HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-06-08, Page 9lation tl? Installation night for new- ly elected executive of the Ki ,gmen, K-4fi, Kinette and K-Ette Clubs of Goderich was held in the form of a din- ner and dance on Friday, June 3 at the Goderich Memorial Arena. Zone K Deputy Governor elect Joe Phillips of Stratford and Zone K Kinette Co-ordinator Dianne Armstrong of Goderich performed the of- ficial ceremonies for the following elected executive members: Kinsmen Club: President, Jim Hayter Jr.; Past - President, Ron Blue; First Vice -President, Bill Pollock; 4 Second Vice -President, Craig Davidson; Secretary, Tim Colwell; Treasurer, Steve Buchanan; Registrar, Malcolm McIntosh; Direc- tors, Mark Fischer, Scott Pearson and Jim Shanahan; and Bulletin Editor, Ron Blue. Kinette Club: President, Carol Davidson; Past Presi- d Kinette Clubs dent, Ruth Erb; Vice - President, Sandy Pollock; Secretary, Senga Johnston; Treasurer, Mariette Desjar- dine; Registrar, Pat Allen; Bulletin Editor, Mary Helen Blue; and Assistant Bulletin Editor, Laura Colwell. K-40 Club: President, Peter McCauley; Vice - President, Bert Worsell; Secretary -Treasurer, Ray Cook; and Past President, John Doherty. K-Ette Club: President," Sylvia McGee; Past Presi- dent, Grace Patterson; Secretary, Lorraine Baechler; Vice -President, Florence Cutt; and Treasurer, Helga Wirtzfeld, Steve Buchanan was presented with the Kinsman of the Year award by Kin Life Member 13i11 Kirkey. K- Ette President Grace Pat- terson presented the Kinette of the Year award to Pat Allen. Special guests, Dave Sykes of Signal -Star Publishing, and Glen Creamer of CKNC were presented with Certificates of Appreciation for their valued assistance in publicizing a variety of club activities over the past year. In a surprise presentation, K-Ette President Grace Pat- terson was named a Life Member of the Kinette Club. Grace was the recipient of several gifts and letters of congratulations for the special occasion. Kinsmen Association dignitaries in attendance *ere Association Founder Hal Rogers of Toronto, District 1 Governor Brian Cleaver, Paisley, Zone K Deputy Governor 1982-83 Ken Hall, Stratford, Zone K Deputy Governor 1983-84 Joe Phillips, Stratford, District 1 Kinette Co-ordinator Diane Garret, Wallaceburg, and Zone K Kinette Co-ordinator Darlene Doupe, St. Marys. Mayor Eileen Palmer was also in attendance represen- ting the town of Goderich. GODERICUSIGNALSTAR,'WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8,191 PAGE 9 It's a hoot ! 133 picture perfect playgrounds far you to discover. Ontario Provincial Parks Ontario Ministry of Mon n,an W 'op. Natural M 61 W T 00020, Resources ()fop,' 41,w°,., • For information, fall toll free: 1800-268®3735 1 SUMMER VACATION COURSES SEVERAL COURSES AVAILABLE CONTACT: FRED SMITH m The Kinsmen and Kinette clubs of Goderich honored their respective members of the year at a special awards ceremony Friday. The Kinette of the year is Pat Allen and Steve Buchanan received a plaque in recognition of his selection as Kinsman of the year. ( photo by Dave Sykes) 524 -9350 up to 11:00 evenings LEARN TO DRIVE WITH SMITH'S -HURON COUNTY DRIVING SCHOOL •CERTIFICATE ISSUED *MAXIMUM INSURANCE SAVINGS UPTO40% •OUR FEE INCOME TAX DEDUCTIBLE •FULL TIME PROFESSIONAL INSTRUCTORS •LESSONS FOR ALL AGES The Goderich Kinette Club introduced its 1983-84 executive at a special awards ceremony. Executive members in the back row include; Mary Helen Blue, bulletin editor; Ruth Erb, past president; Mariette Desjardine, treasurer; and Laura Colwell, assistant bulletin editor. The front row includes Pat Allen, registrar; Sandy Pollock, vice-president; Carol Davidson, president and Senga Johnston, secretary. (photo by Dave Sykes) SENIOR CITIZENS RICK AYLSWORTH WILLIE PETZ '4Sandra Pollock and Carol Davidson of the Goderich Kinette Club received their Diamond Award, the highest Kinette award, ata special ceremony Friday. The awards are presented in recognition of outstanding participation and dedication. (photo by Daye Sykes) MEET YOUR FRIENDS RAIN OR SHINE INDOORS AT VANASTRAI FLEA & FARM MARKET Huronview, In connection with Senior Citizens Week, Is having a special day for the public on Sunday, June 19th, from 1:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. In our new audltorlum. On, that day the department heads of Huronview and the Committee of Management will be available to answer questions. Various booths, highlighting the different aspects and activities within our Home, will be on display. The thine of Senior Citizens Week is "We all have a lot to share". With this in mind we hope that everyone will accept thls invitation to Huronview and share in making this day a successful one. Hwy. No. 4 2 Kms. South of Clinton •COLLECTABLES •ART •CRAFTS •BOOKS •CARDS •TOYS •BOX PLANTS •TA V ISTOCK CHEESES •HOME BAKING •BIKES •APPLIANCES SELL YOUR -OWN! CARS, TRUCKS, TRAILERS, BOATS, MOTOR HOMES, ETC. EVERY SAT. & SUN.• 10 AM TO 5 PM . WE HAVE BUYERS WE NEED SELLERS CALL 482-7401 OR 482-3773 ,t 14 Antique Car Show and Flea Market at Fairgrounds® Clifford .fuse 1 ith and 12 if, 9a.rn, -6p.m. Admission $1.00 Children Free 40 ANTIQUE CARS ON DISPLAY CHICKEN B.B.Q. SATURDAY 4-8 P.M. - Sponioral by: Maitland Valley Racoon HAST+ For more . formation call Morley Tann.r 881.0947 3 5/8 z 61/2 White Envelopes Top Quality 4 x 9 White Envelopes Top Ouallty Kraft File Folders Letter Size )(raft File Folders Le al Slz� 23/4" Adding Machine Rolls Letter Size Figuring Pads Standard Staples om_pore— '1.19 '1.59 1.00 0 '18.65 88' ea. '1.70 '2.02 '1.09 '1.54 JUNE 9 ANDA EVERY THURSDAY IS OUR - THURSDAY FISH FRY ;:') SERVING„TIME SPM - 9PM featuring FRESH LAKE HURON PERCH Have It done your way - either DEEP FRIED IN BEER BATTER or PAN FRIED IN CLARIFIED BUTTER & PARSLEY served with old- fashioned french fries, tangy colo slow, and fresh french stick bread. ALL FOR Calefillgi CaII us for. your special occasion! We. do GOURMET CATERING Shall . or— large groups - receptions, rehearsal parties, cocktail party hors d'oeuvres, anniversary parties . . Air ” at reasonable prices. Call Rick- or Willie at 565.-2554 and we'll discuss your menu requirements SURF 'N TRF SPECIAL At a very special prical Enloy CRAB LEGS with drawn butter, and BACON WRAPPED FILET MIGNON. all served with Baked Potato, tossed salad,and homemade' relic and butter. OPEN DAILY SUNDAY THURSDAY R a.m. - 10 p.m. FRIDAY 8 SATURDAY 8 a.m. - 12 midnight , PATIO DININ( FULLY LICENSED UNDER LSL•13eO. 1