HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1912-6-6, Page 7EJ ONN1E, SCOTLAND
What is Going ou in The Illighlaltda
and Lowlaede of Mild
Paisley Free Library now con -
talus 27,675 beaks.
A good fruit season ig expeetecl
the Clydesdale district
A stone cofan containing a skele-
ton has been unearthed at Meller
stain Heepital, Aeton.
Bandirran parks, near Balbeggie,
have been let for the season at the
'abnormal rise of 2a per cent.
Pitlochry Scheel Board have bor-
rowed $14,500 towards eost of new
cookery, Jeundry and gymnasium
The plans for ,the extension of the
Paisley municipal buildings have
been prepared by Mr. belies Lee,
• In Stoeehaven iee cream shops
must be elosecl.a.11 Sunday, and on
• other days only open from 7 a.m.
to 10 p.m.
At Kilfinan, n Argyllshire, little
moil° than aemile from Loch Fyne,
a rich lecle of copper ore has been
• The number employed at Rosybli
Naval' Base is soon to be increased
by atiout 2,500, and during the sum-
mer by 3,000 more.
After being on etrike for fulayea
year the miners of Braidherst Col-
liery, Motherwell, have just re
sinned work on the old terms.
A great effort is being mede to
clear 'East Lothian of rats. No
fewer than 18960 rats have been
killed since thallialoginneag of Octo-
ber. Iv
Thewomen operatives employed
by the Boase Spinning Company,
Leven, have received an addition of
five per cent. to their wages.
By the coal strike the capital of
the Fife Miners' Associallion has
been reduced from almost $400,000
to betweeu $100,000 and $150,000.
Ex.-13ailie Baird is opposed to the
proposed coat of arms and motto
for Paisley. He saes it is "a relic
of feudalism 'and a pandering to
needless vanity."
The new school at Carronshoxe,
'Which has been erected by 'blip Lar -
herb Parish School Board at a cost
of about $25,.000, was formally
pealed on Saturday. ,
The remains of Geo. Smart,
own throughout Fife as • the
"Kirkcaldy Bone -Setter," were in-
terrecl recently in Kirkcaldy ceme-
tery. 'Smart, who was 73 years of
age, died after an illness of a fort-
night's duration.
Offers are being invited for the
right of ferrying to and from St.
Catherinee with the mails. Inver-
aray pays a subsidy of $300 per year,
while •the Postmaster -General pays
$350 for the•carrying of the mails.
Lady George Campbell, Inveraray
Castle, at Lochgilpheacl recently
presented badges to 26 members of
the Nation.al Reserve. She urged
hbys to join tlie Scouts and young
men to serve with the Territorials.
-.Becoming homesick while staying
with friends at Alloa, a three-year-
• aid boy toddled half a mile to the
station and took the first train. He
went to Stirling, and not until the
telephones had heard some weird
stories was the youngster located.
Among :the many intereeting-rel-
ies of by -gone days which were lost
in the burning of Sedburgh Mus-
eum 14 years ago, one of the most
greatly prized was the ancient ban-
ner brought home from Bannock-
burn by the weavers of Jedburgh.
Reoently a colored drawing of the
pennon which is said to have been
preseneecl to the Deacon of • the
Trades in 1821 and came into the
•possession of ex -President Hil•s'on,
by whom it has now been handed
over to Sedburgh Public Library.
The Troopship Struck a Sunken
Rock and 488 Were Drowned.
'Tis 60 years isillee the Birkenhead
went down on the coast of Africa'
with ehe loss of many brave lives
and the addition to Britain's roll
of glory of a deed of, intperishable
memory, At the time of the wreck,
as was afterwards (shown, the Birk-
enhead was within three miles of
the shore, which was notvisThle ow-
• ing to darkness, nor wais the sound
a the surf diseirignishable. The
• weathe,r was entirely calm, the cap-
tain was eool and collected, and
the boats in perfect order fox
launching if time had pernoitted.
So fierce was the ;repeat with the
• sunken rock that the water rushed
with 'race force into the low trop
• deck that the men Were drOWIled in
' their hammocks. Others gathered
on the deck, and, says Oeptain
Wright, "the order and regularity
that prevailed an board from the
time the ship struck till she totally
disappeared fax exceeded any-
thing that I thought could be effect-
ed by the beet discipline. Every -
tope did as he was 'directed, and
There was not a =lemur or a cry
• among them till the vesselenade her
final plunge," Twenty minuie's ef-
ter striking. the Birkenhead broke
into three pieces and w'eett down.
Of 630 ofkees, teanien, soldiers and
toys on board no forer fault 438
'ire drowned "
They Nem the New Blood Dr, Wil-
liam's Pia Pills Actually Naito.
Perhaps you have noticed that
your daughter in her "thees" has
developed afitfuletemper, is rest-
less and excitable. That she oorn-
plaies 'of' weakness and depression,
feels tired out after a litge ex'er-
tiou, appetite variable, eomplains
of hadaches and is growing pale, In
that case remember that the march
cif time is leading her on te woman-
hood, and that at this period a great
responsibility rests upon mothers.
These are symptoms of anaemia—
that ie bloodlessness, and no time
should be lost in inceeasi6g and en-
xiching the blood supply. Unheal-
thy girlhood almost alwayleads to
unhealthy womanhood. All young
girls in their teens need the.help of
Dr. Williaras' Pink Pills, which en-
• rich and increase the blood sepply,
and give sickly drooping girls the
brightness and charm • of perfect
health. In proof of this Miss Zola
Gordier, Morrisburg, Ont., says:
"I was pale and bloodless and suf-
fered from many of the syraptonas
of anaemia. I would tire easily and
sufpred from frequent headaches.
MY appetite was poor and I was
very pale and easily discouraged.
The medicine I was taking did not
seem to help me, and then one day
I read the story of a young girl who
suffered, similarly and was cured
through the use • of Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills. I got three boices of the
pills and started to take thigra. Be-
fore they were done I began to feel
better and look better. Then I got
half a dozen more boxes and be -
fere they were all used I was en-
joyieig the best of health, and have
continued to do so since. My young
brother was troubled with rheuma-
tism, and they 'completely cured
• Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold
by all medicine 'dealers or ca,n be
had by mail at 50 Cents a, box or six
boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil -
hares' Medicine' Co., Brockville,
Official Sues to Recover It After
•An Execution:
A curious dispute about -a hang-
man's rope, which will have to lee
settled by the law courts, has arisen
between the Hungarian hangman.,
Bali, and the public prosecutor at
Temesa,vr, in Hungary. •A mur-
derer had just been hanged, and the
hangman untied the rope and be-
gan to cut it into small pieces in
order to sell these at an impromptu
auction to the crowd waiting out-
side the prison—a bit of a hang-
man's rope be,ing believed in Hun-
ary to he the beet of all possible
charms for bringing good luck. The
public prosecutor, however, who
has to be present to witness an ex-
ecution, ordered Bali to hand over
the rppe to hen, because scandalous
scenes amounting to a riot had oc-
curred after a recent execution a.t
Miskolcz, when the crowd fought
among themselves for the grisly
mementoes. The hangraa.n refused
to give up the rope on the ground
that it was not only his perquisite,
but actually his own property, as
he had to supply ropes at his own
expense. The ' public prosecutor
thereupon ordered a policeman to
talte it from him 'kw force, which was
done. Bali gave notice that he
would bring ae action for its recov-
AM Cured of
Disfiguring Pimp1es
By Cuticura Ointment. Broke Out on,
Face when Twelve or Thirteen.
Were Most Embarrng.
Had Tried Everything.
A Nova Scotia girl, Miss Mabel Morash, �f
Dover West, writes: When I was ;Mont
twelve or thirteen years of age, my face
broke out with pimples, and I tried every.
thing M get rid of them, but failed. The
pimples were the worst on my forehead and
thin. They came mit in groups and developed
later into sores. Being on my face they
caused great disfigurement, and were most
embarrassing. •
"Alter trying so many remedies without
eueeess 1 saw the Cuticura Ointment adver-
tised, ancIX sent for a box. 1 then applied
it to the pimples, and M 5 week I saw ts
great change in my face. I kept using it,
and in a few months it rendered a complete
cure. Now you cannot tell I ever had
pimples, thanks to the Cuticura Ointment,"
(Signed) Miss Mabel Minstsla, Mita 81, 1911.
Baby's Face Like Rai, Bea
"My baby boy had a large pimple come"
on his forehead. It burst and spread all
over hie face which soon looked like a piece
of raw beef, all emethered With bad pitntilee.
It Was awful to look at. • The poor utue
thing teed to scrawl it arid cry- terribly.
1 took him to a doctor but he only got
Worse until / was MIRO frighteised that he
would always be disfigured. Then I got two
tins of Cuticura Ointment, together with
• Cuticura Soap, and In twOmentlis bad quite
cured him NOW Of come 1 use Cuticera
ltoitp fel. ell nty children (S)gned) Mrs.
Perry, 09, Wateribo ltd., Aldershot, Ung.
land, May 911 10I0.
&Herta soap scot olptIntnt are sold
'throughout the world, but to Mop WhO
have suffered much, lost' bete and are With-
outsfalth M any treament, a liberal stnpIe
of earl with a 82-p. booklet ota the skln
and seals) will be mailed free, on aP011eiltIon.
• Address Pettey rang * Client Corp., 59
OolUMbea Ave, BOOM/LB*. S.
When $ir Alm 'French was in
command of the cavalry at Can-
terbory, b chanod one day 0 meet
a rather slouching young recruit -
nae, n',13, lad, ' said the new
General French.
Chief of the General Staff, "does
this city belong to you V'
The military fledgling saluted and
blushingly replied:
• "No, sir."
"Neve e mind,', said French, gen'-
i -
ally, "straighten yourself up, pull
yourself together, and look as.
though it did."
Mrs. Wm. Kernaghani Cart-
wright, Man., says: "I always use
Baby's Own Tablets and find them
art excellent remedy for little
ones." Thousands of other mo-
thers say the same thing, simply be-
cause they have found the Tablets
the best medicine to give their little
ones to make teething easy; to ex-
pel worms relieve constipation and
to make baby plump, healthy and
strong. The Tablets arc sold by
medicine dealers or by mail Se 25
cents a box from The Dr. Wil-
liams'. Medicine Co., Brockville,
Ont• .
Mrs. Muggins—"I hear your hus-
band is quite versatile."
Mrs. Buggins—"Why, he can ad=
tually• stay out late every night in
the week and not give the same ex-
cuse twice."
Cucumbers and raelons are "for-
bidden fruit" to. many persons so
constituted that the least indul-
gence i followed by attacks of
eholera, dysentery, griping, etc.
These persons are not aware that
they can indulge, • to their heart's
content if they have on hand a bot -
tis of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysen-
tery Cordial, a medicine that will
give ire:mediate relief, and is a sure
cure for all summer complaints.
Counting both steamships and
sailing vessels of one hundred tons
and upwards, their total in the,
world's mercantile marine exceeds
Keep Minaret's Liniment In tho house.
• Russia's Army has a peace estab-
lishment of oyer 1,200,000 men; its
approximate war strength exceeds
5,000,000 men. •
• Worms in children, if they be not
attended t6, cause convulsions, and
often death. Mother Graves' Worm
Exterminator will protect the chil-
dren from 'these distressing afflic-
It -is the stroter "I will" that wins
the day- "I will do my part in this
great work! If others •• fail 1 'will
sue -reed 1" Such a spirit as this has
won victories-.
1141ne.rars Liniment Lumberman's Friend,
A prisoner wee being tried in an
English court for murder; evidence
a,g.ainet him purely eircumstaiitial;
part of it a hat found near the scene
of the crime—an ordinary, reund,
bla,ck hat, but sworn to as the pris-
oner's. Counsel for the defence, of
course, made much of the common-
ness of the hat. "You, gentlemen,
no doubt each of you possess such
it hat, of the most ordinary make
and shape. Beware how you con-
demn a fellow-treature to st, shame-
ful death on etch a piece of eve'
deuce," and so on, So the roan
was aequitted, • just as he was leav-
ing the dock, with the most touch-
ing humility and simplicity, he
said; "If you please, my Lord, may
'eve my 'Mil"
In the reign of Edward IIL only
three taverns were ellewed in Lon,
Ludger Cote's Backache had devel,
oped into Bright's Disease, and
pains and aches were his portion
Dedes litaney rills cured him.
St. Yvon, Gaspe Co., que,, MAY
27 (Special)—Once mere e wonder-
ful eure hes sent the name of the
old Canadian gidney (Remedy ring-
ing through the Province ef Quebec.
Mr, Luclger Cote 4 well known re-
sideet of this Place, is the man
cured and the story of his cure in
his owu words is as follows
"For four years I suffered from
Backache, stiffnesa of the joints and
finally Bright's Disease. 1 hould
not bend my right leg on account
of the pain in my hip and Aeo. I
had terrible pains in the region of
the bladder. My eyes were swollen.
was always tired and nervous and
took no pleasure in life.
"Finally, I decided to try Dodd'e
Kidney Pills and the effect was
marvellous. Six boees cured me
c ornp etely. " '
13 acka,clte, neglected, develops in -
Ito Bright's ,Disease. The one sure
way to escape its tortures is to cure
the Ba1kache when it first starts
with Dodd's Kidney Pills.
• The statistics published by the
Oib of Paris, France, ,thuing the
last ten years since the suppression
of the carol tax on beer and wine,
and the increase of the same tax
on strong alcoholic liquors such "as
brandies, eau de vie, cognac and
pure alcohol generally, have shown
that the 0011611inption of beer and
• wine, -described as hygienic .drinks,
has considerably increased, while
that of pure alcohol has diminished
almost by one-half. Before the oe-
troi tax was removed the average
quantity of aloo'hol consuraecl by
Parisians was nearly eight litres per
head per annum, and now the
amount has fallen t» only four litres
per head. Drunkenness, it is as-
sumed, has declined in equal pro-
portion among the working popula-
He—"So you lost that handsome
little dog you had?"
She—"Yes, in a railroad acci-
dent. I was saved, but the dog was
He—"What a pity 1"
Such is the recuperative power contained
in Copeland's Cure for Consumption that
even the most advanced eases have been
cured by its beneficial action. It ears be
taken by the weakest patient, to whom
it gives a fighting strength as nothing
else will. The appetite comes -back. That
weakening perspiration is stormed. The
lungs and respiratory organa are healed
at the seine time. Its efficacy to fight
consumption, weak or bleeding lungs,
lingering coughs and bronchitis is proven
beyond. doubt not bY what I state, but by
what is stated by those who have taken
icfor those ailments and have been cured.
Cops of testimonials of those who, after
being given up by dootors and speeialists,
as only having a few, days to live, and
are alive and well to -day, are eent on
request. Price $1 per bottle at your drug-
gist, or direct from Wm. Copeland, 611
Pape Ave., Toronto, Canada.
She --"I did not think much el
the close of the sermon." He—
"Probably you were thinking more
of the clothes of the congregation."
Sores Heal Quickly.—Have you a
persistent sore that refuses to heal?
Then, try Dr, Thomas' Eclectric
Oil in the dressing. It will stop
sloughing, carry away the proud
-fresh, draw out th'e pus and pre-
pare a clean way for the new skin.
It is the recognized healer among
oils and myriads of people can cer-
tify that it healed where other oils
failed utterly.
Nearly one hundred million acres
of land in Alberta are suitable for
Minard's Liniment used by Physicians. ".."
Husband (cheerfuily)—Well, love,
have you had a pleasant day?
Wife -013, splendid! After *I,
dressed the' children and got "them'
off, washed the dishes and made
some pie, cleared away the lunch-
eon table and answered same let-
ters, I still had time enough left to
darn my stockings.
Patched OrIpplea ShIP in Wavy
Sea wItIt Simko
One of the most remarkable feats
vver performed by a diver is related
by the °taws and erew of tbe Bri-
tish sleop-of-war Shearwater. J. P.
Langan°, A young Irlah shipwright,
boarded up the propeller well while
the veseel was roll•ing irt heavy sees
and oe'enabled her to make the voy-
age to port,
The Shearwater was or 'mg off
the Cast of Mexico, when in a
dorm, she lost her prepeller. Re-
sort was inamedietely had to her
sails, but it was found that steering
was alnaost impossible because the
big arch or well under the stern, in
iwhich the propeller had revolved,
made the rudder's work ineffec-
tual. The ofaeers decided that if
they were to bring the ship to port
this well artest be boarded up.
Lingane was sent down to do the
work. Thou hampered by his heavy
diving suit and by the weight of the
water, he was able to adjust him-
self to th'e bad rolling of the ship
and to handle the -heavy timbers
that were passed to him. Be fas-
tened the boards so securely that
they had only shifted in one plasie
when the Shearwater reached pert,
even though she had been battered
by heavy seas on the way. • Naval
amen have given high praise to the
young man for what he did, and a
special report on. it has been sent
to the British Admiralty.
A trial to the nerves of the young
diver while he was at work was the
presence of several sharks, which
at tiraes swam close to him. Armed
men on the warship, however, kept
them from attacking him.
If so, remember these facts—Za,m-
Buk is by far the most widely ased
balm in Canada! Why has it be -
some so popular • Because it heals
sores, cures skin cliseates,, and does
what is claimed for it, Why not let
it heal your sore?
Remember that Zeta -Bilk is alto-
gether different to the ordinary
ointraents. Most of these consist
of •animal lats. Zam-Buk contains
no trace of any animal fat, or .any
mineral matter. It is absolutely
Test • how different and su-
perior Zarn-Buk really is. .All
druggists and stores at 50c. box,
Use also Zam-Buk Soap. Relieves
sunburn and prevents freckles.
Best for baby's loath. 25c. tablet.
• 4.
"We must begin • to economize,
my dear."
"All right. • Suppose you learn
to shave yourself." •
The Beauty of a Clear Skin.—The
condition of the liver regulates the
condition of the blood. A dis-
ordered liver oauses impurities in
the blood and these show them-
selves - in blemishes on the skin.
Parmelee's Vegetable Pills in act-
ingupon the liver act upon the
blood and a clear, healthy skin will
• follow intelligent use of this stand-
ard medicine. Ladies, who will
fully appreciate this prime quality
,of these pills can use them with the
certainty that, the effect will be
most gratifying.
Mate—"When he fired the pistol
at you what did you do, captain?"
Captain—"I moved to one side
and the bullet sped harmlessly by
and buried itself in the thick part
of the mate's head."
At the Yarmouth Y. M. C. A. Boys'
CiamP, held at Tusket Falls hi August, I
found MINARD'S LINIMENT ;nest bene.
Role for sun burn, an immediate relief
for colic and toothache.
General Secretary.
Mrs. Gadder—"I saw your hus-
band to -day eonaing out of a sa-
Mrs. Gayburrd—"Probably go-
ing out to get shaved!"
Countless have been the cures
worked by Holloway's Corn Cure.
It has a power of its own not found
in other prepare -dens.
Pigeon -shooting haz been prohi-
bited thrtnighout Swiss territory.
Ask Mr Minard's and take no other.
The foreman of a largo iron-
works was short of laborers .onis
morning, and as a last resort, went
to an ald tramp • who was lying
asloep beside one of tho furnaces,
and roused hini. with the question
"I say, ray man, are you wanting
"What kind of work V' asked the
"Can you do anything with a
shovel?" , • .
replied the tramp, rub-
bing his oyes, "1 could fry a piece
of ham on
Cures the sick and acts as a preventative tor others. Liquid giver; Oa
the tongue. nate for brood mares and all. others. Best 'kidney remedy;
50 cents a betties 10.00 the tionen. Sold by all druggists and hareesS
houges: Distributors -Afar. WRoLESALE DRUGGISTS,
SPORN MEDICAL 00„ Cheesiets. Goshen, lad., U. S. A.
nternational Poultr Fo d
Prevents Choler& soid aaves the Littie °hacks
A little chick is just like a little baby -its health depends on its food. Improper feeding
opens the way for disease, Chicken Cholera, Roup, Apoplexy, can bo prevented and cured
My chickens had Cholera until some of their combs were turning black.
After using a few foods of " international Poultry Food'," I never lost
another fowl, and Cholera has loft my preon9e8.-1. F. BARNETT.
Give all your chickens a daily feed of "International,' It keeps them well—fattens up the
broilers—makes hens lay all the year round—keeps the cocks vigorous --and
insures raising the little chicks. If you want to make tnoney out of your
• fowls, feed " Internatioaal Poultry Food."
• 25c., 50e. and $1.00 a box, At dealers everywhere
Write for free copy of our $5,000.00 Stock Book, the
greatest book ever written for farmers.
4 ••,
, „,
I a.
and all kinlauthoesa hanglagg. also
Write Co us ahout,yours. Gold Medalist.
Cow -C mfort
is positively
guaranteed to
keep Flies of
your Cattle.
MaoLaren Imperial CilefISO CO.
• Limited.
He—Madam, you promised to
obey me. Do you do it?
She --Sir, you premised me your
worldly goods. Do I get 'em?
A Pill for Brain Workers.—The
man who works with his brains is
more liable to derangement of the
digestive system than the man who
works with his hands, because the
one calls upon his nervous energy
while tfie other applies only his
muscular strength. Brain fag be-
gets irregularities ef the stomach
and liver, and the best remedy that
can be used is Parmelee's 'Vegetable
Pills. They are specially com-
pounded for such cases and 8,11
those who use them can certify to
their superior power.,
"Here's an umbrella I've kept for
three years," he said proudly.
"Isn't it about time you returned
it," she replied.
vl-117-- Try Marine Eye Remedy
No Stnarting—Feels Vine -acts Quickly.
u rwrItifeIrgiVe'YeterrIticae troll
In each Pachage. SMILE 18 own.
EY • 8 EaudtebdoW;ATtAasbgiMenit.
e e „47. clans'Prautico tor raany years. sew
am dedicated to the Public and sold by
Druggists atSteaciaerbottlo. Morino
ei die Ey. Salvo in Aseptic) Sibos, i5c40o.
Murine Ese Remedy Co., Chicago
Wifey—What do you think of my
new hat?
Hubby—Very pretty., 1 hope it'll
satisfy you for a while.
Wifey---Of eourso it will. The
eolor is not quite what I like and
the trimming doesn't come up to
my expectations, and the shape is
not as good as it ought to be, but
otherwise the hat is a splendid bar-
gain, and. I like it awfully well.
Dr. Merse's
Indian Tito t /31226
exactly meat the need which so often
arises in every family for a medicine
to open up and regulate the bowels.
Not only are they. effective in all
cases of Constipation, but they help
• greatly in breaking up a Cold or La
Grippe by. cleaning out the sestern
tted purifyme the blood, In the same
way they relieve or cure .Biliousness,
Indigestion, Sick Headaches, Rheum-
atism and other Common ailments,
le the fullest scree of the words Dr.
Morse's Indian Root PIM are 4.7.
A II etessleold rkeanardzP
H:roTI-OntDOA. MON, Ninety Colberne Street,
.112.1 buy beautiful hundred acres in
Northumberland County, it:lauding Steck
and Implements. There is in the stook
4 horses, 10 cows., etc. This is a snap, and
can be had on easy terms. Possession at
00 00
`Ur Halton, Peel, York, Durham, Northa
umberletnd, Prince Edward countiesat
reasonable prices.
.71 Manitoba lands in large or mall
Niarara Fruit Belt.
H. W. DAWSON, Toronto.
Courts.: soil clay loans; three acres
orchard. Briek house. Good out -buildings.
Will exchange for eity. -town or village
property, sT for smaller farm. The West-
ern Real Estate, London.
Its and Clerks in great demand through-
out Ontario and North West. Six months
will qualifY YOu, Day and Mail conzaies.
Positions secured. Free Book 18 explains.
Dominion Sehool Teleeraphts, Torentra
milkers. Must be quick and clean.
Wages, 525.00 per month and board.
Steady employment winter and summer.
Apply: S. Price & Sons, grind:Ile, Ontario.
eld. Wm. Pearson, Guelph, Ont.
T_TAy and FARM SCALES, Wilsotee
Virnrkft, 9 Etrolontyl., Toronto_
ternal and external, cured withont
Pain by our home treatment. Write us
before too late. Dr. Bellmaa Medical 'Co -
Limited, Collingwood, Ont.
see TON SCALD 017ARANTEED. Wilson's
VI Seale Works, 9 Esplanade, Toronto.
_K. years' course in training ,at Aultman
Hospital, Canton, Ohio. Address, Supt.
Throat Hospital, will give 'Ns .young
women who desire, one year's training in
•their special hospital. After one year's
service they may be promoted to a posi-
tion on salary or recommended tee 0, gen-
eral hospital where they can take the
complete course of training school for
nurses; references required. For further
information address Miss Eugenia, D.
Ayres, Superintendent of Nurses. No, 210
Bast 64th St., New York City .
Canadian Branch: Purifice Ce., Bridgeburg, Ont.
IV Male— Z 'M
0312.1.33,..,E42.4s) 0-t.ZER,11..."11.5S
Protect -- Preserve— Beautify
Samples and Booklets on Application
1871 Bathurst, Street TORONTO
Of la alavid aAZ.gv/A0.1.
46 Fp.
Acknowlchta to
be the f inete crow
tioa oE Water-
proof C014re
ever melt. Asir
to ere, awl bey
no miter. All
atoreo or direct
for 25:,
Maypole Soap
Dyme sc.
With fileacic
Soap there is nO
wale and ler musa
in home dyeing.
Dyes cotton, wool,
•silk or red:dikes, 24
tolort.will give any
shade. Colors 10c.
•Eisek I 5e-zik yea
dealer's er postpaid
with booklet "How
to Dye" leola xog
F, I., BeerancT a O. Montilla