HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-06-15, Page 16is Tr 1 4- PAGE 16 -GODERICHSIGAMATAR, WEDNESDAY, '° DAY: JUNP.' '15,1983 CLASSIFICATIONS 1. Artieles for sole 2. Yard sale 3. Garage sale 4. Antiques for sale 5. Cars for sale 6. Trucks for sale 7. R. V.'s for sole 8. Marine 9. Automotive 10. Pets for sale 11. Livestock for sole 12. Real estate for sole 13. Mobile homes 14. Recreational properties 15. Out of town properties '16.For rent 17. Apartments for rent 18. Houses for rent 19. Rooms for rent 20. Room & board 21. Cottages for rent 22. Lots for rent 23. Commercial property for rent 24. Wanted to rent 25. Wanted to buy 26. Help wanted 27. Wanted (general) 28. Business opportunity 29. Tenders 1. Articles for sale SINGER - For authorized soles and service, sewing machines, vacuum cleaners, parts and no- tions, service to all makes, and machne rentals. Gen's Sewing Centre, now located at 56 The Square, Goderich, 524- 84a1,-1 tfar AUTOMATIC Toilet Bowl Cleaner removes rust, lime and mineral deposits. Simply place in the corner of your toilet tank. Available at Hoffmeyer Plumb- ing and Heating, Kingston Street, Goderich.-1 tfar BOY'S SOCCER cleats, size 2. Ex- cellent condition, only worn one season. Phone 524-6753 after 5:30 p.m. weekdays, anytime on weekend,-21tfnx ALL MATERIAL from house demolition including these nearly new items: kitchen cup- boards, gas furnace and duct work. Fourteen white aluminum storm windows, aluminum siding. J. Bryans, Brussels, 887- 6490.--23,24 SEWING MACHINES - Singer, White and other models, repairs to all makes. All machines and repairs guaranteed. Morris Draperies, 36 West Street. Goderich, 524- 2551.-2eowtfan IN HOME nIostectomy services now available. Contact Mrs. Adams or Mrs. Stringer at Rieck I.D.A. Pharmacy, Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524- 7241.-8eowar KENMORE HEAVY duty clothes dryer. Phone 524-8482.-24 INGLIS AUTOMATIC, washer, Kenmore dryer, both in working condition, $100.00. Phone 524- 2960.--24 BOY'S THREE piece suit, size 16, Tight ton color. Excellent cdndi- tion, worn only twice. Will in- clude shirt and tie. Please ,phone 524-2017 offer 5 p.m.-14tfnx . ONE' SANYO XL 400S 8 mm sound camera. Phone 482- 3312.---18tfnx . 9 FT. TREK TRUCK cainper, sleeps four, three woy fridge, stove, flush toilet, furnace. Ex- cellent condition. Phone 526- 7732. - - 22tfnx 1980 KDX 175, excellent condi- tion, street legal.. Phone 529- 7132,.-22tfnx 1975 100 YAMAHA, in good con' dition, 'approximately 4,500 miles. Con be seen at Nile Garage. Call 524-2377.-24x • Ready now! I our own - •RADISHES *GREEN ONION Also... *ASPARAGUS •TOMATO •NEW 8 OLD POTATOES *CABBAGE *LETTUCE •BROCCOLI *BANANAS * CAULIFLOWER • ORANGES •PLUMS •APPLES •CHERRIES EVANS FARM MARKET "Where the price is right" 482-7562 ON HIGHWAY 21 2 MILES NORTH OF BAYFIELD 1. Articles for sale 1911 SIDEBOARD - maple wood with mirror and glass doors. Phone 524-4135.-24 STEEL TYPEWRITER desk, ex- cellent condition. Phone 524- 9575.-24tf AIR CONDITIONERS, two, win- dow type, one side type 5000 BTU, one upright 8500 BTU. Reasonable. Roy Bentley, 4 Britannia Rd. E., corner Britan- nia and South St. -24x 1978 HONDA 400 twin cylinder motorcycle. Phone 524-4205 after 5 p.m. -24,25 ANTENNA ROTATOR automatic, heavy duty, for beam, like new, with 160 ft. 5 wire cable; also 25 ft. Little John BEAM antenna, 16 element UHF antenna with 75 ft. UHF cable. Phone 524-8124 after 1 p.m. -24-26 KITCHEN WALL cupboards com- plete with matching hardware, desk unit, extras, made of '/4 birch' plywood. Phone 524-8124 after 1 p.rn.-24-26 1979 HONDA CM 400 T. ex- cellent condition, with only '8,700 kilometres- Coll 529- 7908.-24 YOUTH'S MEDIUM blue, size 18, three piece suit; excellent con- dition, suitable for graduation, $40.00. Beautiful full length wedding dress, size 12, with headpiece and veil, $75.00. Phone 529-7891.-24 INFANT CAR seat for newborn up to 17 lbs., $30.00; and a jolly jumper, $5.00; 524-6040.----24 GOOD QUALITY Used red brick, 1.5t each. Phone Don Stewart 524-8'741--24 THREE STEEL TRAVERSE DRAPERY TRACKS - adjustable up from 5'6", 7' and 9', $45.00: three 40" 1 Beam rods with run=- ners, $9.00. Phone 524-8331 between 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., ask for Carol.-26tfnx ELECTROLUX VACUUM cleaner in good condition. Asking $95.00. C011524-8889.-20tf1x COMPACT VACUUM in like new condition. Asking $125.00. Coll 524-8889.-20tfnx ELECTROLUX SHAMPOOER in very good condition. Asking $149.00. Call 524-8889,-20tfnx Visit Our Greenhouses Today For Super Quality' BOXED PLANTS Large Selection Of Our Own TOMATO PLANTS Plus All The Trimmings FRESH TOMATOES TE -EM FARM RR No. 1 Bayfield 482-9940 C&E FURNITURE NEW & USED We Can Offer BETTER PRICES IT'S OUR LOCATION THAT SAVES MONEY Open 'til 9 pm Nightly Monday thru Friday CLOSED WEDNESDAY 1/2 MILE South on Hwy. 21 Goderich 524-7231 We even Take Trades Lose Weight NOW - Tho safe natural nutritional way with herbs. Excellent product availability. EILEEN LANG Your Horbalife Distributor Phone 524.6410 Goderich 30. Employment wonted 31. Service directory 32. Custom work 33. Form services 34. Personal 36. Announcements. notices. 37. Mortgages 38. Auction sale 39. Educational • 40. Lost & Found 35. Notice to creditors .41. To give away 42. Death notice 43. Miscellaneous 44. Engagements' 45. Marriages 46. In Memoriam 47 Cord of thanks r• I DEAD 1614 a C-rlassifl} f t wssCP Os at 1,2 noon Tuesday. Too 190 to classify 'old. will be accepted until4 p..m..some day - WORD CLASSIFIED. RATES: '3.15 'min../23, words, 17° o ward thatepfter., in Memor at .'1,r7 ;. min. plus 30' per rhymed Ione of verse. Card of Thanks 53.75 min./25 words, 5` o - word thereafter. Public -Notice '16 for 3 insertions. Notice to Creditors '27 for 3 insertions, '22. for 2 . insertions, '17 for 1 insertion. Specialrotes available by 6 or 12 months, no copy change. Ask about our special discounts for prompt payment. MONDAY TO. FRIDAY 524-8331 1. Articles for sale OFF ROAD dune buggy with tow bar and boat rack. Phone 524- 6700.-23-25 1980 SUZUKI TS 250, $1,150.00 or best offer, 1977 Honda CR -125, $500.00 or best offer. Phone 524-9202.-23,24 MANUFACTURER is hoving a sale on new above ground pools complete with filter, motor, deck, walkaround, fence. Regularly $2,295.00, now $1,295.00 while supply lasts. Call collect 1-416-523-6467, We'II beat anyone's price. -23- 26x ONE INCH and 2 inch walnut lumber; 1 inch and 2 inch hard maple lumber; fence posts: 3 feet x 5 feet pine trestle. table; hardwood firewood; reel push mower; rabbit cages; 9 feet x 7 feet 8 inches gold rug. Phone evenings 529-7606.-23,24 1978 KAWASAKI, just rebuilt, as is $400.00. Call 524-8941 or 524- 6947, ask for Larry.-14tfnx 10 FT. BANK shuffleboard table, in excellent condition. Asking $350.00. Phone 5 2 4 - 6918.-19tfnx WATER SOFTENING SALT, 40 kg $6.00 per bag delivered. Condi• - tioner service also available. 'Call after 6 p.m. 528-5653.-19tf HUSQVARNA Sewing Machines. Sales, service, supplies. New free -arm portables, high perfor- mance, from $369.50. Other free -arms from $279.50. Used machines, various makes and types with guarantee, from $59.50. Twenty-five yeors' ex- perience. Call Clinton 482- 7809.-22-25x NELSON MEMORIALS and markers, ere . all-. sizes. size s. -3ove -by ordering direct from your Fac- tory Representative. Tel. 1-744- 0822. Free catalogue upon re- quest. Write Box 1925, Kit- chener, Ont. N2G 4R4. -22-26x MOTORCYCLE, 1977 Honda CJ 360, in excellent condition. MI 524-2422.-24,25 COLDSPOT REFRIGERATOR/freezer, large, in good condition. Phone 524- 9679.-24 VINYL SIDING, $87.95 96 sq. ft., aluminum siding, soffits, eovestroughing, all colors, In- stall yourself or ask us. Trillium Homes, 524-4226.-24-27or CLEARTONE CABINET stereo, AM/FM radio, record player, in good condition, $35,00. Phone 524-9301,-24 COMBINE FOR SALE - 760 MF V8 hydra, in excellent condition, equipped with 4 wheel drive, grain head, grain pickup, straw chopper and 6 row narrow low profile corn head. Call Amberley Grain Elevators, 395- -330Q, after 5 p.m. Call395- 5045,-24,25 15'.5 ACRES standing timothy and alfalfa hay. Phone 524- 6311.-24nx EXETER INDOOR FLEA MARKET 10 om-5 pm Sundays BOOTH RENTALS Phone Peter Watson 1-229-6558 CLEARING SALE BOX PLANTS $0` pkg PETUNIAS 3 pkgs. 9.O0 -- HARDY MUMS 49° ea. Open 7 DAYS A WEEK C & B ROBERTS GREENHOUSES $ miles south of Goderich en Hwy. 21 1. Articles for sale GALVANIZED tank, 10x3x2, cans for sole. 7110.-24x CATTLE water and used milk Phone 519 -529 - MANUFACTURER'S clearance on above and inground pools, many models at fantastic sav- ings, SHOP DIRECT. 416-522- 1414.-0-24 BUILD YOUR own Satellite Receiver System. For complete plans send $12.95 to Sat -Kit, Box 1565, New Liskeard, Ont. POJ 1 PO, -O-24 USED RAILWAY TIES. Pressure treated, uniform quality sort to grade (premium, post and economy). Delivered semi load lots only. (450 minumum) Reasonably priced. Phone 204- 725-2627 office hours. -O-24 SURPRISE FATHER on June 19 with a new aluminum boot and trailer for Father's Day. Buy direct from the factory and save. 12' aluminum boats from as low as $675. Trailers from 500 Ib. to 3200 Ib. at 25% dis- counts. B & L Metal Products (Elmira) Ltd-, 7-11 Industrial Drive, Elmira. 519-669- 1551.-0-24 BOY'S THREE piece blue -grey suit, size 20; boy's casual suit, size 16, ton. In good conditio.n. Phone 529-7485 after 5 p.m.-20tfnx FULL SET of 14 inch Cragor "SS" rims with Daytona white let- tered tires (t60 and 70 series), $350.00. Craig T-103 cassette deck (still under warranty) with 40 watt equalizer/booster, worth -$240.00 new, will sell for $160.00. 526-7530 Auburn.-23,24nx j HE BEST CLEANING SYSTEM' FOR YOUR CARPETS AND UPHOLSTERY *DRIES 1N 4 HOURS *MONEY BACK GUARANTEE S7'41111111. ERMITIG FREE ESTIMATES 521-2260 EVENINGS $27-EN2 (.f n h i, L�) 2. Yard Sale SATURDAY, JUNE 18th, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m., 241 Picton St. W. Bicycle, furniture, antique chair, Fisher Price toys. -24 USED ARTICLES including girl's bike for you to choose from. Come and see. Proceeds to Royal 'Canadian Naval Associa- tion, To be held under race track grandstand June 25 from 9 a,m. till 6p,m.=24,25x DUNGANNON - GIGANTIC yard sale sponsored by the Kinsmen Club, June 25 from 9 a.m. On main street. Follow signs, -24,25x SATURDAY, JUNE 18th at 105 St. David St. from 8 a.m,-24 BASEMENT SALE, Saturday, June 18th, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., 62 Delbar Court, Goderich, Household articles, toys, books and some pointings, -24 FRIDAY, JUNE 17th from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., and Saturday from 9 a.m. . to 11 o.m. Bluewater Beach Road. Large quantity of clothing. -24 YARD' SALE • Saturday, June 18th, 9 a.m. to'2 p.m., 163 Rich Street, Goderich, Stove vent, tent, CB radio and numerous other articles.- 24 SATURDAY, JUNE 18th, 259 Jones St., 9 a,m. - ?. Rain date July 2nd. -24x YARD SALE - Saturday; June 18th. Rain date June 19th. 256 Gibbons Street. Some antiques and coppercraft.-24 3. Garage sale CARPORT SALE - Saturday, June 18, 8:30 a.m. - ?, 93 Britannia Rd. W. Utility trailer (two wheeled) and miscellaneous items.-24nx GARDEN--.,_ ---- TRACTOR, lawnmower, furniture, dishes, antiques, ACWD 45 tractor loader and blower, lawn fur- niture. R.R.3, Auburn, Phone 529-7684,--24.27 SATURDAY, JUNE 18th, one m(fe east of Benmiller at John and Shirley Hazlitt's. Toys, anti- ques, clothing, canoe, 1974 Volvo, moisture tester, welder, point, Starts at 9 a.m.-24 3. Garage sale' -r-- SATURDAY, JUNE 18th, 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., 226 Elgin Ave. West, Goderich. Household ar- ticles, tools, clothing. -24 SATURDAY,• JUNE 18th at 229 Quebec St., Goderich, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Many articles in- cluding antiques. -24 GARAGE SALE -' Saturday, June 18th, 9 a.m, to 5 p.m. Six families, 110 St. David Street, Goderich.-24 SATURDAY, JUNE 18th on 193 Keays St, starting at 8:30 a.m. - 12 noon. Children's clothing and other odds and ends. -24 BENMILLER GIANT COMMUNITY GARAGE SALE SAT., JUNE 25TH rain or shine We aro selling tools, electrical hardware. books, clothing. rugs, furniture. boots. fireplace grates, antiques and items too numerous to mention. DOWNTOWN BENMILLER "No Dealers Please 5. Cars for sale 1977 MALIBU CLASSIC, power steering, power brakes, 305, in good condition. Best offer, as is. Ph e 5 9-5 6.7295 24 4 ff 14 w - 1973 DOE.Chor ere Galt Dt�s529s' 7469 offer 5 p.m. -24 f , 1977 DODGE CHARGER SE, one owner, 50,000 miles, ' power brakes and power steering, 8 track tape deck, four new tires, certified. 524-6040.-24 1975 FIREBIRD, six cylinder, 55,000 miles, mugs, AM/FM cassette. Phone 524-7250--24x • 7. R. V.'s for sale CAMP -OUT TRAILERS, Hwy. 8W, Stratford, 393-5938, Your head- quarters for hardtop tent trailers, travel trailers, from lightweight right up to park models, truck campers 'and caps. Dealers for Prowler, Golden Falcon, Corsair, Lionel. Soles, rentals, parts, service. -14-26 SUNCAMPER hardtop tent trailer. Sleeps eight, 3 burner stove, ice box, sink, excellent condition. Phone after 3:30 p.m. 357-1807.-23,24 1969 20' HOLIDAY trailer in- cluding fridge; stove with oven, hot water, toilet and shower, sleeps six, spare tire and tandem axle, mirrors and hitch. Two-year-old 17' awning. Ask- ing $3,000.00. Make an offer. Phone 524-7506.-22,24 1969 RAMBLER 17 'foot travel trailer. gas or electric fridge, gas stove, toilet, sleeps six, 9 x 9 canopy new. 31,500.00. Phone 529-7619. -24 1974 FLYTE 17 foot tandem, fur- nace, 3 -way fridge, excellent condition, $3,400,00. Phone 524- 4141,-24 1974 • 14 FT. TRAVEL frailer, sleeps six; toilet, three burner Stove, ice box, good condition, $1,200.00. Offers. 524- 6649. 24 10. Pets for sale SHORT HAIRED rabbits for sale, 31/2 weeks old, white or black. Price $4.00. Phone 524-4588 or 524-4331.-24 6. Trucks for sale 8. Marine SUMMER IS HERE! Why not spend it on a lovely 17' mahogany day sailer. This boot has real character due to its mahogany lopstrake con- struction plus Norwegian design. Inventory includes clear spruce mast plus mainsail jib and hardware- Please phone after 6 p.m. 524-2916.-24 9. Automotive SAVU 10. TO $14. ON A PAIR OF TURNPIKE WIDE -TRACK MELTED TIRES Offer GODERICH 524-2121 12. Real estate for sale PRIVATE SALE: GODERICH. Three bedroom home, with large master bedroom. Colorlok sided, new roof and eavestroughing. Newly remodelled, large, country -like kitchen, livingroom and 4 piece bath. Full basement, with large finished rec room, heated by an airtight stove, encased in real stone background. Laundry area and workshop. Front porch and steel utility shed. Low tax- es, heat was around $200.00. Asking low 30's. Phone 524-6918 anytime.-16tfnx LOT FOR SALE Palmerston St., Goderich. 62.67' x 135' deep, with 12' x 12' mini barn on cement pad. PHONE 524-9046 after 6:30 p.m. TNUCKLOAD SALE WE'VE MADE A TREMENDOUS BUY ON... HEAVY DUTY BATTERIES GROUP 27-515 CRANKING AMPS IDEAL FOR LARGEST GAS ENGINES AND MOST DIESELS Suggested Retail...°03.25 $ 915 Our NOW Regular Farm Price... 70.00ONLY Ar We Carry a Full Lino of Batteries* EDWARD FUELS GODERICH `TEESWATER 524-8386 392-6100 11. Livestock for sale SMALL HERD of purebred, registered, polled Herefords. Prefer to sell herd intact. Will sell in small lots or individually. Top indexing bull. Evenings 613- 267-4573.-0-24 12. Real estate for sale A COUNTRY CORNER building lot, half acre, well treed, two miles east of Lucknow, on Highway 86. Price $12,000,00, Phone Wingham 357-3591 or 357-3712.--16tf PRIVATE SALE 1'4 storey frame house on largo treed lot, with garage and 20' x 10' workshop with upstairs for storage area. Location is on 171 East Street. House has 3 large bedrooms and bathroom upstairs. Downstairs there Is Ilvingroom, familyroom. closed in sunporch. spacious kitchen with built-in dining area. office and mud, room. Asking price 65$.01111, Owner willing to take back mortgage. Phone 521-7162. FOR SALE as is 1968 G.M.C. SUBURBAN formerly St. John Ambulance unit BEST OFFER Contact: Gary Renaud S24-2284 anytime 13. Mobile homes FOR SALE - 12 ft.A 68 ft., three bedroom, fridge, stove, washer and dryer, cedar deck, patio and toolshed. Phone 524- 6325.-13tf FOR SALE - 12 ft. by 65 ft. Nor- thlander. Excellent condition. To be moved. Phone 526- 7597.-21-24 12 .X 60 FT. Northlander with screened porch at Meneset; also 12 x 50 two bedroom -. Monarch, nicely decorated with lake view. $1`1.500.00 each. Will assist financing. Phone 524-7615 or see at 4 Iroquois. -23,24x Cute & Cozy Mobilo Home 12° x 60', 2 bedrooms, large kitchen, well maintained. Vendor will conslder transportation to new sits. Asking °10,060 or best offer. Call (519) 475-1371, 16. For rent MOTORIZED WOODSPLITTER for rent, $30.00 per day plus deposit; Phone 524-6777 after 6 p.m.-331fnx. FOR REALLY CLEAN CARPETS Do it yourself with Deep Steam Extraction. Bluewater Cleaners 521- 6231 17. Apartments for rent ATTRACTIVELY decorated first and third floor, two bedroom aportmants. Adults only, no pets. 201 King St., Clinton, 482- -7028.-17tf 4 12. Real estate for sale FARM FOR SALE The Farm Credit Corporation of- fers for sale: 12 miles North-east of Goderich, Ontario, on gray road. Lots 9 and 10, Concession E.D., in the Township of C borne, County of Huron, ca toining 126 acres with appro imotely 80 acres workabl Buildings consist of a fou bedroom dwelling, frame ba renovated for 80 to 90 sows fa rowing with some* finishin area, 16' x 62' silo, with manu tank, implement she workshop, and 2700 bush granary. The purchaser of this properi must rely on his own inspectio and knowledge of the form an not on the above or any othe particulors or representation made verbally or in writing b or on behalf of the Farm Cred Corporation. An offer to purchase must b mode on a form obtainabl from the Farm Credit Corpora tion on request to the addres below or from any office of th Corporation. Anoffer to purchase must b accompanied by a certified the que, bank draft or money orde payable to Form Credit Cor oration for a minimum amoun f $5,000.00- If an offer is no ccepted the deposit will be eturned. Offers to purchase must be received at the Regional Office steel below prior to July 8, 983. efore making an offer, those nterested should ascertain that he property can be used and ccupied for the purposes in - ended, in accordance with Pro- incial Legislation and unicipol Regulations. ashff o ere are preferredz.but consideration will be given to offers to purchase on terms-. , The highest or any offer to pur- chase will not necessarily be ac- cepted, and the- Corporation could request new offers to pur- chase after the above mention- ed date, if deemed necessary. All offers to purchase and in- quiries should be addressed to: REGIONAL OFFICE Farm Credit Corporation Canada c/o L. A. McGee 105 Silvercreek Pkwy. N., Guelph, Ontario, N1H 7G7 Telephone 519-821-1330. FIELD OFFICE Form Credit Corporation Canada c/o S. Wright, Suncoast Shopping Mall. 397 Bayfield Rd., Goderich, Ontario, N7A 4E9 Telephone 519-524-8381 -24-26 el 9, ol- n- x- e. r- rn r - g re d, el y n d r s y it e e s e e r P 0 a r li 1 8 1 0 v M C HOUSE FOR SALE North of Goderich, one mils from lake. Well maintained 3 bedroom split level home on large completely landscaped lot: -Eloctrfc- haat, separate brick garage. slijding glass doors out to brick patio. After 6 p.m. 529-7596 17. Apartments for rent TWO BEDROOM, upstairs apart- ment, close to the Square, on quiet street, no pets -please. 3229.00 monthly plus utilities. Call 237-3373 anytime.-18tf ATTRACTIVE TWO ` bedroom apartment, fridge and stove in- cluded. $175.00 per month plus utilities. Located on Square. References preferred. Reply to Drawer 19, c/o Signal -Star Publishing Ltd., P.O. Box 220, Goderich, Ont. N7A 4B6.-22- 24ar ONE BEDROOM apartment for rent, refrigerator and stove in- cluded- Contact 524-7381 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. - weekdays. -22-24 VINIMMINSIrt 24. Wanted to rent 17Apartrvients for rent IMINIMINEINEMMIP TWO BEDROOM large apart- ment, heated. Available August 15. Call 524-7585.-23tf ATTRACTIVE two bedroom apartment, located in Dungan- non. Carpeted throughout, with. or without appliances. 524- 7622.-23,24nx BACHELOR APARTMENT, nicely furnished, all utilities paid, reasonable rent- Phone 524- 4226 after 6 p.m. -24 ONE BEDROOM apartment, available July 1st, in quiet building. Phone 524-9445.-24tf BRIGHT ONE bedroom apart- ment. Major appliances includ- ed. Possession August 1st. Please call Jack Curnmings 524- 8951.-24ar SINGLES APARTMENT, fully fur- nished, no smokers please. Call 524-9895 efter 6 p.m. -21 tf BENNETT STREET APARTMENTS UNDER NEW SUPERVISION One and two bedroom apartments 'for rent. Cable. Fridge and stove included. All utilities paid. Security con- trolled. PHONE 524-6653 18. Houses .for rent NEW .FOUR bedroom home, Port Albert;ortgrottilable July 1st., 35212616.-) 8ff THREE, BEDROOM .house. close to; Square::Avflildpie at once-: 3325.00 a month plus, .utilities" 524-7822.-20tfar -v FOUR BEDROOM house, ex cellent condition, in Vanastrai. 3250.00. monthly. Available July 1st. Phone 482-3791.-23,24x 19. Rooms for rent LARGE BEDROOM, kitchen. privileges available. References required. Phone 524-6564.-24 23. Commercial property for rent GROUND FLOOR, 2,000 square feet prime office space at 60 Lighthouse St. Phone 524- 2717.-26tf Offices To Rent 5244382 24. Wanted to rent' GOOD CLEAN house with fireplace. Close to or in Goderich or Port Albert. Reasonable rent. References. Please call Ripley 395-5960 after 6 p.m --31 tfnx HOUSE OR DUPLEX required for July 1 or end of June in Goderich area. References can be supplied. Call Lorry 524-8331 days.-19tfnx ONE BEDROOM apartment for July, August and September. Phone D. Cole. 1-416-533-5025 after 5 p.m., collect. -22-24x EXECUTIVE REQUIRES three or four bedroom home with large principal rooms in Goderich or surrounding area on water. Two year lease preferred. 1-686- 9578.-23,24 COUPLE WOULD l;ke to rent cot- tage from July 9th to 16th. References available. Call 273- 1342 collect after 5 p.m. -23-25 BUSINESS WOMAN would like cottage in or near Amberley. Quiet area. Lost week of July or first week of August. Coll col- lect after 6 p.m. or weekends. London 685-7246.-23,24 WANTED 4 Furnished house or . cottage for 'throe months commencing July 1, 1913. Goderich or area. References provided. Alexanderand Chapman Reultyltd. 524 X77