HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1912-5-23, Page 7OAINCIAL POLICE REPORT using Half Year 70 . Per Cent, of the Cases Were Convicted Adespatch from. Toronto keys: n the half -yearly report of Super- iir • ident of `Provincial Police for tliteriod from November 1 to April 30, sante $20 cases were hand- leclawhieh is a decrease of twenty- ihe over the corresponding 'period a year ago:. 'Of these practically ve.nty per cent., or 587,- were con �:ed,'107 persons were discharged, he case of ,ten the charges were •iidrawn, 'and ninety-six stood aiting trial. Of this latter tam- er most of the oases: have since been disposed of by Judges on cir- cuit.- There: were 220 persons pro- rs'ecutecl under the liquor license • act, which is an increase of fifty - rune ; 186 convictions were secured, an increase of forty-five ; seventeen charges were dismissed and three withdrawn. The seizures show an interesting collection, viz., 5.334 bottles of whiskey, 111ag gallons -of whiskey in various receptacles, .14,- 280 bottles of beer, 172 barrels and cases of beer, forty-eight bottles of wine, thirty-eight bottles of brandy, sixte-eight bottles of gin: and forty- two gallons of wines in different .re- ceptaQles. Under the offensive weapons act, the . sale of 51( revol- vers and pistols has been 'register- ed with the department. Under the game and fisheries act; there were. seventy prosecutions,. forty-seven convictions and -thirteen cases, dis- charged Only ten remain to be dealt with at the present time. During the half year officers sta- tioned at frontier points have hand- ed over 346 persons to the Immigra- tion . Department for deportation, or 183 more than in the correspond- ing period last year. Mr. Rogers emphasizes the fact that this is an important branch of the police work, and points out that the charges of vagrancy have been re- duced nearly fifty poi•, cent. As a result of the prosecutions instituted some $14,000 has been collected in fines. • • CHILD) DIES F]tOM RAT BITES. Illysteriolzs Case .ol. a Little Girl at London. A despatch from London, Ont., says: The Miller baby which was bitten -by rats at thehome of Mrs. George Haslett, Toile Street, where it was being. boarded by its mother, who is now in Berlin, died as a re - stilt of its injuries 'at Victoria Hos- pital en. Thursday morning. • The child was left in its cot in the din- ing -room en the. night of April 25, when thirteen days old, and when discovered by Mrs. Haslett in the • morning was in a very serious con- dition. The bedclothing, was satur- ated with blood, and one of the in- fant's nostrils, portions of its ears and left check had been bitten by rodents, TORNADO RAZES TILLAGE. Handret:ls li:illed by a 15 -Minute Cyclone in lliiungar'y., A despatch from Vienna says:. In the district of Szolnock, Central ngary, a tornado wiped out four 'et towns within fifteen min- es, em Thursday. In Balvanyos Verge". ,340 houses were swept away, leaving hundreds destitute and burying dead,. and dying in the ruins. In the Village of Szasmate 150 houses were blown .away. Of the Town of Kalea Ujfalin with hun- dreds of houses, nothing remains. In one place 170 houses form a great heap of debris. Military ' detach- ments have been sent to help the destitute population. It is impossi- ble to estimate the loss of life, liub `it is feared it must reach several hundred. 34 PRINCE OF WALES'. PLANS. Going to Englanil,for Birthday, and Theft Returns to Paris. A despatch from Paris says: The Prince of Wales, after the ma•noeu- vers of the French fleet in the Medi- terranean:,in June, which he' will witness from the battleship Danton, Will otoEngland for his birthday, June 23. He will return to Paris immediately after and will continue his studies until the Cowes regatta, the first week in August. The Prince goes then to Scotland and will remain there until October, when he will enter Oxford. TITANIC FUND IS TOO BIG, Lord 1Iayor Does Not Jinow Want to Do With Surplus. A despatch' from. London says:: Tae- Lord Mayor foresees consider- able trouble as to what he is to do With the 'subscriptions to the.,funds For the Titanic sufferers. He says quite enough money has already been subscribed to relieve all. dis- • tress, but the donations are still coming in There will be a surplus of a considerable amount, to. which consideration must now be given. SCHEME 01? REFORESTATION. More Tree -Planting, Will Be Done at Guelph. A despatch from Guelph says : Commissioner Ryan, accompanied by Manager Foster of the Water-• works Department and Prof. Zavitz of the O. A. College• paid a trip of inspection to the park at the source of Guelph's water supply near Ar- kell, on Thursday. It was decided that more reforesting . should be done this fall. Already ten thou- sand trees have been;;planted to in- -sure a steady water supply, and in the future to be a valuable asset to Guelph. a AUSTRIAN .PREMIER RLIND, Sudden Malady Likely to 'Preeipi- tate Crisis in the Ctlliiuet.... • A despatch fron Vienna says: The Austriart Premier, Count Stuergh, . was suddenly stricken with blindness on Wednesday, and the. attending physicians Lear he may not recover his sight. The Emperor has asked the Minister of the Interior, Dr. K. Heinold D'Udynski, -to act inthe interim. The -Premier's retirement probably will involve a Cabinet crisis. • WOBI . STARTED ON ,TUNNEL. C.N.R. Expect to Have 500 Men at Work at Montreal.. • . • A despatch from Montreal says: Work on the big C.N.R. tunnel tin- der. the 'Mountain has started, and in a day or two the company expect to have 500•men at work. Macken- zie & Mann. state that trains will be running through the tunnel in two years. SUFFERED TERRIBLE -PAINS OF .INDIGESTION. MILBURN'S LAXA-LIVER PILLS CURED HER. Mrs. - Wm. H. MacEwen, Mount. Tryon, P.E.I., writes :-"For more than a year I suffered with all the terrible pains of indigestion, and my life one of the greatest misery. It did not seem to make any difference whether 1 ate or not, the pains were always there, accompanied by a severe bloating and belching of wind. I did not even get relief at night, and sometimeshardly got a bit of sleep. In my -misery I tried many remedies said to cure indigestion, but they did me not one particle of good, and I fully expected I. would always be afflicted in this way. At this time my brother came home on a visit and urged me to try Milburn's Laza-Liver Pills, arid got me a few vials. By the time I had taken one vial I began to improve, and could eat with some relish. I was greatly cheered, and con- tinued taking the pills until all traces of the trouble bad disappeared, and I could once more eat all kinds of food without the slightest inconvenience. I am so fully convinced of their virtue as a family medicine, I have no hesitation in recom- mending them." ff., Price, 25 cents per vial or 5 vials for $1.00 at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Mi1burti Co„ Limited, Toronto, Ont. ROYALTY WATCH CAVALRY King and Queen's Interest in the Manoeu- _vres at Aldershot A. despatch: from London says: King George wathhecl the cavalry manoeuvres - at Aldershot from horseback on the Wilton, whither. the Queen had gone in an automo- bile to join him, on '.Churs.day, The Queen came eut,of the automobile, but :.was hardly able to stand the boisterous gale. She wasobliged to grab her hat to hold it from the wind and talc dust of the gal'ioping hot sea, which. together raised entothcril g dust elouct,t which c£ten hid the 'soldiere. Afteewards thele: was an arduous mimic artillery bat- tle. The airmen tried to co-operate in the manoeuvres, but were pre- vented.,by the terrible gale. Ding George purposes spending •four or Ave days in the field tivith the troops nlanoettvring. at Aldershot about the last week of this month. Ex - Copt that he avill lodge at the pala- tial 1toy.t.1. pavilion,;the Visit will be informal, The King will spend the days in the saddle, like an ordinary trooper. He will Also ,thoroughly inspect the , army .aviation school 'end factory. ROYAL PALACE OP BENhXx.DR, TH1C, LA.TJi RING AND HIS Q1 REN, PRICES OF FARM PRODUCES REPORTS FROM THE LEADING TRADE CENTRES OF AMERICA. Prices of Cattle, Grain, Cheese and Other Produce at Homo and Abroad, BREADSTUPPS. Toronto, May 21, -Flour --winter wheat, 90 per cent. patents, $4.05 at seaboard, and at $4.10 to $4.30 for home' consump- tion. Manitoba flours -First patents, $5.- 70;, second patents, $5.20, and strong bak- ers'. $5, on track, Toronto. Manitoba Wheat -No. 1 Northern, $1.- 101-2, Bay ports; No. 2 at $1.071-2, and No:.3 at $1.041.2, Bay ports. Feed wheat, 68e, Bay ports. Ontario wheat -No. 2 white, reel and mixed, $1.05 to $1.06, out- side. Peas -No. 2 shipping Peas, $1.25, outside. Oats -Car lots' of No. 2 Ontario, 49e, and No. 3 at 47c, outside. No. 2 Ontario, 51 to 52c, on track, Toronto. No..1 extra W. C. feed, 49e, Bay ports, and No, 1 at 48e, Bay ports. Corn -No. 3 American yellow quoted at 821-2e, Bay ports, and at 86c, on track, Toronto. Rye -Prices nominal Buokwhoat-70 to 72e, outside. Bran -Manitoba bran, $25, in bags, To- ronto freight. Shorts -$27. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Apples -$3.50 to $5 per barrel. Beans -Small lots of handpicked, $2.70 to $2.75 per bushel; primes, $2.60 to $2.-65. Honey -Extracted, iu tins, 11 to 120 per lb. •Combs, $2.50 to $2.75 a dozen. Baled Bay -No. 2, $18 to 519 a ton. Clo- ver, mixed, 514 to $15.50, on track. Baled Straw -$11 to $11.50, on track, To- ronto. Potatoes -Car lots of Ontarios, in bags, $1.75 to '51.80,- aucl Delawares at $1.85 to $1.90. Out -of -store, $1.95 -to' $2. Imported Potatoes, $1.60 in car lots. and $1.80, out- er -store. Poultry -wholesale prices • of choice dressed poaltry;--Chickens, 15' to 17c per lb.; fowl, 11 to 12e ducks, 12 to 14c: tur- keys, 20 to 21o. Live poultry, about 2c lower than the above. BUTTER, EGGS, CHEESE. Butter -Dairy. choice; 25 to 26c; bakers': inferior, 21 to 220: creamery: 29 to 300 for rolls, and 28 to 29c for solids. • 'Eggs -New -laid, 22 to 23e per dozen, in case lots. Cheese -New cheese: 141-2 to 15c per pound. MONTREAL MARKETS. Montreal May 21. -Oats --Canadian West- ern, No. 2, 551-2 to 56c; do., Oanadian. Western, No. 3, 511-2 to 52c; do., 'extra No. 1 feed, 521.2 to 53c. Barley-hIan. feed, 65 to 66c; do., malting, $1.05 to $1.06. Buck- wheat -No. 2, 74 to 75c. flour -Man. spring wheat patents, firsts, $5.80: do., seconds, 55 30; do.. strong bakers', $5.10; do., Winter patents, choice, $5.26 to $5.35; do.. straight rollers, 84.60; do.. straight rollers, bags, $2.25 to $2.35. Rolled oats - Barrels, $5.85; do., bags. 90 lbs., $2.56. Bran -$25.00; shorts, $27.00; middlings, $29 00: mouillie, $30.00 to $34.00. Hay. -No. 2, per ton, oar lots, . $18.50 to $19.00. Cheese -Finest Westerns, 133.4c; do., finest East - erns, 131.4 to 13 1-2c. Butter -Choicest cream:ery. 261.2 to 27c: do., seconds, 251.2o to 26o. Egrrs-Fresh. 23 to 231-2c; do.. No. 2 stock, 18 to 20c. Potatoes -Per bag, car lots, $1.70 to $1.75. UNITED STATES: MARKETS. Minneapolis. May 21. -Wheat -May. $1.- 141-8; July, $1.141-2'; September, $1.05 7-8 to $1.06; No. 1 hard, $1.17; No. 1 Northern, $1.16 to $1.161-2; No. 2 Northern, $1.14 to $1.141-2; No. 3 wheat, 81.12 to 91.12 1-2. No. 3 yellow corn, 771-2 to 781.2c. No. 3 white oats, 550. No. 2 rye, 871-2e, Bran, $23.50 to 324.00Flour-First Floui Iirstnat nts, $6 60 to $5.- 75; 75 second patents, $515 to $5.45; first clears, $3.90 to $415; second clears, $2.80 to $3.10 Buffalo, May 21. -Spring wheat, No. 1 Northern, carloads, store, $1.217-8; Win- ter. No. 2 red, $1.22; No. 3 red, $120; No. 2 white, $1.21. Corn, steady. Oats, No. 2 white, 603.40; No. 3 white; 601-4c; No. 4 white, 59 1-4c. Barley, malting, $1.17 to $1.80. - LIVE STOCK MARKETS. - Montreal, 31ay 21. -Cattle -Prime beeves, 7 1-2o to 8c; medium, 53.4c to 71-4c; com- mon, 41.4c to 51.2e; ranch cows, $30 to $70; calves, 21-2c to 61-2c; sheep. 5c to 61.4c; spring lambs, $3.50 to $6.50 each; hogs, 9 1-2c. Toronto. May 21 -Cattle -Extra rho&»e heavy steers for butcher and export. $7.- 30 to $7.50; good medium to choice butcher loads, $6.40 to $7.30; mixed light butcher, $6 to $6.25; common. $3.50 to $9.60; can- ners. $2 to $3; choice buteher cows, firm, at $5.25 to 56.50; bulls, -$5 to $6.25. Stockers -Steady demand at $5,25 to $6 for good quality; extra choice heavy feeders 56.25 to $6.50. Calves -(flood veal, $3 to $7.50; bibs, $1.50 to $2,50. Sheen -Choice ewes, $5 to $6: bucks and culls. $4 to $5: spring lambs. $4 to $7 each, Hogs -58.90 -t0 $9, fed' and watered, $8.65 -f.o.b. Had PaiIationtheo � Weakness and Choking Spells. When the heart begins to beat irregu- larly, palpitate and throb, beats fast for a time, then so slow as toseem almost to stop, it causes great anxiety and alarm. When the heart does this many people are kept in a state of morbid: fear of death, and become weak, worn and miserable, To all such sufferers Milburn's Reatt and Nerve Pills will give prompt and permanent relief. Mrs, John J. Downey, New Glasgow, N.S., writes: -"Just a few lines to let you know what your Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills have done for me..'I was troubled With weakness and palpi- tation of the heart, would have severe choking- spells, and couldscarcely lie down at ail, I tried many remedies, but got none to answer my case like your Pills. I cast recommend them highlyto all having heart or nerve troubles," , Pried 50 oats par box, or 3 boxes for 51,25, Yor;sale at all dealers or will be mailed direct on receipt of price by The '.f. Hilburn Co., 7;itnited, Toronto, Oat, The large building in this picture represents the Danish royal palace. The figure inset above is that of the late King Frederick; that below is that of. Queen .Alexandrine, who now becomes the Queen Dowager. MURDERED RED IN li:*tM.1LTON. Frank 'l'rueklc Shoots His Wife in aJealous Fit. A despatch fr•om'Hamilton says: A shocking crime was committed in the heart of the city on Saturday morning about 11 o'clock, when Frank Truckle shot, and almost in- stantly killed his wife at the corner of Park and Market streets. The shooting -was witnessed by a num- ber of persons, who chased the mur- derer. After pursuing him for about a. mile he was surrounded at the corner of Park and Duke streets, and,, seeing that escape was impossible, turned the revolver that caused his wife's death' on himself, and inflicted a wound from which he died on Sunday morning. He was hurried to the City Hospital in an unconscious state, but recov- ered consciousness during the a.f- ternoon. Jealousy is the cause of the tragedy. - S'T'EAMER BURNED. Iona Sinks Fifteen Miles. Out on Lake Ontario. A despatch from Kingston says: The Montreal -owned steamer Iona, coal laden, took fire shortly before midnight in Lake Ontario . on Sat- urday and was burned to the water's edge, subsequently sink- ing. The captain and crew of twelve men took to a lifeboat and were drivenbefore a violent gale, finally landing on Sunday morning at Henderson Harbor, N.. Ir. The vessel was fifteen miles north of Oswego when fire was discovered near the boiler -room, and, after in- effectual actual at tem platest subdue it, t, the men left the vessel. They were thoroughly exhausted en reaching land. REPLY TO GERMANY. Supplementary .Estimates to be Presented by the Adiniralty. A despatch from London says : Mr, ~Winston Churchill, First Lord of the Admiralty, announced in the Rouse of Commons on Wednesday that .in view of the additional sums to be expended by Germany* on na- val construction under the new German naval bill, which passed its second reading in the Reichstag'on Tuesday, he would certainly have to present supplementary naval es- timates this year, as he had inti- mated in his speech when introduc- ing the naval budget. A Chinese leper at Montreal is to bedeported. IIe must be. quaran- tined the whole journey home. THE NEWS IN A PARAGRAPH CIAPL'ENINGS FROM ALL OVER .TUE GLOBE IN . N UT SHELL. Canada, tho Empire and the World in General Before Your -mac Eyes. CANADA. Harold Legg was drowned while eanoeing at London, Ont. New Brunswick elections will be held about June 13th. E. T. Mott is the new president of Winnipeg Board of Trade. Five stowaways were found onthe steamer Montcalm at Quebec. Stratford's tax rate, will be 26X mills, an -increase of one-half mill. Guelph radial railway employes will get ],% cents an hour increase. Tag day in Berlin and Waterloo realized $2,400 for hospital purpos- es. One thousand men from northern Ontario will make an excursion to Toronto on June 21.' Two hundred thousand tons ef ice have been stored for use in Toronto this summer. Over 12,000,000 acres has been seeded to wheat in the three west- ern Provinces. Fire did $100,000 damage to the Royal City Mill at New Westmin- ster. Farmers in the Temiskaming dis- triet are going in .for • potato cul- ture. • The . bodies of -three Titanic vic- tims 1n a boat were picked up by the Oceanic and -buried • at sera, Contracts have been let for the C.P.R.'s million -dollar irrigation work in Alberta. ' A .company is negotiating with the Montreal City Council with the object of providing an autobus ser- vice. Mrs. Julia Buchanan of Pem- broke has been acquitted of the charge ef attempting to poison Da- vid Mordy. It is reported at Ottawa that Hon. W. J. Hanna 'has been offered the Chairmanship of the Railway Commission. The steamer Ames ran. into the swing bridge at Hamilton on Fri- day, damaging the structure and effectively blocking the harbor. The Canadian Car & Foundry Company is to establish new shops seven thousand woad and steel cars yearly, The Qarney Lumber :Coanpany's. mill at Owen Sound was burned on Saturday, entailing a loss. of $150,- 000. The amain building of the Ham- ilton Glass Works was also destroy- ed,' A work train with twenty work- Men dropped through a bridge et Bassano, 33,C., a distance of 40 feet. Harry Smith was killed and 3, R. Constantine and M. 1T, Ogden £a - tally injured, GREAT BRITA-IN. The second reading of the Welsh des -establishment bill was passed by a majority of 87 votes. The people of St. Kilda, Scotland, are threatened with starvation. A warship has been sent to the rescue. The British Government may buy Penryhn Castle, near Bangor, Worth Wales, for the Prineo of Wales. A Board of Trade eoumiittee was appointed to advise as to best meth- ods of increasing' safety of ships at sea. Sir Cosmo Duff -Gordon denied the charge that he had objected to going to the rescue of the Titanic victims after the vessel sank., UNITED STATES. Counsel for the United States Steel Corporation have refused to produce certain papers demanded in the government suit to dissolve the trust. GEN.ERA1 . Rome restaurants must not serve bread and rolls not wrapped in pa- per. Thirteen were killed and forty- five injured in a railway collision in Paris: A Munich "loan shark" who charged 350 per cent. interest, has been given five years in prison. The negotiations regarding 'terms in connection with the, proposed loan to China were suspended ow- ing to Russian objections: The Italian naval and military authorities sueceeded in reproduc- ing the human voice in a message by wireless telephony at a distance of 160 miles. f - Women in Berlin refused to at, tend theatres, where, by order of the police, they had.. to remove their hats. So theatre managers have secured a court order allowing the hats to be worn, Two French aviators, Capt. Rehe mer.and M. L. Beauvais, were kill= ed and another one, M. L'Hou- mean, badly injured in two acci- dents. Nine French airmen have been killed in two weeks. MINERS TO RESUME WORK. Ratify Agreement Entered lido by the Oilicers. A despatch from Wilkesbarre, Pa., says: By a vote of 323 to 64 the anthracite mine workers in con- vention en Saturday ratified the agreement entered into by their sub -committee with the coal oper- ators, and ordered the 170,000 men and boys employed in and about the mines to return to work on Wednesday. The suspension, which is thus ended, began March 31, or seven • weeks ago, when the agree- at•Fort William with a capacity of • anent entered into in 1909 expired. "ALEXANDRA DAY" IN JThE Novel Idea Has Been Put Into Effect By Society Ladies in London A despatch from London says: A number of well-known society ladies have hit upon a very bright and no- vel idea in which to honor Queen Alexandra, and :at the same time benefit the many hospitals, homes and charities in which her Majesty is interested. On a certain day at the end of June -to be called "Al- exandra Day" -a band of society leaders, with many wilting helpers, will sell in the streets of London flowers of all sorts, and the money so collected will be handed to Queen Alexandra for distribution among herpet•1 eharities. Some ofh e the flowers will be artifiieial, made by those clever little cripple children in whose work' Queen Alexandra FIGURES IN THE has always taken the greatest per- sonal interest, while, of coarse, others will be natural blooms, most- lyfrom the sellers' own hot -houses. Roses will predominate, and next to the rose will come Queen Alex- andra's favorite flower, the "Alex- andra" carnation. Already a cont-' mittee has been formed to arrange matters, the Countess of Wilton be- ing the president, while among the members, who are all working hard enrolling helpers and arranging the hundred and one details, are the Duchess of Marlborough, tate Mar- chioness of Dufferin and Ave, the Marchioness r s of Crewe, and an• m y others. Needless to add, Queen Al- exandra herself is taking a keen in- terest in the arrangements. BRITISJI INQUIRY INTO THE TITANIC DISASTER. 31 R lj 5 I5,AACS H-1AN]AR_ G ENWGTD 1/113, 5IR.. JOHN C . BIN :%'Ati fAO VERY BAD • COUGH.. Arid. Tickling til in Throat. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine ,Syrup Cured It. Miss C, Danielson, Bowsman River, Man„ writes: --'Last fall I had a very.' bad cough, and a tickling sensation, in my throat. It was so bad I could not sleep at night, so I went to a druggist and told him I wanted something for my cold, and he advised me to try Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup which I did, and after taking one bottle I was completely cured. Let me recommend. Dr. Wood's Norway Tine Syrup to anyone who suers from a cough or throat irritations.';'" r, Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup is without a doubt one of the greatest cough and cold remedies on the market to -day, and so great has been its success there are numerous preparations put up to imitate it, .. Do not be imposed upon by taking one of these substitutes, but insist on being given "Dr. Wood's" whea you ask for it. • Price, 25 cents a bottle; put up in a yellow wrapper; three pine trees_ the trade mark; manufactured only by The T. Milburn Co., Limit-4-'I'oronto4 Ont. L'UNISI!I.ED FOR INTIMIDATION Three Months for Seven Industrial Workers of the World. A despatch from Kamloops, B,C., says: Seven Industrial Workmen of the World, found guilty of inti- midation in connection .with the strike .on the Canadian Northern, were sentenced at the Assizes here on Thursday to three ,months in. pri- son. Four of . the men -Quirk, Miseinen, Olson and Schoulder were found guilty cif assault and for this received an additional six months -each. In passing sentence Chief Justice Hunter :said "You are free to join any organization you wish, but When you act as you did in this case, you may get into the grip of the law. Thepeople of this Province are law-abiding and an infringement of the law will not be tolerated." RAILWAY TROUBLE SETTLED. Sir William Mackenzie Made Terms With Traiiiuien. A despatch from Winnipeg -says: It is announced that Sir Wm. Mac- kenzie has arranged an amicable settlement with the Canadian Nor- thern Railway trainmen, and that the American crews which have been running _ orthern Pacific and Great Northern trains from the boundary will in future not oper- ate the trains in Canada. WORK ON H. B. RAILWAY. Chief Location Engineer Bruce Ras Resigned the Service. A despatch from Le Pas, Mani- toba, says: Chief Engineer Bruce, of the Dominion Government, en the final location of the second sec- tion of tate Hudson Bay Railway, has resigned his position. One ht 1 ndec 1 1 n o i 1e men arrived last night for McMillan Brothers, whohave the eon tract for the first sec- tion of the Hudson Bay Railway. The work is proceeding very favor- ably. The steel for the bridge has not 3 -et arrived, A $4.000,000 CONTRACT. Big Works in Contemplation at St. John, N.B. A despatch from St. John, N.B., says: Norton Griffiths & Company have let a big contract to McDonald & Doheny of Alexandria, Ont., and C. L. Hervey of Montreal:. It in- cludes the construetion of a break- water atei• a mile long and the reinoval of a large hill ab the rear. The contract involves, it is understood, $4.00.0,000, BA ► BLOOD CAUSES BOILS and PIMPLES: Get t e blood and nd keep ;it pure by removing every trace of impure morbid matter from the system. , . • Burdock Blood Bitters has been on the market about thirty -live years, and is ono of the very hest medicines proeurablefoe Die cure of boils and pimples. PIMPLES CU.P1?,D. Miss J. M. Wallace, Black's harbor, writes "About five years ago my face was entirely covered: with pimples. I tried everything people told me about, but found no relief. At last I thought of B•'B,B. and decided to try a bottle, After finishing two bottles I was entirely cured, and would advise any lady who wants a beautiful complex - lot to use 13.13.B." f BOILS CtrllEI). • Mrs. Ellsworth Mayne, Springfield,• writes; "My face and ' neck were covered with boils, and I. tried alt kinds ;of remedies, but they did rue no good. , 1 went to many doctors, but they, could not cute me. I then tried Burdock Blood Bitters, and I must say it is a woo derful remedy for the cure of boils." 1 Burdock Blood Bitters is manufactured only by The T, Miibura Co.,:,x.ilti]tede Torbtito, Oet.