HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1912-6-13, Page 1yam Fon.' Actin
*thea use
dive all foot 'treulalee,euch ae sore,,
to der, aching, evveating, etvollen feet
kT3ih"'SIMPER x aINtc BR ?
Targe cane 25e,
i.1a,8 ROO 81/11
Have You Tested its Melte.
Huron 8c IVfidd esex Gazette
Special W
ll r(parrBair
Reza/l'034 Shampoo Pan Ge. ,
Real Good dipDroistt,.t.w,r .Woo
Bale Price $,,x,14 Pargaifl
Col os Drug Store
%alm a>t Te Uexetll enasOlcs.):
Weare right into Summer. it is going to be warm.
have all Kinds of Sun'mer Goods to keep you K.00l.
Cotton Voiles
In all shades either Plain or Fancy.
They are Real Good for this Summer's
Ginghams and Prints
Some entirely New Designs and Colors
are sbown here: One of the Good Things
for this year's wear.
,Get ready for
Kool Dress for a Small Price.
it. We
• In' White, Colored oreancy: -
(3 nice
White Waists
A Big Variety of the Daintiest Waists
we have ,ever shown. Fancy or Tailored
Effects are good- We have them
Dress Goods
0 ,Whitewear
All the Delicate Shades of Dress Goods
are here for you in the finest of Fabrics.
See them before you buy.
-Gloves and Hosiery
All kinds to choose from, Short, Three -
'quarter or Long Gloves in Silk or Lisle,
also Fancy Hosiery in Silk Lisle or Cotton
]tt for any bride. Beautiful display
of Fancy Night Gowns, Skirts, Corset Cov-
ers, Princess Slips and Drawers.
Fancy Sunshades
No two alike. All different you must
see them to know how nice, they are.
Prices from 25 Cents to $3.50
Big. Selling of . all our Sumtner Hats.
Now is your time to buy your Summer Hat
Straw and Panama Hats, Shirts Collars
and Ties, Hose, Underwear and Suspenders
Suits and Suitings
Phone 32
Jones 86 May Exeter
Paint & VarNish Store
—USE, -
Pure Ready .Mixed
Paints & Pure Linseed. Oil
Lowe Bros High' Standard Elephant Paints in 18 30 &
35 and ri5c tins. 60c Tins,
Paints in All Colors in Stock
All Colors in Sock
Campbell's Varnish
One coat Stains and Varn-
•ashes in 15 25 45 and 85c tins
• For Floors, Woodwork and
Paint Alu n i 1 r 1 1
Oilcloth Varnish Gold Paint
Paint Brushes 5,1C,•15, 20c. Kalsomine; Brushes 15,
'20, 25, 30c.
Everything n in Painting EAMAN'SAND
For staining and varnishing.
in one operation, eration, also grain-
ing outfits,
Some Snag
This Month
Our showing of Wedding
Gifts are Beautiful.
Fancy Water S els. Glass Table Sets,
Artistic Hand -painted China, Tea
Sets, Dinner Sets, Fancy Cake Plates,
Salad Bowls and etc. etc.
The Nicest • Assortment in Town
Our Prices make it a waste
of time to buy elsewhere.
Come and see for yourself.
We also show a large assortment of
Granitware, Glassware, Novelties and,
Quick Sales at the Exeter Bargain Store.
For Qua
underskirts, Night Dresses,: House.
Sateen Waists, Underd , , g
'L�1 ►lD White andhese are travellers samples
Wrappers Rbse, Gloves etc. T
and ase, marked
away' , for a quick clearance.
ddown qr
and are
a Dozen Summer parasols its go at .Ibc.. each,
ear at bigredrzc-
irteach ',Cies, Sox, Uuderw
ti Fine TopShirts 5dc to S1.25 a nice lot
, inWe have
`,�`B SDozen Fancy:Vests your choice for $I
bane, 'Sbought so we can save you 4 or 5 dol-
Men's Suits this seasons make l► g
a Suit.
P a Bar
.gain iu
Ort Door North of
Po t Otflc
Every day you will find
something New on display on
our Bargainters.
Phone 55
Big Variety Store
Early Closing Notice
Exeter Council
The first sitting of the Court of
Revision toe leer and' correct appeals
against the assestsm,ent roil of 1912
was'held in: the town Hall axe Eric
day "June 7thl at 7 Ti. m,. The meta.
bers were all. presentwitbs the except -
len or the Reeve. Those present toult;-
and subscribed to the necessary•oath
Of office. On 'notion a[3ecott
seconded by Ford Couneillo,r Lovett
took the chair.
The fdlle ing list of appeals were
dealt with.; W, �. Giibbs & Co to: have
rasseSement tred13oed, Scott' and Por4
time appeal of W; 'A: Gibb Co. be' not
euetell aid, '
X. N. Ho'tivard to leave the assesse;
mane of his dwelling reduced, Rivers
and: Scott that the appeal of X. N.
Howard be not sustained,
S. ''dwellto have h'usiness aisu~c sS
meta'( struck off although he acknowe
ledged 'that he had done business to
the amonut of x$85.00 Scott antic Ford
that the appeal of S. ;Powell be
not a5ustained.' #
3]Icksen, Carling &` MeiDeinell ,Lo
have ,h'usiness assessreent for hall in
their (block struck off Ford and
Rivers that appeal of Dickson, Car.
lin,; and .McDaneil be tot sustained;,
Dr, C. A. Holuze to have female dog
streck off as he had none. Ford and:
"Rivers that the deg .he struck off
Carried r , ,
Ford and Rivers that the assesis-
mint of Dr. Houze be 'changed from(
Mrs. Pickard,s property as tenant
to Mrs. Williams property as owner..
Scott and Ford , that lots 91 to, 96
assessed', to Mark Makins be changed
to Chas. Harvey as owner Carried.
Rivers. and Scott that 'the assess -
Exeter School Report
le, S. Department
Room IV
Sr. 40 I'Tonors•-Ctirxnan Powell,
85. p• Beta
Manson 72. Oliver Davis 71, •
Bowe 69, Alma-ikfack, 66,Lila Zuef1a
66. Annie Day' 60, Gordon( Pennate • 66,
Marvin Vincent 65; Marjorie ltTueton
;.Toe T'Pil nk. GI;,,, Minnie May Ale.
Karl Weidenhammer 60, harry Par -
ons •60, No. on Roel e4 averae ata
tendance 20. 0.Vosper teaoher&
ass P,Totville Gladma.rr 74Y Willie,
Itootn V
honor"s alta tlln T'Torney 79, pass
T3owey 72, Amy Johns 71, Ethel Davis
69, Mabel. 13.n•ott, 67', Dorothy Kuntz,
67. Milton Kyidd 68, Senior T:lil, Earl
Powell 86, George Ortweixi 8'Sy, L111i^
4!♦♦+.♦.r m+4s0♦••••••♦•••••eo***s•♦•+.44.4+4+#•�
!v[ Every
Thing, a
'siker 804 Millie Walker 75,_Pe.e$t
14Targaxer, Sharp 73, Mildrerl
7?, Gordon Davis' 71, ;Mary Day 82;
?Go. on roll 24 average, 20 .I, S. Maar
ray teacher.
Iioon1 V!.
Form NI 7r. Honors Verde tfalr«
tlei.b 80, Irene Zuefle,• Clifford dal -
lett 79, Pass Wm. Davis 72, Gladys
Harvey 69, Drew Knight! 65,' Wray',
Titanic They have the new English
[i 64; Harold Boyle 63, Bruce •
MAN Could
Ask dor
IIedden 65. Violet. Mallett64,
Rivers 61 Vera Marshall 60, Formic o shoulders and the new English
Sr, Honors, Mildred Marchand 90, w�iSt lIl?e. x`18 hake tli8
Clarence (Morley ,,3, Irene Easter-
heeok R`z. Eugene Doyle 80, lifervyn •new lapels and collars. They
eater e9 Cara Sanders 77 Cora have the new effects.
il'erd 76 Wm. Brown 67, Walter Har- e
Flet °+ 5 Na. on roll 36 Average •at -
'm& .-nc,c 26.77 IL 1t;ietsman teacher
Room• VI! • 41,
C':=ss 111 honors, Eddie Davis 8,7,
Mildred Hervey 85., Greta farness '84. et
Verde (Rotieeliffe 78, Paul, Collin t
int of Chas Hooper as owner bel Thelma Connor 75; Blanche Senior 75,
clanged to William Russell os owner' Paul Paul Weiden/• miner 73, Maurice Her
The C'oart was adjourned to Fridayvey 72 Charlie ford: 72 Stella Sane
evening the 14th. eDist en, motion .ce
Scott seconded by Rivers
T. B. tCARL'ING 'Clerk
The ConnellConnellmet after the 'Court,
of Revision All members were pre-
dors 71 Tose.p1itine Davis 70,Edward 4►
Yellow '65, 1r Honors Earl :tYussell t
78. Kelvin Heddlen 75, Clifton Davis ♦
3, Lizzie Hartleib 73, Verna Welker •
7.3, Beverley Aelie.son 72. No enrol- ♦
led 38, 'Average attendance 60' I,
t Th t f themeeting Quackenbush• 4- ..•. ,, •
were ren and comfit II 17 oR o ' TI i •
sen e menu es o i
keld on the 13th and 27th of May Room' VIII
1 b
Levitt, and Scott V that the accounts r Dignan &2oi George Hind 82, Pearce;
be paid as read: For labor, Albs, ',enders SJ,, 'Verde Vale 79 Mabel
Geo- Gomori Sanders. $4.27; Sidney
R. Robins, 3.75;, n.63; Johns 77 MaVerdeto iiu 6 `L
n Harness 7.. Beggie Taylor 66
Jno- Norry 3.75; Jno. Bell J, 6r A th Rowchffc
Webster 1.75; Geo. Atkinson 175; F.
Mallets 1.75; R. Davis 9.00; John Gill,
constable 3.00; Wm .Gillespie freight
75; W. T. Bissett pt. salary 37.50;
Jno'. Ford do 61:25; ; T1 B.Carling do;
25.00 T. Houlder'! street watering 11.50
T. Creech labo(r,, 1.00; R. Belden. de-
aaty returning officer 2.50 A. Dyer
Doll clerk 2.50 T. 'Mitoh�eIls office
200' 'W. letturray D. IL 0. 2.50, IE. N
Creech, P. C. 2.56 Jas. ,Beer' D, RI. O.
2.50; Thee. Carting, Jr: P. C. 2.50
5. Handfcsrd polling booth 2.00; A.
G.Dyer Assessotr truant •book and
noe�:age 77.00; john Knight duty on
tapping machine for waterworks
23,,38„ Ross Taylor Mfg, Co. 4.00; El-
ectric Light Co, 1118.16' Total $3,711.-
21. By.- ,aw No. 8 to barrow $5000
for the construction of sewer on the
west side of Main street was read the
third time, and finally passed the
same to be sealed and registered on
notion' of Lovett seconded by Rivers
Car vied. i
Adjourned to 'meet Friday .evening
the 14th inst.
T. 13. CARLIN•G Clerk.
flensala Station Burned
i mid• ,- v l 89 Horvart3.
g - ntz 5 e
Webster:' 5, th*r Ro Hey-
6.1. Newman Hardy 54,
wo(4', 50, Gordon Powell 94, Grebe
E[cddan 83, Willie Ortwein; 80,, Ruby
Davis 72,. Ronald Witwer 56, Dorothy
Mallett 50, No oar Roll 52, Averae°
attendance '35. F. W, Howard),
We the <undersigned Merohan"ts of
this town agree to close our(
business at half pst twelvecave
ox Thurs-
afternoons tenting, 03e in Maths
of July and !August, .. .
3, iA, Steyvart,
S. Martin Bc Son.
H. Spook/noir'
W. J. Beer.
J. Davits'
W..4. Marna*
W. J. Carling
Mrs. ileo
A. J. 1ie'ozid. •
13. W. '. 113ea,Vera.
Wm. Rivers.
Jr Grigg
TPr t.yne. .
1+e . Boyle. •
W. W,1'„man
T , 13L I
W anis
ac a
Tr .Hawkins & f+en.
i •
The Grand Trunk station was com-
pletely •destroyed by fire, which
broke out shortly before • mi•dnight.
Thursday evening last. About six
o a:leek the fire department was cal-
led. to extinguish, a blaze whiclt broke
out in' the rear of tam building.. A
ru•mlber of persons were around the
place and up- to teu thirty no sign
ofiteany fire was noticed', A few m,in'-
ates before midnight the structure
was a mass of flames. and nothing
could he done to save it 'About 500
worth of freight was- berried nine all
the i:eleg•rnph ecj iippnent• Only a
few days ago; the ere, 1, 13. Engineers
were there and marked oat a site
for a new station, orrd work will !be.
rushed now on the building.
The Council rttet pursuant to ad-
journment on •htay 31st The reeve
and all the members were 'pres'ent:
Minutes of the previous meeting were
read, (approved and signed by the
The following accounts were ord-
eted lei be pai71,. Lucian Sun printing
400 by .avs $27,00; 3Ogden, rep,
culvert N. 13., div, 3, 1,00; F. Davi,s
do 50; he Smith, et al for tile drain
•div, 3 13.25 B. Carroll, the for drain
div 3 , I5.00; W. McDonald rep. wash.
out, ,div 2 :3.00; P; 13 ickley, do 3,00
Levi Carter div, 1 5.b0 R. cI
yroxk on road and, rep, wash
2 7,00; Geo. Flynn, et ,ii wort oa
Salable line div, d 7.50;l W. J, Dew -
an, lite •drain raid. 4, 4.00; Express
entire:on on 13y -(ares 25; 11, H. Rad-
cliffe, bal an cement sidewalks,
lice village of Crauier 137,55; Fred
r .
ntz ditching s. b. day 5 2,10 Te.
ra r
G r
IL Radcliffe, Intl Cor assessing in1912
10.00; P. G. Shen, lamb killed by Fir••
known dog, 2-3, value, 3.00; A. Lane -
Notes of the' Conference
Rev. J. B. Ford of Clinton
was elected 'president of the confer.,
once succeeding Rev. Dr. �Ve.rner.
Ford bad a majority of 45 voiles over,
Rev. W. G. II, McAllister who comes c 4+
to Exeter. 1 O
A caange was made in the Eketer i ♦
District by the boundrics commission j
giving 'Wesley on the I3irr Carnes to 4>
Granton. McIntyres appointment i O
Granton. ir•euit will be closed.
The London Conference has de- I 0
ceded to sell the emirs'.
eburob property in f,on
don, and also thc,property on 'high •
St '1' l r hes will be erected •
They have grace and.♦
style and elegant appear- •
ance, *, They have the little ♦�
touches of exclusiveness Te
that the TAMAN designers •e,
know how to impart to
the garments.
And' they have the TA -
MAN guarantee of coma-
! plete and lasting satisfac- ♦ ,
You can get the styles d
shown above—or any one •
of a dozen others—at •
$I8, $20, $222, up
The variety of Patterns +♦;,•
is practically unlimited.. •'
May we show the two n
styles illustrated, in the '®
new English Worsteds and •
Hats, Caps, Shirts,
Collars and Ties,
1 Suspenders, Sox,
Underwear Etc.
Two new
a ua c
Nine young men rverc ordained to
.♦♦a4o4o♦♦♦a+;0, o44tee♦♦�1♦ f_•a U►e i �9
the work of. tide. 14lc,thodist ministry
at the First Church St:Thomas on
Sunday morning last • inonN. them
was Edrvard f. Ceevi11 13. A. son of
Mr. and Mrs. John Colwell of town
who goes to Teanettc s Creek.
Mr. IT. E. Heston of Exeter was ape
npointed to the district and circuit
boundaries,' eornmi.ssion.
The final draft. of the Stationing;
Committee .ebow�s the foliewing
Dorchester Q. 3. Kc'rr, Staff', Cele,
C. 'Consens Fullerton Thomas 1V1:
k'cthergill and E. 13olston. 13ayfiel e
J, Young; Ailsa Cr :ig A. 131., 13row'n
W oodha:tn, C. Baker ; Arkona,. W.-
'Fair, Merlin' W. R. Vance, Jeanette.e.
Creek, E. '2?. 'CoLwill; Earwiele, 1. C••
Co azens I-Ti•ghgatd. E. A. Fear e Ward,
svillc Byron Snell;
Rev. Iticha•rd Hobbs superannuates
for- one, year, his name being at:ta.eh^
ed 35o Askin 'Street church London'.
•Eley.. Wm. G•o'lenie also sttperantixrates
Conference district officers were el-
ected as follows. The names 2ollorw,
the first.ir. each district being the
chairman, the scbond the financial
secretary ar,cl the third Sunday, School
feondon Distr--ict, G. If. Hazen, 13.
el. Barnby, C L. Moorhonsey Eeeter
district W. G .If. McAllister, 3. 'Gr,
'Powell, 1T, S. Urea, Sta•af:I,•roy
W. II. Graham, C. I,' (I,lo,gan e H. E.
Carrie, Sarnia, distriict. W`, It. Barran,.
lough., A. J. Thomas, W, T.• Ashton,
Stratford Distriet, W. E. Mitisoe A.
Moorbonse T. 1(avic, W'ingbam ,di•S'
rrir.t 7. W. Tlibbcrt C. W. Hive s
N .1 c ••r T. r.
t i
T) Wren
O®♦a♦♦O04 9.4 B! 404'®4♦♦` 44♦4.4 ••4••0♦b♦♦As#♦♦♦Q•a♦♦♦ 6
H le,.• hn r • ived by us and are now on exhibition in:
cue show* -cr.,t>t, 'he buggies are first class and -are especi-
aliy, r'nt'ra Fre ' ' • , fits frotn the Canada Carriage Co , roak-
v lVe, t•t 1 .g,, 1) n•,»on Carriage Co., Toronto They are
selili -t ' G' .-trtd �- nee interested should lose. no time in see- d
,i.ng Dur• fine dist aa. , ♦
er .. teem; te , I. tris•, of McCormick Machinery, also BinderTatvine• y
1' xeterie:ctt (`.•reeve, ti,ee.eit.er•which can be' attached to any Mower-, Tor- W
onto mid B.ke' 'V i •..x eta, John Deere Plows, The Oliver Coen: Oulti- 4
vators wit h ta•:an iia • ,ter attachment, Manure. Speraders, Separa.
tars, Litter (.. cr•it., -> 4 by Forks Tracks Ropes and Pulleys, p,
Let cis o,i.,ie yin,. •,i a Hay Fork before Haying commences. w
We trtal,r, tee ,,irs of all kinds and give prompt aatenfitn, ••
ELL ••
Impleiment ,gents Exeter.
r ♦♦p4eppiEo-•ovaee444.4.0*•O'4'4'4•444'41044,♦♦ 574,#4044♦♦+♦♦•S4
IP. Add wertlt �t'.£ Waterloo, The,
bride entered the parlor icaunri, on.
d took her
rind artn <;f her' father
'Ford, E. 'T i ?. "li to "f, r�laee under no aroA cf evergreen. She
Thyme • . •l brat eel ('otitis .3+,. 'l1 , was unattended and carried a pretty
len, a i+ / C•rrrway, 1,Viodsor d:s• bouquet; of white roses. The cert«.
taet s: "r"r i t ,' i'':,i, Gr, ninny was performed at high myon, b,
- - Cl thsrn District, A.. Rev. T. W. E3latcheord 33. A., in the
r .ncsi.s e
a, fifty White. t over
, w, '- ,. A.V i e resents of
r i .1y r>
F ,1)
a -
r -d
Mn14I,u,v cexcxnon
• rthe a very
r .t,
a „ry
. tilt 1r oimes, 13,'7. Currie, ding dinner was served. The bride. ho
-...- ♦ was an cstinlable young,°"Lady wits the
recipient of many breeitiful and cosily
ford half day with scraper 6.00; CEN`TRALIA wedding presents. bi and Mrs, AId-
k(. Ryan, opening road;`cfiv 1 , 511 worth, left on the , ,ening train;, for
teenee''' ents Fire berrtg' mn.•da for
Geo. Howard rep rr•e,shoui'1 div 1 1.•;0 m a short honeymoon 'tater ,•vtalch 'hey:
D. Conr; e rep wastiont, div 1 1.85. t "' t'aal Dominion Day cerebral- wilt re it e Waterloo. 'Ctlax. way
sY. t � � , Epworth
Far. s(] lit X,
E3.. Willson filling washout S. 33. Div 3 • wh'^3x wall. be held itn 1.,prrorth t',rir•nds. join in congratulations.
2.00; Miss Atkinson, stationery fo: ' • • k. Committees have, been appoint
aaditors. 75e. e3 rne the"pros ramme promises to he
The council ndior,ncd neer ' T- n.ttrsetive one. '
tef rd hoe returned
•* . on the '2511 dayof .T,Lne at10. [ley. T. W. iglu n
a.,arn r.
a, m. W. D. STANI-all Clerk ^,:' after atteedine Conference tut
et. Thomas.
Oit'te a number from, he tell: go at -
Teacher Wanted the bunern.l of the late Sam 1
Wanted ten
Ussery fn•'xeter tan Tuesday.
Wanted Tearher for 8(116)1 sectiOe )10 pretty wedding took plane sial;
VO, ri Tt'ty >trn3c1Pn0,,'nwrl. rte,, .ert1Pi- fleoi:re'et er, Wedncsdsty .,Tuns: 12th(,. Robert. and Mrs. 7. 13orthant t Jr,
mitlr—On. Wednesday
ISicd aC Segs •
mornin * of this week Mrs. Wrn. 0'
13rein ''asset:( away after an Illness of
elenne trvo months, the deoensed
mi�idrn tatnd was Emma Cann. Ile-
,sictcs her sorrowing husband sbc i,s sux-
vived l,v one son Arid one tlaunlltee
VII 4? Arintv'-rsai'1 •.,": •' n uhp,1 l:r'n M,. a1Vtare Alice Z ileoe,clneel both of Serene tin "lira Tonere! will
•' t irt`I'k,t rites, lot tr 17a.) .t', (,, cl �,•^ "ts•. ulna Mrn. ;fan Wilson,r be told Frith • fp the rtOtt;y rt'iu
T 1 4144ti'.111•Wvit itt Oitarrio,e to.w r. 141716$ .stprf..
1 11NGS.BURY—Mo0ALLTI M.—in Ex-
eter on Saturday, a t.
,.lune S tr at the
home Die t,f the6n•'
idea. parent e, Ntr. n ,<
a d
Mrs. T. H. .MeCallnm. Edna E. to
Mr. Edward Kingsbury of Toronto.
by Rev; R. 0, Powell.
AUSTIN, C013T3LED.1GI' —In .Oat
n June 6r
l� u th -i Vera•Mary
Y n s
1�� S
1 r
daughter htc
x of Mr. th
n. Mr. Tc .c
r, and 5
Cobbledicic, formerly of Exeter to,
Mr.. ,r'thur., GrahamAustin,. of Cal.
ne r;1•,
AL33WORTH-WILSON Tri 0entra-
tin: on Wednesc'iay rune 1'2tle 1' sof
Mary Alice Wilson, to Mr. Frank
ai.ldworth by.rev. T. W, I3latchford
Ca'.i`IJVIIi'NSON,--COi3oL5mrnik- . fa Gal
hart' on ,Tune 6th Miss Etbet Ii`lor-
e sets, dm:lettrer of 11'Ir. and Mee. J.
t:zybbiedick to . Thomas 13,. Steven -
,son . M. 17, of Westaskirvn Batik,
0 TET?'
3SSt!I31 -.Tn Exeter en Flsatrlrtyeelane
93:h. Mr. Thos. l+seery„ , end "e'' years
10 nicotine end IL- dnrys.
t OWIST ..Tn Na alter, otw' ,ltii..' 1101'
TTn•rr 1iXitfriri, vntf er<sl see r Reit
"Wesley and Mtn, Down, rt. it,'itrl yrs..
3 ('rein, -Tu Hey on "Wednesday Juni''
t) Mrs, Mrs, Wi:1.0m 1/r Yin, -