HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1912-5-16, Page 2ACHING BACK ASQUITH GAINS FORCE
Caused Her Much Misery".
Mrs. W. 0, Hedaee Melding.
Writes -.--"ek few lines highly recommend-
ing DMA'S Kidney 1)1110. Per this laet
year 1 have been troubled very natteli
With nasty sick headaches, and a weak
aching 'back which caused me much
Aelsery, for I could not work, arid had no
ambiticm for anything. Iely Iddaeys were
voY badly out of order, awl kept me
from sleeping at nights. I tried many
Idnes of pills and medicines, but it seemed
niest in vein. I began to give up in
tlespair of ewe being well and strong
again, when a kind neighbor advised me
to try Doates Kidney Pills, which I did,
and am thanklu4 for the relief I obtained
frota them, for now 1 AM never troubled
with a sore back or sick headaches.
"I will always say Loans F.Idney Pills
for mine and can highly recommend, them
to any slitter." A
Price, 50 cents per box, or a boxes for
$1.20, at ail dealers or mailed direct on
receipt ofetin.lee by The T.thdliburniCo.,
Limited, Toronto, Ont.
Whenordering direct specify "Doan's."
Chief Lieutenants Have All Seen
Mentioned to Sueceea Him.
Three men have been mentioned as
successors of the late Charles M.
Hays as president ef the Grand Trunk
ay 1 Grand Trunk .Pacifie Railways—
Mr. E. H. Fitzhugh, first vice-presi-
deet of the G.T.R.; Mr- E. J. Mame
nsiniu, vice-president and general .
teenager cn the Grand Trunk Pacific,
and Mr. F. H. McGuigan, formerly
one of Mr. Hays' right-hand men on.
the G.T.R. I
Earl Die plans Fitzhugh, who stood
•poet to Mr. Hays and who had fol-
lowed his •chief through most of his
eareer, was b, rn in Missouri in 1853,
etarted out as a banker, and then en-
tered the seivice of the St. Louis,
Kansas City, and Northern Railway
as a clerk. When that road was ab-
sorbed ler the Wabaeh he made the
acqualetance of Mr. Hays, and when
Hays went to the Grand. Trunk he
soon sent for itfr. Fitzhugh. The lat-
ter came to Toronto as superinten-
dent of the middle division of the
G.T.R., and won rapid promotion.
He was one of the men brought in
by Mr. Eays to galvanize the old road
into action, and he helped a whole
Men Mr. Hays left the G.T.R. to
becoele president of the Southern Pa-
cific he took Fitzhugh with hina, and
,brought him back when he returned
-to the G.T.R. in February, 1902. In
1904 Mr. Fitzhugh becarae third yen-.
.yresideut of the G.T.R., and in 1910,
first vice-president.
Mr. Edson J. Chamberlin, who suc-
ceeded Mr. Freek W. Meese as vice-
president and general manager of the
Grand Trunk Pacific three years ago,
,is somewhat older than Mr. Fitz
'hush. He is a native of New Hemp-
eaaire, and was general manager of
-the Canada Atlantic when that road
passed into the hands of the Grand
Trunk. He has lived in Oanada since
1886„ and is an able, all-round rail-
way man.
MT. MeGnige,n, whose name has
been mentioned in connection with
the big appointment, is better known
t� the public than either Mr. Fitzhugh
oe, Mr. Oharaberlin, beeause of his
rather picturesque qualities. He came
up from the ranks, and he is the sort
of Mtnit about whore many stories are
fold. It is said he called j. j. Hill
a liar on the occasion of his rupture
with that magnate when. he left the
Great Northern, after a very brief
day in Si. Paul, after he severed his
eennection with the G.T.R. It is
alsomsaf4 that he applied the same
eldebet persotay to an Ontario Cab&
net. Minister 'in eonnection with the
construction of the Hydre-Eleotrie
whioh he recently built.
Mr. MeGuigan's success and the fact
that he is looked upon as big enough
to fill Mr. Hays' position may be
traced to his persistence when young
of always fitting himself for a bettex
job than he held One day when he
was a boy earrying water on the Great
Weatern &ern near St. Thomas there
was talk of a strike. An engineer
•Iaughlngly said to him:
ott'll lose yottr job, son, if the
mon go out."
• "Ola, ;guess not," said 'Young Mc-
Guigan, 'probably I'll get your
"What do You mean?" asked the
"Why, I'll drive your engine," was
the repler.
"What do you know about the en.
gine" said. the driver, "go ahead
and shoW me."
Whereupon McGuigan, the water
took hold and ran the laconic -
He had kept his eyes open and
'fbtdid- °At all about it.
Suffers Vntold Agony
After Every Meal.
,Nearly everything that enters a weak,
tlYepeptic stomacla eat a.,1 an irritant;
he.n.ce the difficulty of effeettg a pure.
Burdock 13locid Bitters w re.lieve rdl
t,lie distressing dyittptoms a dyariepsia
and in a short tine e eck a
titre. /le rose, ftt writes:
• 'X have been treteb , rilit rig
for the last seven yeart autt
of niedieine for it, but At tli
cured in°, for aS sonA 4 i44 rfult
any of the, th Oattifouht
• to d conie ba f ,
• sed to trat 1310 tItek Bleed Bit 04, Whi
am, and ttsed founbottlee, and now feel
no strong 1 can do ail ray house work
nicely and can eat attest anything with-
out it affecting Mt iti any way.
•40ur boy is alp using it; he always
cmaplaited of pain in, his stomach and
all over, like rheumatism.. , and at the age
tel tea had to Stay bonze fluid School. He
hatn't vitt used two bottles yet and is
feeling good, nen. attend 801°01 segularly
and eats heartily,"
• Isniannfactured only by a
4ibCc., 1.4*.ite41 Torent4pAtf
ity or Horne Stile Bin
ShOWS an Ingrease,
econd Reading of Momentous Meas.
ure Passes With a Plurality of 101
as Against 94 at First Reading—
Welsh Diseetablishment Bill Will
Now Have the Floor for Some Time
—Word Conservative Disappears.
Loudon, May 10e—The Government
carried the home rule bill en itS eec-
oud reading in the House of COIX11110n4
last ilight by a majorty of 101, as
against 94 for the first reading. The
vote was $72 to 271.
It was the most largely attended
House of the present Bafflement.
Both, sides had done their utmost to
secure every available vote. Mr. Bal.
our, former Opposition leader, and
Mr. Churchill, First Lord of the Ad-
nairalty, returned frora Weyntouth in
order to be present.
The announcement of the figures
showing an increased maiority occa-
sioned enthu.siastie demonstrations on
the Government side, and the Prime
Minister was givee a great ovation
on leaving the House with his wife
and daughter by the crowd assem-
bled outside.
The bill was formally referred to a
committee of the whole House, but
as home rule and Welsh disestablish-
ment are being taken concurrently, it
will now be the turn of the Welsh
bill. The committee stage of the home
rule bill is not expected to be reached
until after Mitsuntide and will prob-
ably occupy a couple of months even
with a liberal application of the clo-
sure •rules, as tlae Opposition are
preparing an endless list of amend-
ments and will adopt every possible
means to obstruct the measure.
Curiously, the seetend reading of the
home rule bill coincides with the dis-
appearance of the word. "'conserva-
tive" as the official designation of the
Tory party. A conference -of the Con-
servative and Liberal Unionist par-
ties yesterday resolved upon a fusion
of the two parties u.nder the title of
"National Unionist Association."
Thus the Liberal Unionists who se-
ceded frora Gladstone on his espousal
of home rule now will become part
and parcel of the Tory party.
Andrew Boner Law, leader of the
Opposition, assailed the bill fiercely.
The Governraent, he said, was setting
up customs houses not to create a
union, but to destroy the union which
already existed. He denounced thc
safeguards in the hill as utterly futile.
condemned the financial provisions
and drew a gloomy picture of Ireland's_
future under home rule.
Every new Parliament of inexper-
ienced men, said the speaker, had
tried to get the naillenium in a hurry.
The new Irish Parliament would
launch all sorts of schemes fir ina-
proving the condition of the country,
borrowipg money for the purpose. As
a result the Imperial Parliament
would become liable for a huge vapi-
tal sum it would not have sanct -Tied
and. for expenditures over weerh it
had practically no control.
In conclusion, the Opposition leader
declared that the Government never
could earry the bill through unlees it
was first submitted to the judgment of
the eountry.
Premier Asquith wound up the de-
bate for the Government in a brief
and forceful speech whieh aroused
great enthusiasm on the part of his
supporters. No serious attempt, he
said, had been made by the Opposition
to meet the argument with which he
opened the discossion—the .character
and persistence of the Irish demand.
Had this demand been made under
similar conditions by any emeirennite
of their own rate throughout the Ertel,'
pie, there- waa-- not te man one eithee-
side who would not say that it was
entitled to consideration.
A demand so persistent, continued
the Prime Minister, was One which a
democratic Parliament in these days
was bound to assent to. If the Irish
vete were eliminated in the House of
Commons, there still would be a ma.
jority of fifty or sixty for home rule.
Militia Reorganization.
Ottawa, May 10.—Winnipeg is to
have a cavalry regiment, according to
yesterday's Militia Gazette.
The old Prinoe of Wales Fusiliers,
Montreal, is reorganized as the 1st
Regiment Grenadier Guards. The 8th
Regiment Quebec, is to be reorganiz
ed. The 72nd Regiment will be known
as the Seaforth Highlanders. The
29th Regiment will reorganize, with
four compatdes, at Galt, and oth-
ers at Preston, Hespeler, New Ham-
burg and Elnura.
The lith Argenteuil Rangers are ab-
sorbed by the Duke of York's Hus-
Will Be 'Tried at Once.
Toronto,May 10.—Charles Gibson
will be tried at the present sittings
of the &Mites. He collies up in the
police court to -day, the coroner's jury
having already- found a verdict of
murdering Joseph. Rosenthal against
him. Eteen if he is not forthwith
aorranitted for trial from the police
court, ati it is altogether likrny that
he win be presented beipre ti,e grand
jury, note a ttipg, for indictme at upon
the Plain s ory of Eli Dankelinan, as
told at the inquest.
Wil I gxtraclite McNamara.
New York, May10.e-Tudge Hand in
the U. S. District Court yesterday
diardased a Write of habeas corpus
obtained by cOlinsel for john Me.
Namara, who recently was held by
TT. S. Omilfaissioner Shields for ex-
tradition to lie* Westminster. B.O.,
on a chafge 6f burglar, The corn.
Plainan.t againat MeNaratra Was Chas.
Pelt, eennell fot the British Govern -
Belleville Man Leaves $88,000.
Belleville, May 10. --The will of the
fate Zi`. It. Ling/tam of this city has
been probated, and it show e that he
left 'an estatti of $88,000, The greater
portion is be iitathed to his daugh-
%Arm sg this city.,
Bulgaria and Canada.
Vor many years before 1000,
large number of Bulgarians,
Pans and Greeks left .thei
'041es tosell° the
show 0 by tbeittritebe a
ka 11.9%014 for Canada, In y
1000, tile italnigration departirrent
tires s 0 ecl aquite sMall, n4Plber
Ut1 Vale as anxta inereaS
a until to 101142, 4,484 Btrigarial
td M contexts ahme bad arrive,
re, *Out 044-4144,, of that n
�tsek at1y44t#tOta
'W-ith this inamigratieg e6niar els I
The Majority of there find their stO
spot at Belgrade, in Servia,
bp.oe tkey travel to Buda.Pest
binStidaaltestla the proceed
atetel, _lend treval vie j.,Qu.4,41
ire1xp4o, Qffeibte on,
0-tiO ma3oritr, to seltie ix. Toon
klere they get employment as etree
&borers, on railroads, or, manr
taei at first as waiters in restaurant
hese blossom out later into propr
'Ms a the cheaper feeding pieces
he city. There are not e. few ct
capitalists among them w
neen up as grooers„ butehers, tailerfal
0't Shoemakers, and some go fu..rthe
ost awl beNnie prosperatie farmeraJ
attly Of thet beeena, flath4taliz
raar6 igia to th.e nuitUfrof i.;
population. Very few of them
back to Vurope.
newspaper, The Balkan Star, the rt
These facts are gathered from, *law
number of which, was publis e
ntea in the native ch.aracter,
the 6th of April. It is a. well.gottip,
sheet of four pages, and is evideneae
bet its existence of the fact that these
people, native of the Balkan MAIO:,
have already become a considerable
Item in Canada's national life.
French Mall Rates.
whe direct parcel mails from Can.
ada to Pranee, which went into apart!
ation reoently," will be ,made up at
Montreal and Halifax during the win-
ter, and will be despatched by steam.
ers o1 the Allan line sailing direct to
The rate will be -1 pound, 18 cents;
2 pounds, 26 cents; 3 pounds, 84
cents; 4 pounds, 42 eents; 6 pounds,
02 cents; 3 pounds, 58 cents; 7 poinads,
88 emits; 8 pounds, 74 cents; 9 pounds;
82 cents; 10 pounds, 00 cents; 14,
pounds, 98 cents, and each parcel .sent
to Algeria or Corsica will be subjeeti
to a charge of ten cents in addition to
these rates.
A "tong Walk.
Two men recently walked, frora Tetal
sane ()ache to rod George. It tooli,
era twenty-one days to ty alk thei
lane hundred and fifteen miles doillV
A Teacher of Health.
Ontariols health exhibition is tray.
e *ng around the province- now, 'withl
ditions and. elaborations. The man
Who put this idea into effect in On.
tarlo is Dr. J. W. S. McOullough„,
Provincial Health Offieer, aind if you
all at his office in the Parliament
/landings you. will find the walls of
his room lined with various new ob.
Jed lessons in health ready to be add.'
ed to the traveling. exhibit.
The ear containing this exhibit fa
visiting every city and town in the
ravine°. It is not taken to a place,
on a siding for a few"hours, and
*en taken away again. A. hall hi
hired, the exhibit is attractively set
up, and a number of local doctors are
asked to help in explaining the urg.
need of sanitation, pun water and
ra41k, and. methods for preventing the
epread of dangerous infection. Moving
pictures are also shown to emphasize
these lessons. Sometimes tb.e health
exhibit remains in one of the larger
towns for four or five days, and is
viewed by thousands of people,
te,MdPullough. is greatly interested
ihia .01:11e. It may, indeed,. be said
to be his hobby; for every eriergetitt
head of a braneh of the publie ser-
vice has a hobby of some kind. He
says it has been particularly useful
in showing the public that tuberculosis
is no longer considered. a disease
which cannot be cot/bated, but that
if given early treatment it can often
be conquered.
A Bright Lad.
There is no age limit to patentees.
Donald M. Murphy of St. John, Can -
Oa, could not even write his own
name when he produced a, sounding
toy, for which the United Statee
granted him a patent. But do not
blame hira far his lack of, schcaoling,
for Donald was only six years old
when he filed the application, and, as
far as is known, is the youngest ap-
plicant for a patent in this or any
other country. The toy patented by
him is a simple contriVanee including'
a bar with handle knobs at its ends
and two clapper disks alicleable along
the bar, so that they can sound
against each other, and against the
laan_dk knobs.
Miss Mary Lebeau, Edison, Sask.,
writes:—"I was troubled with heart
dis,ease and nervousness for over two
years, and was so bad at times I had to
sit up at night being unable to breathe,
and every little noise -would make me
shake and shiver. I tried several doe -
tors, but they were unable to do me any
good. A neighbor then advised me to try
a box of Milburn's Heart and Nerve
Pills. As soon as 1 begat to take them
1 began to feel much better, arid by the
time I had used the third box I was com-
pletely cured. I would advise anybody
suffering from heart disease and nervous-
ness to try these pills. They will save
quite a bill be doctor's fee,s,"
Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills cure
allihheart and nerve trotibles by their
restorative laduence Ott every orgaa atid
tissue of the body,
Wee 66 cents per box, or 3. boxes for
$1,25 at all dealers or mailed direct Mt
eipt oftrity: TVilranfritt tzzta
erthur Ellis, Who Slew Lew Porter
Is Taken to Lindsay
Serious Trouble Is Feared in OLindeay,
ofLMay Portert0.—Arthur A. Ellis,
mer ouie , whom he shot.
Pennsyivarie FialcJs. m the road near Minden on April
15, was yeinerday brought here from
Muriel) an,1 lodged in the county jail
20 await trial next fall. There was a
rowd at the /station when the pris-
flier, wearing- handcuffs and escorted
Constable‘ Welch arrived and all
:yes were fixed upon Ellis as he was
eurried into a oala, His face looked
laggard and dark circles wider his
eyes told of sleepless nights.
In the office of Warden Balfour of
the jail Ellis' 110.2.4=11s were removed
met he was asked a number of ques-
tions, to which he returned ready an-
iwers. He stated that he was Cana.
lian-born and that his home was in
;he Township of Lutterworth, where
fie farmed for a living.
"I have none," was his reply to
ihe warden's query as to his religion.
He added that his parents were l3ep-
lists, but that, while he had at times
ettended the Baptist church, he was
riot a member. Ile gave his age as
• To the question, "Are you temper-
ate or not?" he replied promptly that
he was strictly temperate.
"I have never used tobacco or whis-
ey," he volunteered.
He had never been previously com-
mitted to jail, he said.
One of the Men Injured In Wocines.
-day's Riots Has Died and Feeling
1p at a High Pitch Among the For.
eign Laborers—Officers Fear That
• Men Plan to Draw State Police
Into an Ambush.
Philadelphia, May 10.—The feeling
of bitterness engendered among the
foreign -speaking 'miners of Miners-
ville, when three of their countrymen
were shot by the etate police during
a riot, was further intensified yester.
day, when Michael Mullange, one of
•the trio, died.
That trouble is brewing is apparent
from the amount of firearms being
purchased by naturalized foreigners.
Several .dealers in Minersville have
praeticallyksold out and there is also
a big demand for firearms in Potts-
Capt. Wilhe:m of the state police
says there is 110 wiay to stop the sale
unless- martial law is declared and
the situation does not warrant such a
step at present.
Officers of the state police fear that
an attempt may be made to lead
their men into an ambush along some
of the mountain roads. They believe
tb.at the naturalized foreignees are
distributing the firearms to" their
countrymen with this object in view.
Although Mullaege wes er
in Minersville, arraneerneets lee
ing made by the toreign e:ertnet to
hold a big demonstration when his
funeral takes place.
There has been no serious rioting
in the coal field. Sonar wornee
boys marched to two wasneries yester,
day with the intention of driving the
employes from their work, but were
persuaded by union official's to return
to their homes.
St. Kitt's Carries Bylaw.
St. Catharines, May 10.—By a ma-
jority of about 900 votes the rate-
payers yesterday accepted the bylaw
to bonus a plant to be erected by the
Canadian Warren Axe and Tool Co.,
at the -corner of Ontario and Carleton
streets. The company is to be given
a site fres by the cny. It eovers four
acres of land, which cost the city
$4,009. It -will else be given free
water up to $200 yearly, and a fared
assessment of $5,000 for ten years.
The company agrees to erect buildings
costing $40,000, and to pay annually
$20,000 to employes and operatives.
On June 5 the ratepayer- will vote
on a bylaw to grant a fixul assessment
of $6,000 to the Ree Motor Car Co.,
which agrees to expend $100,000 on
new buildings.
, Louisiana Flood.
New Orleans, May 10.—Other than
the rescue of marooned persons iri the
overflowed sections and the closing of
an incipient crevasse at Elyria, near
the mouth of the Mississippi River,
the Louisiana Rood situation yester-
day was without incident. Workmen,
in decreased numbers, were engaged at
nearly all doubtful places between
Natchez and New Orleans, taking ad-
vantage of the fair weather, in streng.
thening the embankments.
Rescuers, working near Lettsworthe
have bout completed their work and
turned their attention to places more
distant from the river. Water from
the Terras crevasse rose three inches
at Morgan yesterday. Railroads in
that section are paralyzed by the
Almost a Cataetrophe.
New York, May 10.—Robert J. Col-
lier, the publisher, who is also presi-
dent of the Aero Club of America, had
a narrow -escape from damning yester-
day as he went with Waiter Brookins,
the aviator, to convey to Rear Admiral
Hugo Osterhaue an invitation to a
luncheon of the Aero Club.
The crew of the warship and thou-
sands of people gathered along River-
side Drive feared another catastrophe
when the engine stopped suddenly,
but Messrs. Collier and Brookins man-
aged to use the planes so effectively
in their •600 -foot glide to the river
that they eseaped with a drenching.
-- --
A. G. MacKay Going West.
Owen Sound, May 10.—A, G. Mac-
Kay, former Liberal leader in On-
tario, is out of the polities of this
province. Such is the opinion of his
closest friends throughout the riding
of North Grey, and the facts apparent
ly allow of no other conclusiun.
Mr. MacKay, who left for the west
about a month ago, has opened an
office at Edmonton and began the
practice of law. Already he has been
eagaged as counsel in an, important
• Mr. MacKay is expected' to resign
his seat shortly.
Prize Winners at 0. A. C.
Guelph, May 10.—The following
were the winners of prizes and schen
arshme at the Ontune Agricultural
roallege for the 'college year 1911-1912:
Valedictory, awarded to the second
• ar student who composed the best
tnesis upon the subject assigned for
the'year—winner, G. S. Ayearste East-
bourne, England. Prize of $10 in
books, awarded to the student stand-
ing highest in general proficieaey in
first and second year work—evin.ner,
T. H. Nash, London, Ont.
Public speaking prize, second. year—
winner, H. M. Scott, Abbotsford,
Scotland. Public speaking prize, third
year—winner, G. J. Spencer, India.
Inspector -general's silver medal,
awarded to the second year student
standing highest in general proficiency
in first and second -year work—winner,
T. H. Nash, London, Ont.
Scholarship awarded on first-year
work—Agriculture, Andrew Corry,
Prince Albert, Sask.; biology, S.
Smylie, Westholm, B.C.; physical
science, M. T. Smith, Guelph, Ont.;
English and mathematics, Q. MeLar-
en, Vereenigine, Transvaal, South
Mother -In -Law is Boss.
Toronto, May 10.—The late Thomae
Fyshe, late general manager of the
Merchants' Bark of Montreal, who
died last November, left to his family
an estate valued at $582,834. By his
will, which was 'filed in the Surrogate
Court yesterday, none of those who
share in the estate can get married
without the censent of the others.
The will reads: "It is my wish and
intention that My mother-in-law, 1VIrs.
A. H. Leonowens, and all my fam-
ily shall live together as long as
possible, but when it may be neces-
sary for any of them to leave the
house owing to marriage, my trustees
shall pay out of the estate $800 per
annum. But I order and direct that
no member of pay family shr.)1 be free
to marry without he cones: t of the
others, including my mother-in-law,
on pain of _forfeiting all rights to any
part of my estate."
Increases Gift to $80,000.
Toronto, May 10.—Having announc-
ed some weeks ago that he would con-
tribute $60,000 towards the erection of
the hospital for children at the Weston
Sanitarium, W. j. Gage yesterday sup-
plemented his gift by $20,000. He
will give 480,000 to be used for the
erection of a new wing at the Weston
Consumptive Hospital, where children
will be treated.
The National Sanitarium Associa-
tion, which controls the Weston Hos-
pital, has purchased nine acres of
land near the present buildings for
$16,000. This will be made into a
.park where patients at the hospital
may enjoy the fresh air and sunshine.
The corner -stone of the new chil-
dren's wing, the gift of Mr. Gage, will
be laid by the Duke of Connaught on
May 27, when the mayor, representa-
tives of the Board of Trade and others
will be present.
Insurance Manager Dead.
Waterloo, Ont., May 10.—W. H. Rid-
dell, assistant manager of the Mutual
Life Assurance Co., died yesterday
' morning from apoplexy', after a few
hours' illness.
' He was born in Sparta, York Coun-
ty, August 18, 1837, taught school in
the counties of Grey and Bruce, and
in the '70's was in newspaper work
in Toronto, beeoming in 1876, joint
owner and manager of The Toronto
Tribune. He joined the staff of the
Mutual Life in 1882 as secretary.
Three Bank Clerks Sentenced.
Vancouver, B.C., May 10.—Three
years for John H. Robbie of the Im-
perial Bank, two and a half years
for Maurice Cox of the 1VIerchants1
Bank, and two years for Alex. Stra-
chan of the Merchants' Bank, were
the sentences imposed yesterday by
Magistrate Shaw on the three young '
bank clerks who Wednesday admitted
defalcations from the two banks I
amounting in all to nearly $12,000.
Baby Crushed Under Wagon,
Brockville, May 10.—W. A. Me'
Elroy was driving to the factory With
a load Of Milk and was leaving his
own yard, when he heard a child's
cry. He stepped his horse, an,, on
looking aretend, was hortified tollysee
his youngest gen, Walter, under the
hind wheel of the wagon. The little
fellow UV terribly crushed and only
lived an iaour after the aceident He
'wee 214 yeava
- IOW by 'Train.
Windsor, pri$., May 3,0,—Tbp.re
gioa boar if Wm. BriAti, 4B,
tinntartied, iral Iota testerdal
ing ch the Po* tiplootiO tril„e
Waticerv014:. '
School Commissioner Resigns,
Montreal, May 10.—The members of
the Protestant Board of School Com-
missioners were surprised at yester-
day's meeting when Rev. Dr. James
Barclay tendered his resignation as
chairman of the board.
Dr. Barclay stated he was leaving
lVfontreal on June 14, for Scotland,
and would be absent all summer.
It was finally decided Dot to accept
the resignation until a full meeting of
the 'board on June 10.
White Star .eadmits Liability.
London, May 10.—The first compen-
sation claim in connection with the
Titanie disaster was made tit Liver-
pool by a bedroom steward's widow
In behelg. of herself and. five ehildren.
The company admitted, salability yes.
terday and paid $1,500 into court.,
the maximum amount for which the
company was liable. •
Jailed for Sedition,
pothhtstqinfb)ogullgad.,04Uwattys virtertraory
aot months' iMprisoll•
id I a apeeoli
6 t tint fel iittik4
15 1912
For Wards and Obildre
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thkty Years
—ARA 'neleniensee,
Government is Spending $100,000ea
Year at the Dominion Capital.
To embellish and beautify the cat:A-
ter of Canada the Dominion Govern-
naeut is now spendi-ng no less than
$100,000 each year, the money being
disbursed by the Ottawa Improvement
Commission, of which Sir Henry Bate
is the chairman.
More than one milli= dollars bee
already been spent on driveways and
parks, and in. the next five years
probably one million more will be
etpended on the scheme of beautifi-
cation along broacl and comprehensive
The Ottawa 'driveway, one of the
principal works of the Impro-vement
Commission, is universally recognized
as one of the finest, if not, indeed, the
finest, on the contirlent of North
Bit by bit, the driveway system has
been gradually extended year by year.
until it now reaches from the Experi-
mental Patin, on the extreme west of
the city, to the Rookliffe rifles ranges,
in the east, two miles beyond the city
Fax jhe lExperimental Farm to
Cartier Bintre—the Chamtes de Mars
of Ottawa—the driveway parallels le
Rideau Canal. A quarter Of a mile
farther on the drivn
'ewaY resurden
Major's Hill Park, and circles around
the rugged Nepean Point cliffs, over
looking the Ottawa River, and con-
tinues right up to the very door of
Canada's Royal Governor-General in
the Rideau Hall groniatts. But the
driveway does not stop* there. It ex-
tends for a mile and a half farther
down the Ottawa River to the rifle
ranges, where the animal D. R. A.
matches are held.
The driveway itself is a splendidly
macadamized roadway the most POP'
ular route for m••1:01. •Cf: ra and -car.
dazes in the city. On either. Ade, the
Vrtfilay sorougnotru its enure
-xi bordered with beautiful, is
'shrubbery, flower -beds, shade. t
a4d, rustic work. 'Here and t er
miniature lakes add to the shred:Wee
.ness of the general scheme:
Alt bu one of the members of th-
commission. are appoin.ted by n
.Dominlon Government, The ex
time is the Mayor of Ottawa, *h
ex -officio a Member. •
The length of the driveway,at lee
.ent is 13.28 miles, and it is bpi
ded 40 3rear, by year. Rigbt.
the Imp.rovement COM7116Si.011,
sidering a scheme to Weraim
driveway with the "White way'
'from Rideau. Hall to the Experinie
distance of some four'
One feature of the driveway' •
speedway at Roditliffe Park. It
pang., in length, and is used for s
big motor cant.
seneral impression throng
.eatntry penis to be that thd
;inion Government is giving 0_
sOmething for nothing. HoweN;et;
awii gives good value for the nio"
l4iat is spent withig its 4ril4ir
t e Improvement Gomtaission:
oyernmellt buildings are seicerep
rbril taxation, ancl.the city gin '
Protection and water gratuitously.
Hon. Mr. Monk, the new
91 Public Works, said the ot e di
that the new Government intende
40 continue on an even larger sea
the policy inaugurated by Sir Will
Laurier and his colleagues for tfi
embellishment and beautification Oil
the national capital.—Vincent Park
in Toronto Globe,
• Comforting.
"Wliy so glum"
".1 have lost my good opinion of MY.i
"Well, •cheer up. Maybe some one
will find it."
Wo desire to call the attention of all those
aniett d vuLik EHY 1.1ood or skin Disease to
our New Method Treatment as a guaranteed
cure for these complaints. There is no ex-
cuse for nay prrson having a disfigured face
from eruptions xud blotches. plo matter
whether hereditary or acquired, our specific
remedies and treement neutra ize all poi-
sons in the blood and eXptsl them from the
system. Our vast experience in the treat.
meat of thousands of the most sotionS and
complicated cases enables us to pcdeet a
cure witl too t expetimeuting. VI 'ode business
on the pin x --Pay Only. for *e Denefit Von
Derive. If yo d have any blood clIvea,:e, con.
salt Its Free et charge eta lot us prove to
you hoW qttle,.ly our retnedies nill rtmove/
all evidences c I! 9.efMG, Tinder the irtlIllence
of the New Method Treatment the :„ItM
Somes clear, 11100313, pimples and blotehea
heal up, enlarged glands are reduced, fallen
out hair grows in again, the eyes become
bright, ambition and energy return, and the
victim realizes a new life has opened up to
'YOU Ang cum
Send for Boolciet on Diseases of Men
lf unable to an% write for a Question List
for lionte Treatment
Cor. Michigan Ave. and '-•riswold St, !Detroit, Mich.
- letters1from Cattada must be addressed
t. owhadiatt Correspondetee Depart-
.11111111101111111111111.memir ro alit in ;:ilitincisor, Ont. If you desire to
see us personally call at our Med: .1 Thstitute in Detroit aa we see and treat
no patient* in cur Windebr Oft r:ea which are for Corresportdence and
Laboratory for Canadian busines4 only. Address all letters as 1011010:
ORS. KENNEDY & KEDINEDY0 Windsor# Out. a
Vvitte for our private addresao• "
9 64).1),itops
110111t1.11111 HMI MU Ili . ffil 11111 ifflulMfilli
I 3P 1 Mil filiji$ 1111110PM tfl 11 Mit tilik 191t i itli,5
Sifnilatidg ille700d and:Reg ii.la-
fig &Stomachs andEloweia of
INFAN "At' — •
_____. 47,................
nor nneral.
lion, Sour
ness and
ea e ad 12r.51.1NZIELP•IMBRI
7,i.r4F.. AParn-u9.X;a7 ilk
&needy for Cons
Signature of
ea. ..,
4 ne
• - .
rxAcT COPY OF WilABFga.,
t '
15 1912
For Wards and Obildre
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thkty Years
—ARA 'neleniensee,
Government is Spending $100,000ea
Year at the Dominion Capital.
To embellish and beautify the cat:A-
ter of Canada the Dominion Govern-
naeut is now spendi-ng no less than
$100,000 each year, the money being
disbursed by the Ottawa Improvement
Commission, of which Sir Henry Bate
is the chairman.
More than one milli= dollars bee
already been spent on driveways and
parks, and in. the next five years
probably one million more will be
etpended on the scheme of beautifi-
cation along broacl and comprehensive
The Ottawa 'driveway, one of the
principal works of the Impro-vement
Commission, is universally recognized
as one of the finest, if not, indeed, the
finest, on the contirlent of North
Bit by bit, the driveway system has
been gradually extended year by year.
until it now reaches from the Experi-
mental Patin, on the extreme west of
the city, to the Rookliffe rifles ranges,
in the east, two miles beyond the city
Fax jhe lExperimental Farm to
Cartier Bintre—the Chamtes de Mars
of Ottawa—the driveway parallels le
Rideau Canal. A quarter Of a mile
farther on the drivn
'ewaY resurden
Major's Hill Park, and circles around
the rugged Nepean Point cliffs, over
looking the Ottawa River, and con-
tinues right up to the very door of
Canada's Royal Governor-General in
the Rideau Hall groniatts. But the
driveway does not stop* there. It ex-
tends for a mile and a half farther
down the Ottawa River to the rifle
ranges, where the animal D. R. A.
matches are held.
The driveway itself is a splendidly
macadamized roadway the most POP'
ular route for m••1:01. •Cf: ra and -car.
dazes in the city. On either. Ade, the
Vrtfilay sorougnotru its enure
-xi bordered with beautiful, is
'shrubbery, flower -beds, shade. t
a4d, rustic work. 'Here and t er
miniature lakes add to the shred:Wee
.ness of the general scheme:
Alt bu one of the members of th-
commission. are appoin.ted by n
.Dominlon Government, The ex
time is the Mayor of Ottawa, *h
ex -officio a Member. •
The length of the driveway,at lee
.ent is 13.28 miles, and it is bpi
ded 40 3rear, by year. Rigbt.
the Imp.rovement COM7116Si.011,
sidering a scheme to Weraim
driveway with the "White way'
'from Rideau. Hall to the Experinie
distance of some four'
One feature of the driveway' •
speedway at Roditliffe Park. It
pang., in length, and is used for s
big motor cant.
seneral impression throng
.eatntry penis to be that thd
;inion Government is giving 0_
sOmething for nothing. HoweN;et;
awii gives good value for the nio"
l4iat is spent withig its 4ril4ir
t e Improvement Gomtaission:
oyernmellt buildings are seicerep
rbril taxation, ancl.the city gin '
Protection and water gratuitously.
Hon. Mr. Monk, the new
91 Public Works, said the ot e di
that the new Government intende
40 continue on an even larger sea
the policy inaugurated by Sir Will
Laurier and his colleagues for tfi
embellishment and beautification Oil
the national capital.—Vincent Park
in Toronto Globe,
• Comforting.
"Wliy so glum"
".1 have lost my good opinion of MY.i
"Well, •cheer up. Maybe some one
will find it."
Wo desire to call the attention of all those
aniett d vuLik EHY 1.1ood or skin Disease to
our New Method Treatment as a guaranteed
cure for these complaints. There is no ex-
cuse for nay prrson having a disfigured face
from eruptions xud blotches. plo matter
whether hereditary or acquired, our specific
remedies and treement neutra ize all poi-
sons in the blood and eXptsl them from the
system. Our vast experience in the treat.
meat of thousands of the most sotionS and
complicated cases enables us to pcdeet a
cure witl too t expetimeuting. VI 'ode business
on the pin x --Pay Only. for *e Denefit Von
Derive. If yo d have any blood clIvea,:e, con.
salt Its Free et charge eta lot us prove to
you hoW qttle,.ly our retnedies nill rtmove/
all evidences c I! 9.efMG, Tinder the irtlIllence
of the New Method Treatment the :„ItM
Somes clear, 11100313, pimples and blotehea
heal up, enlarged glands are reduced, fallen
out hair grows in again, the eyes become
bright, ambition and energy return, and the
victim realizes a new life has opened up to
'YOU Ang cum
Send for Boolciet on Diseases of Men
lf unable to an% write for a Question List
for lionte Treatment
Cor. Michigan Ave. and '-•riswold St, !Detroit, Mich.
- letters1from Cattada must be addressed
t. owhadiatt Correspondetee Depart-
.11111111101111111111111.memir ro alit in ;:ilitincisor, Ont. If you desire to
see us personally call at our Med: .1 Thstitute in Detroit aa we see and treat
no patient* in cur Windebr Oft r:ea which are for Corresportdence and
Laboratory for Canadian busines4 only. Address all letters as 1011010:
ORS. KENNEDY & KEDINEDY0 Windsor# Out. a
Vvitte for our private addresao• "