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Exeter Times, 1912-5-23, Page 8
T 114 +tip. E T 1e} TI 24 M+ • M • 1-, w 4 ',' 4 * 4 • 4:. 44 o 4 "r. 4Mr ii. 4+]�4t ========= .44** 4. ewaz��rs � PRONE 16 Boys! Boys! Have You Bought Your Spring Suit If von want a wait school that will stand rut wear we luwe them. We have a big assortment o worsteds bathe new colorings which 'has the snap and style that all boys like, You are sure to like your suit if you buy it here. 4 4. . 4- t J • +t o t r•' F . s ti 4 r *•./. 4 0 a� •6 4 r • s`► 4 4 4, 4 Po 4 •� e d+ 44 44 o 66 The College Suit Lion Brand " House Furnishings Shirts For Boys with the new soft Collars to match just the thing for coming hot weath- er. 75C ec $I.00 Caps A. big range of Caps, all have the new peaks and the cloths are very new. 50�c75C Summer Under wear In short and long sleeves, also in combination sets all newest weaves are shown, 50C to $2.25 Umbrellas In the New India shape. The handles are very nobby and the cloths good. $I.0O to $3.00 Rugs We say they are pretty you will yourself this season "pat- terns snrpasses all others. Linoleums In all the widths, The new patterns are sure to please and the prices are right, Curtains In the new nets scrims and madras, We have curtains to suit any window. Papers What a difference a few rolls of our paper will make to the appearance of your home, Try it and see. J. A. STEWART tit a 4 *45 r •4 O• 44 • 0+ 4 +� 4' d +.4 4 r4 4 '4 1 Z to v • .4 • 44 464 d* 444 Rte' sa. 416.46 e O •ka 0 .t. O'04404014444444s04044444}'�444i4444 446414t!0'O ,444464144 iv.4 ►444404•i•404444.4t0.�4b4MO0riD+O+►Obb+ +*44444"••4'4'N•r4O� 444041646441144144444414440004444444L4444444444044440040.0•�a'6p • t IJETROITis O O s = a � VAPOR • �, • - g 4 6 •\�,�,.4� ,fTOVES . . + „p,,, ... , Balis Ens Cooking- 41, 4 11 h o L STYLES 4• e 0 �� '' ` ! From a "One Burner • Hot 1 _ O Hot Pate to a 0 - . "Hand- ®oa _= some Cabinet Range" $` 4 d •o - _ Burn Gasoline or Alcohol •sr:; _ No Smoke, No Odor axed _i; ---- t • _Absolutel Safe 0 • �a �'N = --�--- -Also- •s • m • NEW PERFECTION 011 STOVES . In One, Two andThree Burners •• 4 0 . A. complete Line now in Stock of Lawn Mowers, Garden Tools, Paints, Oils, Glass, Spring Ccil, Barb, Brace andlWeauing Wire, Hooks and Staples, also a a Canada Portland Cement, at the Leading Hardware. •�s 0 4 o T� Hawkins Son -i 4 •bo4m4®444*ss*bs4444*s44s®s4+�4444e°ma44444sooso44v®©* id ++++4,.1+.1+40'1' '.1+'1.i'ei.0,1+i..1,+1..3.4, a+c`1:.1.+1. r. HOME STUDY 7 .; Thousands o#ambitioueyoL� Fre 'people are instructed) in their jF &t.4* fomes by our home study dep-. A.rtrn ent You may :finish at + Coilege if you desire. Pay r whenever you wish. Thirty, '.�•. Years'' Experience. Pence. L s p Largest tra�iner4 in Canada. Enter an. 'y • day. Positions guaranteed, If�• �. you wish to save board and ,' +'* �, learn while you ealn, writes ,1.. for particulars. fre .1, ,- • NO VACATION + r)I c r e 13xst+te ssCo .' GEO. SPOTTON B. F. WARD .+sy' President ' Principal »1. i+4+4++++r� +;r�i+ti+$+d++d }:er,1:,l+++4.,1.,q+,1•.+' . +i+- is Children Cr FOR FL CHER S • A5. ORiA 0.•••i••• CENTRAL 7f ,��;f.•r/E'/ t S if'•RAT�'�3.1c#L9a QFlli. ' ONTARIO'S BEST ffEB17IEI SI. coILLE>a•E ‘Our r cou rses are lip`>:a-r"Tat'a and practical W'o have a o staff of experienr,'• 1 instructs* or and our racf'..,., f r ::eta the* g' hig1X grade posith. s. W sdio metre for dur studeri4:s than Z rices ' an other thee. similar Soho i'o- We, •have three idepartnients 4 ` • O+0Q1IM7+ II CIA.tt SROHTILUN 1) 'TE11EGRAPE C.. You owe it to. yourseIf to Itn.e(w whet you of •are doing., Set oar free eat -O.; 4 aloguc at once. c � . ,. s' 13, A. McLt`tt117.Va,x. p.n 4 Pi+nstplal, 4e1n►4+d+K404+i�w***** ***lrw*** ** Oh1dron Cr • I� Market Report, -The following lot the report of the Exeter markets ewe 'rested up to May 23rd, Wheat 1,03 1311,ol.wheat 70 cents Oats 50e. Barley 60 :fess 1,00. to 1,1,0 Shorts 28 Bran 20,00 Model Flour 2.76. Peed I'u o 160 1 Butter 20a l2a'.;s 22 r' otntoea 1:50 bogs 250 Choice Export 'Stt rrs. 7,25 4,50 Med, Export Steers 6.00. 7,00 Choice Butcher Heifers 7.00 7.W r2ed. Botcher Heifers 7.00 7.10 Choice Butcher Cows 5.00 550 Med Butcher (lows 5,00 5.50 Coro Cotes 4.00 4,50 Choice Lambs 7.00 7.50 Choice Sheep 5.50 6.00 414* 041.444erJ.441111i4446 00it 1 LOCALS.i! Mr. 1. R. Carling, was in London Monday. • Mr. Wm, Loney, of Lon -don, sport Monday in, town,; Mr. A, 'McLewan of Luetknow cal- led in. towin Monday. Ir. Cecil McLeod Sundayed wit's friends in Strathroy. Mr. A, McDonald of Ilam'illtein was in town Tuesday on business. Mr. Walter Graham' of Lonclor: spent several days .iii town. Mrs. Geo. Essery of Centralia spent last week with Mrs. A. Hastings. Mrs. Tohnstotn. of Toronto, is vi:-- ltin lir. and Mrs. G. L. Wauzh'. Mrs. Wm. Walker and grandsar, left last week for North Batticfork, Sask. Mr. and Mrs. Wrn. Nadigcr of Dashwood visited friends in town Sat- urday. Mr. .rank Flintoff. has left for Stratford,. where he has secured, a position. urs. Jno. Snell Andrew st. is ins- provin„ her house by adding a large verandah. Mr. Mr. R,. R. Rogers of Toronto, vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. E. Christie in town this week. ,Paste NyrLl's .I cote .l. astr. (the paste with .the Speariment flavor) 95c Howey's Drugstore. Mrs.(Dr.) McCallum, of Crestaline, Ohio is risit:ingher mother Mrs Mor - lock, who is ill. Mr. Hy' Parsons of the Jones & May staff was laid •up part of the week through illness. Miss Alice Handford leases to-day,' (Thursday) to visit her sister Mrs. Thornton at Aylmer. Voting on the By -Law for down the sewer on Main takes place next Monday. • Mises J. J. 'Allan Eye Sight Special- ist will be at the Central Hotel Sat- urday),5-23,2t urday June 1st one day Mrs. Torn., H. Penhale; left Itkiesda7 for Corunna, to attend the funeral of Ler niece Mrs. Mark Edwards•. Mrs. Clement and two children of Vancouver,. )3. C, are visiting the former's parents Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Dennis. The cultivation of the habit of boosting Exeter is a hobby that every one in town might' adopt with wood results. ' Mr. Robt. Zeller, who has been worki❑ at the barbering with Mr. Frank Boyle. moved his family back to London. on Saturday. Loyd S. Godwin son of Rev. Wm. Godwin formerly of Exeter. has been successful in his examination at the Royal. College of Dental Surgeons. Messrs J. G. Stanbury. W. W. Tam- an and Dr. Kinsman, were in London Monday evening. attending the an- • n t. F Sovereign Fruit So vcrer Dual meeting o_ the Company. Samson was the first man to adver- tise. He took two full coltumns to show his strength. Several thousand r and people; tumbled. to his .scheme he brought down the house. Thames 11.1i . Fletcher of Rev. Colin Flet ram � tet esb Ca von I r y .h e in Road preached P Church last Sunday both m-ornln r and evening. Rev S. Ft Sharp- took Mr. Fletcher's work at Thames Road. Mr. VJ:n.. Bowden of the 2nd eau. Stephen had his hand badly torn by, aibarb wire ,Last Friday. While building a fence and. stretching the wire it 'broke slipping through 'his hand. Rev. W. R. Vance. of Woodham, oc- cupied the pulpit, in Maisu St. Ghureth on Sunday last and preached two ac- ceptable sermons the pastor Rev. E. G. Powell conducted Sunday School anniversary services at Woodhar'ir. Plants for Sale --All kinds of Ger- aniums, Fuchsia, Ferns, Pelargoniums Lobelia, Asters, Ageratum,; Stocks. Salvia, Silver Leaf, Dreacena, 'Coleus. German Ivy, I3alsoms,, Double and Single 3?etunas; Vincar and all kinds of plants for hanging baskets. In vegetable plants Nye have early and late cabbage, cauliflower, pepper Spanish onion, celery and six kinds' cf tomatoes. L. ))A'Y Market Gar- dened and Florist putting Street The Department of Agriculture at Ottawa has sent eu.t circulars warn- ing Canadia0 Farmer's against •the danger of planting; potatoes that have been importer' from Europe dur- ing the present year. .tn an impor- ted shipment a disease known as, d 'Potato Canker was discovered. The disease is a very dangerous potato disessa• and when �introdaced into' the soil is very idiffiduit to get rid of. Cellars Flooded -All /limber of sel- lers along Main Street have beers flooded with water owing to the con- tinned rains of titre past week. agct the main dtairi icing cawed' in, Sonic have reported as muck" as three feet. of water with water ruittling out of the cellar windows, 1+'rom ant cel: lar the water was running out sloe back door. The let just Muth of Maii'i :street church wee flooded with several inches of water over r5mythrt,a the stdc'tvalk Owing td ,tat -cutin be yam. -t,g kith fife in lapped or! they tree *cote of $' pp Gr, beak Street Warne the cellar on klYe aQe tree tr wet: b p t'leodedc Vote fer the' Pyx +stn' t rt a N the I" 'd x 11 2 t11 of tray .alae Wil '.*. 1�ELAWAItE L. M%LL be a public holiday, .T 1944 'Diamond of ,Detroit, is Yisitin With, friends in, town, 1Cr. Chas, B1rney was recently hi in the Leg by a dog.' AWANNA, & WESTERN t OQAL, COMPANYS +1+ shits. .7, Hind, Is recavelrin4 from a fieeept attack of 'eritonitis. IMP. Nelson Prior is spending a few days this week in Toronto. Rev. Air, Tolland predc)t'e in :the J'azsIes at. church on, Sabbath last. Let ovary cjtisen do tjis duty by voting for the 1;3y -Law en Monday next. IVA,NTBD_-, < Stonem t seas una, Bricklayers wanted apply to Boger Bros, Fullerton Ont. 4Mrs: Taylor, cot 13ensakl, arm Maas. Webber of Texas visited friends 1n io*n ever Saturday. 'ANTED -women to take home aprons to make, work all out, steady Write Standard Co. Box 208 Lon- don O+n t, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Coultis, spent the week end at Goderich, with their son Le Roy and Rev. Dr, Medd Vic- toria. St. .Parsonage. Mr. 5. `Martin gave a very interest- ing address on the Titantic disaster at the James street Sunday School. last Sabbath afternoon, The 'Isaac Walton'Fishin„ Club, will hold a mteetin,; Thursday evening at the IMolsons flunk building at 5.30 to arrange for the annual fishing outing LOS'.I'-s. pearl brooch. on Sura May Lith between Power House and James Street Chard' Finder «•ii' roarer a favor by ret:ur to r. lit on. llew'ets1• 0ffr,r, d. l>aspector Torrance of South P�ur- on had two liquor cases last- week. J. P. Rau of Zurich was fined by Police Magistrate Andrew- $75 and costs for selling on Sunday and John Delius o.'f IIensalt a "lister" was fined $10 and costs by Magistrate Petty of Hensali The old adage' that if it rains on Easter it .will rain for seven Sundays came true this year. Last Sunday was the 7th conseentive Sunday it has reined.. We may nowt look to the. Sundays.weather roan to send as some fine Ten r.utom:obiles carrying about fifty members of the Knights of Py - hies lodge. St. Thomas. passed thru' town on, NIrndnesday of last week. They were on their way to Seaforth where some degree work was put on and a social evening enjoyed. Ear,' . Mushroons--Mr. N. D. Bur- don showed us a fine specimen of. pink 'mushroom on Wednesday morn- ing being one be had saved from a number .enjoyed for breakfast the same mornitoig. Mr. Burdon stated ththeat .'thl's is the earliest that he blad. ever knowtn: mush/none to Prow and attributed it to the verb .amp wea r. • 100 Spruce Trees Planted -Notwith- standing the inclemency of the wea- ther a number •of citizens turned out on Tuesday to assist the Womelres In- stitute in planting one hundred• sprees trees in the park at the river. Mr. Monroe, the+president, on behalf of the Women's Institute thanked e gentlemen; for their services and hoped they would •Ede' to, see the trees grow tall:- Young all;Young Ladle?' Hold Cantata -The Young Ladies Bible Class of the Presby terian Church gave a Cantata entit- led "The Appeal of the Nations to Canada" in the church last Friday 'evening. There was a fair attend- ance and the parts which were giv- en in native costume. were much en- joyed The Hensalt Orch'ectra, sunder the leadership of Dr. Sellery, enliv- ened :the proceedings with excellent :name. ' i , t League Organized -At a rne'etin s held in Ilensall on Friday last a trap- shooting league was formed to be known as the FIuron County frail - shooting League" with the following clubs affiliated CJinton Exeter Zurich. and Hensel]. A series of home and home matches have been arranged for as per following ,schedule ,for suitable trophy to the winners of the most matches It is expeeted that there will be some pretty close matches and it. wilt be difficult to pick the winners. It: is expected al- so that it will give the shooting 1(. a gan' boa St, ,rncl the Exeter .Club is looked ed tom to give a goad y LCCA r1 •. 0 u 4 of itself. All the matches will be shot at half past six in the evening, so that all who desire may witness them. Following is the schedule Clinton at Zurich. May 76. tIensall June 6. Exeter June 13th Exeter at Clinton June 5Ilensall May 16, Zur- ich June .25th Hansel! at Clinton. May 29th Zurich June 11. Exeter June 21st. Zurich at 1:Irrnsall May 21 Clinton May 31. Exeter June 14th Scranton Coal The Best Bard Coe Try a ton Mined + ti+ W. l -I.• !� Y ET COAL, M A N' It's No Wonder We Crow So many people tell us they never get flour that can com- pare with MODEL, ft is a common occurence for people to come in and or- der "Just the Same Kind of FLOUR, as You Sent Me Last Time, I Want Nothing Better, ' We have a good supply of Bran, Shorts, Oats, reed Wheat. - If you want Feed we can supply you. HARVEY BROS Ontario. Exeter, • 04040044 4444 44 b ° JFurnitu.rc0O0 o o and Undertaking •• Phone 20 • e You will always find $ 40 this store with up -to date $ : furniture and with ,r• de- °o esire to Please everyoi e. o o e 4 • e R. N. • oUndertaker & Licensed 4 e Embalmer o O 04 Exeter, - Ontario. 0 o Mr. Geo, M. .Elliott of 'Goderich, was in town on Saturday in connec- tion with the Muron County Child- ren's Aid Society `The society is do- ing a good work in the county in looking after neglected children and seeing thatthey are placed in z homes where they receive proper care and. protection. At present they have 50 children placed in 'good. homes. MIr. Elliott has teen aa, ed by representa- tives of city societies to assist in find.- homes for three baby girls and one baby boy, and for two boys of three and' five respectively; anti he has also a healthy infant girl of a few weeks old for whom a home is desir- ed. A committee was appointed to wait alt on the County Cours•ril at their June Session. and ask for a grant to enable the county ivotk to be fully Pe It "Gee ! Its Go +" 1II11q(il {1.iil You're right Sonny I3oy. yai's Tooth Paste is good. Zt's,the mild -spearmint flavor that,gkes it that fine taste. And it acts as a splendid saver. of the teeth., Acidity of the saliva anctutouth secretions helps• to cause tooth decay. 1\ryyl's Tooth Paste corrects this acid condition and ilius checks the lyarmfu1,action on tire teeth. Be sore and give Dad, Mother and Sister each an introelniction to Nyal's Tooth They'll like it as well as you., It111 save their teeth too, Price ce 2dc. There are ow d ktttt¢yed otleer Nyal,¢reJ,ayaltais. E4'or instance if your studies ;re wearing you out, there is Naits Nutritive Hy phosphites to build you, up. y Nyals emedies are all Rya! 4iutality. .444 112 1• f?E,'4EI)FES ,, n r e' sire aatisrai,tas Sold and guaranteed by Chemist • id Optician, )1/XErER HOWEY 44'44g4.++ll+':':iV'**i: 4A'q!47;•'+' a '9"i' 40 + i T's40.1"i!444 *' ."+ **. CARLINC'S PHONE 18 EXETER Note These Prices for Bargains L1NOLEUMS We have only about 25 Yards Linoleum left Reg 2.40 for $1.99 They are Going Fast. PRINTS We have in the neighborhood of 150 Yards Prints, All Colors. o Regular 12 I=2c to be o + Cleared at 10 Cents t UNDERWEAR 0 Men's Fine Egyptian Thread .Bal•. briggan Underwear. Reg 40c a Garment to • HANDKE .CHIEFS Clear at 29c a Garment 4 Men's . bordered Exeelda Hand- kercheifs made of very fine material. Regular 15c . for 11 Cents PAINTS ! PAINTS ! PAINTS! All Paints to be cleared out, regular 65c a quart for a quart. All Tinware and Hardware to be cleared out at a 4' count of 25% off. A All Wall Papers.25% off. Some of the Best and Newest Styles in Neck Ties arrived. Come in and See for yourself. +g + j 0 Carling; 3r +1, ++++++÷÷÷÷4-4-4+++++++++÷÷÷÷++++++++++++++++++++++++ 'F= .,. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++4:4%; N E! THE MIMING MONTH 4'+ 4 .14 .1. .g y+ _ pir HERE WILL 13E a great many Wad- ,'+ dings during this month. There -will also be a corresponding number -of per- plexed friends wondering what would make 4. a Suitable Gifr- and where to get it. 13+ ' 4 J INVITE THEM to inspect our Stock, IIs f+ s'4 which Useful, Beau- � r` life! -.ndve Giftsss.,d 1\0 1 for the .. Bride ' the Groorn and the New Home. , , I A. Marchand o j?6" - : a+eweler aw + •c_ Patau All Repairing Neatly and Quickly Done, :g. .1, i+++++++++++++++++11444-1 44+ 4.4.++++++40V++++44+++++++++++ +¢7g,:p..E+,g„g.+is+l..l..l..p+,E.,i..l.+1.3+.gt GOULDS GROCERY S I PEIONE 47. Opposite Electric 'Light Plan 311 l • el) Happy in t be Home 1 y getting YOUR HOUSEHOLD laELESSITIE:Z H•ae. We hand's only the BEST and r+ e have ev x• )hi f r g you ,.e+'d a , all Stsii•t,us, TUE TEA AND COFEEE STORE Ntttttttttttttrtttfttttrrtt mttt; -r. WHRT'S THE 1}8{ a.- DUSTINGr ir Fs rnsifore. or 4 Woodwook 1 with a dry duster a when the dust flies -44 and follows in your ...MP wake. 'i Get a Modf rn Shuffle moo' on aVeriarite i nd Ube .o 4F- "� ...i... ..._ mw. ist- Mb Vno 1l lt on your duster and save your le -,. 1 anti.: -lt diailrfee(s and ,,,p cleans i-verythieg it touches, -aoto the surforee like new t r' ti -•' h n c t 1 n, xl,n O < r Butter • r and Fro -11 Eggs. „ r Now Ls the time to get rid of your ass.- rheumatism rheumatism You can. do it, by ap- 'so -- plying 'Ohamberla.i.n's Liniment an" massaging 'the parts freely at each r• - application For - Sale by all dtaler.set.- � S. NlartI boli a►- EXETER, ONT. Watt Infants and Childteln, AGR Mad You, crave Always Bough Beare the x.tanatt d ^tt Ohlldre i Cry •!`OR F•LETCUER'S • f