Exeter Times, 1912-5-23, Page 5UltelDAV Wee. Aie
1�ti�7lC� q an `
Ex ee
p # t Mothers
et .experieneeof'Miotherrioediee
e ttry-
.., ; o, Meet vvoitzert. wind marks dis-
».�'.an epoolx in their Iivos: Net one
.tatxrini•a hundred is prepared o un-
cls how to re r1.. care
,,�,,,... , p � Y her-
i eeif.• Of course nearly ewer won'aan
els a aeis has m ical e y
(f , e� , tr t#ttnent at
b� .tihies, %tilt many approach the
•l}'ienee with an organism unfitted
rte Well of strength, and when it
ken'enr htr.• system haze received a shock
wlii x
is oh i ., rs hard to recover. Fol-
Iowiiig 'ght open this_ comes the: nere
nuet eft* Of caving for the child, and
change in The mother results,
Thexais -nothing mere charming thea
h fly and heelthy mother of children,
, aud, irideefi' chilcnbirth under the right
imdititins needle
ard to b
est ' or
bga>ty,',ThQ unexplainable tlingts that,
tiatigalthevidenae shattered
`>sinoken•Iiaaaltlat resulting from an Un-
- F. ""i pa1.ed conditioneazid with ample tiiae
tin, Which to" repare, women will persist
irg.blindly bo the + tele].
oxnan at this time shoaled rely*
pt F. Pinkleani'sVegetableiCoo=
k'llon}nt, a most valuable tonic and inVig-
tet' of the female organism.
many homes
sit childless there
tire a1iow children be-
£ tLse "of the fact
a1°lryilia E. Pink-
retenoilnd makes
EWoneen noninaI,.
rlie81,P$y, ale strong
7 du Want sp+eCial adv1cis write to
[Ly i J . P klutalt ]ltealcbie Go. (conS-
z4I }1) 'Layne, Mass. Voter Ietter want
lie •dpielned reed and answered by La
Wotan hnij..keid >tat strict conitdenee.
Mrs. Marshall of Exeter spent a few
days witz,her• parents Mr. and Mrq.
3; Lamport,
We are sorry to report that Mrs.
Eli King is laid up with an attack of
Mr Wm, Wenzel spsnt a few days
in London last week on business.
Messrs, J. and AIbert Morlock were
to Windsor for a few days on business
They returned home rich two excel-
lent E. M. F. automobiles.
Miss Carrie Buhr was in London
t Thursday.
She, Misses Bertrands returned
home after spending a couple of days
with friends in Exeter.
Don't forget the Baseball games on
the?r4th: with London, Don't nails
tbe'first game of the Season.• •
Mr. and Mrs, Samiie! Braun spent
Sunday in Dashwoodthe guest of Mr'
and Mrs. Wm. Siebert.
People cannot complain of not bay-
ing enough rain this spring. They
uTe getting
noie than their
.�,sl iey 'wedding took piece last
liurdaatthe b ldes hme
Nye, Sophia Feltner was united. in
Marriage to Mx, Henry Y
Zuricb Thebridewas recipient of
nnany beautiful presents, Th
join be wishing Mr, and Mrs, Bower
much toy and happiness.
Mr, and Mrs. Francis Clarke left on
Tuesday for Sarnia where they will
attend the funeral. of the litters sister
Mrs, Edwards.
Mr, Matthew Fiekbeiner sold bis
farm to Mr, Deward Fabnee for a
large r suite.
Mr Kalbfleish and Mr. Bess of
Zurich were in town on Mondayand
urchased the brick for thnew
school which they are going to build
this summer. We understand that
they are taking the plan of our Credi-
ton school.
Mr, Charles Zwieker was in Toronto
last week on business.
Rally Day will be beld in the Evan-
gelical church neat Sunday.
The Presb ary of Huron met eu
Braeeeield onMy n 14tit en the Union
e u
i7 roh .fireo
f Mowing members of
the Presbytery were present. Rev.
t, Fletcher Thames' Road, moderator;
Jas, Vamilton Godoricli steak, E. P.
Mort, Smltb, 1:Iensall; 3, Richardson
Ifippen; N. Simla Egmpandviile; 5, A.
Carrier Grand Bend; A: MacFarlane
Bayfieidf D. Carswell McKillop; W.
T.:Pearoy ,Londesboro' J. R. Infanta nine
born; J. L. Small Blyth; J. H. Wopds
Brimfield, and D. Johnston Varna,
Eiders* Jas. McQueen Brucefield J.
Campbell Bayfield; '?,f. 1.furdic, 111;c�
Iiillop; P. Gardiner Blyth; J. ,3 oung
Smith's • hill and J. 13.1 Johnston
The moderator was appointed to.
represent the Presiiytery at !W. S•t.
M. S. meeting at Goderiele. Rev: Mr.
Shaw reported re Chiaelhurat. It
was agreed to. ?lace this charge en,
der the care of Mr. Shaw until other
arrangemients were made.
A committee consisting of Rev. N.
Shaw Jas. Hamilton and Joe. E. Ross
'ras appointed to make some arrange
ments by„which Chiselhurst may have
regular service,.
Mr. W. Carter of Egmondville res-
igned his commissioners -hip to the
general assembly, and Mr. John
Sproat of EgmondviIle was appointed
to fill the position,
A call to'Rev. J. It, Mann, of Au-
burn and Smith's, Hill from Posit El-
igin was then taken up. Rev.Mr.
flog g o"t Southampto.n..-, prosecuted
the can on ,behalf of the Fr`esbyto(ry
Of Bruce, .while Mr. McLaren of Port
Xlgin, spoke on behalf of the Poire
Elgin congregation; and ,Mr. J. ?.oluxt3.
of Sbaith"s Hill spoke for that coa-
After these commissioners tiversa
heard the call was placed in Ehc
Lamle of Me. Minn for his ' diel
he accepted' the call and the Presby-
tery agreed to release Mr. Mann froth
els present charge after the 23 h
inat Rev. Jas. Hamilton wail appoint•
ed interim moderator 'of the sessions'
of 'Auburn and Setiths Hill during
the vacaney,
A call from Reenter ¥o Rev. J. fel
Small Blyth, was treported and it Was .1
agreed tohold a special n sting of
the. Presbytery -,at- Willis Ohureh4.
Gli'nton, on Friday May '24th' at 11 a,
•m with thei
A inter
to deal ith tale n,
eating conference *as then held on
the Subject of"Btthics of Ministry.
T 1 E
nev x wee a time w
spe o-
D:4kili p ld
1i m xa s C
ra �ba l art au h, re ins
3' or
g Mere
This #nan now s
hz is s)rown
by t z.rr the ._
irease eines and vgJ
Menials x or
f ri•sa s a who have p r li n •t a larerr
u dit
a re byz yea or yo
or . If i
y tlxcaa
are iroabled with a ooug1 nx old
eivat ,tt a trial and become •Tincts iste
ed w{ :i?t its good qualities, Foil t;a1%
by at :o dealers.
The cote on Church
'Union ta.kenb3
the Methodist Church resultedalt fqW
lows. Quarterly Board. 11 for 'z a
gainst; 3L qualified to vote; metebers:
over.18 gears of age 112 fots'14 again-
st. 190 qualified to dote; members ua-
der 18. 'ears 3 for, 0 aagainst, ll
nuatifiedto vote; Adherents 42 for 4
against;,; 55 qualified to vote; total
173 for e0 against and 250 qualified
t0 vote.
Rev. T. A. Steadman of Elimvine
vt ill preach here next Sunday both
mounting And evening the pastor Bev.
T. W. Blatchford conducting re -open-
ing services for Mr. Steadman at
On Thursday of last week the tleath
took place of Mr. Richard Luken aged
3cars 1
s m'ont'h 1 a d. 11d'a '
in ys. hd
deceased who had ,not ,been in good
eealth for some: time was compelled,
to take his +bcl nn_1y th-ee dans
the end same h.
1,,1:ee steel been
a resident of Oautraliit for over
four years 'having moved here from
the 4th concession of Biddiulph short-
ly after the death of his wife. The
deceased possessed many admirable
qualities and by his ionorable and
upright dealings woes a wide circle
of friends. He is survived by one son
Wilbur odic 'has the syitipathy of the
entire otrmpnunity also three brothers
Wm. of Centralia. Robt in Exeter
Thos. of Sarnia and Wes of Wing -
ham. 7'he funeral was held Saturday
to the Exeter cemetery and was fol-
lowed by a large concourse of sor-
rowing friends,
vie al rag seashell the real merits pt
Lame .back is nsuallry ceased by
rheumatism of the muscles of the
back, for wbidh you will find uot'h-
idg better then Chamberlains Li'nipi
ent. For sale by ale dealers.
Mrs. James Hackney and daughter
Mrs. Alex Turnbull left last Monday
for Detroit Mich'; to spend a ,few
weeks with Mr, John Hackney.
Mrs. Amos. Darling and daughter
are visiting under the parental roof.
Mr. R .D, Turnbull left last week
for the west and W.. R. Gardiner left
this week also for the west.
Mrd. Henry Rollo and 'children are
.visiting for some time with fritetnds
Re Opening --The rel -opening
vices of the Methodist church w
91 be
held next Sunday, May 26th whe'a
Rev. T. W. Blatceford 13, ,of Cen-
tralia will preach in tbe an:ornin, at
10;30 and in the evening at seven
Special music will be provided by the
choir; Special collections will be tak-
en at the services.
Tire• license board of North Middle- .!
sex: have granted u transfer of ,the-
helicense of the Queen's Hotel Lu a a
from Mrs. CatLarine Marshall to J
McGrath of Blenheim
Great xea preparattgns are beg made
fez. .tee '3rd of June. By rkt o
e d opine
y 9
and miike it it 'great success,
;ii '.ti ,
ka. A a as v t~il!
su4 li. txzp e
holm re entlY oo
asd and owned
ii I.y Mx e Gu nt tie r4
tells flee1+�G'FL, Guenther has purc',based the
Jos•. Snell property and. znot'ed izrto it
elt'1, e
'Che. Young Ladies Alliance ost a+she
wood wili serve'oapper on the teen-
luz of the '3rd of diems..
Mr. Elgin Goete of Stratford was
tome visiting his father, Ile left toe
Suelbtiry .where he has seeered a Ins"
Ill, Jos, Wambold bas sold hie co'i
fcotioncry 'business 'to Mr. Fred Del r-
ing. Mr. Warrebold is moving hi'oa'
the li'arrnler's Bank brick Wee, Ile.
will eontinua his barber shop and
papering business
Ou Saturday last another oil the
Pioneers of Stephen passed to' his
reward in the person of lifr, Robert
Ireland of tee. 1PQth. consessbtm. The
deceased was 81 years and 4 menaces
old, Be had been a resident of
Stephen for the past 57 yearn and
lyes held in the highest esteem .in
was Ind in the highest est.ecai iii
the ne' h
4 herb '
z cod He is
6 survived 5
song a.nd one deiughter; Simpaa , ut
Stratford Aaron the , the ho.ayestead,.
and Mrs. leturrai onthe lath
The funeral eves . held 'Yucatan
to the Grand Bence eesaeteny.
I d would surprise you to know pf
the 'great good that is being :done
by Chamberlains Tablets Darius
Downey of Newberg J&tn,ation. `Ni B.
writes, "My wife has been eseng
Chamberlain a .Tablets and finds
them very effectual and doing nen
lots of 'goon. If you have ar)y trouble
with' your stomach or bowels give
them a trial. For sate by all dealers,
Za a Bute will end it
For skin rashes, eruptions, eczema,
etc, either in adults or !children,
there is nothing known to scienoo.
which equals Zam;-Buk in the quick -
certainty of its curative power. Mr.
Bayo ata Webber Of Ailanbnrg Ont.
writes. "I /have tried Zani-Bek for
many ailments, and everytime have.
found it successful, Some tense ago
I had a bad rash all over my, body
1 tried home made salves, herb salves
and various home-made preparations
and these proved of no use but tvlie,n
I tried Zam-Belk I was cured in quar-
ter of the tinsb that I (ha'd' been ex -
perimenrationetin:g in vain with other,pre-
"On another occasion, 7 had one of
my fingers crushed, and in that case
also, Zara -Bak was the only remedy I
used It healed the wound splendidly
",My boy had boils and once again.
Zarn 13uk brought about a oomptete
cure. We hare also used it as a
household .balm, for the injuries and
skin diseases which are common to
every person and can say that in
our experience thexe is nothing to
equal Zam-Buk.'`
Zam-J3uk owes its unique healing
power to certain herbal extracts it
conta)ns. Unlike most ointments it
contains no poisocnous coloring mat-
ter, no animal fat, brit it purely her.
bal. For eezerna, pix'.;. blood poison
abgoesses, ulcers, cruel; .hnrnsJ• and all
skin injuries fled diseases it its with-
out equal and shoraald bo in avers
bome. See box: all druggists and
stores. Use also Zeta -Bilk Soap, Eye
appetite u. z*
11 issura
x# o
ten , rasa
Paired .di;eestion - .few doses
ent.teneberealae staanaoh and raven. %v x
wile v'l
, l stxen,etlien your dtges•+
onRd nca r
t'sn i.
v oolir a
Tands .have been benefited by talc
Iz� these tablets So
i b 1
y al era
• Mr, D. Cttntelo.rr and Mrs. Car t-
elan left last week for their new
home in Toronto., .followed by the
good wishes of a beet of friends and
Mr. ,A.. 1 tnydoeh intends taking a
month's trip i tothe he west shortly..
Mrs. Caw prop of Tavistock has
been visiting her mother Mrs. T.
Dick and other friend's during the
past week.
Mr, 'Thom s' C k d Mr li ) •i
Cameron have been making improve-
ments to their dwelling proper"• its
Mr. 3. C. Horton was happily wet -
in marriage to Miss Laura McLean,
of Vancouver May 5th. Mr. Horton
is well andfavorably known in and
around Hensen he having teen in,
the bank here for some time. Hie
meaty friends will be pleased to learn
that he intends to bring itis bride
east on a trip this summer. We ex-
tend hearty congratulations.
.Mrs. Williams who bas been visit-
ing mother Mrs, Francis CaIeman
has returned to her home in Bay City
Mrs. F. G. McDonell is visiting her
sisters in Detroit.
Mr. William 'Arthur Wilson, of the
Toronto police force who has been
was Crippled,
could hardly walk
and had to Crawl
down stairs at times on my hands
and knees. My doctor told me 1
had an acute attack of inflammatory
iheurtiatism. 1 was in the hospital
for weeks, but was scarcely able to
walk when Y left it. t read about
•. Dr. Miles' Nervine
bou'gfrt a 'bottle and began to get
better from the start, and for the
past six zrroatbs l have had scarcely
any pain and am ,able to walk as
well as ever:" J.H. SANDERS,
P. D. box 5, Rockaway, N. j,
Few mmdisines are of any benefit
for rheumatism, but Mr. Sanders
tells plainly- what Dr. Miles' Re-
storative Nervine did for it. One
dunce of salicylate of soda added to
one bottle of Nervine makes an ex/
cellent remedy for rheumatism,
zs'hich is now known to be a nerv-
ous disease and therefore subject to
the infuence'of.a medicine that acts
throt;{gh the nerves, as does
Dr. Miles' Nervine
Sufferers from rheurnatism seldom
fiail to fiend relief in the use 'of
Dir. Miles' Nervine, with= salicylate
of soda.
Said under a, guarantee. that assures
the return oit4rdprice of the first bottle
It 11 falls to benefit. At all Pruggists+
MILES 114•EDICA4; 6o., Toronto, Can.
lierna eleitiren his qt
trer r
� s .ryit^
Kyle hes retu,reed to bis duties in
T "
the 1 ,
,dire Sar n • oft
adaala t the Lords
Sup -
Per was ob served in
.tlzoC ,txa T a a
Church last Sunday at the zn tin t > '»K
s he preparatory v
-G ar sir e s'
were :;auerau:ted Frik1ay ufter?iovn,bthe R, M, Millysrd of the 111'etbe
Our :brass hand under the leader.
,ship of Mr,. Milne Heade are now
nicely organized and ,kava played
several, nv. rain
e gs, moelx to the pleas-
era gf our citizens, Its is the intenk
slot) to Lave the band play every Sat-
urday evening if the weather et fay.
14br+. G. C. Petty y ha solda
s tris neat
•dwelling on Ki g Street nearly op -
posithos .hwillis sbric
horktly blocoeeuk pyto it. •Mrs, McKayi
D. 'Urquhart had his dwelling
raised this week and moven back a
number of feet which ts'ill add to
both its appearanee and convenience
Mr. Thomas Racism had his dwel
lingtoit. raised and moved back this week
and intends adding e. neat addition
Mr. James O'Neil has purchased an
auto and
a nu her of is
friends chert trips.
The lieagee of the Methodist
arch h id 4 ober e' �
e a 1 u Social. in the
basement of the Methodist cliurch on
Monday evenkn!g.
GG.raat rz , 01/
"Vey b eband used
Backache and Kidney Disease, Tw,
the kidneys failed to do thnw
properly, .&s he became 'nom,
found it necessary to begin � fr eaten
and unfortunately wasted ti as. •
money 'o
nx;medias that a
no good, After taking 'one
GIN PIIIS, he found
,thekit' . ,to
exactly what he neede43.,,:and a ' {
taking two boxes of GIN
completely cured, Weheartily »:
commend GIN PILLS, , at yet,-
opportunity to our frietrde
latves", MRs, JAMES B. MU
Write as, mentioning
#1'iis,p'ap� •d,•
we•wlllsendyouasamplebo,tfree, x1x;
ifyou cannot get the re
r size but
at your dealer's we will
supply yott'
the regular retail rice-s
c, box
$2.5o-attd uiciney promptly refitid
GIN PILLS do not give setisfecttof+t:
National Drug & Chemical';' to, tit,
Canada, Limited, Dept. A Toronto, '8 ,
What's the use in putting cheap
:paint oh a good building? What's
the use in putting cheap paint on
any building. Just a waste of time
and money! Be careful and eco-
nomical this year and use
For Buildings—Inside and Outside
Never buy paint by price alone, buy it for
what it will do, the service it gives in protection
and good looks. You want the paint on your
house to look well and wear—that means Ele-
phant Liquid Paint—good. paint at a moderate
price, covers well, lasts long. Made by The Cana-
da Paint Company, which has been doing busi-
ness in Canada' for nearly half a century.
Hardware Paint and nd Stove Store
a" "'Fra neett• • canes e•nin e .n+++i 4.4.4teetene bfl ;d.,i erste ° %•II••1`+aai•3;•3••1+•i� •3�•5 + +. 4-ine-Fi•'nenee semi -e et••l•naree 31�+n te:: �f•• nett •ntie set' •§+ ' eeeengeg�'eereee• x• r e ro � tees eeettete+dr ! e, 4•n' 't •P•i•1 n+tteten•e•$'l 404.
r ',+ ',',4.1t+i4,r,4,rl+.4 !$' 31,4 4 �! *Meeh` i1. '.t444.4.4.•t•d•-,F.tai+.t••£-a41-t•t£••t..t.a•*.4•,4.•4 +t••t•+.1-1••i••t�,k+e3.•£•+tai••t+•Ee�{,•i�•i.a"t I sa•�II* 61411riKt s+•trowt• iii••'. .. r4 +++++.#too. ••4.•t..e.i..t.q. -at i-4.-t••i••t'.•4••e•d-24. ' Tei s'
In Your Investments ire Western Canada.
Would You Like to feel reasonably sure that you are getting a Square Deal in buying or selling property in the West ?
Wouldn't it be better for you to buy or sell your property through a Firm that will keep you -in touch with every movement in which you should be
interested and a firm that realizes that to build up a good connection they must do the very best they can for the people who buy property on their recom-
mendation ? That is exactly the position we are in.
all 0
We Handle no Property except we are convinced tat it is A iso. 1 Proposition
7 � WILL TRANSACT all business connected with any
deal a purchaser may make. We will Guarrantee to
protect you when you come to sell it We will secure sales for you
▪ at the most opportune time We will keep you in touch with what
14 is going on in the locality where you buy your property and we do
• this, because we are carrying on a straightforward conscientious busi-
Awe ness. We are not here today and gone to morrow and we realize
that a satisfied client is the Best Advertisement in the world.
We have at the present time the selling of
some of the best propositions in City Property
in Edmonton and Moose Jaw, also a large
number of Good Farm Lands in Alberta and
WE WILL BE d to in -
gadding Westernvery propleaseperty' W egive haveany a largeforsupplymation roe
Maps and Literature for distribution Free. Also Board
of Trade literature from every Town or City in Alberta and Sas,
Mali us the attached Coupon and let us
SHOW YOU what we can do for YOU.
eelet+eeee••ene••1•+4.•t t++t»s»t•4••I44+•t•+ +++++++++•a++•l•4•l•4••€••te1•.t•�
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awcien 81 Bawden
• Offices:—Edmonton .•�Edmontan� Lon do and Exeter,
Exeter office one vacated by Bank of Commerce
Western, Property, . Farm Lands, Timber limits, Coal Lands
.. .. , , tai'•:
,zstributors of Edmonton Board of Trade and Alberta Government Literature
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