Exeter Times, 1912-5-30, Page 41.
ilmnomitiqtgounnttljnotintOlinto,noinimmttli too
104011 1111110111111
INEAN rs °C, 111.1 D L'N
rrOBIOle'S 'Stattlieetftit-
MSSAkinesttntitaTils neither
qpniut, Orphill0.110T/#24-11
Zia', •
411,7na •
akin Sotef,'4,
lippc_rgairit tt_
Won Sea -
elankra 'Sugar •
Aperfectliemedy for Constipa-
• tion, Sour Stomach,Dierrhoea.
• Worms,CouvulsionsNeverish-
, aess andLOSS or Slim,.
lacSirelle Signature of
eats and Clalldrett.
The Kind' You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
eneeenteletan++ +4-1-144444.1.delid4Annstennifnlelenrnle+•Fl.4•4-e
I•The. Molsons Bank 1
"4 -
Incorporated 18,55. 4.
T. Record of Progress for Flye Years -19°6=19n 1:
,i• 1906 1911 +
t CAPITAL ;t7.$ 3,000.000 $ 4,000,000
.T. ptEsERvE , . ..... .. , .. .1:':. 3,000,000 4,600,000 .
+ DEPOSITS •^L 23,6'77,160 35.044311 1:
t LOANS AND INVESTMENTS ..,4ge.e. 27,457,090 38,851,801 4.
,.1.". TOTAL ASSETS . ,,. '- 33,000,192 48,237,284
el. Has83.Branclies in Canada, and Agents andOorrespondents in all +
+ the principal Oitiesr in the World. •+
+ A General Banking Business Transacted • .1.
.3. +
1' Savings Bank . Department i.•
4. +
4 Al all Branches. Interest allow d at Highest Current Rates. +
+ Dickson & Carling, Solicitors. N. ..... I-1 URDON Manager *
SIR. EDMUND WALKER, C.V.O., D.C.L., President
General Manager Assistant General Manager
CAPITAL, $15,000,000 REST, $12,500,000
This Bank offers unsurpassed fa.cilities to those doing business
with foreign countries. It is spfially equipped for the purchase and
sale of Sterling and other Foreign exchange, drafts and 1Cable Trans-
fers, and for the financing of imports and exports of merchandise.
Commercial creAits, Foreign drafts, Money Orders, Travellers'
Cheques and Letters of Credit issued and available in all parts of the
Collections effected promptly at reasonable rates.
Exeter Branch —G. L. WAUGH Manager
When You're getting, get the BEST
One that will outJast the rest
.1.1ate3 economy and sense
Both in ebartecter aid PENCE
Timndhnothft.g iput the Best
for instance
Stock Fence,
at per rod
Farm Gates at
Speohel Notice: ge,
•'d Spanking does not cure children of bed -
Wetting. There la a constitutional cense fa
tlds trouble. Vas. ivr. Summers, Box 641
Windsor, Orit., will send free to any mother
be -r iiiincetisfult home treatment, with full
bestructions. Sena 220 raortey,but vrrito her
to -day if year ohildren trouble you in this
way. eDon't blame the child, the chances
are it can't help it. This treatraent also
cures adults and aged people troubled with
mine dculties ny day or night.
._ THE ErEzpv.vu P.A.CEASE
The Man who has a bundle finds
homage in the air; the knowledge of
his f =dn.!, precede him e verywhe rat
and every bloomieg maiden win al-
ways treat him nice, the man with
the guilders laden. the man who has
Also a large i -to .k of t'odar the price. And moralists inay than-
POSn; 'i,n(1 all kinds of Lu
and Shingle's at Low Prices hold.; our slavish adoratioxt of gold
e and silver yen is treating the nation',
, , to dem oralieing rade. Though he's
id b. 1, pole, to pole, We :threes doff our ben• .
6 r 11
• abused in amulets arid cussed frora
US to lent who has the roll. I often
jetRAN ION like tte kicker who rathe.r deftlYi
„,„aa„ der about our lusts for gold., and fine
1 -1 -"in -i it ie a blunder the rich man to un-
sivears at sinful get-rici_-quicker nd
--e* eitimillionaries; for wealth. that is
a blessing, when moderate it seems
• • becenieS a thing distressing ; When
EVO WOffiall
^- carried to extrem is, Oh, we are
, surely Ivi.ser than We our lids uplift,
te inteteittod and 81100000w not to the sordid raiser, but to the
ebouttee wondered rees of tk.rift; and Iike a sill, far
Marvel viihiribto SPNY ce'll seem ly thinge we say of him
Douche who has a parcel of booclie pat eway.
Ashionr eireggist for
it, Jr hk cannot ctaiPir
2,MitY1CL, Adopt to
!bet Sod itaraP fer
• oil and directions imarnable
• aa.VIllirMSOrretirrItiveo.„wrtiadeer,
rreitord Agent,* for canasta.
—Walt Mason,
Dr. de Van's Petnale Pills
A reliable French regulator;tteacr folio. The
pine ore exceedingly powerful la regulating the
ettersuitre portion of the Imola system. Refuse
thflp imitetiens. Dr, de Taws are sold a
'5 ri hog. or three tor SA Mailed to any address
rite Seebell ltreug at, Ce.tharinee, Ont.
W.est night I heard rainin
in the rain.
And fitheeotrariacIrianitis patter uattne
Making 6,11 tbe eweeter the Manic of
tbe etrane .
$e, tlieught I, when troubles game,
as troaines wiU
Wby shopall I step siegitent
Just beyond. the hill,
It mei be, the sueehlee floods the
green 'World. stig.
He N:1;hheeettf res trouble with a 'heart of
Makes tbe burden liahter, If there
falls a teer,
Sweeter is the cedence tu the song
we hear. „
have learned your lessco, bird, of
Listerzing to your reuses Wahl its int
ttspr1n• ,
Wien the storm clouds darken, then
is ,the .tirae to shag.' '
- B., Rexfordi ,•
.÷÷44+4.44., 4.4.4eteletelete
The eourt in London Which has
investing the wreck, of the S. Se Titan
tio has succeeded in showing that the
5, p. Californian, Pant, lor& of the
Leyland Line, was the Myatery Ship'
whose lights were seen not fen Pff
by..the survivors of the Titaastio and
Wthioh had ignored; the signals of die
tress and calls for help of the sink-,
Lag ship. •
The Lord Mayor of London forsees
trooble as to ,what he is todo with
dubscriptions to the fonds for the.
Titantio sufferers, He says quite en -
ought ortoney has already been sub.•
scribed to 'relieve all distress, ibut
the donations are still ceining
T,here will cbe,,,a surplus of a consid.,
erable amount, to Nybleh eon,sideration
most now be given.
k* * a • *
The most important farm imp10,-
moat is a lead pencil Without some
fora of accounts one cannot know
where the profits or the losses are
The time required in keeping sweet:me
t,s be but a few „minutes eaole
day. In smug eases tee enturns will
be =foe° for these Iew minutes than
the rt of the days workP,refesgor
NY, C. Palmer; North Dakota Agrinne
tural College. •, -el
e I) IP •*,
Londoners had their first glimpse.
of aviation on Saturday afternoon.,
when Beckwith Havens. a young New
'Yorker, rose from Carling's, farm;
east of London. in a biplane and, cir-
cled the city. 'Havens baa been en-
gaged for exhibition on Victoria Day
bat owing -to a stiff gale refused to
attempt the fligat then. -In order to
satisfy the 'disappointed one, howev-
erhe remained over, until Satueday.
The ,eirout of 22miles -was made. in 20
mixertes. -Havens eising up Ito a
knight of 4.800 feet
miumAix aux 04 ao
For 1st son Veers Port Nelson Haa
Been on the Kan of Canada—The
e'int' There Is Colder and the
Summer Is Just ite Ho ;The
Incilari'e Strongest.Pink' Is Tea --
Hudson Bay Cti."Suprerne.
PI will share ray kingdom with you --
Euler shall you be thenceforward;
Of the northwest wind, Kee-waydin,
Of the Home wind, the Keewaydin,'-
When 11/fud5ekeewis„ the West.Wind
and ruler a all the other wind. el
heaven, gave the Northweet.Wital '40
his son, Hiawatha, after the faMonle
trial at his. strength, in the great'dight
as told in the legends of the Oblib-
Eays, and translated, into literature
y Leunfellowe Fort Nelson as a Port
,ad not yet been placed itpdit ttlfe
map. Indeed, it is doubtful if there
*ere as yet any such thiegs as: maps,
Wass Iliawatha hiinself made A'tnaP
'il hit tetritmY on a sheet, of bieen
ark. ,Possibly, ilideed, the port itself
1 that -tinablaylathorns deep 'Older
the ilea. Not =til Sir Theinas•Jldf-
t�n came thee, first, of ' white Men.
in, 1612, did Port Nelion, get itself; on
We- .now known map, and not till, Si
Themes' mate, Mi. Nelsen, died.there,
one time during that winter el .1612-
1613, did Port Nelsou get even its
name. .,
Thus for just exactly. 300 years ,b,es
port Nelson been en the map Of Worth
'America, and for just exectly 242
years it has been in business as a
•pail Until now, that business 'hid
but little eoncern with eettled,Oduadi,
bnwever, being &lefty .dealings of the
hative inhabitants of the woods aid
Prairies of the far Northwest, wine
a comPeny of nonorable gentlemeneitt
London. The present outstanding fea-
Wee erthe new GoveriamenVs iirthieve-
rnents during vits first seesion at Ot-
• tawa fust closed, baebeen the graciotte
granting a. a section of Keewatin to
Ontario. as another vacant let to. add
to he provincial baek yard; nogether
with railroad right- to. Port Nelsen,
across Manitoba's portion of said ter-
ritory:, same said territory acaisiStine
of Hiawatha'e ancient land grant', the
home of /the Northwest Wind. Mann
taloa gets anoter and bigger pertion,
together -with .partnership rights in
Port Nelson, 'the fanner fox trade, sea-
port on Hudson. Bay,
One, hundred million acres or mate
of spruen basil, clay ldnels, sandhirs,
gienina escarpments, big , and little,
and lakes and` rivers greaV and
Stull, level sweeps of muskeg, bearing
thinly scattered ,stunted sernoenelse
thery tamarac on scraggy jackpane—.
Iliavratha's lend—unsurveyed teceepe
for the • main rivers, and the' salt
ewater coast line. Still, after all, these
vivid ehanges, throughout • the othet
home lands of the Orees and the Ols-
jib-nays —'midespoiled, IonelYee end
firimevall •
Ittiewaydin still sPeeads. a blanket
9.1 snow three Tedt'cleep every'*infet
oer those lonely little lakes. Old
Nokomis still puts out her nabbit
• snares in the .forest ening the *nen
shores, still sets her lith nets through
the ice. And in the 'spring, wient
Shawondasee, the nSouth Wind,
breathes upon the ice, arid the riverg
break and the eager bncle of the silver
birches and the northern poplars swell
into tender `young leaves, every vele
ley beceraes, a dimple of delicieue
green, each nesting its • own small
fragment of the sky as refleefed in
Keewatin's innumerable lakes. The
summer comes late to those little Kee-
watin lakes, but when it begins tO
come it comes without reaction or
delay. The water lilies spread their
green pads and the immaculate blos-
• • • • •
soins burst from the bud about as
eerie as do ours here in the southern
It is 'reported ttat the Prince of part of ehe -province.
Wales will have a home in his oWn. Midsummer comes conteraporan,
principality The recent death; of the eonsly with ours and is almost as not
Dowager Lady Penrlyn makes it pos-
sible to put through the scheme Via moowades out deep into the
tepid water to estape the flies and
which has been on feet for some time dive down for lily roots. The wood -
to purchase Penthyn -Castle for hien land caribou naother leads her spring
The castle stands on an eminence
two milefrora the town of Bangor calf into the lake to teach it to swim,
in North Wales, It is a -very iraposeo that the migration will not be his-
deren when in the fall the time comes
ing. affair with a thig,b. Norman tow -
move further southward. ,The wool -
ableand turrets. Its interior- is not- to
able for its fine old furniture, scalp- ly little wild ducks hatch out to flea
tured chimney pieces, oak carving and flutter around the mirrored ponds,
and panelling There is also a bed- and the glimmer -glass bays. The
stead constructed entirely a slate partridge broods rustle through the
which is exonisitively tooled and fin- ground leaves and learn to fly up
ished. It took foarteen years to build into low brandies of the thick -set
the eaatle and it cost $2,500,0001, 'spruce or the glisteping .birch trees.
•— be mink and the muskrat go about
SANGER'S GREATER •EUROPEAN, t.business of catching clams,
.sriovis .. building houses, and rearing fur -bear-
. ing fan:lilies for old Skutattabos and.
• • •
The Government is coming to 'the
aid of the farmer and is going . tc
help the sheep industry of the C01.131 -
try Pne of the wisest taings it
could do th encourage the farmer to
gel more -extensively into the sheep
rising, is to raise ;the tax
on dogs so high that only the nalare,
valuable animals -would be kept wed
that these lbe- either fastened up or
muzzled at night. The drain on the
farmers Backe- from the ravages ot
dogs is mow so heavy :that many .er
them will not thilik of taking the
Royal Roman Hippodromet--Marometh
IvIenegerie and ,Museure—A Vv-orelt
of Two About Elephants,
'There is sometimes as strong an;
attachment between,the elephant and
his keeper as betwenn husband and
wife, and. should the keeper be at-
tacked by mat or beast, the elephant
will pull up his stakes or break his
chain to come to the rescue. It is
also often true that an elephant will
forin such an attachment for another.
that he win brook ino abuse of his
"In nearly every instance where
o. keeper bas been killed by his eleph-
ant the crime was preceded by some
net of cruelty or foolhardiness ore the
part of the man himself.
' "The elephant's trunk is one of
the wonders of the world,. Olivier,
the great French naturalist, estimat-
id that there are 40,000 muscles in tbn
wonderfal organl One does not won-
der at this after seeing the tnakt,
vonderfui movereeets of the elephant
Tie can in/ Ylveacs or tee little fin-
ger at its tip, pick tip Vdr3" Sm all ob-
jects perhaps not n pit or needle, as,
bas 'been seneetnines stated, but ear-
tainle objects that are quite sinall.
lie can aleo lie° it to lift a Veil.
heavy wejght or strike 'tt inightY
blow It is throtigh the trunk that
the sonorous and far-reachieg noise
known os trureptetinr is made.'
The largest' el ained elephant in the
world is included in the herd carried
by Sanger's Greeter Baropeati ShOWS,
who will be itt Exeter on Tuesday
Jane 4tb.
his family to trap, when, in a few
short months, Keewaydin, the North.
west Wind, freezes the country up
again. In Keewatin—as we spell it
now—winter -comes by the end cif Oe.
tober, and winter is the period of old
Slcutar,-abos' most active industry: In
the meantime Skutawabos and his
fa/idly and all his relatives are down
at Pore Nelson or Fort Severen or
Fort Albany; eamping in the clearance
outside the company's fences down by
the shore, living on flour and pork and
fish and dissipating ott tobacco and
tea. For despite his name "Firewat-
er," Shutawahos doesn't drink much
stronger stuff than well -boiled tea. He
lives too far away from the refining.
influences of civilized society. He
ean t get it, in short. 'The AtIdsoll Bay
Co. Won't supply it—they went out of.
the rem business in Sir George Shop.
son's time. Ile may get an odd drink
or two, if he ever finds himself dowit
as far as Sioux Lookout on the Grand
Trunk Pacific construction, twenty
miles or so south of the former bourn
dary between Keewatin hn cl On ta ri 4)
and about 180 miles north of Fort
Winner). . Or •a "sped" might occa-
sateally pass him his flask seine Hine
iu the fel, -Mien old. Sktnewebos I eo I
he:ped hirn find s moOse Or a earibe,u
• An Aged Bridegroom.
• leerge Henn*, Onlwell is the
t of• Nelson> B.C. With el,
ride he hoe reeently returned to that
cit$ Item San Diego;•
THOU) Who Experience Pun.
ims And Pain lifter
Meals, Stomach:Disorders,
and bdigeatien, Should
Read Below.
"When X was working around the
farm laat Winter I had an attack .of in'
flaramation," writes Mr. E. P. 13a.w.
Idris, of Port Richmond, "I was weak
tOr 1011g time, but well euough to
work until spring. But something
went wrong with my bowels,•,tor X
had to use salts or physic- all the
time. my stomach kept sour, aa al -
Ways after eating there was pain' laid
fulness, and all the symptoms 'Win-
testinal indigestion. fi Nothing • helped
me until X used Dr. flarailton'a
Instead of hurting, like other pins,
they acted very mildly, and •seemed to
heel the bowels. I did not require largtat
doses to get results with Dr.
ton's Pins, and feel so glaa that 1 have
found a mild yet certain remedy, an -
del' am well --no pain, no sour storn-t
twit, a good appetite, able to digolat
anything. This is a whole 19t of good
tor one medicine to 'tlo, and 1 can say!
Dr. Hamilton'a Fills are the best pills,
and my letter, 1 am pure, proves it."
Refusea substitute for Dr- Harni14
ton's Bills or Mandrake aria •Hatter -
nut, sold in yellow bexee, 235e. • Alt
• dealers, or The Catarrhozone Ce -
Kingston, Ont.
Dr. Hamilton's Pills
Cure the Stomach
Prrcupfne bEaracier. -
One of the most interesting* char-
acters in the .,,,Roreapine district ia
Mary Vas Geer, knowe as plain
"Mary" to the balk of the poptiletiene
She is a Dutch girl who blew in from
"outside" some time before the fire
and did liethio resatie work during,
that devastating experienee. She re
six feet tall and very strong phynican•
ne and many stories are told of hot
moonier prbwe,sti. She lr'eps a, stat
tionaty. and fancy sora Which enjoYti
fatter with the coramtutity' tractif
intoxicatemanvoomes itItol: her styg
It is effort for her to throw
out. "Mary!' mixes with the itta1.4
Ill'ation of the eamp on: a unicia
o�1n f absolttte-pquality and ye
Deeeeseet the ilnitieraal respect of
6.nt1re coninaunity. He Axle ore*
...y straight ft the eye pretudie
...to/lance and ability lb look, el
he leite1
*r 11 ilet-favori And With
14:nt ability to tele eat fit ter
there1 hing Masotti:the abeitt of
DIA Malt It 16hig oti., Mie likes 14,41
frontfer aild Perettpint lattS bJ
• • lesh ittradtlit to her sin
got A. tallway and the telephone
tdeettie lightek. She illta the Old Vlj
Plt. bleed n hat taina. She it 0 ,1
&4 the tvanderlust iffi'd an MI
thew datitiaga *in tutni natitt trO
iti the Die litacitene.,
ftet, and PotAiDinewillkii6i#,ti
Our trade With U, S.
Desj1te defeat of retiprocityi
add -t e keeping up of the tariff. te.;•
Strietions against trade bet'ween
ads and the /Tilted States, •the ergini.!
ifcaftit fact, is shown by the tratle-fl
turns for the twelve months eiatil
With. P.ebillary last that Canadatnn,
tan" tratieewith her neighbor to thl).;
smith inereased ding the year :try!
$63,682,240 or about fifteen pet c01464;
while trade viith Great Britain it.
creased by $18,3415T, or nel
quite 'eight per, cent. Canada's' tOtet
trade with, tan United States for tile
twelye months was $453,225,682 and
with Great Britain, $260,67n,657.
The Dominion's aggregate' trade
with the world was $84)7,37t,738,
increase of $93,43.11, of whiat
$81,820,639 was in imports. Export3
ef domestic proclucte, which totalled
$285.,667,342, increased by only 0;-
455,768. The Dominion' total ttade
With the United States is, thereforb,
considerably more than 'half ef the
total trade wah all the World, and Is
ineree,sing at a More rapid rate than
witb any other e-ountre
Chest inflammation
Suffered From: a, •HeAvy-
Cold, " Pleuritic Pains in'
Side — Constant Cough-
"Anyone that goes through al/ that
suffered last winter will appreciate the
value of a remedy that cures, like Ner-
viline cured me." Tbase are the open-
ing vrords, of the solemn decianetioe of
E. P. Von Hayden, the well-known,
violinist of Middleton. "My work kept
in out late at night, and playing in
cold drafty- places brought on a, se-
vere cold that settled on my chest. I
lad, a harsh racking cough and severe
pains darted
through my sides
and settled in nil*
shoulders. used
different liniments,
but none lx•oke hp
my .cold till / used
Nerviline. I rub-
bed. It on my neck, .
Cheat and Shoulder% moreine and.
night, and ell the pain disappeared.'
Realizing that such a heavy cold had
run down my system, 1 took. Prozone
at meals, and -era's completely built up
and strengthened. Since using Nervi -
line X ireve no more colds or pleurisy,
and enjoy perfect. health,"
It's because Nerviline containthe
purest and most healing essences Dna
medicinal prineirees, because it hen
the power of entking threugh the pores
to the kernel a the pain—these are
the. reason o why It breake up colds
cares lumbago, stiffness, neuralgia;
gaelatiea, aricl'rh,eumatitan. Refuseany
substitute your dealer may suggeetc."--.
insist on Nerentrio only. Large bot-
tle* $ilc, trial size 25e, Sold every*
Where, or The CatseshOsoso Coe Mitt-
Farm for Sale
r011A210 at fluoceor400 are,s titanioy
3rd'io:40, 3 MUSS frOM fainkOn. *boot
AO roan,tIatgOod state et icalAtatiOa
100 acres iat grain, 10 anrea
12 eons bu,:rest '.1fay aeI PAS'ta
Stene 'hetree, 'two Storey., ,glate
cement floor in cellar, furtive o'
'telephone. One barn 8'550 w
pumper. waterworks. SW,
bead ,eettie elnd ,haraeo,
barn 5440. 13ey barn 50006
aold with farm, if icleared.
Miteeiro MoEwen, Box 56., .
. .
Pleas el take lnotice that fiber atienat
meeting Gt thh slaarebelders will be
held on XertdaY Ione 1GtIa0 p.
ra. in Oa Town 1.1.111 B 01101c 1C,f
.trhe. fbearctr '
IT. 33:- CARLING Secy. ,
• Court of Revision
• of the Village of Exeter
Notice is hereby given Unit nhe
‘Court of Revision foe the lasseportro'
Roll of tho :Village of Exeterl will
hold. its first inaeeting for the pgelvtalk
neat: in the 'Tower Hall Exetee -
day...june 7th.1„912 at W.00 p,rn
Dated Exeter 'May 15th
• Court of Revision
The Court of Revisiopi of the 'Assess
ment Boll of the Munieipality .0 the
Towns:hip of Tabora° will be field fin
the Township Hall Eliravillo on Sat-
urday the lat day of euneelnea at 10
onlook in the morning Wit, persons
having ,business with said court will
please govern theraselees atesertltal'
ly !
Farm For Sale
For Sale, Barra containing 1kt0
agree of first-cfass land at %Oa
age of Wocelba.rn: deed tvrWstoreg,
frame house; bank barn gat x.
wi'VB up-Itoedate stable; "few:41110C
built about a year ago::
cement Qs:rot:wheat. Else rotit
oeIFer 25x10 vritht genient top wad*
fdrils74"6lit "Ait
*IA Also e good supply ef etki.tan
vrater., Thti- farts i& t1i�a
abed and well farmed. most):wik
all new, veire tenees. Also tea ace
of aped kith mostly har.,4 woad. rex
paratonliaat apply to Wesley Slifer
Wooditans. Ont.
Stock for Sale
Steele -For Sale—We are at present
offering, three choice S.horthorn bulls
IO. 112 and 15 nionehs old; also a fiw
coves and. heifers. and a registered
Clyde nem bred from imported
stock. seven year cs old and int foal to
, T. J. Berry's King Thomae. Lot XI
Con. 2. n'uckerimith a. G. Braille
• ._
Houses for Sale
We offer a voinfortable frame cote
tage at a bargin, a larger ato-ren
And a kali hoase.. well. located anti
two fine brick residepces at A trfletk
iTe pries. If you, are looking for le
keuee in Texoter oall and get partial
niers. large choice-- Eaton tetefta
For Sale
am offering for sale sorde yosing
• Yorkshire sows. also a young York-
shire boar. These' animals are pure
bred and are be good condlitiekt Apply
to CHAS. 'HARVEY Hurondale s
• Mr. Thos. Cameron has received in-
structions from the undersigned to
se1121-4,,' public auction
.about t half utile -south of Exeter,
on Saturday 3ure it 1,112 at one
o'clock sharp, tine 'fence -tying
pinorierty. '
Houtehold Effeets-nnnedronm seetS
• 1 nightstool, new ;, 1 minding char;
chamber set, 3. bedetead. 1 'robe,
1 pair of horeeblankets, 1 rubber
blanket,' 1 camp cbair, 6 (lining room
chairs; 1 hall rack new; 1 centre
table. 2 small tables, 2 glass oup-
boards; 1 lapnibg lamp, n rocking'
chairs new; 1 spring rocker 1 couch
Ismail wood 'beater; 1 kitchen range
Pandora, new; 6 kitelien clairs, 1
loange; 1 Queen cbe.rn; 1. butter
tv1; 1 ;strainer pail. 1 clothes
wringer ; 3 lamps. '2 pr. bed springs
2 'mattresses, 1 coal scuttle, 1 iron .
kettle; a quantity ofrag carpet, see
eeal matures, a lot of enamelen milk
pans, seVoral 'butter croekS, a quan-
tity of fruit sealer a ;a quantity of
dishes;.. linolieunas 4 it -5 yards, 1 dit'-
ohin 1 small spade; 2 shovels
and forke ; 1 grain oradie, 1 scythe
1 cutting box; 2 leather halters
. back bands; 1 gray-
ni box' iteci some lumber, 1 wheel bar-
row; cn Teen !barrels, a step leaner 4
dbras..ot, ,dry. hardWood cut and
split ready for the stove,also
some kindling wood, 'rope and pul-
leys and some ',fencing tools ohains
and other artielea to numerous to
mention. , 20 hens.
Real Etat--Paet of Lot 113, Con,
1 Viborne, oontaining. 7. and 1-5 aores
There ib, ort the premises a good
frame house and barn, good well of
• water; about 20: -apple trees „ With
some small finite. This Is a snlen-
• did property and welt situnted. •
,ChattioneeCttele Terme of Ileal•Da
tate will be made. known On dny of
/Oka' Salter The. Cameron
rn Gk* ROULSTON D,s11%
U04011 OradUate Of nTOrenee
Olt)* Offhle °VOX Villkserk &
litig'4 Law eflioo. Olbsed Wednett
di.ialsiziegfateeernnoolls. t Phone :Offi0,(1,"121
,Xlober, Gra d ue Le oe Toearette :(74)#$:,
greityt, . L., ...11.76,..!.41
1,! Dli.i1T%$31 Art,
_wettli extracted withelni Pelt%:,.
Anl, bad effect54 Office over Ole „
inan Main
gX0,t0.11i • I '„ "1.1n.1
as Graduate Victoria iln:iyas•
sitY Office and residence Dortrinionl
LabratorY* greterYt • I,
Assoviate Coroner of Horoh_
. ,
13e,rristers, Solicitore Notaries CO*.
veeaneers Poin,railsidoeere. nolieitenn
for the Molsona Bann ato.
Money to Loan at lowestrates of file
eergete /eel
le R. Carling R. At • U th Dlaks4
We have a largo arabunt of otife
ate funds ,to loaxl n fatat 434iJ
lag° properties at lowest elite qt
texests ; ' ,
'Barristers, Soliaitors* Main life:
ilie Uslco'ina and 111bOart
Farmers hiapial Piro 'usu-
. allGe Galivant'
Head Office, Farquhar, Ont.
President 14 RUSSELL
Yies-Bree. Rol= OARDINEX „el
Taos. RYAN
WU. ROY Rorphei4
JoRN ,ESSERY Exeter. agent Up-
botkie end RiddolPh.•
()LIVER HARRIS Munro agent fof
thbert Fellarton and Logan.
Secy.Treas. Farctuhar.
Sotieitors. Exeter. •
S• trayed
Onto the premises a th6„,unders40...p
ed, Let 11, Concession ley Usbor0
about the 10th of [May, a (white 404
Owner an have stunie .by provigf
property .paying for this adv. a.nd ht%
feed, and taking the pig' away4 111
E. Shier c 5-09-2te
Have City
Raplace. the pesti
lent, draughty done
gerous and offen-
sive out-of-doors elo.-
eet with an indoor
closet which Teo*"
pesiumnb,andoingsewer fln21),.
finishing system,
Have city conveniences in your bonne
Safeguard family bee.lth by instilling*
"Tweed" Closet
Sanitary and Odorless
''Tweed" Closets can be installed ii*
the bathroom, cellar, or any- other
convenient place indoors. naerely *64
quiring to be connected by a pipe fOr
ventilation with a chimney hole.
"Tw.eed" Liquid Chemical. used in
connection with Tweed Closets is 'both.
a deodorise t and a disinfectant. Many
hundreds of Tweed closet ti have been
sold in Canada. Send for illustrate
price list.
Wooler, Apr. 3, 1612. Dear Sin...,
The 0hemie.a.1 Closet 1 bought frets
you on Jan. 5th, 1912 is perfect'. j
not empty it until Mar. 20tb. Tbn're
is three in the family and can
the lid up andnoportiele ofotior Jew;
be.found 1 wonld not "ask for anything.'
better, Youreotrtily, E,M. Wessels..
IN Sleet 1E0'01 Mactittig.Co' Limilett•
Agent: -W. .1. flea man.
Homeseekers' Excursions-.
May 28th, "Stine lith and 25th .
end „every second Tuesday tbeicaftan
until the 17th of Septemlber Via al.+ .
cago and St.' Paul • ,
WliNNtEPEG lat, RETURN, $31.01te
,Tickets good for 60 daj,s
The rand rank Pacific n at wey
is the shortest and onicitest route Ivo -
tureen Winnipeg -Saskatoon- Edfxruhro -
ten. with smtioth road bed, electriee
lighted sleeping' oars and superb dine
ing ,car Serviee, through 'the eeweift
most picturesque and roost 'rapidly
developing sectiot of 'Western Cane -
ada., Through ticketa sold and res4
ervations mean Wall Grand Trunk
agents. Costa no More` then lay other .-
runtea Trains now in operation Win
nippg ie Regina .York.ton and Canora'.
Sask, also' to Conti use Mirror, oral
eldeon Ali. letti particelere and,
tickets from and Orand"Trunk agent
or write A. E. Df D, P. A, Toronto..
• Det Agent.