HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-04-27, Page 15BY THE REVEREND REARFORO RENSHAW, BIBM SSIONARY I::C t a .�-.. ' .003101 will take 'bless stand witness for the ,cause Of ehristtotestify,. Born h .1047, I enjoyed all the ,benefllts of the culture and education offered by"the• western world in the 050's and 60's, My home en- vironmentwas what could be called solid middle-class Annierjca. The opportunities that were mine were almost unlimited; but as a. young person I was attracted.by the dazzling offers of _sin and fell into the grips of the devil. My case was not un- common for our day, and it will suffice to say that by the age of 24 1 was at the Futter level of life both morally and physically. No lust was too base for my indulgence, and no attitude too wicked for my heart. It was in this condition, in October 1971, that I was introduced to Jesus Christ by some people who knew Him. I do not mean I was in- troduced to a religion or a doctrine, butto a Person. -• Immediately I felt the '-effects of conviction as my guilty soul was dealt with by the Judge of the universe. Through God's faithfulness I was quickly persuaded to yield to Christ and quit my life of sin. I am not ashamed to say that I took the old fashioned "I aan not ash arced of the Sogpel of Christ: for it is the povs er of God unto salvation." Romans 1:16 When a legal case is brought before the judicial courts for trial, there generally are Witnesses called upon to testify eon- cerning their, knowledge or involvement in that case. The world, the flesh, and the devil think they have a case against God and His Word. The devil is •mad because • he got himself kicked out of heaven and was sentenced to bell for eter- nity. The world is just blind enough to go along with the devil and believe his lies, living insin without fear of judgement.or; ation. I,' persona : ' , would like to take this opportunity as a Special speaker this Sunday North Street United Church celebrates its 151st annivversary this Sunday, May. 1 with a service of worship at 11 a.m. Guest speaker will be the Reverend Albion R. Wright from the General Council Offices of the United Church, Toronto. In November 1978 Albion Wright was appointed Deputy Secretary of General Council with responsibilities for regionalism and per- sonnel. He carne to the post from the Division of Mission in Canada where he was an Association Secretary, responsible for U' ban Ministry. Born in Provost, Alberta, Albion was raised on a farm and after completing high school had a variety of oc- cupations related to far- ming. He attended St. Stephen's College and the University of Alberta where he received a degree in theology and economics. His first charge was in Dayton Valley, Alberta. In 1962 he was called to St. Andrews Church in Markham, Ontario where he started a small home group from which merged the Markham Family Life Centre (Counselling and Education). Next he became the first full time Executive Director of Cedar Glen and then became Executive Secretary of the Toronto Home Missions Council a year later. Albion Wright Guitarist entertains Circle Knox Presbyterian Arthur Circle group held their April meeting on Monday the 18th. President Lee McCallum opened the meeting with a poem After Easter and everyone sang Onward Christian Soldiers. Ida White led them in prayer. • Sadie Gilders and Shirley Duckworth received the of- fering and Lee gave the dedication prayer. Jean Carruthers was the pianist for the evening. Reports were heard from secretary Glenda Salters and treasurer Hazel Mc- Creath. Dorothy Blake gave the ' correspondence report. They all send their best wishes to two" of their members who have been ill, Dorothy Reed and Grace Cameron, and hope they will be back soon. Vi Fuller, flower convener also gave her report. Happy Birthday was sung to the birthday girls for this month, Vi Fuller, Beth Dot- terer and Joan Parent. Shirley McCall reported on the • Annual Huron Presbyterial and said Rev. Walter King, who was the guest speaker at this event, had a very interesting report on the native Indians at the Cape Croker Reserve. Rev. King was stationed there for some time and spoke of his experiences and the many problems these people had. She also reported that the. questionnaire that was voted on some time ago had shown a favor to join with Stratford Presbyterial, and that a mo- tion had been passed to in- form the Synodical of this decision. Shirley said the group would hear from them in the fall. A motion-trtas4 itiade— tfy Agnes Cutt to have a Rum- mage Sale on May 27th at 6:00 p.m. Marj Young will be in charge. Chris Hyde led in the reading of the 314 Psalm and Lee gave a poem, `Psalm of Praise' written by 11 -year-old Kari Kiel, especially for the two young people who were about to entertain. The first of the young entertainers was Lisa Steckle, playing her acoustic guitar. Lisa attended the Kiwanis Music Competition in London recently and plac- ed 2nd in the 15 -year-olds; and 1st in the 13 -year-old and under. Congratulations Lisa. Her first three selections were: `Bouree', '`Alegro' and 'My Gal Sal'. , It was also on honor to have Martin Maurer, of Goderich, at the meeting. Martin was the first Rotary Exchange student tolive in Venezuela . and spent ° one year there. Martin lived with a family in Caracas, and showed some very in- teresting slides and told 'dbbiittii 'fninily there, about the city and his experiences while in the country. Thank you Martin from everyone for a very interesting ac- count of your year in Venezuela. Lee thanked both Lisa and Martin and presented them with a gift. Lisa then played, `Minuet by Bach' and `Drink to me , Only With Thine Eyes'. The meeting was closed with the Mizpah benediction and a social time spent. Huronview news WI hold birthday party On April 21 Bible study was held in the Huronview chapel with Mrs. Prouty in charge of the service. Hymns relating to Easter were sung. Milford Prouty read the scripture. Prayer was offered by Mrs. Prouty and more hymns were sung. Shirley Prouty sang a solo. Elsie Henderson presided at the organ. Sunday morning worship was held in the chapel with Reverend Norman Pick in charge. In the evening there was a hymn sing held in the chapel with Dick Roorda in charge. Margaret McQueen presided at the organ. Flowers in the chapel were placed by Sarah Carter and Rhoda McKer- cher. Monday evening residents had a music appreciation session with Bruce Cookson. Tuesday afternoon folks from Special Care met in the activity room, where they took part in games. Some of them even got up for a dance. This was really good to see. Refreshments were served and the residents spent a social time together. The ladies from the Elimville Women's Institute convened the April birthday party. Evelyn Archer opened the program with a few remarks and welcomed the guests. Lorne Alfred and Cliff' Jacques delighted the audience with piano and violin numbers. Elsie Henderson assisted. at the piano when the two gen- tlemen played mouth organ and violin selections. Mrs. Evelyn Horne played a medley of old time favorites on the piano. Fancy cup- cakes and tea were served and Frank Bissett thanked the guests for a splendid afternoon. On April 21, the Huronview chapel service was held with Mrs. Prouty in charge. On April 21, the Huronview chapel service was held with Mrs. Prouty in charge. Hymn singing was led by Mrs. Meina Eizenga and Elsie Henderson presided at the organ. Mr. Eizenga read the scripture and.. led in prayer. A trio sang including Mr. and Mrs. Eizenga and Mrs. Prouty. In the morning students from the Christian Reformed School in Clinton presented their spring concert, Anne of Green Gables. Clara Riley welcomed the 'guests then turned the program over to the principal Mr. Ralph Schurman who introduced the numbers. Mary Hearn supervised the production and the accompanist was Diane Bruinsma. Ron Greydanus who has only been playing the piano for two years displayed much talent and control as he played beautifully two compositions for piano. Ann Boersma and Marion Visser sang a duet ac- companied by Tessica DeHana at the piano. The production was superbly done and the music was excellent. The songs were catchy and invigorating. Helen Bradley thanked our guests for coming and sharing this wonderful talent with us. We extend a warm welcome to Mrs. Annie Oldfield from Seaforth and Mr. Hugh Davidson from Goderich who have come to reside at Huronview. To the families of the late Mrs. Gertrude Bell, Mrs. Gladys Wallis, Mrs. Lily Pilkington and Mr. Roger Gilbert, we express our sincere sympathy. , These people had been residing at Huronview. Where is `glorifying'? Dear Editor, In the year 1929 the Inter- national Council of Religious Education, made up of religious organizations of Canada and the United States, copyrighted the American Standard version of the Bible "to insure the purity of the text." In the Hebrew Portion of that Bible the name of God apears as "Jehovah" over 6,800 times. When Jesus quoted from Isaiah's prophecy, as recorded in Luke 4: 17,18 the text does not appear as it is in Isaiah: "The Spi,'.t of the Lord Jehovah is upon me." (Isaiah 61:1) The context of Isaiah 61:1 I found to be quite enlighten- ing: "Because Jehovah hath anointed me to preach good Linings unLu the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the broken-hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound; to proclaim the year of Jehovah's favor, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all that mourn in bion, to give unto them a garland for ashes, the oil of joy' for mourning, the gar- ment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they may be called trees of righteousness; the planting of Jehovah, that he may be glorified." (Isaiah 61:1-3). Where is the `glorifying' of Jehovah today? Can the `Council' answer this ques- tion? Sincerely yours C.F. Barney Clinton GRACE COMMUNITY CHURCH Huron Centennial School BRUCEFIELD, ONT. 482-9260, 565-5341 and 236-4979 10:00 - Family Bible School 11:00 Speaker: Randy Mann PREACHING THE DOCTRINES of GRACE path of confession, rep,en* tence, and faith i0 Jesus'' blood. T t. ed my back on Sin and looked to Jesus Christ inhollering prayer, The gospel is true+ wary 3111 - was forgiven, the power of the devil was smashed, and God blessed my unworthy soul with the . perfect assurance that I. was adopted as His beloved child.. Today I am in my twelfth year serving God, and to Hiro be all the glory, I know He saves ane just now. His Spirit bears witness with my spirit that I am a child of God. The devil's case against God is soon to go to judgement. Satan will try to accuse God of injustice and mismanagement. . . I intend, by the grace of Jesus Christ, to take the witness stand in that court and testify to the love and mercy of our holy and righteous God. How about you? SUPERIOR MEMORIALS ESTABLISHED OVER 50 YEARS Goderich Area. Representative ROBERT McCALLUM 11 CAMBRIA ROAD GODERICH 524-7345 Clinton Area Representative MICHAEL FALCONER 153 HIGH STREET CLINTON 482 -9441 - MONUMENTS MARKERS -CEMETERY LETTERING MONUMENT CLEANING 8 REPAIR PRYDE MEMORIALS GODERICH - CLINTON - EIicETER Phone 524-6621 DON DENOMME - AREA REPRESENTATIVE I5• EATING YOUR CAR? Marlyn Mfg. Ltd. 11/4 Miles North of Amberley West Off Highway 11.21 LOOK FOR THE SIGNS Monday to Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 395-3352 As your financial The Co-operators' obligations change, Financial Security so should your life . Planning program . insurance helps you plan today protection.dp for better tomorrows. For theinformation call .. co-opetatoa INSURANCE SERVICES 31 WEST STREET, GODERICH JIM BELL BUS: 524-2138. RES: 524-8521 LIFE • HOME • AUTO • BUSINESS • TRAVEL fon WEDNIPA o®a0000mm.�amo�mma�mavooeaomQa.Gam,m,.�ov¢y?o-mov.aq..�,o.W..�aome Jatal 9ifeet -Toted u tail. ,t 1 SUNDAY, MAY 1, 1983 151st ANNIVERSARY a111:00 I REV. ALBION: R. WOW -guest speaker- ®9e'®e.'°.C.09`�AP'®ee'�m V�:neP®OPVSGYCm4D®eOC.ev'Cp4PQA,QaOd�me'@199Sa0P'Q. m.R.00...a.'44aP? .-meP..aow,4.mo am'4,4osTSmo o. a..,1ooP41.ov.‘4o10.0.3 ,. ,s. .... . _.� 1'11. THE. REV. G Lo Rte! AL, M Ae, M. DIVA, MINIS SHEILA R. FINK. - LA• • PASTORAL ASSISTANT DR,. �:AT1f IRYN1 J. BAKER, DIRECTOR OF PRAISE SIJNDAY,.MAY 1 10:00 a.m;Communlcant's Class 11:00 a.m. Divine, Worahlp r 11:.00 a.m. Sunday School Sermon: "STUDIES IN "THE LORD'S PRAYER:" (9) "Kingdom - Power - Glory" (Nursery ulties) (Sundey,Sehool retires Facfrom the Service) ' Enter to Worship Depart to Serve w.nev44.0.®APS.‘,414.4P-"IDP►ROmPmOV®at.aft.OV4c.eP®WD .°b91 % '�I v.44/ BEREA-BY-THE-WATE/It LUTHERAN` CHURCH Gibbons St. at Suncoast Drive 524-2235 9:00 a.m. Worship 10:15 Sunday School and Bible Classes The Reverend Mayo Mellecke (Vacancy Pastor) "Preaching peace by Jesus Christ: He is Lord of all" Acts 10:36 Calvary Baptist Church HAYFIELD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET REV. R. BRUBACHER Pastor 10 A: M. - SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M. - MORNING WORSHIP 5:30 P.M. - Y.P.S.' WORD OF LIFE CLUB 7:00 P.M. - EVENING FELLOWSHIP. & THE LORD'S SUPPER 5:30 P.M. - WORD OF LIFE CLUB WED. 6:30 P.M. - "THE OLYMPIANS WED. 7 P.M. - PRAYER & BIBLE STUDY WELCOME TO THE FRIENDLY CHURCH ye,.e.OC.�-e0®me�oY®ev®e.®eVeee'®eI.O�OG®APl.en@aG� lP'®0O^p¢.em®M�e . _..._----- Anglican-Episcopal , North and Nelson Streets, Goderich Rector: The Reverend Robert J. Crocker. Organist -Choirmaster: Lorne H. Dott.r.r St. Philip and St. James Day May 1st 8:30 o.m. Holy Communion. 11:00 a.m. Church School, age 10 and under. Nursery. 11:00 a"m. Choral Eucharist, Junior and senior choirs. Sermon: "Show us the Father" - St, John 14:8 7:00 p.m. Youth Bible Class. 7:30 p.m. Board of Management. Coming on Sunday, May 15, 7:00 p.m., Choral Evensong and Recital by the choir of St. Clement's Church, Toronto. A collection will be received. Reserve this date. -You are always welcome - ON BUSINESS DIRECTORY GARDINER'S MOVING & DELIVERY Locally Owned And Operated ❑CLEAN MODERN EQUIPMENT ❑EXPERIENCED PERSONNEL. ❑PROMPT & COURTEOUS ❑PACKING CARTONS SERVICE ❑CAREFUL HANDLING ❑FREE ESTIMATES f-1 REASONABLE RATES ❑EXPERT ADVICE For Moving Anything LARGE OR SMALL 524-2421 ONTARIO LAND SURVEYORS ARCHIBALD, GRAY & McKAY LTD. 592A MAIN ST. S. EXETER 235.0995 or call London+ toll free 1-800-265-7988 The Old Fashioned HARDWARE STORE TI WHOLESALE CABLE Fl FIRE EXTINGUISHERS Sales & Service WINDOW GLASS REPAIR J 1WATER CONDITIONER SALT r? ICE SALT riBULK KEROSENE PHIL MAIN HARDWARE 84 I'ingston St.. Goderich D.B. Palmer Doctor of Chiropractic 73 Montreal St. Queen St. Goderich Blyth 524-4555. 523-9321 Quality Work by McKENZIE UPHOLSTERY HWY. 4 S. CLINTON PHONE: 484-9359_, Cards For All Occasions * Gifts *Books *Stationery Supplies * Records ANDERSON'S BOOK CENTRE 33 EAST STREET. GODERICH NEW DAY NEVUS 1980 ,.;Ivy -•M. 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Complete lines of PARTY FAVOURS - LOW PRICES PARTY SUPPLIES Products for every user. 11.0. JERRY LTD. "The Paper People" 185 Pork St. GODERICH 524-2855 R.W. BELL OPTOMETRIST The Square. 524.7901 Durst, Vodden & Bender CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 37 West Street Goderich, Ont. 524-2011 MacGillivray & Co. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS RONALD E. TAKALO, C.A. RESIDENT PARTNER 40 THE SQUARE. GODERICH, ONT. 524-2677 MONTRI,� TORONTO BRAMPTON HAMILTON S7. CATHERINE! PORT COLRORNI LISSOM' WINNIPEG CALGARY EDMONTON VANCOUVER GODERICrs LAKE HURON MOVING SYSTEMS • Local & Long Distance •Packing *Overseas *Fully Insured • Free. Estimates PHONE (519) 357-3148 MacGillivray Associates (Goderich) Limited ELECTRONIC DATA PROCESSING & COMPUTER SERVICES In-house computer providing cash. disbursement ledger, cash receipts ledger, accounts receivable, financial statements, time & charges a specialized reports. 40 THE SQUARE GODERICH 524-2677 EDITORIAL & ADVERTISING DEADLINE Sports and Entertainment. . v e e e. e e e e e o e e Monday 5:00 Clastrified>Ie e e m e e m e e e m e e e m m e e Tuesday 12 Noon Sharp Final News and Advertisinge e e e e e m.. e e e e Tueodey 3:O0 - e•