HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1912-5-16, Page 1B. B. B. B. .all Bamboo Brier Blood Builder (a spr tonic of unusual merit) A Verret/ u e preparation that renews the vitulit Mand gives fresi? ana)itien and . energy. Large Bottles $ i.00 GOTS ;Dry] Store 1' me‘1 Have You Tested its Merits, tHIRTy. EIGHTS YEAR --•NO 1995 JONEs PHONE .32 :0: 1110 Yx TRUSSES. Wu carrya Goneplete stook *R: gull different makes of <txueoea: When in tread 4QR1e to ua, We de not. Overcharge. Voliletd tatiou free. Weuaratitee a perfect, £[ti Vinci eompletes6,tiefaetiun,ormoneyr.refund. ed. Huron 8c Midadsex Gazette Cole's Drug Store EX L ER, ONT } CANADA„ TgURSDAY MORNING,, MAY 16th 1912 $3,300 Worth of $3,300 Men's and Boys' Suits Our Mr. Jas. Walters has just returned • from a purchasing trip and has bought $8,300 of New Spring Suits, Pants and Overcoats for Men and Boys. En en rE ere ment the Newest and Tiftest Styles on the Market. Best ever show Buy the Cloths . that. Suit Y.OLJ s Sui you 2t Go where you can get the Choice, not where they only show 0 oro 2`; 2u'a cSoits. 'The small dealer dont get this close prices He is behind. , We ca givey of over 200 Suits of the Up -to -Date, stuff to select from. Just come and see for Yourself and you will Buy. $16 Suit for 10 A big choice at this price just as good as the average tailor will give you Cloths and style to your entire satis- faetion, TM1ORMAD Is SUITS All $25 Suits for $20 23 18 20 66 15 $25 $15 This is far ahead of aay tailor made suit you can buy. They have the advanced up-to-the-minute Style about them that you can only get in t heck y. SHOES Mr. Walters is showing an Extra, Lot of Mens, Ladies and Childrens Fine Shoes in Patents and Tau, High or Low The Styles are The Best Pho 32 Perfe Jones & May, Exeter Q1 1 U A NEW s Oil tove 1, 2 & 3 Burners Ovens from $2 00 up. Oil Stoves $1,00 Oil Stove' Fettles 20: &-300 Wicks from 5e. up. Lawn dowers The Best Makes from $4 00 up to $7.50. Grass Shears 25c. Hedge Shears $1.00 Plumbing and Tinsrnithing a Specialty Gasoline= =Polarine===Coal Oil IIEA 9 HARDWARE TO STORE AND STOVE V BOI.i,N JOIINS- Tn -Osborne on Tv1 nday lath to Me, and Mrs, Win johns a son. .SKINNER— lln 'Osborne an Monday May Lath to Mr, and Mrs. Everett • Skinner a daughter. Windsor, en Saturday 1'OL1;,AIl:t}--In i y May 11th to Mr. and Mrs. P. 3,5 Pollard (nee Miss Bella kiawkins) a , tdau ghtet. 'iRIBLL In Seatrio Wash on Ap xt l 30th to;' r. and Mrs. Eked! Treble a daughter Louise Alford. • MMAitltiED ,3•i0IDGINS4- 1UI4TER — Tn. 'iJsborne on May' 8th., at the'home of the 'bride •,s parentsMr. James �. Hod- gins ,to Miss Eliza J, daughterof .plr. •axil ; lrs, PlainBanter, M011lltifl Herb or the preparation at Home of a Delicious Stomach, Kidney and Liver Tea. They Pacify , the Blood, Cure Skin Diseases and tone up the System Generally. Only 25c a package or in tablet form 200 for $1,00 A nythi r g you buy with the name Exeter Council The equaled .met in the Towpa, Bell on Friday evening the 10th est Mere here ,were ale present. Minutes of the last meeting were reads and ap- proved. Tenders were received for the excavating and laying of tile also for the furnishing of tile. The same were opened and read as followree-- . Toronto Pottery co.„04 inch. eewbr pipe 23 1-2o per foot; Y. or `1 branches'2 &long,. $100 each; curves and elbows 75c each; 15 inch standard Akron sewer pipe 02 2-4ci. per, foot, Y or T branches 2 ft long 1.55 each, curves and elbows 1,00 each:, The Dom.ilnion Sewer Pipe Co. 1.2 inoh sewer pipe ,'27c per loot, 15 inch ` sewer pipe 30o per foot, 4-in'chj . Jun- ctions 22 ,1=2o. each, 12 inch junctions 1.12 15 inch junctions 1.65; i4 bends 1:3 3-4c eaohi Hamilton and Toronto' sewer' Pipe Co. 312 inabi sewer pipe 24 1-2 per foot 15 inch sewer pipe: '33o per foot, 1:4 inch junctions 1.12; 15 hush junctions 1.46 2 feet long. t Toronto Sewer Pip4 CO.. 12 inch sewer pipe 25 3-4c. 15 inch sewer pipe 35 13-4; 12 inch junctions 1,80; 15 inch junctions 2.44• , Ontario Sewer Pipe Co. 12 in sew- er pipe 27c per foot, 15 inch; sewer pipe 8,6o per foot; 15 inch doable strength 390 per foot"; 12 inept junc- •tion 1.112 45 inlch junction 1,53 15 inch junction, double strength 1.66. Thos. Martin and! Co. Limited, Lon- don Excavating and laying tile etc. 2.540.00 manholes each 15,00 W. Ii. Johnston & Co. London,. Ex- cavating and laying tile etc 2714.00 manholes each 15:00 John I3e1l Exeter Excavat ing and laying tile.,etc. 2475.00 ; manholes each 8.00 Joseph Lawson Crediton—Excevat- tng and laying tile etc, 2100.00 man holes 6.00 J. N. Howard Exeter Excavating and laying tile etc, 1{800.00; manholes 5.00 • A Q. Bobier Exeter—Excavating ana laying tile and the furnishing of the 4100.06; None of the above tenders were let but will be disposed of at a meeting of the ciuncil too he held on Monday evening the 1'3th inst. Levett and Scott -that Mrs. Sut: ton's taxes be refunded Carried Ford and Rivers—That the Court of Revision ahold its first sitting for the hearing of .arrears etc. Friday June 7th at 7 o'clock p. in. will give you en tire satisfaction Sold and gusaranteed by W. S. Howey, B Chemist and Optician, EXETER DIED McGLZC I L l•J-TYDY-An Exeter on Thursday' May 9 the infant son of Dr. J. E. and Mrs. McGilliend',l{s aged 2 days. ANDERSON—In London on Tuesday May .7th,"William. H. Anderson aged 66 years. McB13LJA +' N—rln Clinton on ,May 6th., • Ann E. McLeod, relict of Wil,ia!rt .McBrein aged 76 years. May SKtfNN17Il In iisborne Tp.on Mayy Sill Mr: gan tiel Skinner in his 81 goat 7':hc' ftinern,l tdnk° pldne, tothe Exeter on Friday last' of Exeter eeme',e y $` Mr. Samuel Skinner of I1•sboxIne, heed 81 years. r f Locals Mr. Wm, Snell ie An the Nick list, Maurice Wexler was in.'London. over Se.nday. 33Lr. Herman Elliott visited in Zur- ich, fi anday, , Mr, C. G. 3 Watson was in Strat- ford on Monday, Mr. B. S. O'Neil of Toronto was in town this wee/s,.: blr. Wm. Stewart, is spending sev- eral days. in Toronto. Mr. B. W. F, 'Beavers moved into his new store last week. Messrs E+ Taylor and Fred Mallett visited in 'Grand! Bend 'Sunday.. Mrs. T. Wel:resort and son Charlie: visited in 'London last !Saturday. Mrs, Babt. Zeller returned Satur- day from visiting friends in !London. ser tive Sunday it, has rained since EastLaster. Sunday wan th'e sixth nen- Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Jones, are visit- ing, Bev. and 1Mrs>. Holmes, of Sazlnia this week. Mr. R. 'Beldon. is improving his pre- perty Iby addling a large veranda to his house. A public meeting will be held .in the Town Hall next Tuesday evening alaw.t D. . to discuss the sewer 13y- ► 8 m T. B. CARLING Clerk A special meeting of the council was held in the Town Hall Monday even- ing May 13th. All the members were present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Scott and Ford—That the tender- of J. N. JLoward of $1800 ,for excavating work and $20 for forte manholes he ac- cepted subject to the passing of the Ry -Law; Mr, Howard to furnishbonds satisfactory to the council, the same to commence by the 15th of June and be be completed by the 15th of August. —Carried. Levett and Rivers—That the tender of the Hamilton and Toronto Sewer Pipe Co., being the lowest be accepted subject to the passing of the By -Law; quality of pipe to be as per specifica- tion, also to be satisfactory to the en- gineer.—Carried. Mayor George Armstrong, o£ Paris, who was a visitor at the Council meet- ing was called upon by Councillor Le - vett to say a few words as how they did things in his town. Mr, Arm- strong replied that he did not come with the intention of saying anything but merely to see how they did busi- ness in Exeter being interested in that sort of work. He fully went into the waterworks and sewerage ra e 9y et em , al- so the workings of bydro•electr.c and stated that Exeter should by all means secure it because there was nothing that would boom a town like hydro would and in order to be anything like a place nowadays you had to have both power and fire protection. The speaker addressed the council for over an hour. Levett and Scott—That a vote of thanks be tendered Mr, Armstrong for the very able and instructive address he has given the 0ouncil on the hydro electric system end other municipal matters. --Carried. The Reeve thanked Mr. Armstrong on behalf of the Council for his very able and instructive address arnd stat- ed that some time in the near future would be pleased to have him come here and speak again on hydro electric Mr, Armstrong replied thanking the Council and started that he would he only too pleased to come and speak to them at any time if he could he of any service to them, T. B. CABLING, Clerk, The many friends ref Mr, E. G. ETo. Barth, who has passed his second year at the G. A. C., Guelph, with honors, will be pleased t o learn that he is now engaged in Orchard demonstration work in Oratario . Department of Agri- culture. Exeter School Board cd in wash l meeting of the Board A the Town Hall on fd aday evening May 13th: all mernubers were tpresent, The following is the order cif the bas. Inas duly submitted and approved, Per •ohair minutes of previous meet- ing. Reports of Committees; 'Repairs= conductor pipe repaired Principal attendance largely it&ioed owitng to the prevalence of • measles, about 100 crises being reported; test exatns not very promising; Form 1 to. be. dismissed ;Time 10th to allow room for the midsummer exams; tulip hods very promising; collection of 'Aster aced xeoeivccl ,,from. !Guelph planted each ;