HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1912-5-9, Page 844 O ♦ m ♦ 4♦ ♦♦ •e 0♦• ♦a ♦ 4•. • a < 9 s 4 0 4 • a• •e 0 9 4 9 i A c r 4 M 0 A. s = Gloves •i ,l geyser Gloves are gloves ,al, ♦' that give'satisfaction, We 4 f. have them an three lengths. it . They are made with double a finger tips. The silk is very W 9 fine quality 4 • 50c, 75c, $1.25 ♦ ♦ Corsets 0 • • x'Aaa••••••••••••************************ �4* ♦ . ie ai 0 i 44•••000000+`.•O11•*#0000QO:*!►00♦*4!N*O+irf+ 04 "`TWART��i PRONE i6 Ladies' Coats, Skirts and Dresses In a Stock like ours that is continually being refreshed with New Goods, it means that every visit to this store is marked by some new feature of interest. This week we are showing many new Gar- ments and we empaasize the fact. ♦ ♦. St . ♦. • s 44 P* •4 a♦`i It's a Pleasure to Show Our Goods MILLINERY There is always something new to be seen in our Show Room because we are always in touch with the markets and when anything new appears it is not long before it finds a place in our Show Room. • 94.' 0� • 4 • 0 New Tile. Floral and Orien- tal patterns in all .widths. If O you are needing any of this Sanitary covering, see our Big Range of Patterns. The particular about Bias Filled Corsets is their extreme. comfort and flexibility, insur- ing ease and grace of move- ment under all conditions. $1,00 to $4.00 Linolms a* . - a♦ • 4:• ' _,• 6 •'00.0•••♦•••.••♦•0•♦O.00Nl1NONNOOOOOOOOO♦•OO♦•e•O♦ +0$•♦♦� a•♦•♦0044.044.••••M�••••••O.0•♦O♦000♦•♦Oaa•4 e• Hosiery Penman's Lisle Hose are guaranteed. If after wearing a pair you are not satisfied with them, come back and we will give you two pairs with- out any charge. 35 cents or 3 paw for $1.00 Shoes Pomps, Oxfords and High Shoes in many New Styles are being shown this. season. We sell Miss Canada Shoe for women. We have a big range of Pomps and Oxfords for Misses and Children. Rugs If you aren't quite ready for a new Rug. Come in and choose one while the assort- ment is large, We will be pleased to keep it for you. Ail Kinds of Produce Wanted J. A. STEWART •O ®# +4 Oi • • ea Or • ♦• a ♦ 0 •O •$ a •o •a a• •• e♦ a 4 ♦ a • 7 a • ♦• •• ♦ 0♦ 4o •♦ i • • • o •• +e ♦o •• 4 •♦ •• • 0 a♦ ♦ ♦• Ae. 00 oO '0 0 0• aaaoaa0+74.00♦40004 •$••_0-00 4♦♦•0000.00♦O••••••0000aao O ♦ ♦ 0 0 ♦ O ♦ w • ♦. • •r z 2Q STYLES From a "One Burner Hot Plate"' to a "Land- o • some Cabinet Range" Burn Gasoline or Alcohol • O ♦ •• • 4 4 4 6 • A 4 • A 4 0 �► A complete Line now in Stuck of Lawn Mowers, • Garden Tools, Paints, Oils, Glass. Spring Ccil, Barb, Brace and ^Weauing Wire, Books and Staples, also • Canada Portland Cement, at the Leading Hardware. •4 TIP Hawkins & Son "DETROIT" VAPOR STOVES ;leans ' Iasi( =Cooking No Smoke, No Odor and Absolutely Safe -Also- NEW .PERFECTION OIL "STOVES In One, Two and Three Burners • O 4 O • •• • •• ••• • • • 0 s • 144.0•04014.4.4•40.00440••••••••••••••••••••••••-• 4'' 0.40 Dresses and Suits Cut to Measure Miss Mary Toth having prep tly completed a oolu rse of Torpnt'oi one • of the best cutting st;hopls iia( 'A tnerica, is prepared to ant for mets tr7re, ax4y style of dress or snit, Veda key; who Make their own dresses wilt Sate time and nrateri'aj by uisimg 'a pattern crit from their actual /teas- 'urea. Miss. Tom hoax also nlleneidl . a .Dressmaking Room at Bea res%d'ehce' tan` Min street 'South, Where she Wilt' b pleased to ;meet ;her formes pat - ++++++II+' * ++II+++II++++4.++€++•-: • +o+++A • HOME STUDY .x. ;i' Thousands ofansbitiousyoung •i• 4 people are instructed in their '1° homes by our home study dep- artment You may finish at 4. 1 College if you desire, Pay • whenever you Wish. Thirty 4: .. Years' Experience. Largest 1 ttaiaiers in Canada. Enter any *; * day. Positions guaranteed, If .1., you wish to save board and 4' learn while you earn, write *,; 4, for particulars. 4 NO VACATION; Y C1tin,�nB int st t .k roils and a'ny inew Dares. Dressmfik- 1+ 4 OEO 5I"CTTdIN B[� WARD tai rrjexns at side entrance.'r' g�!R` Ptesiclelrir l?rinclper o,I,lCs'7x]3 gt'rENThI'OiS. : r 1 � ,t,r1 4O+Sc+II+O+i~d++i++3'+l•+ +1'!+I+ai+44+ f+44+ +444th " r S • Timisn'Ax, ' ,y 9 1012 Market Report, -•The following is, the report of the Exetertnarkota ear rested al) to Maly 901. wheat 1.00 Buckwheat 70 cents Oats 46 to 48 Harley 65 :Nes 1.00 to 1,10 Shorts 2t8 Bran 2$,00 Model Flour 2,7o. Peed Flour 1,65 Butter 22 tota igstoe22s . 1.30 Hogs 8.90 Cheice Export Steers 7.50 7.75 Med. 7.00 7,00 Choice Butcher Heifers 6,75 7.00 MTed 6.60 6,70 choice Butcher Cows 5.50 5.75 Med 5.25 5,40 Com 4.50 4.75 0, Lambs 6.50 7,00 C. Sheep 5.00 5.50 ♦4440♦•••♦♦000••••••••••♦'P 4 LOCALS • 0 a a.ee eat a•a ♦so♦,sa♦s Mr. Charles Birney spent Sunday in Belgrave. Miss Mary Balkwill visited' in l.'ark hill kat weak.. Mrs. Maurice "Wexler left Tuesday for an extended visit with friends in London. Mr. Frank Wood returned on Sat- urday after a months trip through the west. Examinations are only a few weeks off, and from rive .oat.. should be a busy time for the scholars. Mr, Chas. Adams of Calgary, who has been visiting at the home of Mrs. D. Johns, left Tuesday for Ottawa, Miss Bessie Hartnoll returned to To•ronio after visiting fa'r a few weeks with Mr. and. Mrs. Jas. Jewell. Miss A. McArthur returned to her home in Hensall Tuesday after visit- ing for several days with Yliss K. Stewart. The auto season is here and if you drive a skittish" horse remember to hold up your hand when' you hear an ' auto coming. The delivery horse of Mr. Al. Ford butcher ran away on Thursday 'of last week. - The horse ran for 'home and little damage was done. A man very much under the influ ence of liquor was around 'to fire on Saturday and on Sunday was locked up in the Town Hall. He telt town Monday, The Women s' Institute intend planting a number of trees in the park at the River on Friday after noon next from 2 to '5 p. m. and would like a3 many citizens as pos- sible to turn out and assist them. • Mr. A. E. Tenants horse ra'n away on Thursday morning last.. It came: down Mains Street with an empty buggy turning at James Street and took the sidewalk It ran into the' wire fence just off Main Street and was stopped , Mr. Thos. OaYlii'b.6 Exeter wishes to announce that,' he is prepared to repair any clocks tli-at are not in Tina, fling order or bave been lying around; for some time. He"has recently �re- paired a 'number of them and: they are giving good satisfactioRr. ,. It would surprise you to know of the 'great hood that is being done by Chamberlains' Tablets Darius Downey of Newberg Junction. N. B. writes, "'My wife lavas been using Chamberlains Tablets and finds them very effectual and doing her lots of good. If you have any trouble with, your stomach or bowels ,give them a trial. For salt by all dealers. Anyone visiting, Exeter and taking. in our back'streets cannot help but be impressed by the beautiful clean and tidy appearance of the majority of placestown.removal in The o'f a ,g number of old fences and a trimming up of the lawns have made a decid- ed improvement. There_ are plates• however that call 'stil'l .s'tan-d a lit- tie extra touch up. These 'detract: from the beaut3•'of the town and it is 'hoped that all' will 'be interested tnough to d.o - their part.in making Exeter . the garden spot of Ontario. A number of citizens are preparing to paint their residences. ; Good Horse Returned -Mr. Wm. Tapp has purchased that fine lin- ported horse Storm King lately own- ed by Messrs Bawden & McDonel and sold some three years ago to. a gentleman in Owen Sound. He is such a g•ood breediri horse that farmers wished him back again, and consequently' Mr. Tapp purchased. him, Sterna ging has a fine pedigree and has a, most excellent record. Many of :Lc highest priced horses sold a- round here this winter were sired by Storm ming, He will' stand for the season at McDonell barns, John St. Parties • needirig the ase of : a food horse will do well to see Mr. Tapp at the Central Hotel.. ,Among the amendments to the, Liquor 'License Act, made by the Pro- vincial Government during the I�9t'2 session of the Legislature are one or two (of imps rtance. One clause prohibits the establishing of distri- bution centres' in local option ter- ritories by liquor manufacturers Another amendment provides that anyone found intoxicated in keel op= tion. territory may be compelled tp' state where and from whom they got the liquor, the penalty for refusing to do so being 30 days in jail. These amendments will strengthen local op- tion The amendment to prohibit treat ins at licensed hotel bars and clubr, will not be introduced until next ses- sion. The remains of the late George. Graham, a 'victim of the Titantlor, disaster son of Mr. " Graham of EL Marys and nephew.' of Mrs. Jahn White of town were taken to Harris - ton. on .Friday (May 8rd1 by epeoial train from "I''oronto and was accom- panied Ibyia large.-d'elelgation of sor- rowing friends and follow -workmen, from the Eaton 1Compaliiy, dd tbe arm rival of the,draped train, the remains' were taken to the Methodist church where service was Conducted by Prof. 1=3owel of 'Toronto assisted by Rev. C. T'.73e'n t •�i n elk, after which, they were', conveyed to the Harridan Cemetery, for intermeast,• followed by tate �d.f the largest crowds ever assem'bled�. n the ttemc'ter'y', i ))) May 24thwill be the next public holiday. Kr, G. L, Waugh ryas in Toron drier Sunday. Mr.Cordon Taylor of Clinton visit- ed his parents on Sunday. Mr, S. G. I,lawden was in London, the forepart a the week. The Farmers have been very busy seeding' ,during the past, week Mrs. Russel Redden, of Port Huron is visiting Mr. and Mrs, Greenlee The Dseter Band Boys, have been, eraga,ed to go. to Leawood on June 3,rd.. Mr. Frank Mallett has taken a pos ition with, R. N. Rowe, furniture dea- ler. 1 1Ir. and Mrs. George Lovell of Lion - dots visited Ma. wad Mrs. Thos. Flynn on Sunday. Miss Emma and Edythe Heideman visited in Berlin and Stratford the past week Mr. and Mrs: William Elliott 1, ,af is irktor, spent Sunday with• gr. and Mrs Thos. Elliott. Word has been reoeivedi in town, that !Frank Willis,' of Springfield Alta, is •seriously i91. Ma.. (Chester ;Coultis of Stratford, visited his parents Mr. and Mrs Wm. Coultis on Sunday last. 1Mr. John Southoott of Grand Bend was' in "town' on Wednesday and Thursday of last week. Mrs. Holloway Sr. wl.o spent the winter with her daughter, (Mrs.' R. N. Rowe in Exeter has returned home -'Clinton Nev Era. To Our Readers -If you have friends visitin3• you, or if you are going array. tel your friends through this column. We will appreciate any items of this character. Me. Gerald I urdon has been in Lon- don far several days wlhere he has been engaged in writing 'show eardb A number of his cards are seen in different windows in town and do him much credit. A Record Breaking Calf- Mr. C. Cann of Bethany has a cow that on Wednesday last, gave (birth to a calf weighing 114 1-2 lbs. The calf is a Durham and ranks among one of the largest born i'a this section. Rev. J. E.J.' IMillyard" of Hensall conducted quarterly meeting services in the James Street Methodist church oil 'Sunday last and preached ;two eery -acceptable sermons. His work in Hensall, was taken by Dr. Roulston and J. M. South,cott. b DELAWARE LAka' AWANNA & WESTERN O n • "J. E. Tom was called to Winnipeg last week owing to the serious Obsess of h.is son, Dr. P. H. Tom,, The infor- mation was received to -day at the Dr. old iblome . intown that his con- dition is quite favorable and every hope is entertained for his recoveryl• -Goderich Signal Two lives were instantly crushed out and 15 people were more or less seriously injured oaa Saturday morn- ing when the south wall of W. Neils son 'Company s Factory on Gladsto ne Ave., • Toronto . collapsed and carried 'tim•ber, lumber, and ;hum- an beings with it. ..The piling on Fri- day on what is estimated as ininety tons of hardwood (nearing upon the top floors of the building is believed by the city s building inspector to have cause the collapse. Baseball -Tom ;Carling who was of- fered ffered a position with the Brantford Professional Ball team bas decided to remain in tawan, which will be - good news to the Iocal fans. To :n did fine work .last, season and this year will find him again in the box Harry Sweet and " Reg Bissett also givegoad, promise to make „tied, alatua., with some other promising material and -.consequently Exeter should make a fine showing" this year. The diamond is being fitted .up this week and the boys are showing lots of enthusiasm. Hick s Forecasts A Regular Storm 7'involves Period'. central 1 t•h in o yes d. e tral on the 0 the l,lth. to 156th. The Moon is on the •equator' -.on the 12th, and new ',M the 16th. which facts indicate that :a. daily cycle of heavy rain; and tkanderstorms beginning on the 12th sail' most likely co.ntinne until after new Moon 'on the 16th. If it drops to low readings about the lith' and 12in, Jock for severe storms of wind. rain, bail thunder to follow ani if the barometer fails.to rise and the wind continues from the cast and south, with continued high tem- perature, expect storm paroxysms to repeat theanseives daily. • When the wind shafts steadily and cooler from the west and the barometer rises resolutely, tbe 'c,yc c of daily storms - will cease and settiedo weather will follow. We must eautious.y ,warn our readers that we. are now in -the,. ssler eye. or the focus cf solar energy as it passes from south to North_and that tornadoes are at maximum fre- quency and severity through all, this part of tike month. The mid -month seismic period extends 'from the 12th to the 1.9th, being central en the 16th i COAL COMPANYS Scranton Coal - The Bost Hard Coa Mined W. U. LEVET' COAL MAN Try a ton High Quality FLOUR We hear a good' deal these days about building up to a standard not down to a price Model Flour is a Splendid Example The popularity of our brand is due to its superior qualities. Not a stone is left unturned to make MODEL the Best Flour. Y'Ue'have a good assort- ment of Feed and more corning. HARVEY BIROS, Exeter, - Ontario. • i 44.0040•004.41.00444,••••••• •nn 4• O url1l llrc and Undertaking 0 �' Phone 20 a e You will always find e this store with up-to-date Y i furniture and with a de- °o sire to please everyone. e •1R1 ■ Rowe♦ 0 Undertaker & Licensed • Embalmer ♦ • Exeter,• -Ontario. 0 4 0 ^ 00:400•••0♦000.0••0.4.044. Dont put dawn the old carpet a- gain. Finish your floor with balm.; bells Varnish Stalin. Very easy to apply as it works freely ;under the brush and dries without showing laps Try it. Money back if not satisfied W. J. Neaman sells it i? The following clipping was taken from the Ottawa Journal and the{ Times joins in wishing the subject of this sketch contin:aed success; Mr. Allan 73. Hobbs 13. " A., of The Journal editorial staff has been ap- pointed editorial' writer of the Graita; Growers Guide, at Win.nipeg.• Ro left for the West on Saturday. Mr. Hobbs who is a son of Rev. Richard: Hobbs of Exeter Ont. did work for the -Toronto News while attending his classics at Toronto University, and, after graduating :came to the .Journal Cie has been a most valued member of the staff for over eighteen months Mr. Hobbs it possessed of consider- able literary ability, aid with, the experienceof the coining 'years, is expected to attain a very distingui- shed position in Canadian Journal- ism In another Colum of the same paper it says "On the occasion of his leavingithe editorial staff of' the evening Journal to ;go to Winnipeg as editorial writer on the . Grain Growers .Guide Mr. Allan B. Hobbs was the guest last evening of some of the members of the editorial staff; of the Journal at an' informal dinner, in the new Russel Hotel, After din- ner Mr. Hobbs was presented by his colleagues with a solid leather hand bag and accorded the best wishes of the entire staff. The affair was a complete surprise to Mr. Hobbs and consequently he was doubly ap- preciative. 1 , ; ;•¢ I-4--a++4-44a++++++++++.444-444 4++++++++4 '00000+++++4.444t 4' •F' - �r II , Begin FiJR, 4. t.���----.+ �. Early. s 1 *4. . �' r, "ala, V ,:�. `'�. "'i - 4. i. F4 ," } * 0 _ �; �M fi V v . ,l, sa� By Starting' That Ko ak Baby 800k KODAK• . . Days you will always have, but baby days are soongone X.eep the precious mnories by (4 K�ttla.liin; r.Ire Little ones often. Cahn from $2.00'to : $4000 OWEY',,DIttIGSTORt FoZt$ •CI0dT!ri ii O •, • ...........+++.•........+•••++.++++4,....••••••.•:, CARLINP'S ................. I .. 4. PHONE 18 EXETER QRL3ATBI 4. 1:. 4. Clearing.e O.., z Everything in Wall Paper, Linolewns, Carpets and Dress Goods must be Sold. 1 2 A Dollar saved is a dollar made so come to us and t. let us convince you that we can make money for YOU , 4444 1...,i io1aur i; A choice Range to pick from Regular $2,40 for 1.99 e• Carpets f- All Carpets • to Clear at a Discount of 25 Per Cent, •WalI Paper at a Discount of 25 Per Cent Dress Goods All Dress Goods to be sold at Discount o T 25 Per Cent. t I Prints, Gingham and Chambrays, i regular 12 1=2c for 11 cents Foulards regular 25c for 21 cents Mulls. regular 50c'for 42 cents .pt a ♦ Highest Price paid for Produce 4. 4 4 4. 4. 4ii €arLin2r1 0 .10 .II.'g.'g.'g.'a'..l....Q..i.'g gII g" •''.......' ,::•'g...., ..i.. „g.....•g.' " ,.g.'g.'g..g..g.,g...r".. Watch �' ILj IiF`a au t 5 4. l'Illr'..1'111\l'i'l:16:-:41:1:111P:411!II Does Your Watch4.. Run Correctly? 4 4. 4.4.' 't" If not let us repair it or .you..• It may be only ditty, and need cleaning. or. stop for lack of: oil? Whatever the reason, don't delay. We give thorough examination and regulation FREE. Anything more costs as little as satisfactory work can be done. 4. +l: .1. Big Stock to choose.from .. 1 �I,UI UllU�l a• ♦ JEWELER •OPTICIAN *, ++++m•4.++++++++ -++44+++*+ ++++++ ++•++++++a++:l, Tea Spoons, Berry Spoons, Cold Meat Forks, Cake Forks Soup Spoone; Pie Knives, Peari-handled Butter Knives, Knives and Forks, Fish Servers, Carving Sets, Wedding Rings • 4. 4. ressinesszaisinsestaguag GOULDS OROGUY PHONE 47. Opposite Electric Light Plant I Keep, Happy in the Home by getting YOUR HOUSEHOLD NECESSlTI Here. We handla only the BEST and we have everything you need at all Seasons, I ANTED N, ME TEA AND tOEFEE SEE -Choice Butter ter d Pi e6h Eggs IhIMMONIII Mai v1111118 DIE HE 1 MISTING .1 are - Furniture or --47 with a dry duster a when the dust flies ___•=7". and follows in your •=-Tii wake. Get a Modern Shuffle on and Use a- Veribrite Venoil sp-, on your duster ;it'd e vo your .1/1, health. It clibinfecqs* d S. Martin & Son