, 4 speed transmission. radio, silver with red accent striping. Driven just 9,000 Km. by local owner. Serial No. A03439. '82 FORD F150 1/2 TON Short box, fenderside pickup. Super sharp - sliver with blue two tone. special striping. aluminum topper, 6 cylinder. 4 speed overdrive manual transmission, sliding rear window, stereo radio with tape player. Just 11,000 Km. Serial No. A$6731. '81GMC 1/4 TON 305 VC automatic, power steering, power brakes, radio, rear bumper, two tone silver & block, wheel discs. Just 33,000 Km. Serial No. 535764. '81 GMC 1/2 TON 305 V8, automatic, power steering. power brakes, radio, rear bumper, silver, locally owned. 57,000 Km. - '81GMC 1/a TON 305 V8, automatic, power steering, power brakes, radio, *rear bumper, heavy duty suspension and tires. 51,000 Km. Serial No. 545136. '81 GMC 1 TON PICKUP Lease return truck. 350 V8, 4 speed transmission. heavy duty suspension, radio, rear bumper. brand new box out of storage. Serial No. 532730. '81 GMC 1 TON PICKUP Another lease return unit, same as described as above and also with brand new box out of storage. Serial No. 535767. -'79 FORD COURIER PICKUP 4 cylinder, 4 speed. radio. Runs & looks good. Serial No. O 065932. $9895 x6995 $8495 $6695 x6495 ;6195 ;6695 56695 ' SIS SPECIAL 977 GMC 1/2 TON VAN •tong wheelbase, 6 cylinder, automatic, power steering, $ sI radio with tope player. partially fixed up inside. Runs good. 650 Serial No. 519159. - AS 1S SPECIAL 1982 FORD F100, 6' automatic, and a 1980 DODGE D100, 6 automatic, both with low mileage, both coming in shortly. cGEE PONTIAC-BUICK CADILLAC GMC TRUCKS HAMILTON ST.d GODERICH, 524®8291 Garden Club Bruss.E..iS The Goderich Garden Club met June 15 in Robertson Schoa n the a -ate P�sident, Jean WOW vieePreaident acted as chairman for the meeting. It was moved by 'frene Todd and seconded by Vi Rutherford that the minutes be adopted. The treasurer's report was given by Eileen O'Brien showing a balance on hand the end of April of $415.41 and at the end of May of $243.19. . The proceeds Only one meeting• per month During the months of July and August, Goderich town council will hold only one regular meeting per month rather than meeting the first three Mondays of the month. The next meeting of council is scheduled for Monday, July 11 while the August meeting will be held Monday, August 15. Special meetings will be held at the call of the mayor if business dicatates. -GOOREMIXO.NiVATAR,;1 NIMAY, JUNR 22, 1903 --PAGE 9 ticulture Soc from the plant auction `were $107.30. Eileen O'Brien 1630V - ed the nov:edthe adePtton ofthe report- Tlte seeretauy read a letter of resig(iation from Jean Barnett w.bo has been pro- gram chairman She has started the Green numbers organization up again and is finding the two positions too much work. A letter from the Seafoirth Horticulture Society was read asking the Garden Club to attend their September 14 meeting. This matter was left over until the president is back. Francis Worsell reported that due to the lack of suffi- cient numbers, the bus trip would not be going to Water- ford in Jtine, but perhaps it could be planned for Sepnther. Irene: Todd gave an in- teresting repor too the trip to Wentworth Heritage Waage, Madura Castle and the Royal Botanical Gardens, stating in spite of the rain, it had been a very enjoyable day. Membership chairman Stella Crawford reported 78 members to date. The theme for the Flower Festival will be "Feathered Friends." It will be open to senior club members only. It was decided to cancel the promotion at Suncoast Mall planned for June 30 and to perhaps plan for FREE ESTIMATE on your needs Call: Don McCauley 524-4226 Alcan B Products ro0.M • ALCAN STORM DOORS AND WINDOWS ALSO ALUMINUM SIDING. , SOFFIT. FASCIA AND EAVESTROUGHING. TRILLIUM HOMES & RENOVATIONS 157 RICH ST.. GODERICH C `, ' 1 youvistYpstival neelett088 *MOO. The BrnSeeln Hortiallthre Society is coming to Godench oa July 21 to attend the Flower Festival. A tour of the town is ptarined for them followed by a picnic stepper at Jean Barnett's horde. Francis Worsen reported the flower beds , at the hospital are planted again with 11 dozen geraniums and petunias. A weeping mulberry has also been planted close to the en- trance. The'guest for the evening was Mr. Langon of Clinton. He has a very unique way -of showing slides using two pro- jectors. These are program- med to show slides, one following the other, giving the effect of a movie. Otis first presentation was on wild Bowes. He had names for them all and they were very colourful. Most can be found in our own woods. The background music helped the members enjoy the beau- ty of nature. After a ,short tion was "Portraitsfrsecond om Nature." This was , done without commentary but with orchestral music play- ing. laying. The draws for the evening were conducted by two visitors from Seaforth. Lunch was served by the committee in charge. Filter Queen "IN THE HEART OF DOWNTOWN VARNA" 482.7103 has become mar, new look... new name... . same dedication to quality. To celebrate completion,. of the change, we are starting our... 4 • •o ••rte •,qr•t • s 'SALE SARTS WEDNESDAY. JUNE 22 at 4 P.M. SHARP SHOP 1111.9 P.M. WEDNESDAY N1TE ONLY mrgs's LADIES' WEAR & GIFTS 36 North Street, Shoppers Square, Goderich ph: 524-8572