Exeter Times, 1912-5-9, Page 5aJ, Whereveryou s r��4 whenever ou wa it, Athats .•n.,tin the theatres • om �t• •ud be e "enjoy, right iii to hear and to h, a .our own home when you own an Edison o honogra The Edison is the theatre -with the volume of sound exactly suited teyour horrid; the sapphire reFroducin P oint does away with changing needles; does not scratch vs' wear the records and lasts forever. Arnberol Records ,'= play twice as long,as ordinary records -giviirg all the verses of every song uireiidering instrumental cdmpgsi- Oen! as• meant to be played. The Iforrtaiteoording feature enables you to makes and reproduce•your own •rec- ords in your own home, trim to life.. S`hi re,sre.Edison dealers everywhere. Co, to the tlearestandliesitheEdison Phonoggrrraph play bola, liaison Standard mad' Edison Amberol I l I r tit complete catalogs from your dealer or from res. Edison Phonographs, 316.50 to $e4OMo. Edison Standard )tecords, 40c. Edison Angberel T r Records twice as long) •65e. Edison Gland Opera Records, 85e. to $2.50. ' 100 Lake.idoAve. Orange;. N. J., irrooaaroaAtan U. S. A. A oomplati lihe of Mon Pbonogrephs and Records will be found,at J WILLIS POWELL, Main Street Crediton Obituary -One by one the pioneers of this section aro passing away and orsTuesday anol"Ger of our respected ,citieens'in the pereon of Mr. Matthew Wien passed to his reward.. Deceased. Lad reached the good old age of seven- ty-five years. He was born in 'Ger- jtany and came here when, qnite young Me is survived by his wife, three sons, and five..daugbters; Mrs. Borland of Woodstock; Mrs. Heylock, Mrs. Pope. London; Mrs. Sweitzer, Mrs. Wm, ilinkbeiner, John, Joseph and Sam of Oreaiiiton.:,The funeral will take place ,on Friday -to the Creditors Cemetery, A large number fromhere attended pthe Missionary Convention which • was held at Clandeboys last Thursday. • Mrs. Jury of Exeter spent Tuesday in town the guest • of her daughter Mrs. Eli King. The farmers around here are pretty well through with seeding. wr. Wickwire of Zurich spent Mon- day*? town. .• Mr. aro Braun and friends autoed to Dashwood ou Friday evening. Council meeting, was held in the gown hall onMonday. House cleaning is the order of the day. Mr. and Mrs, Harry Lankin oaf Luc - an spent Sunday with Mr. Fred. Young who is seriously i11. Miss S. Kuhn returned home after spending a week with -friends in Lon- don. Dr. and Mrs. Orme autoed to Lon- don last Friday. What's wrong with the baseball team? Do they need an awakening? Wedding` bells are respected to be heard next week, I wonder who it will be ? ' Miss Carrie Kuhn was in London last Tuesday on business. We are sorry to report that Mr,. Fled Young is quite poorly. We all hope for a speedy recovery. Sunday School willbe held in the Evangelical church nevt;Sunday Morn- ing from eleven to twelve o'clock 4. To •late" for, last iK eek. ,,F Miss Eva Hirtzei left fpr dlinateu 11.h where she will visit tviklr friends for a fens, weeks. '" Mr. and Mrs R.+laert'Dinney moved their household effects to Condooi, on Thursday where t'hey' intend making thein future home We' are -sorry ti lose them from this towns ,. MiTCIl1J,i44 DA$IIWQCD :Mr. Frazer Brown left far Be44 q on Monday to pre. otise ball with: the Berlin, team,. We wish ',Deady every somas. a The Misses Bssery of Centralia via- :ted friends here one day last week. Mr. 'George. Either left for 'Alexei Ontario where he has accepted a1 position as bush ranger Mr, Fred Wein of Clinton is speed- ing a few days around .here renew. rinogil. aogeaintanee. s. ter spending a few months in.De ~MissC1axa returned home af- 1 lv&r. and Mrs. D. 11:blsaaa' and children' spent Sunday in ,Daahwoot1.. with relatives, m costae A number of boys from t ow n oe ed to London. Saturday in Dr, Orsilo sere r R,q: Mr. Wes"Pinkbeiner returned Basic after spierlding the winter in Sonth; Cayuga Mrs ]3.Clarke of Exeter visited in town one (14 last week. • House 'cleaning' is► the order of the day. Rev" Burn returned home after at- tending the Canada Conferenee at., Campdep, Rev. Burn 'is weleoraed back again. Mr. J. Braun of Dashwood was the guest of his brother Mx. B. Braun: one day last week. We are sorry., to rn•tort that Jfav Earnest Guettinger u. ou the sick list. We hope for a speedy recovery Mr. 'Albert Morlock is putting up a fine garage, he will 'soon• be ready to accomodate all people with .ars'; The brick and tile yards are opm- mencing this week. ; Mr. J. 'erecter of Zurich wap tri town Monday on :besiness. J NEEDED: A BOOSTER PROM BOOS- TERN ILLS A man was asked the question, "Why are you working? 'He replied to get comfort. And that is ex- actly what the majority of people is after. Some men get more comfort out of $500. per year than'otheos da ant of •1000.; mucin depends upon management and in the place where they live, And the one who gets con fort out of the. smaller ,salary is fre- quently the best off. It is true that in Ontario you can .get a greater de- gree of comfort for less money tba'n you can get anywhere else in the Dominion • of !Canada. 'A farmer in Ashfield or Kinloss enjoys more com- fort than he would 'have.o'n the wes- tern praire. The citizen of Luck - now, has greater comfort said less cost than he could get idol any eves-, tern town. A young man (a farmer) who has •spent a year inn'. the west was asked what was. his imelresieiom of 'Che west. "Just this, he replied "We are not worth 600a, 1 @afn' take that and buy a small farm here with comfortable house and barn on it, and have more real comfort than i could get with 20,069 out west. So i oallstlate to •remain in Bruce.' Another man. -from Ashfield who went for a trip 'offered his farm fbr sale at t$6000. Wben be returned he said he said he would not 'take 70e0 for Ms Ontario farm Said he, I never •saw a poor farmer until 1 went wcstr-• 3'eople of Biuce and. Huron re- main here and enjoy real comforts 'and work the gold mine about yeu.; Lucknow.:Sentinel Mr, Man ,Clark en aged pensioner of the :British •Government, ,died at his homy in the south wardoa Thar*, 4ay irz his MO, .year 'ie 'had heel a resident of slelitohele for 'many years but for the lraatt two or three years has not teen able to be a'bout town' }le was !known as the Balaolava veto eran find was foxid of' telling his expect' is aces of the Crimean war where be had fought in' 'many battles, ami special occasions wore the medal« got xnkernxan I3ala:olava LSehastopol •anti other fights, But not withgtan Rog. his ' experiencesas a warrior, he wa's a quiet man and lived mettle' an 'kbd, pension` be received regularly frca Britain He leavestwo daugtt ex a Miss Annie at hone andMrs, h c x - Han %Blatt of ,Prince Albert Altai. The German L"'utheraan eongr•egal ion have purchased a lot from Mrs. Charles "Sohouitz on which they in- tend to build a new church. + ' Mr. and Mrs .Arthur Mutton, *diet wentto the. Canadian ~vest two year* ago to live, will return to Mitehel j in the near future Bcfo.re going west he was agent here for the Max- well implement firm of St,Marys. While !playing .in the yard on 'Wed, nesday last, Vera the daughter of Mr. and. Mrs. Frank Skinner, fell on some sharp glass and cut the tiaa,0 below the knee very badly. Mr. John Walsh has sold his piano and music instrument business ,to Mr: laniel Nigh of Fullarton. -Miss ;W, 13. Race, who has been: spending the past six months with' her ,brother W. B. Race '13. A, Sault St. Marie has returned home, The fall wheat crops which was looking so welt when the snow left us is beginning; to show ill-effects from the cold weather, but it is ex- pected that a few warm days as w,e are Laving at present will cause' some of the unhealthy fields to take new life and regain their aatppearanoe of a few months ago, j k :NO CAUSE FOR DOUBT A Statement of Fasts Baoked Bee Strong Guarantee We guarantee immediate and pos- itive relief to all :offerers from odn- stipation. In every cast where our remedy fails tQ do this we will re- turn the money paid us for it. That a frank statement of facts and we want you to substantiate them at. our risk. Bexall Orderlies are eaten like candy are particularly prompt and agreeable in action, may be taken at any time day or aught`,• do not cause diarrhoea 'nausea, •griping exsessive looseness, or tether •undesirable effeots they have a very mild But positive action upon the orgatnss with which they come in ecntaet, apparently aat- iqg as a regulative tonis apon the rclaxe3 muscular coat of the bowel ilius overcoming weaktiess and •aiding to restore the a bowels to more vigorous and healthy activity. Roxail Orderlies. are unsurpasisa•ble and ideal for the use of children, ,ren,. old folks and delicate persons. We oan- not too highly .xesommead the to all :sufferers from any form of ale- stipation and 'its attendant evil'. That s why we •back our failrh in, them with our promise of moneyback if they do ,not give moire setisess- tion. Three sizes 12 tablets 10e. 36 'tablets tea. and 80 tablets 50s. Remember ygu can obtain Benoit (•Remedies in Exeter only at aur store The 'Ream! Store We S. Cale. Mr, Bessexu uer' .of Berlin visited his "a sister Mrs, W. Bibersa few; dayo last week. •Metssrs 5, and Isle Miller keel: re- cently for the west 'where they ,in- tend to stay for a while. Mr, J',off an is making a 1 feat' improvement to the house )by paint-, log it and putting some (Knish;nt toe hes to the verandah. rs, J', ,?;Heli and daughter of lStrat ford spent a coule of days intown.. visiting Mrs. 1). Teixnan and relatives, Mr. H. Guenther has been having some miforstune the last couple; , of weeks with the axles of &a ntotor /susses breaking. r. P. M Iand his an are sa o r o ag iM•� tending the telephone line this Week They expasct to put in about 50 new phones. Mr, Ernie Willert met, with what might have proved a serious acc:•d- exit. He was driving, and has horse became frightened in front of Mr: Stelka and threw him out, fortunate- he was not injured.. They at once phoned back °e Mr. Wm. leaders who ,reoeived the ':eseage in time to go to the road ant, stop the horse. GRANTON Mr. Robert Langford has returned from Victoria Hospital, 1iondtotn, where he underwent a :serious oper- ation He will not :be able to operate his farm and cannot get laborers, so that he isoffering his .farm for rent. 'Mr. A. •Langford intends ieuildixre two or three dwelling houses on his eacaaat''propertYet'o releive the dee mend there has been forsome years. 'nr .euitable'h ouses in the village. [vlr. Langfer deserves to be congratulated for Kiel enterprise. The Granton Post Office wilt bb removed in a few days from the sight occupied so long to the more commodious and up-to-date rooms in ithe,,Oddfellows building on the corner of main and station streets recently vacated by the Merchants Bank. 'The Granton Boys have organized a ;football club with A. H. Westman as President Frank Riggs as 'Cape twin. and Alex Reid as manager, amid are making applicatioaia for admitt- ance tee the League and if we do noir make a mistake will make some of the oldtimers sweat before the sea- son of 0.012 closes. FLIMVILISE •To late for ladt week., • :air. and Mrs. 'Levy spent' Sunday in Granton. Mr. N. Ogden has returned from the London Hospital andis improving slowly. t (" .Miss Jennie Parkinson is vistiing friends in Exeter. Mr, Sidney Wilson was taken til with ae severe attack of appendiieiti.i last week. Mr. T. Hicks spent Sunday in 'Elio - salt ,Mr. W. Morley of Whalen 1 is em - Ogd ploged for the summer with Mr.' W. en. Poor appetite is a sure seen of im- paired .digestion A few doses of 'ethenxiberititinse .ufomacfe, .and $iter Tabeeta will etren:gtlten your diges- tion and improve pour appetite. Thousands have been benefited by tak Mg these tablets Qold by all dealers [ NO Mrs. Ilewera, daughter .a# Macy.axsd Mrs. William Richardson of t;hi 1 Ili» las,ge was ,happily .married on Thurs. day. last at Wee(in.gtott street Meth «dist church to Dr, .Ray Gray, o(? Wilkie $a*, The brica was married in her .travelling suit of ifopenhaigers ,brtaadolotk Her "sister Idieis. 3iadaz' Biehardson acted as bridesmaid .VIA Mr. William Martin supported tkla' xoom After spending a few w d ays :re with her parerita the happy cou- ple heft for their twine in the west followed by good wisher? , of Malt( Many relatives+ and .friends. Mr, B. Oudmore and staff are bus- ily engasged: in making .cement bloalsa. for Mr, I). 'Urquhartand Mr, Tltvs. Hudson to be used for foundation of their dwellings that they intend raisinea Mr. and Mrs. A. H, .King of Insaer- soli and recently of this ' villag�; spent a few days with their relatives and friends here, They liken their new home in IngersollL. The death took• place of one of t'hh oldest and most respected presidents. of this section in person of Mrs. .P D, Bell, at her home a little over a mile west of our village o nTuesday morning of last week after a some- what long iJsiness which she bore with Christain patience and foetitude Deceased had attained the ripe •old age of 86 years and leaves to mourn; tba lana loving 'wife her hueLani thrsae sons daugkiter r "hex's arc uo'w two lisp aatos ;in oar. viiiaDr: k`dr, Manson Vett," bavin. ed themselves to; ono.. Miss: Dora S%aarrlt w is: txalaiza int; for a nurse in Victoria ita4 ' London., is home for. a few : w corse, holidays s 1 t: Mr; Win: Welsh and son whin: ca Tied on the planning mill ausi : e... r e a arte' bore for over quarter of Venal tory and have done a large ;mine* have been attracted 10 Toront, where they have many ralaf:ivea a*' j frie1d$, T,b y have daurung tits p1 weeksoId t#eitp planing mei beG '•nHenrysolden, w. i eto r. 1.1 da h ss M y , o 4)10 tends parrying it on,. art Bev. 'Mr. Millyard has # ae4)xc.+taF' ed by the Oddfellows and their Si* ter Rebecca Lodge to preriola ttr anniversary sermon on /Sabbath 401 loth, at the morning;service. • Our bowlers intend consitterably hilt' proving their green this seas4u►,, making additions to it in .ally way conveniences for those attending anN i witnessing the games We are pleased, to announce thick a sHensall boy Mr, Samuel Coultcl iii Who has been attending the medical' college at London. has sasoea$sfullYi passed his filial year examinabia1'il and is now a full fledged medical doctor, 1 TRADE MARK The story about this Elephant is a paint story. Many years ago it was chosen as the name and trade- mark for a brand of good pgint. ELEPHANT LIQUID PAINT For Buildings Inside and Outside is made bK,the famous Canada Paint Company, which has been manufacturing paint in Canada for nearly half a century. Lle,phant Liquid Paint is a. good paint. Thisis proven by the fact that people continue to buy it year after year, it gives them satisfaction the first time, so they come back for more. ec Come and see us, we would liketo discuss your painting problems with you. W. J. H EA MAN Hardware, Paint and Stove Store • g .1..4.^.l•it+.1.bF.aJ•g"ig.seten+4 •3•€vialsi'li.lIIc+a_ V -aialaapI.4-4g4 .4 4.4.a4spq>py¢g4 g.Tgg;gi ;i¢+.44.4.1441.S�1.a: ia..a.8.4.1•4•II•+1ph!"i attliSangp++:.*++i;l!l+4l1a•s • &i •1id41fi4-1•ltaiti+ i€•Hattele/•gg. T�lfel"insrini Y""Lis;_.g.• + i Ti+'F +_ - '"Il.Y";•1• Tf'elei!loa*•fei.elal.gl' ,anttaler1+44.4-fe ', .1. •4.1„ 4.444...4.3-4.-1.o ,!i' 'iT `gg4,•4II÷-dntai f'a!l1•' ° •1 enta .;{ +`aa.§,i++++g;.1.4' r Beautiful Capital of Alberta, affords the Be§ Opportunity in Canada to=day far a Safe Investment with the GreatestAmount of Profit.,14++4.44+++++++4.4, ++4.4, +tl:+i•II4+el„1•.1.sq-,1.•1••.i•+.•1•+el•4;•2•4,4,44+i 3r v++.1. -i,44..3 • .1..4.4.1 • I-• .1•1•,1-++•tt++ 3•.1••:-4..«•1-1 -saad••i•• •i•44,/el •atd4 . •fialg a ,1 ;•iI. lateiatea 4 -t•• eati•-d• lea, 3••A-leNs Heli •1-•ff-•1- 4•¢••I••i4•1-•i•++5+4• ^¢ •+4.40 •<II•+1• *S404 -1,4-i li+++++ i• tt EHAVE ,not 'a fraction of the Spacer here`.td put before` you the facts concerning the enQri oQQ'country.surrround: ing Edmonton and the reasons: why we; palace 'our faith '' in its future. However cut out the` Cafi• 1ix%`.`{ata'cl ed to this ?dace ,1',, ' and send as your name- and address ,aid ;,ve, v+lill,send you all:.the: Government Reports with Maps anda�'rsiuck,valuabie'information which will give you some' ideaof what' a, wonderful co'1 try, there is '• around Edmonton.. IS THE KEY to the Peace O ••TO ' ` Mackenzie River Basin to the River Country and the great north, a country larges than the whole of Ontario. In advising you • tto•isTkcest in Edmonton we do so because we have invested there and proved that itis 'a greatopportunity to snake money We are thor- oughly acquainted: with the conditions and we will protect anyone `who,:buys property through us to the very best of our knowledge "• and. take care of .your interest as long as you have a dollar invested.. .•:there •' RY DAy knowWE S1SEECl�ANCE� go by, EVE where we .vre could '� make money. for anyone wil- ling to • buy. Good buys do not stay on the market long. Wo receive Listings by telegram and so are in direct touch with the movements day by day. As a last word of advicekiet us remind you that every week means an iucrease in value and you will be paying more. Now is the time to get in. We can show you a doz- en good propositions, easily handled and sure money makers. • 4+l44.+1••NxN•N+•d•3^3••1,•i++i4•F.•i•+1••1••4,II+3rP•i•N'I'Kti•�i>l4:••ii,.d•.1'•g.•t..l•+•1••I-.1.•1••Nr••I+•i4+•1••d• e•i•+•i4•14+t,•i+•1•-II••1-Nd••iY•1.+•ii•N•dvdt.l..1•.l+•7-n+••:;+•1••N•N•N•N•'..-1.•1•.N.:••d++3r1•+kkN.i+•N+.+£•%1;-N•N•i••d-4-1•ot•+•d•.N•N•d+•d••N.1.•II,•l..g•'3^1,<t.iN.•1,.II.•d••N'•N.1••N•l..d.'3'•1••1••14.+$!d!3xi''?i^l+!b_iii+!it,d+>i•+•N,1.3r•d4t•N•N•Nd++#+4•°lh°i!•? We have some 'Good Securities .bearing 8 per cent for Sale, (Guaranteed) aw en&TBawden fficeSt,;'43din,onton, London and Exeter. '•Arllr if:'3:•.�;. ,e Ifir :. Exeter office one va ;atod by Bank of Commerce property, Farm- Lands, Timber Limits, ;Coal Lands ; ANStilbutors of Edmonton Board of Trade ,end Alberta Government Literature '+'w•re7tit '4 •1.4•4..,.N•t".1+'it-leN+ ii if'd,4,4++.101•444:++++++++44+414014110114•141e14444114401444", • • + •Haleiele1seek+6�N +1 6 • ++frA+C�+IieC+. +s� 4+>1•! 4+44411 14404 +•!•: • •.. O......+ +,.+.4+4+®.*+.•,+0:«..... a►fil..A..O...•,.• • •4 • • COUF'O• w a.' den• : Bowden. Please send me' Literature. of Edmonton and Alberta •+• •' e•• b• s Si. • b e s-.• e e' e k it • .. •. b• e.0 ,i, i c e .. a 'a i s s i 4 4w-1 44.+a-11'•+M1...b'.•.rbb`eOCeo*e eesi,'e. •ebb•b. r.'1►bi•reve► red. ib'0411.0•'. .0ns****a*'0►4114...+ s*t44.44........s.. ...4141#11!49.11011 no �tt,,•�-1t-_ �ty+•���••►,+�.,+,�.y .JL�,,af��,,1y��•,,a,d�,.�.i 44400 •let X44• et•+.. • •t4 -SH t-lr a•.y�-H4-i+•r�• a • +€ ►t+ , (��'�t�• +'4'YTi':F'7CM4++::, a a h ,'� tat+. "+ ' +. .'s' 14.4 0sCf ;iF - : x • 4� . .. ee 4, 4,