HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1912-5-9, Page 1It B. B. B. lk. ict,.., araboo Brier Blood Builder , (a spring tonic of unusual merit) A Vegetable phparation that renews the vitality and gtves • fresh ambition and energy. Large Bottles. $1,0o 'OM'S DIN are zolleggimily Have You Tested its Merits, VIIIRTY-EIGUTR YEAR—NO 1995 Huron ttlVriddlesex Gazette EXETER,ONT CANADA., TUTTRSDAY MORNING, MAX 9th 1912 11111111111;111101111111a111,11110011111118111111111/11ININNIMISMI, :-: PHONE 32 LOTHING • $3,300 Worth of $3,300 Men's and Boys' Suits Our Mr. Jas.. Walters las just Teturned from a purchasing trip and has bought $8,300 of New Spring Suits", Pants and Overcoats for Men and Boys. Every 'Gar- ment the Newest and Niftest Styles on the:Market. , The Best ever shown in .Exeter By the Clothsthat-Suit YOU. _ Go where you can get the *Choice, not wherrthey only show you 20 or 2:5 Suits The small dealer dont get the close prices He is behind. We can giveyou a choice of over 200 Suits of tne lip -to -Date stuff to .seleot from. Just come and see tor Yourself and you will Buy. $16 Suit for $10 A big choice at this price just as good as the ave -age tailor will give you Cloths mad style to your entire satis- faction. $25 Suit $15 Thi§•is far ahead of any tailor made suit you can buy. They have the advanced up-to-the-minute Style about them: that,you can only get in the city. TAILOR-MADE SUITS All $25 Suits for $20 23 " 18 20 " 15 SHOES Mr. Walters is showing an Extra Lot of - Mens, Ladies and Childrens Fine Shoes in Patents and Tan, High or Low The Styles are The Best Phone 32 Jones & May, Exeter. Chi -Name!' Demonstration! ASK any, question yo e want to about the- treatneeet of Floors, Woodwork, Etc. and my special Lady Demonstrator at W, J. Beaman Saturday ,q4z. Mottiay Ma- 11 and 13 will tell vou queck just what YOU nt';';enftnet want to know about finishing and re- zntane linishinge-CHIeNAMPL.* Remember the Date May 1.1th and i3thi• 1912, Lei us Supply Youir-Wants ,1f4e Oil Stoves $1 lie to $13.75 Lawn Mowers $4 up to $10 Screen Doors $1 up to $2 • Screen Windows 25c up to 40 cents Sceeen Wire all Sizes Poultry Netting all Sizes Dustbane 35 cents a package Paroid Roofing $/25 per Equate, , Taints mad Varnishes • Alabastine and Muresco , Use,a NEW PERFECTION Oil Stove for Safety neintal4anneen. and Economy EAMPAN'S HARDVVARE ' - AND STOVE STORE "The Times" to the end of 1912 for 50c The newsiest paper in the County L.S. Ivo. 1 1:SITORNE Entrence-M, Itoweliffe, Datigal C. Harris, S., Dotigal, Sterciae, O. Rowcinfe, E. "Iarvet " IV oltiss - Mira DeK naitot;,Li/y,;Stves, ;Katie .,Itiaralers, itarvey Vera •jaell nose Dick; Tla °lass -Main Pone gal, (taffeta ,niteir, Clara Neill: U. Cann). Ila Mitcheia, Oke;, Laura zirem rto4s Moir; Ste X eitiee-nWilbet Selves,' L. rurdy, an Strang, G, Dewe T. Doagal. Har- ris,Vete Mitebelf, Harold Wood M. Seves, , Vidgar Cadthore ; an. Pt le- Altia Steamy, 'Mabel Purdy Pt 1: evening was of excellent obaracter ports fro t the vitiates detniatMents Aiinteelaciir, rt. 3. In Clarence Dawn, Via Wee highly appeeciaten by those showed the school advancing in eV - Flo, Harvey, Vera Ed, Neil, preSent, The little people dna ery department of the worn.' ; Oke., average attendance not only in the thotonteas felt alto Quite a 'number in tine vieintia nee Bydull Tegehea ; „ , ( ; in; the soles' and recitations. Le Ray tinished eeeding 'the lground Working Sinelair made a goad' abiairteent • up very good this epriniZe• BORN ' McGILLICUDDY-Tn Exeter on Tates day IMay 7th ;to Pr. J. E. -and, Mrs. (McGillicuddy a son. DEARING-In . Stephen on Wednes- *lay May lst to' Mr. and Mrs. nam,es Dearing a daughter. NEIL -In McGillivrate on Thursday May 2nd to Mr. and afrs. Yonne'. Neil a daughter. DIED WEIN-Th Crediton, on Tuesday, May 9th Matthew Wein aged 75 years. EACIIETT-In Hay on Sunday May 1 5th Christopher Eacrett. 41•040101•10•14 ; Now is the time to get rid of your e, eheuraatiam You •can do it by ap- plying 'Chamberlains Linimeat and massaging the parts freely at eadh a.pplication For 'Sale by all dealens woODITAll Seeding is progressing favorably „Some a the fall, wheat is lookin,g fine - but m.ost of it is looking patchy, Sohn Barret and family have mov- ed info- the Wilt Stewart House. Mrs. S. Itlins. and Mrs. L, Beavers attended the W. M. S.. coevention in Clandeboye last week. " Miss Abbie Bole of West Lorne is visiting at the parsonaee. Mr. 'Coultas of Stratford made a motor trip to Exeter op Senday and retuening spent Use evening with his aunt Mrs. Samuel Miles. _ At, the annual election a officer; • for the Sunciati School fat. Beavers was re-elected Seperintendent and S. Ittille" assistant, Fred Deupe is sec - retain and Janice Swallow Bible class teocher Mise Maud Swallow has returned after a :visit to London. Mr. (Cornish, Who some to the vil- lage a white aan, has engaged on a fa rin in 'Westminster Tp. 1,4,;.ss Mabel Abernethy Who speat Shveral weeks with her aunt Mrs. Fred Stephens, has gone to joie, her mother in 'Toronto The programme given by the goner Eptvorth League net Weariesday Exeter School Report Form /II Test Examination, , Nornaal Entrance. Honors 6. 'Petty 84.7; C. Copelandiflan Fess Ge Pas - more 69.1; E. these 03.3; E. Malkin! 6.6.6 Wood 60.; N. Amy 60; ann.- ior Matriculation, fa. Petty 7141 The above-named 'candidates are recora- mended for the respective Excenites ations in June 1912 W. B. Weiden- hammer principal , • P. S. Department Iloonf IV Sr, 1V ,Carrnan Powell lit; Beta, Rowe 70; name Mack 77; Maurice, Senior 76; Mina Bell 75; Pass Mela ville Gladman 71; 'Gordon Penhale 69 Minnie May ; Harry Parsons 69; Earl Weidenhammer 66; nne Font& 65; Olive MacDonald 63; No, me roll a4 Average attendance 17; C. Vos- per teacher. ' , On account of measles salient re- ports are small this month. Miss 3. Muttaite, of London, visit- ed in town on Wedaesday. Mr. and Mrs; W. Stewart and Da. and Mrs. C. A. Henze of town were in Hay on' Wedneide,y attendine the wedding a the former s eon to Miss Glady s • !Green. Quite a amber from here were in Clandeboye on Thursday last attend- ing the district convention of the W. M. S. There w,as a leood attenaance at the convention which was a suc- cess in every particular While out in his auto on Tuesday) Mr. D. Hartlieb had the misfortune to break several cogs of the geat wheel while in McGillivray Team - ship Dr. and Mrs. Henze who were in the auto came 'batik on the train. Tuesday while Wink Hatter was breaking in a colt au Main Street he had a lively experience when near the Enalish church. The colt became freebtned and reared in the air and finally freed itself from the training cart. It an about a atria and stopped. The cart was some- what damaged. South Huron Ministeral Meetinag- The monthly meeting of the South Huron Ministerial Association eras held at the Thames Road Presbyter- ian church on 'Monday evening. Rev. S. F, Sharp gave a 'very acceptable paper on "The Holy' Trinity ', An in- teresting ;discussion followed after which the Accociation was enter- tained to a very delightful repast by Rev. an& Mrs. Colin Fletcher. The association accorded a very hearty vote of thenks for their kind heingt- ality. t A quiet but pretty wedding teak place May the first at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Elliott Fairfield Farm 'Centralia, when their seoond daughter Katharine Edina Gertrude was married to Mr. William A. H. Jenkins ' of London Ont.. The cere- mony was conducted by the Rev. T. W. Blatchford, in the presence of the immediate relations only. Mr. T. Mitcheltree, London, played' the wede ding march. The bride who was given; away by her father, looked charming in a cream serge suit trimmed with wed.eewooct blue velvet, large plum- ed hat, ad carried abouquet of white roses and Lily ot the Valley. Congratulations over; a dainty wed- ding breakfast was served., the dining roam being prettily ;decorated with smilax carnations, and .sweet peas' Mr. and -Mrs. Jenkins left on the evening train for • Lwdon and mete ored to Buffalo, New Trorr and ether points of interest. The bride was the recipient of many valuable a.nd useful presents among them a very generous cheque from her father. HURONDALE Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Keddy of H' on dale were called to Shedden on Wed- nesday, owing to the death ef Mrs. Reddy's brother, Me. Samuel Down, Mr. Walter Keddy left Wednesday evening for Shedden to attend the funeral of his brother-in-law, Mr. Sam -uel Down. ti Harry the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Strang, is suffering with pneumonia. Mr, and Mrs. P. Moir and two child- renief Kingsville, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Moir. =BETON Misa Stewart of London is visiting Mrs. Thos. Crews. Mr. S. Doupe made a delivery of nursery stock the first of the week. , Rev. C. L. McRoberts of Kintore will preach in the Methodist Church on Suaday morning. Mrs. Wm. Stewart spent part of last week in St. Marys. Mrs, Stewart wont to Waterloo Saturday to attend the funeral of a cousin. There has been many ea,ses of meas- les here recently. The mill is running again. • Mrs. Dr. Jose ie visiting relatives in Hastings County. Dr. Campbell was in Hartiston on Satueday last attending the funeral of 'the late Geo, E. Geahath. i::•••*••• aVnILLEN, • Lord !Ashton of Loanion visited hie Grandfather anr. Jamesinenning 'war Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John `Wrenn of 13Ien- ahead visited at Mr. Albert .Guanings on Sunday. The animal meeting of this naia- des' School was &held last Ty' Lay eveting, the Paster Rev, T. Wan:lat. eliford presiding. The election of one &ere were as follows.-Superinteze dant, S. D. Hazelwooit; Associate' Saper, Frank Gientirig; Secretary, jakn 'Wright; Treasurer John Itocin gson Organist Verda MorleY. .11e- , Locals t1r,111aro1d. Wild of Torogdo .• • ed. T. Boyle Monday.; cattle lust Saturday. se 41, Mr. Wm. enell shipped a 'car of. ity, Mize Ida Cottle is' home from Lein - don, for a few days. Dr. Houze has moved into his nOW residenacneinorth,stree Ir. dmio. Freak t, Boyle 'visited friends in Centralia Sunday, airs. j, W. Powelt lies been eotifiln4 ad to her rooeti throntaa illness; Connor Bros. received their new; Overland autornobne last Satardian Mr. john King of Glaecoer neon - land. WaS here Tuesdiati on businese. Mr. Fred Bash, is busy planting planting Deacii Sets for 4xete1' peo- ple. adr, Walter Connorns in Duneillet this week installing a Preimer air cooled engine. _ . Miss Mara. and Mr. O. McComb of Luoan spent Sunday with Ufa an\d1( Mrs. W. S. Cole. A'. arcPuta e! don. We wish to draw special Messrs A. atuanock and O attention to our Kenmore soft cheon or 'London atteaded the . dance here Friday night. . Miss M. Fansou left this week fon ,.... and hard hats. The full list of Mileta Man, where Mee will visit her 4 furnishings consists of sister Mrs. John Dinney. 4* the street Friday evening and favor ' The Exeter Band .will appear mai eon Ready=to=wear Suits, Overcoats, Fancy the. citizens with some main TRUSSES We carry a complete stock of all tj)..0 different makes of truases. When in 1404 come to us, we 40 not overcharge. Cons$1.. fatiOU. free, We guarantee a perfect fit and complete satisfaction or money retina.. ed*. e Men's Store Colle's Drug Store • • • We now have as neat and • • tidy a Men's Furnishing Store • • as there is in Western Ontario • 4; and we invite you to inspect * our premises and have a look • through our stock. 4' Everything in the stock is • new and up-to-date in every • respect. We intend to carry solhing but the best goods for : the price, and you will be con- vinced of this on an exaraina- 400•per ycat la 41,400 The beehelors ball on Friday raieht was enjoyed by a good crown' trona tonn and surrounding points. A number from the Entelish' church neneey 1Sc11ool attendee' the S. S`. Convention in :Clinton on Wednes- day Mr. Jery Beaman and family from near Credit= have moved' into Mr. Cottle s bouse corner 'Ann and Wil-( liam 'streets Mrs. Mark nalter and family axl peat to leave this week to join Mr, Salter, who has secured a 'position jel London. Mrs". W. j. Beaman entertained at few friends on Monday evening in; honor of her guest Miss Rieden et St. Thomas. Rev. D. W. Collins preached mis- sionary isermons, in Winghem San - day Rev. Mr. Lowe, of Luca:n, dOiflig the same here. The Exeter District meeting of the Methodist Church will be held int James Street Exeter, on Tuesday and Wednesday May 21st and 22. The many friends of.,Mrs. John Ef. Petty of 'near Hensel), laid regret to learn that he reaming lean the misfortune ao fall from the stable loft fracturitng her len • Mothers Day will be fittin,z1i ob- served in Cavan Presbyterian Clair& next Sunday morning when Rev. S. F. Sharp will preach a special ser-. mon. in (honor ctE the occasion. Mr. 'Fred Mille while teridine peas- ens at the houses being erected on ea the coiner s of Main and Huron st. I Lad the misfortune to be struck on the bead with a brick, inflicting a 4 soalp wound that required' 'several I (4 stitches to cloSD. I Mrs. lIorney and daughter Xre. Spencer left Wednesday mozeiree Ast` ; Shedden to attend the funeral of the , late Samuel Down. Mr. Down, is a- ; bout eigtety years of age and was a former resident of Hay Township, later moving to Tuckerst1ith,7 and af- ter than 1,0 6n'd4ettel • AS tin�. ioang net' were &aliening to 1-6.VIE fe`r home after the ;dance on Friday even- ing they met with an aecident in, front ef the !Central Hotel. The' horse got down and) the result was a broken shaft and two broken spin/t- ee out of one of the wheels Auto ..Ditthed-ITa.rrv Robb:keen son! of Alley llobinsoa, Woonstoeln both 'of *hem were in, team Tues -day met with an accidean while returnine from Crediten Taesd'ay Vests, Odd Pants, Overalls, Shirts, Coll:. ars, Ties, Cuffs, Underwear, Socks, Glov. es, Handkerchiefs, Hats and Caps. An Immense Range You should see the immense Range we are showing of 'Ready=to.Wear and Measured Suitings Overcoatings and Suitings Isn't it a satisfaction to know that everything "that's right" for se this seasen will be found in the lines we are now showing. We are ; just as interested in selling von the correct thbagln Styles as you are ; in getting -7'1u us, the word TAMAN you will find stands for the • Correct thing in Clothe& •4. Ready=to=Wear Suit Prices start at $9:00 up to $15 • Measured Suit Prices start at $18 to $28 • • • • 4 • MERCHANT TAILOR 0444 0040 -**0.4 04.44.40-004#0* s 4,04040.4440400ene ae4.0404itan 4,000.44inia;a0444440inananttanneit* • 4 e . 4, 4, 4), T wo rs 9. itur aggleS 44) • H v( - ceived by us and are now on exhibition in • • our sleeve tootles. The buggies are first class and are especi- to: • ally young men's outfits from the Canada Carriage Co., Brock- • • • ville, and the Dominion Carriage Co, Toronto. They are .0 • • selling fast and anyone intevested shoulA lose no, time in see- 4, * - asult4=E121111 . . weiftwasm evening. Something went wrong ; inglour fine elisplay ""'.._,....._ ''.4=3—'``, • with Use steering gear of ehis auto 4. and he was ditched just With of • 1. ea• : the car went ill on its side but tuck- 44: - nt e handle a full line of McCormick Machinery, also Binder- Twine ne, ily Harry escaped injury. The front( es * American Clover launcher which can be attached to any mower, Tor. et. axle of the car was damaged. ',..reet; ei onto aud Baker Windmill, John Deere Plows, The Oliver Corn Calk- 4* A ,Skueoessful Year- Main az t vators with bean Harvester attachment, Manure Speraders, Separa- ; lafethodien ehuroh held their . Jest v tors, Litter Carriers, Hay Forks Tracks Ropes and •Ptilleys. * Quarterly board meeting for the year * Let us quote you on a, Hay Pork before Haying commences. 4 " ards as last aear tvere re-elected tor • We make repairs of all kinds and give prompt attention. 2 40 on Monday evening. The same stew- ; the coming year. H. E. Heston was • • elected to attend' the district meet- Z E . tative to 'conference. The finances 4 the town. The elitah VISA steep and • PIMPLEIviENTSt A .• effaiMan ing and T. En atfeCalloin the -represent a were 'reported in goed canal:non ; witn ealary paid up until a little over 4. implement gens ExetEer.,: se and also the bun& coldeeted by the-•enteeeneneeneennenenenneenneenen, nennnenen+04,04,44,44,414,044,44.42 The metaberahip roll shows an amine. aalsh- urow, ma advance over last year. the Quarterly Official Boasd meet - church held Tuesday evening, tile fon lowing etevvards were elected for the * M the Big Variety Store ex...10616,1.1111 'Tames! Street gleGt Stewards- At 4-nn++++++++.2aannitaanneteteleketotenfaaninitiFiseletentinaleieHeanfieteleandel4 ing of the James Street Methodisd MAY SPECIALS corning year; Peter Frayine Record- Last month we specialized on graniteware, this month We 'will ou ing Steward; in Martin. F, C.Vooilt chinaware. We haste put on sale the prettiest lot of fine china at J. Shapton R. Coates, 'J. May C. IT, from 10 to 25e ever was shotvn in Exeter, On display ori north side trg Perkins. W. F. Down and C. "tin Keine as you enter. `ea. dy Inn S. Martin was appoiated to at. Specials too, III Water Sets. Table Sets, 50c up. " attead District meeting with 3, G. * Several Dinner and Tea sets at Bargaipricee. n .1-4 aanes as alternative, The ',different ,,, New dock of Tin and Graniteware just opened up, Bought Qeick a, branches of the 'detect' were report -4.."- to Sell Quick. Some Big Snaps. . it ed in flourishing condition and fin- 4. . Candy and Fruit Counter ' ernesin good shape ' ' • to This part of our husiness is growing rapidly. Everything fresh Ai' New Vault -During the past week and good. Try Our npecial Victoria Sweets Mixtures at 25 and 800 a nre, Messrs Glittlratiu 80 Statibury have 4. lb., Chewing Gums, Bananas and Oranges, best grade only. Fresh T a lar-ge safety deposit vault built at 1 Roasted Peanuts every day. t the, rear of their offices it is cane ee May Prentbarn Plan enn stratten of brick andneement with d" This °loath we vrill give it free gift to each timed)) making.a. pur- 4. steel end cement roof is a1),soit.„ t chase of anything in the store (Phonographs and Fruit, Intcepted) of +.. ire proof This is not replaeleta n $1,00 or °nen m Show this to year friends and come and patronize the 4. utely f their onl vault whiele is of some 41,Zd' BigVariety Store. . bet will be need as an aadition to it Wise Shoppers head for this store soon as that,* get dioWle ttant, So It in order to meet, the requirements * be Wise, be surd and watch our witsaoWe during May. • their prieete securities ancl'ether line 4: Se lin 25e5rit SPeclCils portant 'documents with their Sohn- 7.1'. Poweli s Bazaar -Phone 6 itore :for sate keeping attain 'we uncle 4. rf.it.a.ti1.. that. Xessrs,Gtla amen & Stan for ths necomodatom. ' +4.44.1.÷1.44.1..:4444.+++++++++++ 'bury make no elnieze to their clients ii ...• • ' • s , , 1,. , • 1 r