HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-04-27, Page 596, SPECLAL SPECIAL , CARD OF 2 C, 99 OR CARD OF SINGLE 9 VOLT EVEREADY ENERGIZERS• CREAM CORN 14 oz. KERNEL CORN 12 oz. PEAS, COT GREEN OR WAX BEANS 14 oz. COUNTRY HARVEST STONE MILLED, 7 GRAIN, PRAIRIE BRAN ZEHRS NIPPY PROCESS OR MILD, MEDIUM OR OLD CHEDDAR CHEESE 59 /kg CHEF BOY -AR -DEE MEATLESS SPAGHETTI SAUCE ZEHRS OWN PRIVATE LABEL O.P. TEA BAGS THESE SPECIALS AVAILABLE ONLY IN: (VALUE 721 WITH THE PURCHASE OF A SUNKIST STRAWBERRY COFFEE CAKE 16oz 1.95 OUR OWN COUNTRY OVEN FRENCH BREAD 16 0E. LOAF 2 FOR $f .. . 79# NEW! READY TO SERVE ORANGE APPLE OR GRAPE 149 TANG DRINKS HIGHWAY NO. 8 GODERICH ZEHRS OR GORDONS COUPON BUY A 1 -LITRE PACK 1 OF TANG FRUIT DRINK AND 1 GET ANOTHER 1 -LITRE PACK WITH THIS COUPON One coupon per family 910S0211077,4 MONDAY & TUESDAY 9i6 WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY & FRIDAY 94 CM. SATURDAY 83066 P.M. • ; • 1.1**11441,80.071i1;1:0:::44. T mono' yqby the coiiipny,:4414:::;b:00111141'ini- :01‘4:ti ;the . will and reading ininid August of this • , • • , 314.' 698l,;thier Central Region for ;Union q03,ee1edVe nge 4400tin:04tiipast 1413nalle.;Sat:dd:bilisthaffe:eal:des:clitilhde Itientlibadeaaseci Problems. previousetsystem, :atemeasures uwhen.sa suimplementedh as adding insulation, new high•effiidencyeqtdpment or even in the case of an un- seasonably - mild winter, Manx customers •could not understand that an , ad- justment for a - decrease in gas usage could not be made until after the next actual Meter read. Cowan said, "There will always be a few estimated OHS,. for instaite, whem we have a • custoiner with an inside meter, a locked yard, vacation or sickness of meter readers, ;or in cases e:lilanligedltierl.)4.1siPeriemevreenet parliraettinhti theit, Minds, honieveg,he said, :live hope toreduce estimated reade, to a The k,new system is ex- pected also to reduce the, inuinnqurierile's°;f.: leavingthe operatatsMore accessible to • gas bills evened oidevet the year. avoid; equalitedhilling plan to have hcaullstomdlegher4tieur:5:rirtio:.0.ristintyc cAstetaker under the new system, advantageppyn of Union's Cowan'a0 also nOted that, ; • it • esetstrch IS costly Cancer fietearch is costly. An Average of sixty-one cents out of every dollar raised . the Canadian Cancer.Society's April Cain- . paign goes directly to reitelirth. Cherie* Cliffe. Ontario 'Djviion Volunteer Cam- • paign 'Chairman, said, "the • rapport of CancerResearch, • the Society's programs of Public Education, and cancer Patient Services would not be possible without the generous support of the Canadian Public". The Society's 1983 theme, "We Need You Now More Than Ever" refers to the ititlifiV;tett that some People may feel that due to the success of the fund rais- ing efforts of Terry Fox, con- tliiiieiniublic *port of the Society is not ihecessary. Mr. Cliffe stated, "Terry's wish was that all -Marathon Of Hope Funds would be used fornew Innovative research • programs •that could not have otherWise been funded. For that reason, NO percent of the Terry Pox Funds went to the National Cancer In- stitute". • The money raised diring the ,Society's Annual April CaMpaign will fund existing reie.arch programs as; well as the. Society's ongoing Education and Patient Ser- vice programs The latter two programs represent 14 and 16 per cent of the SOCietY'ainceme 1yJeavingjustn1ne per cent for idministtation and fund raiSingeosts. "ReSearehers, cancer pa- tient:441nd the many exciting education programs really do need the public's support OW; more than • ever", statedhle OEffe„ "thle th the Support received in past fund raising • efforts, we are making head- way in this fight. There are many types of cancer for which we have made tremendous advances in treatment,” Mr. Cliffe eoO- tlnued, "but we have a long read ahead." With over 100 different feting of cancer, scientists needle be Super sleuths. To help earry • out their in- veltigetiOtis, they require gMatertind treater amounts Of money. Itis for that te.ason that the Canadian cancer Society site you to give geuerouily,