HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1912-5-16, Page 4Yettera getting, get the BUS One that Will Vet)(tat the reet, tet) eCeleentay, iledt ;tepee Bethn elaareeter and mr4O1 .11anelld uothing but tlfti Best for instance Stock Fence*, 9 aret prod lalvanized Farm Oates at Also a large stock of Cedar annds all ki ts; Pf Lumber d fibingles at Low Prices JI Gidtworthup GRANTON. lieREAMINC2 eust now (I think ' Id like to be feet the elver e hank Tlemeath a tree. hend otretched out Pat On t'lle tooling gras, 'Just gazing at The ;clouds that Pees Mike toy ebbe Per .4 En a sea of blue; Bet T ;cant be there, ) 1 have' Work to sip. Or Tel like toe ) Di an orchard gey, 1. Ts Where every tree in bloom to -day, t Where tlhe 'pink and Whisee • the blosaoms ;swage Blot nue the fright • - Of the city street , • ; to : terhere theree nothing to tsee. ee` Bet what is true; i Bat that calinot tbe, For e ve Work ;to dee Oh Iid like to steal From ray little den; a0cord the haunts of 'men a the great 'unreal. the joyous truth • Of the open. air, To the honest youth That I left 'bask ithare;e To the boy I WOO In the ditys of ole; But :cannot because I m a elave to gold. , reYDRO ANCI THE FARMER - The Farmer s 'Advocate has been, Making exquiries and •calculations as to the comparative cost ,ot gasoline and hydro-eleotric-power for the use -or farmers. After Warming* TIP the whole Oituation it comes to» this eon- elusion-c'A farmer who• multi use his Lull amount of current for three aod a (half hours per day, or a lesser' etenqu'iot for a propotetionately eon - ger terne, grinding with hydro-elec- trto would cost practically theesarp.e ces grinding with gasoline Where less than this timount of power were need- ed the cost of, Hyde* Electric) wo.atd be greater while the more extensive employment of cur- rent the cost of grinding with Hydro electric would be less than with 'gas- oline. In ;short hydro-electio at Mr. Becks estimate, would be very cheap power if ale the current purchased could be used: a on4 a little of it .eould be usedit would be very dear... • FIRST CH1NE,SE PRESIDENIT1IM DIESSA1GE 44 ; Yuan Shi. Kai president of the, worlds 'newest repu,blic, the opening :mission of the Advisory 'Council last week, delivered a speech whieh is practically a 'declaration of the pol- ioe. of the new, Republic of China, at far as the president can tormalate sea a policy. The president declar- ed that there Must be the maintenance of public or- der, the achievement of progress and tee retention of external friend - *ins. eillOiteitted: the lineoe:- 4;ehee et •teeeti.Ple 20rOglAtut. frierelehip"ente Oanglor., Foreigle Vele' ittet deolteeeth. woe eaemielel. fo Chia gee eregreefh end °Wee; ae• letek Qt financial eXperts arnoligs14Chinese it would be neceeeerY thr Mlle) time te eteploy efor thl•S Week tatted tole eignere. CAseteMS tletiee tzo to Vikad obnindoes tax ee repealed, 'Min- ing lews reforraed, ;new aeale of taxatien to be adopted, lied a unite) 'system ourrenoy and standard eighte and meaeeresj to be °stab - listed, elm number et. treats es t t be reduced, and roliasious liberty to guaraeteeth Evidently et en the Presidept !has a big programme te perform, end the world' at large can only tone that he wet ea:feted:in ear- reehe it out. 'Mutat( will necessarily depead* upoe the temper of the peo- ple. and this, ,so far, is a temperate ivel,y unknow,n quantity. It geeing prebable that the people will qi- jU94 l'eAleeek thee de nee mee.n michtidnal financial burdens and ne, t come into too( vigorous opposition, to long-established custora and in; herited prejuices. But with a new Parliament and the !biggest republic,. iA tho World upon his hands, Than Ski Kai will urely need all his Oriental suavity, astuteness and diPlcimacy, DISTRICT NEWS Mr. eohrt Rensford, sett 'manufee- urer cf Clinton has been appointed. one of the loffieial delegates Tepee fbe Canadian Manufacturers ,Aesociatien to represent them, at the Vengress London England in June. The epee mill of the Parlebill Ifum- ;her and maeueacturieg Co. fornaerly owner' by Messrs Grieve & Laslie was recently burnt to the ground. For- tunately the large piles of lumber ee- caped, or the loss weele he en ex- ceedingle heavy one. Theo origin of the fire is a mystery as the fere LY.4 the engine was corneletele oat" twhen last seen. This is the second, time this intell has earsaed. The atories of the north cotantry which eleare Synon has been centribe uting to Soribner'e eave te leg with Rail Head.or as the engineer says the head of eteel, on the right of way on the mew Grand Trunk Pecifie Road • The type 'of adventurous engineers who are always to be found in these places is exeellently depicted. in these moving tales In the eene' Number will he Cobalt Bloom the stary of a ,great diseovery. The Stratford Herald has pabLisbed 'the figures e.howing the popnlation et the Townships in Perth Comity Tie taken from the assessor s rolls daring the past four years and. its every case the populatuion has 'decreased: The townships losing worst are Wallace, Bloomington, Ellioe, Fullerton stand Hibbert. Of the tows and villages Listowel, (Mitchell and. Milverton have gone back, ;St. Marys; has in- creased nearly 100 and Stratford a- bout 500. • Miss kLaura Ethel Wiseman, of leirictona won the 'gold Medea, at t'he Victoria 'Training. School foe Nurses at Victoria Hospital, London.- Twen. ty-six young ladies graduated as a, result of the recent exanneetions, this !being the largest •class in years. The gold medal is denoted for pro- fieienoy in practical work and Miss Wiseman is receiving the coiagratale ations from her many frientds. Miss Wiseatan has bean appointed aseise ant to Miss Stanley, ied,y superint- endent at Victoria Hospital. Tete graduating ,exercises will be held on May 29th Elaborate preparations are being made for the .oceasion as their Royal Righneeses the Duke and Duch- ess of Connonght will be present, and the Duke sv•ill present the :medals, and diplomas. The fellow•ing was taken Trom an Ottawa paper and tells of the mar- riage of Dr. William Haekney of Cal- gary who was born and raised. on the Thames Road and is a son of Mrs., Jarnea Hackney of Ushorne, and n (brother of Mrs. Alex Turnbull of •Thames Roa:d ' ",pretty Easter wedding was , quietly celebrated this morning at a +quarter pest nine o'clock in St". James ceurch 1 I ute when Miss Inez Maude eldest daughter of the late Lieut. Colonel Joshua Wright of ',,e21 Met- calfe street limeade the bride of Dr. ‘fl am all right now, Ottawa, The sacred edifice was de - Wm. lieckney of Calgary torme•rly of °mated with beautiful easter bloom thanks tqPir,,Nlike Annanciatioe liens white lilac, spirea and azealeas massed In profusion 'eart Remedy.1° The ceremony was peslormed 'by Rev. lainst a background' of greenery. H• 1 Canon Smith an the wedding marches were played at the beginning The Same relief is ready for you, and conclusion of the service. The r• . bride wbo was given away by her 0 you sure you do not need it? harks Holmes, Why won't it help was unatteneete be looked very Royal Canauitui .. . ,biitieers Halifax, brother Captain Gordon B. Wright, , f Dr; Miles' Heart Remedy held handsome and attregeve in her tray - 1011? citing costetne of navy blue serge 'el was troubled with heart dhease, plainly tailored with a pretty blouse of blue marquisette over cerise satin gild after reading about Dr. Miles) with trimmings ti ace, her hat be - •Hone Remedy, I got a bostle. Be- ing a small model of blue straw trim- „", • `bee 1 got the Heart Reeneily I had med witheblun ribbon and oerise, and e. e to site') moet of the night, and felt she wore a corsage b•oquet of lilies ' very bad at inj stomach. Whateven of the valley. Mrs. Wright mother Iwiteild: eat made me feeleverse, and • of the •brecie wee e. .hatictwitne black sey heart beaerery fast. But thanks volvet costum, - "..r .. h fack hat trim- med with ostriceathers .loz.4. to De Mike' Heart Remeny, I am or right now. I eat goat, sleep ePh Irvin •sie . • I ht. bri.te was gowned in a ;sleek velvet suit with a gootettad feel like a new man, al- gray hat i.f.x.7 .. .• Lb pink roses ' though I Ens almost 68Years oId. Z Mrs. _Proctor , 1 ,r:ghtern Ont., an- . have been a seldier 'in the late war other sister ',.4 41., ,. , i.,•.) in grarwith Of the, rebellion, and was badly a flower hat • f -..• e •fremonY woundsd," CHARLES HOLMES, the bridal pariy •;" (+tuned to the Private Co. el, seth N. Y. infantry residence c.f. f1,- " '•' '''., •1 it Mrs. T. Ellelore: a' " • ybere tee wed.- Volunteer:0, Welton, Delaware Co., cliryng brenirfi N. Y„ 11 the irame: ', • t• c it of On- • 9 .4. thc fan. Or. Miles' Heart :Remedy ney len dr? ti,..' ct • t L'oron to, . . ;13, were pr,•4,r ' . •• • •::+1• A. Back, 'r homr in, Ofi.:1,ar,) viewf of e Mit - • ,he rec- ful wethiin.T. triLa. Nututi•• . , Of,:joPt ih Otot,i6Atids of,,homea as A ifIetld always to be relied upon in iof,figesi. .86td t.tiy/ aU netioslleto 11 this first itottte tails tq isolate; yOur money le Warned.; Mk One Druggist*. 'Kat MtnIOAti, 44.4 Toot*, cm, , V I 1,7 S.P • Stelearee Vregalore , tee resideece et Mr. tine Mes. aame4, C4eent„ Parr Lint eleyeen Wecheesacle' ittereloctie WAS the eoene ot :one .ot tkeee iUterelt41C e.'Ven':s that Stir 'AP We whole heigbborhoode when, tuter oldest daueeter is GlaelYe Nees was tueited ie. marriage to Mr. aetel Wellington Stewere, ProSPerOus 31511,n0. farmer erom Osborne Teseaship Te ememony nvas Performed by the Rev, G P. Drown. of Zeriebs eed was witnessed tby !nearly two haufdred in- Yited guests. After congratulations to the ,young people a spelndid wed- ding dinner was served , •The brido looked very fataxming ID, gown or pale btu e silk, white veil ad beaut-. leul wreath of flewers eneiroling her 11,ead, and 'was Unattended, her little Sister Viatta Pea rl dressed in white acting as leing tbeerer while Miss Pearl McCormick played the wedding march. 'Guests were present front Berlin,kceter [Zurich Ilenciall • and Blake. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart roill start life s journey Oa the grotetere fine film ix Usboree mad the Jteart- ist geed evisees of all 'are' extenclee to., them. ;Ike fine lot of presents to - the bride etthow that she is beld in the bigheet (esteem by lker neepy friende. • *, §TEFittE,N COUNCIL The ,aouriell of the ITO.Seeship Stephen convened ta the •ToWsa )1111k, 1Credieon, on eday, the letlla of May 1912 at a p. in, au menathere were pre,sent The minutes of the previous meeting were reed tend adopted. Elliott Kellerman -That the asses** ment Roll as Pled with the Clerk, ble, accepted and that the Assessor Jose epb. Guinea be paid nes salary Par- ried. l'inkbeener Yearly -That By-ass 191. being a By-law appeinting the Petite/nesters Round Keepers mod. eence viewers, having been read the third time be past and signed by the Reeve and Clerk and tee seal of the Corporation attached thereto Parried Kellerman Elliott- That By-lo,wt p. D.2 being a by -lav to appoint H. F. Eilber CA:tries Steinhagen and Te• We,bb bespectors to Janice what is commonly known as the cattle By, law with their divisions; clan 1 to Con 9 and 10; to Cu 17 inc- o ate con. 18 to the western :boundry ce the Township respectfully haring been read tbe third time be vadsed and ;signed by the Reeve and Clerk and the seal of the corporation at, tached thereto Parried Kellerman Elliott That A. Hodgins be appointed overseer for the come struction of the voncrete abuntme,ns and floor for the ,A•uxSauble Riven br;dge at Essery a and the small bridge at Flynns and that the Reeve oversee the constreeltien de the ab- ni outs and floor of the ,smali bridge on the L. R. E. Concessien and Conn.' cillot Finkbeiner the abutments and floor of the bridge eln the 121st coei Parried • Yearly Elliott 1"T -bat the Townahip court of Revision of the Assessment Roll be held in the Town Hall 'Credo iton, on Monday the 27th daY cot May at 2. p. m. • ', st • It was resolved that Gravel soles tracts should be let at the next Conn cil meeting at 2 p. zn- The following orders were passed The Hamilton stamp and Stendit wks. Cow. tags and express, :6.90; Thomad Webb /rep. culverts 9.75; John Law4 son Rep Culverts '3.00 John Gaiser tile across road' 1.40; G. F. Eilber Gon, (mete tile 420; G. F. Eiltherconcrete tie L00 J. Kenny Rep. .cu.lvert 450 ITIfiner rep. culvert 1.00 4. Lawson Rep culvert 4.150; John Statton Tent of tile yard 400 Wm. Moir re,p tulle vert 5.00 Jams Flynn repair culvert 2.00; R. Davy, Rep. bridge 1.50; Wm. Nichelsegrep bridge 13.50; Wm. Hea- en grading 4.50; D. Webb gradke 2:25; n. Hutchins grading 4.61);',0 W. Anderson rep ,con 2 10.25; Clar- ence Kellerman and others work on, N. 13. 16.5 0Wm. Reilly Refund of dog tax 1.00; ehas Kieiszle Gfeeing 5140 Jos. Guinan Assessor and truant book e0.00 Wm. Beaman 'drawing gravel 17.50 Wm. freeman, and others work on sideroad 4410; John. Ja'ae ba celvert 350; Jno. Cornish filling in - culvert 20. R. Davy filling in an vert 445; Jas. Neil drawing brick bats 10.00 Albert idorlock spring'2.9e The council adjourned to meet a- gain in tke Town Halt Crediton, on Monday the 27 day of May next at 10. a. in. HENRY EILBE'R. Tp. Cleek A Exeter School Board Continued from Page 1 ,report be accepted. ' .Per F. W. Gledman. and A. E. Puke that the ,Committee appointed:to se cure a resident Ji4rieu1tura-1 (Ins tractor for the district be empower- ed to send a deputation to the June session of the County CoancrI if found advisable. • ,t e The lasp,ectior J. E. Tom, being pre eentemeineitation of the'Chairnspoke • of: the public school section of the school as being, with one per two exeeptitins, thoroughly well worked ,Miss Murray had :been appointed to take charge of part of the fourth and Miss Kinsman of a junior third Groundglass was advocated by the Inspector as the beet medium to., diffusing and shading light.. Mr. 1'. W. Glad,ma,n, •• the toaras delegation to the Educational ASSOO- iatiort meeting in Torontee thee 'spoke supplying the following ideas in the mindof the association as worthy of consideration -1 (It That 'the .charaeter and ability of Use teacher s'hould be held as 90 per cent of the value if the echoes!. •• (2) That the (And should be held during its pablic school years as the ward of the state and be by it pro- vided with all necessary fecilities and aide as required for its full equ- ipment, educationally, for any of the ordinary celesta§ of life. (3) Tbat it Many be 'desirable. for tete board to extend the school age within the 'corporation oZ Exeter from fourteen to fifteen years of age, • fl'y That may be desirable, iri. te interests of the child as at well na the f'ohoce, to intredeee xeleular rued,. ical inspection of the sichoo.r. (5) That if: may be the A.tity of Board to 1ijtjt s Inlovenzont 1,e,r the Inotitutian of a Trustee Assoz- iatioet fer this' riding whieh shalt elect: 'a...representative annua I ly • (to suppOrt its Vi6WPS Of) the Educational Council of the provinee gee tee to bring tbern 'dire:ale, to the; attent ;oft of the Minister of Education. Th0,1: it mane be dce'rdble oe part of ties board thet itresolution tie Paeeed and dnly forwarded, tir;/ THE ECETER, ltIM ITb Mit.Y. /0 tele Court of Revision iTovirnsuiP visnouivs Tbe eaert of Revtsiou a tilt eisoese Meet Roll ot the Munielpelity of tee Xoenelen ;Of fUetorne wilt be held (ill the TOW0Silil) ROD Eliniville op Sat- urday the 1et day of enteel(912 at 10 o'clock in tee morning 'All persons' having ;business with said pourt will please govern themselves accordiale 13' .1 ! F. MOBLEY, Cie" • Cort ef Revision of the 'Village of Exeter , Not ice is ehereby given that 00 'Court of llerieloe, fotr the 'Asseesfeele Roll of the •Villege Exeter wie toed its first -meeting for the paneehege year in else fflawn Halt Exeter ea WO day ectne 7th 1912,at 7.00 P, m. T. 13. 'CARLING 01* Dated Exeter May lite NOTICE TO filleArtmoramRs or nig liskit- Tnri .sAvs wonxis COMPAtler Please tele° notice that tee, alinual meeting a the tsharebolders will be hele on llefonclay juine 10th at 2 le tinh.e ifibtiontrhd.eTOVOO Hall By order of 'T. B. CABLING 'Seoy, For Sale T am offering for sale some young Yorkshire sows. Also a yeertg shire boar, These animals are pu7b bred and are in good (condition 'Apply to CHAS. HARVEY Hurondak Electric Restorer for Men phosphoric,' restores every nerve in tiro body to its proper tension; restores vim and vitality. Peel:nature decay and all sexual Weakness averted at once, Phosphonok will make you a new Man. Pri,.e 88 a box. or two for $15. Mailed to any address. The Barbell Drug Co. St. Catharines. Ont. ASCOTS HEIR • NO. 9646 (42885), ; • Bay, star on forehead, spa on nose .fore ,pasterns and hind; legs white, foaled May 1904, *red by Mr. Shand Sunnyside, Drunaoak, Aberdeenshire,: Scotland, Impeotee in August 104 by Wm. tolquhoun„ Yfitchele, Ont. MONDAY May. 6th wlll leave hie stable Lot 20, Con, 16 _Hibbert, . and go to Chiselh•uret, then south to Ed. illic•Dougals for noose thence to hi own stable eon night and will remain ;there all day Tuesday - • WEDNESDAY to John Johns' fee - noose; thence to jos. Hawkins for night. t • • WHURSDAY to °Ielichael Fletstliera for noon. thence to SO Rotitley a for eight.; . FRIDAY to John Kallends elitleeh- ard for neon; thence to- Olivet . `Harris Fullerton foe night. , SATURDAY, to Geo, Leary s Let * Con. 12 Hibbert for noon, thence to his lown'etablo where he will remain sontil, the following .Mosaa dee: morning! • G.Ae.eMARTIN. ' Preefietor and Manager • Every Woman is interested and should know about thewonderfal - - maru.i. Whirling Spray " Douche Ask your druggist ter it. If he cannot supply the MAIMIlt. accept no other. but send stempkfor Illus- trated book -sealed. It gives fell particulars and dirictions invaluable ladles.WINDSOAt SITRPLIft Co!..Windsor. Out • General agents/or cecinas, all edu.catMnal institutions of this province beheld under the direee ssuP ervision of tbe Minister tof Eduoatiom and do duly inspected in commie •with all institutiens 'directly estab- lished by tgovernment. Per R.N. Creech and F. Wood that. the thanks of the Board be given our aelegation 1)lifr. F. W. Gladsome for the report presented; that the expenses incident he paid, Rod the thoughts suggested field over for consideratima at the next regular, meeting of the Boird. • Per R. N. CreeCh and F. Wood that that the Baseball Club (F:Moyle pres- ident) be granted the ouse of the school grounds sulbject to the con- ditions of 1911. . Per R. N. Creech and I ese-rostraeg that the disposal of the daily refuse of • the sehool be • directed by the Grounds and Sanitary -coin. Per R. N. Creech , adjournMent and the next , regular meeting, ot the board be held or.,y. the First ;Mena da3 in June at the usual hoer J. GRIGG Secy. • THE wANI)E14TOS "Dear common flower that grow sr 'beside the way Frineing. the teusty path with harm less gold, . • First pladoe of blithesome May. Tis the spring a largess which tho matters 110W To rick and poor alike, with• lavish hand.; Though most hearts never understand ; Toe take it at Gads vale i but pass by The offered wealth, with unrewarded eye •-Low,e11,, Village of Exeter By=14aw. No. 1912 By-law of 1 the,..Village of Ex- ater„to authorize the DorroW- ing of the sum of $5003,00, ta construct the Main Street drain. etelelielEASh is alseassaril.* 06• _ ours isitpresS teat It ialiakft OrV114301 41114101 Ifteld be conetroeeed iseleellabe 7t ituoitStreelstuite• Behe•saV iyivtoid apolitifte ettati::0,48t. „Aeet#1141 ',100 GfckilIttO eettleeVegelli Vilati4UNSL as begal cstf* ated that it 4v4*plea the, oinM. „te oonstriesti seid drain4 eat ttdi. ke neteessery ,oulveitia MS WHEREAS it is necapsartitia bonrow unto the ((Odle of the 0010 rensieripality, elle said siina and to i�. OA 'debentures of the sail! muneeitedee jr foe the said sum ooet6I.00F sun interest as hereinafter ,provided, whieb is the amount of the debt 111,4 tended to heeereated by this) Ey-Isew !Ate Polbte95:•eaTnplemid:vedgsPette:4thIlllicaontdstdrenbeenti.ettilleel the said drain an,d toelreets and fon AND W,HEREAS it is deserable maim the prinoieal of the said debt repayablo by ,annuai; in.seallmenes duke beg tete period of twenty -yea= mak atter the, issue of he debentureco teerefor, each installments of pin, - cal to be of such amounts ehatethe, aggregate amount payable for prin- eipal and interest in any year shale be equal an Dearly as may, he to What is „payable fee prificirel and interest; during eahlt of the' °eller years. . Aar'y"to ITIVaisBeE.BanEutiSalrwll y for thee alge3riods" Of twenty years duricie the •curreseen of the debentures to he issued be,re- under by a special rate Atuffleleale, therefor on all the rateable properey within elle nettnicipalitee tbe sum of 04.01.2e for noble ten several nest., all:bents of principal, and beteresti ;thereon at the rate of five per ;cent pea ansurk AND WHEREAS the amount of the. winee 'rateable property of the said( Tillage of Exeter according to the last revised 'Aseeeeraeat Roll is, the sum of 075,587,00 •eiteD WHEREAS the exisiting de* benne debt of the said yillage ex- eluseve df local" improvement debt*, otttlearmsermoi6dipeb.atA6.t Seeareadndbyinospveoltriatl. acessetshe: meats therefor 'amounts to the slim principal or interest thereof is he are c Therefore the Municipal Cotenoil of the Corporation of the Village be leareine 'enacts es follows ore 1 get:shall be lawful for the •Reeve of the said VilLage of Exeter to bor- row en the credit of the said comae) tire nf the Village of Exeter the sune at 0000.00 for the purpoties herein -0 before set forth and for that pur- pose tohustle: debentures of the stie • einnicilmlity to the amount of, $5000.-; 10 • in sums of not less then f$100.80 each and such debentures shall be signed by the Reeve of the said Cor- poration for the time being and com• a tersigned flo the Treasurer for the. time being of the said corporation ted attack- to cache* said ..do,bene taunnresildulY seated with the Corporate Seal thereof, *leek. seaa the • Clerk for the • time being of said Care3Orith tion is hereby authorized -and dims-. 2. The /Reid debentures shall be date ed upon tfie 'date of the issue theenief and Ishall, bear interest at the rate of five per cent per annien from date of the issue thereof and the said en- terest shall be payable •yearly ea the day of :the month in which said de- bentures are issued and as to beth principal and interest tile said deben- teres shale be payable in annual in- stallments within twenty yeers from the date of the Loose thereof, such in- stelmente to -be of such ameunte thet the aggregate amount payable fax prin cipal and interest in any year shall be equal as nearlyns may be towhat is payable for principal' and interest durintg each of the other .years of such period of twenty years as here-- inafter set forth . During the currency of the said 1.3 debentures there shall be raised an - natty rhy special rate on all the ratea- ble property in the Said Corporation of the village - 'of Exeter the eisin of /41401.22 for the -purpose of paying the amount due in:each of the said years for principal and interest in respect of the said debt as follows. In the Year rincipal Interest. Total, 1,913 151 22 250 00 401 22 Do. 1914 15$79 242 43 401 22 eo. 1915 166 73 '234 49 401 22 Do. 1916 175W 226 16 1401 22 Do. 1917 •• 1-83 el 217 41 401 03 Do. 1.918 19.3 01 208 21 401 82 No. /919 202 86 L8, SO 401 22 Do. 1920 2/2 7/9 . 188 48, ,401 22 Do. 1921 2213 43 177 19 401 22 Do. 1922 g34 go 166 62 401 22 Do. 1423 246 '33 154 29' 401 22 Do. 1924 259 05.• .142 57 401 kg Do. 1025 271 58 129 64 (401. 22 Do. 1926 285 16 116 06 401 22 Farm for Sale g'94, Sae at longer:800 aeree.litenlei 3rd 'woe. e mike, from Vtitekon..mtapol -xede. en eno,d 'state of ceitevati011 11)11' pores lin graii), :acres elf 12. s'ores besh, rest hay mad. peel Stens heese. 'two etoreyg,slete cement nook' celia.r, termini e" tetePkele• 80x,e1,* .atepteer. weteewoesee. tele) helve „oattle eind 0 been* 'been 00:00. Tray biK'n 500 sold sotai form. it' **red, MakoOlgo MeEeten. Dim .58, Mouses for Sale • We offer a emsafertahle fie* .40,1e$ "tsige et a leaseie, a larger ototey• and a telt house. well loeated ahol Ora fine brick resideeces at atteatete iIre erica's. : Ie yen are looking tell, TO tease in Exeter salt ad get poetise alirs. Fargo obese** Batty temp ' Or.raIMIA.N & 6104411EW eV, Notice to Creditors In tike matter of tbe *state Of stew Eider late of the Toveelieles • of Ushorne in the Conatv of Herett. Widovr defiemiedo Netiee is hereby given puroaant ts fileetiooi Ki5 Truallee 4,11 ereditori an el others baying claime against the estate of the late' Helen Elder who died on or about- ithq trtiti magah taw are reQmeete4 .011 ex. :before the Igazid deY Pf 41:taY 0,9002 to send by post preened or delirer to Messrs. .Geadman Staribury tee * solicitors for the executors of etienaid apt -eased their christian and sernames, addressee and deniriptions, the full particulars ef their claims, the statement of their accounts and the nature ot the eecturities, if any, held by them, And further take notice that after'enoh last nuleautictnefl date the exeoutors will probeed bo distribute assets of the deceased among the partles en- titled thereto, having regard only to eke daisies of whichethey nhaleetheia have notice and that said executors shall not .be liable for the said as- sets Air any part thereof to* any per. spin or persons of .whose claims not- ice fIhaia not hove been received by themeat the 'time of puck deserifbation, GLADMAN '& Solicitors for Execaters. gated at Exeter this11041(•dgy of; April 104, ce I Notice to Creditors In the meit'ter ef the estate Of Wiliam Biker of the Yillien '.Bxeter in the Ceusty•of Herta Gait denee, deeeeeed, Notice is he'retiy given pursuant to Seetlpg .of Ttestee Aot that creditoeis anti others claims aSpohisill the estate of W.illia,as Bakeri la•Se of the Tillage. of Exeter who, diked ' on er sibaue the 25efe agy sof April 193 •anos. rev quite0 An. �r beeekee the ells* day of Meye4SXII ' send by ' geseer prepakl on deliver to Messes. eGladraan & Seambney. ot, the village of Exeter; Solicitors for Ear eeutors if the'said deeeaCsed their - cheistitte e, and suttee mese addvesscs • and deeeariptionie "the 'parties), Jars of their 'claims, tee statement of their ateeturts and the nature of the seoucities. if any, held by theni. And further lake notice that atter such last 'Mentioned dein the said Executors will proceed to distri- bute the assets of t.ho nmOng the 'panties entitled thereto) haviox regard only to the 'of which they shall then) ifeve notice and tbalt said Exesetoes ••teliell not he +liable for the said assets or any part there- of to any poesen or persons tit whose claims notice shall not hare been reedived by then at 'lie time of Bush distribution, . GLADMAN & e'eaNBUItle, ,Solicitois for Executors. •• Dated at Exeter this gOtit (MY 'cit 'Apra 1$111 Jos. Davis Poll ;Clark. ,• , subdivission No. 3, at John Mitchell s °Mee -H. E. Huston -D. R. Officer. mod A. G. Dyer, Poll Clerk. Hoer and A. Mclehersoa Poll Clerk, Polling ,subdivision Np. 4 at .North, end fire Hall. Seldon D. tg; Of dieter and A. McPherson Poll Clerk 2. That Thursday Ithe 23rd day of ,Mity 1912, at Eleven o clock in the ferenoon ;stall -be the. day and the Clerk s Oboe in the Town Hall in tte villisee of Exeter shall be the Place where tee Reeve sehall attend to appoint persons to attend at the Nox- ious poles:lig places eifereeeiel araff et .tte final sumnaine ue of the votesseby the Clerk 'ori behalf:of' peisetes inteee ested prometine or Apposing .tke paseine oT the By -Law respO,WTOly4 -7.: 'That. :the Clerle.of the Corpora:4, Han ot the said eillage of Exetee shall nttend at hie °office in the eseid Village of Exeter .at Twelve ololook noon on Tuesday the 28th •day ofjalay 1912 to sum: up the number of votes; given foe and egeirat this By -Da* NOTICE ' • The above is a true co& ot the proposed By -La* which has been ak„ en into consideration ,and whieh will by finally passed by tee Cotigpil of the Porporatiosi of the Ville of Doe 2927 29)1 '42 IN 80 ehe electors belies obtained thernfte Exeter. in the event of the assent tot Do. 1930 ,3i30,1 1 71 11 :144.04011: ; after one Month from' the first pubs 13°. *1'913 4314 /84 '88 83 404 "'• lication in the Exeter Times newalla0- Dpoo.. a1993310, 34 137 ,61 681 44901 ,2 at the etwiabric:chhoonufdri s4litiypy. u.41 bnoldfi or: aline, :sttpolille.biji:Arnoifoi ux" Do. 4942 092" 14 1,9 061 • 401 24 ' ecleefoxe.,eaking, tee vetes of the,Elece 4 Thee this By -Law sk 11 . to force an tit t. effecton he,tfieal I 4iii WINDSOR LADY'S APPEAL1,48"91411344 tbere6L ' • To All 'Women : 2 will send free, 5, That the vote e of the Electors of with full instructions; nay home treat- tke said Village of Exeter entitled; ment winch positively cures Lencorre 1 to vote on this By-law be taken: on. lime, Ulceration, Displitcements, Fall. 1 MondaY the Twenty -Seventh i)ity of , hog of the Womb, Painful or Irregular May ,1912 ttoramenciese at nine co clock, , Periods; `Uterine and Ovarian Tumor a . in the forenoon and cositinuing until ; or growths, also Itot Fes:whoa, Very- . eiv.e ct ;nook in the afternoon of the ousness; Melaneholy, Paino in the . same, day at the following. piacee Mad, Beck, Dowels, Kidney and Witkin thp Said villa4e of Exeter by . Illacidefeeteroublet where caused by the folloWitte Deputy. Iletureing Of- weaknesseeeculiste a+gete •: , V,(00 riders avid Poll Clerks. ' 1 t• ; COOt Of only about' n• denti'n *Celt: can continue treat', '40S,', ,:iiit fit Ailith3,.. eihrliiisiou 'So. 1 at Silas My, 'book, " Woman's Own Medical Rentlferus Reeiclenoe--Ed Tteble 1). ;• ...eceeteee,e•alep sent fre4 on rognoto. R. Officer., and Herb Ford, volt Clerk. Write to -day. :iiddreeslitte. Mt tier Woe Subdivisioe No. 2ext Toww isierai.,itoz u 8,40viratsor °rail '0# - halt W. B. Weeks D. lit. °Weer nut very. e,etuiebold ent teed hp-! w t,o vote on..the proposed 13y -Lew &sae at least teh days next preceeding the day of polling file ie the offioe of the Clerk of 'the Illeeicipatity a Statut- ory declaration stating, tette his lease• meets the regairements by'it mita. lin, e him to vote on meth Dy-tlaw and arid the nanies of Leatesholdere peg- lectine to file mush Deolaratiorl shall not be pieced on tee voters /1st for sad) voting' -DATED at Exeter thieeete day a Apiell A. D. 1St! T. B. CABLING Clerk of the CorpOration Cf the ril- tao of Exeter. • • AUCTION SALE , % r(,1;;;Vp--;:xtrar,,, Irto! ste;:grob't1kil:aisiii:;:::tetr:ies,:::rfe$41*°141,4:e:it y ieleaftio,f04:401 0 • e-ofe- . rebeteT 1.0a1CLQw. f etleuilillth°R011311eX4 het 0911,01090ketutradamerp, tu 4.yeaxeol bee • PreneetY. •Rousjlhold Effeuteeele becknoM fie% 1 sighlliteoi, new 1 nursing oltairl n4thaairX6b60/ hoisrte'el)11::)esekditet:;1141‘. rutrbohbetet bletaket, J. tamp thole, 0 dining goomf °kelpie t raeie new; ,h !Net* • table a emelt tables, e glass ouee- . boards; 1 hinging lamp. 12 trockiniii! elbsanaia31112‘eVvvoq:d 4k:al)feinrg; k°Qitkoehre crGaunae:134 Peeeora, low; 10' kitchen ohaire; lounge; 1 Queen alarm.; butft41 ibleWl.; 1. OM -reeler pale a clothinej, wringer; 13 Ramps. 12 pr. ;ten springs la mattresses, :1; •ooal settle, 1 ire* kettle, a ciuftetity ot rag earpet, ser,, eral pictures,. a lot of enameled mile( pans, several it/utter erocks, a guano,. tiey of fruit sealere ;a quantity OA lineleueas ac er yarde, dit4 cling spade; 1 entail, spade; 2 abovill.. and forks; I, grain eradle, seythei 1 cutting bo; A leather. halterg e21 boxb4cd13; s,ornelbaliMdslier. Wheefbel'ait; oroorwa;8, ilotraarlay ibitaarrrdivrelsiosoed saIwtiladdroif aI :potalite riceaindiutvf7 wth400,., zoto,copy::.4 put leys and, some fencinig totes, ehrthell end Other articles' to numerous ea ntionee hens. - • eel Estate -Pant of Lot 113,1a0;bi 1 Usbeine, !containing 7 and len etre) There is on the: premises a esoedi frasite ;house szt4' barn, keood well; get water, ;about '20. apple, trees. witle sone small fruits. Tees. is a splepe did property and • well eitaated. . TERMS OF SAME t Terms of Real Ell tate will bet nuede known on •day T leh'otat Cameron newel • A.uotly • 0.ai1dren Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C A S.:.74 C rt 1 A . , Farm For Sale . Fos Sale- germ contaiekig acres of ftstt ohms 4nd elt: tbe age of WoOdhanta blood twoestil frame house.; bank harn. ,e34 * with Reetoodete stable, fotiechete built about a year, agat.,414tifil tielefent .thretighont, Menr heffeg 25x13 with oement. 'top .tuo. gangway. New, drt.vittg ft .t.? Esga.tbd /*teal siding titan; - 24,0: • Alio a 'good mop* of soft a re water. The farm is the "ne„d and well fenced. mostly w all new wire teases. Aiso ten a of geed entail mostly hare. Weed. F partitoulage apply to Whaley' El Woodham Ont. • Stock for,Sale Stock For Sale -'We are at prolon311 offering ;three choice Shorthoth buil Ile le and 15 moneeseold; .allso a f cows ancl heifers, widen registere Clyde mare bead Omni imeor stock. seven yeax is old and in foal T. J. Berry's Kinn Thoman, Let Con. 2. Tackersmitle. A. G. Bmi !Resale • Dental -Offices Closed. Is closed every Wednesday atberni, Kindly take notice that my oefeesti HOU14316/11. CLOSINet NOTICE Please remenaber that my Delft.). Office is closed ever W:en.n deteicliuma- Atteeele -D , , 110M.SgEKERSP. anieSeitiers Excursions to • Wester/I Canada' via Chicago April 16; 23 and 30 arid every Seemed- Tuesday thereaftene until Sept. 17th. inehisive, SpeepOli Train will leave Torontoat 10:30 p, on above dates for Edmonton a points in Manitoba and SaskatebeWies. via' Chicago 'asd St. Paul carryilik through coaches IWO Lilltpan Tourlite Sleepers. No. Oange cars Full Particulate Min. any Oran& Trunk Agent:or C. 'R., MoClutaeon; Alberta Government Agent, Paltrier House Block, Toronto, Ont. THE MOST POPULAR ROUTE t' -Montreal, Buffalo, New I rk, Philp! delphia, Detroit, Chicag,. ,1. a (held Trunk, the only Double Track Route. Steamship *kits on sale via alIi Lines. For Tteketa and all ele Mon apply to A. E. Duff; DIbl.tiOt. senger Agent, or to e J. J". Depot A• gent. • Y. 14. C. A. BLDG., • ' LONDON. ONT. IlUeINESS and SHORTHAND SUBJECTS., Reel:Meryl lest -season upwards of 300o stigennte and placed evety graduate, Seven eeeelally qualified regular teachers. Oen) hundred and -fifty London firms emplOy- ourtrained help. College itt seSsion from„ Sept. 5 to June 31 Refer tiny dean. Caietogno Free, , Forest City RstiI<I::ottoo wtsuspo.43;ait. . J. Ity, ▪ gsrEftvELTo. OtrattlaAtetclielsilt!,,