HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-05-04, Page 111":
Al's thlr
Meeti r ..
Tbe, Til ting opened with .
• the hymn, 'Take ,y Life
Let It Be, with Mrs.Gordon
Chamnley' as pianist, Mrs:
Witham Empey read the
scripture lesson. Mrs.
Maurice Been 'gave the
meditaton`and`led in prayer.
The offering** received
by Mrs:: Ross Robinson and
Mrs. MauriceBean
dedicated'it withlprayert
The worship service closed
with the old favorite hymn,
Brighten The Corner Where
You Are.
Mrs. Ross 'Dobie,
stewardship convener,
enlightened all on their
stewardship duties and
social action. She introduced
the guest speaker, Mrs. D.
Smith, a member of the
.committee for the Huron
County Crisis Centre.
Mrs. Smith spoke about
the large lovely home, an old
estate at Bayfield which is
now used as the Crisis
Centre. There, women who
are mistreatel and abused
at home can go to start a new
life or get needed coun-
A film was then shown
about several women who
were ,.victims of abuse at
home: After the film,
questions were answered. It
was learned that a victim
can stay at the home for up
to four weeks and longer if
necessary. Social services
and family counselling are
given to those who seek it.
It was learned that
volunteers are needed for
various duties in the home.
Mrs. Ross Dobie thanked
Mrs. Smith for her most
inspiring message and
wished her well in the work
at the Crisis Centre.
Mrs.. Jack Armstrong took
over the business portion of
the meeting. A minute's
silence was held in memory
of Mrs. Myrtle Munro, a
member of the UCW.
O Hodge ,oto South'
Mountain alnd t ip and Mrs.
l,es odgert of Bellevllla
spent last weekend.with Mr.
nlesnor Etrednoial , 8138-7Cii.86
gliI, .: V and s iiersonodgeli. .
Thiry: all attended tO 'Ili
wedding anniversa;. ,+dinner
of, Mr and Ma, Mansell
Cook. at the Triple K
restaurant with over 50
relatives and friends
present. Mr. and Mrs.
Emerson. Rodger were their
attendants 50 years ago. On
Sunday, over 20 relatives
gathered at the home of. Mr.
and Mrs. Cook and enjoyed a
bountiful lunch and a social
Mrs. Dorothy Grange and
Mrs. Eleanor Bradnock.
attended the Zone meeting at
Exeter for Senior Citizens of
Ontario last Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Arthur spent last weekend at
Lindsay with their son Greg
and Miss Sherry Verbeek.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred
Weston of Toronto visited on
the weekend with her
mother, Mrs. Mary
and a reception following atQ Rollinson and brother
Family Paradise. Also at- Murray Rollinson.
tending was Linda Renon Mrs. F.J. Lapp has
and Tracy. returned to her home.. in St.
M.r. and Mrs: Tom Jardin Thomas after visitingwith
returned home last week her son Elliott Lapp and
Mrs. Lapp of R.R. 1 Auburn.
from a month's vacation
spent with relatives and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Lutz
friends in British Columbia visited in London on the
and California. weekend with Mrs. Lutz'
Mr. and Mrs. T. Clayton family and friends.
Robertson of Meaford visited Mrs. Robert Young and
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jardin for son Craig Ritchie of
several days last week. Mrs. Goderich visited last Friday
Elva Straughan returned to with Mrs. Tom Johnston and
her home after spending a Miss Laura Phillips.
month with her daughter,
Mrs. Robertson and Mr. Crest Contest
Robertson. Robert Worsell, Auburn's
Mrs. Bonnie Armour and representative on the Hullett
Julie of Waterloo visited last Township Recreational
Mrs. Armstrong thanked
' all for helping with the
Easter baskets which the
shut-ins enjoyed.
Secretary, Mrs. Elliott
Lapp and treasurer, Mrs.
Gordon Chamney gave, •their
reports which were ac-
cepted. Mrs, . Armstrong
thanked all who had so
willingly workedwith the
church kitchen renovations
v4th a special thanks to Mrs.
Lawrence. Plaetzer, Mrs.
Elva Straughan 'and an
anonymous giver for their
genernns gift.
A letter was read and a
donation received. from Miss
Laura Phillips.
A motion was passed that
Mrs. Glen Webster be
contacted and asked if she
would make a fabric pic-
torial for the World Council
of Churches in Vancouver.
A number of thankyou
notes were read and various
committees gave their
reports. The May meeting
will be the church cleaning
on May 25. Unit 1 will be in
charge of this.
It was announced that
Auburn UCW's sister church
is Benmiller.
It was moved. by Mrs.
Donald Haines, seconded by
Mrs: :Lawrence Plaetzer,
that appreciation be shown
for the work of the junior
A delicious lunch was
served by members of Unit 1
and a social half hour was
Euchre Party •
Winners at last week's
• euchre party were: novelty -
Mrs. Ken Glousher; high
lady -Mrs. Dave Scott; low
lady -Mrs. Jim Glousher;'
high man -Bob Armstrong;
and low man -Ted Horton.
There were eight tables in
As this, was the last party
of the season, winners of lone
hands for the season were:
ladies -1 -Mrs. Frances Clark,
$7; 2 -Mrs. Donald Haines; $5
and 3 -Mrs. Clarence Allen,
$3; men -l -Gordon Gross, $6;
2 -Clarence Gross tied, $6;
Color is important
and 3 -Garry Wok, $3.
Mrs. Clark and Mrs.
Haines returned their prize
money to be put mato card
table covers. A draw on a
vase made and donated by
Ray Hanna was then held
with proceeds to the same
project. Winners were Jack
Lockhart and second, Robert
Fowler of Goderich.
There will be no more
euchre parties until the fall.
Thanks to Mr. and Mrs.
Ross Robinson who were in
charge of the parties.
Social News
Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Baechler attended the
wedding of their grandson,
Jack Holmes to Janette Rock
of Egmondville on Friday,
April 29 in Winthrop Church
BY JOANNE earthy, warm, . dynamic,
BUCHANAN energetic and organized with
Color plays animportant well-defined features. Their
role in our lives: We are colors are gold . and brown
tickled pink, green with envy tones suggesting richness.
and blue on a bad day. We Famous, fall people are
see red when we are angry Robert Redford, Raquel
and are considered yellow if Welch, Sophia Loren and,
Barbara Streisand.
For the past few years,
color awareness has been
taking on a new popularity
as menand women use color
analysis to help them buy the
clothes most suited to them.
. Last Thursday evening,
'Color By Design' ahalyst
Ethel Harper and Mary Kay
cosmetics representative
Pat Cooper were at the
MacKay Centre to tell
Goderich women what colors
best suited them. The event
was sponsored by the Maple
Leaf Chapter IODE as a
fund-raising project and
drew a large crowd.
As a color analyst
professionally , trained in
California, Harper is skilled ,
in observing the natural
coloring of one's skin, eyes
and hair and she can then
match those colors to the
colors one can wear. She
explained to her audience
that the correct. colors can
add depth to one's eyes, a
glow to one's skin and create
a harmonious effect in one's
appearance. The wrong
colors may bring out yellow,
green or grey in one's skin
tones- and make one look
tired or ilI.
As' a person's colors are
chosen, they begin to form a
pattern which fits into one of
four general harmonies
depending on the hues,
values and intensities. The
WINTER -these ,people are
striking and dramatic and
although they may be warm
and shy, they look cool;
reserved and aloof. Their
colors are intense ' and
contrasting. Famous winter
people are Elizabeth Taylor,
Jackie Onassis, Cher and
Rock Hudson.
Your own colors may be
any combination. of these
four seasons or harmonies.
However, one harmony will
be dominant and learning
what it is, can help you to
choose clothing and.make-
up, as well as home and
office furnishings which will
enhance your individual
appearance and style.
Harper told her audience
that everyone can wear
some shade of red, green, .
brown or blue. However,
black looks best on winter
people. She said she would
use skin ahead of hair as a
guideline to the colors best
suited for a person. She also
said that one's season or
harmony does not change as
one's hair goes grey.
Color analysis takes about
one to two hours and the
person receiving the'
anallysis' ends up with 70 or
more swatches of colors to
use when shopping , for
clothes. Harper said it would
take about five years to put
together a wardrobe
committee, has announced
that the date, for the elainBclosing
of the corale$ for the crest
has been extended`toMay2l.
This contest„ sponsored by
Hallett To'lrnfihip and the
Hallett Recreational
Committee, is to make or
draw a crest depicting life .iu.
Hullett Township. Only
residents of the township are
eligible and there is no age
A prize will be awarded to
the wanner. The committee
has also announced that
there will be fireworks onthe
school grounds on the Vic-
toria Day weekend on
Monday evening.
the inatal i.
I kooks she
either atthe Au' q: bray►
or the township , > �g+a of
L iiadesboro
A, nage a'�, and Km
• ,�lvilt was
Walkerburf Club
The Walkerburri Club held
its April meeting at the home
of Mrs. Stewart Ball. Mrs.
Lloyd Penfound opened the
meeting with a reading, Out
on the Land, which was very
suitable for the day.
The National Anthem was
sung and Mrs. Elliott Lapp
led in prayer followed by the
Lord's Prayer repeated in
The collection for the
Foster Child and birthday
money was then taken. The
draw prize donated by Mrs.
Cahterine Jackson was won
by Mrs. Rick Archambault.
The May, meeting will be
held at the home of Mrs.
Lloyd Penfound with the
program to be in the charge
of Mrs. Jim Dickson and
Mrs. Jerry Huizinga. The
lunch committee will be Mrs.
Bernice Norman and Mrs.
Keith Lapp.
A discussion on how to
observe the 65th anniversary
of the Walkerburn Club was
held. Club members will be
responsible for the purchase
of the Walkerburn sign and
igNestedard • Arachambault
do more investigating into:
this project, Other :ideas
were a picnic for allmem.
berg, Past members;, atid-
their families, a • play, or
variety night or perhaps a
hobo tea.
The business meeting
closed and Mrs. Keith Lapp
demonstrated how to make
nylon and fabric flowers.
Everyone , was given the
material and supplies to
make one for themselves
with Mrs. Lapp's in-
Mrs. Archamipault
thanked Mrs. Lapp and
presented her with a gift.
Delicious squares and
cookies made by the lunch
committee were served by
the hostess and Mrs. Jerry
Huizinga and a social time
closed the afternoon.
NURSES' WEEK - May 1-7, 1983
WHEREAS men and women of all callings have for centuries ministered to alleviate
suffering and illness, and promote health; and
• WHEREAS in the province of Ontario nurses have made very realistic efforts, es,-
members of the health team, to serve all citizens; and :£
WHEREAS in this comm unity_+nursps-have maintained o dedt oferi,!ervice 'and
WHEREAS the Ontario Nurses' Association has 32,500 members dedicated to
providing essential health care in Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Chronic Care facilities;
WHEREAS Public Health Nurses provide care in Schools, Homes, Day Care Centres,
Senior Citizen Homes, Industry, Doctors' Offices and General Hospitals,
NOW, THEREFORE, the week of May first to seventh, nineteen hundred and eighty-
three will be observed as Nurses' Week in 'this community during, which time
recognition of the many services of nurses may be duly noted by o0 citizens.
IN WITNESS THEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and have caused the official seal of
this municipality to be affixed.
Eileen J. Palmer
Mayor, Town of Goderich
four harmonies correlate properly suited to one's
with the seasons of the year coloring.
and Harper . explained each Advantages 7s a color
one: analysis include the
SPRINGiihese people are following. You will save time
lively, outgoing, friendly, , and money While shopping
energetic and talkative. by knowing beforehand your
Their colors are light, bright correct colors, lines and
and clear, suggesting textures, As your wardrobe
aliveness, sun and flowers. becomes coordinated, it
Famous spring people are grows more versatile,
Doris Day, Shirley Temple, because the parts become
Paul Newman and John interchangeable.
Travolta. Pat Cooper, who spoke on
SUMMER -these people make-up, said it is important
are soft spoken, graceful, to choose the right color of
gentle and artistic or make-up for one's face to
creative. They usually have emphasize the best features
at least one well-developed and minimize the least at -
hand skill. They don't have tractive. She said the make -
much color in their faces and up look for today is natural.
have an overall beigey look. Eyes, Cooper said, are the
Their colors are soft, subtle, most important ..feature of
muted and blended. Famous one's face. Eye shadow
summer people are Julie should be keyed_ to one's
Andrews, Cloris Leachman, natural eye color as well as
Bob Newhart and Jimmy one's clothes. Mascara
Stewart. should never be lighter than
FALL -these people are one's eyebrows.
Canada Health Day will be celebrated on May 12, 1983. The theme is "I Take Care
of my HEALTH... Do You?".
Cosponsored by the Canadian Hospital Association an& the Canadian Public Health
Association, the purpose of this. day is to increase the awareness of the general
public and the health sector of topics related to health.
The 1983 theme relates to individual responsibilities for health. Each of is has the
opportunity of caring for our personal heolth through nutrition, fitness, smoking
cessation, safety, immunization, appropriate use of alcohol and drugs, and alertness
to the signs of disease. While some factors that affect health are beyond the control
of individuals, others are determined by our own actions, habits and behaviour.
Canada Health Day is also an occasion for health institutions and local health
organizations to communicafe their programs to their communities, to assist the
public to become more knowledgeable about health care.
The Municipality of Goderich officially proclaims May 12, 1983; as Canada Health
Day, Eileen J. Palmer
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On Wednesday, April 27 Count Dracula, Dr. Frankenstein and the Wolf Man made an ap-
pearance at Victoria Public School. These witches, skeletons and vampire also arrived and
took part in the school's spring concert, "Monster Madness."
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Ontario Tax Grants
For Senior Citizens
1983 Instalments are in the Mail
Ontario Tax Grants for Seniors is a program designed specifically to help
offset municipal and school taxes for Ontario residents 65 and over. The
Ontario Ministry of Revenue is mailing cheques which comprise the first
instalment of the 1983 Property Tax Grant of up to $250 and a temporary
Home Heating Grant of $40. These cheques were mailed on April 29th.
Who will receive it?
■ If you are 65 or over and own or rent your home, you are eligible for the
Property Tax Grant. '
■ The 1983 instalment cheque is mailed to Ontario seniors who received
the 1982 Property Tax Grant.
• This is intended to help you pay your property tax or rent for the first
part of 1983. In the fall you will automatically receive an app 'ion for
the balance of your grant.
Who will not receive it?
Basically, if you didn't receive a 1982 Property Tax Grant, you will not
receive the spring instalment. In particular, seniors should note that:
• If you reside in a nursing home, home for the aged or any property
tax-exempt institution, you are not eligible for the Property Tax Grant.
• If you turned 65 after December 31st, 1982 (and therefore did not qualify
for a grant last year) you also will not receive the spring instalment.
However, you will receive an application for the entire 1983 grant in
the fall.
For more information call the Ministry's multilingual Information Centre
• In Area Code 416— • In Area Code 807— III In all other areas—
dial 1.800.263.7700 ask the Operator for Zenith 8-2000 dial 1.800.263-3960
or write to:
Ministry :.f Revenue, Guaranteed Income and Tax Credit Branch
P.G. Bosh 624, 33 King St. W,, Oshawa, Ontario, LIUT 8I -I8
® In Metro Toronto—
dial 965-8470
George Ashe
T.M. Russell
Revenue Deputy Minister