HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-06-15, Page 3• !rn . ••••• • , • .•.•,/...• • .. • • • _ , • . OPPERIPHSW4teRTAA WIPMESDAY-411.1111E0 The 3rd Goderich Beavers held -their swimming -up ceremony on Wednesday, June 8. Those who participated were (front row left to right) David Fox,Adam Renshaw and Jeffrey Wain. (Middle row) David Boyce, Colin Beier an&Ryan Lawrence. (Back row) Leaders, Chicly Fisher -and Rhonda Perrott. ( photo by T.Marr) • Ten new members are accepted into Branch 109 The regular meeting of Goderich Legion Branch 109 was held in the Jubilee Room on Tuesday, June 7 with Branch President Claire Bedard in the chair. Initiated into Branch 109 in a ceremony conducted by comrades L. Riley and H. Chambers; were new members M. McNair and L. Kennedy. Ten new members were accepted into Branch 109. The new ordinary members are D. Bell, R. Duckworth,. G. Kitty and D. H. Thorne. The new associate members are Tim ' O'Brien, Tom O'Brien, Kirk Lyndon, Paul Mombourquette, Brian 'Schultz and Charles Osborne. Membership • chairman Rick Duckworth . reported that comrade Stan Profit will be ,hiS assistant this, year. Property chairman Harold Chambers reported that the cooler had been repaired and „that, ineks,win bikrinnif •ral_thea roof tower and the door of the Jubilee Room. One coat of paint will be put on two of the entrances to the building. The Branch will take a full color party to the Drumhead service at Lucknow Branch 309 on Sunday, July 3. • An invitation was accepted to have the Branch World War I veterans attend a din- ner at Wingham Branch 180 on October 22. A donation of $150 was made to Family and Children's Services of Huron County to send two children to camp for a week. Dona- tions were also made in answer to an appeal from the Red Cross and the Goderich and District Association for the Mentally Retarded., A motion was passed to send competitors from " the local collegiate to the clistrict track and field meet to be held in Waterloo on June 25. The Branch will again sponsor a bus to bring veterans from Westminster hospital on their annual fishing trip to Goderich, Wednesday, June 22. Sick and Welfare Chair- man Ray Barker's report noted two members deceas- ed and 19 visitations made in the. past month. Comrade Barker wishes •to thank all those members who donated books. The sick list as of June includes: H. Hibbert, C. Brownlee, M. Sutcliffe, B. Bedour, G. Leitch, L. Sum- mers, P. Burley, H. Stewart, M. McKellar, J. Wilson and J. Mombourquette in the local hospital. Fran Morris is in University Hospital and Percy Sheardown is in Sun- nybrook Hospital. Reported in WestMinster Minitel. are R. Drennan, J. Kempson and William Michie. At Huron - - BYSTRIMANIELEvaQUA Future tainding for special education, the decreas- ing amount of provincial funding for education, in- creasingefoKsf Or MC and CPP benefits and sales ta on school supplies were concerns aired by the Huron County Board of Education's chairman at the Liberal task force hearing in Goderich. Board chairman Dorothy Wallace made the presentation to the eight -member task force headed by MPP John Eakens (LeVictoria4faliberton). The two lOce1114rPs, environment critic Murray Elston mitionithito and agriculture critic Jack Riddell (1,-11111:044diddlesex) are also members of the task "One hates to make negative comments on Bill 82. (special 'edeication)," said Mrs. Wallace, saying the concept of providing education for ali children rang-, lag from those with learning difficulties to the academically gifted is a beautiful idea. But the commitment to special education em- phasized bythe Ministry of Education, or the uncer- tainty 61 that commitment has the board worried, said its chairman. Mrs. Wallace indicated that special education grants to the cover only 82 percent of the cost of the programWhile the remaining 18 percent is raised from local tax dollars. The chairman also noted con- cerns as the ministry has so far only committed special education grants until 1985. "Who pays for it after that?" questioned Mrs. Wallace. She expressed fear that programs for the "middle of the road" students may have to be cut, adding .these students will one day be "the backbone of the country". - MPP Riddell noted he had served on the committee which reviewed Bill 82. He said that while the educa- cation Bon minister assured Of emnialltee there *mid be adequate slArliiro funds for the program, we .were all Thatiltal the funding. "WeW49 have a concern *Abe steady decline in the cast of. education assumed by the province," stated *s. WHIlaCet indicating that in. 1975 the ministr paid Ujiercent of the budget while this, year - the minfistrx paid 62 percent of theboard's budget. "Would you say this has. affebted the quality of education?" asked WIPP Riddell. • Mrs..Wallace .said some Programs have been ' eliminated andedded one way to cut ciismis to have full classroOlDS. She said Latin is no longer taught in Huron schools and machine shops were cut from Cen- Heart Attack, Strok High Blood Pressure Rheumatic Fever; JralifUretiRecondarY'Relmel in Clinton. • On the subject of edueatipnOWts. Wallace pointed out that the technical equipment put in secondary schools in the 1960s has reached the point where it is either worn out or obsolete. "There is no funding to replace this equipment which is dreadfully expensive," commented Mrs. Wallace. Other -areas where programs are being considered by the ministry are in the extension of the French program and computers. The chairman said she wonders what kind of funding will be available and for how long. Mrs. Wallace reiterated problems facing the board which she has addressed numerous times. The in- creased cost of Canada Pension Plan and Unemploy- ment Insurance benefits cost the board about $200,000 and the sales tax on school supplies has meant an ad- ditional $60,000 to the board. These costs, along with being caught in a 12 percent increase in salary contracts with teachers, have left the board needing more funding from the province but getting less:" r • view are M. Mitchell, C. Wilson. H. Philips, B. Nurse, E. Robertson, R. Tamen and William Tamen. During the Canada Day weekend, there will be enter- tainment in the lounge • on Friday evening and on Saturday evening; a dance will be held in the Jubilee Room from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. On Sunday, July 3 a Friend- ship Breakfast will be held in the Jubilee Room from 9 to 11' a.m. and a levee is scheduled for the Vimy lounge in the afternoon. A motion was passed to authorize the executive to carry on the busineAs of the Branch until the next general meeting on the first Tuesday in September. The next executive meeting will be held on Tues- day, June 28 at which time a photo of both theekteiitiVe.c. the auxiliary and the breath :. will be taken. SUPER SF'ECIA FOR Erso, 41 Stetson After Shave- 30 ml. r I NEWBORN ,NEWS - Mason -- Cologne -30 ml. BENNETT Connie and Brude Bennett wish to announce the birth of Christopher Allan •at Goderich on June 10, 1983. A brother for Nicholas. - Howard Blake, Goderich. rr.. • '•4.• / • ", 1 ,4t e* Stetson Cologne Spray - 42 ml. 795 BLAKE Paul and Janice (nee Miller) are proud to announce the safe arrival of a daughter, Stephanie Lynn, weighing 6 lbs. 511/i oz., on June 6, 1983 at Alexandra Marine and General Hospital. Proud first-time grandparents are - Mr. and Mrs. Edward' Miller, Goderich and fourth grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. HEWITT Helen and Dave Hewitt of Goderich are proud to an- nounce the safe arrival of their second child, a healthy baby boy. Pamela's little brother is named Kevin Charles. He arrived on June 7th, 1983, at Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, at 5:37 a.m., weighing 8 lbs. 14 oz. Proud grandparents are Mr. and -Mrs. Percy Tracey, of R.R.1, New Liskeard, Ontario, and • Mr. and Mrs. Stan Hewitt of New Liskeard, Ontario. 4 Stetson Gift Set After Shave -60 mi. and Soap on a Rope in a wood collector box 00 • 4.t-trIpir•41,0,1trr:eoltrifattr^,Vr• BRAUN MICRON Electric Ra.zor .- 95 PLUS FREE, • BRAUN SIGNAL QUARTZ ALARM CLOCK Famous Braun quality. Includes Reg. mirror and wall mount bracket. 74.95 ° RICK AYLSWORTH WILLIE PETZ RESTAUR T • You* invited!, To Rick and Willie's Father's Day Extravaganza! THIS SUNDO, JUNE 19 10 Oz. T-BONE STEAK Served with baked potato and tossed salad. Served from 4 p.m. • 8 p.m. FOR ONLY \ • LIHOMME by ROGER & GALLET COMBO PACK After Shave Balm - 50 ml. 50 Hair Fixative - 30 mt. Eau de Toilette - 28 ml. 14. Or choose from our selection of *CAME RAS *CA LCU LATORS *RAZORS •PENS .MAGGI B. TRAVEL BAGS *FLASHLIGHTS *TOILETRY KITS - *JACKKNIVES *SUNGLASSES *SPORT 59,a6 And of course, a great selection of TOILETRIES from.... 4,1,03,4 • •BRUT •CHANEL FOR MEN •MUSK FOR MEN *ENGLISH LEATHER •TABAC Remember Dad with a Gift from... HAVE OUR FATHEFI'S DAY SUPER -SPECIAL OR , ' CHOOSE ANY SELECTION FROM OUR REGULAR MENU OPEN PATIO DINING DAILY overlooking the Hayfield River HIGHWAY 21 BAYFIELD 565-2554 GREAT SELECTION GREAT PRICES • GREAT VALUES •KANON •OLD SPICE *PIERRE CARDIN *GREY FLANNEL •L'HOMME by ROGER & GALLET NEW! • ±GAMBLER by JOVAN Cologne, After Shave, Deodorant, Mier Shave Balm For The Man Who Leaves Nothing To Chance. 1 Pharmacy 14 SHOPPERS SQUARE GODERICH 524-7241 1-) r•