HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1912-5-30, Page 8t" • rJi'►O'p****!r'l!' dh'IIr*********+i**ih1/91►o�+1P M R<k16A w•••4+4es• 44404Q1+Rlh9/o*ieil"►4$4.••t••••••• ART'S d � PHONE 16. oys IL Boys w 11 -lave You Bought Your Spring Suit a 4: 4a • • , d o 0 s �, 4 , • Q • ;r ae P � 4 ? + cR t *. • t• PO 0 • • c,0 •4 The College Suit �b Lion Brand " Mouse Furnishings If vote want a Suit 4 oQ s lz 1 trial will stand ruf wear we have them. We have a big assortment o worsteds in the new c brings which has the snap and style that all boys like, You are sure to like your suit if yon buy it here. Shirts For Boys with the new soft Collars to match just the thing for Coming hot weath- er. eath-er. 75C&$11.00, Caps A big range of Caps, alt have the new peaks and the cloths are very new. 504R75C Summer Under= wear In short and long sleeves, also in combination. sets all newest weaves are shown. SOC to $2.25 Umbrellas In the New India shape. The handles are very nobby and the cloths good. $1.00 to $3.00 Rugs We Fag they are pretty you will yourself this season pat- terns snrpasses all others. Linoleums In all the widths. The new patterns are sure to please and the prices are right, , Curtains in the new nets scrims and madras, We have curtains to snit any window. Papers What a difference •a few rolls of our paper will make to .the appearance of your Wine, Try it and see. J. A. STEWART • • • • s • • °• •• eO' •• •• • • • •• •• • 0• • ,Z •41 •.0 •-� as • ,• •• • • •• • •• • . •0 i0 • •s •• • O• p• •4 44, Oc,•O O I •• e sea. tee ee eeAoa••••O.OiOt••oOA•••••N••••••••t•e••A• +•••4 ••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••�.a+ +44+4 +++++ •4•++ 3'•4•'4•+--r :0'-+ +fii-4•- HOME STUDY ; 4- • Thousands of ambitious young 4. r• people are instructed in their r hornes by our home study dep- .gr ee artruent You may finish at College if you desire. Pay t 41 whenever volt• wish. Thirty .4. Years' Experience. Largest •II 4 trainers in Canada. Enter any ? Idly. Positions guaranteed, If .g you wish t r save heard and + -4' learn whin• you earn, write '4' for particulars. ar- + s NO VACATION ,y et CIietonBusine ti Co 4- GEO. SPOTTOI4 B. F. WARD +.President Principal Ai Mr. Frank Johns, of?Torontol,l vis- ited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W, Johns, from Friday till Monday., Narrow mllnded-and uncultivated persons can, easily find fault, and can vsL illy mangle some degree of truth with their •' harsh conclusions. They, judge rigidly and .blame serenely, not because they he y are wise accurate o ferning but rather because they are deficient in some of those qualities. S?,'t'3ATFOSUlle ONT._. 0 ONTARIO'S B't+`ST BUSINESS •o. COLLEGE • • ,Our :courses are up-to-date. •and practical. We have a • staff of experienced instruct-; 0 ors and our graduates ,get the•• • high grade positions. We do le • more for our students than • • does any other similar school': • •�, We have three departments • COMMERCIAL SHORTHAND, 6 $5 'TELEGRAPHY. You owe it: d, feo yourself to knefw what you • are doing Get our .free cat-®. • s.logaeaf._, once: c . • •• D. A. McLACHLA.- 0 iv 4 Principal. •♦•••m••••e•••••••ee••'••Ote Your Iawyer may, pulp you through. on a technicality, but your pastor can't." Techanicalities don t count before the great an•cl final Bar of- Justice, If you have an items of news that would ibo of interest to your friends send it in Don't he shy. 3f you can- not drop a note, call us up on the telephone. e phan, Netv s is what �� Gossip excluded. • • h t t e want. Tr se.! H's Goo0 d" You're right Sonny Boer: , iyal's Tootle Pasf& g,g od. 7ft s41ie' xnzld•s Pearrn?ttt$avor tt si`ve :,tt that.fiee taste. - ' _And jt acts as a ,splendid ver off the teeth. Acidify of t ' e saliva ancj mouth. secretipzis haake,o cause tooth decay. is Tooth. .P paste corrects klzis [l,Oid condition and thus checks • t eiharm fuk action on the teeth. 13e sure and ve Dada Mother and , SI stet rash an introduction to iQyal's Tooth ljaste give, w They'll like T it s a 1I' ll � u. 5.t 3'd i1 sive. ez th ' r teeth foo: Price x ?lure a e re over 3• ve ra' ru 1 vrdr d e atfur�Vya,t¢re¢aralroru. nor instance if ypnr sttxlics Are ?veazing you out,there ' Pyal'iatemec l utritive HypoySHosp"fiiteato'buil4 m;e o oNyal y le A9 Q 112 Atntbl you hat , , wltzr the aorta Fir 1)IEs Sold i+iill.g;;loran ,,i IS k1• r. �'At1l ,61�, Wttisfsoblon $ Ho' Che>iiiist and Optician: Market Report. -The foll0Whag the report of the Exeter markets. Aad• rected up to. May SOth Wheat 1,03 Buckwheat 70, oau'ts Oats 50e. Sarier SO Peas 1,00 to 1,10 Shorts aS Bran 26.00 Model Flour 2.75. Feedlour 1,65 Bunter 20c Eggs 21 Potatoes 1.60 Flogs S50 Choice Export Steers 7.35 7.50 Med c Ea:port tchr Heifers 7 50 7.25 , Meda Butcher Heifers 7.00, ;t,2.5 , Choice Butcher Cows 5.50 6.00 Med Butcher cows 5.50 6.75. Coin. Dutcher cows 4.00 '4.50 Yearling T.+ambs , 7.50 7.60 Sheep 5.50 6,00 •*4> 04e**••••••ew••••••••••►• • LOCALS • •.Neel+•• 40•a•••41b4 tl'uron County Council opens June 4th. Mr. II r Art visited in London on the '24th a'• ,Misses Smith and Handford drove to St. (Marys Sunday;+ Mrs. 1', 13. Carlingvisited in (Tor-, nto for several days. Mr. and' Mrs.' Ae Stewart motor- Dred to London on ,the '24th. Mr. T. Newell of Stratford' is visit- ing his sons at the Commercial. Miss Lulu Martin and Gladys gels - 41e were home for the 'holidays Mrs. Pumphrey, of Parkhill, is vis- iting her daughter Mis. 'J. Charlton Mrs. Hammond of Buffalo,' is vise iting her daughter Mrs. Wm. Rivers Mr. Walter H Bailey of London spent the 24th visiting at Mr. T. I3oy- le's Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Hawkshawv, and Miss Myrtle, spent Friday' last in Mitchel. , Messrs Geo. `Jackson and .Wm Harding were in town Monday on business. Miss Mabel rollick returned to town after spending several days in St. Marys. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Braund, of Brantford spent the holidays visit -I ing relatives in town. Miss Elsie McCallum, of London vis- ited her parents, Mr. andl'Mrs. T. R. McCallum over the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Alf .Walters and Mr. Jas Walters left Monday for.. the,, Soo They went by boat from Sarnia. Mrs. Gpo. Willis of Liondon;tandl'Mr. and Mrs. T. H. McCallum are spend- ing, several days at Grand Bend. Mr. Toxo. Carling went to "Lucan; on the 24th to play' ball with Centra- lia against Luean Inter' wonr' 16-0. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hooper and child, of London_ spend the 'holida:y's visiting r fizz g at the homy, of (11]:r. Harr y Hooper. , Mr. and Mrs. Johnston; of 0ordeata visited Mr. and Mrs. G. LI.. Waugh over the holiday Mrs. Johnston is-; aemaining to visit for a while; Mr. Herb Ford is this week moving into the house;'he recently.purehased. from Mr. Tom Creech ..Mr. T. Wind:• sor has purchased Mr. Ford's properly Our Band go to Dashwood nest 3iIonday to supply music for their• big day of races. rra.ines' ., rind sports. A good crowd\wvill accomp- any them. " Dr. and ,Iv1rs. Weniu'i of Hamilton, came •up last week to visit the form- ers father Mr. A. Holland.. The Dr.' Las returned home while • Mrs. Wenig will remain for am iandefinate tine e. Mr. Geo. Chapmian will, be a f the' Central Hotel Exeter on 'Thursday Jane 6th at 12, o'clock noon with a choice load of calves for sale. This will probably be the last of the season so anyone wanting calve should call on him. Mr. Ern Rivers, son of Councillor Wm. Rivers, a,:student in civil engin Bring at Troy N. Y. who has been vis- iting at his home, for several weeks recuperating from. an attack!' of ty- phoid fever, ]eft Wednesday to res. ume his studies at Troy. Mr. Wilfred Goodlwin recently ar- rived in town from Peterborough, fluntingshire, Eng,. and is staying. with Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Davis; Mr. Goodwin ' Ro- ai. tains out on the 9 George and reports anexcellent trip , While, passing through the icefields he counted fifty leebures in one day. Leaving for Scotland-JMr. A:, M,` Todd, who for a number of years has conducted ,a general store at Maguire in Stephen, expects to leave' this waekt for Scotland where hewill make 'his future home. The store will be 'con- ducted by his son. Mr. Todd was in town on Tuesday bidding goodbye to his many (_lone i5 Sewer By-%'aw Carried -The rate- payers of ,town on -Monday last al roost unanimously voted in' favor at the .ray -Law to raiser 55;000 for the new sewer drain on Main, street from the post office to the. river. Che pol- ling was very slow and the vote a small one 168 being in favor and 11 a t3al ast The contracts which h were,pre vieeusly let provilsionally, were !let to the Hamilton and 'Toronto Sewer Pipe Co. who are to burnish the sewer pipe nd n. J N. Howard townofwho is to do rr t} excavating tV tin and a Ici i 0 3 zr ,, of the tile The work will be coinrneseed, hn. Medizit' k C V, Good horse Returned- 'Mr, W. Tapp has purchased that fine import- ed horse "Storm • Ding' . lately own. ed by- Messrs 13awden, do McDonnell. and old sointi3 years ago 'to a gentle - 'nee in Owen Sound. He is such a good breeding horse that farrners ,wished him back again aid conseeit- entie , Ii•r, 'Tapp has purchased hire and he has arrived in •Own Stomal Ding has a tine pedigree and has ,t most excellent record ,Zany of the hhighthis priced ;Horses sold around s Ire w will elates -were sired bq�„eSt.orsri iting �• g stars for Moires ca thi. to son f n'ioi � a a, ,M'cI)o nel[ . Barna. �'ol: �' ,. t, zt . s. harts t.g needing the:, .too a .• ho. of a ooc�: ret Will e 1 to well .t ,0 dee ti'ai >ti Tapp at he Central Hotel, ' TUE EXETER TIMES hiss 1 a ' jla't'i spent tbG 24th, 1131 London. 'Mr. Sohn Welsh seas lit iondeall t?,rturc�ay, Miss Lela; Gould spent the holidays in ;Loudon. on ,Mthr. e 4Lonth. ey of London was i1E tewrti Mr; "harry Parsons of London was home over Sunday, Mr. J. Sparks of Ingersoll was z'n tovea oa tile/Z4th. Mr. WfL'ozrxan. Bla'orontchfordtq. has retrurhed hozna �. Miss Clara Davis visited over the holidays in Ingersoll. Several young men from teiwn triot- ored to'Llenclon, Sunday. air. A..L Rollins ;of Detroit is visit' hie in *own' this week. Miss Margaret Makins visited at Preston over the holidays. .Mrs. Powell left Tuesday to spend a few days at" Grand Z enId1. Mise Mary Barknex, of ;Louden, vis- ited her home on the 24th • 11. Mr: Harold Bissett tt as in London the latter • part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Es1i Heywood were in. London over the week end. Miss Alice Handford visited hersix ter in Aylmer over Sunday f Mr. Thos. Bowman of London vist- ed: with relatives on. the 24th. Mra. A. Phillips .visited her 'dough; ter in St. Thomas :over the holidays. Mr. and Mrs, II. Rankin of Mit then visited with relatives in: town. Miss T4. Worry, of Londbtn visitt.1 with friends in town on the 24th.....„ Miss May Harness of Luoan, visited her parents id town for several. days. Miss Ethel Piper and tittle niece, of London. spent the holidays in town Mr. O., 13ecker of New Hamb•zrg. is visiting at the home of Dr. Brown- Lng. Mrs. M. Sheer& visited her son Gar- field; in Brantford over the week. end. .Mss Ida Link of. London; visiteidt her sister Mrs. P .Bawvden over the 24th. .The clerks and milliners of Mr. J. Stewart spent the.'24th at Grand Bend. Mr, and Mrs. W. Elliott of Iiirkton spent Susnday with, -Mr. and Mrs. T. Elliott. M terrllrs.e.W.o. CFamer spent t the 2 thtun London. - The Misses Fitchett. of Thedford; visited Miss Ethel Brickwood over the holidays, Mrs. Vitali/man of London, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ed; -Treble over the" holidays. . Mrs.` A. Evans of L'ond;ii visited{ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Treble over the: holidays. Mrs. W. Davidson, of London, •vis•- ited with. ,llifrs. T;- A. ;Burke' over the holidays. , - 1fliss Basel;.Browning has returned home after spending several weeks, in Toronto. : Messrs rs S'V'il]``Heideman, Garnet Pas- smore and Henry Parsons spent the 24th in London. Mr. andr'MJrs. Ern Davis of HamiI- ton spent the holidays visiting re- latives in town. Mr. aed`11Irs, Sam Fa,nson.and .son, - visited ,Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Houlden over the holidays. Miss Etn,nxa Welsh spent the week end visiting her sister Mrs. H. Whiting of London. Mr. and Mrs. Adams; of Sarnia• visited over the 24th of the home of Mrs. D. Johns. Mr.Earl Spackman teller of .the Molsons Bank, is 'spending three weeks holidays in Ottawa. Mrs. Ed .Stewart and son Wilmer of London,, spent the . holiday with Mr. and Mrs. A,• Steward. Miss Zimpierman of Toronto was the guest of Miss Hazel Browning Browning over the holidays. Miss May ,Arin(strong of L• ucknoctw spent the holidays with her parents Mr. and IvIra. I. Arhistrong.. Mr. Walter ,Harris of Toronto,, spent l the holidays la with ith Mr. S. S. Kearns at the Baal of Commerce. Mr. Chas. Ellis ',and son 'Marshall., of Moose Jaw Sask.. are visiting at the hone of .1,1r. William Leavitt. Mr. and l4Ire. T. If. Dixon of Loa - don spent the holidays ,at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. ?Martin of Sharon. Mr. and I1rs. Chas Dale of St. Thomas a m s spent p t the 24th at the. Cerci= triI, OY[r, and A r.Dale 1 cave: for Toledo.; shortly i ' i t Mr. Ed. Christie visited in St. Cath- arines over the holiday. Mrs. Christie and babe returned honie with hint on Monday. Mrs. Graha',n, and Miss Graham, of 1Poderich., visited' the form-er ;z daughter Mrs. Chas. Lindenfielcl over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. C. LindenfieJ J and son Ned visited Mr. J. J. Morn r Zurich on Sunday. c in Mrs,. :W. I).13'ia•rle and daughter Ctearldine; of Berlin, visited the for mer's parents Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Tay- lor over the holidays. - A nuir,ncr of the members of the Sons of Bnglend Lodge drove to C.lin- ton`Sanday to attend Divine worship With the Clintonn loge, 711' iss z 'Ca• da • L eav't •� li has ret;urnt.d• home from St. Joseph hospital, Lon- don where er e 5hc, has been ..en u d• n er8 oLn C. t re t 1 licnt: forthe pastthree months It is'reporced around n town that some of the birds` tv'hich are protect-' td by-law atee„ being killed, Any cit- izens guilty of this' practise; should, take warnin•h. r ', • 1)r, Ii. lx, flyn"cinxat;w accompanied Mr Jas, .;Cart to` Loedett 'en Friday last to consul!:.a: specialist. He also brought 'Mass Lizzie I inkbciner home 'ran the hoepi`„ 1•.; Mr. S. G. Eawden's new five passen. ger Reo touring car arrived •in towns last Saturday,.The car is a tine one, and a' number of citizens have been tr e clod to;a ride. c. w, Fire Marvin Ililta Atidntl;'i°�•.. ?Autrey ra y IlIt a of f „Pontia,C Miel. dad'd' 'Ur. Mark Hilts ntCrrell were'the guests ,01 their sister 111(t44:< Val), VI114 cent aver' the holiday +++SII++a° ' ° '+ '+4+++ IIgti' +t 1; + DELAWARE LACK- AWANNA 4e WESTERN et CbAL OO FANYS 4. Scranton • Coal * The Best hard Caa: Mined Try a ton •4r E Y TT C O, t L MAN .g,. It No Wonder We Crow So many people tell us they never get flour that can com- pare with ivIODEL, It is a common OCOUrence for people to come in and" or- der `_Just the Same Kind of. FLOUR. as You Sent Me Last Time, I ; Want -Nothing Better.' We have a good supply of Bran. • Shorts, Oats, _Feed Wheat. If you want Feed we can supply you. y l A RVE- B ROS. Exeter, Ontario, 1-rurnituro io and Undertaking• ° Phone 20 1 . • You wlll always find °oe this store with up -,to -date °. • furniture and with .t de- $ sire to please everyone. fR1 N. Rowe: o Undertaker & `Licensed • • Embalmer• • o .Exeter, - Ontario. • e ed'64+; 4r G' 9?Ott O.D•Q6'.30Aee+P,•v14C r' FACE -CREAM Aneutral. nourishing skin tone un- rivalled for the complexion. non- irritating, non -greasy, soon ab- sorbed, keying no shine or sticky af• ter -feeling, leaves the skin clear, soft and firm, relieves sunburn and chapp- ed skin, applied before using pa wder, it keeps the skin clear and free from premituTa wrinkleC , will not cause or protnote the growth. ofLair upon. on . the face. Three sizes 25c, 50c & 75e, •, will give Any,bun;,•• }Jr u � 7. - � 1 , en Liz, with tli'ename raMisr - satistae- .ncn7FnlE5 tion Solo and guaranteed at ilowey's Drug Store Here is something that the people of Exeter might do. Believe in Exeter Talk up Exeter; sound its praise's; tell of its advantages; discourage the pessimist; pat the optimistic ,cit- izen on the Jock. Advertise the place. -Speak well of Exeter. Tell of imiatic . and progressive. Smile a lt the benefit of':Exctelrover when anything. proposed for YOur con,fi.dence in itsfuture: 130 opt' (lents for S a.le- & liras ofGc.'• n ui , anituns, , Fuchsia, , r i'i Ferns, .e n 1 s . , el r ax on`uix- •L. h� b i i oi"•, ,li.. n• . A _ stars. A. beral;nin„ Stooks C. �,ilv`"�. ,. S' ills_ .I,ca>", Jlreaoelia, Coleus, German Ivy, l)alsorns, Double end •Single i7etunas; Vinear and all' kind>;, of plants for hanging baskets, vegetable plttnt.s we have early call Tete cabbage, cauliflower, pepper Spanish onion, celery and six k}ndp of tomatoes, L. 1711:y Market Gar-' deiced and i'lsrist A Record -A number from tow , were in Mitchell on the 24t:ha•ttend t:ke races. whieh they pronot.ttnee decided sneeess The matched race leettvicen the rel fund Yral 11, jun. the two fest est est 110 r..r st in Canada. for n purse 91415005 00 was n very clot r a nd t n 8 woe, b the The last ta. ao ed i w„ r n1 0 ' 1 r� 1' 1 dna � 1 afl'i`rtitiddeKi by the starter, ;,was • tZe,Iast.est half Mile ever paced In Canada. Abotity' 1>000' poopic- witnessed the ra;os, THURSDAY 1M'AIr 00 ,1,0, CARL INC'S PHONE 18 EXETER Note. These Fr-ie�s for Bargains N I .4. LINOLEUNIS We have only about 2 Yards 5 Linoleum left Reg 2.40 for $1.99 They are Going Fast. 4.' PRINTS Regular .121=2c to be • Cleared at '10 Cents t UNDERWEAR Men's Fine Egyptian Thread Bal- l: allbriggan Underwear. We have in the neighborhood of 150. Yards Prints, All Colors. 1 Reg 40c a Garment to 4. Clear at 29c a Garment • . HANDKERCHIEFS . . Men's bordered Excelda „Hand- kercheifs made of very fine material, Regular 15c for '11 Cents PAINTS ! , PAINTS ! PAINTS ! ,II; 4, - •' All Paints to be cleared out, regular 65c a quart a'quart. • - + All Tinware and Hardware to be cleared out at a chs- 4 for 45c .� + count of 257. off. -.AIl Wall Papers 25% off. Some 'of the Best. and Newest;Styles in 4.•arrived :. Come in and See for yourself. + - 4.4. Neck Ties just, .4. • + ++++41-4++++++++++ +++4.+4.4. +++4. 44++++++++++++++ ++4- +44 + 44+4.4.4 r4. 1.44'444.4.4•` +4.4.4.+4++'' •+$°r•44• 4.4.O+ 4.+++4•+++++++ + .4. 4. •. n4. • :r JUNE THE Y, WEDDING MONTH TR]1RE WILL BE a great manyWed- dings during this month. There will also be a corresponding number of per- plexed friends wondering what would make a Suitable Gift.- and wbere to get it. INocVITEkwhicTHhiEM toes Uiseful, nspectBeau our St, nclud- t iful and Novel Gifts for the Bride the Groom and the New Home. 3.7 a/ Marchand�. Jeweler r_ .4, All Repairing Neatly and Quickly Done, - }•;... 3!K?F' '4 4 4.44.4 3t4+•4 �i '�'''�inl"II•'�u,.}i4"4"j"}j'f+y4'4!,4'^4.'4.+ •i. rt t tt trtPt �t ni trf0L7tWHAT'STHE�8E GROCERY • ' DUSTING W.lrnfuhe or Woodwook 1 with a dry duster when the dust - �- files -..r •. and' tcillows irn-your � ,�.'. wake.,. Get a Modern Shuffle' on and Use' PHONE 47. Opp( site Electric Light Plan Keep Happy in the Home by getting YOUR HOUSE HOLD I\ ECESS!TIES -Bele. We llsindle'only the BEST slid `re linve ever: t hing • ;t r u re.,d are See ens, 1Nf 1EII AND .COFFEE STORE - CV Ti7Dh3'h reshut C ce Bsiz It et ar,d i k�.i .. ng ..BillORCOOOMIOIOWESIONO f Veribrife- ___ VenoiI ...... 1..ori OUL' duster an a 3'. done .o - E' health, It disinfects and ... cleats eve' k' Chiu it Now ra the tithe -to et: rid of .our ` y g touches, .,.,- I You?' leaving thesurface irks new -rheumatism . You can do .it by ap - . �+� plyinig ,=Chamberlain s Liniment an ,i _... . massaging, , the parts freely at each"( r ---,ay.. application For Sale by all dealer AlMarti I S. w t l l l+' Son :. CASTOR_ ,w. .,i4.714.14 LXONT. ` +wi rr , uliai�iii1 rr CC II , r For Ini's►►t�el n h 1 r a �xtLe. . y � Kind� ;lave aiwayt Bough 4 i .Po atilt t l' :..: r a 11F atur., t iit; FOR cty+��1, �,lyri�a�'�'.•.' F'OR TC,F ellER'ta +3i