HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1912-5-23, Page 2AKiii6 SAFE INVEST INTS
Several instances of Where the Investor
Should Leave the Klett( severeiy Alone
and Let the 5:1esulatora Take the
Chances and any Oititnate Profit,
The .articles contributed. by "Investor"
tare for the sale purnoda of guidtn;I pros.
motive inveators:sid, it possible. of ear
Inc them from losing money through:
I:lacing it in "`wild -cat" enterprises. The
mpartial and reliable character of Th
informatteu ma be relied upon.
writer of theme articles and the publisher
of this paper bare no Interests to servo
in oanuectiap with this matter other than
' those of tbe reader.
(By "Investor."1
At the present time the Toronto and
Alolttreal stook exchanges are allowing
the greatest activity for some menthe
pant. Several important investment and
semi -investment securities' like Rio de
Janeiro Tramwaya. Sao Paulo, Winnipeg
,Erectrio and Toronto Railway—not to men-
tion C. P. L -have been strong and ac.
tine. Of late, however, there has beeu a
decided prominence given to the oommon
shares of anusnber of industrial eom-
Danies, which may 'be justified from a
sneeulative-point of view. but which no.
one should purchase ttuder the impres-
siou that he was investing is the true
sense of the word. For those who can
afford to take ahauoes, and ran dispense
'with income from their investments for
some time to come --several years. Pea-
ar.hapsthere is something to be said for
well -chosen purchases of industrial coat -
mon stocks. Anyone. however. who is suf.
ficiently well versed in the flnaneial situ,
ation to make such nurchases with pro-
per discrimination requires little further
in the way of general Anaucial education..
For the 'average person—partioularly
those away from. the chief centres, where
information (of a sort) more or less in-
formed may be had for tbe askiug--tt is
the reverse of wise to "dabble" in the
stock market. That, of course. is all they
would be doing were they to purchase
these securities at the present time.
The most recent' of the common shares
to move were those of the "Steel Company
of Canada. " Most of this stook was given
away to the promoters and as a bonus
to underwriters of the bonds. -As -such
it represents merely the value placed on
"good win," and at 'present, and •for
some years to come, is chiefly "water:"
that is stook created for various pur-
poses for which no money is paid. and.
therefore, represents no investment of
cash in the plant. When in years to
come the increase in the value of the -
plant and other assets has justified giv-
iving a value of par for this stock the
"water" is saki to have been "squeezed
The earnings on "Steel of Canada" come
mon shares are about 3.8 per cent. It
should be some years before any divi-
dend is attempted on the common shares
and so they are not worth what they are
selling for to -day, though the specula -
tire deanre that a dividend may be paid
oaoner than generally expected gives
them a value in the market quite dis-
tinct from that which one would give
them from an investment point of view.
Spanish River Pulp and Ontario Pulp
and Paper Companies' common shares
have also been moving excitedly for some
time now, but as those interests closest
to the inside are at a loss to justify the
present, prices—for as yet earninss'do not
justify them, though they may before long
—there is not much to be said on the
Other shares Iike Sawyer -Massey com-
mon are moving upwards too. Tho Saw-
yer -Massey common stock is doubtless
nearer dividends than many others more
recently issued, but the water hasn't vet
been squeezedueezed out in a sufficient degree
to justify thenrchase of the stock as
an inestment, albeit an unremunerative
one, for there is no dividend in eight
for some years ou that stock either.
The policy of not paying dividends un-
til a -good substantial reserve is built up
is asound one. and any shareholder who
urges his company to act otherwise is so
eager for the fruits of the present that
he jeopardizes the possibilities of large
crops in the future.
And so. anyone who buys non -dividend
industrial common stocks at the -present
time, unless he has reason to think the
period of reserve building is at an end, is
not investing wisely. In any rase his in-
vestment savors rather too much of specu-
lation to be in any sense sound,
Mrs. de Venoff—"Tommy, do 3 ori
want some nicer plum jam?"
Tommy—"Yes, mother."
"I was going to jive you some
to put on your bread, hat I lost the
key of the pantry."
"Yon don't need the key, mother ;
I eau reach down. throtigh the win-
dow and open the dour from the in-
side." -
"T11at's what 1 wanted to loam
Now just wait until your father
comes home."
When the
Appetite Lags
A bowl of
sk rs
with cream
hits the right spot.
"To .sties" are thin bits.
of corn; fully cooked,
then toasted to a crisp,
golden -brown.
This food makes a fine
change for g s rin -- a
.� lipe-
Sold by Grocers, and
ready to serve from pack-
age instantly with cream
� Y
and sear,
riernory Linger
blade by
n Pustum -finrectl C'o., 'ltd.
Ire Food "Fltetnriee
or, Ontario, Canada;
A .Clergyman's Mistake The Race Meeting
—Premier Borden's Yisit=-Beattlo
iNaps.4ltt'a Return. '
Ore have arranged for a weekly .letter
about Toronto aitairs,which, we believe,
will be of great interest to many of our
readers. These lettere will be from the
ppen of one of Canada's foremost journa.
lists.. man who has covered $ome of the
Werid''s greatest happenings and now oo•
melee a leading, position on one of the
Toronto dallies.)
Rev. ,T. D. Morrow's campaign for $40,-
000 to complete ft's bin down -town ohurelt
has not been helped by his action in mar*
eying a young girl to a Chinaman at a
late hour at night, and the subsequent
Police Coartt prooeedinge. Mr, Morrow is.
the "marrying minister of the city, that
le, he of all the clergymen, bias the great-
est number of marriage osremontes to his
oredit in, a year. He boasts that he turns
all the fees over to his church fund, but
the fess• as a rule from his patrons are
not large, though the Chinaman gave him
$10. 31r. Morrow has boon using plenty of
other methods of raising funds. Sporting
organizations, in reeoonition of his in-
terest in athletics and his former prowess
as a sprinter, have raised a goodly sum,
but the goal is still a long way olf. Some
of the wealthier congregations have Riven
generously, and when Mr. Morrow gets a
chance to go iu another mipiater's pulpit
be tells a touching story of his work
among the down and outs and his strug-
gle with the- financial question. But large
subseriptious are infrequent. Apparently
to malty people Mr, Morrow is eccentric.
Possibly the gayest social function in
the Toronto calendar is the openingof the
0, J. 0. spring meeting at the Woodbine.
It is a scene not to be duplicated any
where ea the American continent. United
States race meets are not society func-
tions. They draw a sporting crowd pure
and simple. And none of them has the
beautiful setting that, the Woodbine pro-
vides—the lake across the meadow, the
unsurpassed green award, the stately elms
and the flower beds. Given May sunshine
and May breezes the whole setting is
The crowd is the most cosmopolitan that
gathers in Toronto. It cuts-soolety in a
vertical section. The highest in the land
is there, So is the lowest. About the
stables one.may see some rare specimens
of humanity. So, also, in the public stand
and betting ring. Some are, no doubt,
attracted thither by the love of "man's
best friend," but most have the fever of
gambling in their veins.
The first visit of the Right Honorable
R. L. Borden to Toronto since his acceaa,
sion to the Premiership was the occasion
of a warm welcome, as was natural in a
city which is so strongly devoted to his
cause and party as is Toronto. While
Mr. Borden's character seems on the sur-
face to lack something of warmth, news-
paper men know him to be one of the
easiest public men in Canada to inter-
view. His predecessor. Sir Wilfrid Lau-
rier, refused always, and still refuses, to
be quoted in an interview about anything.
Mr. Borden, on the other hand, rarely de-
clines to be interviewed: though. natur-
ally., he does not make important an-
nouncements by this method. To say that
he is easy to interview does not mean
that he is a seeker of publicity. or has
not a keen sense of dignity. Quite the -
Sir Edmund Osier, his host during his
visit, has always, expressed himself as a
warm admirer of Mr. Borden's abilities
and character. Sir Edmund is one of
Canada's wealthiest men, the Canadian
Pacifla and Northwest lands having fur-
nished him with the means of fortune.
The lacrosse situation has been touched
by a live wire this season, said live wire
being no less a personage than our old
friend R. J. Fleming, General Manager of
the Toronto Street Railway, whose chief
hobbies heretofore have been Jersey
cows and Sunday school activities. Until
last year "Bob' Fleming did not know
a lacrosse stick from a baseball bat. Then
he had the Toronto Lacrosse Club given
to him. It was literally forced on him..
The owners had been losing money. They
saw no way of getting even. The had
been playing on the Toronto Railway
Company's grounds at Scarboro Beach,
and so they went to the railway's man-
ager and calmly informed him that it
was up to him to take the team off their
He went to see his boys play. They
lost. He decided to get. some new players.
But he was informed that under the rules
of the N. L. A. he could not engage new
players at that stage of the 'season. The
incident shows what a novice he was.
But this year be was not to be fooled
again, with the result that lacrosse play-
ers hare been making contracts at un-
dreamed of prices. There never has been
such doings. Of course, the game in this
league bas been thoroughly protession-
alizod, and no one play for glory. And
hitherto they have pltiyed for moderate
cash considerations. But between R. J.
Fleming and Cote Jones, an es -Australian,
who runs a big billiard parlor in Van-
couver, and who is the lacrosse magnate
of British Columbia, salaries have been
boosted to dizzy heights. In the Newsy
Lalonde affair it is understood that Jones
[paid 85,000 for a one•season contract after
Fleming thought he had him at $4,500, of
which $2,000 had been »aid over.
When friends point out that at such
salaries he can't hope to make money.
oven if he filled the largest grand stand
in the city at every game, Mr. Flem-
ming declares that all he cares about is
to get a team that will win games.
With big league lacrosse so thoroughly
commercialized it is a pity that the situ-
ation in the amateur leagues of the na-
tional game is not better. But there is
a hope that the rivalry between the Ca-
nadian and Ontario associations will be
straightened out before another season.
Dr. Beattie Nesbitt is again in our
midst. The method of his home -coming
was quite in steeping with his character.
Row to get from the Chicago train to
the jail without running into a reporter
or a photographer was a. problem -chat
:rave a new turn to the game of life, but
as a game which offered some measure
of enjoyment it appealed to the jovial
doctor. and as such he entered - into it
with his accustomed teat.
Time who saw the doctor in court de-
elare he has aged greatly in tbe sixteen
Months since he left Toronto. He line
lost weight, added wrinkles and lost some
of his accuatumed lightsomenoss of man -
sympathy is expressed -for his wife and
child, a little girl. Mrs. Nesbitt was one
of the two riaugbters of the late Mr. Hub-
bard, who had built tip a big business in
dental supplies, and left at his death an
estate of soma 8200,000. Dr. Netahitt man-
aged the easiness for a period, Itut uu-
"What is your idea of elassictl
irl:tslc 2"
"aVell," replied Mr. Cunlro t, "T.
don't profess to know xnueh about
it. But it always seems to me that
when a man writes classical music
he simply takes x tune and sees
how much he can muss it tip."
She--Yotl harried itis simply he.
cense I had looney. 11er--•.No,, T
married you because I didn't have
aYiortey ,
Sir Edward Clouston,, like mealy
other Canadistria has learned that
nothing ,ties up a< railway like a
driving snowstoren. A few years
ago in February, the Ontario rail-
ways were almost completely tied
up with. one of the worat blizzards
experienced in years. .At that time
Sir Edward had an important en-
gagement in Ottawa, and although
the weather prophets forecasted
had snowstorms, he decided to
make the trip by the C.P.R., ' who
maintain o fast service between
Montreal and Ottawa.
The train crew had a, desperate
fight to make headway from the
time they left Montreal, and finally,
when three. miles 'from one of the
smallest stations on the lines the
engine went dead.
Sir Edward and Sir Thomas
Shaughnessy, the president of the
CP.R., were warm friends, so when
Sir Edward was informed that
there was to be a serious delay he
resolved to telegraph Sir Thomas.
A brakeman started out to make
his way three miles to the telegraph
office, and Sir Thomas gave him a
personal message to the C.P.R.
president. He also insisted that
the brakeman wait for a reply. His
message was as follows
"Sir Thomas Shaughnessy,
"President C.P.R.: .
"Am tied up in asnowstorm in
one of your :trains. Three miles
from. nowhere. What would you
.advise t Clouston.",
On account of the snowstorm,
there were delays in transmitting
the message, and the reply, which
reached thesnow-bound snort b t nal l,.nl ht
three hours - afterwards. It. was
clear and to the point :
"Sir Edward Clouston,
"C.P.R. train, three miles from
"Advise patience and prayer..
This Rule of Etiquette Laity Down
in 1673.
Seventeenth century etiquette
prescribed that hats should be worn
at table. - "The Rules of Civility,
or Certain Ways of Deportment,"
published 1673, gives some direc-
tions on. this point. Under the sup-
position that "a person of quality
detains you to dine with him," it is
laid down that "when the person
invited is seated he must keep him-
self uncovered till the rest sit down,
and the person of quality has put
on his hat. . If the person of
honor drinks ahealth to you, you
must be sure to be uncovered. If he
speaks to you, you must likewise be
uncovered till you have answered
him. If ,one rises from the table
before the rest, he must pull off his
A trace of this -etiquette lingers
in the House of Commons, where a
member is always allowed to wear
his hat only when seated.—London
It used to be thought that fasting
purified the spirit and made the in-
tellect clear. The mind with wings
unclogged by the gross appetites of
the body was supposed to- be more
free and nimble. The British Medi-
cal Journal does not believe that
the intellect is strengthened by
fasting, though undoubtedly it may
bei'clouded by over -eating. On the
other hand, fasting has often evil
effects on the temper, which undo
whatever spiritual good it may do
in other ways; and as regards. the
intellect, it is a, truism that the
brain must, be fed like any other
part of the, body. The quantity of
food required to keep one in sound
condition varies se largely that it
is impossible to lay down more than
a tentative average standard. The
quality is •a matter of custom. and
eiwironment here, too, no rigid
universal .rule, can be enforced.
13acon's teaching, that whatever a
man "finds good of" is for Ern the
best, is sounderthan any dogmas
framed in the laboratory.
5 irne people fail, to practice what
they preach because they need the
:S.friend in :wird is not always
friend in deed:
The Graeloiis' iiliouat'cli Resented
Anything That .1Isa 'erect
Her Dignity..
Gracious though the ' late Queen
Viclotta could be .at taxies, she
would brook no interfere tae with
her personal wishes. Furthermore,
She Was quite convinced in her early
days of the infallibility of kings and
queens, and ,strongly resented any-
thing which, in her. opinion, would
lower her Royal dignity. Thin is
made plain by Mrs. Jerrold in her
stories of the, court in the 'forties,
contained in her book, "The Early
Court of Queen Victoria."
Queen. Vlotoria'.s childhood was
exceedingly dreary, and it was,
perhaps, scarcely ,surprising, when
she became Que•erj -. ngland, that
she used her power ..and great,posi-
tion in very little ways. Her first
request to her mother on her acces-
sion was that she should be "left
alone for two hours," a privilege
she had never .enjoyed, while, when
the Duchess of Dent begged her
august daughter'not to overtire her-
self by the excitement, of attending
in. person to
thegirl of eighteen answered :—
"That is a word I do not like to
hear; all these ceremonies interest
and please me, but have ne such
effect on my mind as'that which 1
understand by- excitement."
Not even Lord Melbourne was al-
lowed to give her any slight correc-
tion. At her first Council the young
Queen began reading:—
"This Act ,entituled"—which is
the legal way of spelling • "en-
" `Entitled,' your 1rlajesty `en-
titled,' " hastily corrected .Lord
Melbourne, .in a loud aside.
The young Queen slowly drew
herself up and said, quietly and
firmly, "I have said it."
Then, after a. pause, once more
the beautiful, childish voice rang
"This Act entituled----"'
We get another striking illustra-
tion. of Queen Victoria'•s indepen-
dence of character in connection
with what has been facetiously
termed "the Great Bedchamber
Plot." Ladies of the Bedchamber
are appointed by the Government,
and a. change in the Administration
usually mean's a change in the ap-
pointments. In 1839, however,
Queen Victoria; refused to- hart with
the Ladies of the Bedchamber on
the occasions of'a
and the consequence was. that Sir
Robert Peel declined to form a, Min-
istry, Lord Melbourne returning to
"They wish to treat me like a
girl," her Majesty said, regarding
this trouble.
Again, in connection with her
marriage, Mrs: Jerrold tells a char-
acteristic anecdote of her late Ma-
jesty. Devoted .a's she was from the
first to 'the Prince Consort, the
Queen would brook no hint of mas-
tery or barely of equality frotn him.
When telling the Duchess, of Glou-
cester of 'how she "had to propose
to Albert," she explained how im-
possible it would have been forhim
to propose to the Queen of Eng-
land; "he would never have pre-
sumed to have taken such. as liber-
ty." She had no intention that he
should presume in any way. When
pressing on him a secretary he did
not want, she wrote : "I am dis-
tressed to tell you what 1 fear you
do not Iike, but it -is necessary, my
dearest, mast excellent Albeit.
Once more 1 'tell you that you can
perfectly rely on me in these mat-
Melbourne had a difficult task at
times to curb the impetuosity of the
youthful Queen, for she- declined to
be ruled against her will 'even by
him. Thus, when Melbourne con-
demned the idea of the Queen ap-
pearing on horseback
"Very well, my lord," she - said
"remember, no horse, no review,"
and there was no review according-
One inlpo^tariff 'thing the Prince
Consort did after his marriage, was
to bring about' a revolution, in the
Royal household, which, owing
chiefly to the appointment of "do-
nothing" officials, was in a state of
disorganization. The servants were
not only careless, but quite, ineffi-
eient, and neither the Queen. bf
England nor her husband could be
sure of a; well -warmed room. On
one occasion Queen Victoria "feel-
ing the cold especially, sent a mess
' o n e t' toi 1'Watson,
s. Sz I'redet -lc
the Master of the Household, coni-
plaining that the dining -room- was
always cold, That perplexed gen-
tleman, who either hall no initiative
or knew that interference would be
useless, repplied 'gravely to the mes-
senger: `T.'ro..er'l speaking, it is
g )? y p ge
not our fault, for the Lord Steward
lays the fare, and the Lord Cham-
berlain lights it.' 'r
:Ships .and goods were insured
against the perils of the eco so lona
ago as the fiftieth century.
Their Arrangement Is Regularly
The arrangeTnment of - flowers. in
Japan is not dote haphazard, but is
governed by rules. There are cer-
tain flowers that are used, for festi-
vals only;• certain others that are
absolutely prohibited by'custom.
There are various styles of ar-
rangement, ,each of which has a
name, and the art •of disposing the
flowers correctly is regularly.
taught. Vases in which to put the
flowers or twigs are of infinite var-
iety, and harmony between the
vase and the flower is one of the
first conditions to be .observed.
There is a tower for each month
and for each ,eircumstaizce, happy
or otherwise. Special bouquets are
arranged for birthdays, deaths, for
the first day of the eighth month
and for the hundred and one little
ceremonies that ate- into raledarts.
of Japanese life and for whteh it
would be a serious mistake to use
the wrong flower.
The place which a bouquet should
occupy izt a room is also important,
and it is usually put before the
kakemono or painting that orna-
ments every well furnished room
in a, Japanese house. There should
always be harmony between the pie-
tura and the bouquet. Titus before
-every'painting by the famous artist
Toemmei, who loved chrysanthe-
mums, ,should be placed "a; vase of
those flowers.
It is not ,considered good taste to
stand too near a vase of flower's,
Three feet is a respectful distance
from which to .admire it. Approba-
tion should be expressed in a low
voice, simply and quietly; the color
of the flower being first touched
upon and different expressions 'be-
•ing assigned to different tints.
eg Price Bros. and Company Bonds pay 6 per cent on the investment. They
offer the strong security of first mortgage on 6,00o square miles of pulp and
tithber'lands-which are insured at Lloyds against fire. The earnings of the
Company at present approximate twice the bond interest. The new pulp mill in
course of construction will -double this earning power. Purchased at their present
price they pay interest at the rate of 6 per cent. The best posted investors in
Canada and England have purchased these bonds. Owing to the securitytand
increasing demand of the products of the Company, these bonds will unquestion-
ably increase in value.
If you have money to invest write us for complete information.
Manager LONooN (CNG.)
$5O,000 WANTED
The business of the Sieman Company, Limited, has been
growing so rapidly that an immediate increase of capital Is re-
quired. We are instructed to • offer $50,000 preference stock, in
shares of 5100, in this Company, on the following terms:—
We guarantee a dividend of 7 per cent., payable on June 1st
and December 1st. -
This dividend has never been, passed. Investors elesirilt7
the names of parties all through Ontario who have been receiv=
ing dividends of 7 per cent. for eight or nine ,years will kindly
write 'us, ancZ we shall be pleased to sendfull particulars.
Preferred stockhoidsrs also share in the dividends on
mon stock, as foliowat—If the nonunon stock pays 3 per
the preferred pays 3 par cent, in addition to the 7 per
guaranteed, or 10 per cent. in ail.
cam -
investors may redeem their shares at par at any time alter
one year upon giving sixty days' notice.
axes "
Our New Perfection :• roger
Is pleasing many women. It enables the housewife to broil
as well on the 1 ew Perfection Stoveas over a coal fire.
It uses all the bail + And of course you ale familiar with the
It cooks evenly. y
It broils both sides:at trice..
It doesn't smoke.
New Per &&'to.
011 Cook -store
It is such a convenience All the year
round, It will bake, broil, roust wd aunt
just as well ,ss a raptor cos! rant,
Ask to sae the Neve Perfection Stow:, ist -Yoe.'dealers. Itis handsomely fin,,l,ct .e Mond, wen
cabinet top, drop shelves, towel rack Sc.eIt has
��a long, enameled, tufnuo:ae-blue chtmo ys, Made
i. wit.. I, 2 or 3 hurnets. Free Coon-Bgok with
IQ every stove. Cook -Book also Qiven to anyone
irk z, send:ng 5 cents to cover aeiline cast
%Yinnipn ,• 1'.iotrtraat St. „IA., Halifax:, mud
(.2ltemrs City ilvis'sori, Toronto
GEORGE AN;I) alum 11i RY.
Ring Edward's Lo'rc of Oltildren
ltianifeste( Melt .on i1asey
King Edward' grandcllildi on
were zniuenso' favorites with flint.
Often, early in the, morning, ht,
would walk over to York Cottage,
where has, arrival was 'received with
shouts of delight, and spend some
hours in the prettily -laid -out gar-
dens there„ om•oking his cigar and
watching 'the obitdress at play, en-
tering into their enjoyment with
obvious delight. Queen .Alexandria
once remarked that His Majesty
was as "great a ehilcl- ss' anyone,"
and his delight was unbounded
when the news of the 'birth .of the
present Prince of Wales: was an-
nounoed to film.
His first action was to telegraph
to the late Queen Victoria and re-
quest that the old-fashioned bassi-
vette that had been used for him-
self and his brothels and sisters'
might be sent for -the occupation of
the new arrival. This as neither
hung, as is the 'modern •style, nor is
it on :rockers. To it is. affixed a
silver plate with. the -inscription':
"This bassinette was made. for Vic-
toria, Princess Royal (the late. Em-
press Frederick of Germany) in -
1640, and was used by all'her'Maje,s-
ty'is children, and was given by the
Queen to the Duehess of York in
1•t was beautifully furnished for
the use of the Prince. The sheets
were of the finest Irish lawn, em-
broidered. in the corners with the
Royal arms, :surmounted by • the
crown and trimmed with Valen-
ciennes lace. -The pillows were to
match. The blankets were of white
Yorkshire wool, - likewise bearing
the badge of the Royal arms, and
several eiderdown quilts 'accompan-
ied the gift.
In this dainty* cradle each of thea.
children of- King George and Queen
Mary has slept, and her. Majesty
has passed many happy hours by its
side: It has now been carefully
stripped of:its hangings and packed
awai' until [such time as the Prince
of W�4:ales e�.n have it passed on to .
hlm: — �r'-
An interesting; story is told in they..
sane article concerning Prince Alt
beta. KingGeorge's s eo
is the cricketer of the family,
and among whose most treasured
possessions is a ball, now mounted
on a silver staazd, with which, he
clen,n howled 'with successive balls
King" .e.m ge, ' the Prince of Wales,
and Prince "Asset fur of Connaught.
One day the 'fact,,,. -King Edward
was prevailed upon tiNl.ay in a
game at Windsor, betwoak sides
captained respectively by the 7'ii5t,
of Wales and Prince Albert- His .
Majesty agreed to take a place in
the Prince, of Wales' team, provided.
he was not called upon to field.
There was every prospect of a very
close finish, and when there only ye-
mained his Majesty to bat, little
Prince Henry expressed his fear to
Prince Albert that they were going
to be beaten.
"Pooh!" said the latter,, "there
is only grandpa to come, andal can
bowl him any time."
His words proved correct, for
King Edward suceumbed to the firsts
ball sent down by ]'tis second grand-
They Seein. to ].lave been Used in
China Centuries Ago.
The general public has supposed
that the thamis print system- is
soirseasing new that scientists have
devisedfor pti poses of identift.ca-
tion. Such, however, • eems not to
be the case, says Popular. Me.chan
ics. Investigation has revealed the
fact that the syutem originated with
the Chinese.
For hundreds, perhaps thousands, ,
Of years, the merchants of China
have used - impressions al their
thumbs in lieu of .signatures. To
this day in the interior of China the
thumb print is used on. legal 'dt eu=
merits, especially wilts, in •place"riff'
the written name.
The use of lieges. prints was trans-
ferred from China to India, where
the British atloptecl the system as
a means of identifying ,the . nat'iv'e
troops. F rom., tlittt tate custom be -
same general in lite British military
service, •not only (in Intli,q, hut
throughout the Canted Kingdon:.
It was introduet,dl• itt .the pais e
departments at Creat Brits:in by
army cancers, u -ho .icttuned from
1 'service to take positions i
the police!leathern ttees. its use
has become universal iii ties Briti: h
Empire—se mush so that every mon
et Woman. who has eves bt''t'ti in the
custody of the pr,iict lits his fl't_":,r
prints on file depnitnlci:it.
The.•fitnger print recoil of Scotland
Yard.arc the inset completr of any .
in the world,'
About one Inti in tl lea -aired can;
stand plc apei'it}'. !hc' 'Y llel milt -
t}' -nine Plover have Sl Ct:anta 10 :linC
but ;whether they can or not,