HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1912-5-9, Page 2FERED TERRIBLE PAINS
M '+B i'S 1,1M -LIVER P LLS
Mrs. 'Wm. H. 1►Maegwenn, MQusit
Tryon, P,E•I,, writes: --"For more than a
year I suffered with all the terrible pains
of indigestion, and my life was one of the
greatest misery, It did not seem to make
any difference whether I ate or not, the
pains were ,always there, accompanied by
a severe bloating and belching of wind.
11 did not even get relief at night, and
sometimes hardly got a bit of sleep. In
my misery I tried meny remedies said
to cure indigestion, but they did me not
one particle of good, and I fully expected
I would always he afflicted in this way.
At thistime my brother came home on a
visit and urged was to try Milburn's
Lasa -Liver Pills, and got me a few vials.
By tiie time I had taken one vial I began
tie improve, and could eat with some
relish. I was greatly cheered, and con-
tinuedtaking the pills until all traces or
the trouble had disappeared, and I could
once more eat all kinds of food without
the slightest:inconvenience. I am so fully
convinced of their virtue as a family
medicine; I have no hesitation in recom-
snending them.."
Price, 25 cents per vial or 5 vials for
81.00 at all dealers or mailed direct on
receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co,,
Limited, Tomato, Ont.
How the. Canadian Artist Sold His
First Literary Work.
Arthur Herring is known to a good
many readers, not only as an illustra•
tor, but as 'a writer — of magazine
stories and one book. The book,
"Spirit Lake," which is all a story
about the Ojibways towards Hudson
Bay, has behind it a story, and a good
It was while he was wintering with
Wm. Henry Howe, the cattle painter,
at Bronxville, N.Y., that Healing
conceived the notion that he would
like to write the story of how the
Ojibways put in their queer, weird
lives from one winter to the next.
This, of course, would mean a fresh
winter trip to the north. He took a
train down to the city, and went to
The Outlook. Not knowing the name
of the art editor or the heads of any
departments, he asked the elevator
man. Introducing himself to the head
of the art department, he told him
what he intended to do.
'But what doyou expect us to do?"
was the question.
"Write me an advance check for a
thousand dollars, give me the serial
rights on my stuff and I'll go north
and get you material for the book."
radical This
� x os 1 sugcation was convey-
to the chief, who, after listening to
the much -in -earnest delivery of the
Canadain artist, took him at his word,
wrote the check and gave him the
From there Herring went to anoth-
er magazine which had already hand-
led a series of his drawings for Fras-
er's "Sa'zada Tales." To the editor
of that he proposed to sell the serial
rights of the same • thing. The offer,
w,as accepted. Immediately Heming
hied himself to an outfitter's •empor-
ium and made a deal for a. complete
camp outfit of most elegant proper-,
tions including everything a man can
possibly lug into the wilderness and
use to advantage. At another store
he got a Mauser rifle and a hundred
rounds of ammunition.
Thus equipped, the trailsman hit
on* for the far north. He was gone
alI'"winter. He got his material. He
came baok to civilization, and just
before he started for England to study
with Brangwyn he conceived the idea
of throwing the whole thing into the
form of short stories which could be
combined to make the book.
Hence came the book "Spirit Lake,"
which was made nearly twenty yeare
after Heming had gone his first snovn
shoe trip in the north from Mattawa
io r. i`emiskaming; . and; he 'sold •the
serial rights of "Spirit Lake" in four
separate countries, England, France,
the United States and Canada.
So he ea a walking and emthusiaetie
encyclopaedia of the life on the un -
railroaded edges of the north. He
has studied. most of the Indian tribes
that pitch their camps between Mont-
real and Alaska; from the Saroees
down in the cow -hills to the Lochieux
tp the Peel in the Yukon. He knows
the joys of the bull moose and the
sorrows of the whale. He has bur-
rowed after little game and gone
stapling after the big. From the fur
of a mink or the mound of a musk-
rat to the blubber of a bull whale
just off the harpoon is the zoological
range of his acquaintance with north-
®rn, animals. He has bossed mining
Camps and Dome down, with the river -
drivers. And with whatsoever sort
',of • crew . he hit the river ar the trail
he tpok off his coat and his collar
and Put on his jeans and his blanket
coat or his moccasins and got down to
thQ brass tacks of genuine hard labor.
eAuguseus Bridle in The Globe.
lad Pals itatioo of the Heart
Week•ness and Choking Spells.
When the heart begins to beat irregu-
larly, palpitate and throb, beats fast for
A time, then so slow as to seem almost to
°s top, it causes great anxiety and alarm.
When the heart does Ong many people are
kept in a state of morbid fear of death,
and become weak, worn and miserable.
To all such sufferers Milburn's Heart
and Nerve' Pills will give prompt and
permanent relief.
o e New Glasgow,
Mr ...J. ID wn
.',a., writes:—"Just a few lines to let
u know what your Milburn's Heart
i d Nerve Pills have done for sate. I
troubled with wea ess and paipi•
on of the heart, wo�e ld' have severe
kin. and uld r
g spell's. d t;o Scar fie
at all. I tried OW teles
t got none to answer my case tike
L` . �
. � ram ifastitesad theadl !i to
a is :p
avin�'lte>>♦rt or nerve tfsablstta. yi
50 stats it r Or
Ci. Fax Sire sit
T. ltb�ala► Culex
Former Leader . Takes Hand In
Home Rule Debate.
He Says It Has Not a Germ of Final.
ity to It and Sir Edward Grey
Rejoins That It k a Step in a %ery
Necessary Devolution If the Imper-
ial Parliament Was to Be Useful
at Ail—Couldn't Stand in Way.
London, May 3.—A. J. Balfour and
Sir Edward Grey held the stage at
to -day's debate on the home rule bill
in the House of Commons.
The farmer Premier showed little
of his old-time fire, and his speech
was reminiscent of many heard be -
tote. Ile complained that the bill did
not contain even a germ of finality,
and that its adoption would work a
great injury to the representative
institution of England, while creating
in Ireland an assembly which no
Irishman could regard with pride or
The powers of the Irish Parliament
would be so hampered, he said, that
eood men would refuse to serve in it,
every successful federal system, he
declared, had been built up on a de-
sire of the separate parts for a closer
unity, but the Government was pur-
suing an opposite course, cutting up
the United Kingdom and creating
fiscal divisions.
Sir Edward Grey contended that the
constitution was becoming increas-
ingly unworkable, and that devolu-
tion throughout the- United Kingdom
was necessary. The usefulness of the
Imperial Parliament could not, the
Foreign Secretary added, be sacrificed
to the feelings of Ulster.
The Foreign Secretary admitted
that the settlement provided in the
bill was incomplete in some respects.
The presence of 42 Irish members in
the Imperial Parliament was an ano•
maly, but he did not mind that, be-
cause he believed that it would pre-
cipitate further arrangements which,
while not endangering imperial unity,
would relieve the different parts of
the United Kingdom.
If Ulster defied the solution the
Government proposed, or made it im-
possible, some other solution would
have to 'le found which would relieve
the overburdened House of Commons
of the present monstrous congestion
of business and put the control of
Irish affairs in Irish hands.
Lord Charles Beresford, in a breezy
speech, declared that the Irish ques-
tion was essentially a land question,
and the only way to pacifyIreland
was to continue the present land pur-
chase system and "de away with the
lord -lieutenant and all that sham and
rotten court."
The Right Hon. Ronald C. Munro -
Ferguson supported the bill, because
it was the first step toward a com-
plete policy of Parliamentary devolu-
tion and paved the way for selfamv-
ernment in Scotland. Mr. Munro -Fer-
guson, who represents Leith burgs,
has been an ardent supporter of de-
Daniel D. Sheehan, representing the
mid-diviaion of Cork, a labor advo-
cate and independent Nationalist, who
favors the policy of conciliation as
applied to Irish politics, approved
the principle of the bill, but said it
placed too many restrictions( on Irish
financial freedom. He maintained
that the Irish Parliament should be
given full powers with respect to the
raising of revenue in Ireland and all
expenditures in Ireland.
Halleybury Judicial Centre.
Toronto, May 8.—Haileybury is to
be the seat of the new judicial dis-
trict cd Temiskaming.
Hon. W. H. Hearst made the an-
nouncement last night, addi -that,
in, the apinien• of the Onteri oveen-
merit, the -matter had .been flanging
fire long enough and - that it was
considered desirable to put an end
to the agitation. among New Ontario
towns, several of which have been
pressing their claims for the distinc-
Fell Three Storeys.
Toronto May 3. --Fall from a third
storey window in. the Princess Hotel,
252 East icing street, about midnight,
David Nid3olson, a Sootchman, aged
25 years, tarts probably fatally injur-
ed. He visas taken to St. Michael's
Hospital in an unconscious eondi-
tion, and it is thought that his skull
is fractured. His wrist was broken
and his fade badly lacerated.
Strange Shooting.
Qu'Appelle, Sask., May 3.—Wednes-
day night a 9dn of Mayor Beuchamp
18 years old, wase shot in. the forehead
by a stranger who was passing the
residence. The boy received a sur-
face wound.
The mal was well-dressed. As he
passed by' the Beauchamp house, be
jerked a reltblvex from his pocket and
shot the bey',.
Now Mr. Justice Lennox.
Toronto May 3. Mr. Haughton
Leiinda, K.O., es-M.P. for Smith Sinn
ode, Wee fienern_in`by Sir John Alex-
ander Road, d, pr sident of the high
court of jus ee, yesterday morning,
as tl Rige olif the Suprerne Court of
Judicature and a justice of the High
Court of Justiee of Ontatfo, and took
a seat in tate Court of Appeal.
Aid for Pipe Smoker*.
Washington, May 3. --Assistant Sec-
retary of the Treasury Curtis has
come to the cid of pipe smoker by
amending the cuetorns regulations so
as to authorize travelers to bring into
the United States free of duty three
ds of prepared smoking tnbaceo,
lieu of the permitted fifty cigars
of 800 eigarettee.
Drydock For the Soo. •
Ot wa, llddy* ; 3. 1 tietg company
n stru tion
for the ao s c
�, ' formed
s o
l to Marie.
k .. .t��l�
a � tt � .
Tana WG filed Otterdity and a sub.
Y.,. � ef:l Q
BiQy fe tlret� ad 'ice -
to a of, 1, +!'+1'. W°e 'Clergae in.:.
• r .171 :..i.. • ..
Veager's Horse C~ arries Off Big Event
In Toronto..
Toronto, May 3. -The attendance Qt
the third night of the eighteet tl}'a
nal Canadian Horse Show was t QQ
est of the week. Every corner of
e" armories was well filled, and it
indeed was a pretty sight. The dir
play of horses was again of sterling
quality, the attention of the enoirmqu's
crowd being eager throughout the per-
formance. Society and the ladies were
as usual engrossed in the saddle
p�orseee� and jumpers, while the regule •
lookedon approvingly at the haresi
o asses and haclimeys.
A, Yeager of Bi
mooe repeated
ed h
rformance of last year in the Kis
dwand Hotel Challenge Cup. E.
reygave$ fine nx tb�don and Wb
with Lair margin.
Capt. Rodden'.y
Louise. was a good second. Mrs. Bec1 d
Lady Norfolk, driven by the Power
Minister, was third.
In class 22, for combination ha.
teals and saddle horses, Capt. Rode
den's Miss Dainty was a gem. She
was ridden by a lady and had every-
thing in the category. She was vek
'satire gaited, walking, trotting or can-
tering superbly. Miss Dainty wen
In class 75, the Guelph entry landil
Mae nieely, Crow & Murray's
tnut being a good second.
Matthews of 509 Young street
an one-two in the light delivery class,
exhibit being exceptionally fine.
W. Holman's Silver Heels was
The class for trotters not, exceeding
3*,2 provided the excitement of the
evening. Two spills that might have
resulted fatally took place, and both
were the result of reckless driv'ialg.
It was a well-filled class, and `the
judges had a hard task awarding the
ribbons. Dress Parade was declared
(he winner, with the red going tap
Lady 0., and W. J. Crossen also got
the third with Molly Chimes.
The last event of the evening was
class 48, for the jumpers, and was one
of the best of the night. Hon. Clif-
ford Sifton lifted first and third with
Paddy and The Wasp, the second go-
ing to H. S. Wilson's Sarah Moore.
Assembly on June 5.
Toronto, May 3.—Rev. Dr. Somer-
ville is issuing the call for the Pres-
oyterian General Assembly. It will
meet at Edmonton on Wednesday
evening, June 5, under the moderatet-
ehip of Rev. R. P. McKay, D.D., 'To-
The financial reports will show +1
substantial increase in the givings for
the sembly'a funds, but it is doubt•
if the actual million dollars aimed
a will be quite reached.
- budgetor the ear 1912-13it
hef y w i
be ma an estimated aggregate revenue
af.1,000,000 an increase of $100,000
In view of the enthusiasm creaked
by the laymen's movement the esti.
Mates for the present year were on a
lavish scale. While the oontributione
were larger than before they did not
'arrant the exaggerated antielpatiane
a cut of $50,000 has been made
this year's foreign mission esti-
Seek 650,000 Damages.
New York, May 3.—Papers in the
first suit for damages brought by
relative of a Titania victim were filed
1.D3 the Federal District Court here
terday. . Suit, in admiralty, is
ght by Mrs. Louise Robina, wi•
clow f Victor Robins, Col. Zahn Jaa-
eab tore valet, who lost his life
then he Titanic sank, and is that
in which the testimony of 3. /trace
Isn�nnay hnd officers of the sunken
etteamer is desired. It charges neglt
genoe on the part of the Oeeanli
Steam Navigation Co., and .asks for
$50,000 damages and costs.
Want Tunnel Bonds Guaranteed.
ittawa, May 3:—A delegation.of a
hundred ' from the vielnitq of Mont:
teal yesterday afternoon asked the
Government to guarantee for 50 years
41-2 per cent. bonds of the Montreal
Tunnel Co, to the extent of fifteen
million dollars. The tunnel is fol'
efeainer and electric railways. The
Premier promised immediate eonsidez.
A point urged was that the new line
would furnish access to Montreal for
the I. C. R. which now goes over the
Grand Trunk.
Disaster Not Confirmed.
London, May 3.—There is no eon-
firmation of the Constantinople de-
spatch reporting the lose .of the Ital-
ian battleship Umberto near Zuara.
The battleship has been engaged in
convoying landing expedition's to Tr�,
Poli. Built in, 1887, she carriee ave?!
700 men, and was •400 feet long, 12
feet wide. Her ar natne±t1 ine t1de9
four 12 -inch guns.
Get pure blood and keep it pure by
removing every trace of impure morbid
nidtter from the system. te
Burdock Blood Bitters has been on the
market about thirty-five years, and is one
of the very best medicines procurable for
the cure of boils and pimples.
Miss J. M. Wallace, Black's 'Harbor,
N.B., writes:—"About five years ago
ray' face was entirely covered with
pimples. I tried everything people told
me about, but found no relief. At last I
thought of B.B.B. and decided to try a
bottle. After finishing two bottles at I
was entirely cured, and would advise
any lady who wants a beautiful complex=
ion to use B.B.B."
Mrs. Ellsworth Mayne, Springfield,
• writes: — "My face and neck
Were covered with boils, and I tried all
s of•:but
d remedies, they did enc no
gen • I went to 'many doctors, but they
email not cure me.. I thea tried Burdock
D1dod Bitters, and. I most slay it is awon-
reedy for the eure of boils."
Ilardoek Blood /litters is mea.,
t• yWOlkThe The. T. Mbar*Co., Irtstitesl„
Twenty -Six Are Prepared In. British
Titanic Probe,
London, May 3.—Lord. Mersey, in
his capacity as wreck commissioner,
and five assessors who will advise
him in his questioning on the teoh-
nicelities of nautical affairs, held
yesterday morning the ,first session of
the Board of Trade enquiry into the
loss of the White 'Star steamer Titanic.
The spacious armory of the Seottieh
Rifles was chosen with a view to seat-
ing an expected crush of auditors,
but when the enquiry opened not more
than one hundred spectators were
present, and the majority' of these
were women.
From the series of twenty-six ques-
tions which the Attorney -General an-
nounced would be taken up, it became
evident that the enquiry would cover
practically the same ground as the
investigation of the American Senate,
but would be conducted more in ac-
cordance with the procedure of a court
of law and deal definitely with stated
cases. Eight questions, Sir Rufus
Daniel Isaacs said, would relate to
happenings before the casualty; six to
warnings given the the Titanic and the
resulting precautions taken; ten to the
casualty itself and consequent events,
one to the equipment and construction
od the'vessel, and the last to the rules
of the Merchant Shipping Act.
The only reference to the American
investigation was Sir Rufus' an-
nouncement that owing to the deten-
tion of many witnesses for the Sena-
torial enquiry in the United States,
the testimony would not be presented
in a logical order. The setnoen who
arrived from New York on the steam-
er Lapland were called first as wit-
nesses to the construction and equip-
ment of the Titanic. Several lawyers,
representing interested parties, •re-
quested permission to participate in
the proceedings. Lord Mersey recog-
nized Thomas • Scanlan, member of
Parliament for the north division of
Sligo, who appeared for the Seamen's
and Firemen's Unions, and an attor-
ney for the Merchants' Service Guild,
and took under consideration the ap-
plication for representation of the Sea-
farers' ,Union, the Ship Constructors'
Association and the Mercantile Offi-
cers' Union.
An adjournment was then taken.
Mr. David Marshall, M.P., of Ayl-
mer, is suffering from tonsilitis.
The Empress of Midland grounded
on Cabot's Head, east of Tobermory.
Gordian Hoesli, aviator, was killed
by a fall from a monoplane at Berlin
Four Montreal Protestant theologi-
cal colleges are trying to arrange a
co-operative scheme of lectures.
Prof. Mickle estimates the mineral
wealth of Cobalt at 247,000,000 ounces,
including the ore already mined.
The tourist steamer Niekerwald,
collided with a ferry on the Rhine,
near Cologne, and the oaptain ran
her ashore.
Cayuga Indians on the Brant. re-
serve are pressing their hundred -year-
old claim against the U. S. Govern-
ment .for their annuity.
Point 1idward hotelmen disposed of
their remaining stocks of liquor, when
local option came into force, by giving
free drinks to all -comers.
President Taft attended a memorial
service to the late Major Arthur Butt,
in a theatre at Augusta, Ga. That
city was his birthplace and business
was suspended.
Arthur Coligan, of Pittsburg, stab-
bed and killed Belle Hopkins, and
after cutting his throat, jumped from
a second storey window at Tusla, Ok-
lahoma, yesterday.
For assaulting the thirteen -year-old
daughter of Hamilton Green, Robert
Sprott, hotel porter, 22, was sentenced
to six months in Central Prison at
Niagara Falls yesterday,` ,
A deepeteli has been ;received from
Tunis "saying that the Italian battle-
ship Re Umberto has been driven by
a storm on the rocks and sunk at a
point on the African coast near
An unidentified boy, aged about 12
years, was instantly killed on the
Brook avenue level crossing at Toron-
to last night. He was struck by an
engine and a long string of freight
cars ran over him.
The Dominion Government has pur-
chased a magnificent oil p inti.ng for
the National Art Gallery, Ottawa,
from W. St. Thomas Smith, A_R.C.A.,
of St. Thomas, and has also placed
an order for a second marine scene.
The Methodist and Episcopal
Church conference yesterday in Min-
neapolis deplored the conditions
which brought a net gain of 55,000 in
membership in a year, or less than 2
per cent., despite church work and
the outlay of millions of dollars.
Thaw Case In June Again.
White Plains, N.Y., May 3.—Jus-
tice Keogh decided to set June 3 as
the date for hearing Thaw's applica-
tion for release. In the meantime it
will be definitely determined whether
it will be heard by a jury.
The court decided to let four alien-
ists testify for each side. The hear-
ing will probably extend over seyeral
British Warship Damaged.
London, May 3.—The British battle-
ship Empress of India was in colli-
sion with a German sailing vessel
earl' yesterday at Spithead. The bat-
tleahip received a gaping hole in her
side above the main deck, while the
merchantsman lost headgear and top
Railway' Fireman's Demand.
New York, May 3.—One of the de-
mands made by the locomotive flare.
then is that on coal -burning locomo-
tives in freight service a fireman and
en assistant firemen shall be employ,
ed. 'Tie would mean the e$aployu:tent
of 14,000 additional itr men.
MonJews Nominate
troal, Ma 3.—�T a Aweof8
LAwren vidion, Monti' 111, ha b
nominated l.,
r. R. B o
olzifl�d rah
as Conservative candidate Zoe' the lo.
eel L ltlatant..._
The Kingston Institution Will Ee
Officially Investigated.
fnspeetor .Douglas Stewart of Ottawa
Has Been Made Temporary Ward-
en For a Month nad Warden Platt
Is Taking a Holiday—Escapes of
Prisoners Aro To Be Looked Into-
Murder Narrowly Averted.
ICingston, May 3. --The Government
has stepped in to make an investiga-
tion regarding the working system in
the penitentiary. Douglas Stewart,
of Ottawa, one of the inspectors, has
Thieved here, and taken over the poli -
tion of warden for a month to see
how work at the big prison is carried
out. Warden Platt has been given a
month's leave of absence, and his
fesignation is looked for in that time.
Some time ago he intimated his in-
tention of resigning.
Some interesting developments are
expected to result from the investiga:
tion which Inspector Stewart says
will be most thorough.
That McNeil and his four fellow
convicts, the western outlaws, lied
intended and hoped to kill Deput
Warden O'Leary during their manoeu''
vres, is the opinion of many of th
penitentiary authorities, the judglnen
being based upon the attitude an.
mutterings of the .prisoners. O'L9a=y�
was the officer in charge of the 8torie$�
Mountain gang when they attempte(�
to escape at Toronto while being
transferred to Kingston. It is the dut
of the deputy warden and chief keeper
to inspect the isolation building ever
morning, and the quintette, knowing
this, were awaiting their arrival. Foxe
tunately for the deputy warden, in-
sPection was not made as early as
usual on this particular morning, or
the gang might to -day be facing a
murder charge.
King to Act as Umpire.
London, May 3.—The King will be-
gin a review of the fleet of 125 vessel?
off Portland on Tuesday. He will pass
three days on board a battleship and
act as umpire, in a sham battle be,
tween the blue and red fleets, the
former defending the coast.
A novel feature of the review will be
a demonstration of the utility of aero
planes in naval war. The battleship
Hibernia left Sheerness yesterday wi
four aeroplanes. She has been fitte
with a special launching platform,
fixed forward and extending from the
foremost gun turret to the bows.
The system consists of two gide
rails sloping downward. The aero Tani
is -mounted on a trolley, which slides
down these rails under the force of
gravitation, and as the propeller sim-
ultaneously drives the machine fon
ward, only a short run is requixed to
enable the aeroplane to rise In the
Ismay Sails For England.
New York, May 3.—J. Bruce Ismay,
president of the International Mashie,
sailed . for his home in England yea.
terday on the White Star liner Ace
riatic. -Mr. Ismay said that he wa
Worn out.
He boarded the Adriatic a few min-
utes before she sailed. at 12 o'cloak,
and went at once to his stateroom.
To the :press he said: "I have nil
ill -feeling against the American puts.
lie and think the Senate investigation
was thorough. I am feeling very tin
ed and wish to •retire. -
Homer Davenport Dead.
New York, May 3.—Homer Devine.
port, the cartoonist, died yesterday
in this city of pneumonia.
Mr. , Davenport . had been working
on the .Hearst newspapers iii this
city until a few days ago. ' His war
the hand that drew some of the car-
toons concerning the Titanic disaster,
which were discussed an two cora
He was 44 years of age. He owned
an up state farm .where he made a
specialty of breeding Arabian horses.
Too Much Conservation.
Ottawa, May 3.—Hon. Wm. Ross,
Minister of Mines and Forests in
British Columbia, is here interviewing
members of the Government. He fears
that the regulations compelling all
railways hi British Columbia to use
oil after December, 1914, so as to
avert forest fires, will be a blow to
the coal industry. He wishes the new
provincial system of forestry patrol
to be given a trial.
International League,
Club— Won, Lost. P.C.
Jersey City 8 3 .727
Buffalo 7 8 .701
Baltimore 5 4 ,561
Providenoe 5 5 .600
Rochester ., 5 6 .500
Newark 4 6 .400
Toronto 4 7 .364
Montreal 2 7 .222
Thursday scores: Baltimore'16, Toronto
3• Buffalo 5, Providence 2; Rochester 7,
Newark '4; Jersey City 6, Montreal 4
Friday games: Toronto at Baltimore,
Newark at Jersey City.
National League.
Clubs— Won, Lost. P.C.
New York
St. Louis
10 3 .769
12• 4 .760
7 7 .600
7 7 .600
5 8 .885
5 10 .3333
Thursday scores: Pittsburg 6, Chicago
0; New York 6, Philadelphia 4; Boston 11,
Brooklyn 7; Cincinnati 10, Bt. Louis 0.
Friday games: Philadelphia Ph
at New
York,Brooklyn at,Boston, Chicago
American League.
Clubs - Won. Lost. P.C.
Chicago 19 4 .760
Boston .... 10 6 .667
Washington .,,... 8.671
Cleveiarid 7 7 .600
Pbiiadelphia ..:.,. 7 8 '4407
Detroit 10 .412
St. 'Louie. ,. ..,6 10 .928
New York .............
Thursday madras: Detroit k 8t 1Louis R0;
Chinas. 's, Cleveland 1; Boston 0, Wada.
toe C- New York 11,• Philadelphia 6,
Fridiz gamma: NeW York at Philadef
Oda, oSto n et Washi to Clcv.lae4
14 Chleasd, St, Levis M Detrott.
n Cry `for Fletcher's
The Kin& Yet: Bayo' Always Bought, and 'which has been
- in also for overO yea:: sl ba:; borne the signature of
,,,�,,,,,,., and has Lec;.a made under his perm.
.- soar]sr-,.:._vision since its infancy.
S .[L1Io r no one e to deceiveyou inthise
.All Counterfeits, iniitautions and. "ernst.-as--go" are but
EXp+i rin8ents'Lhat trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and •Cl ldren—Ex acricnce against Experiment.
What is
Castoria is a harmless substitute. for Castor Oil, Pare.
Boric, Drops and Soothing Syrups: lit is pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine , nor other Narcotic!
substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays.11reverishness. For more than thirty years it
has been in constant use for the relief of Constipations,
Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and
Dinrrlaoca. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels„ I
assimilates the Food, giving health and natural sleep. t
The Children's Panacea—The ItIotircr's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
d You have sways fought
In Use Tor Over 30 Years
Sir James' Humor.
A well-known newspaper man who
writes the political leadere for a Bay
street daily in Toronto tells the fol-
lowing story on himself:
The editorial writer has a familiar
surname of the same class as Brown,
but he has enough given names ,to
fill a small clothes line. During the
last provincial elections he had occa-
sion to call up Sir James Whitney.
over the 'phone. Sir James is cele-
brated for This blunt, brusque manner
of speech, and in the conversation
which follows he was true to his re-
putation. •
"This is Brown speaking," the edi-
torial writer began—"Brown, Sir
James, Mr. H. D. Y. P. Brown. Brown
.:;f •The —."
"What's that, what's that?" in-
quired the Premier, in rapid, sharp,
brusque tones.
"This is Brown, editorial writer of
The —. Mr. H. D. Y. P. Brown, edi-
torial writer—you know—H. D. Y. P.
Brown, of The —, you know," the
newspaper man explained repeatedly
and slowly. '
"Brown, a-a-a-hem—Brown, you
say—let me. see, Brown, editorial—
Oh, yes, Brown, of The —, yes,
yes, yes," said Sir James. "I suppose
you use all your other names to DIS-
INFECT the Brown, eh?"—Toronto
Star Weekly.
Harvesting In April.
A newsitem that is unusual even
for this big',country of varied cli-
mate and lines of work was sent out
from High River, Alta., early in April.
It ran. as follows:
Threshing is again under way in
the •High ' 'River district, although
progress.. so, far is not very satisfac-
tory owing to the fields being too soft
to move the heavy threshing outfits.
The general opinion is that grain has
wintered better than expected.
The unusual spectacle of harvesting
a crop in April is seen in this dis-
trict. where several farmers are now
eng+agea in cutting oarsThe grai
coming out in fairly good shape.
small acreage ready for spring or
is resulting in many power plow
outfits being bought, several belt
recently unloaded here.
A Manitoba Pioneer.
Jonathan Heaney died sudden' { .
recently in a Winnipeg hospital sal af o
undergoing an operation for intestin
trouble. Mr. Heaney, who was 'l
years of age, came to Manitoba f
the neighborhood of Brampton, 'Ont,'
nearly 33 years ago, and settled in,
Meadow 'Lea, where he farmed fori
almost 26 years, later moving >lie'
"What is a bypocrite?"
"He's the man who tells you that
your ready made suit of clothes load i
as good as the expensive toggern og;
your next door neighbor."
"As good as his own?"
"Not on your life."
A Suggestion.
"I need some money."
"That isn't unique."
"No, but I am trying to think oil
some scheme 1 can ;work fn order to
get it."
"Has it occurred to you to world
At a Later View.
"'Tis better to have loved and lost"—,
"Oh, I don't know."
"But have you ever had the expert-
"Xes, only I won when I logit."' •
Great Stinker.
In spite of all the fuss we make
As over cost we grumble
The price of living does not take
Its long expected tumble.
• - — — - How many±young men
rj' '•"�'`r "^ /--. can look back on. their
�he;;+ ,,�l �!A early life and regret their
.'v�iir y misdeeds. Sowing their
fu - „� wild oats in various ways.
''�' Excesses, violation of na-
tune's laws, "wine, women
and song all have their
l %-•
� / / } victims. You have re
�i► formal but what about the
te'e i a.bout the harvest? Don't •
• seed you have sown—what
trustto luck. If youat present withinthe
clutchesof any secret ,habit
which is sapping your life
by degrees; if you are suf-
fering frons the results of
past indiscretions; if your
blood has been tainted from• any private disease and you
dare not marry; if you are married and live in dread of syniptonis breaking
out and exposing your past; if you are suffering as the result of a misspent
life—DRS. K. $ K. ARE YOUR REFUGE. Lay your case before
them confidentially and they will tell you honestly if•you are curable.
eases and all Diseases Peculiar to Men.
CONSULTATION, FREE. Books Free na Dise ses of Mwii. If tumble to call,wrte
for a Question Blank for HIOME TELIATMENT
Cor, Michigan Ave. ant :::.1rriswold St., betroit, NTiciz.
pieN OT1 C im All lettere • : om Canada must be addressed to our
assamumanassas Canadian Correspondence Windsor,
Ont. If you desire to see us pen) ',nailer call at our Medical Institute in
Detroit as we see and treat no patients an our Windsor offices which are
used .for correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only:
Address all letters as follows;
Write for Our private address.