HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-05-04, Page 14• CLASSIFICATIONS 1. Articles for sole_ 2. Yard sale 3. Garage sole 4 Antiques for sale 5. Cars foi sole 6 Trucks for sale 1. Articles for sale SINGER - For authorized sales and service, sewing machines, vacuum cleaners, parts 'and no- tions, service to all makes, and machine rentals. Gen's Sewing Centre, now located at 56 The Square, Goderich, 524- 8431.- lifer AUTOMATIC Toilet Bowl Cleaner removes rust, lime and" Mineral deposits. Simply place in the corner of your toilet tank. Available 01 Hoffmeyer Plumb- ing and Heating, Kingston Street, Goderich.-1tfar WATERBED: Do it .yourself kit, $175. Includes mattress, heater, liner. Single, queen or king. Save money by moking frame yourself. Complete instructions, free delivery. . 'Call collect (416)637-6904.-0-20tf ONTARIO TOMATOES, special English cucumbers 754 each,. also red and white potatoes, cooking onions. Evans' Farm Market, 2 miles north of Bayfield, 482-7562.- 14tf TWO BELTED Tornado G60-14 tires on deep dish aluminum rims. Off an Oldsmobile Cutlass. 524-9293.- 14tfnx NEED A BUIthING this spring? - We have the most complete line of metal buildings available for agricultural, commercial, in- stitutional or residential use. Special spring prices. Call col- lect any time. 705-474- )180.-0-18 USED STORE island and wall shelving, showcases, wallcases, gloss • shelving, brackets, counters. Lovers New and Used, 254 Adelaide St. S., London, 681-2254, Mon. -Fri. 9.5, Sat. 9-12.-0-18 1979 YAMAHA YZ 80F. good condition, $425.00 or best offer. Phone 482-3551._•-18 BENMILLER PLANT Farm Greenhouse closed 1983 and until further notice. - 18x UNDERWOOD ADDING MACHINE and Beginners Organ, no reasonable offers refused. Phone 524-7201. - 18 THE GOLD SHOPPE 10 and 14 karat gold- lewellery at big savings. Book your home party now. PHONE 1-271-2987 BRYANSTON LIQUIDATION CENTRE Restaurant Equipment and Supplies: Upright Coolers, Dishwashers, Commer- cial Stoves, Chairs, Table Bases and many more Items. Buying and Selling. Highbury Ave.. North of Bryanston on West side. Watch for sign. CALL 225-2671 7. R.V.'s for sale 8. Marine 9. Automotive 10. Pets for sale , 11. livestock for sale 12. Real estate for sale 13, Mobile homes 14. Recreational properties 15. Out of town properties 16. For rent 17. Apartments for rent 18. Houses for rent 19. Rooms for,rent 20. Room & board 21. Cottages for rent 22. Lots for rent 23. Commercial property for rent 24. Wanted to rent 30. Employment wanted 25. Wonted to buy 31. Service directory 26. Help wanted 32. Custom work - 27. Wanted (general) 33. Form services 28. Business opportunity 34. Personal 29. Tenders 35. Notice to creditors 36. Announcements, notices 37. Mortgages 38. Auction sale 39. Educational 40. Lost 8 Found 41. To give away 42. Death notice 43. Miscellaneous 44. Engagements.' 45. Marriages 46. In Memoriam 47. Card of thanks , INE$:, Classified want» ad of 12 ,noon Tuesday. Tao,, IP* t4 :f41t#3sify ads will by' alt,Oppte4 until 4 p.m, same day. 411E1R . ,,045SS, IFIED RATES: '3.75 n !nem.'words, 17° a word thereoftsic'iln Memoriam '3.75 On. 0;440t per rhymed line of Verse. Cord' of Thanks "3.75 rein./25 words, 5° a word thereafter. Public Notice' 16. for 3 insertions_ ;Notice to Creditors *27for 3 insertions, '22 for 2 ;insertions, '17 for 1 insertion. Special rotes available by 6 or :;. 12 months, no copy change. Ask about oar special discounts for prompt, payment. MONDAY TO FRIDAY 524-8331 11141419111141411141111 I. Articles for sale RED AND WHITE potatoes for eating or seed, 104 per Ib. Will sell any quantity. Fridge, reasonably priced. . 524- 7097.-18 SWIMMING POOL SALE - Manufacturer has a limited quantity of new 1982 above ground pools in inventory to dear. With filter, motor, deck, walk -around, fence. Regularly 52,295.00, now $1,295.00. Call collect 1-416-523-6467 for details. -18-21x SEWING MACHINES - Singer, White and other models, repairs to all makes. All machines and repairs guaranteed. Morris Draperies, 36 West Street, Goderich, 524- 2551:-2eowtfar BOY'S THREE piece suit, size 16, light tan color. Excellent condi- tion, worn only twice. Will in- clude shirt and tie. Please phone 524-2017 after -5 p.m.,-14tfnx 1980 CB 650 C with backrest. Good condition. Phone 524- 9379. - 16-19 IN HOME mastectomy services now available. Contact Mrs. Adams or Mrs. Stringer at Rieck I.D.A. Pharmacy, Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524- 7241. 8eowar POOL TABLES - Slate, all sizes, delivered and installed. For in- formation call- Bob Tanner, Listowel, 1-800-265-3228 or 291- 3617 evenings.---11.49oemx 1981 HONDA 400; 1983 Towny Moped. Good condition. Phone 524-2382.- 18 WIRE FENCING, four feet high, approximately one hundred feet or more. Priced cheap, for quick sale. Orcapo 'two manual electric organ, a steal. Phone 524-4226.-- 18 SPECIAL! POTTED ROSES Excellent selection $A95 - each SPECIAL! FLOWERING AND ORNAMENTAL SHRUBS They're starting to bloom! For Mother's Day 1O°booff' BAKER'S NURSERY RR 2 BAYFIELD 482-9995 CLOSED SUNDAYS EXETER INDOOR FLEA MARKET Agri -Building Behind Rec. Centre 10 am -5 pm Every Sunday ADMISSION 25' BOOTH RENTALS 51000 Contact Pete Watson 1-229-6558 Doug Dalrymple 1-235-1967 Proceeds To K insmen Service Community Work Lose Weight NOW - The safe natural nutritional way with herbs. ,..,Excellent product availability. EILEEN LANG Distributor for Herballfe Phone 524-6410 Goderich 1 1. Articles for sale WATER HEATER, electric, 40 gallon capacity, $65.00. Franklin fireplace, classic old style, 565.00. 524-8801.-18 CASH REGISTER, Sharp, ER 2532, four departments, limited use to date, half price as new. Ask- ing $450.00. 524-8801.-18 NAVY BLUE baby prom, large wheels, like new condition; white quilted change table with bath; many other baby items. Phone 526-7512.-18 ROLLER SKATES, boy's, size 6, Precision; 1981. RM80 Suzuki, Bell Moto Helmet and pants also available. 524-6615.-18 30" HARVEST GOLD gas stove, nearly new; Frigidaire dryer; propane hot air furnace: Phone 482-7509.--18 FOUR TIRES, P205-14, all weathers. Coll 524-9470.-18nx ONE SET of lady's 7 piece golf clubs, right handed. One set lady's golf shoes, size 61/2. Phone 524-9470.-18nx ROOFTOP CARRIER for car, has two locks. Used only once, ask- ing $50.00. Phone 524-8739.-18 FOUR SEAT blue chesterfield, $35.00. Phone 524-6929.-18 BIRCH TREES, $3.00; Cedar Hedge Trees, 50d. Call 524- 7647.-18 GSW TWO cycle washer, good condition, 5100.00. Phone 524- 9666. -18 ONE SANYO XL 4005 8 mm sound camera. Phone '°482- 3312.-18tfnx GOOSEDOWN' PILLOWS; floor polisher; spinning wheel; old sealers and other antiques. Phone 524-9827.-18x • , THREE . STEEL TRAVERSE DRAPERY TRACKS - adjustable up from 5'6", 7' and 9'„ $45.00; three 40" I Beam rods with run-' ners, $9.00. Phone 524-8331. between 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., ask for Carol.--26tfnx HUSQVARNA Sewing Machines. Sales, service, supplies. New free -arm portables, high perfor- mance, from $369.50, other free arms from $279.50. Used machines, various makes and - types with guarantee, from $59.50. Twenty-five years' ex- perience. Call Clinton 482- 7809.-10-19x C&E FURNITURE NEW & USED We Can Offer BETTER PRICES IT'S OUR LOCATION THAT SAVES MONEY Open 'til 9 pm Nightly Monday thru Friday CLOSED WEDNESDAY '/2 MILE South on Hwy. 21. Goderlch 524-7231 We even Take Trades Come to us for all of your lawn and garden needs. Because of last weekend's rain, our COUPON DAY BUYS sale hos been extended 'till Saturday, May 14. Err THS MAY 91SSUS OF FOCUS N!WSMAaAXINt FOR COMMIS MAe.$I Money -saving coupons on fertilizers, roses, and morel VERBEEK'S FARM A GARDEN C'f*E. Isms St., 0.111EfON 482-9333 1. Articles for sale 1981 KAWASAKI 440 LTD Belt Drive. Only 8,000 km. Excellent condition. Only lady driven. 51,600'.00'certified or best offer. Call Janet at 524-7860 or see at Huron Cycle 524-9061.-18x ALUMINUM WINDOWS with good screens, one 63" x 341/4", four 551/2" x 29". Phone 524- 7254.-18x TRAYNOR GROUP two bass amplifier with 2 x -15" cabinet; two Kustom speaker cabinets with 2 x 15" speakers and 1 x 15- horn in each; two Boss Graphic equalizers; Mitchell 300 spinning reel; matching blue sink, tub and toilet; two Univox microphones. Phone , 529- 7939.-18 SIMPLICITY gas dryer, used three months, 5230.00. Phone 524-2204.-18x 900 EGGS capacity incubator; 12" chain saw; 40" x 60" trailer. All good condition. Phone 524- 2005.-18x . THINKING of building? We've got the solution- the most com- plete line of steel buildings available for farm, industrial, commercial and residential use. Display building discount. Call collect anytime (705)474- 1180.-27otf 1978 KAWASAKI, just rebuilt, as is $400.00. Call 524-8941 or 524- 6947, ask for Larry.--l4tfnx 1972 - 350 KAWASAKI motor- bike, triple cylinder, 2 stroke, rebuilt engine, $700.00. Call 524-7698 after 6:30 p.m.-14tfnx POOL SALE, Manufacturer's clearance on above and in - ground pools, many models at fantastic savings, SHOP DIRECT. 416-522-1414,-0-18 HARDWOOD - white birch, 535.00 a single cord, 1'x4'x8'. Phone 524-4604 or 524-7558 after 6 p.m. -17,18 FOUR PIECE walnut bedroom suite, excellent condition. Phone 524-4761.-17tf CANADA'S LOWEST price Satellite TV Systems. Complete packages, Weston Satellite Sup- ply, Saskatoon. Phone 306-934- 1701. Dealer inquiries invited. --0-18 LANDSCAPING TREES, dig your choice, 1'/4 miles E. of Wingham Hwy. #86. Spruce 51.50/ft., blue spruce $2.50/f t. (tax included). E. Marsh 357-2387, centre of three houses E. of school. -17- 20 1980 SUZUKI 550 GS, 2700 km, like new, windshield, crash bars, air shocks, rear carrier, mag. wheels. Must sell, best of- fer. Phone 524-2720 or 524- 2245.-17,18 LAWNMOWERS - bought, sold and reconditioned. Phone 529- 7730.-17,18 _ MUST SELL ALL STEEL PERMA- ARCH BUILDINGS 19 x 24 Do-it- yourself kit complete with 8 x 10 sliding doors, instructions and guarantee. F.O.B. Factory, Mississauga,, Ontario. Retail price $3,475, while they last on- ly $2,395. Call collect 1-416-678- 1585.-0-18 FOUR WHITE spoked rims with 10-15 LT tires, with reasonable tread. Best offer. Call 524-9568 after 6 p.m. -17,18 1976 YAMAHA GT 80, excellent condition, asking $350.00 or best offer. Phone 529- 7509.-17,18 JVC TWO MOTOR stereo cassette deck, model KD -A5, in excellent condition. Phone 524- 6717.-17,18x For Sale PERENNIALS Unusual Geraniums and other goodies. Top quality Plants at BENMILLER overlooking the Maitland River on top of the hill. NEW -AND USED I BICYCLES Parts and accessories DON'S BICYCLE, REPAIRS 3115 Onfcfrlo $frdret Clinton 482.9941 1. Articles for ,sale LIKE NEW - blue sofa couch for von, new $550,00, selling for $250:00; like new - two blue captain's chairs, swivel with pedestal, new 5300.00, will sell for 5150.00 a pair. Aluminum running boards for Ford van, new 5250.00, will sell for $100.00. Call 524-8113 anytime. Can be seen of 55 Caledonia Terrace, Goderich.-17,18x ONE BEIGE three piece mon's suit, small size, shirt included, worn only few times; throw type covers for chesterfield and chair, foam back, gold and green plaid. 529-7915.--17,18 CEDAR TREES, 504 each and up, also available silver birch. Com- ing soon, bedding plants and asparagus. Evans' Farm Market, two miles north of Bayfield. 482- 7562.-17,18 0 2. Yard Shce YARD SALE - 185 Jones Street, Saturday, Moy 7th, beginningst nine o'clock. Bicycles, children's clothing, humidifier, toys, and miscellaneous articles. -17,18 YARD SALE, 134 Widder Street, Saturday, May 14th, beginning at 9 a.m. Rain date May 21st.-18,19ar 5. Cars for sale 1980 TRANS AM Special Edition, T roof, AM/FM cassette 'stereo, very ,low mileage. Excellent condition. Phone 529-7146 after 6 p.m. -16-18 1972 FORD Gran Torino, 51,000 mi. A.C., 350 engine; and 1974 Pontiac Parisienne, 4D, 61,000 mi., 350 engine. Asking 5750.00. Call 529-7808 after 6 p:m.-15tf 1976 LTD BROUGHAM, four door, 400 V8, deluxe interior, A-1, 60,000 miles. Asking 51,875.00 as is. Phone 524- 2458.-17,18x 1955 THUNDERBIRD, hard and soft' top, excellent condition. Must sell, best offer. Phone 524- 2720 or 524-2245.-17,18 1974 VW BEETLE, good condi- tion, low mileage, asking $2,400.00. Phone 524-8507 after 6 p.m. -17,18x 1981 MAZDA GLC, five speed, sun roof, good stereo system, $5,000.00 certified, will take pick-up truck as part payment. - Phone 482-7910.-17,18 6. Trucks for sale 1975 F10 FORD pick-up truck. As is,' $500.00. Phone 524 - GIANT YARD SALE, everything 4562.-18,19x from antiques. and collectibles to Blue Mountain pottery, Sun- day, May 8th at 10 a.m,, 21/2 miles east of Blyth on Huron County Road #25.-18 LARGE LAWN SALE - Saturday, May 7th, 114 St. David St., Goderich. Starts at 9 a.m. Fireplace with . heating system and many items. Rain date, following ;Saturdey.-18 ,SATURDAY,,M4Y 7th, from 10 a.m. - 4 p.rn. at 345'Cambridge St. Miscellaneousite'lis plus wood arid electric stoves. Rain 'date - following Saturday. -18 SATURDAY, MAY 7th. Starts at 9 a.m., 95 Picton St. W. Toys, two van bucket seats, clothing, Primes camp stove and lantern. Rain date May 14th. -18 3. Garage sale GARAGE SALE Saturday, May 7th, 9 a.m., rain or shine, Ridgewood Pork. Follow signs from airport. Children's toys, clothing, and many miscellaneous items, -18 GARAGE SALE - Saturday, May 7th, 9:30 a.m. - 4 p.m., 151 Ben- nett Street West. Clothing, fur- niture, miscellaneous items. -18x GARAGE AND BAKE SALE - Sponsored by Goderich Ringette Association. Arena parking lot, Saturday, May 7th, 1983 from 9 a.m. - ??? Household articles, books, clothes, etc. Refreshments available. -18x GARAGE SALE - Saturday, May 7th, at 93 Britannia Road West, from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Many items. -18x 5. Cars for sale 1981 PLYMOUTH Reliant K, 47,000 miles, two door, stan- dard transmission, 2.2 litre, metallic blue, mint condition, certified. $5,500.00 or best of- fer. 235-0668 after 6 p.m. -17,18 1970 MAVERICK Grabber auto, V6, 40,000 original miles, im- maculate interior, good body, new summer and snow tires, 5995.00. Call 524-6624 after 5 p.m. -18x 1971 VOLKSWAGEN Hatchback, automatic, good condition, as is, 5500.00 Br best offer. Must sell. lady owned and driven. 246 Huron Road, Goderich.--18x 1975 TOYOTA Stationwagon, 4 cylinder, 4 speed, new brakes and exhaust, new body and paint job. Asking $1,495.00 cer- tified. Also 21" Lawn -Boy lawnmower, 575.00. Phone 482- 3222.-18 CAR FOR SALE 1977 Pontiac Venture 4 door sedan, economical 6 cyl., power steering, new body & point lob, In excellent condition, lust certified. '2350.00/or best offer Phone, 524-0409 3 to 6 pm or 324-2273 6 to 10 pm 7. R. V.'s for sale CAMP -OUT TRAILERS, Hwy. 8W, Stratford, 393-5938. Your head- quarters for hardtop tent trailers, travel trailers, from lightweight right up to park models, truck campers and cops. Dealers for Prowler, Golden Falcon, Corsair, Lionel., Sales. y : rentals, r -parts, service. -14.26 HARDTOP, EIGHT sleeper tent trailer, with add -a -room, fridge and stove, in good condition: Asking reasonable price. Call after 5 p.m. 524-8570.-18,19 1975 JAYCO hardtop trailer, sleeps four, good condition, asking $1,200.00. Phone 524- 8450 anytime. -18 9. Automotive Receive a FREE $100. CAR CARE COUPON BOOK with Spring Tune -Up GODERICH 524-2121 .11. Livestock for sale PUREBRED Charolais bulls with Avignon breeding. Ferg Kelly, Dublin, 345-2197,-17,18 12. Real estate for sale. FOR SALE: TWO BEDROOM older bungalow, large kitchen; bathroom and livingroom. Close to Square. Ideal for retired cou- ple or for young couple starting out. Phone 524-9265 after 5 p.m.-14tfnx 1 - PRIVATE SALE: GODERICH. Three bedroom home, with large master bedroom. Colorl.ok sided, new roof and eavestroughing. Newly remodelled, large, country -like kitchen, livingroom and 4 piece bath. Full basement, with large finished rec room, heated by an airtight stove, encased in real stone. background. Laundry area and workshop. Front porch and steel utility shed. Low tax- es, heat was around 5200.00.. Asking low 30's. Phone 524-6918 anytime.-16tfnx A COUNTRY CORNER building lot, half acre, well treed, two miles east of Lucknow, on, Highway 86. Price $1,2,000.00. Phone Wingham 357-3591 or 357-3712.-16tf LAKEFRONT GODERICH - Winterized modular home' at Meneset Park, three bedrooms, living and dining room, sun deck, other extras. Price reduc- ed. Asking 529,900.00. Call 524- 4130.-16tf 13. Mobile homes FOR SALE -.12 ft. x 68 ft., three bedroom hfridge'stove, washer"gty and dryer, cedar deck, patio and toolshed. Phone 524- 6325.-13tf 17. Apartments for rent SINGLES APARTMENT, fully fur- nished. No smokers please. Call 524-9895 after 6 p.m. --84f BACHELOR APARTMENT, modern, carpeted, central, stove and fridge. Responsible party; immediate possession. 524-8480.-18 BACHELOR APARTMENT, one bedroom, fridge and stove in- cluded, on the Square, available immediately.' References preferred. Apply Drawer 200, c/o Goderich Signal -Star, Box 220, Goderich, Ontario, N7A 466.-18ar NEWLY DECORATED, two bedroom apartment, large kit- chen, fridge and stove included, on the Square, available June 1st. Apply Drawer 1, c/o Goderich Signal -Star, Box 220, Goderich, Ontario, N7A 486.-18ar SELF CONTAINED bachelor apartment, bright, 'clean, quiet, upstairs. Range and heating in- cluded. No pets, no smoking. Phone 524-7276.-18 TWO BEDROOM, upstairs apart- ment, close to the Square, on quiet, street, no pets please. 5229.00 monthly plus utilities, available May 14th. Call 237- 3373 anytime.-1.8tf ONE BEDROOM,upstairs apart- ment, private entrance, carpeted livingroom, nice kit- chen and bath, utilities paid, fridge and stove. No pets. Available June 1st. Phone 524- 6095.-18 FOR SALE - Bendix Deluxe 68' x 14', maintained in first class condition, has large sun deck and garden shed. Asking $16,600.00. Phone 524-4525 evenings. -18.21 FOR SALE - 1975 Paramount mobilehome with 10 x 16 ft. deck on two lots, 66' x 132' each. Five miles from lake. Ex- tras include fridge, stove, drapes and TV tower. Must be sold soon. Make us an offer. 529-7894 after 6 p.m. -'18,19- 14A. Vocation WILDWOOD MANOR RANCH, Georgetown, Ontario. 40 minutes west Toronto. SUMMER CAMP. Wilderness adventure. Horseback riding, trails, com- petition. Swimming. Complete sports program. Family holidays. Groups welcome. 416- 877.6852.-0-18 9. Automotive FOR FARM PRICES...SHELL FARM & AUTO HEAVY DUTY BATTERIES •BEST QUALITY! •UNBEATABLE GUARANTEE! •LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN! Call Edward Fuels 524-8386 10. Pets for sale FOR SALE, old Tyme long eared, black, tan Coonhound pups, great voice, with or without registration 'certificate. Mervin Howe, R•R.5, Aylmer, Ontario, N5H 2R4. Phone 1-519-773- 9472.-0-18 CHINCHILLAS: For Fur Trade or Pets Raised Local, Feriiales with babies, Females due soon, Females ready to breed. Write Box 113, Dublin, Ont. NOK 1E0.-18 11. Livestock for sale REGISTERED POLLED Hereford bulls ready to work. Halter - broken. Ed Powell, R.R..1, Wingham. Phone 335- 3893.-17,18 PRESTIGE HEREFORD sole, May 14, 12 noon. Barrieview Soles Arena, Barrie, 35 tested bulls, 41 selected females. Ontario Hereford Association, Box 68, Langton, Ontario, 1-519.875- 4803.-0.18 16. For rent MOTORIZED WOODSPLITITER for rent, 830.00 per day plus deposit. Phone 524.6777 after 6 p.m.-33tfnx PASTURE for 25 to 30 cattle. Phone 524-8405.-17,18 FOR REALLY CLEAN CARPETS Do it yourself with Deep Steam Extraction. Bluewater Cleaners 524- 6231. 17. Apartments for rent erIMMMIRMINSIMMISIMOMMEIIMEMNIMIMMIM SALTFORD - two bedroom apartments, carpet throughout, available Immediately. Fridge and stove, 5215.00 per month plus utilities. Phone 524- 9166.-5tf ATTRACTIVELY decorated first and third floor, two bedroom apartments. Adults only, no pets. 201 King St., Clinton, 482- 7028.-170 - BENNETT STREET ' APARTMENTS UNDER NEW SUPERVISION One and two lib room apartments for rent. Cable. Fridge and stove Included. All utilities paid. Security con- trolled. PHONE 524-6653 18. Houses for rent FOUR BEDROOM house, close to Square. Available May 1st. 5350.00 plus utilities. Phone 524-7822.-17,18ar FOR RENT - House with best view in town! Picture windows give panoramic view of lake and harbour, large treed private lot, large living/dining room, one large bedroom, two smaller bedrooms, gazebo. One year lease. Not cheap! Phone 524-2470 after 6 p.m. -17,18 ONE BEDROOM house, freshly decorated, carpeted, central location. Available now. $225.00 plus low utilities. Phone 524-2260 days' or 527-0962 nights. -18 NEW FOUR bedroom home, Port Albert area, available July 1st. 352-2616.-180' - AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY Two -2 Bedroom TOWNHOUSES Close to school and shopping! $305. monthly PHONE: 524-2748 25. Wanted to buy 21. Cottages for rent WANTED TO RENT - Three bedroom cottage, on the beach, between Grand Bend and Goderich, beginning June 18th for five weeks or season. Call 1- 216 -292 -7537. -16 -18x - 216 -292-7537.-16-18x COTTAGE. WANTED TO RENT FOR TWO WEEKS JULY or AUGUST Goderich, Bayfield, Grand Bend. Call: Mr. Bill Lougheed DAY -1 -BOO -263-2622 EVE. -1-416-576-31177 23. Commercial property for rent GROUND FLOOR, 2,000 square feet prime office space of 60 Lighthouse St. Phone 524- 2717.-26tf OFFICE SPACE for rent. Available immediately. Phone 524-8845 after 5 p.m.-36tfnx Offices To 'Rent 524-8382 24. Wanted to rent GOOD CLEAN!,- with with. fireplace. Gose to or in Goderich or ' Port Albert. Reasonable rent. References. Please call Ripley 395-5960 after 6 p.m.-3ltfnx COTTAGE - Three or four bedroom cottage in the Bayfield -Port Albert area. Wonted from May 15 September 11 (can be negotiable). Phone Terry 524- 6585 ,days, 524-9577 evenings.-14tfnx FAMILY REQUIRES two to four bedroom house, close to or in Goderich with availability of garage or small workshop. References on request. Call 482- 7596 anytime; -17,18x IF YOU have Whouse or apart- ment to share, please call Kathy at 524-2920.-18,19 PIANO WANTED regardless of condition. Phone' collect anytime 519-669-2280 or 519- 669-2198.-30 WANTED - ONE good used ad- ding machine and till. Call after 5 p.m. 524-4156.-14tfnx - WANTED 10 BUY - standing hardwood timber, suitable for sawlogs. Phone after 6 p.m. 519-369-5194.-16-18x WANTED - USED fridge and stove in good condition. Call after 6 p.m. 524-9214.-17tfnx WANTED - SMALL trailer for garden tractor. Phone 524-4371 after 5 p.m.-18nx WANTED - TV TOWER in good condition. Phone 524- 2555.-18x SINGLE BED, twin bedspreads and small night table, music stand. 529.7003.-18 WANTED TO BUY - Child's mini bike, reasonable price. Phone 524.4630.-18 FREEZER, any type. Phone 524- 6438. -18 - WANTED - Dealers - for a year- round super Indoor FLEA AND FARMER'S MARKET Just off Hwy. No. 4 of Vanastra. Opening soon - hurry to reserve your tablet Inquiries welcome - (5 1 9) 4827401