HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1912-5-9, Page 4441111111- Y01,1'1"0 getting, get the REST ene 010 will outlast tlee rest luVa eCerienele and fielese Babn eharaletee and FENCE andi nothing but the Best Lor instance Stok 'llee$ 20c aret prod 6itivanized Farm Gates at 47 Also a large stook of Cedar ntls all ki ts; Pf Lumber and Shingles at Low Prices 4. J. unworn" GRANTON. TODAg. • 1-1 :The artist took his penofl, If wag ea, "eteabley" tee zooid be! , Bust it traced a leeelY pacture thafi the world rejoiced to eee. The poet dipped his pen-hio-lwas a Cheap corroded thing, ir et scratched a charming incite that ' the world rejoiced to singe , the 'builder plied his trowel. It wile far from being new BO it laid the ineeks and mortar, till a lordin mansion 'grew, , fAhe pencil, pen, and trowel, 'You. , 'have frequently displayed. TTOW will can win aohievement evitk • exceeding little aid, Xelt daily b Life s markets, in its; Playrooms anel its schools. Folk grumb/e, 41 could lernener 11 II had some better tools.. elei44l.44.14444.4ehineeheeeseeedeifee.+4. •BREVITIES +.1.44+444e lakeording to an estimate madeleY offalseof the lanmegration bronele Of the interior Department at °tate% filie immigration next fiscal yearnialt 'meager the total of 400,000. This es'e' timate is based on the percentage it increase in the year just closed.' • ft * ;nen 'Mere,: asked a female suffrage eater. `would me.o. be to -day were it not ihr women? She paused for a moment and look- ed around the 'hall eI repeat, she aid, where would Min an to -day if it were not for woman? „ feed he in the garden of Elden eat. bag strawberries, aoswered a voloe from 'elle gallery.-eTit-Bits * *•• **ea Tke net results of the 'Titan:tie in- vestigatioln and the proposed recom- mendations a the Senate Committee thakhas beet conductieg the inquiry in New "York and in 'Washington Were 'described Saturday, by Senator .Smith. .chairman of the committee. Tha recommendations will inoludei klouble 'bottoms for ael large voisele fall eifeboat equipment, search- lights. dan.eer signals, double watches M night, two-man wireless service, and avoidance of the northerly track In the lee,berg season. • * • * • As an illustration to the great de- votion to truth, a lwould be eld. P. told his audience that he underwent a esevere thrashing -When a bier for telling the truth. Imagine the sickly feeling which came over him when a gruff voice called out from the centre of the audience. 'I guess It cured ler guvnor-Christain Life * • * • • It is said en Berlin that Russia,. England 4and Prance have de- cided to reoceupy Crete be- cause of the zenewed trouble on the island end -have sounded Ger- many on the subject Germany has Talc° One Pain P11111 then - Take/ It Eaay. To Head.Qff a Headache Nothing is Better than Dr. Wines'. AntiPain. Pills • They Give Relief 'Without feed .After-Effectse "Far four years X ;was subject to altaost eonatarit headache. At times s� severe I was unfitted forwork. Theotigh ,the advice of it friend' T wae -perivadedto trye tir: Asitiernin Pills and the: resttlt had been that r have entireiy etaditated my system of .thoee, esentitinetis heeclechee that falloWedee hard and centintiot4 ineatalestrain."---0. L. Russell,. Agt C. & N. WAys, kary Por Sale by Ali Druggists. 25 Doses, 25 erase f felEtatAn O,1oronto,Cai l' Aiheyour druggist for it. Jr he cannot tenely NM AtitMeare teene no wore bid seed Steno roe illas. hates book -weed.' It gives, N11,. tioirtietil nrittilieseffoas invaluable _ . -orrtmilmvourgiu,ri,- 1,444, Objeetteen .•2gGennee 4Igle000, in net lietenfieW • Witei 41 .,Cienteallet ter, ts irepogtocltot 'have isal;(4, coontryneede:Rea,oe,..b4t tko-440v- ,Q11.4 O4AAe, rOtagit$041 AllYn .gg :f0Ogt.0110d Oct Multes,. 141 .tattionit Vetil4e 7.4he:-ve0onelbte.• 0.016P: • 0,ppeol- to the pov.)ers. to .prevent. the ••Ortitele eleteuties• :from owning • to 'Ate heen •. 'The ••Cretere (nineteen .to Nr141.011 elm; eline•le King reeere in the tenable, .sonee agitation in .Crete • tor anis* • With •:Geee•Qe aArAestiOu *hien . has . been. before 'the poevees. for &nein time et ‘whiole tate not „ yet been • ea.tis- eectoey solve, 'Crete is .n Tlualitsel poeseasion .pv1 the 'Porte zefosellto permit Greece tt btainnossession Of the ieland At the recent •Greelte*e- tioo •the Creta -n people alto ,elected dee:la:tiesto the Greek Chamber and entleunced 'their ,determinaelen • • •to end then to. Athens. Greene hes ate tempted: to keep ;the neen net, but as .447 as is known is not exerting here self to any great extent. • * told. him that there Wttg A 40004 people •right here in town. who bed never heard et him," .- • • • =g !guess that took tine down -a peg or two.:." kixess, it didn't. He, • started zio,u out to find thane and berrieeV Meneye • , .t * • • 4 • * " A despatch from Ottawa StatesWet a report that May 24th will not lbe A publie holida,y thle year is given nat official denied at the State 'Depart- • ment. Le order to abolish, the to generation old custom of the obser- trance of May 24th, first' as Queen Victories birthday, it would be essary to ()lenge the statue, and that wan:not done at the last session of Parliament. May Nth must re- main 'under a public, holiday. The rumor probably arose out of the ea - pressed desire of King George that his birthday June Srd, should be observed as a public 'holiday through- out the Empire Next session may see legislation introduced to make Jun. 8rd a statutory holiday. BADLY .`ULCERITED LEG Zace-liek Cured her when, so bad she had to use Crutches For varicose metres, badleg. or etrene io hleers, Eam-Buk is without enneell. as a healer. A proof of this is just to hand from IlYlontreal. Mos. T. Ed- wards of a64 Amherst street writes Some time a had sore broke out on my left leg near the ankle. For as - week or two I did not heed it,- hut it got so bad that I could hardly walk I sent for our doctor, and he told me that I would have to lay up - with imy wound 1 did so for three? weeks. at the end of that time the Weer healed a little, but 1tould on- ly move about by using crubehes. "The Isere then broke out badly., and the dodor told ine that the only thing that would cure it would he, an operation, and that 1 should have to lay up for a year. This, el knew. was impossible as I had . o family to attend to eetly non had cured a heel cut on his finger by using Zam-Eukandehe advieed nee to give this balm e tenet did so, and in less than a weeks time it gave me wonderful mallet It stopped the pain, evihieh had been so bad that naany a night Inlid• not get a wink of sleep. in a yew shoat time tbe wound was so much thetteri that I had no more eleepless night's 'and was also able to go about and dot my work I persevered with Zarna leek avith the result that the woling is now perfectly healed and the lira is as strong and sound as ever. To any person suffering from ulcerated sores I would say try Zam Buk. Zam-Buk is just as good for piles, abscesses, boils, ecalp eorest, blood poison festering wounds, cuts burns, scalds, bruises, eezema, eruptions, and, al/ other skin diseases. All druggists and stores 50e. box or Zam-Buk Co. Toronto for price. Ob.iidren Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CAST'C",',i4k THE RUSH OF GRAIN - Stored in boats, elevators, and cars at Fort William and Port 'Arthur something like forty million dollars worth of Western Grain has been awaiting the opening of navigation at the head of the great lakes. Be- hind it in the interior cheaters of the Grain growing Provinces and en farmers hands are at least twenty million bushels of wheat alone IOW during the next four months mast oorae down tbe lakes or over the sin- gle C. P.. R, track that is at present the sole 'conneeting railway eine be- tween Eastern mid Western Canada. , The task is a colossal, one. The re - 'sults will be colossal also. There are not lest than 4ixty million 'donors invested in the grain at the bead of the lakes and at interior pointe that will. be released as the wheat roaches' the purchaser. Much a that money this year will not be available. for general raerclurntile or financial pur- poses. Rifest of it will have to be re- turned to • the west before long to finance the purpose and transporta- tion of the crop that is already on the ground, The neural effect, how- ever of turning 'Canada s wheat into money must 'begood for business alt round, even if it does not increase the ,capital available for eastern trade expansion. The great blockade of 1191142 is broken. Its less on is written large The railways must strain every nerve to put themselves in a position to ship 'grain from the west by rail steedily all the year roiled to the Atlantic seaboard-, and to the Pacific also when the anarna Canal is open- ed -Toronto Globe. very Wows 18 interested anteontiltnew about the woad iral Marvel wkl""no SPr4 'Douche • , FOR TITli SeeQMAail Herns en Offer that you !Should not Overlook Beall Dyspepsia Tablets releledY trebles by inches nature to .stepAY the elements the absence Of wheilli ia the gestric juices eause indinese tion eau dyspepsia, They aid the ettenetteh to digeat food and to quieklY eoevert it into rich red bloocl and =tented !necessary foie Overcoming? natural body waste. 'Caery a peel:age of Itexall Dy.spepe ,sia Tablets in your vest pooket, keep thelet ill your roora. Take nue after each iheavn meal and prove one assertion that indigestion will not bother YOu. , L:r ' We 'ealear what DYSIlepsiol !Athlete are and What they, witt do We Vuarantee them to relieve indig- estion and despepsia. le they fail we will return your tneney. Three sis. es 25o 50o and $1.00. Remembee, you, can obtain Rexall Remedies only at our atere the Itexelt Store W. S. -Cele. • • • "SEAFORTH At the annual meeting of the flea - forth; Rink Co. Limited, the follow- ing officers vere elected Presidlt ent, Harry Colbert; vice president R. S. Haysecretary ,Wm. Araene; der - eaters nolaa Beanie J. ?G. Steele Oscan Neil and John Rankin. The past sea- son has been a very suecessful nue and it Wae decided to grant a div- idend of isei,ed percent, to stock- holders But next 4easoin extensive iraprove'meiete are to. he made in the rink for the sonefort and oonvenitente of the patrons. At the last meeting of the College late 'Institute hoard it WaS decided to add a eonamereial department to the schooland an advisory committee repredenting the different industrial and eoinmereial interest of tbe town viz, J, adoTaviet j. 0, Stiles )1.110.1'1 ' tryand W. C. T. Marsoo were ape. pbinted to work in conjunction, with the board to further the scheme. It is ex-ected that the necessary ar- rangements for carrying on tae work will be completed during the .summer so that 'ellen the Collegiate - Institute re -opens in September a regular business Collene Course wile be in full operation. ( W. P. Thompson has purc'hased the coal business Of G. L. -Chesney of this town. There never was a time wheo peo- ple appreciated the heal merits of Chamberlains Cough remedy more thnn now This is shown by the in- crease in sales and voluntary testi- menials from persons who have been cured by it. If you or your children are itroubled neth ix oopgh or Aold give it a trial.and become acquaint- ed with its good qualities. Fox sale by all dealera. • BRUCEFIELD A"great deal of stock such as cats tle andpigsare skipped_ from here every week and the new scales are found to be a great convenienoe„ They are looked after by Mr. BOWlei Mr. War. Murdock of the 2nd con. cession of Stanley has purchased a residence in Egmondville and Mr. and Mrs. Murdoch intend moving to Eg- mondville shortly Their flee farm on the 'Znd will be taken in oharge by their son. Their neighbors will re- gret the removal of Mr. and Mra, Murdoch but all will be glad they are not going farther away. Mn John Caraeron had thewider- he was Standing and had his arm, tune to fall from a chair on whitelf fractured . • - Seeding is now pretty well scivan- ced in this. vicinity The ground, worked well and the seed has been got in in glued shape. The fall wheat in most places is looking remarkably well and promises a good crop. - Mr. George Turners automobile was almost destrayed by flee on Tees day last. he was overhauling the mach tne when in' some way it took Children' Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA sExemorrn On Saturday last Mrs. John Gould was called to Winghara to attend the funeral of ber sister Mrs. Wilhelm' Moore, -who died very suddenly in that Iowa A number of the yoteng people here are laid ,up with the measles. The many friends of M. Oristopher Eacrett will (bo pained to learn th,at he 'was called away on Sunday last he end been suffering from a pare, elatic stroke. - Mr. and Men. efolin Atc/Itlighon have returned from Toronto/ and are againe to be found in their old home. Their many iniends join in welcoming them back to ouri midst HA'RPLEY 'Messes Patrick of Yorkton are vieiting their sister Airs. Joy eheriett at the time of writing. Miss Edith Teylor mated co.11ed'on Inn friend iletiss Sherritt on Saturday afternoon. Miss Mabel Green who has teen helping Mr. Thos. Love for a few, weeks re ;Jurri .d 'o her honed in Brew- ster la.st Saturday. • iiithaensenetc T HOMESEEKEIIS EXCURSIONS TO Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta" Sneed Train' leen Toroeto eel° pea oe . APRIL 2,18,80 MAY 14,28 JLIN241/,25' JULY 9, 29 AUG. 6, 20 VEPT.'3,,17 Senate etas fineeta hen Ontario statical te.ptiociesi; •i Midwest poutli,st LOW ROUND-TRIP RATt4.-', NVIecinee and Tatum $34.00;. Edmonton *let $42.00and tO othsv poinni in tirpOrtina..: ..1.54. . .0.1 to return wain ,§0 cif pi korv Vail lento' , TOURIST SLEEPING eAfr$,. ttimat:b..„,thsgaemtato,.::::„.4.6,:odpiorerowm,..%.• mid cagey via Main Lae an all pond e F bata secured at moderato rates gaily application must be nue eoa OR tiorsesugatems, oAtiiiiii.sr: 4 conieelni ran apd full infolmation. • lienly to penal C.P.R. Aseaf or M. G, MURPHY, Igo, Pau. An. Teton*. ONLY DIRECT LINE NO CHAN01‘ OF tillAki VONSIVIERSI, ' •Nildli vomassa.........ri..1 Electric Restorer for Men Phosphonol restores every nerve is tke,borly to its proper tension; restores Vim and vitality. Rremature decay and all sexual weakness avertedat once. Phosphene' will snake you a new an. Pri.e $S a box, ()Owe for $5. Mm ailed to any address, If ItO tieteha Den Co,, Me Catharines; Outs 1.••••••••••••••••••1•*.1••••; AIISA CRAW The body a Mr. Dennis Final:I WO brought here last Thursday for bur- ial from Detroit. Mr. Finan wee un- til a few years ago a resident on this place having gone to Detroit where, he was employed as watchman On the railroad. Last Sunday \011ie on daty he wa,s instantly kteled by a train he did not see approaching-. The body was taken to the home of his son James frorn.whose plash the funeral took place Mr. Eile- en is survived ley tbree sons an fates daughters all of Detroit. Mr. Norman McDonald of Kingston' University is visitinghis ant Mrse McLeod He very ably filled tke rests pit of the Presbyterian church ca Sunday evening last. PITBBERT Berm House Burned -Ms. and Mrs. Jonah, Watson 'of. Hibbert went to Mitchell on Monday afternoon toe do some -shopping and between four and five o clock they received a tele- phone message that their residence. was on fire Before ',he a itrived Inane the fine 'brick house and all the contents were razed to the ground. The hired man and two children were left at home. while Mr. -and Mrs. Watson went •to .town buthe cause of the fire has not been learned. Death. of Mr. Dalton. --Mr. Robert Dalton of Hibbert who has beea. a severe .sufferer for some timer pas- sed away on Saturdaea He was 43 years of •age. 'Nearly two yrs age While he was loading gravel. in the gravel pit the bank caved in On him, injuring, his spine, and he has beea confined to his bed since that teme,. Besides his widow he leaves six ekilde -then the eldest only twenty years of age, :ASSESSOR S RETURNS The tollowien statestics have been taken ;item thee -rale as returned by Oscar Mope) for Hay Township -- • acres 5e,473; cleared land 142,490;1 woodland 12,228; slaisb: leer 1,587; asamp '6,135; valae of lands $1,532e. 50.00 value of buildings 788.490.014 exemptions *46 425 00; Business As- sessment ee2,4414904.00; population: ' 121882; births 71; 'deaths 116; No of dogs 850e No. of Bitches 28; • •••••••••••..............••• •••• Lame -back iseuenalln ceased hy rheumatism. of :the .muscles of tke back, for which You will find /loth- • ing (better then Chamberlainis Linb317 ent. For sale bf ale dealers. ' ASCOT S HEIR NO. 9646 ot2805) Bay, star on forehead, spot on nose fore pasterns and hind legs white, toiled May 1904, bred, by Mr. 'Shand Sunnyside, •Drumoak, 'Aberdeenehire, Scotlandeeraprotece gal August 100 by Wm. Colauhoun„ Slitchell; Ont. MONDAY May 6t1 will leave hisi stable Lot 20, ,Con, 16 Hibbert,, . and go to Chiselhurst, then south to Ed. 21cDotigars for boons' thence to his own stable ler night and wilt Female there aJ i S Village of Exeter By.Law No. 1912' By -la,* of the Village of x- eter, to authorize tbe oorrow- ing of the sum Of $5003.0Q, to. construct the Main Street drain. .,NrillitEAfi it iv necessary ,irt kik *Olio interest that thain or tronki 'drain. &mold be oonstriiiitei Street km 4Ihe said Vilia4e of Dx84elil f4eln tlaver t4 it point at or =eat Aks re* affix% in two -eon yntgew - 410 ITAITIRBAS it 'hoe beent entikahe- ated that it 'rill require tha gallA $100.119 he oonstruot said drain., ene eluding iz togeseary ,oulTerts, • *NO TrillilitE.A13 it is xtecipesary te hemp* upon the oredit of OW 3fti4 040011-AlitY, the said sum altit. to lee sae debentares of the said naunioipall lty tar *4) Klii4 tiitto,i 'a -45900.00i mild interest Mt hereinafter sprovide.d. srhilla is the amount of the debt Prt elstle,f1 inb reated by is By -Lava The proceeds of hhe taaid debent,oreal to he applied to the constructioo pf the said drain and onlverts and for, to other Uri4ss 1 i AND WHEREAS it IS desinable to make the principal of the said, debt repayable bY annual installments dare nog -the period of twenty -years next otter the, issue of the sebenture4 therefor, isach installments of vein* eioal to be of such entotints that Lthe; aggregate amount payable for p.rin- e,ipal and faiLerast in any year, shail be cella es Marty as may he to what M neyable for ,prineinee and interest daring path Of tlhe other years. , AND WHEREAS it will be necess- ary to raise annually for the period. of twenty years during the curred061 of the debentares to be Maned here- under by la special rate euffinien0 tbnrefor ox all the anteable property, wahin the municipality the tum of le401.22 for paybee th.e several teat- alraeots of principat and interest ithereen at the rate of five per ;cent per annum, I AND WHEREA'S the amount of the. v hole rateable property of the said Valve of .Exeter according to the last revised A.stealanient Roll Is, the stim of '075,587,00 AND WHEREAS the exisitine dein .benture debt of the said viae ex- elualire of local iroprovement debens ture debt semired by special assess.' ments therefor amounts to the sum • 161110,4.46.t and no part of 'the` principal or interest thereof is in am rears., Therefore the Municipal Counoit ol the Corporation of the Vil1ate0 Exeter enacts as follow/sae- lit shall be lawful for the Reevo of the said Village of Exeter to'bore row On the credit of the said corpora ties of the Village of Exeter the sune df 1$5800.00 for the purposes herein* before set forth and for thatpun, poae to issue` debenteres of the said nmeielpality to the amount a $s000.. et in mania ef not leas ' then Pile10.01 each and such debentures shall "fbe signed by the Reeve of the said•Cor- poration for the time being and mom- tersigned by the Treasurer for tha time iseiniz of the geld corporation and duly Seated with the Corporate( Seal thereof, -which seali the ICierk for the time being of said efornoran ties is hereby authorized and direen- ted to "attach to each :et said deben- tures ' 2. The said deb tires shall be det. ed 'upon the date of the issue therente and ;shell ibear interest at the rate of five per cent per annum from date olf the iesue thereof and the said in- terest shalt he payable yearly- on the day of the month in which said de- bentures are issued and as to both prinoipai and interest the said debez- three lall he payable in annual in- stallments within twenty years from the date of the ieuse thereof, such in- stalments tp be of snobamounts that • the ag,gregate amount payable for prin cipal. end interest in any year .ftkail he equal as nearly as may be- to what a panabte for principal and...interest during each -of the other yews of uoh period of, twenty years as here- nafeer set forth 2. During the currency of the said debentures there 'h 11 be rajeed day tr UeSdaY, r t ¶f WEDNESDAY to Zahn Johns for noon; thence to Jos. Hawkins for night. . THURSDAY' to Wehael Pleb:titers . for noon. thence tcie• S. Routley for • night. • ' " FRIDAY to John Ieallands Blanshe ard for noon; thence to Oliver 0 Barris Fullerton eor niabt. SATURDAY, to Geo, Leary s Let 0 Con, 12 Ilibbert for noon.. thence to his own stahje w here he %vial° remain until the' klidOWII* Mon- day morning. 'GEO: MARTIN Proprietor and gataews, D pally by special /ate on all the ratea- ble prepertj in -the Said 'Corporation of the -village of Exeter the sups .of A01'.22 for the purpose of paying; the amnt due in each of the said nears or principaland interest in reaped f the said itCht as follows.. n the Year ' • ' rincipal (Interest Total, 1913, 151 22 250 00 40122 Da. 101,4 • 15,8 79 242 '13 40122 )o. 1915 106 13 234. 49 A01 22, Do. 1916 170 06 226, 16 KC 22 0. larr 11,83 1311 217 41 401 23 )o. 101.0 193 -01 208 21 401 62 Do. 1,01) 202 66 IL 8 56- 401 28 Do. 14/20 212 ii9 188 43 :101 22 1)o. • 1921 223 43 177 '71) .401 22, DO. 1922 23450 .166 02- 401 22 Do, 1,03 2463 154 139' 401 22 Do. 1924 256 65 14e 57 301 2a Do. 1025 • 271 58 129 64 401 22 l)o. 1026 185 16 116 00 , 401 22' Do, • 19,27 29S at 101 MI 2111 1)0. 1908 814139 ' €i68J 40t 122 0o. 10,39 330 1 1 71 11 4014 22, De. lot .846 61 ,54 61 401 02 • 2p31. 1361 ¶4 e7 e8 401 22., Db. 1.032 082 14 ID 08 4.01 24, /kat this By-La*ha11 (nine In- to;force and take tffeet on . the .fleal panting thereof. 5; Met fhe votes of the Eleiitors of the weld Village of Exeter entitled to vote on thisBy-law be taken; on Monday the Twenty -Seventh Day of Ay ,1812 commenoine at nine o clock in the forenoon and continueneetustil flee, ceclook in the riethrnoon tot ethe, same oley at the. followiper Piece* ' witkin the said village of Exeter by the folio -wire; Deputy liteturning Of- , eleven and. Polf.,therks. elleng 60bdiViSiOn NO. 1 at SIs !1entil/1rd a liesidenees--Ed Treble, D. Is, Officer, and ElerlsPord,„ Clerk. oiling ,SubdiVision No, 2, at Town Bali W. 111. Weeks D. It. Officer "and 4 FREE TO YOU -MY SISTER RE( TO YOU AND EVERY SISTER SUFFER.. INC FROM WOMEN'S AILMENTS. I am a, woman. 1 know womanel radferIngs. have found the cure. me will mail, free of any charge, my bense treat. rturnt with full instructions to any sufferer from woinan's ailments. I want to tell all women about this cure -you, my reader, for /outlaw, your daughter, your mother, or your sister. I want t4) tell you how to cure yourself at home without the help of &doctor. -Men cannot understand wcain en's sufferings. Wbat we women know from es-: fleurtr;aw,i4eagte=atre4;e, lor egrstfgr% cliu!"jortr Leusorrhcestrit WhitleirdleChattge.Ulteritless",ma.0 phloem ent theWourbiterolose,4caaty or Palatal Peril:We, Uterine or .0verlin,Tumere or Growths. else Pelee in the heed. book Aid bOwelo. hearing deters feeling*. nervousness, crectA ftg testi. .Ing up the tiplook ffidaiteholy, drake to cry. hot floohear weariness, kistmo,ons bladdte troublesr Whore Coated 13Y' Weakness pecalliur to Out mt. I WauttOokind you a cornpleto 10 alayetreetnie* attreIv. tete to prove youthat you ntn out* FotFOOlf MUM°. oao tdokly and stireiy. Remember. that It will COOt you bothitil to tvs thOtteatitiontliOatotilota and If yoTt *fah t.o °obtain* it Willtoat yen ofll)ftbout12 Orette Week.'Orless then twocentsaar. It Willtset interfere With your Werk er eitttprittion. end'addersietenine hew' yet( anifer, if Yost tnaZwillseidyou the trestittent ferret= ease, entirely ftce.in Plaid verapper. bY return men. will also send yeap tree egitoitiyhook-'-'-olirOMA N'S OWN WinulooleanVisetrwithexolanetoeyillusttatitilis ebb* InJyiyotixon oulfet, and hO.Wthoyeati eesilyeuroeltennreeltea at home. Boot-y*00o ehoulet Lava It and loath, to tit ink lot heroin.. Then Willa,tbO doctor saya-"TonintiOt havOait 140."-ritti ears deetleffee yotrablf. ThOrtiteriditw ef orfien have Mil; : **Medi'. It Ores old or young TO Mothers' et Daughters', ' , etto treOweet *hie& inierstilly and effeetutalle cents leeteorrhcia, earemo 1 Or Zr*tgufrMonetrnati&uaYeeng lAdiers, Plilintaktilo and. bOalth alWaya tatil t front MOO* Wherever you Hee, noi rotor you, to liadiesi of your. Otintilecality Wecktiowerid gunny IOII /my sniffers', thetthisnormerreiniierit really cares an woritenS daises/ea/bid Melee 'ROOM well.:otrPOILFIan)P Ondtthatt. ;Asia lend taii your oddi•COO, and tbi) free ten days' trer.thient it FOiltit WO 0204001G TirtitO't04/Or YOttitioynot thiS offetaitala.. Address: 101110.. Ate $011111VIIERS4 Ofilr• Tenders for Sewer Tensler'swifl he reoeivedup i.4 VS* day noon N4y..1,0 near*, for thal 8410 strostioX of &built 3.000 led Qf 6040/0e ale° gra' aiSeat .8,000 feomt ,ot tZ-1,124 *id lfeineh ecwer pipe Old upealeis. Plana and spetificatio4 and tarots of louder may be aherl'a# the iegfice at Aithen of tbdunde.rslailm ed, The lowest or any toRdsil aegeSsarilyaceeptede re 'We PAtINCOMS. ,a11.0till1110 Censaltiag insiinear Winvat',Ohlair London Ont.PbteteR PA. Houses for Sale We offer; a eonafortable feama eat- tage at a bargin, a larger storey and e t,alf house, welii loeated and ..ityro fine ',extols residenoes at ittreote ise pric. kf Toe are. looking f�r teuse inaireter cetit nod get partite/ large choice", Easy term GLADMAN & STANI414101 Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estato of ffelen Elder late of the TovrAllas of.thitiorme in ths County of Huron. Widow deseasede Notice is bereby given porsuant to 'Section 65 of II/suttee Ant the* alt creditors and ()there bavine claims against the estate of the la ek rietie4 Elder who died on or about ;tha ef Marais tOnt are reef:Jolted en ):1,eforct th.e 138nd day .01 zsto 0,90 to send laq pat prepdid or delim to Messrs. :Gladman ine Stasiburye et the village of Exeter, solicitors for the lerebutors of the said doceabed their chriltian and surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full particsalars of their °lanais, the statement of their accounts and the nature of the Securities, if any; held' by them. Anti farther take kietiee that after ouch laet mentidned date the executors will proceed to distribute Assets of the deeeased among the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to the &aims of which they eihairl,When have notice and that -said executers shall not be liable for Ike said as- sets or any -part thereof to any per- son orsnersons of whose olaims not- ice shall not have been, received by . thew, at nhe tiroo of sachtedeetribatien, •: GI/ADMAN '& STANBURIP, ' Solicitors for Erni:eters. Dabed lit.,Exeter this psi or • at Atort ' Notice to Creditors Id the matter of the estate tof William Biker :of , the Villalgo el . rseter ilia Ocringtee of Balla Gars 'frOler, ',deceased, , Notice is hereby given 'parties:it to Seibion 55 of Totstee Alt that elk oredillersea•ii "others having elo.iros niaiink,8". the enta'te of William Rakeu late' a the Village of Exeter who died. on - or abeat the 25th day ,of April 1612 *are eee- quired on or., before the 12.1st day of 'Wy 1,918 - to seat by olose prepaid on deliver to Messrs. . . GAmslman &`Suaribury, of the Village • of ,Exeter, Solicitors 'for Er- eeatores. 02,th.e said deceased their chriatian andsurnames; addresees • -and- descriptions, the f ill 1 • partici', %Dire a 'their '-illibrita; the -at a tematrt of thein'aecounts and the nature ol., the secnritioil, if any, held by them. And further" take rib time that after such last Mentioned date the said Executers *ill procreed to distri- !site tee assets of the deceased. ItmOrix the panties. entitled -thereto. Lavine reegard sailentre tlie elaims of which they shallthen lave rietiee and that said. Execat�r hftll not be 'liable for the said assets or any part there - 02 to any parson or heriOns Of whose claims notice shall not have been 'reeetived byeithera at ':he time of sucili dietribteltiOna ' :41-'14011=111 GLADMAN & STANDUItga • .Solipitors for Executors. Dated at Exeter thie 29th dry og APril Mtn fios. Davis Tall Clark. Pollingsabdivission No. 2, at John Mitchell s 'office .11. B. lipston D. R. °Meer. and A.. G. Dyer, Polio:Her/Is fieer. and A. Merherson Poll Clerk. aniedierision l‘fp. tat North end fire' Hall. R: G. Seidon D. Ofe dicer and A. 'McPherson Poll Clerk -43. That Thursday the 23rd day of Ft at at Eleven oelook UMt forenoon ohole be the day ant the Clerks °thee in the Town Hall in the villarge of Exeter halI be the place where the Reeve 410,1 -attend to appoint. P.MPOIh.te attend at the 'ver- ous polline' places aforesaid arid kt ' 'the fiiiitr.9upitititig *up of the votede:4 the Clerk on ;behalf of persona „ nate re ested in pronisitine or oPoco!a6. .thie 'passing:of , the."ByeLaW "respentp•Mlye 7. ri`tat the Clerk 'of the CorporaS. .tion. of ,the, said village of Exeter 010,11 attend at his office in deisaid Village of Exeter itt Twelve olikok noon on Tuesday the 28th day Of Way 1912 to sum up the number of -votes given for and against this By -Law • SOTIOB The above is a true oopy of 'thd proposed By -Law Which hitsbeell take en into consideration and whit* will by finally passed by tte Connell of the iCerporation of the Villnge of Exeter in the event of the assent of the electors being obtained th.eretd after one month from the first pub- lication in the Exeter Timesatewnpeen er which first' publication elude. be on the second .day of May, 1912, and, at the..linor daY and plate 1100a:fie ea. for Itakine . the votes of the Ble- tors a poll. "Will be Leld. Every , Leaseholder entitled by Jaw to vote on the proposed By -Law Shall at least tee flare next preetedialg the da Y of pollind Elle in the officeof the Clerk of .the Municipa2it tt Stabut- ,ory deelaratien stating that his lease eneets the requirements by lisle entit. `ling him to vote on pooh 13yeliaw /end A, id the nareee of 'Leasehtildere nee- ' Meth)* to file snob a Declaration' shall not be placed on, the voters list Lor sueh otine - -DATED at leieter this 291h day of April A. b. itit r, P. CARLY NG *fork of time Cor)poration of the vit.. livse of tteter. 1 Talln AK:10X 0 telt Horse for ,Sti10, dtaudarll Bret Teerli Hilda iiininkti Sired by at I3 PolffelLnii112 hit'ee' Farrtt for Sale igok eato Ot• ones -200 acres St ..7; $d '0011.. qeinlreis leons „Clinton. .1i0 1 114* PS0.4 *late of.eultavattan i8 ra* l0aorlea at"Ige LIAM bgeidA. Pea hay and " *iniait Mune, *WO Storey, Alatk, 'ro .61080 4tiary* OldIatt, tnromioe faetiAithre. One_ Vara 0460, w •r.,witermyealifs, on' oattitt (61itfl bsinees. '16-e 1.11 6400. *Tar 1usn 50X35. Ge ;mid with farm, if delaircd, A le Ma4ceftz iawen. Rex 56. . Farm For Sale no* Sale- Xfaallt centa.intng acres. of *et ofos fsatl. age 0211-.00111iiani4 Geed OS frame hisyse"; bank barn at .3t with u,,p4Mk:dilter, stable* foams. etkent 4,14•416.1. • bitai tiliets' . a yor villa II caller 251116 'Int* ifepeont. sYsitigwat, Now. 011144 oiliest' gogatid steiet aldisuf 8800; *et *tie. -Mob, a. visa suRp111 °CO wow,- gha /Win i t ne:4,&Th wait 44•04, moot/ alt neer Wiee Deism% ,ttis• tolg keed bush mostly ha woc partioulara 1()3 to W'eaey Woodhoos Ont. • Property.for Sale. • The undersigned is offerinas. Y/0111 sale ift of lot 1.3 f -Cabala* situated isli aNa, shuns • of 41/41*, eatatainieg sever and one 5th aer .There is on the practiges a, frame house ann.& barn, goad waj of. water, .e.boat 80 apRle• trees II a 'quantity of small fruits. This Sateledia propeFtftwea situated a will be sold reasonable and on' CO*, (terms: It molt sold priviatery on or her She 2011h of May 11912 ft will be so by .pabi.is auction With the.househ furniture on the 1sit of June 14.12,f further particulars apply ltse Cameron auctioneer Paraoher or on the promises to. johia Bathe* Exaxr Possession given imme.diatielei Notive to Contractors A contract to eonstruct an *pea ditch about 13 roils long onefelot .p5t Cots 4 Township a Usboornerbehillf; new outlet for the Anderson Dre also to repair, part of the old dit will be !et by auction on Saturd May 14th eit 6 °cloak in the aft noon at the jecaility of Us steelfiiations wiU ine. finniiihed time of letting 13. ]ffsinkhe - &teeter lietvo Stock for Sale Stook -For Sale -We are at pre offering three choice Shorthorn b ..1.0, 12 and 15 mentlas old; else a dowa and hiifers. and ' a regi:11a Clyde mare bred , from impor stock. even years, old euul T. J. .43orry's King Thomas, ' Lot Con: 2. Tuckernnitie. Henson. t Dental Offices Closet Kindly take notice (that my ofkica is closed every Wednesday aftern,00ns DR. ROULsti)lle CLOSING NOTICE Please remember that my Dente Office is closed ever NV„edri etc t:yik ' rit46/1- ,HORESEEKERS' • and Settlers Excursions to 'Weste Canada via Chicago Apr11,16;' 23 and ,30 and every' Seeot d TuesdaYtbereaftnit until Sept: 17th inclusive. Specl Train will leave Toronto at 10:80 p. on above 'dates fro. Edmonton a points -in Manitoba and Saskatchewth via Chicago nod St. Paul catryi jg threugh coaches lend r sIman Tomah Sleepers: No charge Full particulate frog& any Oreg..* Trunk Agent or C. R. McOutch Alberta Government Agent, Pal House Block, Toronto, Ont. THE MOST POPULAR ROUTE Montreal,' Buffalo, New York, Phila.. , delnhia, Detroit, Chicago, is via GrOffil Trunk. the -only Double Track Route, • Steamship tickets 'on -sale via,' o Lines. Por Tickets and all hi form e tion apply tb A,. 10. Dint Distri ct Pe, senger Agent, °etc) Depot. Agent. X. J. KIII7T, CONDON...ONta ilirSNESS and SUOMI/AND SIM Rellaterid latit teason upwards ot 300. sae Is and Placed evoker graduate. Seven 6p5Ially,qualified reitular teeehets. (hie hundred and fifty London finals employ Dor trained help. V.,ollege in session from Sept. 6 to June 36. Enter Any Crime Caktiotuol Free, Forest City, :ogista Collcge WorER*.irt,oR. J. W. WkstraV ' rlienveardesA*rdagatiort„