HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1912-5-16, Page 5MAT 10 idly,
s � - r
1'll[ i s
vaA�l. tat returned hams
Ater spendi a couple of weeks with
�: •elends in Oapac. Mich.
Mrs, Marshall, of Exeter, was. in
town one day last week.
Mr. Leroy 13anes is spendinga few
mays with Ilia parents. Fero intends
goingWest where he i
h will teach.
school during the sumneer months.
Mr. and Mrs, Milo Snell of Exeter
where the guests of Mr.. and Mrs. J
ilia 'k .
x e on Tuesday. d
jr. W. Et. Wenzel ls
e Pent a few days
la London last week. ,
Miss Carrie Kuhn' watt in London
last week on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Pope returned to their
hennain London after attending She
funeral ...nor of the
afters ,
l other M
f r. Mat-
thew thew Wein
lA.'3f' co Erma;
;Counoil Imps llf'ay est xiix, alt ,litre-
Cho /Clerk 'reported that no a peais
were filed against the assess encs'
of the •township of Stanley. fiend tette
lci liability :ag•ainst laude and :roads
in the Township cif flay. By-law No,
4.11,912 was duly passed'. A resolutioe.
pxotestine agaiest the use of 1aqds
in Hay 'adjoining public roads as
dumping, .ground, for refuse Matter
by the Corporation, of II'exaseli waa.
passed andthe clerk instraete'd to
Mend dopy 'to Hemel], C•oupb'q'i9;,
The eoll'owing accounts were prd-
eyed to be Haid'; R. F. 'Stade tel sump-.
plies 2,30'; 'Ir, II, Little work tel 0..70
G, , . Beatty work tel, 50.00; ', Dieekx-
e .t work11
rtel 80 G. (lame o 1 x
uvi r n e
al services.. X0,00,• Chas. fSartbie'k► tel
supplies 13,111 Klan Ind Tel Co. tel: sup -
Mr. Frazer Braun returned home plies 572.11; 1';,, Zeller hal 3 months
hire tea*.terspendin a few weeks invit , 0•00 Hy ,serrePsulvct eoncess
orpracticingwitntheBerlinLeague ens 1,00; W. G. Hess work tel 1340Q;
team. We are, glad to see Teddy back Wm. ,Kernick agravel liV11, 7..00
'Council will; meet again. on. '('V'uilnes=
day May '20 at 10 o'clock, as. a Scum
or klevisie'n Of the Assessment Reilt
and d general •'business.
Mr.tarter of Olandeboye was a
pleasant caller in our town on Sunday
Mr,Win. Pajet spent Sunday with
his prents in St. Catharines.
Don't forget the ball games on the.
Miss Laura Finkbeiner ,returned
to Sebewaing after visiting with her.
parents Mr. and Mrs. J, F. Finkbeiner
fer a couple p of months.
Mr, Albert Matlock and brothers
William and John went to Walker-
♦ille and Windsor. Don't be surpris-
ed if they come home with a couple of
new cars,
Mr. Charles Zwiobar was in Toronto
one day last•week on business,
Miss Stuart returned on Monday to
London after visiting her friend Mrs.
TL Crews.
Rev. C, L. McRoberts of Kintore
preached Sunday morning in the Met-
hodist Church, Rev. B, Snell was in
Kintore conducting anniversary sere- an out -lay last season. Clinton Wews
ices for the Sunday School. Record. ! • 1
A great many homes here have been
"gaited by the measles,
Dr Campbell purchased an auto
•iast week, and has treated a number
to a pleasure ride.
A new book, "The Loss of the Titan
ie", has been sold to a few people
here. .,
The Quarterly Board of the Sirkton
Circuit met here on Tuesday of last
week, and, reviewed with satisfaction
the work of the year. The Board pass-
ed, a unanimous request for Confer-
encd to retun the pastor, Rev. B Snell
for the fourth year. Mr. J. J. Bellamy
was elected to attend the District
Meeting. "'. '
Dr. Jose Fipent Saturday and Sunday
in flastingti County visiting a sister
whois very ill.
People began to recall on Monbay
where they had stowed the snow-sho-
Master Eric Short spent Sunday
with his parents in Fullerton,
The funeral of the late Mrs. gently
was largely attended on. Saturday,
Mrs. John Ribey at St. Marys spent
iday and Saturday of last week at
PBOS7?ECTIs S'O • ;fr PT7bEti''
Frank W. Evans manager for Hurl
on of t'he' National Land, Fruit and
Peeking Co. says,- the prespeets for
a ;good crop of afpples are exceitienti
The trees in their orc'hard's are all
covered with igbodi (healthy buds. In
'their operations in this Province lett,
year the Company experkdedi over one
million dollars in rentals, work on or -
Chards, plant at Grims'by, etc. Unfoxj
tunately 1911 was a (bad season' for
orchardists and) the outlay greatly ex
ceeded the reeeipts;b at then that
was extraordinarly lean year and the
like may not occur for a 'long. time
In the eight Townships extendin3'
from Colborne to Exeter the Co•m-
pany has one hundred and twenty^
orchards under lease and crit f ifs pruusr
ing, scraping and ,plowing there was
Same back is tusua1ly 'caused .. tor
rheumatism of the muscles oP the,
Ibadk, for which you will fi'{td - moth-
0gbetter then Chamberlains Linitiag
et., For, saleby.airl dealers. ,
sorry we bad to disappoint a few
of our cutoniers•for Nyal's'Fa-
will call agaian,ce weghavesize,
of itbut iinhall her daughters Mrs. Morley's.
sizes, 25, 50 & 75 cents, I. The organized Bible class of Gran-
! ton 15 in num Ger visited our class
here an Sundaymuch to the delight
of the school the vote on Church
- i7nion for this cireut including Cert-
. tralia and Whalen was 173 for. and
20 against out of a•m•cmoersflip of
!20.9. _
Engineer Farncom$oe of ,Londoes'
was in Biddilpla last Friday survey-
ing a water course on -the front of
the Township one male east of Oen-
tralia. .
f'Ir. Win'.Morley and family visit-
ed his'parents in London Townships
co Sendaay.
JT' l TiM.
ELIMVIDLE ZR01140$ laltiv'ee at Shakespeare recently.
, 0, .C. 1.r.'
-' of 1i`ut'lte
will iAeR
jI. , Itx,
' is visitiaI k
the third daeay oe-Baaimouth non, Ihome of Mrs,S. Nannie,
al thee
i rn the next c months r ,Atrthercgular silling of Out, Alli., and dearly be1Ovad da htex of
vxlItMay. _ ,,aJxsioxcourt +0 „ es ayatheabIYoas+ Z. JahnSrsle passedto herstcnal
r. Chas,Jonghasn ar"d�hiies were a few j engnt sumxg[�home Deceased was in her twentiethfouxxdatianof his new hope.
eases . year axxd was at ah,urcah a •week *o
Btr. Geo..Lr. and 112re. Beate* K b:' " Shp a xn iia' ao
blares, Williams, zaxns lost one of 'xis , xy al roisrc� 0 1 iaze'l of xiot xegtng Walt on
brow'x r left an Taesda . last for a Mond t
. � ma qs Iast week, ' T$r� ;a'nl- .. , ,. �' x week's ay axil filo, daatars, When called
Laud was a vabutthie once beii>, one visit �� itis tl�ear •d?x'ughtex lkCrs. ba l renounced iiRr tnelady peritoxxitis,
of his be 6c3iilbe at Wate 1 0. i' A
best ;horses, lV , r a Aeration 1vasr the .oxrly Alzance Ie r
Mir. John T Hicks Mr • Ilene] Sparks widow or the to este heir life, bat it failed: IIer
, cps and visiting
tin a late George S .arks Sr, died at e mother died 3''arlcxnson spent last week visite at P the , i d e fewablears ago nnxl
11�rs. Ferris of k"ros g Tkronson Item 'Stanley, oaf Mende, at sing behoen She bas hhefr her fathdersi
per t Hill, about seventy year of age. The :,otos little houselceeer, '13ho w a laved
Mr. Ned Birks andhis mother..spent oral tool; place G h 1 p u by
Sunday in Exeter, p ai on fbaxrsday aft.>r� all tiYlao had the pleasure of her ecu
7 r, James Waltlzew of St. T]ao noon' aizitenoe and her early death nos
m�s .s east a Amex over the.. od
is painting and decorating' the churelx uexghi>orha
A 6UWQgB Her father one sister and four •aro-
and expects to have it done in a few tbers ere left to; moernl
m a siss f
days.the o a
The hrMiss church sBertha ,
iw wasi�G
b badly tithe .
(f u x
in1e of
eExeter n ec e a
of re it end itd spending a, o s a 'beloved daughter oboe and waist s.r, The
l?a s a will be quite an im- I 1? � Irn ntta 5>rith lacy parents funeral tcolc place. on 1"uesla to
provement to it when the carpenters. Mr' 7, Fossil- is patting a '.oewenti Staff y''
and a' floor in .his ibarn, a comietery, servile 'Seng held
p zui er§ are through. I in the /Met'hodist church
the Rev:
r �by
M M..e
Mr..Wm. Joh r x a i
Johns wears a broad smile � � m nc Zimmer who spent the : C. Couzens. The . floral tribu::es,
nowit'a a boys Means another horse past week 'in London has returnedt wore many and very beautiful..
and rig Will, Lome. We are sorry to hear that James Miss 'Clara 'Kraft of Medford, is., se
Earl is under the doctor's care. holidaying evitlz her parents Ar. + 1 T C hi 1R 1S $a Zatfil-I317Xr
Th i I acs) children of this comm
tv are confined to their homes with
the xgeasles.
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas of Granton
spent Sunday with Mr. Levy.
Mr- Henry Colbert is on the sick list
owing to a severe attack of La Grippe
Fall wheat in urnst 11, -bis lay booking for our, big celebration ah. June 3rd
poor this Spring on aveuta t are doing good w,o.rit ;The •Exeter
.� of the J
slow growth, The'wire worm has band has ?been engaged for the dell
done considerable amount of damage. Tee team Creditonpresent,
oe asan age oftheMr, and Mrs. Holden of Exeter special features oe the day will be
spent Sunday with Mrs, W. Jacques
iverY Saiddeath oeoareid here an
and )Mrs.: P. Kraft, Pedis how it .oare.d his wife s Bad
Mrs. William Ehlers Mrs. Geo, Iae1 Sore
lerm an were in Berlin last weekkat-ft v 'II
e r3 .f
. i
on of
13bao -
folds 4A!ta. writes, I1y wife had ,atending the funeral of Ars. 11ers
brother Mr. Hessneavexof Bridge- very 'had more toot
which it seemed
Port Ont, iimpposs ble to 15et anything to ,heal,
The committee -who are arrang'isx The nore would -heal to acertaiiu,
point hand then, feister atain, and• so
on. I •procured a box off Zam-iBnk,
and after persevering with this her-
bal beim for some time the store .was
completely ;heated;
We are so grateful for this cure
Mr. N. Ogde is able to be out again, 'horse xecing dile ioommittee are giv and Zam=(Bek acted ;so differently to
and Mrs. Ogden who received a sev-
ere sprain of her ankle is getting
some better.
Poor appetite is a sure siq-gn of, un-
Lpaired ,da:gestion .A few doses of 1
hanaberletins aatonladdh and Fiver The baseball diamond has been skinn-
Tablets wilt sfrengtheo your digest. ed a'ndd'athe ground rolled Tlhos.
tion and improve noun appetite, 1 lumppp w,it'h this tracton engine 'haok-
iihio'usands have been benefited by tack ed to 'the '.grader has been doing ex -
icg "Ii1100 to be divele'd among the wen/ other oi' thc ruin tetr�ou remedies 1
races, The days sport will be follow- eve had tried that :I thought loll
ed by 'a big concert in the evening ottight to knew, .of tiffs Case. II ,have'
The grounds which have been leased t since •rlecotnanended Zam-Buk to spy.-
Mr. Rich, 'Baker are level, and 1 era' of my parishioners and it al- i
are being, put into excellent shape ! seals rgives satisfaction. ,
The track will be a toll lxat mile 'Anethei inrstance int w•hidh Zaiea-JZuk"
roved of unequal value ids hold by'
tr. N. L. 'G;^reery, of Brandon 11'Iarx
He 'says �I had my left foot run over
by a wagon loaded with' wheat. iris
Ala. these tablets Solid by s!i1 dtsle�, ' (ellent work in getting the . grounds foot •>vas :badly crushed and my
1 into condition. little toe an'd the nest toe were laid
W33ALII� , --.-- open. I applied Zam-Buk and only.
THAMEB.ROAD had to miss work for twee days Zeta -
Miss Edna Gunning has returned 1 To Late for lib 9 eek __a.—
Bak healed the wound so quickly that
home afterspending afew weeks with! Mr. and Mrs. Ro.Wt. l+feDonnoll on the third day I was able to pit
fr' d E t on troy ,boot and walk toes my work
Mr De tt f Buffalo d h In a very short time my toes were
(((( quickly healed, and the foot is now
as sound as ever thanks to Zam-Buk.
Just as good for chronic sores ulcers
piles, blood ,poiso•n. burns; scalds, er-
eczema, and an skin injuriee.
and diseases, 5Oc. box at all dzug&
gists and 'stores, or Zane enik00. To.r
len s in ice er. were visitors in Kippen last Sabbath
•s. avi s o andaug - Miss .MacDonald was a week end
ter Edith are the guest of Mrs. F. visitor at the manse.
Morley Mrs. Charnook also of nut- There was no zervice in the P res-
falo spent a few days last week at byterian church last Sabbath on ac-
count of sacrament service being held
sot the E irkton ch•urdh, .
Mrs. Jno. Allison is visiting .her
ds Lighter Mrs. Frank Hamilton at
Miss Kathalean Robb visited Mrs.
Wm. Passmore over Sunday
�" The 'correspondent 'of the E'oindbn
There never teas a tills when pec- Advertiser Truly says; Htnsalat is
pie appreciated the real merits of preeminent in at least one branah of
Chamberlains Cough remedy more the ',Agricultural industry. Seedmeir
than now This is shown by the in- say that' more onion sets are shipped
crease in sales and •voluntary^ testi- oat of this town and the neighboring.
eaonials from persons who have been village of Zurich) than from. any place
cnred by it. If you or your children in Canada Thez+e are several 'men
are !troubled with a cough or nsotd ivthe handle so many of the .bulbs each a
give it a trial and become acquaint- year thee they 'h regained for them-
ed with its good qualities. Fur sato selves the title of Onion Kings •
���� i by all dhalers. The butch sets, as they are %know
t '-'-""--'— locally, are ,scoria ,all over the dist-
( triot, not only on the farms nnut.in
FOP Infants mid Children, Mrs,. ilammond and Mr. E. Rivers j the village gardens, Almost every
of Buffalo attended the funeral pr a farmer finds it'iat a 'small patch. of
The KIM You Have bays Bought their neice and cousin Was Ethel these queer shaped growths will am -
s a greaseless, disappearing cr-
eam, oxygenated possessing mark
-ed antiseptic properties. Rubs
comfortably into the skin leaving p0
trace but a feeling of cool 'luxurious
comfort. Spendid for Sunburn.
Anything you
with filename
will give
s atisfac=
Sold and guaranteed by
Howey's Drug Store
tee Salalo, f ply repay the time +spe7nt:in caring for
Bears the ;eines Ethel Fell is very 111 at pre,. them Tile patches run from one fifth
�gmy a o$49
�/;/' sent.• of an acre'ap. to en acre .or an. acre
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. 1lliller visited re- and a Ihaif a'nd' a fifth acre, it is
sal ' w' l!lF prodiaee ixz the les; hbor Bald
aux .$gi) wvor,t► of sots They are 1'aaltd ht
at prices Xanzing from f. ar too six.
Tent's pox' looanvi O the seed is -fur.,
WOO ,by sontraoter?x waixo .take rho
crap, T xey are sown. early ,in
AfginiX and Pay faz'i are read' for, ski
,os.ent to the ]ante seed ilio see. whi obl
take most of the yield, and each year:
they axe anerketid, along frorfl Reeedal
five to Senn, #.erion4e-
d.'he :fl'ensali- Can 'Club will, bola a
t it
Shoot len the �.4itfi a f 1kGay.
P. Madden has moved from the '.IYfe-
. otyre" spttage an OxJ rd street, too
Miss;Lakigs residence on, South 1tioh-
a and street,
Robert 1CaxnCrozl i'.
ising hie
and 'putting ti•cR ztblock founda
-t,on aund,r
-, n xna
ixig other >im.
Imovements in its alAgearanse
G, 'C, Petty .this week q disposed of
residence den
oeuxd tic '
P John L.
Sa4 t
azv King stet
r e,
� to
for a 'good figure M4 s ay
The Band recently gave its first
open air concert from the band stand
and despite the fact that some of
the 'members are mew at the instru
meats' and that, only one • .mouth a' '
had ''been 'enjoyed', the organizatiod
acquitted itself admirably.
Death visited flillsgreen recently
ta.kin away Williamson of tars. Geo.
Pringle at the age of 10 years. ) a. hiss
been a r'
life owing to a deformity of has,' law
tz" lills'l s lI lieeiith in ttettox'sl 1
be '
ell, iiG`r• a ��' w
s;ki i n
ci �
calo take proper exox•aAlso
yours a" an Till be missed in : and'
()and iiillegreen as .the neia:hbor,s
took a londiy° interest In le
were in, the 'habit of breezing' him do
The funeral
of the late Claxisto .
Eaorett of Hayof:tidytoortt 'Oise(),
Wednesday of last week tb that axall
er 'cemetery Deceased wen ,wad flail .
Irisin Derentage spent his yniineeX
days on than merican, sine shod 'w
married in; 11857 in Grace '0,13,ur to 4
tory. Broadway, New 'York by eV.
Die Taylor Fixe young 'po.41 .lei x •'r:1
ed to Ontario shortly after:and too;,;
the t >
P x
ceide o
an the farm, r.
. o xl,
?nd % xze ;l'itgy held thein Volide t
wedding on December 23 1:90 , lstl
which several members of the fans
y and surrounding. t• n
oy wer4
rpe.sent In February I9 M rs. Ee'dtt
rett'dieil' The deceasedeeras ;a geni!ax
pleasant ,tnau, whom everybody 'It
fie reseed with hien 'highly e,steetried
quite musical an.d;constructeit
a violin, o
in i r
himself sc of
e. Ile'
Irene and workxxaanship. 1:Ie • IeavO$
to mourn his loss one daughter, a03
five sons. Robert on the farm Ani
the resat ascattere'd, one ht Tpxontee
two in ,California and one on the coap'�
Qeite a number of old friends ext
neighbors followed the reineiiis poi'
the tomb. i
Upside down. That is the way
some people Took at this aint
questionThey just conside r the
price per gallon and want to buy a
Mixture at 89 cents a gallon instead
of a real paint, such as
For Buildings—Inside and Outside
And here's the difference: the 89 -cent stuff is
of real paint, just a cheap mixture made to sell
At a low price. It won't wear, it won't look
right, it won't protect the wood.
But good paint, Elephant Liquid paint, covers
a large amount of surface, it looks well and
wears well. Buy paint for its spreading and wear-
ing qualities, and not for what it costs per gallon.
1 i i dware, Paint and Stove Store
1%•e3•,e4.444.4io3>-i••bd'• •.4.4..ene' ee,eenivi• 4• e. r',.. _ 3i'II•+•II•+• •I••E!•'~ iip•'.%.P'++.1+3 44 • -rd+' a-i�•i•d••#••4�•f••i»IIeHelee#+lid+�r.+ +%!lefondelelee441'+±te:1+ F� •' ! te•3•• +erne• tete..1. etee denidi•F •t•+ W'eenei''ral sews 444444..
3• •r •4• •leiel••itdeleialeferP ddel - - , . ietni 44ini _ .. in �• l• , •a•+ elei4+�s• • • •i'• eini•• iidetel d a +.4414-i•e �ttelie st�4>�•• •�••� •�• � ••-�i • tel. e• lt1
In Your 'Investments in Western Canada.
Would -You Like -to' feel reasonably sure , that you are getting a Square Deal in buying or selling property in the West
Wouldn't it be better for you to buy or sell your property through a Firm that will keep you.. is touch with every movement in which you should be
interested_ and a firm that realizes that to build up a good connection they must do the very best they can for the people who buy property on their recom-
mendation ? That is exactly the position weare in.
We Handle 00 Property, except we are convinced that it is A No. 1 Proposiijpu
WILL TRANSACT all business connected with'any
v • .}deal a purchaser may make..We will Guarrantee to
protect you when you come to sell it We will secure sales for you
at the most opportune time. We will keep you in touch with what
is going on in the locality where you buy your property and we do
this because we are carrying on a straightforward conscientious busi-
ness. We are not here to -day and gone to -morrow and we realize
.that a satisfied client is the Best Advertisement in the world.
• We have at the present time the selling of
some of the best propositions in City Property
in Edmonton and Moose Jaw, also a large
number. of Good Farm Lands in Alberta and'.
W Es WILL BE very pleased ` to give any inloraaation re-
garding Western property. . We have a lege supply of
Government Maps and Literature for distribution Free. 'Also Board
of Trade literature from every Town or City in Alberta and Sas-
Mail us the attached Coupon and let us
SHOW YOU what we can do for YOU.
• •a4„nne nnen• Henn eenne encs a .4..eita ••I•'+'i•d atei t• ei • • •tete'• teleee edea+ a ffeeteede eee :•' ae••a••€-4•' +++ a•+•>:•i 4.4.4' e+ •+•+ 4++,•art . .
Offices:= E:d> nonton, Londo nand Exeter.
Exeter office one ; vacated by Bank • of Commerce
Western City Property, Farm Lands, . Timber Limits, Coal Lands
Distributors of Edmonton Board of Trade landuMberta Government Literature
3,444-1,444.141,444 4 Vii"'•- F 44+44+
$11t+ ++444+ 410Hetiteteleiel,
A+s+ M++ ►�ti+s�►+ise*ee• s♦3 %e�#b's.A;R�sl.+►e1►N •
• •
• Bawden Bawden
s Please send me Literature of Edmonton and Alberta
•.••p ••••s• •_ ••••,6 •a r•r`• •••• •••e'+•••t 4• •s••[.••
a••i ., •. - 6•4• •• •,•.•••. 4i••Y• sb • • ••:be •Cia'•w.♦